HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-12-06, Page 1The hills and leafless forest slowly yield To the thick -driving snow. A little while And night shall darken down. In shouting file The woodmen's carts go by me home- ward -wheeled, SeaforthNe HURON' COUNTY S LEADING NEWSPAPER Past the thin fading stubbles, half concealed, Now golden gray, sowed softly' through with snow, Where the last ploughman follows% still his row, Turning black furrows through the. whitening field. Archibald Dairyman. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 56, No. 49 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934 Phone 84. $1 a year. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant 1 Box of Oxydol FREE. WITH EVERY 25c WORTH OF P. & G. SOAP 4 cakes of CALAY SOAP for ....20c with Wash Cloth Free. 10 bars of SURPRISE SOAP with one Dairy Pail All for CORN STARCH, 3 pounds for 25c SHIRRTF'S ORANGE MARMA- LADE ,,,,.,4 lb. tin @ 60c CLARKS VEGETABLE & TOMATO SOUP 4 cans for 29c (CL'ARK'S 'S'PAGHETTI @ 10c can PEAS 3 cans for 29c 'LYNN VALLEY CORN— small tins 4 for 25c 79c INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD, half price • reg. 70c for 35c Master and O.A.C. Laying Mash. Eggs -1e extra for Trade. LA.C.,,Routledge ONE 166 COAL AL QUALITY -SERVICE PHONE E.;.L.BQX , 43 NORTHSIDE W. M. S. MEETS. INorth Side United Church W.M.S. spent a very pleasant afternoon, Wed- nesday afternoon of last week, at the home of Mrs. John Finlayson when -about sixty members and their friends 'attended the November social meet- ing. Mrs. W. Webster, convener of the program committee, presided. Mrs. Annie Wescott and Mrs. Annie 'Reid led the devotions. Two splend- id reports of the sectional meeting held in the Egrondville United (Church were given, Miss Jean Fer- guson taking the morning and Mrs. J. C. 'Laing taking the afternoon ses- ,sion, These reports received a very ;hearty applause, iI't is very apparent that the W, M. S. faces not only op 'portunities and open doors ani every +hand, but Macedonian calls to which only the deafest ears could be closed. A social half hour was then spent over a cup of tea and a 'bountiful lunch provided' by the ladies of, 'Group One, GOLDEN WEDDING Many friends gathered at the home, of Mr. and, firs. :Samuel Bennett in iWingham on (Dec. 3 to extended congratulations on their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary, Mrs. Bennett was. 'formerly Mary Jane Jefferson, born in 'Eltillett, a-daugh'te.r of the late David !Jefferson, where she lived until her marriage by Rev. 'Ir. Stewart of Clin- ton, to Samuel Bennett' of Tucker - smith. '.).'hey resided in Seaforth where it . Bennett carried on a planing mill incl contracting business. in 1597 they anoved to Wirigham, where he enter- ed the same business, retiring x114 years ago:' NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Minister. Sunday, Dec. 9th. -111 a,m„ "Where Christ Begin,- with Us." Come and hear this serinon. You w'il'l not regret it. 7 p.m,—"The Lost Son." The fourth sermon on the parable of the Prodigal Son, Everybody welcofnd. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH iSuiiday, Dec, 9t11,—!Second Sunday in Advent, or Abidal Sunday. Sunday School assembled at parish hall 10.35 a.m. Horning service '14 o'clock; short address to children, 19.30. Sermon topic, "Great Gifts and Obligations." Evening service 7 o' - click; sermon topic, 'Lanterns and. Other Lights Small and Great." All welcome, Canon, Austin Smith, choir- master; Canon E. Appleyard,Rector. EGMONDVILLE CHURCH Reverend Charles Malcolm, 1L: 1.,B,D• Sunday, Dec. 9.—At 10 o'clock, S.S. and 'Bi'ble Study; 'theme, "The Chris- tian as Teacher." At 111 o'clock:.S'acranment of the Lord's Supper. Theins, "l'fy Body (Broken for You," IIs the evening; "1'n, the Spirit at the Lord's Day." IThe Pre -Communion service will he on Thursday everting at $ o'clock. