HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-06, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934. The e Story v of • the Figures (Christian Stewardship and 'Finance LSeoretary of W,M,IS. of North Side United Church,) It is said thait 'figures speak, and also that (figures do not lie. For the 'sake of emphasis 'I should 'like to re- peat that, but they say good speakers aiever repeat, so I refrain. If then, !figures speak, 'they must tell some- thing and if figures do •not lie, they must be founded on 'Tacks, and facts, we know, are solid stubborn things, The story begins with the 'financial statement 'of our WADS. IS, for1 tiehf t rd quarter of this year. The 'figures tell vis that. the 1Associate lPlelpers came within 115e of their trsual quarterly givings, This tells of faithfulness on the part 'of the members, their secret- ary and.! her comnmittee, Instead of the $5 planned for in the budget for fees and donations, a donation of $1 was received, Of the $25 asked by the Supply Committee to furnish an out- fit o utfito f clothing for r a pupil i none of our Mission Schools, a c ool., only $1116 was contri- buted in the 3rd quarter. That means That unless more is received for this 'fund in the fourth quarter the child dor whom we are responsible will have only about two-thirds enough cloth- ing for his or her needs. (Let us hope .that a kind Providence will temper the wind to the shorn lamb, so that ro 'child shall suffer unduly, because of our indifference and neglect, The Finance .Committee hoped to receiYe at least '$12.50 at our social meeting, but were doomed to disappoji Ole rt, as only $1095 was realized, I won- der ff the time is not ripe to make same changes regarding our social 'f` meetings. The primary object of these meet- ings was for the sake of. sociability and to try to get as many as possible interested in missions. In our palm- ier days 'all felt that the lunch served, composed a real supper, and glady contributed 25c to our funds. Nnsv, a great many feel they cannot afford to give a quarter each time and so clo not attend. The budget called for $25 for one life 'membership, but none was forth- coming. The loose collections for the quarter were 2.66, showing that most of those who attend are not forgetful of the 'cent a month extra for the ex- pense fund. Aso We received with gratitude $2 for our Piaith fund, also a gift of $3 from one who though not a member, is int- 'eres'ted in our work. The contribu- lions from the envelopes amounted to $56,90, making the total amount re- ceived for the quarter $91396. This is only the second time in many years that we 'have failed to meet our full quarterly obligations, We had a bal- ance in the first quarter and also in the second. With these and the gener- ous offerings which usually come in the fourth quarter, we hope to be able to reach the goal of our ambi- THE SEAFORTH NEWS tion by the end of the year. eY, it wouldn't be so bad. No one At their 'Jubilee !celebration last could have any complaint if all the year, the church I c at Dondi in our asking'm tame e f� ot the W.M.S.W1 The Siouth >EUfrjcan mission field, ,contribut- fact is .there are .many other sources ed ;$11,000 to missions. The African from which appeals come, People women have very hard lives, s They ought g t to stop going to movies because rise at dayllight in order to 'have the they ask for money. They ought t0 necessary household duties done by shop patronizing tobacco and liquor 4 a.m. Then, carrying their babies on shops, if for no other reason than that ,their backs, they walk sometimes two they ask for money. And what about or three utiles to work in the fields. cars! At the very beginning of the They work alt day under the pitiless year the auto asks for money for 11 'blazing sun, returning in the evening cense, driver's permit, insurance, per - in time to get the men's supper. All haps a new !battery and a tire or two. 