The Seaforth News, 1934-11-08, Page 5THURSDAY, 'NOVEMBER 8, '1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS dp!RIv . sTOIs. SUPERIOR STORES GREAT 19c SALE ITEMS FOR NOVEMBER 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 McCORMICK1S NEW FIG BARS PLUM JAM, LARGE 32 OZ. JAR OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 LBIS, PER JAR 2 TIN'S CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S TOMATO OR VEGETABLE, SOUP MAPLE LEAF SALMON 2 TINS 14 LB. TDN LOOSE READY CUT MACARONI - 4 LBS, Catelli Macaroni or Spaghetti, 10 oz Kirk's. Hardwater Soap Australian Apricots, 2's tall New Hallowi Dates Aylmer Choice Tomatoes, 16 oz. Choice Pumpkin, 2'sq. Aylmer Corn, 2's Brunswick Sardines Fresh Rolled Oats Pearl White Naptha Soap Spring Mops St. Croix Castile Soap Durham Corn Starch Dixie Toilet Paper Burford Peaches, 2'sq. Lux Flakes, small Aylmer Pork & Beans, 16 oz, Clark's Spaghetti Pure Black Pepper Sterling Brand Lobster, ''s Crosse & Blackwell's Catsup, 14 oz. bottle per bottle per lb. per lb. per pair 2 lbs, 2 pkgs. 4 1bs, 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 2 pkgs. 19c 4 cakes 19c per tin 19c 2 lbs. 19c 3 tins 19c 2 tins 19c 2 tins 19c 4 tins 19c 4 lbs: 19c 5 cakes 19c each 19c 8 cakes 19c 2 pkgs. 6 rolls per tin 2 pkgs. 3 tins 2 tins Ib. each Chocolate Drops French Creams Jersey Gloves Choice Blue Rose Rice Figs, 8 oz. cello package Hand Picked White Beans 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c BROOMS! BROOMS! Away below today's prices. Only two to each customer at - 25c, 35c, 45c, 55c and 60c For one week only, or while our -stock lasts. Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone, 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING ' Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKFJR, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE—AUTO—WIND Our Policies Will Protect You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully protected—you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Call, Phone or Write Us. A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. BAYFIELD. Dr, and Mis. Ldwis of Toronto were week -enol guests of Mrs, M. Woods.. Mr. and \l1 G Al. Fisher, Miriam and Jean, Mark and Bunny Fisher of !Waterloo'aterloo visited 'Mr an 1 Mrs, 1, A. Edwards Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock have left for Hamilton, where 'they will pend a few weeks with their daugh- ter, lits. i. Stewart and then to Sault IIS Ste Marie for the rest of the winter] with their daughter, Mrs, Johnston. 'Funeral Service,—Thc funeral sorv. ice of the late 1diss Lizzie Brownctt was licit! i1 'St. Andrew's United Church, IBa e 1 nWednesday,Oc- C ,y1fi meso t'vr her .�lls�t, after a brief se cc at late hoaile. I3er. pastor, Rcv. R. 3d. 'Gale conducted the service, taking as his ,text, 'B'lesse(l are the c egad which die in the Lord," He made feeling rdference'to the fadthlfulnetss of bhe departed and• the very intelligent in- ance! WILL BE HELD IN LONDES- BORO HALL , FridayyNov. 16 COLLINS' ORCHESTRA '_Admission: Gents Sac. Ladies ,115c (crest she ever took in all the activi- ties of the church. The minister also ,tressed the joy of Nein, able to share in such a beatitude, "'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.' Rev. and Miss Gale sang "Old Jord- an's wares we will not fclar." The late Mrs 13,rownett was; born in Bay- field, the eldest daughtes of George and Mary Ann Brownest and lived all her life on the farm in Stanley Township a short distance from Buy - field. The pallbearers were R. G. 