HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-11-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers.
The following from the Fergus
''News -Record of Nov.Sth, recurs to
the late John 1:. 'Gowlan 1, who was
a brother of R. Cecil Lowland, for -
weer teacher of SS. No. 9, McKillop,
and on -in-law of W. S. and Mrs.
Forte., Walton. Much sympathy is
felt for Mr. Lowland int the loss of
another member of his fancily, this
being the fourth in two and one half
-''herr Passed peacefully away a:
St. :Michael's hospital ror.nto on
October 27:h. John Edward. eldest
son of the late John and Jane 'Bow-
land of Fergus, Mr, Goo land had
been in ill health for some time and
failed rapidly Iluring the past two
week:. For r number of years, be
Was ne of Wellington's outstanding
teachers, later holding a responsible
office position in Toronto, The priv-
ate funeral service was conducted by
Rev, G, A. Donald. of Kintbtturne
Park United Church. in the Trulle
funeral chapel, Dufferin street, and
burial made in Mount Pleasant cem-
etery, Toronto. The family are ac-
corded community sympathy in their
uttlooked for bereavement.'
\[r. Harry Skinn of Nete Liskeard
purchased a t.'hev sedan: in \\'7n;ha,n
returning house last Thursday, :te•-
cotnpattied by Earl Huy who will
spent some time at New Like n•tl.
Mrs. Barrows was taken scriou,ly
ill last Saturday at her daughter's,
Mr,. J. \l:hs4cl's, We hone site wit.
soon be about again,
\Ir. 'sets Me l'aggart is
tined to his i1.nt.e but is
:In proved.
'Che c.•mnt l lits- ;lances
-,n Friday ct •ging ,.' this
she t' tibia'.: "H t.% .,iris'.
The regular monthly meeting 0.
the 1-adit t,ni'dand \V..A. ntct at
the loon, t Mrs. 1' 3I.1'a.ag,rt ..tt
\Vs inc:day, Nov, 7. Ret. hlr. Rick-
- cn' 1 the ineet'n:g with t' •ril'-
t:c't r a lits, :allowe,.l. by prayer.
T'•e. n. .tic, cure read :u1.1 itpprov-
e1 and af the bazaar tireh.
4.cte r in- ,. rago it las suggest.
u st-
t,t ',y \t,•s \I'1a>s,att that tete
members of the Guild have a "Cop-
.er t nte.." \I r., F, Sea:•'ett and
ag,tiu con -
...,1111) 11 it:tt
Will begin
week Ior
c cr i i 0�, 1 •'t ,. , c 1,, 1. -;ie
robe' t . \ir.. ;~,Lett, .I(i Co: -
hated 1),12 , errs atol N115.. .hrlrt'-
,.'m 1e)18 coptwrs. Mr-. Searle:1'
si,l.• tt��i1 :t - 1 ti.l 11111 tsr dp-
•t, .1 on bon `'.le- si.,
-I_0.Z. \ , ,rel. eVetttng c:'.'. :,,.. he:d at
Mrs. 1:. \ole:, 0l 0.r the 0 .rashe
.11, r. 111 i;y, Nov. lo. The \W..\.
t•.,t—k ine,tint ;hid :tt usual
pr tr t.:• „ t .arri:d nt. It was
l'""..1 \Irv. air I'.tg4a, t.
Nit'sl:o'r that ts hale 650 1 -
lo sent 1 • the needy, brace :vas
sm.. n our',-,r,e1.
'rot aua,:a' 'n,z,t:r St, tic .r c's
Wait •I, gas held in the .1.
i l.0 .\V. hall an Pr!day. Not. 2. '''acre
was a ert splendid I t, n fancy
a 'r l , quilt. an -1 apron., , a is noon',
-"do: and :til ,
1 'inr :anti pr.,-
• :ICI, t,:a a t ifs a'al earr,•t 1 v
ry• tb mated .genu•on, y he
the nr. tnh. r . 111• ,'I r,'b. 'Che
h„n t ui t -t1) I tl ass , 'tag it. eon/I-
-- • and ?.ieided littera! pr. \
irnwtr.: , s•t,.:. c: wi —, r 1 fr. on
4 ''7 1 'a it. '.• ii a t a Ler ;'c.,!.'1),
The total receipts free Marga r and
+nnj :•r aur;.:amP..-,1 5111.0 •ind 111'
:trent ger, St. .4,€.,,ree`, Cottrell ap-
, reciatc very 11511.11 the -111(11 lid way
which the 's....a:e .. 1A-ait•.n and
connnnnity attended their bazaar anti
:'sus lt.l,(o,l to tnaike it a d cided
noettlily tu, cuing of the I. F.