'they get in a year is four yards of And that is only the beginning, Who bright 'colored cloth for a dress, and can estimate the number of dollars yet at their jubilee celebr'a'tion they spent on pleasure drives? The auto gave ten tons of corn to be sold, the Will even 'hold one up on the road and proceeds to go to missions, to carry refuse to go until money is 'handed the blessed .gospel which has brought over, such joy and b'lessiftg to then, to Oh, .yes, cars ask for a lot of mon- those who are still .in spiritual dark- cy. They really ought to stay at home •ness. like some people do about church and ashe t le aPoaslbilitY that these Af- missionary un arY ,mee titg s because se th e Y rican women may some day rise up claim they are always asking for in judgment 'against us? tIf they had 'money, And there are scores of other ,our means would they fail to contri- money-beggers•=end not a few of 'bate their share in any quarter of the them ask for things that are not right, year ? If they could enjoy an the ad or honest, or legitimate, and the sad vantages, privileges and blessings part of it is that they get it, plenty of which Canadian women enjoy, would it and no complaining. either, they 'consider the Thank -offering Il3ut we arc getting away from our brought by the women of our'con'gre- 'subject !Since 111931!1 we have lost 9 gation last 'month, adequate? Would members by death, 9 by removal, 42 they spend so muchOf their money ,our < aril el Y Co join the D pear n g luxuries es and pleasures that they would Auxiliary, 9 have dropped out and of be short when the Lord asked for those whose names are still on the roll theis tithes—l:Plis share of what He 9 have not attended any meeting or has given •then? As of old the 'Master made any contribution to . our work ,till sits over against the treasury and this year. 'While we sympathized with tices—not so much the gifts, nor those who would like to hells the yet the givers, but the motives which cause, but feel that anything they prompt the gifts. IHe knows what is can afford to give, would not be worth in the heart and mind of every one of while, we deeply regret that they do us. There is no getting away from not attend our meetings. The Lord that, iooka, not AO much at what we give, While sonic say we should give in as at What we have left, If we could proportion as we spend on ourselves, get the co-operation of every woman ethers maintain that we should go the in our congregation, and each contrib. second utile and give a little more uted ever so little, our allocation than we spend on ourselves. /How could so easily be reached. does that correspond with the 011 Can any one think of a way where - Testament injunction, "Pring ye your by we can get our Wnmet, to realize tithes into my storehouse," and the that their prayer's and their attend - New 'Tc tamcnt command, "On the mice at ilur meetings, even though first day of the week let everyone •af they do not 'rare to contribute by en - you lay by !tint in store as the Lord 'elope, would be a wonderful inypira- has prospered him"? tion to the rest of its, and would count at would at least be a wholesome for more than monetary offerings? exercise to keep two records, one of This then is the story briefly told ani moneys spent on ourselves, the by the Figures, of our efforts to pro - other of the amount given to the mote the work of the Master in this Church and missions,' and then try to Part of His moral vineyard; per baps face the figure: without blushing. If more encouraging than might be told even the professing Christians would of some other Auxiliaries or Mission - be honest in doing this, II ant sure we ary organizations, but a very pathetic would not hear so much about the little story when compared to the one Church and its missionary organize- the 'Figures tall of what is going on in tion asking for money. :Is there any the world around us. more overworked complaint in the 'Here it is: Ian one year the British 'whole category of man-made 'charges? People paid £q!3y000,OOo for seats in ad you ever hear 'those who are the picture shows, Britains drink bili really interested in the growth of the was about £212i.1.$45,0o0 .in 17191313 ,int Kingdom of God making such a United States last year, the moving charge? Are not those who make such picture ,shows were attended by an av- contplain'ts merely trying to lfnd an erage of 20;000,000 people each day, excuse to get out of giving? 'Excuses, who gave $+4000,000, or nearly two we are told. are just warded lies. 