HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-11-15, Page 8volIMINJ
Golden Wedding.—Monday even-
ing was a very pleasant event in the
lives of Mr, and Mrs. [Alex, IB•uchan-
an, of this village, who celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary, 'be-
i• ,,, '50 years• married, '.'curlers of
the family and immediate relatives
were present and spent a social ev-
ening coupled with a dinner. ? Ir. and
!Mrs. -Buchanan were married 130 years
,o by the late !Prof. R. Y, Thomp-
son, settling an the groom's dine
farm about 2 miles south east of our
village, They moved into 'Ifeasalt ;19
years ago, The "family const is of
-(Ales, at ]tome Miss .Margaret R.N..
,Part Huron, William at hoose, Mit,
Mary, Supt. Memorial Hospital,
Thomas; Jack, with the London Life
Ins, 'Co., and Mrs. George Arm-
`trong, 'IIen.sel]; two grandchildren,
Jean Armstrong, and !Keith [Bud -mis-
cue A
uchan -
c u.:\ son George was killed in B.C.
some years ago.. 'MMr, and 'Mrs, 13u-
chanan were members of the Presby-
;erian Church until the. late union,
when they became members of the
United Church, and always took a
great interest in church and munici-
pal natter`, until advancing years
and impaired health presented them
front attending. Mr. and Mrs, tBuc'h-
anan received many nice gifts and
Miss ,Gladys Paas'more and bliss
Verda \\"atset visited over the week-
end at Miss Watson's home in (Lon-
•\ pleasant evening was spetn last
(Friday evening at the hoose of Mrs.
Robert Cameron, when the ladies'
euchre -club met in honor of Miss
Helen Smith, ,bride -elect, The first
part of the evening was spent in
euchre and itther games. The dining
room was beautifully decorated, the
color scheme being pink and white.
The tattle was Alan nicely •decorated
with • pink and candles. A dainty
l inch was served by. candle'light. A
p'easi g feature of the evening w'as
the presentation of a beautiful • lace
table cloth to Adisc'Sittbit 'from the
:members of the euchre chi), f
; which
-he is x titelitiler,...Although taken
o'onpletely by ,nrprise Miss Smith,
ew w h ,e1 •a, l•, ginned
'.le t lie+ their t.n ug11t of her.
Air . t':un, bell and son of lC'ind-
r are visiting at the h rine o' her
sots, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. A, Bc;t..
hlr. and Mrs. \Cot. Jeffery :cel fa-
tr.i, „f I' h me visited en Surday
•a th bar, out \lr . John boast c
nca :ninent ha, been •1 rte on
risen ate lnn I , t lit
-Ales N. 1: hv' -,. rt•,
Taft win. k seas `le. r,,.e h •r re -
a e n.: ante Pday end the i, i tse,l
nttrt rase „ill white, .:.'sing the
imenle i tte 'Lest We t t"
i, vigil, s. eaowel
10 great war , e te: ,:is
eri.. sr'.
11 I''ady-„f Toronto vieiasst eves
ate.. -end \vith M. `ant Mrs.
' 111:•s. (Rev.) \V, A. Young ;vas
eisieed :ever the a' ek-veil by her
-alesSmith and. Miss Wald-
o 1 .' Ottawa,
.,lr, 1., 1lt;,t1t'=1bi• ,,yet a '•-''v days
-:1 - c•cl: ria'tiu� in-S:rat•ur1.
'Wee Edna Butt 'tab returnee to
r after attending the t n
'nat. aunt. the lata \l,, ,1x:1 t Il,
'1'e t
Nlise Bella Sena -.e s n'd in ':rat-
-fort the first ef the week.
\1r. an1 Mrs. :decrees 1.I 'heot 'f
,..7-. .1 i l,el "riends in
lean ,a Thur -day last.
ale and Mrs. John Perk- Ilese
Tee ere
n' tele Ii n ;11 ., •:t. .i:t
�]let ,aav recently ., tat ,..•e'd from
:ei Jrinr (Berry
• Carmel Clench mFt
l n' l s: c e ring in t'1e 'Casement
rhii a .,:r!1 \f7 H. .\rnold
i.: e ..,r.', The m eetin s opened by
a•neing hymn ,,44, ?Jr-. Jame-
, . , 1 t tris
ens were ;I by a verSe i•leuittg
+0r11 1)01,1t1. Lantern slides in
citaree ef Miss Eery' P'tff.
