HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-11-15, Page 1Warmed 'by the sun, while Summer played The drowsy hours away, Fair Autumn, 'neath her bed of leaves, Slept sound through Summer's day. But Summer now has gone her path, And none her loss retrieves; For cold and chill the wind blows down, 1 hN HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER And scatters. Autumn's leaves. Hill unto hill they beckon on Like rubies set in gold; Flash upon flash like sparks of flame Their loveliness unfold, Ah, Autumn, stay thy hand ! this blaze Has naught to feed upon Save its own beauty—Winter cold Will come : • . But Autumn's gone!' WHOLE SERIE'S, VOL. 56, No. 46 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 Phone 84. St a year. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable , The Qlymp.ia Confectionery and Restaurant WHAT 25c WILL ,BUY 1 Can Soup, 2 lbs, Soda Biscuits 1% pounds Dried Peaches. 3 cans of Cross & Blackwell Tomato or Vegetable Soup. 55 lbs. of Whole Wheat Flakes. 2large cans Pink Salmon. 2 pounds of Mince Meat. ' 5 cans of Tomato Juice. 10 bars of Laundry Soap 5 packages Young's Jelly Powder. 2 packages Ingersoll Malted Cheese 2 packages of Sunset Dye, 6 pounds of Rolled Oats Master and O.A.C. Laying Mash, 41/t:—lc extra for Trade. CouUeLg e PHONE 166 EGMONDVILLE W.M,S. The November meeting of the Eg- mondville Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. M. Haney.Mrs. Han- ey, Vice4):'res., had charge of the ,meeting and the President presided during the business session. Mrs. Alex, MacDonald read the Scripture lesson, Miss Margaret Forrest read the devotional lealflet; .firs. Hugh Chesney Sr. and Mrs. las. Allan led in prayer. The minutes and roll call were read by the Sec„ Mrs. David M.dLea x, Mrs. Harvie Moore read an article on Peace ,and Mrs. W. F. Mc- Millan gave a most helpful talk on the study -book, bringingout the fact that there had .been a Christian Church in iIndia many centuries ago, but because of its }marrow non -mis- sionary ideas it had failed to develop as it should. An invitation to hold our Decemiber meeting at the home of Mrs. John IRelnke, Seaforth, was gratefully accepted. The norn'tinating committee appointed to bring in the slate of officers for 191315, is as fol- lows; Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. MacMillan, Mrs. H. Chesney and Mrs. Jas. Ste- wart. A dainty lunch .was served at the close of the meeting aed a happy social half -Barr was.enioyed by all. The Egmondville Mission Band will hold its Autumn Thaankofferin,g meeting in the schoolroom on Friday, Nov. 116, at 18 pmt, when an amusing little play, "The IIouse of Do What You 'Can," :will be given, followed by a good program of songs and recita- tions. Everyone , welcome. ;Silver col- lection. N'ORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Rev. T. A. Carmichael, Minister. Sunday, Nov. lSSth. l!D a:nl., subject, "Going Through 'Samaria," 7 p.m the Mission Band will have charge of the service, Choruses by the children, Thankotlering. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH Services, Sunday, 1Niovember lSt'h, 'Sunday School and Bible Class, 10 eon. 'Morning prayer, 11• a.nt„ special preacher, Rev, Maxwell Parker, B.A. Evening service, 7 ppm„ sermon by the 'Rector. Choir master, Rev, Canon Austin Smith. Rev. Canon Ie, Appleyard, M. ., Rector. _\l1 welcome, EGMONDVILLE CHURCH Reverend Charles Malcolm M,.\.,I1:D, Nov. lith. -10 21.nl., School and 'Bible Class. 117 a.m., :\ Stranger at the Fire." 7 p.m„ Dreams and Visions, "The Lord God is King." DIED IN THE WEST Mr., R. H. Sproat received word last week ef the death of )Jr,, di, J. Caldwell (Miss Ida McC,;i1 of Hen - of Lawson, Sask. MM Cald,we visited here just a few weeks ago, and pa ed away at Marquis, Sask.. w -1!'e visiting 1'iends on the return. trip. ,\Irs. Caldwell's family and two brothers are all residing in the \\'est w her,.