HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-11-15, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 s This is AYLMER SOUP WEEK And the manufacturers are making a special offer through the Superior Stores of a genuine Tudor Plate Soup Spoon, value 55c, for three Aylmer Soup Labels Land 20c cash. Superior Stores make it easy for you to obtain a number of these beautiful spoons by featuring Aylmer Soups at a very low price for the week -end. Get your supply early.. ITEMS FOR ONE WHOLE 'WEEK AYL!1VIER PEAS, No. 4 Sieve 2 TINS 19c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE l's 37 c 3 TINS AYLMER SOUPS, Vegetable Tomato, Celery & Asparagus agas C ..1 DOZEN 90c DERBY 'CHEESE, / db. pkgs, National Cheese Week McCORMICK'S IBUTTER SODA BPSCUITS 1 1b. bags -2 LBp. 21c NEW SULTANA RAISINS 2 LBS. 23 c Aylmer Choice Golden Bantam Corn, 2's Singapore Sliced Pineapple Taylor's Peanut Butter, 10 oz. jar Aylmer Choice Peaches, 2's sq. Choice Pears, 2's sq. • Schneider's Weiners Schneider's Peameal Back Bacon Sunbeam Electric Bulbs, 30 watt and 60 watt Mazda Frosted Electric Bulbs, 40 and 60 watt Ovaltine, small -45c; medium -67o; Royal York Tea Salted Peanuts Mincemeat Saniflush Cascade Fancy Pink Salmon, l's Libby's Sauer Kraut, 24's Nonsuch Stove Polish 2 PKGS. 25 c 2 tins 25c 2 tins 23c each per tin per tin per lb, per Ib. each each large Vs lbpkg. per Ib. 2 lbs. per tin per tin per tin per bottle 14c 20c 13c 20c 30c 15c 23c 1.09 30c 13c 25c 25c 13c 11c 18c FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Cleaned Currants Lemon and Orange Peel Citron Peel Glace Cherries Glace Pineapple New Shelled Almonds Shelled Broken Bordeau Walnuts Lexis Raisins, with seeds New Hallowi Golden Dates New Turkish Cooking Figs per lb. 14c per ib. 21c per Ib. 29c TA Ib. 10c f Ib. 15c per lb. 39c per ib. 39c 2 lbs, 25c 2 lbs. 19c 2 lbs. 17c NATIONAL CHEESE WEED. New Canadian Cheese 2 lbs. for 25c Silver Brick Cheese, Limburger Cheese, Creamed Roquefort Cheese, Velveeta Cheese, Pimento, Olive Cheese, Beaumert Cheese, etc. oss J. Sproat Miss N. 'ryce Phone `3 Phone., 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J, WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE—AUTO—WIND Our Policies Will Protect . You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully protected—you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE SPECIAL Choice farm in the Township of McKillop, good soil, good build- ings, well located, well watered, Hydro, many extras. Also Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Call, Phone or Write Us. A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per ib,,,.., ,Oats, per bushel ..r. , ,....... 38c Wheat, per bushel , ...... 9,2c Feed barley, per bushel 48e Eggs, per doe. 3c -38c ,Potatoes, per bag ,•,r 40e Malting barley, per bushel 65c Hogs, per cwt. ..r ...... . ....... $7.00 As a vermifuge an effective prepar- ation is Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator, and it can b'e given to the -roost idelicate child •wit,hout fear 01 ins 'jury to the constitution. ST. COLUMBAN, Mr. and Mr's. Frank Mack of Roch- ester, NY., visited friends here over the week end, Miss Bridget O'Loughlin of Strat- ford spent Sunday with her uncle, John Lavin. Misses - Lucy Burke and Sadie (Ohureuan of London visited the for- me', home on Sunday, frantic \IcQuaid of Stratford spent the week end with i1r, and airs, James 'McQuaid. 3Tr. Robt. McGrath and little dau- ghter, ,Dorothy, of Detroit, are visit- ing his parent.. - \lr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan or Kitchener spent Sunday with their parents here. )Miss Agnes McGrath of Wellesly ,pent the week end at her home here. