HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON The Mission Il3an'd meeting of Duffs -United Chinch liras held in the school room of the church an Decen4ber 9, with an attendance of thirtytwo. Af- ter the worship period conducted by the Leader, the minutes of the last 'meeting were road and adopted. Bus iness in connection with the Christ - spa's meeting was discussed, It was :decided to hold the Christmas meet- ing •on Friday, Dec, L28, to which the ladies of the congregation are cordial- ly invited. After ,tlie election of offi- cers. tliere will be a short program presented by the members of the Band and refreshments will be serv- ed—tire kieing side to provide home- made candy as a treat. ,\ Christmas 'story sea:: then read 'by firs. ILryans, and after singing a Christmas hypo, classes were formed for the study per- iod. At the close of which the meet- ing was dismissed by singing and 'he Mizpah 'benediction, The young people's meeting held in the evening at 7:30 was very well at- tended. The Convener of the Mission, ler} 'Committee, Miss 'Margaret'Cum- ming, presided and gave a very in- teresting report of the +silficers' meet - mg ]geld at 'Corrie, and outlined a study of i i slops Inc,,the next six month., which should be very helpful and interesting >1r. Cumming, the pastor. gave 0 short address an Alts- sion Work in Northern 'Ontario, and the meeting vas closed with prayer ,iod the ,iirpah benediction, TUCKERSMITH. The Kippen Beef Ring will hold their aminal meeting Saturday, Dec, :12nd at 1 p.nt, at S.S, 2, "1:.i ckersmith. The December meeting of the Tuckersmith L;tidies Club was held at the home of Mrs: Norris 'Sillery with twenty-seven members and 4 visitors present. '.Che roll call was auswere,l by suggestion; for Christ- mas, and each member brought a gift to be sent to the North. The pro - grant included a reading by Mrs, (}reg. McGregor, piano Sulo by Mrs, V. Terryberry, vocal solo Alis. \[arg- aret Crich, and a short talk on the 'Royal Winter Fair by .Airs. :A:. Pep- per. The anneal reports were given by the retiring secretary and treasur- er and showed a most successful year with 0 neat surplus in the areas- ,ary, a large amount a'f work done, and an average attendance of 25 members at meetings. The retiring president, Mrs. Ernie Crich, thanked the executive and members for their to -operation. Mrs. Fear moved a ,u•te of thanks to "Mr -s. Crich for her splendid year's work, and the new president, 'Mrs. Terryberry, spade a iew. words. Thc members then pack- ed a bale of about 75 lbs. of Christ- mas goodies and clothing to 1>e sent to lire,. Slo(nan for distribution among needy folk in the North. The president conducted two humorous contests and a tasty lunch was serv- ed, The January meeting of the Club will be held at the home of Mrs, II'o- ward Crich on Jan. 91.h. R011 all to he answered by a question box, Mr. and Airs. Tebhutt and Sir. J, ,Martin visited at Mr. Ht171a Af L C11- larrs one day last week. -Visitors at \lr. Cecil Oke's last ;Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Eph. Clarkeof Constance. Mr, and lire. 'Jolnnstot of Bruceficld. Ale Russell 'Coleman and Mrs. T. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Dalin \lcLean visit- ed at Mr. Edgar Allan's last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. john Brock 1'f Eiina- rille Visited at Mr. Cecil Oke's re- 'ently. Mrs. Trios. Coleman read in the London Advertiser where a teacher and i )u i 111 1 1 1'l I7O P t met for .3)y car . Airs. Culenian can conte ahead t that as she and her sister visited at Hen- sel] a time ago, where they called on Mr. R. Stair, who lives south of Hcn- sail on the Highway, a teacher whoa, they have not seen for 59 years. .Ile ,as a teacher. in S.S. No. 3 l•Iay town- shim in ;10715. 