HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE 'SEAI+ORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros„ Publishers. WALTON Hackwell-Reid. -_k quiet wedding ,vas solcnmized at Duff's United Ghurch \Iarise, Walton, by Rev, Charles Cumming at noon, Nov. 29, when Edna Lydia daughter of 11r, 7111,1 .NIrs Rltbert Reid, 'Walton, was united ia marriage t 'Wesley Rack - 5 011 of the late Mr. and Mrs, Itackw'ell. The bride, who was nnattencled, was prettily- gowned i11 a brown ensemble suit with matching accessories, Later the bride and bridegroom left on a wedding trip to Buffalo and other eastern places, the bride traveling'in a rust culured=dress \[r. Wm. Reid has now a fully with brown et at and accessories. On .equipped mill for grinding and rolling their return Air. and Mt -s. liacicnell and is 110 IV prepared to render service will reside in Walton, to the public. Phe Young People's meeting was Mrs. E. Beatt• has return.ed home well attended on Sunday evening. after spending a tveek with her datrgh- \Wallace Shannon presided, and con - by in London, She was accompanied ductetf devotional exercises and 711- by Mr, and Airs, Latham, who re- t•in McDonald gave the topic. Then turned to then home in the city. lades on India were presented Which11 r. Harold Elliott has returned were very helpful and interesting, from Kirkland Lake. Don't forget to sec the play which The \\•.A, of Si, John's Church met will be picesnted in the hall on Wednesday at the home of .Airs, A. Tuesday evening, Dee, 11 by the Galbraith. True blues from Blyth, This ))lay Ur. Aldwinkle has hal his house entitled "Deacon Dobbs," is very in- wired for hydro. teresting andfull of fun, Proceeds of Air, and Mrs. Rigs and Mrs, Stack evening wail be devoted :o the Pub- spent the week end in London select - lac Library in:; books for the library, The Ret Cres meeting' held last id Geo. Beatty, Sr., in company \Wednesday afternoon ut. the home of with Mrs. M, Beatty and Miss E. R. \\ . ILw';, was opened by chapter 1Lp sop, coiled on friends in Chisel burst and Cromarty last \reek. reading and prayer, and the minutes 'f the ]ata Meeting read and carried\fr. Leslie Elliott of New York is the main business was the disposing visiti1g Air. Wm, and d+eine Logan. of the money as the members had de- Mr. Leslie Elliott of Ne v York has tided to disband. There was over $100 been spending the past week at the in the treasury, which was voted to home of Mr. WM. Logan. the 1-ih-,uy at Walton to he pail in Air;. Fred S[e('iytnout and Miss al:ug:met spent the past week with foto• pay 1,x nes, yearly if p +ssible' friend's in The meeting closed by - dr 1 1 ling , ate r.h, the:s,:,carte. 7hfr. and Mrs. )'rank Coleman of 11 r. I' e i i t!t Rutledge ..i Toronto)len, 1:'. visited with friends on the pent the week -end in Walton.Tari• Line Ltst week. Mrs, V. Anderson is somewhat rut- t!'e W.M.S. of the United Church will ..to1 ! bear ntnntitly utcetin proved,we are {,'eased to state. Ina 1(r. Peter MeTaggart art ,u d \[r. San e:crtr 1, f of Beer• at the parsonage Forbes are a:so on the mend again. n lhtnsday' of this week. 1'he community dance in the Alr. Wm. Reid has his new char,- \Worknsnii'. 11; last FritLay evening ping mill in operation anti is doing was ael1 patronised.. .gond job. