HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-11-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1934. HENSALL. Death of Mrs, Laurette Miller, -- The death occurred at Scott Memor- ial Respite' to Seaforth on Thursday morning last, of Mrs. Laurette t1i1 er • f'Windsor, relict of the late John er of IIensal'. Mrs, -Miller came t+, II-Iensall a few week, ago to visit Iter sister, Mrs. Charles Jinks, but last ,v eek was taken seriously ill. She was taken to the hospital inr an operation irtr acute appendicitis. and alter ling- e•ing fora week she passed away on Thur,day morning. She was a da tgh- ter of the late Richard Blatchford and was horn at Rod;aerville (ii' years ago. Shortly afterward: the family moved to Hensall, being amongst its first residents, She was married to Mr. „loin' Miller 3t, years ago, and contin- ted to live in Hensall until lir. Mill- er's death in t1SI0.8, when the family moved to Windsor where they have since reside[. She was a frequent vis- itor to Hensall, especially at the home d' her father, the late Richard 'Blain - ford. She was a member of the l?nit- ed Church and highly respected by all .who knew her. She is survived by two sons, 'fame. E. Miller of Toronto,, and ROSS. Millet of Windsor, and one laughter Marie. of Windsor, three brothers, Nels,ut Il3latchford or !Hen- sall, Wellington of London and James Vancouver 'eland, also threesist- ers, Mrs, Chas, Jinks of Hensall Mrs, ,Vice Peterson of Rapid City, S. Dak,, and Mrs. Hanley of Virginia. The Inueral, which was to have been ltdd •,n Saturday, was postponed till 'Sun- lay morning to await the arrival of Mrs, -Peterson, and took place irnm ate house of air. and 'Mrs. Jinks, con- ected •by Rev Arthur Sinclair, Inter trent in the !Henea!l Inion Ceretery. The pallbearer, were 'Thus. Parliner, Thos, Welsh, Thos. Sherritt, Fred 31ann•, Jete \\'r,,,k, l\1m, Woods. Nn—ng these ,cite :uteutled rite lane- r;,1 rn a distance acre '\Ir. Chas, :l i icy mil Mr,. !Richard Blatchford Exeter, \les. Lamemau and laugh - 1\•^n r, \lits Brien Pybus, .\' t l...r, \I t, m,d Mrs. \Vi'snn of stat bliss Ila::n;nt of Win Isar, r, \\'a.J-or. Mr. ant Mrs. Fi ,i 1'°•••t . \I-, and \lr' \\•e; - ;L \l..• !tale!, yf r - \' c , _ e . • f i'` t ' S. tt't l)a+c. e. I, • -t 7'11(11 rn; tel, etia re' ,e. .\. c. 1i a - v\ ed ••I \ITN t t t, i1 -•ter the e.c. Bial x \ 1),rteam el: •11:- I:rr .v :a lJr•, at 1%! n (1.� ei ire t I 11!.:itae^:,:. .r \Ir . 1. 11. d n: I.' e.. 1 rn.: \h ;M i.. lis. 1` . I I- t f l; ,\ t Kinsmi.,-3rintnel.- i t \I 1 to Iii",",, + t t..t.1 - :11 \\ ,L, t t,' to Nfrs. K--11- 1' 't: I, t. ail: -,vi•h ,m ,rt :, , air and d - Tie. to r •tc'i t o ;le tV tt,• ltdv der r,cr 1.\ - 1. ,1,v1 1 rim; 1 1 • Stratford, stele. •ne g!,,, on ea, supported by Wilbert Park r.. Hibaert, Immediately e swt ing t eer msty thehep- •t„tntg ,upte left oy motor far Niagara Ira.ls and other point;. On their re- turn Mr, attd Mrs. Kinsman will re- -'de on the groom's fine farm in Tuckersmita. The popular bride teas the recipient e f many lovely .rift', in- catding several showers which were held its her honor, The Hensall Orange Ledge will at - 'tend service ifs Carmel Prea.ryterian .Church next Sunday evening and •will be addressed by dRev. Mr. 1 oun:,, Mr a td Mrs. Lyle Cassidy idy ;pent the week end with friend. et Otter- ville. They were aecompanie : home by M. Ca,,idy'. anent, 'Mr,, .AV ,ds, w r who will visit here :or time. Mr. and Mrs. Reavely e'f 'l'han•ee- ford spent Sunday here with al: and Mrs. ,I:ones. -Sangster. Aire, Ree,ve;y