'clic meeting of the 'I'ucicersmith .Aggressive'Club will he held at the home of Mr. Wallace diaugh on'Tues- day everting, 'Dec. ;1l8t11, Report of the convention will he given. Roll call, ".•\ .Christmas ':Message." Mrs, John 1 -Pay spent a few days visiting her daughter, Airs. 'Phonies Oliver of Hibbert, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Pullntau visited en Sunday with Afr, and Airs. John 'Powell of Afctl(illop, Mr, and Sirs. Gordon Hayter and family of Detroit spent the week- end with the latter's mother, Mrs, E, '.Ross, Mr, Alfred 'Ross is spending a few weeks visiting relatives in 1?etrni1; MrClark of St. Thomas is spend- erog a week or so in this vicinity via - king his :cousin, -\.lr. Mervin Lane. Mrs. J, Jervis of Ghroton spent 'Sunl- da last y at the home of Mrs. Raba. Chanters, uSir, and. A'6rs. L. •PIcarcl and son filranit an•d Two ciaugh'ters, Margaret 'and ,Mildred spent Sunday with Mr. 'trod 'Mus. A. 'Nicholson. Farm Machinery -and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth .10.-1[]N GALLOP P AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash.. i Air. Stanley Ford has accepted a Job for a year with Mr. Ivan (Forsyth The 'S,IS, No. 7 'held their annual dance for the section on Friday last and all. report a splendid good tithe and good music, ihirs, ;Henderson is visiting her 'daughter, Mrs. Alex. Wright, for 1 1\lanae new, Mr. Charles Lane, Jr„ is visiting his sister, Mrs, Hugh Deady, of May- nooth, Sir. and 'Mrs. Andrew Moore and family spent Sunday 'with her sister, Mrs, Collins o'f London, The teacher and pupils of S. S. No. Tuckersmi111, are Preparing for a Christmas conce.rt, consis8•ing of dia- logues, drills, songs, dances and reci- tations, to be held on December 19th. BRUCEFIELD. Tncdeer with S.S. No. 3 will 'hold their Christmas tree and entertain meet on Monday evening, Dec, 117th, The IBru•ceifielcl 'Snnday ;School will hold their annual Christmas entertain- ment on Friday evg., Dec, 2111st, This as former years, will have gifts brought for the needy, .Dr. Anna McIntosh, ,Dr, and Mrs, Carman Haugh and lir, ;iitn Eckel, of Toronto, visited with the farmer's Parents, ler. and -firs. 'C. Haugh last week, Miss Margaret Mustard, R.N., of Hearst, visited at her home hi the village and community recently. The annual Christmas entertain- ment will be ,held in the schoolroom of the United Church on Dec. 211tst when slides showing Christnnas pictures and hymns will be thrown at the screen. Sir, and Mrs. Jas. McQueen and Mrs L. Forrest and Mrs. Jas. 'I'hoinp sun and 'her mother, Mrs. Chesney anti Mrs, Pearson, and Air. John 5Ir- Ewen spent a pleasant dinner hour a the Mime of 'Aar, and Mrs, Arthur Mc- Queen last week, the occasion being the celebration of A4•, SfQueein'e 80th birthday. He is now enjoying good health, his many friends will be glad to 'hear, rrhe Sunday School teachers an, oltivers of iirucelicict Uniited C'hurcl gathered at the hone of Air. and errs Wallace Haugh for a surprise party Progressive crocluinnle was played the winners being AMrs. Jas. 'Tho`u1p- ron and Rev, lir, Bremner. Lunch eas provided by the ladies, andat an close of the evening, Mr, and Airs (laugh were presented with a beau- tiful occasional chair. 'Miss Erma 13roadfnot is visiting an Toronto this 'week, The Young 'People's Society helc their weekly meeting on Monday ev- ening, Dee. lath, vitt Gordon El- liott presiding. 'Harry Alrlwinkle teat lite Scripture and 1 ill McLachlan led in prayer. The topic 'Uniting Our Forces," w45 very well taken ,by iii] Pepper. It was decided that we hole our next meeting on Sunday- even- ing, Dec. 16th and that the Young People's Society take full charge o the service. 'The meeting of Dee. 24th will be withdrawn. 