Y. P. t) t".,11, will he iteld in the .A.
\V. Fla': an arue-day evening,
Nott•'ntlier _'i)::, at 5 o'clock,
Mrs. Metcalf itttrned last week
fr...m a visit to her son near Pittsburg
and latiglrter in Detroit.
\lis. Lucy \\ ods an -rived hone
Sattir ias a fter a very enjoyable holi-
day aft bland where site visited her
On Sunday next Rev. • Mr, hobbs
of Otterville and Rev. W. G. Bugler
exchange pulpits, :Service here at 7
[Remembrance shay service Armis-
tice- Day with a very httiag and int-
pressxt service held in the square
.aside the "Cairn" on tiiutriay Morn -
November ltlltlt, at 10 o'clock.
Re,-, 1.. -Af. Gale, minister of St,
\ndre:v s' United Church ripened the
service with a prayer of invocation
followed with the reading 4 the sec-
ond chapter of Isaiah and a short ad-
dress from Josh. the -4th chapter, 6th
terse, "What Mean Ye by These
• Stone. ? Wreaths were •then laid at
the base Of the cairn by Mr, Murdock
• Ross and airs, Currie. Two tnintutes
of- silence were then observed. Rev;
1W. G. Bugler, !Rector of Trinity An -
Farm Machinery and
Come in -and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repaitrs and Labor Cash.
Hein Church read the name, of
those who had fallen and offered the
prayers stut.thle for the service. The
school children then :sang 10pling's
hymn "The Recessional," led by the
Rector. The Veterans then starched
past the cairn each placing a poppy
on the wreaths. Rev, Mr. Bugler clos-
ed the service with prayer and bene-
L-\ service in keeping with armistice
and rentetnbrance• was held in St
!Andrew's United Church S;today
morning, November 1111th at 111 01•• their hoarse by the river.
clock. The minister, Rev. R. 1\I. Gale, airs, 1?, Gaunt of Lucknow visite,.i
.conducted the. service. It was opene.t several days with her n' n
t the r. Air..
hy singing the national anthem fol- H. -Lyon, recently,
Nies. T, Moot:, Mrs, \V. Allen, \(r.
Lear and Miss Young arc all on the
tick list at prasett,
d to his :fed,
Mr, and Mrs. Herb A[, ridge of
:auburn Sundayed at the hone of air.
W. E. Manning, •
13Ir. Sid Lansing' and his mother
visited at the home of Robt. ioung-
blttt on Sunday,
\lr. and \frs, Frank Hall have
moved into the h'otfse formerly- occu-
pied by Mr, .\f. Jordan,
Mr. Fred Gibbs, Robt. Gibbs ant
Miss L. Gibbs have arrived from the
West aha will shortly he settled itt
1'tted by two minutes of silence ani
nntoeation, The hundredth P=aint
wars then snug to the ttute "Old Hun-•
tired," followed by suitable respon-
sive reading- and the Lord's prayer.
The choir sang. a special number "Oft
ping Ye Bells of Peace," The minis-
ter chose as Ids text Rout, 14.119, "Let
us :herefore follow after the things
hicit make for pcaee." 0 God Our
1-Ielp in Age, fast, was sung as the
closing -!tyro:: fellotied by the bene-
Rev. and _airs, 1V, G. Bugler and
Rov. ll.
M. Gale attended. the funer-
al of R.cv, Dean '!sucker at London
:1st weft:, -
i die,'tors for tete iti!,:e 1c,tlety
will soon be making their ealls anti
nvt+ hope they receive a liberal :lona-
\Ir. and \1 , Hugh McLaren, Ma-
ao-to : and t .n,.tine \lc Laren of Port
Elgin spent the week end here with
\I, e- io•li'un, aatd AfaudSterling'.
\lr, fatuts Cameron :and son Evans
were week e:n:I greats of Mr. and
Mrs. John R. Cameron,
Mrs. 1 airdttet• and T.intighier .
London spent the week rn I with 11rs.
