The Seaforth News, 1934-11-29, Page 5THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE. Shop and Save at Superior Stores ITEMS FOR ONE ;WHOLE WEEK MAPLE LEAF SALMON % LB. TIN 17c _,,111 11,11 ... .. . ............. , J' . ,ORANGE MARMALADE 40 OZ, JAR 25c HILLCREST SHORTENING, l's 2 LBS. 23 c CROSSE & BLACK:WELL'S CATSUP. LARGE, B OTTLE PER 'PKG, 5 c McCORMICK'S GINGER SNAP CO'OKIES 2 LBS. 19c HANDY •AMMONIA , 18c Aylmer Infant's Food Mincemeat Calay 'Soap Shaker Salt, plain or iodized Turkish Cooking Figs Eating 'Figs, 8 oz. cello wrapped 'Gold Soap S. 0. S. Scouring Pads, small --14c; Large Sweet Santa Clara Prunes Kellogg's Corn Flakes Shredded Wheat Biscuits FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKING— Sultana Raisins, cleaned Currants, cleaned Lemon or Orange Peel Citron Peel Glace Cherries Glace Pineapple Seeded Raisins, 15 oz. pkg. fancy .. Fancy Bleached Sultana 'Raisins Lexia Raisins, with seeds Superior Baking !Powder, 8 oz. -15c; Shelled Almonds doss J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce 2 tins 2 lbs. per cake 2 cartons 2 lbs, per pkg. 5 cakes large 2 lbs. 2 pkgs, 2 pkgs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. per lb. per lb. lb. 14 ]b. per pkg. per lb. 2 lbs, 16 oz. per lb.. Phone 8 23c 27c 20c 28c 10c 150 15c 18c 25c 25c 39c 21c 25c 5c 17c 17c 10c 19c 23c 25c 17c 25c Phonei 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J 'ALI�. D R holder oiGo- vernnient diploma and license, Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE—AUTO—WIND Our Policies Will Protect You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully protected—you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE SPECIAL Choice farm in the Township of MOKillop, good soil, good build- ings, well located, well watered, 'hydro, many extras. Also Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Call, Phone or Write Us. • A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. SEAFORTH MARKETS Butter, per Ib dee :Bats, per bushel 1 , 3113c wheat, per ,bushel ' . . 913c Feed barley, per bushel .. 48c Malting barley, per bushel 65.c i..ggs, per doz. 20c -30c Potatoes, per bag 40c Hogs, per cunt $7.35 HULLETT. .Sunday last was the golden.wedding• .if lir. and Mrs. John Shanahan of •E[nllett township, and to fittingly mark .he event the inndnecliiate family connection gathered at the homestead m partake of a "golden wedding'din- ncr" at 6 o'clock The home decora- rkais were golden ,nru'nts and the din- ing table 22110 centred with a large wedding cake. Mrs. Shanahan wore a ;Tress :of black crepe with sand trim- mings. The guests who slat down to the wedding dinner were Father M. t\. Sudlivati, Mr. and Mrs. Charles' 'Sihanaihait and fanti'1Y, .Clinton; Mr, and Mrs. John Shanahan,' Jr., 'Elul- felt; Mrs. Charles Smyth, and Miss DANCE! Londesboro Hall Friday, Dec. 7 COLLIN'S ORCHESTRA Admission: Gents 215c, Ladies lfsc Medelitte Clinton; Miss :\moa Shan- ahan, Sudbury, and Mr, and Mrs. Jo- csph Boyle, Auburn, John Shanahan and Anna .McIntosh were married in St, Joseph's R. C, Church, Clinton. by Father \\afters, who \gas then priest of the parish. An interesting feature of the wedding was "a double," the brides .being sisters, the second cou- ple being Miss M. 11c'Intosh and J. (Brennan, Mr. and- \Mrs. Shanahan have a fancily of four boys and three girls and there are fourteen grand- children. They were recipients of many beautiful gifts and a great many congratulatory cards and letters. TOWN TOPICS: Mr, Thornton Howard' is wearing his hand iat splints since 'breaking the bones batik of the hvrist on Tuesday evening. He had just -returned to Daly's (Garage after supper when iu some manner he tripped over a piece orf iron oil the shop floor, striking an anvil in falling. Mr. John McCdoy, who had his foot and leg crushed some time ago when kicked by a horse, is now able to be out of the house on crutches. 'It is understood Mfr, (Smith of Pett- erboro wild open a ,hoe store within the next couple or weeks in the Re- gent theatre block, Mr. and Mrs. !Smith were la town od Tuesday and will occupy one of the Regent apart menti. Mr. IT, M. Robertson, Miss Robert- son son and "lir. and Mrs. Sans Hanna Visited friends at Walton on Monday. Mr, and lifts, 'T'op'ping visited with friends at Baydfield on Tuesday, 'Miss Lafora Mole visited friends in London 011 Friday. !Miss 011ft•e (Laidlaw is visiting in Boston. IDr.'H H. Ross and Dr, F. J. Bur- rows \vete in Tomato on Monday and attended the 'Winter !Fair.' Miss Ben and Miss \Vood, accom- panied by Donald and I-Iarry Scott, spent the weak end in