The Seaforth News, 1934-11-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. 41•11B1MII HENSALL. School Report.—Room I. --Sr, IV— J.aek Bell 77, Elva Alt.Queeh 76, 'Ghi- llie Cross 75, !Mary ,Clark 73, :Pearl Harpole 73. 'Alice :Pfaff 68, Douglas l.-0atsgster 67, Elgin Johnson *67, Nel- lie Fee 65, Keith Buchanan 57, Bar- bara Shepherd *-113, '3r-1-Vs—Norma Cook 81. Russel- Hecklen 80, :Carey Joynt 77, Lorna ''Zuetle 7o, Jim Camp - hell 75, .Gerald 'Passmore 74. Lloyd Brock 62. 'Max Hudson 61., George Sangster 57, James Alexander 156, Blanch Thomson :52, Betty 'Higgins '111'. Sr. Dn.—Howard Loce 712, Ron- ald Parker 69, Cecil Kipfer U'. Shir- ley Twitchell 64, Ray 'Poster 63, Au- drey Twitchell all, 'Laird ;Hudson '56, ;Garnet Allen 53, ;lea Allen 49, 'FIcr- 111a!I Wolff *26. *Missed examinations. —C. H...Blowes..Teacher, Room II.— Sr. 111. --Harold .Koohler. 718, Norris McEwen 74 Mary .Goodwin 72,jeae. Sanndercock 69, Madeline 1.'anlancl- eghem 63, Margaret Bell 60, Jr. 11:I. -- Marian Drummond 811, Robert Cam- eron 77, tDonaldJoynt 75, Emily FI•os- kills 713, Margaret Sangster 712, Jack Shepherd 79, Reta 'Bell 70, Jessie Paisley 66, Carl 'Deters 64, Preston .-0Lernon o3, Robert Hess63, Ross Green 60, Robt, Sangster 58, Marian 'Paisley 50. Sr. l'1.-1Ross 'Kennedy 80, .Lois McLaren 7$, Robert Nicol 75, John Beer 72. James ,S.angster 711, ;Gordon Campbell 71, Ray -mond Eigs -gins 07, Joe Alarks 65, James Clark ShirleS. Faieburn '6, Mildred 'Brock. 54, Donald Willard 43, 1-Trw- ai-d 37. Al. .E. Ellis, Teacher, Roont .MeLar- t-n 72. George Otterbein 71, jack :Drysdale 60, Alpine -AlciEwan 59, Ai- -sin Sinak 54, Sr. Elaine 1.1mtkins 77, .Donald Bell 7,t, Ronald - :Stephens 75, .Danald Stlepherel 5.6, ;Gloria Twitchell 52, 01:obby t:ook 48, Ronald Bell 47, Sr. Zeutie 04. Helen Wsose 82, 'Herold Bel'. 77, Mabel Fairbairn 71, Marian Green and .Shirley Twitchell Ca: crin e . a milt,sn 63, Annie V471:61(10 411e111 614. Jr. Pr, ..1.—Norrna Sas sts.er .Lt3. Akita AI cEwen 02, Runt asd :Mervyn Stephen sss mar- - ;an 1,1 a. 76, I'atsy McDonald 74, • Ssisiv 110 -Arthur 65, Osussas tssok. •Fionna Ala Even 57, Co..) 1.--kert 57. :Bell 47. Beryl Pfaff, Teacser. Council IVIeeting.—A m0et,.14; of the C11.1,61 W:l• hell at 8 s.m. on Thurslay 1Ve!1i71. NOV. 15, 01717 DC:, ',C',011t except no I:1110r F.tfl a,t :;lisent on ,r,C1:11:• t V111110'S previous meeting' rsal. Rhin -.6 and Sheplier .1 that 'minutes 'so adopted as read, Carried. t;ets Folick appeared "whalf of :he i:'n-ary hgard asking for :heir 0ibs rims' rates. Shepherd and Sangster, that the lihrary hoard. be granted their sum now instead of later. Car- red, ',V. J.:Jones reported re the. -gravelling o: the streets. as very sear- ly neis'ned. I..1 communication front the county treasurer was read re :lie tax sale. Shepherd and Robin - 11:1 that the Reeve and Clerk attend the adjourned tax sale if necessary and nurchase the remaining proper- ties. Carried. Bills and acconnts read. as Ft:Slows:- Municipal World $358; C. W. Case, co -al. hall, .$32.75, streets team 13725; - A. Hildebrandt clean- ing Streets $1; AV, Dabus, do., $1; W. Otterbein. do., $1.40; Public Library Board, rates, $192.127; \V. 3. Jones, salary, $39: 'NV. Shepherd, do, $22.75, W.,Sangster, do., $32.7.5; D. Robinson clo, 1322,75; G. C. Petty. do, $22.76. Total $369.43. Rubinson and Shep- herd that accounts as read be paid. Carried. Robinson and Sangster that the poll tax collector proceed to col lect the poll tax as soon as possible. Carried, Robinson and Shepherd that the poll tax by-law be amended to read $2 instead of $3, and by-law be sresented to the next meeting for the total passing. Carried. Robinson and 1Shepherd that we roW atijonrn to meet again Dec. 3:sl at 8 p.m. Cur- ried. Mrs. Alice ;I:stsitt of Toronts visited the week end alIt rCstsies, and :riessls in town. 1.114ss Mae AlcKausliten 'of Tronto 1 sser Su:1day with her parents, Mr. an -1 Mrs. 1), Mt:Nam:ites. Nfr. iC.1e i'Oili4i of Lonlsn o:oent 1:I ZLIWTI WeCk. 