I\[ar,garet \Wood.,
Mr, Oliver Goldthorpe has hent
north .'t ,t It horn. trip and return,'
w1:1 .1 lbw deer,
St. \odr w s United yonn., '
,[ep,•ttr:alit eLi a u,t.q.te•'a t „grit
al the basement of tint ep,n'ch \\'gl-
nesfay even• o :as: w‘,..k. First prior•
i..r [they- sires. was tush 'Ly I)-.rathy
Sc•.tchncr as a gypsy : Gladys Gale
first 't, c. mt . it ', t Icat; ll„t•'letl
Clark. first ent.itt as Swale: Maio•
Seotchnn•t•, contie. The first par; ,
the evening was ',punt in Stant- amd
c hoes'•, nttt.ical program of orehen-
:re tointbers ,t Robert and \.+arum
1\ e,sh, June Stevenson ,tcc.'ntpatny-
in .m piano, i'ktnI : dos by
Pease, Ione Steven -oat: piano duet by
11ahc1 Scotchn1er and Gladys Gale:
,i ..if .11et by 11,iys and Mr. (talc,
s.or , [),,riot nn,' nner, readings,
Elizabeth th Sn ,adnn, D,lana louts.
Hallowe'en refreshments •.cert served
\noivor,ary ,rrvicc, wore livid in
the united 1'hnre.1 �,nt N.V. lith, at
11 ;Jim angd 7 pant, The Rev. Brooks
..f 1113 -tit took both services and
pet -m.11,1 two very able sermons fn
the keeping the cin, The church
A tbeautifully derotated with murals
and fern, with the centre wreath.
"1 e 1 11 1 r,'et” The t'hoir had
'. re ,a^cd special nrsie for the occa-
si.'n,''he n<hers hard Arose it ho took
sip tile offering were returned men
()nit, number ,till bear the mark
, the horr,•rs 5,1 soar, The sermon
was vary touching in litany ways
which br, u, bt t., mind the sacrifices
many talc in that sal and terrible
time of the four years of tzar and
what we may aspect if war should
again break over the latnd.
On the following evening, a bounti-
ful fowl sapper took pace in the
eonunttnity brill w here about 6'00 were
,crud \\'frit such an 5ahun(latce of
,••,d things provided there was en-
, rt "t left over to have a ten cent teat
on Tuesday evening, a nice little Burn
fret ,C realized for the program. 'Che
young people 5,1 Ebenezer staged the
-airs, L. J. 1), ig and Miss Janet
who have been the guests of Mr,
Joint C. 1) tg, L. L. 11„ 01 Detroit,
for cast 0,mple of weeks, !tate•
returned Iluntte after flavin": sprat 11
pleasant vacation.
\I r, :,ii.l Iles, Paul Doig :nod sot
Bill of L' n i,:t1 and \Ir, John C.
Doig. ,,t iL'trait visited the latter'.
mora •r .nt., sister on Sltnday,
W.M.S. Entertains.—,:\t .heir reg -
able meeting held in the stho ,i roost
of St. .\narcw's VImrelt, tire ntentb-.
errs : thr \\'. \I .5. t-nter rine,i •'to
H „gruu .\nxil!ary and the Busy
Bees es \I n Circle, The latter stip
i an interesting programme. Miss
\Ltt•garet Elude, rpresident .. tin•
Circle, presided. i'lorenee •Pilon„u
read a•• :n•:i.•:e on "iLopeful 1•`:•ie'1
''ins:rating by means of the ,':u•aldr
of the Leaven, site p ewerful itntb t,rnc.c
Chri.tiatis ought to exert or se.
with wheel: they conte is analut.
ile,ttrice Dninuot read an art:ele .n
'•Giving,” dealing with 1110
time a• net as money. Three kiwi,
of .river, were described: Tbose .?;r
dint, s".lt e and r hey comb. ''he
first require scat effort t•, secure lite
Cities:. spark gchem sty, `1'hc
sponge -like respond to pressure, the
greater the pressure, :he greater the
-ener,,:sty. ''lona like the honey.
coin', over115.5w without external pre -
.nh•e brought, • . bear 71,.,11 tae•ttt, See
mg the n 1)1 is sufficient to mutt
then, generous dee.l,. The t..,pu•,
Francis Xavier and the First \Ira.
\loretm 1 na. ably taken by mare;
f t t 1_lg e, \1 tu'g,trct Sinclair, Airs.