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Misses Helen Cox and Irene Woods urutured up from London and spent the week end at their respective home,, One evening recently the Y,P,S, of Union Church gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Harwood and presented Mr. and Mrs. ,I. rRhean with a shower, Mrs, Jas, !Harrison spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. R, .G. Thom - .:on near •Clinton. 3f -my from this community went to Clinton on Friday night to see the plat George in it jam." Mr. Wilmer and Dora ,Harrison and Miss Audrey spent Sunday at the honk of Mr, uid airs, It. G. Thomp- son and family, \1r. and Mrs. J, S Lockhart and Glen also Mrs, :\, Spence, spent the week enol with friends at Dundalk, A good supper and dance was mit on by the Rivcrston L.:C)JL, on Nov, 5th. On '1"hnrsd'ay evening, Nov, list a IHallowe'etl social was !tele[ at Grace Church. A happy 'time.was spent by all. Lunch was served, On the evening of Nov, 11311i the Men's . C6u,bh .a d as their a ges t s peck- er Rev, D. J. Lane of Knox Church, 'Goderich, who took for his subject, "The Things that 2,'[ake for Peace." The ladies were invited to attend, Send us the names of your visitors, THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS. Mrs, Maude !Sloane of Toronto ie visiting her brother, Mr. R. F, jones and Mrs. -Jones, who is quite ill. Bliss Mande Laidlaw is spending a ,few days in Toronto, • Mr, and Mrs. R, 0:. Nott, Mrs. \ 'ns, Kruse, Mrs, \Vm.• Oldfield and two children were in Niagara Palls, N.Y„ last week -enol attending the funeral of the late William Neubauer of that city, On 'Thursday, Nov. 81th, Rev. W. Hay Brown and his son, the Rev. 'Lloyd'Douglas ,Brown of St, George'; Anglican Church,. 'Guelph, also Miss 'Russel of 'Guelph, ,ell old friends of Mrs. Alex. Finnigan, visited her in Egntaudville, Her mother, Mrs, Lor- imer of Toronto, who had spent three weeks of her two months' visit here, in the hospital, returned with them to Guelph for a brief stay, before re- turning to • her Moine in Toronto, -.Mfrs, Joe. Eckert and Miss Mc- Carty of Oakville, were visitors at the home of 3Mr, and Mrs, C, Eckart• last Sunday. Mr. W. Bell front Oakville was a visitor at the home of his mother, Mrs, R. Bell, last Sunday, ladrss Irene 'fluff returned on Mon- day to IL'uffato after spending -a week's vacntiult with her mother, Mr. Mary Clntl'. Mr, B. Wright, Mr. L. 'Moran, Miss Martin and Miss Florence 'McKenzie, 'Brantford, were Sunday visitors at the house of the latter's"parents, Mr. and Mrs, john McKenzie, Goderich Street, Ati enjoyable euchre •uta. held by L.O.L.No. 793 in the Fudge rooms on Wednesday evening when the follow- ing were the winners: 'Gents' lira, i\lr. [crank Smale; ladies' oliva, Mrs, Sid, ,Pullman; lone hands, Mrs. Barney Hildebranla, IMPROVEMENT. Wooden treads have been placed on the stone steps at the w,stoilice. which will he a safety measure ing the icy- weather. The work •wt. clone by 31r, H Ldge. Several yea,, ago a metal railing was placed on each side fur this purpose. It is said, on good autho•- itv, that this improvement has no con1ectiov with the new beer laws, NORTH •SIDE W. M. S. The regular f11'nthly meeting of North Side United Church NA', 1\ I.8, was heli( on Thursday afternoon of ia,st week when \Irs. R. Nrs•Itilnild presided. 1311„ A. Lawrence led 1n prayer, The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, \V. J. 'Williams. In the absence of Mrs. J. t'. Laing, Mr. 1). 