HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-11-22, Page 5THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE. ansommidins J. Ii sTO S Star Values in Quality Foods are featured this week by SUPERIOR STORES ITEMS FOR NOVEMBER 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28. AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES, 2%'s 3 tins 25c CLARK'S PORK & BEAN'S, large 26 oz. EACH 9c NI#1,GARA KIST RASPBERRY & (STRAWBERRY JAMS ROYAL YORK MATCHES. 32 OZ. McLAREN"S JELLY POWDERS, assorted 3 BOXES 5 PKGS. TOMATO JUICE, 101/ oz. tins 5 TINS 'Libby's Corned Beef Ideal Sweet Mixed Pickles, large 27 oz Cowan's Cocoa, large 1 lb. tins Five Roses Flour McCormick's Butter Bar Biscuits Royal York Coffee 29c 25c 25c 25c. 2 tins 25c each 27c each 25c 7 lb. bag 29c 24 lb, bag 80c per lb. 17c l's 39c 2 lbs. 25c 2 tins 23c 10 cakes 25c 2 tins 25c 3 rolls 25c '/'s 49c per jar 10c Rising Sun Stove Polish, pure lead, the old reliable, , , ,per cake 7c per cake 4c New Rich Mincemeat Richelieu Golden Wax Beans, 2's, tall St. Croix Castile Soap 'Gillett's Lye Toilet Paper, Hillcrest Keen's Mustard, M's -26c; French's Prepared Mustard Fleischman's Compressed Yeast "IT'S CHRISTMAS BAKING TIME" Cleaned Australian Sultanas New Cleaned Currants Lemon and Orange Pe Citron Peel' Glace Cherries Candied Glace Pineapple Rings Seeded Raisins, fancy, 15 oz. pkg, Fancy Bleached Sultanas Lexis Raisins, with seeds Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. -15c; Shelled Almonds Shelled Walnuts, Bordeau Broken 2 lbs. 23c 2 lbs. 27c el per lb. 21c per lb. 29c �tri� lb. 10c %a lb 15c each 15c per lb. 39c 2 lbs. 25c 16 oz. 25c per ib. 39c per lb. 39c Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 Miss N. Rhonei 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING -and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE -AUTO -WIND Our Policies Will Protect You Oar Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully protected -you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE SPECIAL Choice farm in the Township of McKillop, good soil, good build- ings, well located, well `watered, Hydro, many extras. Also Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Call, Phone or Write Us. A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. SEAFORTH MARKETS Butter, per lb.. Oats, per bushel 1 , , 38c Wheat, per 'bu's'hel 92Ic Feed barley, •per bushel `18t Eggs, per doz. ..i, ...1...... , , .. 23c -34c Potatoes, per bag , '1 40c Malting ;barley, „per.bushel 655c Hogs, per cwt. 1 $7.00 'As. a .vermifuge an effective prepar- ation is Mother Graves' Worm, Extet wninaitor and It can be given to the moist delicate child without fear of in- jury tothe constitution. RURAL RADIO SERVICE MR. RADIO OWNER Why not have that Radio fixed up for the coming winter. 'Hear the Royal Wedding, broadcast 'Nov. 29, 10 a.m., from Westminster Abbey, London, Eng. CALL Lorne E. Lawson R. R. 1, Clinton. Picone 241-23 Seaforth !Graduate of National Radio Institute, Washing- ton, D.C. ;Formerly of Strombcrg Carlson, and iDe Forest Cicoley, Ltd., Toronto MANLEY. I't into be hoped that the citizens of Goderich who are having an investig- ation of the radio static will get:some satisfaction from the radio commis- sion. 7?he late rain and spring-like wea- ther has got the dandelions out in bloom and some of. t'hent have ripen- ed and the water supply is plentiful. HULLETT. The "following is the school report of U.S.S. No. 2, Hullett for the fall term: 19 r. 1'V.-'F•rank Trewartha 76 per .cent., Doris 'Tyndall 713,6. Dennis Bis - back 05, Helen 'Rozelle 55, 'Lois Far- quhar 511', !Sr. IIItl-'Edlvt trcl East 172.4, Keith Tyndall 416, Murray East 45.8. "jr. IIIIIM.-Grant Bicback 64, 'Marj- orie Baylley Sr. I'L-IE'dna Lou MacDonald 83,. (Bill East T1'. ' IJr, 1(1.