Jesepe nr. receivol
eesseretelatiens. it being her
(.4:h Sirthilay. Mrs. flu icon has been
:0,111111c11 to' cr ?ted for a ,ex .reeks
oat '1 tone : lntte p-.:tr] . _
-Kidnapping f Petty" in the base
met, ,f United Church, Friday era.
int pr ani r to he a treat.
toying t he illness eel Rev, Arth-
ur Sinclair las Sunday the service in
the morning was by Mrs. Taylor of
Thames road and in the evening by
Rev, Mr. Chandler of 'Kippen.
Rer. Arthur 'Sinclair has been con-
fined to his moll for the past week
through illness. His many friends
hope to soon see him in his usual
Mrs. John Henry Petty -The death
occurred mr Nov. 7 of'Sarah Ann
!Butt, relict of the late john Henry
Petty, at her home in 'Hay Tp. She
twas the daughter of the late Mr. and
'\Irs..E1'e n 1Butt of 'Us!borne and was
in her ✓`15th year. After fier marriage
Mr. -and 'Mrs. Patty moved' 'to their
;farm in Hay Tp. near 'Hensall, where
she .has resided. -Mrs. (Petty had been
in poor health for sdme time. Her
husband, the late John '1-I.'Petty, pre-
-deceased. her several years ago, iShe
leaves to morn 'iter loss, one son,
• James S. ;Petty, and a daughters,
Mrs. Leroy :Seddle of Denfield and
'Misses Nora and 'Flora at home; 3
'sisters, Mrs. John Dinsdale, 'Hensall;
tars. 'Flannah Taylor, Fillmore.. Sask.,
- and Mrs. john 'Murdoch, Hensall,
also 011e brother, Mr, Wnt., 'Butt of
(Seaforth. The funeral was 'held from
her gate home ;Friday afternoon,
Rev. M. B. 'Parker had 'charge of
the service. 'Mr.'Sidney S'ntith oi ,De-
troit sang a solo. ;Interinent in Ex-
eter cemetery, The pallbearers were
• Wm. J. Petty, AV. E. 'Butt, Roberta
ID'ayman, Charles D'ay'ntan, Gordon
'Oke and 'Frank 'S'heers, Mrs. 'Petty
Wan held in high esteem. She was a
loving' mother, helpful friend and
• kind .neighbor,, .She was a member of
the United ,Church and will be sadly
,in,issed by a large number of friends,
;Friends were preSenti from Detroit,
12I'amilton, Goderich; Clinton„ Kip -pen,
'and Exeter,
Mr. and, Mrs. E. 'K. Hutton of
Guelph vis'i'ted over the week-en.cl
friends in town',•
- ':Mr. John McLaren of 1Seafor'th
spent a few -days last week visiting
One• of the most distant poultry shipments drom Seaforth was made on Tuesday morning when Mr. An-
drew A. Moore shipped ten White 'Leghorn R.O.P. cockerels to t\, Cheron, Ferme du Vexin Normand,
Villiers en Vexin, 1Eure,'France, The Oberon farm rusts to a' total of about 90,000 birds, mostly White
ILeghorns. The shipment was made under 1Federal S,upervision,. Livestock IBranch. Dept. df Agriculture, and
consisted of two crates, with separate compartments, and feed for 12 days, Farm i$ '50 miles from Paris.
with his brother, 'lir. 1\, 1L, Mc-
Mr, and Mrs. II Mew of Goderich
iisited on Sunday with alis"AL E.
Ellis and other -friends in town.
Mars. Robert Cameron and Miss
Helen Smith -spent a clay visiting
friends in London last week.
The play entitled Silas 'Smidge
from Turnip Ridge, which is being
prepared by the •chamber of- cont-
:t1erce to he put nn -in the near fut-
ure, promises to be a real treat.