• she has lived for thirty years. A.Y.P.A. "Fite regular meeting of the A.V.P. .1, took place in the parish hall in the ore of a social gathering, Monday .ening, Nov. lath, at 8.35, with the president, \Ir. Frank Archibald in the chair. "Twenty-ivmembers were present. The meeting was opened "y singing hymn 078, after which the Lord's prayer was repeated in 11111. ,11. the business part ,.f the meeting then took place. Canon Smith ,gave a short ,1lress on the principles' .1f the .1.V. I'.:\., in the ahse:•ce of Canon .\pp:e- ytrrrl, an address 005 also given by Mr. H, Edge. 11r, and Mrs. Raymond Nott and Mr, and Mrs, James Flanagan were then welcomed by the President into tae A.Y.P.A. and presented with a silver basket each. This was followed by a short programme and lunch was served at tae close of the meeting. The benediction was .pronounced by the president. ANDREW LANE The passing of a young man of this. community, Andrew Lane, is keenly felt, ]His death occurred in Kitchener hospital on Wednesday, ollo'wing two critical operations, !Sincere sympathy is extender] to Mr. and Mrs. Lane and family in their sad loss. Andrew underwent a serious operation for appendicitis last Wed- nesday and again on Tuesday even- ing. He was born in 'Seaforth B7 years ago, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lane, who .later gloved to their present farm on the Hie] Road, 'Tucicerstnith, a mile west of town. A few years ago he spent a year in 'Saskatchewan and went to the Peace River district in British Columbia in 69129. ll3e returned hotme a year and. a half ago owing to ill -health. Besides his parents he is survived by three sisters: Mrs. Huh Deady of May - 'tooth, Sister Genildes of Slaared Heart Convent, 'Loudon, and Eliza- beth at home; also five 'brothers, 1'Ier vftt Lane of. Tucicersrnith, Joseph, of 'Tuckersm'ith, William of 'London, 'Louis and Charlie at home, The humeral will be held in 'St. James' 'Churc'h, Seaftlrth, 'on; Satur- day, Nov. 117, at 950 'a.m. Intermment will take place in 'Sat. James' Cem- etery, 'Rev. W. A, Cameron, of Wey- burn Sask,, to whorl a call has been extended by First /Presbyter- ian. Church,. Seaforth. It is under- stood that the call is awaiting settlement at present, LETTER OF THANKS The committee in charge of tate re- ,cen f despatch of two cars to the Can- adian West has received 2110 follow- ing letter from Mr. _\dant Stetcart, Sec: Trews. of the Relief ' Committee of \1'oodretw, Sask.: ""fay- I at this time on behalf of :he Council of the Village '\1 d- r,1w express to y..0 ,,e0vest thanks ...r the carload of fruit.121:1 t cgetable. sent fro 111 peer district, t:verttung are e1 in /erect condi- :ion and was received with a greet lea; of pleas:u e .11.1 the +e ,le CA', community join in thanking L.'11 most 1 t.,r.l:y' for ro•Ir -e It1 .115 help. \\;I! you L11l1'y Convey :o y, ur (eon'. mine,: d all who s,, ereclously helped es oar nleere t ap )sedation. \Ve 1 ,pe that liefore telt :ung tee till ' e /hie t . hare with other ra- .71 /e recipients. -.\„n thank - hr.; you and ted )less your goal people.” • PROGRESSIVES MEET South Huron Progressives in an- nual cnnVellti.m on \'l''11 caddy t i1, 1 1:1 re-ileoted \ir, 'William Black s President. Mr, 30211.Pot•rc.t was elected Seeretery-Treasurer in the .tai ?f lir. Gore., i., Lltt 1..