-1Douglas ,rv:ozeble 712, Jack and Tatnniy East (•bothabsent Inc more than one test) 1516, First-1133ruce Tyndall 84, Douglas Farquhar 82, Rost Trewartha 711.. Number on roll 1118, average "atten- dance 110.93. Highest marks in spell- ing, 'Edna IJou MacDonald. Teacher, Aunty E. Parsons. BORN. 13o'lton 1In Stott (Memorial 'H:ospttal lot Friday, idlay, INov. 1116, 1112314, to''Mr. and 13irs. Rafssell 13niton, A"TieKilllop, a :5011. W'anc arid For 'Sale ads, 1 week 35c TOWN TOPICS. IVi'sibors at the home of Andrew Kirk the 'Past week were Mr. and 'Airs. f. D. ;Beeicrolft of 1Aringham, Mrs. Cecil 1Falconer and soli of White 'Church, Mr. and Itis. Wan, Lyon and Miss IRubh of Landeshoro, 4Ir. Thos, IHabkirk 'has purchased his late 'uncle's residence ort the the corner of Viktoria and George streets and is having it relfitted. i\ir. HaU lir , who is at present Jiving on Louisa street, expects to move next month, 3[r, \4':m, Brown from Mitchell end Miss R. ;Simpson and daughter Eve- lyn visited iMrs. Albert 'Hudson last week, ilir, IEd. Auderson of New Ham- burg spent the week end at the !route of Airs. Peter DeCourcy, IEgntond- viile, \Vorlc commenced this week fitting op the store iin the Regett!t 'Theatre block; it was formerly the Bright clothing .store and was remodelled a couple of years ago. The interior of the Dick House is being re-decoraited sit ,present. Mrs. H. R. Scott is having extensive improvements made to her home on IGoclerich street, including enlarging the basement. The many friends of Mr, Michael OiLoughlin are sorry to know he suf- fered a paralytic stroke on Sunday affecting the power of speech, while visiting relatives in Ribbert, He was recovering from a recent illness, ILnspector J. Ai. Field of tGoderich paid his official visit to the Public iSchool this week, \Ir. \1"ibliam Somerville of Wood- stock came on Tuesday to visit his sisters, Mrs. 'Whitaker and hiss ,Somerville, Miss 'Gretta Ross of Weston spent the week -end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Ross. Mr, and Airs, 'George Hills left on Monday to spend a couple of months in Toronto, Mr, Hills having recov- ered from his recent severe illness, 111, James Scott of Toronto was a visitor - with his mother, Mrs. H. R, Scott over the week -end. 31r. 1V. II. Pollard of 'Sebringville spent the Week -end with his parents, tAlt, .and Mrs. J, Pollard. Air 'Herbert Fowler, IHuro•n road west, tvhu his been quite ill, was re- moved to hospital in Toronto. Mrs. -Fowler accompanied him. Alis Maude Laidlaw is attending the Royal 1\\'inter Fair in Toronto. Mrs, I3, AIe'Lean, Egntondville,' is visiting in Ailsa .Craig. :Many friends of Mrs, _flex. Gor- don are pleased to learn she is much improved from. her recent illness. Alt. ,R, C. Ovens of Toronto spent the week -end in towtl. Air. A. E. Erwin of Bayfield was a visitor on Thursday- at the home of 14 n., M. Rubicon, who is now able to be out again, t11r, and llrs, \V. Coates of London were guests of lir. and Airs. William 'Amens on Wednesday. I:\ number of the Odd. Fcllo.ws at- tended a large meeting .at Kitchener on Friday evening. Airs. James 1. Johnston, George St„ is in the hospital this week ill with pneumonia. PULPIT STILL VACANT /Following an intimation last week that the call to Rev. W. A. Cameron, of I\Veyburn Sa,sk., was not settled, the congregation of iFirst Presbyter- ian Church received word that. Mr, Cameron is n01 coming. A lcet of four names mill be heard by the con- gregation during the month of De- cember and another call extended. In the meantime 'Dr. \Wardlaw• Taylor. of Goder'ich will preach ,next 'Sunday. INDIAN SUMMER The balmy weather this week is like Indian 'Sumpter, and is in mark- ed contrast to one year ago when a thaw softened the deep snow tying up traffic: wells were empty. There is plenty of water this year in November, and the early snow is gone. Ever -bearing s•tra'wberries are in bloom. at the home of 'Mayor Suther- land in Seaforth, and also in 'Egmond ville, ant! dandelions every -where are to be seep. A robin was seen on Saturday, FEWER TRANSIENTS There are fewer transients on the road this year, ;according to Chief of .Police Snell, About ZS have been given a sivgh't's .lodging durin•,g Oc- tober and ',November, the largest t irnt'ber in one night being eight, iMeals are not provided, ,New Home 'Ready For Chicago Stock Show pin nslring touches are note being ni,ide on the mammoth new home .for the International Live 'Stock .Expos;_ tion which will celebrate its 315'tdt an- niversary at the Chicago Stock Yards. from December ill to 8, IW'llen completed, it will be the finest structure in the world devoted to such tise,s. DUBLIN • 'The lane to 54. 