The Armistice remembrance clay
service of the oca: churche - which
t u .11e: ,1 in Carmel Presbyterian
Chtrc!t at 2;3.0 Sunday afternoon was
nal ratttndtd, .The memorial services
both at the church and the ntcinn»
mens were very impressive. Psalm 74,
het•, Mlr. Elliott; -eriputre -he con,
het. M. 13. Parker. Thy tact post
sounded by Fred •1 ee oil w t 1 be
tee, minute- lens -Reveille," Sole,
"There i- no death, comrade,' 'I',
She"rift, Prayer, leer. J, 11, Stainton.
''rive•-, Bo:win with a Price, Rev.
W. \. \' nn Solo. iris Honte:and,
Mrs. 1. \\ 1 ,tithrt .After the .mice at the eintrch
t -.t .ya- :1 short nit osi' service at
the nt„nmtttnt with Da,liwood bend
n cttendenee, (siting to the illness
of It v. Arthur ,Sinclair, ire was .un-
5,urhty, Noe. 15:h 51' morning
esreiee in St, •P el' \n; lican Church
:sill he taken by the Rev, Camon E.
\;tp!eyard, M.A. e:t Seaforth, During
the evening service the beauiF:tt new
bras,: - :return \\itis'h i., heist:. present-
ed in mens.ry ittd 'ate fohn and
Alin Petty- ht• the - nte'nther>th
+ e
'rait}, will ase dedicated by he r,e-
tnr, Rev, M 11, Parker. The• late Mr.
a d ?arse John Petty were the par-
ents ,r \ir G. C. Petty ,f I len ill,
\Ir, L. Petty -of Hay lips, and Mlisa-
Blattch Petty of Toronto.
Why Eggs Are Dear.
Pe'e:zle think that the price and the
scst'Sty of eggs i- affected by the cli-
Tmate. '('his is tt wrong impress!nn,
he leo n utas of October and No -
',ember are the a r t mon ns. Nok
mlone; tn,, the Omer's. Agricultural
C ,.bete art Guelph _et aside tit hens
ander the conditions that prevail on
the average farm, e\ strict record was
kept t r.f the laving ni the hens, and
these are interesting, figures that were
secured—the 'tat” for each month
ie as—January 777, February 791,
"March 1044, April 3039, ,May 1650,
June1O66, July 944, 'August 356,; Sep-
tember 21X October Idly November.
1114, December 5:38.
Mr. Ed McIntosh of Wingham was
in town on Tuesday. Mrs. F. Davis
of Goderich visited friends in Seaforth
last week, '3fr, Ronald Sinclair at-
tended the military ball in 'Stratford
on Tuesday evening,-I't is worth a
thousand dollars a year to have the
habit of looking on the bright side of
things.—An assembly is being held
in Cardio''s 'hall this week, given by
some of the young men of town,—
'Mee Taylor of Sarnia was a guest at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Dickson
for a few days.—slIr, ,P. Robinson has
bought a bowling alley at Walkerton
and left to take charge of the same.
Mesrs, H. A. Kelly, D. C, Monroe
anti G. V. Hilburn were in Wingham
Thursday might attending a dance
given by the 'bachelors of that place,
—=1number of people from town
drove to Brucefield to attend' the an-
niversary services held in the churci.
at that place, ')ars. Ferguson and
daughter of Talcker.,ntith are moving
to town and will reside in the beauti-
ful home they recently purchaser]
from bit, George Bates.—A Natural
History Museum, IS being started at
the .Collegiate Institute, Cnntribu-
tions of mounted ,birds, fish or other
animals, collections of insects, min-
erals, s etc: will be
gratefully received
by the staff and ,pupil's,—tMr, O'r'as,
Layton, our 'genial successor to the
W. J, AiIin store, supplied the piano
for the concert ou Tuesday evening
in the opera house — eaforth'e princi-
pal industry is running full blast. The
furniture •factory is receiving more
orders than it is possible to ,urn out
and they were obliged to work over
time in order to supply the demand.