was formerly Mr -t. Thos. L\ppieten, widow of the late ThOti, App]o-ten former well int su Hen: all residents, A Vnnng People', Rally of the Presbytery of 'Huron, Presbyterian 'C'hu-reit o' Canada, was held inCarm- el CLturch here nt Monday evening w ith a splendid attendance. ,F, \\ c lt, 'Goderich was chairman; Jelin Stan - bury. Exeter, read ;Scripture lesson and Miss .Kathleen 'Strang led in pray- er. Mies Mary Reid. Seaforth, read the. minutes of the ltt)333 meeting and a nominating committee :was -appointed A report of the Ontario .Provincial Voting 1People's Conference was given by Mr. Ray !Pride of Exeter, The ,an- them was given by Carmel :Church choir K stall ramp was 'given 'by Miss \fSSPitce of Gb, lericih. Trea.urcr Rey bledearen gave his report and al- ter the offering a quartette Ibkay the T ere i)coettd on You." was given by Mrs. W. A. Young, •Mrs, Ja.s Pater- son. bliss Irene Raters and Mrs. W. IA, MacLaren, •Rev, G. D, Johnston of The :1'storic and Picturesque 'Cried: still in Gorlerich township, which is cue a the few pioneer Hour anills left in 'Ontario, Inset shows a dl carde1 stone for .grinding ' flour, The original mill was built ninety years ago and was one .storey higher than at present. 'Brantford gave an address. After lunch a social tinge was spent, The of- ficers elected for' the corning year are: Hon. Pres„ 'Rev, \\•. A. Young, Fred \\lir, Goderi'ch; tyre:,, Ray Pryde; Exeter: vice pres„.Harold 'Snell; sec„ alar' Reid, Seaforth; treas., Roy Mc- ;L:u•en,'Ilensa'1. The \li, t n Mand of the linite.d t t tree stet on Sand ry afternoon with a 1 attut l tuce u. nteutbi'rs. The +'r lent. \L., \laky Clark, presided ;cal ] t ,rogr,un prepare,' 'by Pearl I1 ar- e.a.• was given. Prayer was offered by blare (,00 1 v in Scripture les. ;n was real by 'Nelle Ice, \l ututt•s were read -Led tet n.tl e alled; . lo, knobby ire,,; (lee.. \l y Clerk and Marion Paisley; reed:ale.,E t, \lct;,)nteu ,kart Lorna :axed, and leseie I u:'rv; story by \l•, blct,,n•eil . '1'wt•,1 ivy t The 11' S. the l'ttitea tetteh t'u it n 't`ar nlretit)g 1,11 \tent,lay rccn in tie. form of tt I -].allows en t l e t•,iil program was gi- ,e t by tete male eluartette. , t 5,.a. - ( ()thee lumber: wer • given. by• seleeti.m. bliss l.e,retice \Vel -h, \1;, \ tt 1,• air', elas,ef the :inguen•. t' t ,.t entertained the b:,vs• e rss n •t-quer:ale party to rite l,tscnieut arch. A. seed r,.t-ant wt,- ” ante.. 'The basement tett wa. n t , let rated r.a,l a daunt'- lunch -erved. 'flee Chant'u•r of ( tet t eree are tie. ri01 r , •t platy untitled, Silas Sm.' ,:rem 'l'•irti', Ridge t'+ ire pat 711 n' neer Emery. bh .\'iert :la ;1t,. ,t r; ;rr, Nit,- t.'adys 1 '• t tr 11 ir'c en'' with 1l:un- fr'en,is, Sunbeam :\i1,a„n P;et:l (:: - 'nt I resbcteri'tn Chervil held their nemelay let rn,on in the n - int v th \Irs. It hi, Catncrae n !'ire ni, et,' Bethel,) he!! ivy nn f. .,,, v e,i by • 1' a. - a,. eaas ors' . r in luti. t e'- .• t tt'111,1 tt, ;t.'. a•t .r. 1 ay Bias. member rseioe itun af into c ; at year stmly bn l•, t"crrttttre read 'tv l e,ts b lc Larett, tr ',re t• 'tv •Illi S .