1 CHISELHURST. A meeting was held 'iii the base- ment of the 'Chiselh1rst United Church on I'Jtursd,y last for the pm - meet of organizing a A\ -'omen's insti- tute for this district. There was a rood attendance and the eolluwing onftrers were appointed: President, Mrs, Glenn 'McLean; dist Vice -Pres„ Airs. Alex. Mc'Gregor;. 2/ncl Vice Pres., ., Air . Roy McDonald; Sec,- Treas., Alas frank :Rat'h'hurn; branch directors—Mrs. Simpson, Alae. Rob- ert McLean, Mrs. \•Vn1, Py bus, Mrs, .ances Turnbull. 'Auditors, Ales, Siniip- n Airs. Alex. MdGregor. Press .Re- pretentative Mrs, Cantp'bell. Eyre.. Branch representatives—Mrs. Glenn McLean, Mrs Frank Rathburn, Mrs, \Ann Martin District Director, Mrs. F. Rathhurn; /Pianist, Mrs. '\Vnr, Py - nus, Assistant, Miss Gertrude Mar- tin. The following were the conven- ers of the committees—For education --MMrs, Harvey Jacobi; for health- \Irs, F,d. Ohaprpe' agrieultere—Miss. Maude 'McLean; d'on1. economics -- Mrs. Geetr ode Martin; " legislation -- Mrs. Harry. Caldwell; continue,' acti- rttes A li s , Carl Stoneman; tan• relief— Airs. G T. Wren; historical research --Mrs, Simpson; Publicity—'Mrs. Roy MclDon1ld; industries — Mrs. . Jame; Turnbull. The ijanuary meeting will )e. held. at the home of Mrs. Glenn McLean ;on Jan. 2nd. STANLEY -lis Hazel rSmi11ie ache 'teacher) and pipits of 19, IS, No, 5, 'Stanley, assisted by the young people of the. section are preparing a Christmas concert and entertainment to he put on in the school house on the even - ung of Friday, Dec. '?!Pst, Admission i15 cents, Rev. and Mrs. C. 'Eicher and son L4rner 'Eicher 'and wife of Chicago visited with \'Crs. Eicher'•s sister, Mrs, 'Nelson ,Keys and 'friend, in 'Stanley. lei, 'F_'ichet also gave an interesting missionary address at the 'Goshen Church last Tuesday evening, 'Sir, Elgin AloKinley attended a poultry com•ention at ,Hamilton pn Monday. \t r, and Mrs, Gordon ,Hayter and family of Detroit visited with the for- mer's parents, lir. and Mrs, Harry Hayter over the week -end, 5'G-. and Air.. Alfred Westlake spent the week -end with friends in London. Mr. Ronk. I'enhale motored to St. Thomas one clay* last week, ;An old fashioned raising bee took place on the farm of lair, John Scotchnter on the Piste Water High - may for the purpose of erecting a wood. sited, Sfrs. blaro':1 Penhale :nein a few clays visiting her parents. Arr. and Mrs, Geo, Hodgson, 'lir. Gladwin Westlake visited with friends in St. Thomas last week. Mi. Joe '\\'ild spent the week -end w•itit friends in London. The following is the monthly re - pant for November of S.S. No. 4 N„ Stanley. Fifth—Stuart Watson 47%, ',lean Dunn 46. Jr, 'I Gordon West- lake 91', Billy Armstrong 80, Melvin ,Greer 75, 'Ethel\V'ats,nt 67. Sr. aliI= revue Greer 73. Madge Houston 71, \\ dfeed Rau, 1 •, 15!1, — :\ndrew Rau 55. 'I1,—.Us ar Talbot 12, An- thony Rau 59. Pr.—Lorraine Talbot, Jean Greer, Jean Ran. Frartres Mossop, Teacher. WINTHROP :A large crowd attended the euchre and dance in the hall on Friday night. The prize winners were ladies' first, Airs, Fergus I1ull,tr'1; ladies' lino hands, Miss Reta Campbell; peen's first, Alt Earl Habkirk and men's Ione hand prize, Mr, John Montgom- ery, After hunch a felt hours were .pent in ,lancing, 'Another euchre and dance will be held 5 the hall on 'Tuesday night, •.l)ecenthet 1 1'11, Brussels orchestra, Alr. and Mrs, Fergus Bullard spent Saturday in London, Mr. and Mrs. . Lorne Hulley and family .pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harley 'Hulley A. stag euchre was held in the hall last Wednesday night, Cavan Churci, will hold their Christmas concert on Thursday. 'Dec. 20th, The regular and annual meeting of the Y.P.S. was held an December bl with Edith -id I 1 eu presiding. 