'NI:. and Mrs Ls le Cassidy sisitel csser the week toil with relatises in Sgterville. Mr,. Woods, hr-• tinting Mr. sell Mr;;. Cassids "or the past few weeks accompanied them. Mrs. Edgar Stewart Tort,:tto vis- ited for a few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and childrenchilcjj-; ox Beach-n-1'11:es and Al-, and Mr'. Orville -Beaver of Farquhar visited on Saturday with Mn.!and Mrs. Robt. Higgins and family. Mr. and Mrs, Thus, Consitt spent -a -few days last week visiting at the home .of their son, Russell, at Hills.yren11. Mr, Arthur Dick oi ;L:ondon vis'• ed 'over .Sunday With his parents, Air. and Mrs. Jas. Dick. Mrs, Thos. Coleman of ,Seaforth is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Geo, ,Huds son. ;Miss .0live Walker of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with her par- . pits. Mr,ancl Mrs. Geo, Walker. - 'The many friends of Mrs. Thos, Dock will he sorry to hear she has been 'smite poorly. • Mrs. McMullen of Otterville is vis- iting with her daughter arid son-in- law, Mn. and Mrs Lyle Cassidy. Wedding bells are ringing quite ire- emently in our , ElgIfl , w ocliffe and Mr. Geo. gaelcsson have purchased the tarn) . known as the Frank Ross 'farm on she 'London Road south, froth. Mr, P. Garditer of London, •A very pleasant evening waS sp.ent at the home of Mrs. Roy- McLaren 011 S-aturday evening When the Ars- .old Circle of Carmel Presbyterian ,Church .met 111 honor of Miss Helen Smith, 'bride -elect of this. week The house was tastefully decorated in pini and white, A social evening was spent in games and a dainty. lunch. Was served at the tableamid pink .and white streamersextending from the deCorated lights ra the :table at which .poured tea, and Airs. :Lad MC:Ent-an served inneh, tDuring the eveming:.the Circle..tpresentecl..MisA 1.9milth -with a beautiful silver basket. Miss Doris Dover of '0inar, afich.„ is visiting.' with. Miss Helen.'Sinith, Mr. and Mrs. 1Vm. Love of the town line, Stanley tp., are moving in- to the village and will occupy the MoArthur house on King St. East. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Parks have got nicely settled in their new home on South Richmond street. Nomination 'meeting will be held Friday evening and if an .election is necessary it will he held Dec, 3rd from 9 to 5. There will likely be a contest for Reeve as three have al- ready annoutneed their intention to tun. *Mr. William Tones, the present reeve will be ,opposed by Owen .Gei- gee and .Daysid 1Robireson, it is expect- ed. The council of ;19134 have ;had a good year and have been a very suc- cessful council. Owing to ;the cement road debentures being paid orf last year the council were able this year to reduce the tax rate to .30 'mills and a reduction to 28 mills is very prob- able for ;1,9315, Our roads were tell oil- ed and gravelled this year and 'the public buildings have all been repair- ed and put in good condition. The debt of the village is being reduced eac-h year and the public buildings have all been repaired and put in good condition. The debt of the vil- lage is being reduced each year and a good half of the remaining debt is