They have secured a large order for
bank filing trucks and the .demand :or
their new system of oiificfle appliances.
is very great, it is impossible to se-
cure all the help which could be
employed, — The death occurred in
Detroit pn Saturday of Agnes Robb,
the beloved wife oi lir, A. G, Wood,
a well known wholesale oil dealer of
that cite. She was 'torn 1:1 Scotland
t.bout ('8 years age and for the past
35 years, since. her marriage, had re-
sided in Detroit. (ler death carte as a
great shock to her hrote'nr, bit. Jalue�
Robb tin.1 sister, \lis J, Rnhb, of
Sea'„rt;1 es they were not aware that
she was serionely i!1. Miss Robb left
on :Monday t, attend the funeral.
Miss; Campbell of Ripley was the
gest o, the Misses Campbell and
Harris,—\lrs. Kennedy of St. blarys
!lea been visiting her mother, Mira,
4 c'Dr •m. - \L•• T, Ni. Litt of Se-
t'ritttyIlle `!tett; a (tsr days last tveek
:1t t~ie ]longe , - he: .'„11, Iblr, E. J.
bar, and Mrs, Jos, Riva of 141anch-
rd w ere on a visit I:, their brother,
Mr. :\Vin, Rinn, lin';,:t. They ale.)
vi rte :friemie in McKillop. \\'hilt:
\It, Ri: e tree in Hallett he purchas-
ed a very tine� horse,
Goderich Rural Telephone Co.
La week at Goderich what is to
'x k•' H1 t a- the Ualericlt Rural Tel-
epbenc Company was provisionally
x'u/5,1, i'Itis company expects to
,;lerati•,n line= in Colborne, Ashliill,
East and 'West :\\'aw,tro,h, Hnlh'tt
11.1 Goderich townships.
The first eleiali , f the ,easen t111 ap-
-.eared inter atreete im Friday morn-
ing. last. Pa to :hie in your hat!—The
iishernten are pulling Ont their floats
'for the winter.—Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
lace 'Johnston
1ace'Johatstott and family left en Tues-
day for Corinne ask: .lir. Herb
Troyer or 'Toronto spent 'Sunday
with lir, Thos. Sanderson.
The snow of last week has put the
loads in a very poor condition,—Mir,
Gen, E. Troyer has sold his valuable
horse, "Captain :Hal,” to a horse
dealer in 'Buffalo for a snug sum.—
'Ninny from this vicinity attended the
funeral of Mr. Jas, Mee -Arthur of ,Hen-
sal] on IMlonday,
Mr, and Mrs'. D. J. Stephenson
spent the week end with their cons-
-ins, John and Ralph Metcalf and fa-
milies of Turnberry ap,
(Mfr, and Mrs, Percy Johnston, fir,
,Elmore Stephenson and 'Miss Marg-
aret 'Robinson spent Sunday with
'Rev, and Mrs, E. A. Poulter of
'Mfrs, W. Armstrong and son John
were in ,London on Saturday visiting
the former's daughters, Mrs, J. Bry-
an and Mrs, I. Collins.
Miss Irene S'cotchmer .of London
spent the week end with her parents,
\ir, and Mrs. W. Scotchmer.
Mir, and Mrs, Edwin T-Lobson and
family, 'Mfrs, 'Frank Hobson, Mrs.