Toronto, at- tending the Royal'Winter Fair, • Mr. !Wild Brine. was a Toronto- vis- itor this week, attencding the Winter Fair. Col. and 'Mrs. R. S. Hays, Miss ...Wary Hays -.and' Mr. George Hays have been spending a few days • in 'Windsor, The Council held an informal spec- ial meeting on Wednesday evening when the Canada Furniture factory situation was discussed. - :Mrs. john Laird is spending the winter with Mie. J, L. !Smith, 5, Main street. ,lir, I1 '1. Trapnell. who has been under the doctor's care for some time is able to' be around again. Miss Florence Spain of Galt is spending a few days with her grand- mother, Mrs. Nixon. air, and Mrs. Jake Vincent of Pres- ton were visiting at the hone 0f Mrs, Vincent's brother, Mr. Lotus Hilde- brandt. Master Billy Trapnell, four-year-old _.on of •\Ir, and Mrs, I -I, Trapnell, is in the hospital where he had an oper- ation for appendicitis on Sunday. Billy and his sister,.' Peggy, had under- gone tonsil operations the previous week. Don't forget the eleventh annual commencement of the Seaford') Col- ietate institute on "Friday evening, Nov. -3Uth, in Cardno; 1lalh CONSTANCE Rev. and Mrs, Chas, Leslie of Rich- mond were visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheatley for EL few clays this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter •3[ansfield and Mrs. Rohl Leach of lautbton Coun- ty spent the'week end -at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wnt. Britton. 'Mrs. 1Britton returned with them and will pend a few weeks with her 0011, Rev. 3. C. 'Britton of Coir tright. The S.S.will hold •their Christmas tree ou Thursday evening: Dec 20 The Club of Progress held on Fri- day night last was ankh enjoyed by all and over '100 people were in atten- dance. -I.t is proving to he a splendid medium for cultivating the talents of both young and older people that they may be more useful in the com- munity. The vice-president, Viola iClarke, presided, One of• the stain fea- tures was a dehate, "Resolved that the railways of Canada should be am- algamated Tite affirmative carried •the decision Mrs. Will 'Thompson, \its, .Leo Stephenson and Mrs. Geo. Carter acted as judges. The men took. the affirmative, Will Jewitt, Ross 1[c - Gregor, and John Kellar and the girls the negative, Isobel Jamieson, Ella Dexter and Ethel IDenter. Mrs, Will l'Ilonipsongave ii splendid talk nn cher trip to the World's Fair in Chica- go. Another delightful pant off the pro-• grant Was the study of Pauline John stop's life. Doris Lawson told the tory. 'Two poems were read by Mrs, Stephenson and Helen Britton and the poem, "Canadian Born,' was sung by, Louis :1-Temlberger. The program 1011101btee was Mrs..Howard Arm strong, Mrs, Roy Lawson and Mr.. George Wheatley. "Tose who attended the Royal Winter .Parr in Toronto: 'Messrs, Geo,. '!Wheatley,• Will Carnochan •'Leo Ste oitenson, Howard Armstrong, ...Arnold C'glclough, ••Milton Moore aid Lois lFle'nvlberger . • Mr. and Mrs. Guy amain -gilt -an and little balby spent'Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. (\: Dexiter. McKILLOP BRANCH W. M, S. The McKillop branch of the \W.M S, of.First Presbyterian Church held its November meeting at the Imine or Mrs, 511nR0 T. Scott on 'Thursday af- ternoon with a good attendance of members and friends present. Mrs. J, •L, Bell presided and the program opened with the singing of hymn an), Mrs. !1\•nt, 'Drover tool: the scripture lesson, after which -Mrs. 3, L, 11011 led in prayer. Jean Scott read an article 00 the Chinese W.M S. in Vancouver, An interesting letter written by Dr, Margaret Strang 'S:av- auge about her work and crop conditions in Oixonville, \1ti., 0110 read by Mrs. Wm. Hogg \ire. J, A. Kerr then favored with a pleasing solo, accompanied by Mrs. NI, R. Rennie. Miss !Stella tRichmand gave an inspiring reading entitled "Keep- ing Touch with our Lord," The Glad Tidings ,prayer was. taken by. Mrs. T. W. McMillan. Mr, John !Scott then \delighted the ladies with a solo, "Light of the World," 'which was fol- lowed ttith a pleasing duet, ''Hark, Hark, My Soul," by Mrs. 31 12. Ren- nie and \Ir. (John Scott, Aster the of- fering was taken hymn 494 was sung and the meeting was closed by all re- peating the Lord prayer in unison. JOINT MEETING A joint meeting of the Senior W. 1fiS. and the Barbara Ikirktnan Y.W. A. was held Tuesday in the school roost of First Presbyterian Church vi'itdt a large attendance, Mrs. John Sclater, president of the Barbara iNirkntan Auxiliary presided. Mrs. ij'antes Kerr took charge during the .business period, T'hc report of the (Barbara Kirlaman Auxiliary was