'Reid, R. S. Reid, Joseph Richardson. Garnet Taylor,, Robert Greer and Da- vid MelN'aughton, 'Oo Sunday morning at ten o'clock a memorial service is to he held at the Cairn in the Square. The school children are to march there and sing, "Lest 'We Forget" B'eau'tiful Wreaths, one from Stanley and Bayfield, and one from the Government, are to be placed at tiie base of the cairn, and a suitable service conduicted by the loc- al ministers, Rev. W. G. Bugler and - Rev. R. Ir. Gale, A gullet wadding took place Mon- day evening, November a'tlt, in Trin- ity •Church, ,when Rev, W. G. Bugler. married Ed'itih Fanny- Stamp, daugh- ter of Cecil and the late Mrs Stamp of London ('Pate of Varna) to John eery Osborne, ;on of Frederick and Mrs. Osborne of Rugby, England. The bride was attended by her sister, ,,rigs .Do rot'hy Stamp and the grooms- man .was Nornian Jones of Ilil'Isgreon. .SEAFORTH MARK ETS. Butter, per Ib .,Plc .Oats, per bushel. ,i,..,,,,,,,,„ 33c 14'11111itt per bushel ,...,.,.... 92lc 'Feed 'barley', per ,bushel Eggs, pet doz. , , 23c 3& Potatoes per !)a:,g , .I, , , , ........ 40c malting. 'barley, per bushel .......65c '•Dogs, per cwt. .. $6,p6 TOWN TOPICS. The 'many friends of Miss ,Eunice ':Leatherland will be sorry to hear she is i11 at the 'home of her brother-in- law, -Tees Jno. Murray, in Egntoncl- vLl le, Ml'. :Walter Murray is having town water installed in his own residence and other ho•usea adjacent. 'Lucan and Carlow Masonic lodge officers and visitors gathered fat large numbers in „Seaforth ou Monday ev- ening to exemplify degree work. -lir, and Mrs. W. IE, II'inchIey in- tend taking a trip to i31itish .Columbia. Mr. Janes Manson of Brimfield Is spending the winter with his nephew, llr. \V D. Hanson, Alin. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin left Sat- urday- for Miami, Ila, Ales and Mrs, Sten'art Cudin'ore have rented and tnoved this week into the residence of the late Mrs, W. L. Keys, W. William street. 'Among the guests from out of town for the Willis;-14iles wedding were :Ali, and MrsHarry 'Watson, 'Godienic'h, Dr. and Mrs, Bedholy, Sea- forth, Mrs, E. A, Burch, Mrs, Me- \d:atul, Miss Willson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon -Wilks, Detroit. 'Mrs, (uD'r.) Mulligan of Grand Pork, N43., visited friends in town on \\'ednesd1 ay', raving come trolls Chicago where she .and her husband were visiting. 31r. W. P1, Snaith Ma, Henderson Solids, Mrs. H. R. Scott and Donald and Harry spent the week -end in 'Port Colborne, where Mr: Frank 'Smit'h is now recovering from an 'Mess Miss Nell 11.c'Duugttll has rettirned to her home in f:ganon8villc after a mon lh-s' visit in Godcricll township, Miss 'Ria Hills of Toronto was a week -end guest of her parents, Mt, mad Mrs. George Hills, Mrs, Fennell of Grand Valley has -ethnic(' to spend the winter in town, ?ccupyiirg the residence of Mrs, .L, 1'. DeLacey._ Mr. William Bailie and Miss Mabel if Goderich visited 111 the home of Mr. L'ailie's sister, Mrs. A, 11, Kirk, the past week, l\li •, •Feta Cleary and her son, llr, Francis Cleary, left ou Monday for ,Port Hope, (Keep in mind 'Monday, November 19th for euchre, bingo and drawing for prizes in St, James' 'Sc'hool hall, Canon and Mrs, Appleyard are spending a few clays this week with their .sort and daughter-in-law, Air, and Mrs. Chas, Appleyard of Galt, where Air. Appleyard is principal of the Technical Department of the 018 Ta'sic School, PASSES