1 t m un
mid Mrs. Henderson, 'I'hc
le .1 India act and think in
groups: so it i, n surprising t, tint
t lett th Lu. three quarter, of the
Cht•i•tiaes iiinlit have eome int,
:he i'ltnrch in these mass movements
13 is 58 tears since the first Caoa.l-
rtt inissianntrias went to India, an(l
like Xavier they began} to tt..rt: whit
:be Children. Sch,.,.t, were (penes]
and higher schools It, train teacher.
,tll•cwe,,. Beatrice Wyman 0011rti,.
tired t guitar solo.. These
much appreciated. .\t the close .51 the
meetirg ;t social hanr wars enjoyed,
The December meeting will be at rite
lone of Mrs. Siu:lair,
Re'v, I: I'. ('handler spoke on
Sunday last ah the armistice 1)a,
air :the tat. morie, site past
w,rnit it recalls each year, .-\ plea --
j114 quartette, T Friend of
\lint," was snug 113' \L,,s1), Jean lvi-
n i 1„hence Thomson, Messrs.
1 \f L1)aut ami \. Bell. .\t the close
t the. service tete sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was observed.
The \V',II.5, of St, Anclre,w•'s in
ittd Church held their annual birth -
y party on \Vedriesda3 afternoon
last and despite the wet weather a
goodly 111.111Ther of ladies were pres-
ent. The Ill - .igen ladies were in-
vited guests for the meeting. air..
\\'. \V, Cooper. president of the \\',
\I S„ and Alts, Margaret Elgie, •pre -
silent of the Busy Bees' \iissimt
Circle, were on the platform, Miss
pray, "Hrads:ron'g oan.'° which was
was Dreher 'I ho,ntsou read the devotion-
ellay, received and uhf..” hall a leaflet anti .\lis• \tnrgaret Sinclair.
those Who cottll,t;ain entrance to hear MissMargaret Elgie, \Ifs, S. W.
it, the hall being fan from em le to-lhiot-on and Ai r,„ very inter tool:
p the topic which was very interesting.
accommodaite so targe a crowd. The Miss Beatrice Dayntan read a paper
proceeds of ~nudity and Monday
an "Giving" she also played two
amounted to live hundred. dollars or titre numbers on the guitar which
were enjoyed by all, ,At the close the
Mr, \Viii, Lyon has returned from ladies served lunch and tea,
spending a week with his ister. Mrs.
'1', Sampson of Palmerston.
We are sorry to report the illness.
+f \Ir, Jame, McCool who is cuiifin-
The 1'nutrg i'eopte of St. Andrew's
United Church w'ili hold a social
esenleg on Friday, November 16th,
at S pm. The usual meeting will be.L'aanont .417, Bo'b 'Duffy 43,
followed by a good programme, also !Sr. IIIIL—IB'illjr Little 51, Alvin
games and contests, after which Beuernann 4!7.
lunch will be served. It is hoped that lJr, !1151,—!Rose Burns 155, Jean
everyone will plan to attend and en- ,Pryce 419.
joy tttc fellowship together, Sr, IIL—[Rita Connelly 66, 3Iargar-
\frs (Rev.) Chandler spent the et 'L tnont 63, Mervin t3euermann 611,
week eutl visiting, with friends at Ot- tLeoita Hoeg) 1516, (Roy Elliott 43, Rita
lava. Sloane 1411.
\{r, Thomas [Butt has been con.tinetl firs IIL-tieahelle Purcell 611, Grace
to the holies fur the past two weeks Connelly 57, Alvin .Pryce 5'4
lvit!t a severe attack of quinsy'. }Primer—tladon Hurley, Lcvecn
Aims, Doig and \liss Janet have Hoegy, Pat Burns.
,pent the past two weeks visiting in Number out roll „S, average atteti-
Detr,,it, dance .213,79,
Miss Grace Cooper of London M. .Douglas, Teacher,
spent a few days tvitit her parents re-
Mr, and airs. IHarry Norris have
returned from their honeymoon and
are nicely settled and at house to
their marl) iri,a,ls,
Miss -Richardson spent the week
end with her parents at Listowel.