'Hutchison real a splendid and in- formative paper on "Christian Stew- u•dshap," •\rran *em ents were Houle for the annual ntectins to be held next month. airs. J. Finlayson ex- tended an invitation to the \uxiliary to meet at her home for the Novem- ber .social work meeting Mrs. \V111. Cad:, captain of ;group No. 5, then took the chair, Mrs. \\', Webster then read the devotional leaflet, :\Irs. Black introduced the topic frons the said}' book, 'Builders of India." 31rs, T. 3fe2fichael then rantinned the topic which was taken from the ,Ord chapter, which was most inter- esting. Mrs, (Ret`.) ,C'au•mirhhel gave a splendid talk on the Life and Work of 1! tvier, one eii the pioneer build- ers whose followers are still carry- ing on and have built tip a wonder- ful mission ,field in the southern part of India, After singing a hymn the meeting closed with the afizpalt ben- ediction. Timothy Seed Estimate The total yield in Canaria of timo- thy seed in ;119134 may approximate 5,- 000;000 pound,, as against 4,100,0011 pounds in ,1033, and an annul aver- age for 'the past five years of 2 Million pounds. The normal annual consump- tion. is estimated at 110,010,000 ennui's. and from 7 to 8 million po%mds of this have to be imported annually from the United 'States. • Phone Phone Seaforth 232-21 Brussels 19-5 NewGeneralStore WALTON Quality, Value, 'Service, Courtesy Buy your Xmas Cake Fruit Here —JUST IN— Lexia, Seedless, California White, Raisins, Currants, Whole or Cut Peels, Pitted Dates, Maraschino Cherries, ALWAYS IN STOCK- 'Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Cali- fornia Grapes, Prunes, Figs, Mince- meat. BE SURE TO .SEE OUR WEEK- END SPECIALS NOTICE— Cream lifted from our store Mon Wed. and Friday (Mornings, Highest Market Price plus commis- sion for Cream and Eggs D. Ennis PAGE FIVE. EUCHRE BINGO DRAWING FOR ST. 1VI S' SCHOOLR IZES J HALL Mon., Nov. 19 ADMISSION 10c TOWN COUNCIL (Continued from Page One) pressed pleasure at meeting Mr. Bos- well on his recent holiday trip there. The writer was a. 'miller by blood," tracing back several generations fo the business and though American - born, he is •of Welsh parentage. He hoped to visit this part of the coun- ty some tante. IIe sale little encour-� agenient in exporting now. The New York inquirer would want to secure an Old Country market before pro- ceeding with h. Canadian mill. No word has been received from the (High Commissioner fn. England, -It eras stated 13 nun could riot the 111111 here. Reeve • !Crazier reporting- for the. Strut., Couunittee said nearly all the gravel etas used up, but there wore a fete places where rough spots need- ed tailing ilia The Property Con111111tee is get ting. the town hall cleaned •up, par- ticularly Windows, and are having the words, "Cleric's Ofdice lettered On the door of the office lite Badminton Cltrh is asking to have the use of a couple of registers in the upper part of tits town hull, The water fotin- t:uu is still a matter of controversy, ,\ nett site in front of the' town hal! meets With much. favor as it i5 th dilate with vett little parking. - Mr. Bert \\uliauns was present, requesting at six Months' license fur the winter in place of the $215 yearly license for the howling alley. As this was set byy by-law last t January, no action was taken for •t11e present, \o action was taken on letters frena several auditors soliciting business. -\ letter from Mr. Iltimher of Goderieh requester) Clinton, Se,morth, and Goc!- erieh to discs,, chant ng the status of the Colle,giales to Ili.;h Schools. Motion.; Moved .by I„ F Bolton C, 1I. Johnston, that in the event of the Scaf,rah !folding Syndicate complet- ing arrangements with ,T. Bnshn.r1 for the purchase of the Avon Chests factory, the Council agl'ce to rebate taxes 1'4111, '32, '33, and '34, and raise seizure Carried, \loved by ,f. J. - Broderick -T. fix Johnston, that this tweeting be ad- journed to sleet at the call of OW Mayor, Carried. The finance committee reported a. follows: Thus, Storey $60; Jas.'