HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-13, Page 1Winter sings its own peculiar hymn: Muted with its ermine tufted snows, It lifts its silver song of praise Where purity in spotless garment goes. It brings a psalm of silence where Barren boughs have gathered in the night SeaforthNe HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER Ten million star -encrusted gems To catch the dawn's glad gift of golden light. Twilight winds are low and reverent, Chanting to the velvet deeps of Sky And winter sings its song of praise In minor note or pian tempest -high. WHOLE 'SERIES, VOL. 56; No. 50 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 Phone 84. $'1 a year. DINNERS ands SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Flour TO SUIT EVERYBODY FROM 2.40 to 3.00 PER CWT. BROKEN BISCUIT 3 lbs for 25c EDUCATOR TWIN THIN SODA iBISCUIT 7c per pack ooricEmEAT .. 2 pounds for 25c YOUNG'S JELLY POWDERS 5 for 25c CORN STARCH .. 3 pounds for 25c M. TAPIOCA .. 2 packages for 25c OAK LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON halves 2 for 33c CAPO DRAIN CLEANER .... 25c CAPO TOILET FLUSH 25c GOLD DUST WAISHING POWDER ..,. 6 packs for 25c HOUSEHOLD MENDING C E - MEWX for dishes, crockery and furniture, @ 25c CAPOSOL stops leak in aluminum or graniteware 25c Master and O.A.C. Laying Mash. Eggs -,lc extra for Trade. A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 ENGAGEMENT. Mrs. lI. Workman, of Hensel!, an- nounces the engagement of her dau- ghter, Hannah Olive, to Herbert J. Britton, of Dublin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton of Dublin, mar- : riage to take place the latter part of the month. HOCKEY Group hockey representatives gath- ered at Seaforth in Carnegie hall on Wednesday evening to draw up a schedule for Intermediate O. H. A. Western hockey league entry was also discussed, Mayor Sutherland welcomed the visitors. The five teams in the group are Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Mitchell, ,'Viiigham. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 'The regular monthly meeting of ,the Junior. Women': Institute was held at the home of Miss Josephine Edge on Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. Miss Marion Thron,psan read the topic; a Piano instrumental was given by Miss Flor- euse Whitmore. Roll . call was ans- wered by "Something we Remember about Christmas as a Child." Motto: tlt is Better to Give than to Receive. was given by Miss Annie Papple. ZERO WEATHER , 'Cold weather with light falls -o NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH *Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Minister. ISumday, Dec. 16. '111 a.m., "Dreams and Decisions." 7 p.m., "The Real Prodigal, The last sermon 011 the Parable of the Prodigal Son, ST. THOMAS' 'CHURCH Dec, '116th, Third Sunday in Ad- vent. ;Sunday ,School and ,Bible Class, 1110 a.m.- Morning ,tn;Morning Prayer, 11 a. m. Sermon topic, "Stewards of the Mysteries." Evening Prayer, 7 p.m. 'Serine topic, "Earnest Zeal." Advent hymns aud nmsic, Choir Maater, Canon Austin Smith. Rector, Canon E. Appleyard. All wel- come.. EGMONDVILLE CHURCH Reverend Charles Malcolm, MA.,;B.D. Sunday, ;Dec, 16, 419134. --Sunday *School at 10 o'clock. Bible study, "The Christian at the Communion Table." 1111 o'clock. -`The Under Privileg- ed." 7 p,nt.-"Isaiah's Vision of Emman- uel, 'God with Us," Y. P. S. The Young People's Society of Northside United Church held their weekly meeting on 'Tuesday even- ing, Dec. '1'1. Miss 'Grace Kreuter, missionary convener, had charge of the program. Hymn 2414 was sung, af- ter which Miss Alice Hudson led in prayer. 