read by the secretary, Mrs. Jahn MacTav- ish, the roll call being responded to by members of the different groups. It was decided to send a bale to needy districts in the West, Members sof the supply and the Barbara Kinkntan will take charge. Mrs. Neil, GtIlespie read a letter from the Presbyterial presid- ent, :Mss Jecicyll of Exeter, 'giving an outline of the Provincial Board meet- ing meeting in yrhich she urged the members to strive to make their al- doc'ation, Mrs. J, IA..Kerr favored with a solo, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. M. It, Rennie. An excellent pap- er on the topic, "Making the Most Of Life's Second Best Seas 'read by Miss Belle Campbell and the Clad Tidings prayer by Mfrs. Grace lions. At the next meeting teh Macdonald group tvill he in charge of the Barbara 'Kirkman.'Miss 11(. Storey . acted as accompanist. RVant and ,For Sale ads; 11 woe!: 25c "FATHER AND SON" SERVICES ( On Sunday, Dec, 2nd, service's of special interest will be held at all three churches on the11cKi11'op pas -1 torat charge. At Bethel, Duff's and •Caven Church, Winthrop, "Father and Son" day wilt be observed, Fa- thers and sons wilt sit together in the services, occupying the centre section of the church. The pastor, 'Rev. G, E. \'borrow, will deliver a sermon in keeping with the occasion. His sub- ject will be, "The Parable of the Prodigal Father," Blake W. 'Go:dfrey's Parable of the Prodigal Father reads A certain man .had two sons; and the younger of them said to his fath- er,'Father, give the the portion of thy time, and thy attention, and thy cnnt- paavionhip and thy counsel, which talleth to one,' (And he divided unto theta his liv- ing in that he paid the boy's bill, and sent him to a select preparatory school, and to college, and tried to be- lieve that he was doing his duty by the boy. `Anel not many clays after, the fath- er gathered all his interests and asp- irations and ambitions, and took his journey into a far country, into a land of stocks and bonds and securi- ties and other things which do not in- terest a boy; and there he wasted his precious opportunity of being a 0111101 to his 01521 boy, "And when he had spent the very hest of his life, and had gamed mon- ey, but had failed to find satisfaction, there arose a nighty famine in his heart, and he began to be iii want cf sympathy and real companionship, "And he went and joined himself to one of the clubs of that country and they elected him chairman of the house committee ami president of the club, and he would fain have satisfied himself with the husks that other men diel eat and no man gave him any real friendship. "Bat when he came to himself he said, 'How Many Wren of my acquain- tance have boys whom they under- stand and who understand them; who talk about their hays and associate with their boys. and seem -perfectly happy in the comradeship of their sons, and I perish here \vitit heart hunger! I will arise and go: to my con, and will say unto him, "I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight; I ant no more worthy to be called thy father; make me one of thy cc uaintances.' '1 1 ,11d he arose and came to his soh, But while Ire was yet afar off, his son saw- him, and was moved with aston- ishment and instead of running and failing on his neck he drew hack and was ill at case. "And the father said unto hint, Son, I have sinned against heaven and in o be h • sight. am n0 more •00th • to thy 11 r worthy called tidy father, Forgive me 11015 and 'et ate be your fiend," "But the son said. 'Not so, I wish it were possible but it is too late. There was a time when I wanted to know things, when I wanted compan- ionship and counsel. I got the inform- ation and I ,got the companionship. But I got the wrong kind and now, alas, I an wrecked in soul and body and there is nothing you can do far RADIO SERVIeE When your radio is in need of servicing and you don't want to take chanceson just anyone tinkering around it, remember that Daly's Radio 'Service has been operating for more than a dozen years, that Daly's Radio Service has the latest, most complete testing equipment procurable, and that Daly's Radio Service features quick, guaranteed work at a reasonable cost, • ,' FREE Your Radio Tubes Tested FRES Sparton Radio Radio conditions are changing, You can only get full enjoyment from modern radio programs by using a modern radio. Let us show you the new Sparton radios, the finest of modern sets. Liberal allow- ance on your old radio. Time payments arranged 11 desired, SHONE 102 V ++ DALY SEAFORTH I2ADr1O SiiRVICE IN CB AR OF E'DMUN'D DA LY ale, It is too late, too late, too late.' ' With this parable as a foundation and basing his remarks on the words found in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart front it," the pastor will deliver his discourse to the fathers and .sorts. At Duff's Church a choir of the fa- thers and sons of the congregation will supply special music. At Caveo Church, Winthrop, the choir will ren- der special numbers, And at Bethel Church the choir, with Sir, Charlie Boyd as soloist, will render special numbers. 