. V. Ryan $515; J. .\, \\'ilson a$7O,93; Il Snell, $bl); .1, Powell $3.i.; \W, ill. •Elliott, Ptd, of H., $11; Earl Ross, $9; jos.Hoggarth, $11114,85; Can, Nat- Rys $3.06; John Purcell, $9; Rob- ert Pinkney, $a); County of Huron, hospital account, 270; .A. \W. Dunfop, ace, Ftll., 51,43; Municipal World. $lord); Dunlop '!'ire' fi ,1:ubber Goods Co., 30r; Joseph ,Heffernan, $118,75: ;Bell Tel, :Co„ 52,45: i', Frost & Son, 51,1114; N. Clufl• & Sons •434; .Sproat C Sproat, $117.35; ;Fred Reeves, $325; Collegiate IlIstitme Board, 51.200; •Fred Recces, 5112; Tlfu,. Klein, 510.- 25; jos, Hoggarth 53,50; Joscp!, Storey, $1115,40; Highlanders Band 5100; Ed. Barnett. 52,24. REGINA OLD BOYS (Continued from Page One) 15, P. Panli•n. Mr and Mrs. S. J. Swayze, Mr. and Mrs, H. C. I-Iicks. Mrs, Elmo Scott, Cupar; Mr. and Mrs: 1:. M. Lindsay, Mr, and Mrs. E. P'hemie, :\, L, Cole, Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ;Schnell, Mrs. M. E. Dunlop, \lis, 'Rebecca McCallum, 3Ir. and Mrs, Grant Waddell, Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Johnston, Milestone, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ,~haw's Margaret I. Duty Mr, and '-Mrs, R. II, Cook, Mr, and airs H. J. Gardiner, .lir. and Mrs John G. Gardiner, Miss Mary Gardiner: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ratliff, Mrs, 1G 'I-Iabi u•l:, A G. .Habi til C. C. Cook, \ \V Pickard, Miss Elsie Mc- -Co-tcheoth, Mrs. L. A. \Ic'Cutrheon, Mos, Al. L. Meek, Wilcox; -Mir, and 'Mrs. George Troup, (Pease, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Calder, J. E. Gould, Isabel !Gould, Mr, and Mrs, 1'. N ,Davidson, \\'. Davidson, W. G. Holman, a'astlata, P. _Cooper, 'Mrs, M. Cooper, Mrs, L, .Phillips and Mrs. 31. IG, Kerr, Pease, Mr. and Mrs. ;+ 0-, Thompson, Rowan Mr, and Mrs Tame; McCon- nell, Mr, and air„ 1, A. Demorest. Mr, and Mrs. C. A, Hall, and Estella G. Chisholm, Cups'; -\4r. and .firs. \d. 'C. Ross Mfrs. N V, Richardson, 515'. gine; ILyle L. Richardson, WIldox.. Mr, and Mrs. W. 5. Campbell, A. Murray, G. 151. Howard, 'Janes Eagle - 1 DALY'S RADIO SERVICE We have a limited number of reconditioned Radioes in stock which we are offering at money -saving prices. They won't last long. If you want a real radio at a low price, see us at once. SPA -T 0 "RADIO'S RICHEST VOICE" We would be pleased to show you the new 1935 Sparton All -Wave Receivers at any time, Priced from $49.95 to $249.00, RADIO R B Call us for expert, guaranteed, service on any Radio—any make, any model, any year 1 Latest testing equipment, rapid service and reasonable rates. We are members of Radio Manufacturers' Service, F. DALY PI-IONE 102 SEAFORTH 5 nn, Warner; Mr. and Mrs. W. A, 'Sclater, Mr, and Mrs. J. R McKen Margaret McKenzie and Chris Ped sen, Milestone; lir, and Mrs. L, 'Ring, Mr, and Mrs Al \ Carmic ael, lir, and :Mrs, George 3fcKay, -A ernethy. eldChic Dinner and Concert B. AT BRUCEFIELCH D UNITED CHUR ON FRIDAY EVENING T. E. Love, Milestone; air, and Mrs Garnsey, 3Ir, and Mrs.- A. W. Masser, Andrew Gilmour, Keystow•n, %Wilfrid Elliott, and Mr and • Mrs, Al- bert Elliott, Luau -fieri; W. L. Sut11- erby, Mts. A. Hamnilton, • Beverly Hogg, Mi. and airs, \\'nm, Etty, Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Allison, Mr. and Mrs, \V. J. Allison. Mrs, G. F, Blair, Dr, 'and .Mrs'. W. \L Illair, \Its; Lily McArthur, 3fr. and Mrs. Joseph 3Ic2fath, Mrs. A. R. P,ev- r Mese, Miss K. R. Bevridge, Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Totten, Elsie G. Totten, BRUCEFIELD. • 'On Friday evening a surprise Party of Mr. and Mrs. Ci Howard and Ev- elyn, Exeter: Mr, and \Its, I. Hess, Mx,. and Mrs. Yi, I-Iess,Public a d :Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. 