\'1 dis- trict h:limn-cm ,.rte re -e'er 'd. :\ let- ter .frent \V. G. fled h was read by t1' Se'cr,t:i t, ex cu sing 1'im-e) from behter : re+eat ton t1: gromuls ef 0 eery pre -it 11' call% and utttlin , he pos- sible ehjectives f..,r the anneal •11-- 01451 111 which Melnded: I;eer 11n1 Wine. Monetary. Stevens' C'omiuis- 'den, •L+'a.l' to farmers at lower .:ate of interest. The chairman drew at - :entice: to the fact that no delegate, were presentfrom two new town- ships of the riding, Hibbert and Ful- lerton. '_, motion of R. J. McMillan and mfr. Shapton (Stephen Tp.), in regard to the probe at Ottawa .vas passed. +Previous to the convention a busi- ness meeting of the Farmer's Co - Operative Co., South Huron, was held. -R. ;T. McMillan was elected county director and assistant 1Vnl, Alexander (Hay Tp., Hensall). Mr. McMillan spoke of views held by Hon. Mr. -Motherwell and others he had met on his recent trip to the West. HOME AND 'SCHOOL The sleeting of the Horne and School Club on Monday, Nov, Seth, was largely attended. A kindergarten mother, Mrs. W. C. Sproat presided over the first part of the meeting. Seventeen of the kindergarten pupils sang two selections, "A Rosy Apple," and "Darling !Little B'aby." :Hiss 'MacLean gave a most interesting and helpful talk on "What the Kinder- garten 'Does for the Child." Barbara. (Sproat recited anti the pupils sang a Thank You song. Quoting a Toronto 1Privalte Kindergartener, it speaks well of the town of Seaforth, the school' hoard and the kindergarten that there 1s a kindergarten r� e 11 iC n n i Seaforth. eaforfh. 1After the business the meeting ad- journed, The kindergarten won' the prize of 50ic donated by the Horne & School Club to the room having the most mothers at the Meeting. Of the forty mothers present, thirteen were from. the kindergarten, Miss :Fiartry's and Miss Elder's rooms had each six. n1,at'It ers.—•Contributed. TOWN COUNCIL The regular Novelinber meeting. of Seaforth town council was held Mon - ,day, Nov. 1d'th, at 8 pan, in the coun- cil chambers, all members present excepting Cotticillor L. Eberhart. Mayor Sutherland presided. Minutes of last meeting were read and ap- proved. A deputation consisting or Messrs. !Harry Stewart, 'Charles Aberhart and C, P. lSill. was present to discuss Avon Chests, asking for the co-oper- ation of the council, as there is every prospect that the Avon Chest factory will be re -opened next month as the Holding Syndicate is negotiating with a prospective 'buyer, The factory lcould employ 112-'1S men at the start, probably increasing to 215 men. The deputation .asked that tax arrears be cancelled, Councillor Bolton said if an agree- ment were ]rade it should include length of time the factory would operate. Mr. H. Stewart said they were un- able to say how long it would oper- ate; the firm intended to manufacture bedroom and dining room furniture, desk., bookcases and larger pieces of furnittu'e. It was a reliable firm and if things trent as expected, an exten- s'ion would likely be built on the factory later. M ly u: iS 1tner'lan l inquired if the Dominion !Lank had centre: this 111111diing at any time. '.are the 1) ,2111nic,n Banle or , others Table for .,,incl C. the .axes`. the flavor asked. lir. eeplied t1 t t1iC •tier th 11 1 r..; e- ration., 111:ct t 'e-, :ire n - ,s-, n ..: the i,:ant. t n- 11 ! Pr -deride .t h 1:11 1 '10 steeling of the prospective '1:it e '1c 1 i 5 ' the timence coin. naittee, gee('i tett'!:Ivora.):e- report. Setleelte l t.e•l .:nt that the, tax arreaes include Hyd- '':1' :1.1 els.. Hydro •n.ci'cha:rli•e, making a• t.ma: f S1,95.234, eke .':las Ale: -cart. ''11e ":,iaa' hill 1s 1.,w dead 5 ^-e; yort :.suer 1 le . in 11.1 .1 ..n lli'11 \len'e have. :f elain1 .21 the .'h:etn.''- 11 Dar •1'',cd ut :Ree -t- 1'1 r'.r"Yon tt',. t t. loci: t, taste .he taxes'?" Mr. H. Stea.tt.: "Yes," \le. ' .;r • • ':c let ',V07:..•:tit^: -Cu.: firs: nca:e inv- 01 has til ns w a 'Xi'1174 •ic with 1121.. 1A-a,e'. ,s.1, 1 th.t 1.,c,.. bell) 0)111•e employed. Conn eml 11 t?n asked 1 i. r • 1e' fir'i: see the , meet lieteeen Cie ilohling See.licete an 1 n,ae? This t 1 -t.11 Mr. I1 1 a.t e . i.,: t. 11201. i. wt'•- . The de•.:: 1:20 ,.•111 . 