Hammond of St. Thomas were week
end visitors with relatives here,
;Mr. Geo, Hodgson of Wilton G -rove
spent the week end with his daughter,
Mrs. H; Penhaie.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Penhale cele-
brated"their tenth wedding annivers-
are01 t
ISa t
tirday evening. Friends
numbering about forty came from St
Thomas„ Fingal, 'Wilton Grove,
Brucefield, .Seaforth, Bayfield and
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
G. H. Elliott will sell'' by public auc-
tion on Lot 10, South Boundary,
Township of Stanley, one Lot north-
west of Hillsgreen, on Friday, Nov-
ember 23rd, at one o'clock p,m,, the
following: 1 brawn mare 10 years
old; 11 brown horse, .10 years old; 1
chestnut horse, 0 years old; I cow it
calf, 7 years old; 1 heifer 3 years old,
with calf at foot; 3 yearling calves,
$ months old; one MasseyaHa rib
binder 7 -foot crit; '1 bean harvester,
Mlassey,Harris; 1 'Massey -Harris cul-
tivator; 1 \Massey Harris mower 6 -
loot cut; 11 'ill -hoe fertilizer drill; 1
cutter, 1 light wagon, 1' top buggy,
1 5 -section 'farrow, 1 14 Masi -icy -
Harris disc, 1 -\Passey-(Harris riding
plow, 1 walking plow-, 1 14 -foot rake,
1 bobsleighs, 11 stock rack, 1
Pain wagon, 1 land roller, Ile gravid
box, 1 (aiming' mill, 1 stay rack, 1
dozen bags, 2 sets of double harness,
1 ;D53is td cream separator, 1- manure
Treader, .1 grindstone, 1 emery stone
and stand, furans spades, shovel and
a number of other articles, '.Perms —
.\li sums of ;N10,00 and under, cash;
over that amount Si months' credit
will be given on furnishing approve,'
,ioiet bankable paper. _\ discount of
9 per cent. Per allttlttn allowed for
cash ou credit amounts. Positively no
reserve, George H. Elliott, Auctioneer
d'hotographe taken now, 12 photos
make 12 tit'ori gifts. Our prices are
riot high, Burgess, The Web Known
Stmdic,s, Mitchell and Clinton, Both
radios open every week day. .11itch-
c11 bulli, will be' open every- eight
from 7.39 pito. to 9,30 p.m. for tak-
ing photos.
Pine rc 11s. Apply to' Michael Con-
nolly, Lot 1, Con, 17. MlsKillop, Tel-
ephone No. 513 r 19, Dublin; c'o Dan
Bettertttann. 48.
715 .Pure Bred R.O.P. and Register -
cd :Barred Rock cockerels, wing band-
ed, hatched in May, will weigh 8 lis.,
and good individuals. Harry Palin,
':Lot 20, can, 4, :\'McKillop, phone 244r
116. 416
(Nine pige for sale, 7 weeks old.
Apply to Geo. Dundee, Phone 23301l,
Seaforth. 46
Several from this vicinity attended
the shower given in tate town hall at
1Baylfield for lir, and Mrs. John Scot-
chmer, Jr.
(Mrs. Thos, Bell and granddaughter,
Miss Mildred Millar visited with airs,
.Robt. 'Bell of near ,Hurondale over
the week end.
,lir, Lewis 'Woods of 'London visit-
ed at the hone of his father, :Mr,
1Raht, Woods one day recen'tly.
Quite a number front here spent a
day in London last week.
Mtiss Mabel :lM.c'Ewen of 'T'oronto.
is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Ro-
land Williams,
Miss Catherine Peters of +Western
University spent the week end et the
Mr. Angus MaciPhereon of Strat-
tratford and Miss Joy Whitlock of ,St;
Thomas 'were week end visitors in•
this vicinity.
Creamery .Butter /�, Q c
2 pounds for .... ��a
Pure Lard
2 pounds for .,..
Sliced Pineapple
2 tins.
Aylmer Tomato 'Soup
5 tins 24c
Red Rose Tea lb, 49c
(Cocoa per 1b. 15c
Rideau Hall 'Coffee
per pound
Stove 'Pipes „ .,,,., each 18c
Elbows 23c
Putty, popnd 7c
Stable (Shovels 90c
Stable Brushes 85c
.5 tine M. Forks 1,25
Axes each 1.35
Men's Rubber Boots
per pair 2,49
Men's Heavy •Leather Boots
39e per pair , , , , . 2,49
Oyster !Shell, per cwt. 1.20
32% CHOWDER 3.15
LAYENA CIHECK'ERS , , , ,, 2.55
LAY (CHOW 2.35
BRAN per ton 25.00
S'H'ORTS per ton 26.00
MIX CHOPPER. per cwt, 1,30
MEAT MEAL 60% 3.40'
Highest price paid for all kinds of
Grain, Poultry and Eggs
Thos. Dickson
A quantity of Northern ,S'!sy apples.