'million dollars for the year. For tob- IRead Rev. 2111:5 and Gal, 6:7. acco they gave $21000,00000, For The Church asks for money, Of tickets for a prizes fight which lasted course it does, What organization, less than an hour $5,000,000 were ,git-- lodge, 'club, business or corporation 'tn. For joust one game in the World does not? The W-.li,S, asks for mon_ Baseball ;Series this fall 100,000 tickets eyl Yes. The charge is well founded, were soli, the best ones selling at But if only' the Church asked for inun- X5150 apiece. But, you say, that is in PAIGE THREE. the United States where there is so giving a tenth of our incomes, 10 God dam much wealth. Canada's bill for hard He sent the depression and reduced them so, that what we were giving would be a tenth. Isn't that exactly what the writer of the Proverbs said long ago: 'There is that scattereth and yet i 1cre'aseth, and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it ten'de'd to poverty." and what the Master meant when He said: "Give and it shall be given unto you.,,..,, for with what measure ye -mete, it shall be measured to you again."? When Christ left this earth, He ave His disciples the clear-cut com- mand, "Go ye unto all the world and preach the 'Gospel to every creature. 'We ignore this command, as well as all other commands of God, at the peril of our own souls. The '' "« ty liquor in one year was 4m3.,1560000, fro 119,13 'her tobacco bill was $815,500,- .,000; in 119313 it had mounted to $iO ,- 000,000, an average of almost $110 for every .man, 'woman and ehild in Can- ada. an 191313 Canada manufactured and used $1%000,000 01 soft drinks and $7113,1500,000 of ice cream, besides what was made in hotels, restaurants and ice creast parlors. (Bets on the British Columbia race tracks this summer, 'were more than $1100,000 over last slimmer, What about Ontario? The total li- quor prnfts since July 3—that is in 4 months—were $0;300,000 and it is cal- culated the profits for the year will amount to t$5,d00,000—on government sales only. Liquor Commissioner Ud wilt sufw, Tsksa ette states there was a ion per cent. tlo root ofrely thiollos moralo cankertae isure in thourt hearts e is we shout d X-ray them, tela using the mirror alrror of seGf-examination, the ac- id test being perhaps, our ability to answer, without any trace of bewild- erment, the question Where does .,?.Y money gori increase s e m c oast um st. on c 7 t beer On�^ in [ar1U in September, t , compared ed with the salve month last year, What tre- mendous sums must 'come into the hands of the brewers and -distillers, and still they are not satis!'fied. The revenue to the Ontario Government There is .00c great difference bet - for sale of beer and wine in the first ween the Church, and anything else it e weeks, amounted fes $!14000;000, and before the sale of beer and wine was licensed, the people spent $1,000,- 000 a Week for liquor, The al rat um ' f o the University tty of Toronto spent $050 in equipping a smoking room for the girls of the 'University. This room was opened on Oct. 30. \raw tossing to'Sea'forhh, where we know conditions better. We know that most of the industrial concerns are .hut down, that very few men or boys have employment, and that many families have been on relief, and yet similar evidences of a 'desire to spend are just as noticeable here as in the larger testees, The Figures have told enough to -how that whatever the cause ray be 1"r the shortage of motley to carry the Goapel to those who need it so !sadly, it is not that 'money fs acfu•cc, Then what is it? Rev, J. 11c.l-aurin, tD.D„ President of the Baptist Cnnference ai Ontario and Quebec, says the trouble lies in the moral rot at the core of the church which is eating the vitals out of the spiritual life, causing a Irick of spirit- ual power. ,He -ays from the 'reports of the Baptist churches there were .100 fewer baptisms in 19313 than in 1,9322, and so far this year there have been 400 fewer than at this time last year. As the moral ulcer in a church (or individual) becomes more malig- nant, the contributions to missions de- crease, and the converse is equally true, that a weakening of missionary interest indicates the presence of a spiritual degeneration. When the mis- sionary spirit in a 'church wanes, it is followed by a shrinkage in the local funds, and then n -e hear of suppers, teas, plays and every other conceiv- able means of raising stoney to carry on, the -Work of the church, some of which are, to say the least, question- able, very questionable- il't is false economy to scrimp when snaking our gifts to Christ, through oar contributions to the work He has left for Christians to oto. Some one has said that because we were not 1w