1d1n I e The meeting. repel with hymn , cul lowul with plater h1 :Margaret \lent ,nlery \\ it r. Little thea read the Scripture lessen. The minutes of the previous Meeting were read and ad. 'pterl and the rail tali was answered by a large attendance. Isobel Betties wave the treasurer's report fur the year 35534. Hymn 02 was sung and with Stewart Dtlmnge acting as chair '(11010 the meeting was then thrown open for the election of officers for ,5935: Hon. Pres., Ret. G. E. Mor- row; president, Neil Mon t,gomcry ; tree president, Dill Alexander; sec- retary, 1eerie Bolton; treasurer, Stew- art Dole -lege; Christian Fellowship, Marion Little; Missionary convener, Margaret Douglas: citizenship con,. Gordon Rennie; literary and social, Thos. Blanshardt collector, lien. Bet- ties; auditors, I•Iarold Betties and Stanley 1-Ifllen; pianist, .luta 1'r'yce;< assistant, Edith Hillen. After sing- ing hymn 46 tete meeting was brought' to a close by repeating, the 'Lord'= prayer in unison. Her Cinderella Romance 'Wrecked by Her Girlhood Sweetheart Read. u t The h American ! e roan \\ ecicic with Sunday', Detroit' Tunes,. 'hot\ the 'long masquerade of an ambition. girl, who had climbed up from kitch- en maid to princess, was ended when 0 waiter served lel', cried. out (,Aly owul„' Beechwood STORE Offers to the Christmas Trade Raisins, with seeds or Seedless 2 lbs Raisins, Fancy 'Seeded... ,15 oz Cleaned Currants „ 1 Lb. Mixed Cut Peel , , . % lb. New Dates 1 lb. Large Prunes 2 lbs. Baking Cocoa 2 lbs. (Shredded Cocoanut r/ lb. Forest City Baking Powder with glass Fresh 'Roasted Peanuts , 2 lbs. Mixed Nuts (no peanuts) 2 Lbs, French Cream Candy ....3 lbs. 59c Chocolate Drops 3 lbs, 49c. Giant 'Wrapped Saw Logs..each 10c Nut Taffy Patties each 10c Pop Corn Balls ,& Prize 'Pkgs.—just the thing to decorate the Christmas Tree. Also 'Oranges, 'Winter Grapes and Apples. Children's Corncob Drinking Mugs 15c Children's Colored Handkerchiefs, 6 for 25c A Good Assortment of useful Gifts for every member of the family. We are headquarters for Aladdin Lamps and supplies. Order your Lamp now and enjoy its brilliant rays through the long winter even- ings, Heavy Rubbers 1,45 per pr. up Lucknow Flour 2.60 per cwt, .I-Iighest price paid for live chickens and dressed 1Geese-1',Ved, A.M, 25c 15c 15c 15c 10c 25c 25c 13c 25c 25c 35c JAS. S F. CARLIN RL N DUBLIN PHONE 64r 2 CONSTANCE. The '\A7:\. held their regular meet- ing and election of officers in the church on Thursday, Nov, 29th, The president opened the meeting by sing- ing a hymn, after which prayer was offered by Mrs, Roy Lawson and Mrs, E. ,Afars, Mrs. 'Wheatley gave a reading on ''Not Tine Enough." .Airs. Gardiner gave the Scripture lesson from the 2nd chap, Peter, dwelling of this thought, "The Act of Christian Living," after which the Rev. A!n, Gardiner took the chair for the election of officers, The officers for the cuming year are: Pres,: Mrs. James Hugilit 1st Vice, Mrs. Robs Rogerson; 2nd Tice, Airs. George Wheatley; Treas., Mrs. Earl Lawson; Secretary, Ales, Ernest Arran's; com- Mittee, \irs, Austin Dexter, Mrs. James Dale, \irs. \\'n1. Knox; organ- ists, Mrs, Peter Lindsay, Mrs, Jno. Ferguson. Three .roup. were form- ed; eonvcncr No. 1, 'Mrs. E, Adams: No, 2 group -.