•;r.a, ale, else, gave f :r t ld wall ut )cal. - \ 't. Fret , hoer e a heal in the re ' c hers ire. tag en Sattir- ir. t t,: t \ ::.i d, u•„ m 2.1'5 t, .nt i til' be in charge of Mrs. Cameros, the librarian. All ch 1 iron hetween the ages of 5 and 10 arc invited t., attend, -Phis Will be •t st' ty hour and \ir,, Ciimeron aPi tabic it very entertaining• As the peblie library t, ,men from ? to 5 Se urdtt attern.,ou, the librarian will ',e pleased ed if the patron, of the library trill err ge their hooks betweetr 3 and S n,crock, 3r, a. not to con+Hiet with the c'hildren's hour. These children's 'tnnr. shnnld be of great interest and benefit to the children, TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Items bits Spading of Winghant visited in town. ---Mrs, .l ow -ler of Sheldon, N. D., is the guest of Mies .F. F•awler,-- \li Ethel Wilson of Windsor has been visiting with •friends in ,Seaforth and \Walton,—lir, George 'Marshall bei moved to Market street, — Mrs, Ee lestone of town is in the 'Wing - 'tam hospital tinder the care of Dr. Margaret Calder,—Mr, and Mrs, R. S. Hay, attended tine recital in Clinton given by Miss Ranee —'Miss IL. Sin- clair rt Prtu el,i, the guest of Miss I_, Set, who entertained in her honor. —Miss Ella Robb, a teacher on the pebhc school staff at ;Exeter, with a ,,fend visited at her hone on JSttnd"ay, —Messrs. Arthur and !Fred Broadfoot are in town visiting their smother. They have ibee•t in the Sudbury dis- trict developing ctairne --Mix Jessie Robb gave a very delightful Hallow. e'en on Saturday Y evening. A white robed '.poo. was in 'attendance at the floor=Mrs, Wortley and son John of Cranbreok spent :a day with her two daughters in town, blaster Ly- man Longworth went home with 9 thea.—The death occurred in Sea - forth of Jantes A, Anderson. He had been a resident of this town for over 341 years.—The 'Misses Morson gave a very jolly masquerade dance at their home on Montlay evening, Those who enjoyed .the pleasures provided were W s 'asabe3 •Scott, a buttercup; 'bliss Kathleen 'Roberta, a Dutch gtil; \fisc Helen Fear, a Grecian- maiden ut manse with mauve crown; bliss Sin - c tr of •I rt el.. a Night bliss 1.. 1 e. t as folly; .bliss Helen Larkin, or- ient tl co.teme; bliss IT. \\'ilson, Por- tia; bliss II. Reheris, lady of dude cen- tury with powdered coiffure; \flee .1. Wilson, \Kiss E. Pickard, witches; bite, 1i n, queen e f the gypeiea; \La 11. \i son, lady , . •13th century, in bine, with powdered es,itfurc; bliss 17. bir'rs,ti, iu pink; Mr. Hilburn, a th n im«'t \Ir: Katt a It.,bo; \Ir. J Case, c, a ,gent menet or 20th century; \Ir. 1:> Mime Italian cavalit r; -\lr, 12 Sinelair. a waiter': \lr•, Yule, a gen- t'tmtn of the 74t.'t 'century with white Wig; lir. C,:. t ise-a t tittle in yellena` 11r J. I., le:loratt he t t \Lis ] en art 1 r ,ttt<, fs tit :'.ti' t of her sister,\ir 1). J. 11 t i'tt \le,srs ne,yer ant Grey of the t i:, v.c ti mw mil!. were in team tl tri•tg ;be pant Beek leaking ,,nor 1d t, int•,lnt•e11tttt;s wh}r't are being nee: en their tui;] ere. l)•. lu:'they e.en'.ng Geo. R. -Gee presents 11 his ',`.g ntitt,tre; slieev ,.. thirty tJt October 27th in kris 75th ye,u•, there a,.ed peaceially ,rn, ty at '1;s bee t'-'ilenee ,.n llt.t,irie eat,. ,.• C bit'er's e'dest end us,areseactea eillir;,,, .Vee. \IeKein. e, I: eel nn :he l., tilt 1:,;,ad. nein lu rct.ie',]. t here he pasaal hie here- ceived ids a lucati,m, which i,-al.t.nd leve : ; ,..etry and learn.ing sv,ruin, rich never left him. At 1119 he .vent to Len- d n Ottt,.. and serval the 1...mg. t:t:,ren- t ee tip et ted, thus gt,hcr l ,i-,nr- ien s, at 5cra lt,,n, D irnit tn? ether American. cities, lin 111360 be en -tercel. the employ if lIcTa ;art '& C,., re- maining with them until the di,salu- tCub of •thefirm, when be 'became a Member of the succeeding. partnership and so continued until the first retired front business some'1'5 years ago. For fifty years a resident of the c,tmntttn- ity,- he never spared himself where -he .felt his help was needed. He had been a valued member of the town council library hoard, board of 'health and di- -ectorate of the horticultural society. The funeral Tuesday . afternoon -was private, attended 'by .only the imnted- tate relatives and a few old-time friends to whose in his many years of residence here he had become deeply attached. IHis pastor, 'Rev, ID•r, Stew- art cotiducted the services and 'Messrs. 