provided for, so the -town is in a splen- did condition financially. The next roundl should have a busy' year. The Old Boys and 'Girls Re -union will be held next year and every ef- fort should be made to improve the appearance of the village. The em- ployment situation should be looked into and every effort made to provide -work at good wages for all those seeking employment, There is very little relief if any, being asked for in Hensall which is a fortunate situa- tion, but if this is to continue some- thing, must be done to make employ- ment. The holding of the nomination and election earlier this .year will be appreciated by the voters as it will take it away from the holiday season, Miss Annie Consitt and her sister, Mrs. Coleman have returned after several weeks visiting friends in De- troit and Michigan. 0 wen Geiger & Son arc running the flax mill with a good staff of men employed. 101001010101 co:It:Mtn.. for the re-tmion to he held next July have reeeived a large number of names and expect to :nail the invitations soen. They are anxious to have all the name, of former residents of the ru- m' district and would appreciate re- ceiving a list of names and addresses before the end of November. Mrs. Chas, jinks returned on Mon- day from Windsor where she has been visiting for a couple of weeks, The Welfare Youth Club of Carmel Church held their meeting in the basement of the church on Monday evening with a large attendance, The vice president, Irene bitters, took the chair. The meeting opened with' a hymn and .Afr. Young led in prayer. Dorothy Daters read the !Scripture. Mr. G. Ai, Young of Nairn gave the address on -The Christian and His Pleastire5," which proved very inter- esting and profitable to all. An open diScussion then 'took plate which was very interesting. Mr. Manley jinks was taken to Clinton hospital on Monday and was operated on for appendicitis. He is doing as well as can he expected. The ,Alin Band of the United Church met on -Sunday afternoon with the dist vice pres, in the chair, !Barbara Shepherd led in prayer and Audrey Twitchell read the Scripture. Miss Greta Laramie gave a violin sel- ection, June Saundercock a reading, Marion Sangster a solo, Robbie Hess a mouth organ selection, Goldie .Cross an instrumental, Dorothy McQueen told a story. Mrs. Geo, -Hess sang a hymn with the Band joining in the chorus. This interesting meeting closed with a hymn and Mrs. Mc- Donnell led in prayer. The amusement committee of the Hensall Chamber of Commerce in- tend putting on the play. Silas Smiths? of Tmuip Ridge in the town Sail early in December. The .Arnoid 'Circle intend holding a sale of fancy work, etc., in the base- ment of the church on Saturday af- ternoon, Den, lot, Tea will also be served frcon 5 to 6 o'clock. On Monday evening the ;Masons of Zurich Lodge 2124 at Hensell had a most interesting and very 'largely at- tended meeting. The occasion was the official visit of the Rt. Wor. Dist. iBro, Geo, Jefferson of S. Huron district and the exemplifying c:i the initiatory or ifirst degree by Rt. Wor, Bra, A. R. Campbell and of- ficers which they put on in a manner that called for much favorable C0113- ment, With the closing of the lodge what is termed the fourth degree was put on and much enjoyed. With the wor, master very ably presiding splendid addresses were given by the Rt. War. DID.G.M. Geo. Jefferson follotved by the former tD.D.G.M. R. L Coles of Listowel, Rev Mr. Nay- lor of Listowel, Rev. Mn, Chandler of Kipp en and Geo, 3. !Sutherland of Hensall. A beautifully served lunch was given and a pleasant