'The Scripture reading was taken by Miss,Margaret Beattie. Miss Donna Mole gave a reading. The topic for the evening was ably taken -by ifr. Jack Stevens: Miss *Margaret IHatbkirk favoured us yvith an instru- mental, The iiizpah benediction was repeated in unison. The new officers for the year 11315, are as follows: - President, Miss Ruth Thompson; de- votional vice president, Mr. Sam Scott: missionary vice president, Miss Laura *:[ale, citizenship vice press, Mr, jack Cheoran; social and literary vice pre,., Mr. Jack Stevens; pian- ist, hiss Josephine Edge; assist, pian- ist, Miss 'Ruth Chir; secretary. Miss Vera Mole; assist. secretary, Miss ,Edith Hoag: treasurer, Miss Verna ,Storey; press see., hiss LaBelle Hawkins; assist, press sec., *Miss Mil - tired Cudmoru; auditors, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webster, The annatal Christmas entertain- ment of the Egmondville Sunday School will take place Friday night, Dec. 21. -Mr. Geo. E. Ferguson, Presid- ent-elect of the Heroin 'Old Boys' (Association. of Toronto, and a for- mer Walton bioy. He is a brother snow have 'marked the past week, . of the .Misses Ferguson of ,Seaforth, APPEAL FOR CLOTHING Anyone wishing to contribute cloth- ing for the, Ibale, in response to the appeal in the following letter, may leave it at Crich's stove on or before 'Saturday, in order to reach the 'West before -C'hristmas, - Roche ;Percee; Sask., Dec. 1. Mr. W. Golding, M.P., Seaforth, -Ont. (Dear Mr. Golding, -ll wonder if you could use your influence with some people there who would get to- gether a !bale of clothing and send it to the people of this village. Like most of the small villages they have no money for ,relief and all the cars that are donated go to people in the municipalities and they are being looked after too by the Gov't. The people here in this village haven't had a thing donated to them and there are two old ladies that need clothing, one old,man needs almost everything, in- cluding shoes and socks, Then there are several children who need cloth- ing and :footwear, especially two boys of 112 and 113 years of age. '11 we could get a parcel of clothing for these :people and if it could get here before Christmas lit would be just splendid, for Christmas in. this district is going to be pretty slim. Both Dan and I have done our best but it doesn't seem to go very far. "Thanking you in advance for your kindness and 'Christmas greetings to you aid, 'I am, yours sincerely, Mrs. Dan MacDonald. t(3dr. and Mrs. MacDonald are for- mer residents of .McKillop and rived about one and a half miles northeast of Seaforth. -1![r. 'MacDonald is at pre- sent Secretary -Treasurer of Roche Percee village)) TOWN COUNCIL 'Regular meeting of council held in council chamber at 8 p.m„ Dec, 10Ith. Present: Mayor (Sutherland, Reeve Crosier, Councillors Hudson, Robert Eberhart, Broderick, ,Bolton and Johnstone. ,Minuites of last meeting read and .confirmed, Motions --4 J. J. Broderick- 'W, IW. Crosier. - That this council extend a motion of sympathy to ,Councillor 'Johnstone in the sad (bereavement of his brother. - Carried, II. Hudson -(Robert W. Eisenhart.- That isenhart-That the letter from Mr, VNels'on of the ,C.IF.a\!, and the reply of the fin- ance ,conunibtee Ibe recorded, in the minutes. -Carried. II. Hudson -T. 1H. J'uhnstone.-•That the Clerk have the toum seal repair- ed.-Carried. epair- ed:Carried. T. J'olmstone-lL. 'F. iB'olton.-That Council adjourn to aneet on Saturday morning, (Dec. 7l3th, at 9 o'•clock.- Carried. Bylaw No. 359, was given its sever- al readings and passed, appointing of- ficials and polling places for munici- pal election as follows; North ward, at Dunlop's Garage, Deputies, John .11elntosh, John Cummings; poll clerk Geo. Pinkney, A. W. Sillerv; East Ward, at town hall, deputy, J. A. (:err; poll clerk, J. A. Case; :South Ward, at Library. deputy, Earl Ross, poll clerk, James Rankin, The nomin- ation meeting will be held at the town hall on Monday. December 311, from 7.30 to 8.3.0 p.tu. and if a poll be necessary, will be held Jai:. 7th from 9 to 5 p.m. Matters concerning what to do about the Canada Furniture factory and the Avon Chests tax arrears were discussed at some length, but no de- finite action was taken, the feeling of the council -being to leave decisions in these affairs to next year's council, who will be dealing with them. 