eatassottiAlla "s" Asiet's4 are -4,4 '::. ck nt • We Are Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily, All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, m'. eays asking. for money. The Church gives from its Great .:Plead a promise that does 1101 accompany any of the other ask, s. e ' g' Jesus lits r t actsh to ,Church to say,d "Give and it shall be given unto you good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over." And with that vteoatderful promise the Story of the !.Figures ends, and leaves us to draw our own conclusions, ‘That will they be? The world and the things of the world are pulling so hard, that it is not easy to walk the straight and nar- row w'ay. It is difficult not to feel perplexed and discouraged, especially in our Church work, in the face of conditions as we find the to -day. There is no easier way to dispose of finaficial problems besetting the Church and its missionary organiza- tion., and *the many educational and benevolent enterprises, than to say "People haven't got the money." But where is the money? There is certain- ly evidence of wild spending in tine world to -clay. Can any one who at- tended the 'Hallowe'en frolic, honestly report otherwise, than from all ap- pearances the people of Seafoi-th and the surrounding country scent to have 01011ey? If it is a question of money for extending the usefulness of move- ments which have to do with cultural ends, or religious education, or child welfare, or redemption work, or the abolition of evils in social life, invar- iably there is a lack of money. But there is always enough to !crowd the movies, to crash the gates at the ball games, ITt is not an effort to evade respon- sibi'lity, so much as an absolute lack of the sense of proportion, when one who will pay 50c for a church supper, will place 20c in a thank -offering .en- velope -'the thanks front a grateful heart for 'Govt's goodness throughout a whole year! Can we not acquire, in some quiet thinking with ourselves, and a Serious facing up to our respon- sibilities, a new sense of proportions in the whole !natter of giving? Tf we do and act accordingly, a new day will dawn for all our churches and mis- sionary societies. On all hands there is a cal for re- ligion mid the Church, especially from bittTrcd statesmen and Helpless politi- cians. ind there is sound instinct in the call, But the churches + t les taentsek-rs are- in a pathetic ;,light. organized al- most to death, struggling to keepma- chinery moving, well-nigh bankrupt in ;money, if not in spiritual power, tempted to. use ail kends of means to meet failing finances, Can airy -thing he more disturbing to .earnest lninds, than to hear and read' the list of Schemes, manoeuvres, ingenuities, des- perate expedients by which the aver- :uge church is struggling to wring mo- ney for Christ's Bride, from the pock ets of Mammon? 'These is something grievously wrong somewhere, in the conception of our faith and its fellotw- sh'ip. Is not the great need of the Church to -clay, more faith in ,God, and in the things of God,—purity, honesty, truth, integrity, love? We sing, "Christians Awake." Is it not high time we are putting these words into action, lest some day, in the not too far distant future, we may lose that precious heritage handed down to its from•oer fathers=The Church! '`You are writing each day 'a letter to 1nen, Se sore that the writing. is +rue, For the only Gospel that some men may read Is the Gospel ACCIURDZING TO you," The Many -Purpose Off, --Both in the Ionise and stable there arc scores of Inca for Dr, Thomas' .Eclectric Oil. Ltse it for cuts, bruises, bions, scalds he pains of rhetnmlis.nt and sciatica some throat and chest. Horses are, liable vert large`' to similar ailments and mishaps as afflict mankind!, and . are cnunll,, amenable to the ' healing nae, of this fine old remedy which has made thousands of firis! !friends during the past fifty years, BODIES IDENTIFIED. ,The nn ate - Y nY sun•aunding the deaths and identities of three young girls, "babes in the woods," found atop a mountain ,� ern in southern.. I eltn'sylvauia, and a man and a woman, slain in a in a suicide 'pact 'near ,Altoona, Pa, 11100 miles away, has been solved. The missing 'key to 'the puzzle which bat- tled Pennsylvania authorities for al- most a week, was ,furnished when word cattle from California which es- tablished the victims as 'Elmo