hour spent in a social manner aftee which all joined in singing Auld Lang Syne, Visiting brethren were present from Stratford, Seaforth, Clinton, Exeter and Listowel. Airs. Gibb of Toronto who has been visiting at the home of Airs. Robt. Honthron for several weeks was taken seriously ill on Saturday. Members of her family are in atten- dance, Mr. Josh. Ashton of Seaforth was in town On Tuesday, Mr, H. 0. Dayman has returned home .from a hunting trip, 'Persian Balm promotes daintiness, charm. and beauty, 2t is unrivalled in its magical effect on the skin, Swiftly absorbed by the tissues it leaves '11 -0 -von a vestige of sticki'ness. Delightfully cool to the skin. IStin'to- lating and invigora.ting. :Softens and makes the hands ;flawlessly white Subtly fragrant. Imparts youth and loveilleas to the complexion. .Persia(n. Baku is the inevitable ehoice of the woman Who cares. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1934 TOWN TOPICS AUCTION SALE Will be held Saturday, Nov, 74th, at 111 o'clock sharp and every two TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO weeks following, .at Cudmore's barn, Seaforth. Any person with anything to sell or exchange phone in your list to Carl Dalton. Work on the West Share Electric 'Cattle. -1A, number of cows, a few Railway, like most other outdoor calves, jobs, h -as been hindered by the wret- pigs -40 suckers and chunks, checl weather of the past two weeks, 1Fass.1.—,A number of pullets; 1 The ;first steed girder arrived AiVednes- dog. 'A number of purebred rack day, and is now being placed on the cockerels. abutments at Graham's Creek. Tie limplements,-1 light wagon, 1 steel work for the other bridges is rubber tire ' top buggy with wire an the way. Work at the trestle at wheels, 11 steel tire top buggy, newly Port Albert is progressing rapidly. painted; 1 wagon tongue, grind- stone, DeLaval .cream separator, 600 Lead -bury, lbs. capacity; di Renfrew, cream sep- arator, .600 lbs. cant; Vecga cream •separator, bench size; 1; heavy metal churn, 11 neve scythe, mail box; step- ladder, set double harness, 11 root pulper, hay fork, IFurnitirre.---2 iron bed.s, it set of new coil springs, 11 bed and springs, coal oil stove, coal stove, 1 coal heater, 1 Peninsular range, 1 Moffat range, 2 dressers and 3 stands, davenport, 1 extension table, 0,61100 • cutter with top, 12 go-carts, baby walker, child's wagon, •oak table, ver- andah racking chair, 2 rocking chairs, 2 walnut chairs, 3 card tables; 3 small tables, electric lamp, Morris chair, hall mirror with rack, smoker stand, sewing machine, ;writing deg's, Cole - Mall lamp, new; screen door, 1 Bruns- wick phonograph, 1 Victor 'phono- graph with separate cabinet, 11 Victor phonograph, 8 do's. records, 6 market baskets, granitettare. dishes, 'brushes, books, small cupboard, assortment of handles, hacksaws, coats, shoes, °fire extinguisher, large size, Is folding child's go-cart. Vegctables.-6 bags cooking onions, potatoes and carrots. Terms cash, Carl Dalton, manager; G. Ft. Elliott, auctioneer. The West Shore Line, Mr. and Miss Tyner of Sumanerh1,1 were visitors here. --Mr. McKenzie of North Dakota visited at Mr, 'Rims on Thursday,—Mrs. 3. ;McKenzie in- tends returning' to her home in Da- kota on Tuesday. Tuckersmith Telephone, The. Tutkersmith 'council has em- powered the telephone tcommission to sell a trunk line from Hayfield' to Clinton to the Corporation of Bays !fide' for the sum of $6615..00, Baylfidd to maintain the same and have con- nection with the Tuckersmith system. Carter Scholarships. The conditions are anounced gov- erning the scholarships proposed to be given annually by J. I. Carter of Sarnia, for competition by the pupils in Lambton, iHuron, Perth, Middle- sex and AVellington counties. Items, '.1Irs. H. 1?ippen of Winnipeg is vis- iting, her sister, Mrs, Hugh Stephen - sou, -7,1r. Geo. Turnbull is in Tilbury this week on business.