I'N THE WEST Mr. Hector - Cowan, Edmonton lawyer and torfner well known resi- dent of this -district, died in that city on October 26th,. The remain: uwve its Seaforth on •Thursday 1l13O train, 'Following 0 service lis North- Slide tkeited Church at 13 o'clock, iutetment will take place in M'tdtland'banlc cem- etery, A son of the late John Cowan, his early years were spent on the Cowan 'homestead, lot .22, can. C, Mc- ,Killap, For many yearn after gradua- tion -he practised in Paisley, 'going to 'lidntonion about 1t997, Besides his n-ffe he is survived by two daughters, both of •1!dnran•tol. Mrs, Cowan is ac- conlpanying the remains and expects to stay u1 Seaforth for some time. :\ sister of the deceased, Miss Agnes Cowan .of Sarnia, is also expected Mr. Cowan was a brother of the late James Cowan of Seaforth, 'Other members of the family were Mrs, Dorrance (',Jenny) of Edmonton; 1[r, Icabkirk, prominent Salvation Army worker of Philadelphia and 'Winnipeg, and John. Cowan,'.K.C., of :Sarnia, HOSPITAL AID The regular meeting of the \Vain - en's Hospital Aid to Scott Alcnloriai 'Ilbspital was held on Thursday-, Nov. dist, with the president, Mass, 'McLean, in the chair. Miss 'Appleyard gave a report on the annual convention of W011len's I-18ospitat Aids held recently. in Toronto. (Plans were discussed for future ac- tivities arid -ways of raising money during the winter, 'Miss \'ikon reported that the new str.etcher .pad had arrived and was most useful, 'also the ether suction ap- paratus which the Women's Hospital Aid had recently purchased at a cost of :x-101?, was naw in use and a great help, IAn appeal was made by Miss Wil-. sd'n for' alit cotton: which might be, used either for mustard' plasters or clusters, Will all those WOM'Cll tvlho recently paid theirtacit v -I fi y v e cents and ,became members of the 'Women s Hospital Aid; please see if they have any contributions oE clean old cotton. either white ror colored, which could be used. Parcels may d>c left either at the hospital or with the secretary. Miss Cl, Appleyard, or at bar: Glides store. �T..' PAGE FIVE. Air. and golden 'Airs. 1 1t. 'C oveuloc of Seaforth wedding ;inns er.ary this week, who CELEBRATED GOLDEN wart and Hulbert, Dr, 'Gunn and El - Hutt, Dr. A:rnastreng, ,Dr, Gl'anfielrl; 'Dr, R'o'gers ilas the last, who left 17 years ago and 1l3rucellelcl has been without a doctor ever since. Airs, Ross remembers wilen she came to Bruce-. 'field eighty years ago of the McQueen home which was then a hotel kept by a Mr, Finlayson; Mr. Cecil Simpson's store. which was thus a store and post 01 -Tice kept by a lir, McKenzie; the McIntosh home was then occup- ied by Mr. and firs, I). L. Sills, par- ents of :\Ir, George :Sills of Seaforth, 11r, and Alts. Monteith and family. r London •were the guests of ,Mr, a:,d Air.. Janet Ross recently. Mr. Mon- teith': slant friends were glad to see him looking .o well after his seriotts llr and mfrs, :Austin Wheeler And 5411 "i Detroit :pent the .week en.1 at the home of the Former's parents, VARNA. Mr, and Airs, ,F. Weekes spent a celebrated their day in Listowel last week, Mr. and -mars, Fred Heard or Eotl- - rich sdent ,Sunday with the latter's parents, 1[r, and mfrs AI, Elliott, Rev. Janes Parke of Bayfield 111- sited Rat'. \V, (3, Bugler at morning service in St, John's Church Sunday. Hr, Stamp, who has been 111 the employ of Nies B. Peck, has moved to London, The members of the Township Council met in the hall =Monday. There is considerable talkofsheen • being worried by dogs, 'Dog' owners should see their dogs are housed .night, or tied fejt, lir. and Airs, George Clark have moved t:, our village. We welcome Arr. and firs Clark to our bar \Veclding bells are ringing and will be beard. Arr. and -Airs. Floyd H Schell and family nf. Detroit :pent the week end at the hone of the latter', parent:, Mr, and Mrs. ,-Alfred :Austin, returning te, the city on Sunday afterne,On. WEDDING Hr. land mfrs, J, Ad'. Cot-enlock of !Seaforth celehratecl the 5011 anniver- sary of their wedding clay on Sunday, 'November 4, at which all the mem- bers of their family and three friend.; who were among six guests attheir marriage half a century ago were pre - seat, Mrs, A. Scott, Ottawa, Mrs, 1. McMichael and John Scott, Sea - forth, The other three, \[r, Jame; Hay's, Egnlondrille, and -sirs. (Dr.) Elliott and her mother firs. Robert Hayes of l.uclenow, were unable to attend, The latter is ntearin.g the cen- tury mark, being 99 on Dec, 32, The color scheme of the dining roost was in white and gold, the table decorations being a gold colored bas- ket containing baby chrysanthemums of an amber- s+Bade. 'i'lfe turkey used F'11 this auspicious occasion came all the way from Climax, Sask. Mr. Cove'nlock was married on Nov. 5. 144[4F. to Nellie Hays, daugh- ter of the late Thomas diays, by the late Rev, A. D, MdDonald D,D, , r First st Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, They went 10 resile on the old homestead and five rears later moved to the 1 N th concession 1cc sio o i r f A l 1 eKa ill p. He afterwards operated a tae yard in Walton and Winthrop. While in the latter place Ila was' elected Liberal member for Centre Boron in the On- tario Provincial house, Mr. C,nvenlocic is a member of Britannia Masonic Lodge, Seaforih, and has occupied in'g 11r - various municipal positions, he reeve of AtoKillop for 113 years, w den of Huron in 101.5 and inspector Tluron County House of Reit since 11927. 'Out of a family of nine, six st vire Mrs. Norman Ireland, Clint '5 tsl..; MTrs, Mae Dorrance, •Seafort Nelson (•oven!oelc, Waterford: - lr 5. K. 1,. Brown and 1 ester Gore hick, Toronto, and Alts. S. L, Ph lips of Detroit. Mr, and •hiss IGoveuloelc were home to their friends in - the after- noon from '3 to li pin, on 11611d43'. when they were showered with. gifts, congratulations and good wishes from a 'Host of friends and •welt wisher.. ,lir. and Mrs. Govenlocic wish. to thank all those who 5o kindly remem- bered thein at this tinge, daughter _foot, also Mr. ' Altrcfl 'Scotchmer, spent the week end at Kitchener visiting lir. Fred :Scotch- nler, .Mr, Joe Wilds spent Saturday af- teril•oon in. Clinton, [Miss Irene Scotchnler-has returned to London where she it attending school, The Goshen Woman's Missionary 'Society are 'holding ale open meeting at the church on Thursday evening. Nov, 10th at 7,34) ., rlricle when n spec- ial program will be put on, Mrs. Me. Kenzie of Egnlondrille will he the guest peadcer. Mrs, (Rev.) F„ :\, '1',oslte.r and sort George of Brownsville called on friends in this vicinity iast week. Mr. John ':\, Armstrong. has pur- chased the 'S0 -acre farm on the Baby. - ion line, formerly owned by Mr, Geo, cC'linchey, BRUCEFIELD. Celebrates 93rd Birthday AleX. Ro • celebrated her 90rd birth- day on November -5th. Eighty years ago, as a girl of thirteen, she arrived in Brucefieid front Nova Scotia, ac- companied by her father, tilt -McMil- lan, who just lived eight months alter their arrival, and she