1). McCorvie, ,G,- D. McTaggart, W. Coates, W. 'Brydone, T. !Beacons and L\ .\r.ntstreng acted as bearers. Those attending from a distance were James, his son, from Aberdeen, S.D. ;Tames, Ins brother, from .Dubuque, Iowa; Da- vid Walker, his nephew from Niag- ara Falls; F. 13. Whiting, Bowman - rifle, Angus Johnston, Stratford. Perth County. Dr. R. M. Large of 'Vancouver ar- rived at (Poole 'last week on a visit to his parents It is over four years since he 'left for the IWest and has worked tip a very large practice.—Mr. E. Syd- ney ;Smyth, IK;C„ of Stratford will be Crown Prosecutor 'for the high court assizes- at )Barrie, The docket is a heavy and important ane, -.--:lir. 1V. W. B allantyate of Stratford :has •returned' from 'New Westminster, 33.C„ where 'he was judge .of ,Ayrshire cattle, On his outward 'trip he 'acted as judge at the ISp•rin;alfteld I11., .cattle show,_- he boiler explosion Which wrecked the 'Henry R•atz sawmill at St. 04ements and 'kil'led 14Vnt. Lester, caused suffic- ient 'vibration uffic-ient''vibration to smash 'windows six hundred feet away from the buildingl Leater'vPss engaged drilling a well for tine ,company, and had gone into the boiler -house to turn on steam to op- erate the nnachinery. Just what hap- pened or blow will never be known. !John 'Kuntz, the direma.n of the plant, was only about 1lifteen feet away from the building .gathering wood for fuel When the explosion 'too'k place, Mirac- ulously he escaped entirely uninjured, although debris was hurled all about hint. AUCTION SALE. 10f 'Farm, )Farm Stock, ,Implements and Furniture. Fred 1V. tAlirens, Auc- tioneer, has received instructions from, the undersigned Executors to sell by public auction at Lot 11, Con. 8, Town- ship of McKillop, 134 miles west, of Brodhagen, on •Tleursday, Nov. -8, !19314, the following: - IIorses-lGrey mare 6 yrs. old, sup posed to be in foal; -1t black mare 7 yrs. old, supposed: to Abe in foal; 1 aged gelding, '1 general purpose geld ing.-112 yrs. old, - Cattle—!11 Durham cow 4 yrs. old with calf by her side; iL Holstein cow 9 yrs, old, due in Jan.; 1 D.urihatil •cow 8 yrs. old, due in. Jan.; 1. Durham cow 6 yrs, old, due in Jan.; 1' Durham cow s yrs. old, supposed to be with calf; 3 Durham cow 6 yrs, old, supposed to be with +calf; 1 Durham cow, 5 yrs old, supposed to be with calf; 1 Dur ham cow 8 yrs. old, clue. in March 0 Dunham cow 4 yrs. old, due in Ap ri'1; i' Durham cow, 10 yrs. old, sup posed to be with calf; ,1 aged cow stip posed to be with calf; 1• Durham heif er slue in April; 3 Dunham heifers ruing -2 yrs. old; 5 Durham heifers and eteens rising 1 yr. old; 4 spring calves, 3 summer calves, )Hog ,l fat sow, 6 shoats, LI week; old, - P„nitry -agog 34) yr -old hens, .0 spring chicks, 3 geeee, 1 gander, lntplements-1 McCormick tower, i ft. cnt !1 max wt.!: hay leader, 1 side rake, 1 cultivator, 1 ntannre spreader nearly new, 1 steel land roller, 2 truck wagons, 1 hay rack and sliding rack. 1 titunp rake, 1 tlisc harrow-, - 1 4 see, harrow, 1 2 -sec, harrow-, 1 set be , sleighs,1 harrow cart 1 