011 -Monday evening, December the 3rd at 7 o'clock at Caven Church, 'Winthrop, the fathers and sons of the charge will sit down to a banquet pre- pared by the ladies of the three churches. An orchestra will play while supper is being served: sprcia1 musical numbers will be provided and the usual- toasts will be proposed and replies made Rei. \h•, Kersey, pastor of Mitchell United Church, will be the guest speaker. FUNERAL OF M. O'LOUGHLIN. The funeral of the late Michael 0' - Loughlin of Seafarth WM. held on Sat- urday ni,n•ning from St James' .Church, where 'Requiem Mass was solenntized by Rev. Father T. P. 'Hussey, Interment was made in Dub- lin cemetery. Pallbearers were phos. .Purcell, James O'Loughlin, Joseph Burke, 1Gilbert 'Murray, John O'Con- nor and :Norman McQuaid. Among the relatives attciuiing the 'funeral were Mrs, M. O'Loughlin and daugh- ter Miss illctty, Stratford; \its. IA.. Murray, Mr, and 'Mrs. John Murray, Dublin; .firs, B. Purcell, lir, and Mrs. T. Purcell, \!r. and Mrs, Gilbert Murray, Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Mc- Quaid, Mr, and Mrs, Vincent Lane, 1310, and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor, ,\fr, and Mi,. William and family, Misses Catherine and Margaret O'- Connor, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Eckart. lir, and Mrs, T. Siemon, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maloney, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Maloney. St. Colunthan, Mr. 'O'Loughlin died at the Monte of his hicec, Mrs, Peter McIver, on Thursday, following a stroke. Mr. O'Loughlin was born on the 1'dtlt eon. of \McKillop 74 years ago and spent many years in that township. Hi farm was Ott the 9ith cnn, and is now occupied by Mr. 'J. A. Eckert. Eigh- teen years ago he retired to Dublin. Recently he made his (tone in Sea - forth on John -street. Mr. O'Lough- lin was united in marriage to Mies Mary O'Connor of Hibbert, 'who pre- deceased hint by twelve years, He -is survived by one brother and three- sietero: Thoma- O'Loughlin, Tucker - smith; Mrs, :Elizabeth Murray, Dub- lin; 'Mrs, Bridget Purcell, McKillop, and Mrs, John Menzies, Tawas City, Michigan, NORTH McKILLOP. Mrs. William Mitchell, who has stayed with her daughter, Mrs. Leon- ard Leeming since last August, passed away ,an [Saturday afternoon, She has been in ailing health for quite a while. Much sympathy goes to the ones left to mourn her doss. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell of Grey spent Sunday with \fr. and Mrs. Ed. 5, Regele. Mr. and Mrs. T. Storey, Marie and Junior spent Saturday evening with Mr, and 'Mrs, Jos. Thornton. BRUCEFIELD. Miss Alice Davidson, who has been spending the summer with her 1 6 mother and brother, has returned to San Diego, Cal. Mrs. Davidson ac- companied her as far as London where she spent several days, McKILLOP. Mr, Ed, Sullivan is spending the week -end in St. Columban, lir, Peter. Murray is '110010 from the north and reports everything o,k. \Ir, John Moro is home fr,n a visit in Kitchener, air, Fred Williams is still in oar midst. DANCING! AT DUBLIN SHORTY GRANT AND HIS 8 -PIECE BAND Thurs .i Dec. 6 Admission 25c A Real Money Maker For the Farmer with plenty of home grown grains, ROE eOMPLETE CONGENTRRTE simplifies his poultry feeding problems, assuring the maximum production of good quality eggs, maintaining the birds in abundant health, with minimum expense. ROE eOMPLETE eeNCENTRATE is a Vitamin -rich poultry food. blending a wide assortment of animal and vegetable proteins, fortified by ample cod oil and yeast, with added iron to purify the blood stream. Mix one of concentrate to four of your own grain. Over 400 of the larger 'flock owners of Perth and Huron Counties are using this with excellent results. Try it yourself. Arguing doesn't get results. A fair trial will convince you. (Full directions in each bag.) gheROE POULTRY RANCH MANUFACTURERS OF I FR EFETEDS PSV A COMPLETE POULTRY ORGANIZATION "Feeds For All Needs” ATWOOD, ONT. Local Represen,tative -.,,SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM MR. JAMES >,M, SCOTT