-Mrs, Geo. Leith; No. 3 grot,p-Mrs. Robt. Rnq'el'son, 1t was decided at this meeting' to hold a pot luck supper 00 Dec, 27. Further par- ticulars next week. The \\ 5l.:S. are holding their reg- ular meeting at the home of Mrs. 13, B. Stephenson this 'Thursday, Mr, Ross \1'e'Gregor and ler, .Eph- riam Clark put on a dance in For- ester's flail on Friday evening when alum; l5u guests were present. All reported a good time. The Live \\'ire Class are holding their monthly social evening ,nn Fri- day et -ening of this week in the base- ment of the church, On Thursday afternoon of this week the W. Al. S. will Bold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. L. 13. Stephenson. Mr, George Wheatley' is under the doctor's care at present, but hope to see hint around improved in health in a few clays Air, and Mrs. Jos, Riley, Mrs, Frame 'Riley and Sins, George Riley spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Airs. George Cook of Gaderich township, Alt and Mrs, Alfred 'Glazier I•a. ler . )est Sunday with Mrs. Thos Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Adam 'Glazier of Vitt- are einate spending a few clays anto;lg friends in the viCitlity, ?t'tr, and Mrs. Benj, iSnell spent Thursday evening last with lir. and Mrs. David Meisen, BEECH WOOD Our teacher, Miss Anne Ai, 'Ryan. has resigned Incl Aliss Beth Carlin has secured the position to teach af- ter Christmas, 'Afr. and Mrs. L. J. Smith of I(en- ilworth visited m-ith 21', and Mrs. Jos. Flanagan on Sunday. 'Airs, 21. Alurray of Dublin is visit- ing at the home of her son, John E. \Murray, Afiss if-Iclen Murray spent 'Sunday with her friend, Miss Beth Carlile. Mr. and Airs. !Peter Maloney spent Sunda)' with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan, Hibbert. :Persian Balm is irresistibly appeal- ing to all women who appreciate charm and elegance. Qts use keeps the complexion always clear andr beautiful, ;Conic in effect, .Stimulates the skin and makes ' it wonderfully soft -textured. !So'fteus and whitens the hands. IP•ersian (Balm is equally invaluable to open as an excellent hair. fixative anal cooling s'havin'g lotion. Splendid also to protect the tender . skin ,of the child, MANLEY. The many friends of Mrs. Pat. Mc- Lau Klin are pleased to learn she is recorering sloevily. M7. and M'Irs. W. Manley and their daughter Bernice spent the week- end with friends in ,Seafontli, {.Letters of thanks are being sent from the drought stricken areas of the West to thank all those who con- tribute towards their relief, f'acle Frost has been testing the weak spots of late. ST. COLUMBAN. Vfr. IRo'ben•t McGrath and little d'aug'hter Dorothy returned to De- roit last week Atter speeding the past month at 'his 'home here. •Mrs. James O'Sullivan came 'home from Kitchener hospital this week. We are glad she is getting. along so well. Mr, john Holland Jr. went to Windsor on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. 'Jaseph Moylan of !Kitchener called on friends here last week. 'Patricia Kale, daughter of Mr, and A4ts. Joe iKale, has been confined to her ;hone with an attack of appendic- itis. 1'fr, and Mrs, Terry :Flannery visit- ed Stratford friends on ;Sunday, Mr. Michael Downey has 'been laid up with a 'bad case of poisoning in his hand, We are glad to see Mr. Wm, 'Burke out again atter being confined to his home the at few- 'woeks. LArrangenaento have been made to. hold a euchre and sods] evening in. the parish hall on Wednesday even- ing, Dec, 26th. 1.1' will be sponsored by the C.W.L. CROMARTY. Aleasrs. Ken 2IciI(cllar and Russel Scott were among those w'l,o secured prizes at the Guelph Show. Messrs. Ton, Hay, 'Russell Butler, Frame Hamilton and Len Houghton attended the Winter Fair in Guelph last week. 'Miss Bessie McKay of 'I'nckersolith visited over the week -end with 21:r. and Airs. John Scott in tate village. 'AL•. George Laniond of London called on friends on Sunda)", Little Dick Reid is under the doc- tor's care. The Young Teeple will present their play, "Here Conies Charlie' at Thames Road on Friday evening, Dee. lath, HILLSGREEN Air, and Mrs. 0, Robinson spent the week -end with friends in Mitchel Mr. and Air.. W. Davidson were visited•during the week with friends Iran; Stratford. Miss Dolly Hagan has bt'en nurs- ing Mrs. Norman Cook of Hnsail. Miss Edna Cochrane spent the weer. -end with her cousins at Clinton. 