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934. Farm Machinery and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars Agent for Chrys➢er, DeSoto and Plymouth N GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash, VARNA. visite! Alr, and Mrs. i Cochrane, ifr, Joint Cochrane visited his sis- ter,. Mrs, E. ,Anderson at Centralia. Aliss Agnes Love spent a few- days with he • sister, ilrs. \V. Huxtable of 1 er,tralia, ELIMVILLE, Airs, Ch1-, Stephan of Dashwood visited at the haute -of .her son, 'lir. Chas. Stephan on Sunday. SR. and Mrs, Norman Randy and two children of Si, .Marys were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Airs, Wm. Routly. lir. John :\Ilis,in of Springfield and Airs. Robt, Dennison of London were ri;itors as the home of Air. and Airs. Harry. Ford last Thursday, Mr. .11gus MacPherson of Strut - lord. and 11i Joy \\ hitlock of St. I'h Ilia. ',y ere vi..1''r: in this eonl- Inanity on Sunday. Sirs. Len. ()'Reilly has- returned home after spentling a Month visiting with relatives at Sault Ste, AL•te, i,ln and \its, Walter 1-Iern of God- erieh were Sunday visitors - with Air, and Airs. ('has, Johns, Mrs, John Brock is visiting with cci tt acs in Seaforth, \l••, Irwin c) Reilly ass „nue to ti,u,tia a he e ',IC' has :eeureel a good IttosHon. Airs. 1 ,nat anl'1,, ;,e, 4a. reun•ued t the :tome of !ler son, Sir. Gnccc 1'o iter alt: .;,debug 'eve's:oat s wit', or ! .tg tt r. ..\I r, Vivi Fuca ut I. ,est, STAFFA. PI, ;t ': are United Church s item e.- \Ir (', ei • \l ikon with a BLYTH. renis n tee ., n,•,ea he t. - Death has tt,gain visited onr village McKILLOP. teat. :n Xi:i •h..- yya ael7i ds ta. e am:i removed early 'Tuesday morning r1/4.11a1mi ht have beena serious a;- : ,' n e, .,r,an!-t• a very highly respected citizen in the `i'.en occurred on the ?..is1 t•1 c,,1,- \I r•. C...eaart is t•,' ee••!,dts af- - 1ti' with' ace person of Mrs. Johnston, wilt, , ' \Wil- McKillop on 1'ursday Mats, leant Johnston. The deceased had tu'notm When -Al;. Alike \l:111 ty', Alis, We:•:: llain h'ei- :cen in her n,ua! hea{tlt until ahont team ')ec:rnne fri;ehlencd- at Mr. Prod ata \\':tit at. 1�:1. flays tarts when kidney trouble de I\ !!ha11's motorcycle and bolted ,,Al. 11•, t1,, \ IC. O'Brien elope from ee, r 'r e'1 'yc its in the wagon aril turtle t Pint 'rave t:_ n tyhuh she 1,11 n niter :w„ •wee).,' rally despite loving care of two t rtr,lt..'y e tsar „i it, Ml'. 1.‘"•':- visit with rtludas•, nurse; and her family. Airs. ,1ohn. rams iutuudiatel . t.,,,k chase hut sfons.mai,:en moue • lett, Minnie Inc. t,- ' „ t control of his machine row, being the only daughter 'of Mr. anti-,ya; tar.,,tn, but f„.•weals•")7 e.,- BAYFIELD, •.+ml Airs, Farrow, who lived many sassed with minor bruise,. The team year- on tin, Illy-th-:Auburn road, She ran ,Doth .ut the aorta •,par[ t' Sea,. \lr. rt. ,1Ir,. \\'ii y i.r,tin, NI r. turned and tics, hrtni: l r semi.'"\ by her husbaml, three '`a•t't, thin !•'', t�i!c:toner t cast and were tat ere n ,• i \, t 1 s ?s Sun- i'' t latirhter,, Laura 1\Irs. 1h,bleI of :ally caught by Airs harry nForuutc +lay \tt i.'.yc..rl, m - \t toria, LC, 1fargaret (lir., (-Fiver la., miles east of town. Airs \lurrty them terra tw, returned with w12,k•• visit i, Intnat7int I'i,r„1,t,, was token to the home of Afr. .\1... \ hi!ent t t and Fern IMI Harrison nitric ht ? 11 1 r r \\ 1 s xi of Toronto. ;cal one a Harry, ! aid was rel ler n [ t•r , r ,n :t fest ?cry, I :yah; aho a bto:her,Cr: httt he {s feetlit 11c• the w. r, • 1 r n •t. :' t y erns secs: Wesley iso c 1,t 1 t , \I r yv of Toronto, and three. brothers,Far- the mishap.y1L. and \!r Spitted u the \Vest. Mrs. Johnston. yt r ;t v.t Mr.. 1 reel \\•illravns has returned 1 , spent Thanksgivingand r few -De days Med mem' e• o 1 t h n,tne in 1'enrh m„ with Mr. n Airs. l arse c.uue t pe a after enjoying' Remember 1i• 11er"i tete y. a visit with his army here.. - er t.ra all 11 nrretin elate 1 with l\ pm 11t s Missionary Friends cere he 1 a ne'd f r.t 1,!t s -sty. 11 man's \ ,,inion. \\',t stir. Pat Murray i ,usy !la -vesting. 1ie:y Sun a v :it 11hcen Ruse, ,11', assoT.:1'.. and • kklonttinls lit t pine root:,•ii. i) t tis o t ant u ,i11- gii, tier • 'rite address n tit Anglican t hat rh, ttneral seas hell from her late :e,id- Oa Friday evening-. Nov. ,Ntis, :r care 1Wrd t,dty afnrn,i,n. nu:nher HILLS GREEN tr•'c” 117 nei�hhnr: Into letter recti c,1 this weekby Mr. seri Airs \nth my \rale t'rrgath..