'\Ir. •Freta Ratlt•vrell and Bob Elgie
have returned home after a very
pleasant visit with friends in Algoma
and he also did some hunting,
Miss !Marguerite McDonald is spen-
ding a couple of weeks in 'Windsor
visiting with friends,
IIr. Pacien J. Tyers spent his holi-
days in the hunting grounds at Par-
ry Sound, He was joined by Toronto
and Sea forth friends,
Mr, Joseph \laylatt and wife, of
the Mutual l,iie Co., \Vatertou, ;pent
•t few Iris with her parents, Mr, and
\1 r., Peter 'Sullivan, No, 8 highway,
and with Mrs, ''hos. \loylan of :11c-
Mrs, Charles If, Strubb :old son
Wilbur .pel',t }h1) week -end with
\Irs. 'Phomas Burns, Laurier .\ve, E.
(\Irs. .\lex, Darling returned on
3I,5115l:ty from a pleasant visit witlt.
her Stratford relatives.
Ifermau Benninger of Illyth spent
Sunday in that village with Itis par -
tots, ire is in the employ of his
uncle, \I, J, Bellinger, of the fox in
dltstrt „tar burg.
"The Rosary" was t, ht staged on
3Vednesday }tight in St. l'it'rick's
Hall by a London dramatic club.
\Ir, John :McGrath, our local horse
trader, v t' injured recently when
U., steerint gear of his car locked.
He escaped with an injured back,
,v'Melt tti'I keep hint at home for a
few ,lays.
\li.- \ntca Alolyncanx of Kitchen-
er sprint the wecl, eni herr,
IAIr, 4111,1 ties, Frank .\lac of New
York are holidaying with Alr. and
3I1.., Dar; 1)'Conuor,
"font IL,Cartioy and Joe O'Ril-
cv fel for Northern Ontario where
they expeet to rat?tar positions.
Afiss Altnhie Maloney left for Flor-
ida !hi, weel: where site espeets.
spend the winter months,
\\'e are sorry to report that airs.
31 'iyut tux, ar„ is ill. \\'c !type for a
peedy recovery,
31rs, T. \la'ouey i• visiting. frith
h.r daughter. \[rs. Jerry Ryan of
AI r. and \lr.. Alclville Blood of De-
troit were week end visitor: with
Mr. ar• 1 \Irs, latrick Ryan sir. of
\lr. l'at:rick \Ici'onnetl of Toronto
spent Snnday with his parents, \Ir,
and .t3Irs. David McConnell of Dublin,
NI is. Nora McGrath of 1. deter spent
the weal: end with her parents, Mr.
and NIrs, dhn AI irath, 1)ublin,
Alis. Teresa Carpenter, 1)rystlale,
visited nn Sunday with her p:u'eut.,
\Ir. and Mrs. T. Carpenter, HILLSGREEN
Mon. Tues. Wed.. Nov, 19-20-21
Cockeyed Cavaliers
Mr. aid Mrs. Geo. Eaton. and Ken-
neth, airs 'riot Eaton and \'Ir, John
(Bullard spent Sunday with Mr, and
'M -s. Foster !Bennett, Huron Road,
IDr, and Mrs, Harburn ,pent Sun-
day with \fr, and Mrs, Irwin Tre-with EDDIE CANTOR
w artha,
Thurs. Fri. Sat., Nov. 22-23-24
Roman Scandals
'Air, and Alis, Andrew Montgomery
and children spent Sunday with .\Lr.
and 31rs. Joo, 1[ontgorner3',
'Cite '\Y.II15. held, their ✓lutunvt
Than t:of'ering an Tuesday, Nov. 6th,
in the church and they entertained
the ladies front Duff's Society-, Mrs,
t\Ilatr IRoss, the rice -president, pre-
sided. The meeting opened with a
hymn, followed by a prayer by Iters.
Robert Aladl arlane, The • .Scripture
lesson was read by Airs, .Fergus Bul-
lard, \Trs, Outdid •\l a'1. arlane and
airs, George Chambers Sang a -duet,
The speaker of the afteruaon was
Mrs. 1)t 3Vitt Crowns of Clinton,
who took as her test,. "Be tSi1; and
Know -- that'God is Near," The meet-
ing closed with a hymn and Prayer
by airs, '3inrrow, :titer which the la-
dies of \Winthrop served a delicious
Remember the- mission band con-
cert on Friday evening, November
10:11, is the rhnrch.