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH W.A, The annual meeting of St, Thomas 'Church WA, was held on Tuesday, Dec, 4, in the parish hall. .Twenty members were present and Mrs. Ap- pieyard, the president, was in the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn followed' 'by Scripture reading and prayers. The various reports for the year were read and adopted, after which Canon Appleyard took charge of the election of officers for the coming year, to be as follows: (President Mrs, Appleyard; vice ores., firs banlEgntond; treas., firs, 'Deena; see y., -firs. W. E. Southgate. !After a short address by the rector_ the meeting closed with the benedic- tion, after which refreshments were served and a pleasant hour spent. JR. FARMERS' HOCKEY The Seaforth Junior Farmers' Ho- ckey Club will hold their anneal meet- ing in the council chamber in the town halt!, Seaforth, Saturday night, Dec. 8, at 8 o'clock, A. good representation "front all teams is requested as im- portant matters are to be discussed. LITERARY ;SOCIETY The programme of the S:C:I, Liter- ary .Society meeting, which was held on Tuesday, Dec. 4, was mainly of a musical nature. Pt was centred on Beethoven's life and .musical composi- tions. Sarah Whitmore playing the Sonata in G was 'followed by Dorothy Golding who delivered an excellent 'biography of his life and works. Ar- thur Golding played the Adagio, a movement from the .Moonlight Son- ata, on the violin, accompanied by !Reg. Pryce. F. Whitmore, the presid- ent, was in the chair. The meeting closed by the singing of ,God Save the King. HOCKEY iAt a meeting at the home of Roy )Kerr last week it was decided to hold the first hockey match on Dec, 8tli if there is ice, the contesting teams be- ing the Seaforth 'Tigers and the Eg- mantiville Flags, 'The pf'oposed line- ups are: Tigers—IAl'bert Venus, -goal; -Glen Hildebrand and Francis Phillips, defence; Lorne Tbbots'en, a•. wing; Jos. Smith, 1. ,wnig; Roy Kerr, centre. Flags— Ken. Beaton, goal; Bill Smith and Grant Finnigan, defence; Donnie MacLean, r. wing; Melvin Messenger, 1. wing; Gordon 'Finnigan, - centre, IThe challenging attitude of this great (Gray Arctic Owl is typical of its fierce itature, 01 was captured by lho ter 'Bennett about five o'- clock 1 rid'ay afternoon at 13:rcw- er's corner on the North Road, 1•yi miles north of 'Seaforth; fn the battle its sharp, curved beak and claws tore' Mr. Bennett's gloves 1-T'ciwever, next day it posed quiet- ly for the camera and no 'doubt will become quite tame, H. 0.'B. ANNUAL MEETING The 912nd annual meeting of the Huron iOld Boys' :Association -of 'To- r0Into was held Monday. night, .Dee. 4th, in the. Central Y.M,C,:\, Audi- torium, Toronto, As usual, a large at- tendance of members from all parts ,f Huron County attested to the strength of the organization, This is the largest-ofits kind in Canada and is the only one that has -rim continu- ously far more than ten years. Its present membership is more than twelve hundred. ]b'br the first time in the history of the organization the genial secretary, Ed.'Moody, vas absent. He has been confined to his home with pneumonia for same time but is now progressing rapidly, and 011 every ,hand were heard numerous tributes to the fact that he had been responsible for the carrying on of the Association, espe- cially during the trying years of the war period. The new 'President is George E. her usoin former! f g y o Brussels, and under his leadership the Association is assured of continued progress. (After the election of officers Euchre and Bridge were played and there was much good humored competition for the many prizes, )Huron Old :Boys' Association Of- ficers for 191315: Honorary (President, 'Hon. •R. A. \Voir, Mr. J. A. MILaren Mr, T. A. Russell, Dr, 11. J. Hodgins, )Ir. A..'C. McVicar, Honorary Vice -Presidents, Mrs. H. 1. Hodgins, Mrs. H. IB. Stowe, - Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mrs. R. 'Brooks, Miss F. Patterson, 1[rs, J. •A' McLaren, Mrs. '"3 A. Campbell, .Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson,Mrs. Jno. Moon, Mrs. D. Robertson, Mfrs. E. Floocly, -firs. G. C. 3'onn 'Mrs. B. E. McCreath, 'Mrs. W. A. )Buchanan. !Honorary Advisory Committee -- Mrs. Wm. t-llcCreath, Mrs. R. Vol- ute., \1i Jos, Iiecic, Mrs, S. I.. Scott, Mr M. Sanderson. President, -lir. G. E. Ferguson, ,Vice-'Pre;idents, Mr. '1' . A. Camp- bell, 'Miss 11. Morrish, 'Air. W.' A. Bu- chanan, hiss E. .Bryans, 1G•, 11. Brooks, Miss Anne Crittenden, ;lar, Hy Martin, -.Mrs. A. E.,Forbes, :lfr. G. R, Dane -l•Irs, D. D. Wilson, Miss E. King, Mrs. Chesney. [Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. Moody. Secretary, lfr. Ralph Sheppard, eksst,•iSecty., Miss S. Wa•iker. Treasurer, Mr. '\Val. ,Powell. (Fin, Secty., Mr. R. 'S. Sheppard, Chaplain, Rev. R. C. MLdDermid. Organist Mrs. T-Iy. 'Martin 'Auditors air. H. I. Morrish and Mr. S. M. Wickens. Conveners of Conn anittees-IReccp- tion, Mrs.. 'G. E. Ferguson; refresh- ment Mrs. ID. Thompson, firs. H. B. Stoiwe, Mrs. G. C. Young; program A. Campbell; publicity, Mr. A. G. Smith, property, lir. G. N. Newton; visiting, Mrs. H. ;I. Brown. Special IRepresenta•tives — fBayifield, Mr, J. A. Cameron; Bluevale, :lar. H. IStoas e; Blyth, Mr, W. J T'am- blyn; Brueefle1d, Mr. T. Mustard; ,Brusse'is, Dr. J. G. 'Ferguson; Clinton, lfr. W. V. Cante'lon; :Egmond'ville, lir, ,D. D, Wilson; Exeter, ML•r, S. 3. Hicks:'Go derich, 7e[r, Athol Mc- Quarrie; Gorrie, \•[r. R. A. Greer; Hensall, Dr. Byrom 'Canp'bell; Lon- delboro, Mr. John Moon;: Saitiord, 11r. ,R. C. King; Seaforth, -lir. A. E. rorlbes; Wingha'm Mr. 1V, H. Pear- son; Zurich, -tars, A. -Becker, PENNY BANK DE'PO;SIT,S Total amount on deposit in the Penny Bank at Seaforth- at end of October, 1.964: $I1,53,9•82'; comparative figures of a year ago: $11,577.57, Total amount on deposit in the province at end of October 1103:4; $1,,309 ,70-129; number of schools de- positing, 475. Comparative figures of a year ago; Amount $1,11199,411i1..9,3 Schools, 4170. HENSALL RECTOR AND BRIDE HONORED iOn the afternoon of Monday, Dec. 3rd, the Anglican clergy of .Huron Deanery, with their wives, met at St. Thomas, Church rectory, to extend their good ravishes to Rev. 31. B. Parker, rector of Hensall, and his bride. The following clergy were present; Rev. F. .G. Rickard of Brus- sels and '-firs. Rickard; Rev. R. S. Jones of 'Gorrie and Mrs clones; 'Rev. L. V. Pocock of 'Blyth and Mrs. Poc- ock; 'Ven. Archdeacon Jones -B'a'te - man and his wife Mrs. (Canon) Hill, Rev. J N. and Mrs. Bills of iGoderrclt, Rev, K, MoGoun of Clin- ton and Mrs, 'MdGoun; Rev, NV. G. Bugler of Baydfield and Mrs, Bugler; Rev. M. A. Hunt of Exeter and Mrs. Hunt. Regret was expressed at the absence of Rev, Mr. Roberts of '\V•ingham, who owing to illness was unable to attend. The bride was pre- sented with an electric toaster alter which very dainty refreshments were served, Mrs, Austin Smith pouring tea. Canon and Mrs. Appleyard ex- tended a cordial welcome to the guests and all spent a very pleasant social thour. H. H. JOHNSTONE. 'Profound regret was expressed in Seaforth in the death of Herbert Hugh Johnstone On Monday in Scott Memorial Hospital, following a few days' illness, Mr. Johnstone was an interior decorator and painter by trade and became ill Wednesday last while at work at the Dick House and went to the home of W. J. \Valk- er•;'by Friday :horning his condition had become serious, +I•Ie was removed to the hospital where a complication was diagnosed, and later pleurisy set in, and he passed away on 'Monday morning. Born, liftydfive years ago in Sea - forth, son of the late Robert John- stone, deceased had lived here practi- cally all his life. Of a genial, oblig- ing disposition he was fondly known to all as "'Danny." ,Ln politics he was a 'Conservative; he was a member of St.- -Thomas' Anglican Church at which Ile had been vestry clerk for many year, besides various other positions in the church. 