••- AIr :\. 1 tare from her son, Rr, IVs are sorry that M7,, teal tttime n.i� Ipi t!1 whu t very so 1 r „ \\'tl t r 1, of ( lis it,• 1 China, nit' herrn ill, We wish .her a speedy 1 ' it. groom the ey- enin the',rider nim were c f the -v safe ;}ern l t, l but tat of try, stinted tt.t11 a tat lellane v s tt c - \Ir lfanel Money n 1r, .t sis 1 pleasant uta cyettin•f wa pint at \lass \ant 11e ') t sd by and the ]:owm a arcs read by will teach in the l n verity in thatthe home of Mr. .and Mr;, Garnet Dear \1t y' iid :Anthony'• \Ce. v-nnr city. \lis.. •\i o e?' travelled ht plane i7 iCrr, i 'est Friday ni..tht when a num- rlirnc!'I!!4 nen hbor have from Shanghain m C.htuetu. Miss -Clara 'sit t t e : )ant ter of the neighborsx \lis wean, rltn*httr t and friends oathr yen art the 117, and Airs u•ul prior 1o,1 -,°,1,';,,:-;"::;'.',..,4:11.',"r5,11,':,1.11.1, tarsi acp:u airs f,r Dun:• Witit rear man rt e, 1, n,ts I) \Ic(io , ut t East \\ Ir. aos11, a"-,ti:h .\n a I leets, was read :uttl Mr; 1• r I enh•r, 1 rain I I t Bonds 4, ht are ve learne,l y- tt teaches ill tat University. sty. ;:1,l Ale I./mars were presented with 11;1,5 "f Slat•-r- \lr s, :\ Challenger, accompanied . a lovely nt.uttle clock. n °11 IN's. hate your t pis 1,i pa :1114 :, 1,57 1 yon trvcry by bei. ntplieyy, Rey Stunehorl of (Miss .lanai ('"rhr'Inc of Clinton ;1,r c 1 1,t rets \\'a are glad 1 editing t t; n any l cause in i c ltueit, wire guests at the Mono f yt 11'tl her brother, Alf• and Airs. Toho u,t ;ate Ing i •ur ''. glad 0itha11 Alt Slater p1, Sundae \l S yon are Stone-. H. C„chr'nu'• an l 171 t e will ,t!11 hart :Ire ;)lens - hr house 4 i putt some time with his \Ir, ail \Liss of father, Jus. Stonehouse f East \Wa- daughter Lot, of t1 titer \idfat• and tae associating, with you. \_ a „light t 1 '' l esteem w which this tar sh. I1uae•lield visited are bald we to ton to \Ir. :, Mrs. 12o Love. nns2E!!ant , < •h suer :and trust, this (,orlon ISo11 and ly reth Brook \fr. :end Mrs; Garnet Datars and tear, , 1y they may constantly re - and neigh - students of Technical as the School, Lon- i aughter. 1larjnry, left for linear new mind you f your friends don, spent the week end at tae re- home in Dunnville Where they harts, finp1n as you 5 bleI through spectre home,, taking etre life, that God's Rev. R. \ Brrn,lc; Jas. Riehtn end ,Airs o er a•otel. ,• lee nap p t u, and swishing blessings may stall and Leslie Hilburn attender) Presby - Mr. Forrest P:gmonrlrille °t ccs Your d eiettds and tory at Centralia Tuesday. :Neighbors. are, \ Russel'i Dougherty and hi mother \Ir. lies +thanked the donors for Phone the beautiful gifts and .good wishes moved nn \foaday int, the house for- Brussels 19-5 Phone extended inerly occupied by the late \Ins. Mary Seaforth 232-21 Carter, Queen street north, NewConeralStore�' -"COUNTY COUNCIL .MEETS CROMARTY. :Huron county las had a most uc- i- Vera Allen is visiting. with re- WALTON ce fol year, both in financial and la MIs in Zurich.ives Quality—Value—Service—Courtesy public service matters, said \Warden Miss Annie Moore visited with P. & GSPECSo ps—Thurs., 8rcak S. t25c George H FIGo,t when adritessin friends in this vicinity last • tel (with china - Quick Quaker Oats Buren County Council at Goderich 1 ate -day ttern l ,,,, Council met on \1i. s Jessie Tf pcgert of Exeter spent ware 29c Tuesday afternoon for the 7)ecembs the past. week with Mrs, Tas. Scott, - Orange Cream Biscuits„ .per lb, 12c cr session the. sittings to continue SeOtch ints Mrs, S. A. hiller spent tTte week Belle Baking Soda per Ib. 15c unitilthFri0 chay.a!1 Wardeall Ithl`ottnemb1r. end yvith her sou in Stratford..Oranges, juicy per doz, 30c Per lb, 5c were present, Ilarvey° i;r !