Noakes of Roseville, .Cal., a fruit company employee: his daughters, Nornia4l2, .'Devilla, 10, and Cored•lia, 8, and his niece and housekeeper, '\Winnifred 1?ierce, 09. Noakes sud- denly left Roseville about November 1112, taking his children and hie niece with him, He was driving a sedan. Apparently as they traveled they ran oust of 'money, and death .presented it- ,ett i� s a- a the only solution a to the e emo- tional and economic !tangle in which they found themselves. The bodies of the three children were found care- fully laid out an, a blanket on a de- serted !Pennsylvania hillside. They apparently had been suffocated, All possible means of identification had been removed. Later, the body of a 'ratan and woman were discovered 100 miles away, and authorities inrmed- lately t til eked the ttw Odi: S cove ' rte s. Then she abandoned an doped sedalt was found, and itielded Y the first clue that pointed the investigation to California: The license plates had been removed, and an attempt had ;been made to scratch out the motor number, 'The number, however, was deciphered and the car was eventually traced to Noakes, whe bought it 'October 39 from a dealer in 'Roseville. S do wi ra in .0 5,0 th wa .ht wh tat fea the he but col con tip vie vel ed 5101 'llel ate, istra read IT be orde actin pose the legis has 1 will tions i;;ina and State :bib long Cal and '1 ulplo pennf of rel nsltal, just h the C of so times Wh by a past 13 Cabbie ;Of tars' wo minor budget, the use for go. , How•eve upkeep •1. Il on kirt•in, a cost of biles. T1 showed tion. 11.55 at that would a, 'Olt5w, that. the Ministers expensive dollars al t'sxes, Ed "eSii011 1� -hilly net Went a T. LAWRENCE SEAWAY PACT, Changes is that big international C111ne11t the i5;t, Lawrence 'treaty. 11 retard it of they are essential to tification b • Parliament, y �lrliaunent, The Wash - zoo administration, anion; other ?,,,talon., is iuncder-,tood to have pressed a desire to have lnodi'fiec7 at 5:au•ae which provides that, on e (nna 15n section of the water- y. Canadian labor and materials t11 be a u1 exclu rtelt, The view ich find current expression at Os- va is that this 1s one of the carding: titres of the arrangement in which re should be no variation, The ,sty took a long time to negotiate when finally concluded, it was tsidercd to be fair to both sides. In sequence, change is not conceded be either desirable nr necessary. In w• of the fact that President Roose- t's prestige is enormously enhanc- es a result of the recent Congres- na1 elections, with a ttlo-thirds nocratic,preponderance in the Sen - the opinion is that, if the adntun- tion insists on ratification, it will ily be possible, he Canadian Parliament will not asked to sanction the treaty until Kington does, nor, as stated, in r to supposedly promote favorable n there, is •the !Government dis- d to yield any gronuc. Thus, in consideration of the program of lation for the session, the treaty to definite place at present and it have one only under the condi- as stated -adherence to the or - pact on all the main principles favorable action by the United Senate -,early action at that. EASING THE EN ertft isn't broke yet. shot. \n4 by a gary and Edmonton, Lethbridge fedicine Hat ratepayers and mn- yed may feel the pinching of es at the capital in the reduction ief grants, but it's "business as ' at the Capital. Haven't they ought six new automobiles for abinet Ministers at an average se $11;500 apiece? p Away, 'hard at if the Budget hasn't balanced total of some $1'0,0'90,0'()0! in the ve years! What's that when t Ministers must ridel otiose trine or ten thousand dol- rth of neve automo'bi'les is a matter in a $16,000,000 annual St's just one of those "what's „ things that snake it so easy 'ern merits to spend stoney, r•, it isn't the first cost, it's the' that counts. List session, II. tgastiery, Member for Wetas- ,ked some questions about the operating' Af.inisters' autonto- se return . tabled in the House that in ;19313 the cost of opera - $400/1;213. 'rise Arlinisters' cars time had an original cost of. CIL so that the depreciation nouns to about another $4,000 and Toronto seem to',think Cost Of supplying Cabinet with automobiles is a rather item in these days When •e hard to :get by way of ,n ceiton's artsw-er t0 Ilse &Lt° to step out and buy sis v nuc..- Let's bridgeHerald I3cra ! tet_ lid For Sale ads, 1 weep 35c,