has lived in the eomnluniq' ever 5 n1ce, She is vert smart for her age and still retains al her faculties and is able to wait on let •elf and 1 quite fond ,f knitting and reading. She 10 a • very charitable old lady and it Wright he well if more of us would take her advice, she has 00 often given to her friends: "lf you have anything good to say about any of one, tell it; but if not, do not say any- tqe thing," She received ashy congratu- lations and remembrances frons her friends o1 M'ondav wishing her many ax, happy returns of- the clay. Cornish's h; home 10115 1/11111 by het father for a rsstore, She renleulhers distinctly the names of the tem doctors who had i1- their offices there downthrough the years, the first heulg tL Dr. McMillan, at tlicn Dr, Birch, IDr, ,Monroe, Dr, Ste - AB together, all together, once, one again, Hearts and voices light as ever, Gladly joist the welcome strain, Friends'hip's link is stili unbroken . Bright Is its chlnin, ',here the parting we,rd was spoken, Note in smiles we meet again. Oh, cou'Ict We ever dwell in social pleasure 'here, No more CO sever -from time friends we lave so clear: STANLEY, McKinley - Scotchmer, — ,A quiet but pretty wedd'in'g was. solemnized at London on Thursday. Nov, list, at .high noon when 'Margaret Mary, only daughter of Mrs, jean McKinley and the late IRo.bert McKinley of Stanley Tp., became the bride of John Alfred :Scotch:met, son of Mr, and Hrs. Jahn 'S'catchaner, also of , Stanley. Rev. 'George McKinley, cousin of the 'bride, otlficialtccl, '11he bride - looked' charming iu1 a midnight blue chiffon velvet crit on long lines, with acces sories to match. and carried pink and white c•hrysanthemuIns. The bride was attended by U's.s Margaret Ro•binson, Who 'wore ka.'gow'n of 'hunt er's 'green crepe .and carried yellow • ohryss,il'them ms. Gordon Sc'otclrmer. su1pportecl the groom. Inlinectiate13' after the ceremony _ld'r, and Airs. IScotchn er left on a trip to Niagara 1331(115 and Detroit, the bride travel- ling in navy blue crepe dress, navy coat with accessories to match 001 their return INC) will reside on the groom's farm 015 rho Blue Water Highlw,ay. Iriy[r.` and Airs. Will Scotc'hntaer 111111 c ELIMVILLE. The Young People presented th, it Religious Drama at C'hiselhnrt eat Sunday evening'. Messrs. rs, Rev. J. R. Peters, Frac Long, Delmar Skinner, Horace Del bridge, and .2ll. se, Lavona Conner. Lt flu. I•Iunter, Marjorie Hunter, Mar- jorie Dclbridge, attended the Sun.,y School convention at Centralia -,n Friday light last. RURAL RADIO SERVICE RADIO SETS ADJUSTED, RE- PAIRED. AERIAL'S ERECTED. TUBES TESTED Lorne E. Lawson R. R. 1, Clinton, Phone Seaforth 241 -23 Graduate of National Radio Institute FOR SALE — 1 DdForest C t ,s 1' model 6013 Cabinet Radio, serer tube, push pull audio -amplification, inductor tlynanlic speaker siugi: dial control with or without '1a'- ter.ie. Your PoultryFlock ck Will Like it and You Will Profit with ROE FEEDS Scientifically balanced feeds that have helped many local poultrymen to obtain more eggs from their birds at the lowest possible cost while maintaining the health and vitality of the flock. Mixing only quality ingredients in propor- tions necessary for efficient feeding,we know ROE FEEDS will bring out thbest in your flock. A valuable bulletin, "More Winter Eggs" will be mailed upon request, THE ROE POULTRY RANON FEED DEPARTMENT ATWOOD, ONTARIO Local Representative — SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM. MR. JAMES . M. SCOTT