'Surviving are two 'brothers, fiotutcillor Thomas Johnstone of Seaforth, and Mayor - elect William A, Johnstone of Lis- towel, and two sisters, lass. Archie Middienmost and :!Miss Mildred. John- stone, of 'Hamilton. The funeral took place from St. Thomas' Church on 'Wednesday af- ternoon, the service being conducted by Canon Appleyard, assisted by Ca- non Smith. The pallbearers were A. I). Sutherland, 11. G. Parke, Fred Johnston W. R. Smith, J. E. Keat- ing, A, \1. Dick. Interment took place Maitland .Bank Cemetery. :Among those attending the funeral were Mrs. Middlemc+st and hiss Mil- dred Johnstone • 1 Hamilton, Mayor and Mrs. iIV. A. Johnstone of List,, wet, 'Mrs. Hodgins and jack and Mrs, Harry Speare of Torino,, ATTENDED PRESBYTERY meeting of -Huron Presbytery 07 the United Church was held at Cen- tralia an 'Tuesday. ,:Among those in at- tendance were ,Rev, C. C. Kafue ani! Rev, T. A. Carmichael of :Seaforth; Rev. C. A. 'Malcolm and Mr. Janes Brown of Egmondviile, Rev. 1V. A. Bremner and Mr. Haugh of Bruce - field.• 'Plans were made for the spec- ial services throughout the whole Presbytery, in nvlhich the ministeIrs will co-operate with one another in exchanging pulpits during the middle of ijanniary. lir. Malcolm was chair- man of the meeting and the devo- tional address vas taken by Mr. Car- michael. DIED IN THE WEST !Suffering a stroke while enroute to her home at Lawson, Sask„ after a visit to relatives in Fergus. and Sea - forth, Ontario, Mrs. E. J Caldwell died recently at Marquis, Sask. The funeral was held to the Central Butte cemetery,Rev, R. A. Clack;on, of ITJawson, officiating. Pallbearers were D. R. Ross, Marquis; D. S. Blair, Tuxford; M. AA Ross, Central Butte; A, J. Grieve, D. M. Robertson and W. T, hood, of 'Lawson Mrs. Cald- well was 'born an Hay township, Hu rein county, Ontario, January 21, 18771. She remarried Edward James Caldwell fannary 117, 1899, anti the two came west l0 Regina in June, 1406, Moving to the Lawson area in 101110Surviving`. are: Her husband; three sons, Care, It home Mervyn, Fergus, Ont., Dou- glas, in Lawson three daughters, Alms. L. Gear, Fergus; Winnie and raiIa, art horse, and tmvo brothers, D. McColl, of Lawson and 1). D.!Mc- Coll in Winnlpeg. Rhinestone Jewelry The vogue for fall and winter is Rhinestone Jewelry. Sparkling, bright and colorful it adds charm to the costume, and gives just that touch so much needed to make the costume complete. We are showing real Rhinestone Jewelry in the sea- son's latest styles of Levellers, Rings, Earrings, Broochs, Pendants and Bracelets. The better lines are all hand set stones and are permanent. We will be glad to have you call and see the new Rhinestone Jewelry. SSHOP AT AVAUGE'S AYS IT P Phone 194 Res, 10 LETTERS FROM THE WEST Verlo, Sas!:. Dear lfr, hiller Mame. :In answer to your note foundin a sack of mixed vegetables, we as a fa- mily of six wish to thank you, very; very much for same; also the potatoes arrived here in splendid coi'idition, and such lovely potatoes, You ask how we are going along, \Telt, that is a hard thing to tell you. We just seen to keep going along from day to day; of course, we are all on relief here. We have had no crop for 2 years, and things do not look very good for next year. We have only had one good days rain all this year, and of caurse are verybad her el, thegrasshoppersra too, ,But J ant very thankful to tell you we all have good health, As I said, we are a -family of six, husband, 'four children and myself, A11 four children go to school, ages from eld- est r16, youngest 8 years; they have 3 miles to mvaik'to school. I might tell you that there were nearly '800 people here waiting anxi- ously until that car of vegetables was opened. Some were waiting before it was daylight, some people came more than 20 miles, but we all got a hare, and were those people plea -sed! The vegetables that carne have such a lovely flavor. They taste just like in the Old Country. We are "Elias' i by the way," trying to farts here since 19110. Have never been off this place. since every- year we say we'll have better luck next year. The ap- ples were divided anong the several c.dr,iols in the Municipality, so