3I. Drysdale, Kathryn and Jack, Mr. and :Mrs, \1', \!..Laren, Lots and Marian, IIen.a'1: 2[r, and Mrs. Jas. .\11an, ,111)'ich, Mr, and sirs, J. Carters, Blake'and Mr, and Mrs. R. _Minn, Betty and Boll), P,ruceheld, met at the home of Mr. and. \1r•. C. Ii !laugh in hon- or of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Haugh and 1I ze . \fr, and Mr -\\. Haugh were presented with h beautiful tour -piece silver service, walnut table and hand painted china piece, 'l'ite address svu November 23 Admission 40 cents Children under 12-20 cts. the winter with her son, Mr, John McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Tyndall , Tucker.nti111 have moved. to the vil- lage. NVe welcome thein to our. midst: The many friend; of Mr. John Swan will regret to hear of his ;erionc illness, • Mr, W. N. McQueen of 1 ,root:, vl iterl his parent: in the village last week. Iii had returned recently from a business trip t, Vancouver where he. had quite an experience being out In a terrific windstorm, to lephone. soles blowing clown and }Mildred, ..f trees blown clown and uprooted la Stanley !'ark, \ most impressive memorial serc:iec 1cat; held on Renteawln'anee• 5)ac in the l'nite l Church last Sunders Int n'n- ng, The two minutes of .:deuce was observed at 1• o'clock, The- pastor, Rev l\". A. Bremner, preached 1 most .approjnitste sermon, text, J6110 18:411, (Treater love !lath no Ulan than thio, that a man lay dot%.n dais' life• - for his friends." \ joint rneeti1ti ,f clic !'incite:4.1 read by Mr. (L Howard and presents - 1 1•,(1 and 1';F;\\.O. 11112 v\i1. u,l was made by 31r G. Iles.,. e f at the hone• of 3[r Liml,a.. .Miss Hanel 1fau�h, who 'caveat•Eyre on \\ ednesday. Nov list ohor.lj' for South America, was 'o The t,prc. Methods tor Kee,- pre- sented with a decorated club. hag ti 1I. - ed with beautiful ,gift- by petty Allan and Ruth Bess. \\'allace and Haze' thanked all very mach for their kind- ness. .\n old fashioned l dress parade gave much amusement to alb 'rite program was completed with song:; contesto and nntsicalnumbers.. All present •felt they had not Spent such an enjoyable evening for a long time. Miss J-Iazel (laugh .airs .from New York on Saturday, Nov. 1+7, for EI Centro, Columbia, South .\merica. Nit's, Margaret McKenzie of our village has ;.Ole to \Vinrlsor 1' speli'l Ing Meet 1 le:h," is to be taken , - \ir s Gibson and .Mrs. Wm. \foKe'- /o . Rn11 dill: -Suggestions . Christmas (sift.." NOW -20 Pages of Comics 3iore fun than ever! See The De- t ,tit Sunday 'l'i'nes, for ace - Comic Section in Color,. Newconi'• friends and old favorite.; BORN Dns -on. -Tn Clip nt }Io.Pital: ,an November 4, 19.14, to Mr. and Mr., Orrin D ,wson, Varna, a Mau;3hte•., Marilyn. Janet Elizabeth. Your Poultry Flock Will Like It and You {Ty 11 Pialt with Seientifical y balanced feeds that have helped many local poultrymen to obtain more eggs from their birds at the lowest possible cost while maintaining the health and vitality of the Hock. Mixing only quality ingredients in propor- tions necessary for efficient feeding, we know ROE FEEDS will bring out the best in your flock. A oaluable bulletin, "More Winter Eggs" zvi11 be mailed upon request, ROE POULTRY RANCH ATWOOD FEED DEPARTMENT ONTARIO Local Representative — SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM MR: JAMES M. SCOTT