2-furrow- rw 1 single furrow riding .1 walking plows, 1 $miller, irut pulper, 1 rubber tired- top buggy nearly new-, 1 open ling,gy, 2 cutters, 1 wheel barrow, 2 40 -gal. .steel driune, 4 horse copper, I \lelot:e cream sep- tra. ,r o50 car, nearly new, 1 eatery stale, vise, anti] 1 40 3:t , 'carrel, ' tl, barrels, e , a quantity of Iumber en,1 plank, 3 shed doers, 5 gal. milk can, ,grain bags. :Harm s-2 sets of new double har- ness, 1 Dodge car, iron kelt'.c. ne'ck- yeke, wititfletree., shove] boas eieelea rke and a host of other arti- cle, tun tlittiter,-tt, t,,iutlnd • a bout a farm. 1 ec a-Ab,mt 1,.(10 bus, o. turnips ab rt 'ia 'las, mattgnlds, tee) Ins, of owe, Su bus, m'xcl ,;Tait, 2 hits, mix- ed eras ectal,; ebi,ut 20 torts of mix- ,” hay. )swirl;etre — 3'wooden bads with springs, 2 iron beds with springs, 1 .stretcher, .1 bed tom suite 1 tltcseer, 1 stend, 1 half ,loz. dating ,,Hairs, 1 writing de -k, 1 kitchen table, kitchen sink, pia i,tph ,ar el, 2 rocking nhah•s, 2r,tteiti;, 1 par:or suite consisting of 4 chairs and suite, 2 benches, 1 cook stove burn a eel or coal, 1 4 -bunter coal oil stove, washing machine, but- cher table, 3 cider barrels, 1 meat bar- rel. churn, fruit shelves, 4 apple screens, 1 apple drier, ntiikittg pails, 2 Coleman lamps and lantern, 2 hang- ing lamp,. Also 20 cords of pine roots,- 2 da,; - horsepower engines, galvanized tank and a host of other articles about a kitchen and house: All this furniture belongs to Mrs, Edward [Rose and is being offered for sale by public auction. Fantn--Conlisting of 1150 acres more or less, being Lot li and East Hag of Lot 2, C'on, 8, Township of Mc- Killop; ottt the [place there is erected a brick house with brick 'kitchen, wood• shed with 13 piece 'bath room and fur - line and hot water attached, new bank ,barn and straw shed, cement stabling with good spring water run- ning through stables and house, good well :with wind pump, good gravel pit and .running spring, at rear end of farts, 80 acres under cultivation, 9 ac- res of wheat, ,Balance in grass. Situat- ed 1t74 miles front ,Brod'hagen, 3 miles' from Dublin on 'County Road. Terms On land, 10 per cent of the purohase stoney to be paid on clay of sale, Bal- ance within 30 days . if further infor- mation is required, apply to the un- dersigned Executors or to "the Auc- tioneer, Terms of Chattels—Cash, (Sale to commence at 1L o'clock sharp, 'An i chaneer's decision [final in case of all disputes. Every offer has got to be sold to wind up the •Es•tate of the late 'Edward Rose, Mrs. Minnie Rose, T elite di newels, E+xeeutors, Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, Phone 16314: r6, \L'itchell, EGGS WANTED GRADE A Trade iPTi'ees Only' scan 38c DOZ. Stove 'Pipes 6 & 7 inch 18c Stable Brooms 85c Axes each 1.35 Lueknow Flour .. per cwt. 2.39 Low Grade Flour, ,per owt 1.55 'Shorts . , , . per cwt 1.35 Bran per cwt 1.30 Cross Cut Saws , , , , each 3,75 Files each 20c Glass 10c Putty ,..,,,,..,. pound 7c GRANULATED SUGAR 10 POUNDS C attitth $2,00' Cash ' C )Grocery Order. RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS AT LOW PRICES W. J. FINNIGAN FOR + RENT Three downstairs •rooms, Private entrance. Centrally located. 'Immed- iate possession. Apply at The News Office, 44 DANCE .The S'ea:forth Junior -Farmers Hoc- key Club Dance on Friday, Nov,'23•rd. Keep the date open. • 44 FOR 'SALE About 'fifty cord of hardwood and about 1115 cords of elm and ash mixed,. also a !quantity of Spy apples, hand- picked. Write or 'ph'one, J, E. Crich, R.R. 3, .Seaforth, Phone 0461114, •Cli.n- ton, FOR SALE )Apples—three varieties, mostly Spies, extra good quality, at a -dollar per bushel, delivered to Seaforth. Phone 241' r '.illy James Medd, R,R,d, Clinton. 