all the children got them. Of course, they bring one home for Father and Mother.'I trust you people are all well and thanking you all very, very much, I remain, Your very sincerely, Mrs. Jos, Peters. IPS. --We will be pleased to hear from you all the time. Vella, Sask, Nov. 27, 1934. Dear Miss Evelyn Shade. S• passed your mitten's along to a woman that needed then, but in case she doesn't write, I'm just drop- ping a line to thank you and all the others that so generously donated things. _About 915 per cent of the peo- ple in this municipality are on relief:: of course, .that doesn't give a very fat living and the cars of vegetables dis- tributed throughont the '\Vest certain- ly- help. The car front Seaforth caste to Hazlet and from there was given out to about two hundred and some families. The clothing was divided into parcels and sent to the different districts, I might mention here that warts coats of any description are in great demand. This is our second poor year, and I imagine we aren't nearly so badly off as the people to the South and East 91 us. They are on their fifth poor year. S often wonder if good times ever conte again, will it teach the people a essems on saving for a rainy day. The \Vest has made money bat never learned how to save a little, Jf you know Mrs, Leo Stephenson, tell her 'I passed her shoes on to a little woman. I'1 they didn't fit she was to return them, to be given to some one else, so she will likely hear from her. 1I came from Ontario years ago and know what conditions are there for the working classes, so that I know they sacrifice to send those cars to.. the West, and I hope everyone ap- preciates the giving as much as I do. Mrs. Harry Charman. W. I. The regular meeting of the Junior ;Women's Institute will be held at the - home of Miss J'osep'hine Edge on, Wednesday, Dec. 112th, at 2.30 pm.. '1''he roll call will be answered by "Something We Remember as a Child about Christmas." Will the' members please bring a white Christ- mas gift far relief work. EGMONDVILLE HOCKEY' .On Thursday, Nov. 29th a meeting, of the Egmondvil'le Hockey Club was field, with Win. Manson in, the chair.. The Egmondville Club decided to' again enter the Httron League and probably the Rural Hockey Associa- tion. The results of the election for of. 4icers were: Hon. Pres., W. J. Finni- gan; president, Charles Kruse; vice: pre Ment, J. lfc'Elroy; secretary -treas- urer, R. MacLean; manager, A. Nich- olson; coach, Wm. 'Manson. Com- mittee to look after players, G. Kruse, J. Flannery, Wm. \ianot; socia: convener, A. Finnigan; representative at league meeting., Frank Kling. • The Club are fortunate in securin.; IW. J. Finn+igan's vacant store and in- tend to hold numerous euchre: throughout the winter. The first one on Thursday, Dec, 6, will be a stag euchre. ANNUAL 'MEETING (Annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid.' of North Side United Church was held in the vestry on 'Tuesday after- noon at 3 o'clock, After receiving the annual reports which showed an in: crease in all the departments over the year before, the fo'll'owiftg officers and committees were appointed: Ilion. Pres., Mrs. Thompson; past Pres., Mrs. Cluff; Pres„ Mrs, Iud- son; lst vice ores., Mrs. Archibald: 2nd vice press, _Mrs. Frost; rec, sec,,.. Mrs. rGlew; cor. secy., Mrs. Finlayson; treasurer, tars. M'aGavin; assistant, Mrs. Finlayson; parsonage coin., Mrs. . Consitt, -Mrs. Crich and Mrs. Coates; • flower count Mrs, Mcllntosh, Mrs. Finlayson, Mrs. Frost, Miss Bristow; kitchen comm., Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Glew and Mns. WelS11; quilting coin., Mrs. Grieve, i3[rs. Frost, Miss 'Bris- tow and Mrs. Coates. BEECHWQOD The many friends of Mrs, James Evans are pleased to know she is re- covering after her recent illness, Mr. Wm. Flanagan made a bus'- ae trip to Toronto on Monday. Miss Elizabeth Carlin visited with friends in Seaforth over the week end. Mrs, Owen Flynn and family of Clinton visitedher mother, Mrs. 3, Evans on ,Sunday,