'lire service in - the Hillsgreen Church on Sunday afternoon was withdrawn owing to the 'funeral ser- vice of the hate Mr. Jas. Johnston of Klippen. Air. and Airs. Garnet Deters and dao titer Marjorie of Dunnville spent a x1'11' days 11n this vieltlity, Rant and For Sale, ads, 1 week 25,, REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING ANN HARDINGG JOHN BOLES —in— Life of Vergie Winters RICO Radio's daring controversial drama Chapter 8 of The Vanishing Shadow Cartoon and 'Comedy Mon,, 'Tues., Wed., 17-18-19 CONSTANCE BENNETT at her best in "MOULIN ROUGE" A Musical Treat Newsreel and Comedy Next Thurs, Fri., Sat„ 20-21-22 TIM McCOY in "Speed Wings" Full of action and thrills, Also The Vanishing Shadow ;Cartoon and Comedy Coming — NOW AND FOREVER HULLETT'CENTRE Mr, 'VS'm, Carter was a very succ- essful poultry exhibitor at the Royal and Guelph Fairs, winning 334'first, 14 second and 7 third prizes. The first skating on Thos, Law- rence's amvrencc s .open air rink w•a5 on Saturday Alt, Fi•ed King and fancily of Ayl- 1191' visited. at Wm. Carter's last, week, We are glad to report that Airs. Rnht, Jamieson is improving in health Ale John llessellvoo,lJr. gave the young people a fan. ^e last Thursday 119;111 and a real good time is re- ported. lfr. L, O'llrien of Zurichf called on 'Wm, Carter last Sunday. Mr. James Medd has wine quite ex- tensively into the butcher business. 'The following letter has been re eeiyed from the West: :Madman, Sark„ Nur. 20. Sirs. W. Carter. :Dear Friend,—Your nice bot- tle of mince meat •arrived safely in .Gudeman and we got it. Thank you• so much. It and lemon ane my fav- ourite pie, both of which ire seldom. get, a> you can realize how Inttc11 it was valued, Can you let me have the receipt for it please. Maybe next year, if we have a crop, T will try and make some. 'Thio year We were dried out, had killing frost every month and grasshoppers by the mile lion, I have a pig garden but was not able to raise any seed whatever. It is mean not have any vc,etablcs to speak of in the cellar. 'Still we could be a lot worse off, because we hat7ll.. meat and milk. Von will hander about the relief car that was sent here. One car divided into a mmnici- .l'ality gave each a taste. Our share, we have ,3 children, girl 119 yrs„ boy ,15 yrs., girl 1112, we received 2 bag; potatoes, 5 apples, 3 turnips, 5 tar - rots and cabbage, Others got other m e retable'., They figured 1 veg. to each member of the fancily, We were delighted with then. Truly the Lord does provide. Apples at the stere here are lite cents a pound, so )1'e seldom get any,,.IWe have had very dry Weather this fail. No 'rain siuee Spring to do any gond and now we have 1 inch of ,snow•. I remain, thankfully yours, A[rs; H. Gricsser, Seaforth's NEW SHOE STORE Shoes & Slippers Mahe Practical and Useful Christmas Gifts Women's Felt "Cozy" Boudoir Slipper. Soft padded soles and insoles, ribbon trim. Purple, Rose and Brown. 65c 'Women's Felt Juliet, leather soles and heels. Black Blue and (Brown $1.00 BUNNY SLIPPERS For the Kiddies -Wool lined. 69c 79c 89c WOMEN'S VELVET GOLOSHES Black or Brown. Fur trim $3.25 AUTHORIZED AGENCY FO Men's and Boy's Choc, Kid Everett Slipper, warm lined. Rubber Heels. 1®O0 AND 95c Men's Tan t1Vfoc, Slipper. Soft leather soles, padded heels, $1.00. Boy's sizes 75c. Men's Choc, Kid Romeo 1-Iouse Shoe. Elastic sides. $2.39. Men's and Boy's "Arctic" Cloth House Shoe, felt and leather sole, $1.00. Boy's, 75c. RUBBERS For Street and farm wear, also Overshoes with one, two, three and four buckles at lowest prices, R DR, M. W. LOCKE SHOES THE1l� 1 th SHOP FOR GOOD SHOES NEXT DOOR TO REGENT THEATRE, SEAFORTH at a:rrrryar,.€y.z