—Air. John 13eattie, who was 'laid up for a few weeks is able to be around again. A wire fener is being place around the grounds of the collegiate institute.— Airs. H. Speare left on 1Friday for an extended visit with her parents in St. Ilarys,-451r. Claire Alisner of the Motion bank staff of Hensall spent Sunday in town with friends.—Mr. Tennant of Exeter was in this section this past week purchasing, horses fon the western trade. — Miss Beatrice lirigges of Hensel] spent 'Snit clay with her friend 5li Beatrice Robin- son- of Egnionsiville.--Miss R. John- stone was in Preston a couple days the past week the guest of her broth- er, Air. Herbert johnstone.-5f55 Edna Henderson returned on Satur- day from a two weeks' visit at Lucan. Doble who has been on a visit with friends in Toronto, arrived here on :Saturday,—f.,.Rodger Roberts of the Dominion bank staff has been transferred -to IVinclsor.—The report has been current that the opening .of the Ontario !Legislature will be de- layed on account of the buildings not being ready. -111.r. J. IG. Constable of 'St. °Marys, grand superintendent of Huorn District, visited here on A:fon- d-ay evening, The 'business of -the -ev- ening being over the Companions present enjoyed a banquet given by the lodge at Mr. 10. Neil's,—The citizens band held their first practice on MO1ldtly evening under the leader- ship of Mr. \V. IFreeman.--Died in Vancouver an Nov, 111th, Airs, Rich- ard Vint of St. Thoms. The remains were bronght to St. Thomas for bur - 1a1 which took place on the 18t1i. Wingham. Air. Akers, hydraulic 'engineer for the HYdro-tElectric Commission, was in Winghant last week examining the supposed water power site on the Maitland a few miles from NVing- halm He went out in company with A. 1-1, Musgrave, ALLIA, for North ,Huron, and after examination, gave as his opinion that 'it was not a com- mercial possibility. --The warerooms owned by the Grand Trunk and oc- cupied by the Canada Furniture Mfrs. and Walker & Clegg 1Furniture Co. at 'Wingliain station Were entirely de-. strayed by fire. Two boxcars on the track were also. destroyed. The loss is about $112,000. Constance. Mr, Geo. Mann is threshing clover, —The farmers are delivering their turkeys to Mr. Coign -holm in Sea - forth, price 117% cts. lb. --With two miles and one half of our village there are about 11000 head of Sat cat - tie feeding for next spring and sum- mer.--tAir. and Miss 'Sneld of near Clinton visited here. St, Columban. 'Mrs. Hastings is very ill at Present at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. 01Sulliv.ans—A metallic ceiling is be- ing put on the new church. Mr. Hol- land is engagecl to p -is* it. Dublin. The railway officials were in Dub- lin on Tuesday locating a place to build the new station. The people ,of Dublin hope to have it within a few weeks.—Ale. Carpenter of Detroit is visiting frienels here, -_4M.. P. Ryan and Mr. 7,J, Loloby have returned 4100110 after spending the summer months in Owen Sou -00, Want and P,or Sale ads, 1 wee1C215c. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Oi Farm Stock, Etc, at third farm east of Seaforth an the highway nn Thursday, Nov. 29th, commencing at 1 p.m, Horses—)General purpose marc, 9 years, in foal, bred Aug. 4th; general purpose filly 6 1110,0, 010. Cattle -41, Durham cow 3 Years 010, cute Dec. 24; 1 Durham cow 2 yrs.i old due -Man.n .; —imams Cow 9 yrs, old, due Feb, 17, milking; 1 Durham and jersey, 3 yrs, old, due June 28th, milking; Durham cow 2 yrs. old due Mar, 20; 1 Ayrshire and Durham 6 yrs, milking, clue Apr, 15; 1 Ayr- shire, 4 yrs. old, fresh calf at foot; 1 brindle caw, 4 yrs. milking, bred Aug. 22; 11 ;Guernsey, 2 yrs., milking, clue Mar. IN 11 Guernsey cow, 4 yrs. old, milking, bred Oct. 4; 111 Holstein caw, 3 yrs. old, milking, bred' Sept. 30th; 11 Durham and Holstein, 6 yrs., milking, bred Sept. 39; 1 black cow, milking, 8 yrs. old, bred Sept, 26; 1 Holstein ccrw, 8 yrs., calf at foot; 1 Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due time of sale a black cow, 6 yrs.,.milking, due F.eb '28; 1 Guernsey, 7 yrs., milking, due Feb, 28; purebred jersey heifer, 2 yrs, springing; .3 Guernsey and Holstein heifers, due Afar. and Apr.; 1 black cow, 8 yrs. old, dee Feb. 18; 'Durham and .Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs. old, due Mar. 6, Jersey COW, 7 yrs. old, due 'May 8; 20 heifers, spring calves, 4 young calves. at Guernsey bull, 2 years old, regis- tered, Vowl.-20 Rock pullets, 4 geese, 1 gander. 1 platform scales, 2000 lbs. capacity; quantity of furniture, quantity of pot- atoes, quantity of hay, and grain in sheaf, Terms cash. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer; Dale Nixon, Prop, AUCTION SALE. 101 Farm Stock and Implements. G. H. Elliott will sell by public auc- tion on Let 110, South Boundary, 'Township of Stanley, one Lot north- west of Hillsgreen, on Friday, Nov- ember 23rd, at one o'clock p.rn., the following: 1 brawn mare 30 years old; 011 brawn horse, .10 years old; 1 chestnut 'horse, 8 years old; 1 caw in calf, 7 years old; 1 heifer 3 years old, with calf at foat; 3 yearling calves, 8 months old; one Massey -Harris binder 7 -foot cut; tl; bean harvester, Afassey-Harris; 1 :Massey -Harris cul- tivator; 1 Massey -Harris. mower 6 - foot cult; 01.) 1)11 -hoe fertilizer drill; 1 cutter, 1' light wagon, a, top buggy, 1 5 -section harrow, 1.1 114 Massey - Harris disc,. 11 Massey -Harris riding plow, 1 walking plow, 1. 110 -foot rake, 1 set of bobsleighs, m stock rack, 1 Bain wagon, 1' land roller, 11 gravel box, It fanning mill, 1; hay rack, 1 dozen; bags, 2 sets of double harness, 1 DdLaval cream: separator, 1 manure spreader, d grindstone, 1' emery stone and stand, forks, spades, shovel and a number of other articles. Terms — All sams of $110.00 and under, cash; over that monist 6 mon-His' credit vcil1 be given on furnishing approved joint bankable paper. A discount of 6 per cent per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts Positively no reserve, George H. Elliott, Auctioneer AVE ON OUR CASH PRICES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fresh Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. 17c ,Seedless Raisins 2 pounds ...... 19c Raisins with seeds in 2 lbs 19c Fresh Peel lb. 19c Canned Cherries • ib. 39c P. & G. Soap .,.. 10 bars 31c 'Oxydol, pkge 19c Chipso pkge. 17c 0111 Dutch 2 tins 19c Ammonia pkge. 6c Palmolive 5 cakes 23c Rubber Boots 2.49 W. J., FINNIGAN EDS BUY LAYENA FOR YOUR HENS The only 'Laying Mash that is a per- fectly balanced ration in itself. No scratch grain of any kind is necessary to feed with it.... at $2.55 per 100 lb. LAY CHOW at 2 35 ,CONCENTRATE at 3.15 ,HOO CONCENTRATE at 2.25 IBULKYLAS A splendid dairy feed at $1.40 per sack or $36.00 per ton BRAN 25.00 per ton SHORTS 26.00 per ton, MIDDLINGS 30.00 per ton All Kinds of Chopat $1.30 per 100 CANE SYRUP ... at 21 eta. per gal. Highest price paid for all kinds of Grain, Poultry and Eggs Thos. Dickson PHONE 13 HAVE THOSE CHRISTMAS Photographs taken now, 112 photos make Da good gifts. Our prices are not high. Burgess, The Well Known Studios, Afitchell and Clinton, Both studios open every week day. Mitch- ell studio will be open every night from 7.30 pan. to 9.130 p.m, for talc- ing photos. 