Apply to Mrs. L. J. Doig, Kipper,
Onte R,R. 2, Phone 4 on 93, Hensall
Cen. 46,
'A cattle beast, black Polled :\ttgu.,
fr,1m Lot 34, Con, 111, -McKillop, Jas.
\MsClnre, 'Phone 246 r 111, Seaforth:
Wanted immediately, a farm, about
100 acres or more, to rent or work on
share .
Apply to V. H. eDeichert.
Zurich, R.R. 1. 47
To handle Massey -'Harris machines
and repairs in the Town of Seaforth,
Apply at The News Office, 47.
blouse and lot, West \\'illiaui 'St.,
Seaforth. Seven rooms, modern con-
veniences. Apply to J, T, -'leash,
Varna, Phone Clinton 0212 r 23,
The next meeting', of the Huron
County Council wiil be held in the
Comity 'Council Chambers, Court
Huse, -Goderich, at 2 o'cl.ock in the
afternoon of Tuesday, December 4th,
1034. All accounts, notices of deputa-
tions or applications and other im-
portant business requiring attention
',t this sheeting of the Council should
.he in the hands of the clerk not later
than the Monday previous to the
meeting of the. Council.
'Dated at Goderich, this Sth day of
November' 1934.
'County Clerk.
House with two lots, at the corner
of Victoria and George streets, eight
rooms, sta'bl'e. Will be .sold very reas-
onably to settle an estate. Mrs. Peter
DeCourcy, Egruondville,
To take care of winter deliver-
ies of Creaut, Eggs and Poul-
try, announce the appointment
as their representative in Sea -
forth. Mr. Routledge will re-
ceive produce at the full mar-
ket price, commencing this
Saturday, 'Sept. lst.
E. C. Chamberlain
Clerk of the 'Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.,
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5:30, p,m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Life, automobile, fire, sickness and.
accident insurance. If in the mar-
ket for any of the above lines, kindly
give us a call.
Insurance Agencies
Phone 334 - Seaforth, Ont.
-Composed of good garage, ware-
ltottses, blacksmith shop, a bui:die
for chopping mill and home,- all wait::
hydro and telephone equipment, also
a furnace in the house. A number :1
fruit trees, four lots, on the main
street. of Varna. Well situated on the
county road between 'Brucefie d anel.
hayfield, (Apply to !Nelson ,\\ Ile
Varna, Ont., or phone 96x11, IIen..aa `
The '1 Pb C'hristm'as .Cakes on displeei
at , Carter's and Rot1tledge's will lee
solei at 30c. Orders taken for Christ-
mas cakes, any size, 'at the same
price per lb,. at the store or at Mrs,
Earl Ross', one block west of Recrea-
tion Ground Also shortbread,
Fire Sale
Did you figure out, the real money
money you can save by feeding our
Field Run Potatoes, boiled, to your
hens and pigs ?
There is nothing you can 'buy at
twice or three times the price today,
that can equal them at our price of
$6.00 per 2,200 lbs. per ton. As order
came in fast last week, you had bet-
ter act now, if you want a load.
Hugill Potalo Farni
PHONE 34.616. Reverse call
11'..S.—Hand ,graded eating, No. ,1
,Dlooleys , .,....,, ,t..,. a• . 40c delivered
IFatdler "Are there half fares for
Con d u,c
.F,ather--VT,hat's all' right, I've only
free." ..
Briarcliffe Mines
On the Mother=''ode, California
Well financed and controlled by well known London, Ont,,
businessmen, Well developed with 50 ton mill -row in
Low Capitalization
We recommend this stock to ;anyone seeking a• good
junior mining stock with attractive possibilities for
appreciation in "values.
Prices on Application
E. A. Siegrist&Co., Ltd.
Phone,; Metcalf 13370LL. 'New Paul: of Toronto Bridge London, Ont,
• 't \fr. W1n. Watson, R. ;R, No. 3, Mitchell