Council Meeting. H tl'he regular
meeting of Ifilthert Council was
held at Statfa• ''ownship 11:di on
Ilondav, a!I mctulters present, tete
Reeve presiding. 1'hr ntiuttt„ oi the
1n•evious regular meeting were read
and confirmed, I v -Law N 417, au-
thorizing- the appointment of Deputy
Returning t-)fticcrs, Poll Clerks .t.t
Pulling I l tee for the unnnri;'a" el-
ection, 19:t5: 1 t -I art No, 4111 e a t tg-
mg the hour for the n.. ini,,tion. Meet-
ing front d to 2 ,?r;.,ck fir tine after-
noon) and lly-latw. No. 4510. extend
int the tittle for 1laj1nui.
tuxes for officials and all persons
haring accounts wit's tete township.
until L)eccmher 15, 1034, .\il rece!t-
cd their necessary readings and were
finally d. sse
k 'rite Clerk suloilittlt5i
the annual report of the \l iica' Of-
ficer of health w htun a e 1 'Leen et
ed 111 a recent meeting .,g '? 111, 11.0,11
.3 resolution was
1)r. S nr ga• for Dr, Tiernan (t- 31,1).
i1. Ott' the bat ut e of the ci'ar, 'l'Ite
Reeve was [11011.5H -zed to order 41)
rod. ' , ,(5w. lenge for the grat,.
pits which are LLt•tn.• .pened for tar
continuation of t'm nr,l,, stent Re-
lief work, 1)rder• gere
general expense: :e139. and r„ani ex-
pense t,bt7, The meeting adjourned
anti; \1 ,nday, I)ecenbt 1'), - at 1
t,,ut. - \1 es, Kathleen I tet 1)y. 'l yt1
slip ('ierk.
'1'he regular mottt'hly meeting' 5,1
Duff's (31 \I S, and \\',,\. was held at
the home of ,air., .Robt, Hogg with a
..+,1 attendance. Al r., John Hillc-
b:•eeht presided, opening meeting by
singing "1) \Vor hap the '1ing.', 'Then
all repeated the 23rd ,Psalm and the
Lord's prayer, "Blest lie tete Tie than
Binds,” was thin sting- and Alrs. \I"r-
t w gave the Scripture reading and
\It>. Scott the prayer. \Ir-. Id..ebt'rt
Canrphell gave the second :\lite and
airs, Alehercher read a letter fr. nt
Japan. \fr . Shannon took over the
\\',.\, meeting, Readings were girt,'
by \lis. V. \futrht, Mrs, D'rrranct',
Airs. Gordon, ITytnn .390 wits shrug.
The ladies then decided t, hold a
Scotch .social in tete church ,n Thurs-
day, Nov, 2n3nd, \1rs. Shannon closed
the meeting with the benediction.
The hostesses then .erred a dainty
lunch, The nest nteetit.g will be hell
at the home of airs. dt, Campbell.
Iln the list of pallbearers at the
funeral of Mr. McMichael, in last i,
sue, the name of \L•, Miller ."dant,
lets inadvertently omitted.
The following is the report of ti:S
No, 6, McRill ,p, for the month. of
September and C)ctuher: Sr, IV,:
\I •u•y J't s cc (4, Beatrice Pry rt: 61).
Rita Duffy 51i, Wilbur 11nego 51,
Hazel Snarling 56, !Everett Llaner•
mann 54,,
Jr. T37,—Jlrene C; tonelly 51, lfert,r
,3 nuniltet' attended the reeel,ti..5;
omil'hursday night for \Ir. and \Ir-.
H. Norris, rear Ilrn,•clieid, apo tbt
reception in Varna for 31r. and \Ir..
C. Stephenson nn Fridan night.
The a..r.uas•nt ..f alt Lord's Snp-
;Ler was eadministered .41 Sunday in
tete H 1 reen C'hin'ch. 3 baptismal
service nit- oh erved anti two babies
were bap tt ,•d Imbert hove and
•I')nm t CT, .-int.
Mrs. 1 Steaty kW! -"II I•�itn
Detroit ,pent t u. week -mid o it's
\V. J trrot. and \tote.
\Ir, and \tr Thomas nkat ( ,nsitl
1Iensit'1 ti -i•''1 Weir son and rlahgh.
ter -in-law, .\Ir. and \h•-. R. ('onsite,
\Ir. 1V Jah'r,tt vi•ited 31r. and
Airs, W. Hart.