'Torun 'Solicitor sluggard reported that the Seaforth Holding Syndicate had shown him their agreement with Mr. Boshart, and it was quite satis- factory; the- Syndicate does not re- nqu,fsh title for five years. *Mr. Bo- shart will start production next week, it is expected, The relative powers of council and court of revision in regard to tax ar- rears were reviewed, The letter from Mr. Nelson of the Canada Furniture Mitts, was read to council by the Clerk, making a prop- osition for a new lease of two years; it appeared that the CJI ;M. would otherwise pay into court and let the town contest on the old lease of 25 years ago. Mayor Sutherland said it might ibe good business for the town to accept the cheque offered, and .have the town and company co-operating, than have a couple .of years of litiga- tion and a possibility of the fatter, being turned over to ,the wrecker, I it) flirt " Only 10 Shopping Days, Then Christmas And Christmas Shopping just must be done. This one Happy Season must be observed fittingly and we must make merry and be happy during this joyful season. To do this, we must make others happy and we want to help you, and believe we have solved the problem and also how to do it economically too, as the prices on our Gift Suggestions below will show. For Her For Him Diamond Ring Wrist Watch Ensemble Set, 3 pieces Beautiful Toilet Set Utility Bag, Leather Fountain Pen Set Leather Writing Case Beautiful Necklets $15.00 up $ 7.00 up $ 8.00 up $ 6.50 up $ 3.50 up $ 3.75 up $ 3.50 up $ 2.50 up Signet Ring, Engraved ........... $ 2.00 up Newest in Bracelets $ 2.00 up Wrist Watch $5.00 up Signet Ring $4.00 up Diamond Tie Pin $7.00 up Pocket Watch - $5,00 up Travelling Set, Ebony Fitted ... $4.00 up Utility Bag, Leather , , . , $3.00 up Wilkinson Razor, cased $3.00 up Cigarette Case & Lighter $2.00 up Fountain Pen Set $3.75 up 'Wallet & Key Tainer Set, Leather$2,00 up For the Home Electric Lamp Beryl Walnut Mantel Clock Kitchen Clock Walnut Wall Clock $2.50 up Crystal 'Stem Ware $3.00 doz. up $12.00 up :Carving Sets, stainless steel $2.50 up $3.00 up - 26 -Piece Silverware Chests $5.85 up $15,00 up 26 -Piece Silverware Chests, Rogers quality, in walnut tarnish proof case $16.25 up Use C ti'rist s For Mother Leather Hand Bag $2.50 up Evening Bag $2.50 up 97.,Piece Dinner Set $17.50 up Book Ends Set $1.50 up 'Italian Pottery, white $1,50 up Spode Dinner Ware, per piece 75c up For Dad Fountain Pen Set $3.75 Pocket Watch $10.00 up Desk Lighter 52.00 up DeLux Wilkinson Razor Set $5.00 up Cigarette Case $1.50 up ift to Von We will give you absolutely free a Henry VIII. Pattern Rogers Quality Baker, Pyrex -lined with a 1-Iand Carved Solid Walnut Cabinet filled with 26 pieces of Triple Plate Wm. Rogers Silverware in their newest CHATEAU pattern. The Cabinet of Silverware is Big Value at $27.50. The Silver Baker is worth $13.50. It is Free with Cabinet of Silver, It is OUR GIFT to you. Oneida Community Silver Famous Spode Dinnerware Oneida Community 'China to snatch Grindley's English Dinnerware 5000 CHRISTMAS CARDS We are confid'ent that the exceptionally good values we are showing this Christmas Season, combined with the largest and most varied line of Gift Goods we have ever shown will solve your gift problems this Christmas and still leave some "sillier in the sporran" to begin the New Year with. Open Evenings. SHOP AT AVAUGE' IT PAYS Phone 194. No one is putting up new factory buildings these days, the Mayor pointed out, and the town should pre- serve the factory buildings. He cited the cast of the sold caroling Hill on South Main street, partly in 'Seaforth partly in ".[ eckersmith: Mr. A rd - erson of the flax mill, had been con- sidering using it for part of his pro- cess, ,but the taxes 011 the few feet of the mill in the town are prohibitive, theing four times that of the rest of the mill in the township. Failing an nnrcement, there is every possibility the wreckers will tear the building down, the Mayor said. 'Councillor Johnstone reported for the property committeethat the sign for the town clerk's office door was completed, also that the tower hall (Continued on Page Five)