56.'j M.. Stc.va,t.Telt . et. paid , d. each t•, the 1)-:1..1,,:1 clams on S 1r';,;y sal.. The mayor r ex pressend himself as wi'ding to .cane dotcn thee itlde3tnes0 hilt ;1e thought the P-,anle and any others who could, should pay their share of the taxes, Mr, James V. Ryan explained his connection with the seizure and said he understood lir. Box 'had been originally engaged by the Bank to Iook after the factory. The -liayor. pressed for payment of the taxes by the bank, but it was pointed out that 0 would be charged. up to the guarantors. 'Councillor Hudson reported for the .Finance Committee that mfr. War- wick had inquired about rent of still warehouse as his company was ' con- sidering trucking from here as a distributing point, four or five car- loads at a time. That the company purchase the se'p'arate building known as the cooper shop was suggested, but the 11Iay'or pointed out this shop was in the advertised description of the 111111, so that the shop or ware- house could only be rented. (Letters 'from ,California and New York in regard- to the mill -were read. 'The forret WAS 'from ,Mr. A. Williams of +Los Angeles who ex- (Continued on Page Five) A CAR OF AIb.erta CoaI Expected Shortly SPECIAL PRICE OFF THE CAR Humphries h rte s Co. PHONE 232-2 l Rhinestone Jewelry The vogue for fall and winter is Rhinestone Jewelry. Sparkling, bright and colorful it adds charm to the costume, and gives just that touch so much needed to make the costume complete. We are showing real Rhinestone Jewelry in the sea- son's latest styles of Levaliers, Rings, Earrings, Broochs, Pendants and Bracelets. The better lines are all hand set stones and are permanent, We will be glad to have you call and see the new Rhinestone ,jewelry. SAVAUSHOP AT aft GES ' IT PAYS Phone 194 Res. 10 HURON OLD BOYS GATHER AT REGINA The follow:1:g is front the Re;: n:e T 1 11110 re'ereu e to the id 11a, )010 was nude '7\ - 1e c. to speaker, .,t the Heron Old Boys' t e:let 11:1,1 on l':112-140 night 1 the Hotel Champlain. The ,t: -t n ne.s e speaker's tone was canee,l by :1i. a test 011211,2 revisited the swimming .ele end having fot11h1 it so n1(1e11 e-- extensive 21x:1 .t had sersen :1 t: 1111 45 1t or., )i.:1,1%.4. To fact. ene ntrt- e . ,, 11,2 ;he siendeiest, tiered ht 'mild 111l,kr Vat,r 121 1: C.1 had once stented to n large a lake, heel:-ea:in: was a memory ! tin i 1c --slat' 1 eht banenefters seeneel t•. . ,..t ..1 C.-e..l..It and ill lectin-. a'- vas discussed. Not 0' 1211111, uo' ' 'tit .1 that there had t r: It e 1, hceir day in Huron, nor any L11011'ley.. Nutting excursion, wee. 11 -1 .. ierdly and respect w'I ,''el 1C men: l of Devonshire eream n tar p t 1t :e dessert nonpareil, ant tlie memory apple eider. Hey to fore:ethers hal got er no' in the .+1:1C11 t l re were n. t 1. thremeh the f..rest .01s .. 1,.tc y: :101 how .t-l'Lcht :,,11 ear:'ie' ,•1t 01[111 r ;'lt ..s 0'.01 1 ..' :eel the grist b C10 ,,t yo'u'r .1c ay .1:[sfar:'ter mystery. ' lie: net , the etttler , having - t1 :nen- c . end n i'1' ':e:lleilt4 gen at i,ted d12- nothing les lh.111 ., miracle, • Gut days had ',peen reached 00ee those who once travelled stlntnler and Mater in ox -sleds made at home with MI augur reached the grandeur of tai buggies; and when school houses, that boasted at least a box stove, a black- board, a pointer and a strap, were built. Maple sugar shaking, quilting bees, logging bees and barn raisings. were .experiences recalled by the old- er persons present. Gardiner, Martin Speak E. O. Walker presided over the banqnet. Premier Gardiner and Hon. Mr. 