44 FOR SALE Con'in'g 3 -years old dual purpose cod-. Apply to Peter McLaughlin, Phone dib r 45, 'Dublin, - 4'4 FOR SALE OR RENT Honse and lot, AWest. William St., Seaforth, Severn roosts, modern con- veniences, Apply to J. T. bleAsh, Varna, Pltoite Clinton 622 r 23, APARTMENT TO RENT Apartment to rent, - over Thos. Dickson's store lights, town water, immediate possession. Apply to E, L. Box. 45 FOR SALE Vi,set grinder, nine incl[ plate, good as new; never had plates chang- ed. R tht. Law son, Clutton R:R. 1; te;ephe ne 23-241, Seaforth. 45. FOR SALE - Choice potatoes, Green Mountain and Dooley, 30c per hag, field run this week and next week. George Beatty, Sr, Varna. FARM FOR SALE Fifty acres of good land and good brick house, also good barn and silo Some bush, Situated on the third con, of Westminster Tp„ three miles south of London. Apply Harold Pen - hale, Bayfield, Ont. DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN WALTON FOR SALE A seven roomed .brick house equip- ped with hydro, telephone and furn• ace, a good stable and .garage and 56 acre of land. A few fruit trees. Apply to W. J. Woods, Walton, or 'phone Brussels 19 r 7. PROPERTYFOR SALE House with two lots, at the corner of Victoria and George streets, eight rooms sta'bley Will be sold very reas- onably to settle an estate. Mrs, Peter DeCourcy, Egmottdvi•]le," CLINTON CREAMERY To take care of winter deliver- ies of .Cream, Eggs and Poul- try, announce the appointment of Mr. Al C, ROUT EDGE as their representative in 'Sea - forth. Mr. Routledge will re- ceive produce at the full mar- ket price, commencing this Saturday, Sept. lst. E. C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 5:30- p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p,m. to 10 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and accident insurance, If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 - Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE Young cattle and spring calves for sale. Also some potatoes, 40c a bag, Thomas Stevens, Phone 2'3 r 11, Blyth 44. FOR SALE +Purebred Oxford ram lambs. Priced reasonable,- Phone 3!1=6212, Clinton. Frank Weeks, Varna. 44 CIDER MILL •\ViII run Wed., Thurs., Fide far the season. Terms cash. Lot 23, Con. 6, Logan, Phone 631r3t1, -llitcheil. Fred l-Iennick, R.R. 4, Mitchell. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT A comfortable six -'roosted house with garage, situated on Main :St., Egmondville, Apply to A. C. Rout- ledge, Seaforth. - SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per lb., , ,,... ..,....t. elle Oats, per bushel , t.....,,t....34c 'Wheat, per bushel , t . , , 93c Feed barley, per .busthel . , , • . , •.,, ...48c Eggs, per doz. ..,..,... , ,r, , 22c -3,4c Potatoes, ';per bag •. ,,, ...i• • .,. , 40c -4)5-c Malting [barley, per bushel , .,.....,d5c Briarcliffe Mines LIMITED' On the Mother=lode, California Well financed and controlled by well known London, Ont., businessmen. Well developed with 50 ton mill now in operation. Low - Capitalization We recommend this stock to anyone seeking a good junior mining stock with attractive possibilities for appreciation in values. Prices on Application E. A. Siegrist&Co., Ltd. • • INVESTMENT BROKERS Phone: „Metcalf :30701—L, /New Bank -o-f Toronto Bldg., London, Ont. Or consult Mr. Wrn. Watson, R. IIs. Mo. 3, Mitchell