'Patrick's Cemetery in the village is (being put in condition by men ;from M'cKlllap, Logan and Hibbert townships, The foot bridge completed by the Looby Bros. over the "Liffey at Ben- ninget's, is a convenience to. pedes- trians. Alr. 1 . Norman ratan Jacobs ftltcBnk . J o a of Commerce staff has been promoted. to Paris Ont., and Mr, E. J. Kerr of Milverton has been ipromdted to Dublin, Prior to Air. Jacobs' depart- ure Mr. and Mrs. Halley entertained to a panty a few of his many friends. 'Mrs. Hunter of Toronto is the guest of friends in the village. The Ruston family have taken ap- artments in the Looby block, 'lir. and Mrs, Paden Tyers and children Wilfred and Edith were the guests of 'their many relatives at Stratford Sunday. 1\Ve are sorry that Mr. Mike OlLitughlin, a former resident of this village, is seriously ill at his home in Seaforth, \'Ve hope for a speedy re- covery, 41'e are glad to report tha'b Mr, Jdlin McGrath is improving after meeting with a serious accident near London on the highway. 1Ve welcome Dr, Sturgis to our neighborhood. Miss (Rose O'Connor spent the week end in London, - LONDESBORO The regular meeting of the Wom- an's Institute will be held in Com- munity (Ball on 'Friday, Nov, .3100, members please note ichange of day. Topic, "Christmas message," Rev, A. IV. •Gardiner, Christmas music led by Airs, S. Carter, Airs, E. Adams, Mrs. iGeo, Moon, firs. M. Ross. 'Reading, Mrs 7. 1P. -Manning Roll call to be answered by "if -Tints on Choosing Christmas Gifts," ;Hostesses Airs. 'F, Thompson. Mrs. E. Crawford, Mrs. 1\ tunsdon, Urs. IV, Allen, Airs. T. Fairservice. The NV. .A. of •the United Church are planning to hold their annual ba- zaar on December 7th in community hall, Any donation for sante will be thankfully received, Mr, 1J. ,P, Manning, Miss Phyllis Mr. 1111055 Howatt, Mr. and Airs. F. Thompson and Fraser spent the week end at Toronto. Mrs. Chas, Alarming had a minor operation last week by having a toe nail removed, which had for sotite time been giving her considerable troubit, (Mr. and Airs, Frank Tlall have moved into the house on the farm which recently had been occupied by Al t.AL, Jordon, Mr, Fred Gibbs, Robt, Gibbs and Miss Latina Gibbs, who for a number of years have been living in the \Vest, have returned and settled in their home by the river. The regular meeting of the 11.M,.S, was held in the school roots of the church on :Friday last with a good at- tendance. The president, Mrs A. AV. Gardiner, opened the meeting; a hymn was sung followed by prayer. Items of business were discuses, etc. One pleasatt't feature of the meeting was the presentation of life member- ship to -hiss L. Young, who thanked the Auxiliary in a few well chosen' words, The meeting was then left in charge of Airs. F. Wood, captain of Group 5, tvlt took the chair. Airs. 'Geo. Moon mad the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Tamblyn read the devo- tional leaflet, Hear the Pennies Drop- ping was sung by three 'little girls, PhyI!ia McCool, ,Doreen Armstrong, and Betty ;Brunsdon. Readings were given by Mrs. 'lV. E, ,:Manning and Mrs. E. Wood, several short prayers were offered and meeting closed. r1 dainty hunch was served by M[rs. Wood and her group in .charge,' which was fully enjoyed. STAFFA. lir. and .Alis. Howard Leary, Strat- ford, were recent guests at the foam - el s home. Mr, and Mrs. W. O113rien and babe of Flint are spending their vacation with relatives, 1[r, and Airs, J. Levy of Mitchell. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs. J. Sadler, lair. Arnold Jeffry Detroit spent the week end with his 'parents. Air. and Airs F. OlBrien, 1i'r. and Mrs, 4V. O113rien visited 40 Elora on ISautelay, -Air. and Airs, R. Livingston, Ham- ilton, spent the week end in the vil- lage. Alt, and Ais, A. \\'ostla'ke, Croat arty visit ed with Air. and Alis, S. 'Norris, Sunday. 