• •lues conn- ,A.large' Crowd attended the ;play in Axe Handles 25c ty treastuer w -as absent. being. con. ,Sit f,• I a (a last Friday aught in spite of Ifghest Prices. : ., Cream & Eggs fined to let home ti note 3 els s. "lt ale met weather, Over $ was taken Cream lifted from our Store •s must rates ars t, note by the roll- the at the Mon. Wad.- Fri. Sat. call all members present," said \Pard- • EN-- - door. - en Elliottg'''We r. .have arrived at- the 'Want and For Sale Ads, 1. week, 25c cl” °ng chapter. .for 1931, The year) • Just drawing t, a close has been -ant visiting Airs Poster Bennett is seen Itolcling the great .Arctic owl, which measured more than 5 ft., tt in, from tip to tip, 13•ird authorities say these large owls are casual visitors in Southern Ontario in -the winter only, and are truly a bird of the far North. This. ,awl was fearless and ready to attack any one who ventured too close, as the ilennett fam-, fly cat Found out to Its discomfiture, eventful one in • so far as county ai-. digent patients in hospitals and santit- fairs are concerned, Last Deecin its orituv, stated that the council of that we witnessed the ushering out of a county wished to ask :the .government very nttfortnnate episode. It w•as nn to pass a law whereby Parents of suf- pririlege to -have been honored with licient means. whose children over the wardeltship of the county at this 1211 years of age have received treat- eruaial time. 1 entered the post of. meet 7n a hospital or sanatorium and warden fully' conscious of the respon- are unable to pay for it, must pay the ability entailed and determined to cast such treatment, At present par - carry out nae duties to the best of my eats •e not. compelled to pay these ability, and having nownowalmost cont _ are When their children have reached ; eted my brut 1 can stand aside 'this age, This letter wits referred to satisfied that 1 have carried -out •the the legislative committee. task entrusted to me, When the din- 'Chat a special tax should be placed uncial report is presented .1 know that on chain stores and departmental you will all agree that ts'e have tirade stores to stop or to lessen unfair corn- Coming — N•OW AND FOREVER a decided improvement in the 'Matte- petition with merchants in urban ven- ial affairs of the county," tres was the content of a letter 7o- "Tire result has not been accom- ceieed from the council of Ontario -eo, clerk of Colborne Township, regards 'dished without the loyal support of :Referred to the legislative ceinnnittee, lag the prevalence„ o: Russian thude:- you gentlemen wla, have served with \ letter seas received from field!- in that tnti•nshrp .was read arid,discuss me during the year, and also to tate island county regarding cd. .Reeve hip .orpe explained that unselfishness of. the eminty officer, n �d f q the prodttc- ale matt in the tnirrtShip heel allowed tion and marketing of dairy prutlucts etc w•s"cl to rant rant7ant 5115 -his farts, who inave labored early and late to and a resolution enclosed therein was ,••,511 it !'a so , e - accomplish the result attained. Iluron referred to the legislature committee, the r d anal over many .d,ats County has a right to be proud of 'Che secretary of the Old .Age lien a,tt'. , t'r -avec and pot had ) led :s. lief• clerk ,Intl treasurer anti 1 ant sure cions linarrl of Dunham and North- The ; t•,y went near SrIrale;, that I on:y voice the sentiment of till:: timberland indicated- in a letter that r , •k, e \f. Rsat s csp':"r:g notutcil board wheal 1 say to bath '1,i that : xi sss ss was not t"f :sire you thaty1, their baud was alis -lied with present the nnsir`us weeds ^ •d thcr,�:nrr,•4ere u have done your word a 1,1 age pensions laws ,prortalin,g that was no law compelling the o lginai faithfully and well and that you are the county pay 11) per cent of each trouble -maker in this ease 'r keen t not e hly a credit to yonrselres but pension and that they desired no t a e 1i cult .he t the County of Huron as well, I change