\Ir• I Maker and \iiss Doreen
Reichert hate been on the -ick list,
Persian L'alrn promotes daintiness,
charm and beauty. It is unrivalled
in - its magical effect 1111 the ' skin,
Swiftly absorbed by the: tissues, it
leaves (n"ver a vestige of stir:kiness.
Delightfully cool t., the slsih, Stimu-
lating and invigorating. Softens and
make; the hand, flawlessly white.
Subtly fragrant Imparts youth and
luveint.ss to the complexion, Persian
Balm is the inevitable choice .of the
wu,nian who care:,
Want and For Salc ads, 1 week 7.5e.
One you can't afford to miss
The 1'ottng [People's Society of
'Cromarty Church intend presenting
their play, "Here Comes •Charlie,"' in
Staffa Hall near the end of this
month. \Gatch next w'eek's paper for
the date,-
The Club of Prot fess will hold.
their literary meeting in the school
oa Friday,'Nov. 2litd. Fentttres stat
be a debate, stories and readings, lite
life and poems of Pauline 3ohns.ton
Will be given,
Mr. and Mrs, ')ave Dewar of 'Co:•-
ont., spent thea neck end at tine home
of Mr, and \Ifs. Geo. \\'itc'atley,
airs, Jahn Carter, Sr„ was taken
quite seriously ill on Sunday but is
progrc,.si.g well.
\lr. and .Airs, Jack Davidson, airs.
Davidson,. Sr„ mot son Scott
L'rn •etittild, and Miss 1)avidsm: .,f
Sanrit'o, spent Sunday at the !tom:
,a \1r. and \Ifs, Robt. L.aw.,:.n.
\Ir, tool \In, \\'. Logan of Fly:`t
visited ut the home of '\Ir, and airs.
11. L'. Stephenson on Sunday.
.and Mrs.. \\'nt Prit'on spent
Sa day sluff \h-, and Mu., John liue-
i''n, of Borrie, -
\fr, and tits. Chas. Hogga•ti aha
fancily spent Sunday with \Ir, and
\l r.. Robt. tirintoldhy,
\Ir, and Mrs. Fred Stephenson and
f intily of ill us,ets visited ,tt the home
Mr. and Mr.:. Jas. Riicy lm Stuulay
r\lr. tool \I r., 1)att
Sund;ty with \Ir. and alis. Iferl„trt
Mrs. .\,lam Nicho', ,❑ still contitt-
toes in very po„r heaa't,
Miss Ethel Dieter spent Sunday
with her cousin, Miss Marion Stew -
Lon ie:h"r'o,
\]r, and \Ir., Chas, Dexter and IV-
a, also air. and Airs, George \ I ltson
and Betty spent Sunday at the itottt.;
o' Mr, Henry .\dainty, Miss Ella re-
ntaint'•l for a fry~ days,
Tuckersntitit .aggressive Club will
hold their regular nett ng on Tucs-
daty,Nov. 'nth, at the home ni Mrs.
.alt t Broach...at, \till Road, .Roll ca:!
will be answered by an :141to: ,.•
•onrpostr of music, Tito election 'f
office; will tate place at this tttet't-
ing, 3I r. _lames \lctntosh will have
charge of the topic,
13 [JY
Where Your Money Pur-
chases You the Most
New Life 19% Laying Mash 2.40 cwt.
New Life 17% Laying Mash 2.30 cwt.
New Life O.A.C. Mash. , , .cwt. 2,40
New Life Concentrate, 4-1.. 3.00 cwt.
New Life Scratch Feedcwt, 1,80
BRAN CWT. 1.30
SHORTS , ; CWT, 1.35
CORN, BARLEY & OAT, cwt 1.35
Lighthouse Vitamin D Cod Liver Oil
85c a gal or 75c in barrels or 5 gal,
MOLASSESCanada West Indies d es Molasses at 24c
a gal, or 21c by the barrel. Barrel
becomes your property
Wilson's Oatmeal, , , , 20 lbs, for 80c
Rolled Wheat Flake,. 5 lbs. for 25c
Farnia , , , , . 5 lbs, 20c
Cremo Cereal , . 4 lbs. 20c
PRAIRIE ROSE—The flour that is
meeting with such favorable
Prairie Rose , 2,60 100 lbs.
0 Canada , 2,80 100 lbs.
King Edward , , , , , , , 2,40 100 lbs..
Grain bought for Cash or Trade
D. C. Warwick