41A FOR SALE Fine roots, Apply to Michael Con- nolly, Lot 7, Con. 111 McKillop. Tel- eph-one No. 52 r 10, Dublin; ole Dan .Beuermann. 48. FARM WANTED Wanted immediately, a farm, about .100 acres or more, to rent ;or work on shares, Apply to V. H. Deichert, Zurich, R.R. 47 AGENT WANTED To handle Massey -Harris machines and repairs in the Town of Seaforth. -Apply at The News Office, 47. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE fHouse and lot, West William Sts Seaforth. Seven rooms, modern con- veniences. Apply to 13. T, McAsh, Varna, Phone Clinton 6122 r 203. MEETING -OF HiURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting oi the Huron County Council will be held in the County Council Chambers, Court }MUM Goderich, at 2-• o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, December 4th, 10314. All accounts, ,notices of deputa- tions or applications and other im- portant business requiring attention at this meeting of the Council should 'be in the hands of the clerk not later th-an the Monday previous to the meeting of the -Council. Dated at Goderich, this 81,13 day of November 1934. _ 3, M. ROBERTS, County Clerk. CLINTON CREAMERY To take care of winter deliver- ies of Cream, Eggs and Poul- try, announce the appointment of Mr, A, C. ROUTLEDGE as their representative in Sea - forth. Mr. Routledge will re- ceive produce at the full mar- ket price, commencing this Saturday, Sept. 1st. E. C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and. accident insurance. If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 - Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE A limited number of White Leg- horn cockerels. Government approv- ed stock. Pedigree, 200-21745, with 12. years blood -testing. Bred by Dr. Roe, Atwood. Apply to Miller Adams, Phone 2145 r 212, 41 FOR -SALE 3 geese and a. gander for gale. Phone. ;4 22x29, Dublin central. 47. WANTED Portable victno'la wanted. Apply to The Seaforth New.s. 47 PROPERTY FOR SALE or RENT' ICoMp'osed of good garage, ware- hous-es, blacksmith shop,a building. for Chopping mill and house, all with hydro and telephone equipment, also a furnace in the house, A. number of fruit trees, four lots, onthe main street of Varna. Well situated on the county road between 1Brucefield and Hayfield. Apply to 1Nelson W. Keyes, Varna, Ont., or phone 961.1111y Hensall. 46 CHRISTMAS CAKE 'The 11 lb Christmas Cakes on display at Carter's and Routledge's will be sold. at 30c, Orders taken for Christ- mas cakes, any size, at the same price per lobs at the store or at Mrs. Earl Ross', one block west of Recrea- tion Ground. Also shortbread. Briarcliffe Mines LIMXTED On the hiother=lode, California Well financed and controlled by well known London, Ont., businessmen. Well developed with 50 ton mill now in operation. Low Capitalization We recommend this stock to anyone seeking a good junior mining stock with attractive possibilities for appreciation in values. Prices on Application E. A. Siegrist& Co., Ltd. INVESTMENT BROKERS Phone: Metcalf 331700—L. ?New .Rank of Toronto Bldg., London, Ont. Ot consult Mr, Wtm, Watson, R. R. No. 3, Mitchell. •