'The play, Civil Service presented by young people from .Exeter was very ably given, The Wooten Institti'te will meet of Wednesday afternoon, Nov., 2811. The program will he, roll call, Super- stitions; report of London-conven- DALY'S . RADIO SERVICE We have a limited number of reconditioned Radioes in stock which we are offering at money -saving prices. They ,won't last long. If you want a real radio at a low price, see us at once, 4r SPARTON "RADIO'S RICHEST VOICE" We would be pleased to show you the new 1935 Sparton A11 -Wave Receivers at any time. Priced from 849.95 to 8249.00. RADIO SERVIeE Call us for expert, guaranteed, service on any Radio -any make, any model, any year 1 Latest testing equipment, rapid service and reasonable rates. We are members of Radio Manufacturers' Service. SEAFORTH �• F. DALY PHONE 102 tion; reading, N.M.J., Mrs. M. Gray; recipes, Mrs, W. J. Felt, .Mrs, R. Bar- bour; contest, Mrs, O. W. Rood, Miss E. Frayne; current events. Miss ;Pringle; program coni:, Mrs W. Houghton, Mrs: D. licKetlar; host- esses Circle I, convener, Mrs. L, .But - sou. Each member is asked to bring a quilt for the exhibit, also the winter teas will commence, BRUCEFIELD. !Don'tforget the chicken dinner to be held on Friday everting, Novem- ber 33rd in the school rootrt of the United Church, Followed. by a con- cert- in 'the auditorium, 1Word .has been received from Woodrow, Sask., of the safe arrival of the car of .fruit attd vegetable that was shipped from Bruce:field station a .few weeks ago which was donated by the neighboring villages and eott- ntaxnity, When the car arrived a share was given to 7151 persons, not one was left out The territory was six miles wide and 118 miles long. Special .men- tion was made of the potatoes, how thankful they were to get theist and there was sufficient to supply one bu- shel to each person in need,The letter also stated that they were so delight- ed with the fruit and other vegetables One sealer of fruit #ora small family and honey for the larger ones, This is the sixth year they have been suf- fering from drought, They are still looking forward to having a crop next year, 111x, Charles Reid of 'Brueefield at- tended his brother's funeral. BAYFIELD. lir. and Airs. E. A, Saucier, Afastt- Bobbie Sander and \lits Ruble Fisher of Ritchener trete guests of 1. A. and Airs. Edwards on Sunday. Lit a recent meeting of the Bad- minton Club the following officers were appointed: President, Airs. I lieEwan secretary -treasurer, 11'ar„- aret Groves; girls captain, Isobel Kirk; Roy. captain ,lhtrray Grainger. Friday night this week, November 23; under their auspices for the benefit of Clinton Hospital, the laughable play, "George in a Jam," be performed in the town hall by Clinton talent, Be. sure and come, you'll certainly enjoy it and help a good cause, CROIVI ARTY. 'Air, and Mrs. Roy 'McCulloch tete in London consulting with a medical specialist over the lameness of their little daughter, Jean, after an attack ,tf infantile paralysis, Air. Quante, note of Exeter, was calling, on friends in this vicinity, Master Dickie Reed's seventh birth- day on Saturday was celebrated with a party attended by ail the' village children, which woos a very happy ev- ent, IDr, Lance Norris, of the Western Hospital, Toronto, called on 'relatives here Sunday. Airs, Neil Gillespie of Seaforth was a guest with her sister, firs, Tas, Scott and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Duncan McKellar spent the past week with her sister, Airs, Mc- Gill, liitcltell, Airs. 11. iLamond and soft George of London visited with Mr, and Mrs. 11, Lantotid Jr. over the week end. lif .Gladys Hamilton and friend, Ills, Wright of Torotitt spent the week end with Mr. and 'Mrs. William Hamilton The A P.S, of Cromarty Church. are giving their play ''Here Comes Chari. in Stsfa town hall on Fri- day evening, Nor. 304h, starting at Arts Ur and Airs, Walter ()Trim of Flint Michigan are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Douglas Egyptian Liniment is es- pecially recommended for spider, or infection of cow's teat Invaluable also in cases of spavins, curbs and splints. Euchre and Winthrop Hall FRIDAY NIGHT NOV. 23 - 8 P.M. Admission, Gents lac, Ladies bring lunch. • 1 Your Poultry Flock Will Like It and You Will Profit with RUE FEEDS Scientifically balanced feeds that have helped many local poultrymen to obtain more eggs from their birds at the lowest possible cost while maintaining the helalth and vitality of the flock. Mixing only quality ingredients in propor- tions necessary for efficient feeding, we know ROE FEEDS will bring out the best in your flock. A valuable bulletin, "More Winter Eggs" will be mailed upon request. THE ROE POULTRY RANCH FEED DEPARTMENT ATWOOD, ONTARIO Local Representative - SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM MR. JAMBS M. tSCO,TT