'Justice Martin took care of the toast to Huron, sketching its history from 1181411, the year the county was formed, and even going back to the year 1171713 when a fele' men'had arriv- ed rriv.ed at Halifax on the Hector, drifted inland as far as Huron. IGoderich was founded in 1897, in which year Col. Va'n•Egmonel, the :great grandfather of W. G. VaniEgmond of Regina, began the building of .a road from Guelph to Gait, lir. !Gardiner and Judge Martin were each given a splendid reception, (Special applause followed Prettier Gardiner's statement that 115 carloads of donation had come this year to Saskatchewan from 'Huron county. In the last three years 463 carloads of gifts bad ad cm ne to Saskatchewan from Ontario, the gifts including 13510 tons' of clothing. Mr, Kerr, who was down for Rem-. etei cences," said he had left Huron al the age of three and his memories of Huron had to do chiefly with an anc- ient black walnut chest in which •his grandmother had kept ''cookies. He had praise for the pioneers with their sense of duty and self denial, Mfrs. Lindsay, a native daughter of Wing-. lea n, cleverly narrated a 112111 of July incident. The goests nutnbered 1411. Rose and .old chrysanthemums in crystal bowls ,graced the table with six or -even bay balloous lending further color, "Mrs, H. G. Hictcs was, chair- man of the- social committee. Sam SIN ay'ze directed community singing, with Allan Swayze iutnishing splend- id plend-. d accompaniments. David Mills ac- Ytu1)an e l Grant 1\ ld le 0. whoec bar. monsa solos made the big hit of the night, ',tinning three encores. For one number, t hoedown, performed with feeling. the ithole hollse helped with the heron l,01ment 1i. G. Hicks gave ea•111'2 101.1 tile vocal solos, ''Friend (1 \line 11 Sin. Me a Chanty." Jeelc La [1 ute introduced as a mu- , •1,0,11 and nnagielain, gave the grouse a tees :.061 in jtlgfliu,g, turning an 0..tie-t penny at card tricks, and play- :once- solos on a handsaw. Mr. .intro with Bill Kirkby, guitar, and Buster Totten violin, Lave a fee line' number: without the heitilsa'.1. Souvenirs Presented 1'*ese 1 at., n ,if tt we:icing stick was ma 1e to 1 12. 'Tole -tees. who was in'- tl nnlant 11 1111',221V in having the ;Hil- t, ()id Boys' Association formed. 5 „tenir, were lt:il by Mr. and lir- e!. 16, Gardiner liner s being, the oldest "er.,ills present. 1ac11 is over 8a. The: tt a r' .',[ d int Re:hie ie $,•r 28 year:. !hug runner -1211 nl,r honor,' 12'115 1'. 'Harvey, 21273 Garnet Street, 01 lies been in the west for 45 years. 11-. and 3Ir • George McKay, Aberneth,. were prize winners for length of. trip made for the function. IE, P. Patulin and A. E. Iiodgcrt voiced the thanks of the members to the officers, and to the speakers ai-d artists of the evening for the pleasur- able arrangements. The president ex- plained that John G. Gardiner, secret- ary treasurer, looked after the liars' share of the work during the year. The ,officers re-elected are: Honor- ary president, M. IE, Gardiner; past president, S. J. Latta; president, E. 0. Walker; secretary -treasurer, John G. Gardiner; vice presidents, R' A. Rob- inson and Mrs, J. C. Scott; 9n'ante committee, .firs, Walker, Mrs, Scott, W. 'j. Allison and Mfrs. W. A Sclater. (Socia) committee, Mrs. !H. G. Hicks, Ales. Scott, S. J. Swayze, Grant Waddell, Miss Margaret I. Duff and' Miss Elsie If eon tcheon; membership. committee, William Etly, Mrs, R. A. Robinson, J. H, Wood, Pense; J, McMath Jame:: Duncan, Pasqua, and Dr. Hoitham, Strasbourg, Guests Present The guests in attendance at the Huron Old. Boys' banquet were: ,lir. and Mrs. E, O. Walker, Premier and Mrs. James Gardiner, 'Hon, ,Mr. Jus- tice and Mrs. W. Melville Martin, VV. F Kerr, r I !T.,,� 1, and Mrs, Kerr, WI, 0. Yule, Mr. and Mrs. M. E Gardin- er; Mrs, C. I-Iarvey, Miss .Agnes Her- vey, :Miss Della (Hervey, Mrs, S. B: Lamont. sA. E. I•Todgert, bliss .L'i4lian Hodgert, I7r: and Mrs. E. 1G'. Hddg- crt, Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Scott, ,Mr, and :Mrs, ,R, A. Robinson, 'Me. and Mrs, (Continued on Page Five)