in this administration, Refer- weed under ill Ileal The Agricultural would like t pa} tribute to rite def- reel to the legtlative runuuitrec; Committee will deal with the letter. uetit conun1 to s who have lubked ;\ letter front the deputy provincial reg'arcltnngr lig'h'ts (m• Ih It Bayfield, after. the work assigned to tltent and -secretary regarding condition: at the 'Bayfield and - requesting tl'sis assistance especially to the chairman of the pro- 'heron, County :gaol and addressed to I t•tancc: pert' committee who has looked .Elf- Sheriff 11idcilctyat 'f tttiroll County was r'i'med to the (haulRoadsIts con ter tate work and derotation in the was read. The letter showed the gaol 1ounci The 'hitter intimated that the tneit.ginee's. clerk's and treasurers of- to le, generally' peaking,• in good oft these liglttis. ,\tletter frog. the the cost cabinets, whish condition, This letter was :eft with of .-Agriculture uielosi7 g a tpetition for have been nrtaled anti last the run- property committee, nen in the hall. which is a derided int- Thea grant Was referred to 1,xcout..com, Ir,+ccn)cut This Presentment of the Grand :.A letter received from Judge T. address was well ,fury, enclosed in a letter from the AI, Costello regarding differences in • received by the anemhe s, who ex- elerk 1,1 the ,Assize Cour!, showed the salaries of inspectors of public schools "tressed the 'potion that they had had [Seed of better ventilation and new Dr, J. M, Field and E. C. Beacom-. a very canaille leader throughout the mattresses for the bc,}s at rite c011 11- rtgnestetl that the tutance committee yt.ar. The e pnuc t correspondence ty haute and that the Children's of the c,nncil meet with ills H, ,vas then real try the cler Honor k. all respects. en was in very toed siileiu❑ in on Thursday of this week to discuss \ letter iron' Perth County (''1151- ,all res , e cal enclosing n'. slttti'n regarding in- I t t The letter was li e,i. the matter, 'liber letter was left with \ letter from William Sallows,ahe finance committee REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING GRACE MOORE —in— `One Night of Love' A superb feast of Love, Laughter, and Divine Bong Mon. Tues, 'Wed„ Dec. 10-11-12 JANET GAYNOR and LEW AYRES —in— "Servants' Entrance A COMEDY ROMANCE Newsreel and Comedy Next Thurs, Fri. Sat., Dec. 13-14-13 THE Life of Vergie Winters Starring ANN HARDING JOHN BOLES and HELEN VINSON R100 -Radio's Daring Controversial Drama CARTOON and COMEDY Mon, Tues, Wed., Dec, 17-18-19 "MOULIN ROUGE" Starring CONSTANCE .BENNETT To the Buying Public : In coming to Seaforth and opening a New Modern Up=to=date Shoe Parlor, I wish to extend to you a personal invitation to call and visit us, and inspect our new Footwear, for every member of the family and all walks of life: Shoes with style and quality, moderately priced, but with a wide range of fittings, in short, "A FAMILY SIIOE STORE" where they fit the feet. Come in and see us any time. Yours truly, C. E. SMITH, C he Siore WOMEN'S SECTION Shoes in many Styles for the house, the street and the farm, not forgetting Slippers for com- fort and warmth, 98c TO 3.9 BOY'S, GIRL'S AND CHILDREN'S SECTION Shoes for School, for Play, for Sunday dress up. 98c To 2.98 Special MEN'S SECTION Shoes and Boots for fine dress up wear, or the hard knocks of everyday toil, $1.98 to $5.00 ALSO SPATS 98c RUBBERS OF QUALITY For Street and Everyday Wear, not forgetting Rubber Boots, High top laced Rubbers and 6 eyelet laced All Rubber for General Wear at Special Prices Bedroom Slipper, soft padded insole and low rubber. hee]s, Colors—Red, Blue and Grey „ 47c C Rubber Special Men's 6' Eye Laced Gum Rubber, Red Rolled Sole, d� with felt insoles , $1.95 Authorized Agency for DR, M. W. LOCKS SHOESMit 9S THE SHOP FOR GOOD SHOES NEXT DOOR TO REGENT THEATRE, SEAFORTH SEE OUR 'SPECI-AL WINDOW DISPLAY