HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-11-01, Page 2PAGE TWO HURON NEWS First Snowfall— 'Western Ontario and !Huron Coun- ty was visited by the season's first snowfall at the week -end, Tempera- tures dropped, with prospect of fur- ther snow. The snow- commenced an :Saturday morning, interspersed with •rain, '11rac} Ott flake; fell but melted fast, At the slum time they reduced visfd,ility on the highways .to a mini- mum and cured several accidents, Pavements tnade slippery near Mount 'Forest brought a collision that took the life of a 'Kitchener woman and brought injury" to seven other mo- torist:. Almost Completed— The nen wing of the hospital at Clinton is being got into shape very quickly, tie contractor, 1[r, R. W. McKenzie speeding the work as (much as possible, and it is hoped that it will be ready for opening next month, Came To Seaforth— Clinton Public school was closed on Friday, the staff going to observe the methods of other teachers, plisses Fraser, .lrntst,•ong, Courtice and Cud - more went to Hamilton and Toron to, awhile 'Mrs. Farnham and Miss 'Wiltse went to Seaforth„Principal Jefferson went too. Engagement— lir. and Nies. A. E. Finch, Clinton, announce rho engagement of their eldest daughter, Norene Fl, E.. to \fir, Roy W. J. Elliott, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. :11''x. Elliott. 'Goderich 'l'owu,}lip. The marriage will take place in November. At Fred. T. Craigie, Goderich— 'I'hc'holly of Frederick 'I': Craigie was lai,i to rest on Saturday at (iod- erich. The inv'er't' procession from hi: Boole en St. Vincent street 5was one tit the largest ever hell sal God- erfnh,'lost- of sorrowing :Twill- anti relative:- were precut to pay :heir 'ast respects to one olio was known as a friend and helper to everyone. The pallbearers were half' lie'ly of Ter'•nt,,, Fred Datar of Toronto, Ro- bert t1•aigic o' Toronto, jail: Abel: of Toronto. Lei.ght,' 1 1) lar of 1lamiltott and Fred Cru pie of B if1'alo. :Members of the ',cid bowling club, of which \Ir. Craigie was a member, acted as flower -hearers. Out own nrmu•ncrs ''resent were \lr. and Mrs. Don• of Toronto. Mfr. and Mrs. ):red Ilonar Toronto; James and Fred Craigie and Miss :Maud 1'raigie of Buffalo' Miss Helen Donar, 'Toronto: iack and Irene Abell of Toronto, \Ir. and Mrs. L. i)onar of Hamilton; Mr, and \irs. Robert Craigie. Toronto, \Irs. D. Fraser and Mrs. \T, Craigie, Strat- ford: 1fis es Lila and 11'trita iluggan of Stratford, D, Downie, Toronto, ITr, and \frs. Basil Kelly, Toronto, Jos - eft Kelly. New fork, and Mrs. War- wick of Toronto. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1934. Outstanding Quality Fresh from the Gardens ale in Canada as clolails are being completed with rNeiw York under- writers. \\''hen the plant is completed Clinton will have the distinction of having the largest egg plent in he Rnitislt Empire. 'New- York financiers, who came to 'Clinton on rthe 'Andrew's "Egg plant project, scow also the ex- ceptional advantages there were in locating a plant in Clinton for .the manufacture of salt, sodia ash, all kinds of bleaching powders, caustic soda, liquid chlorine, hydrochloric acid, synthetic ammonia, turd many c5her ,eh'einicals not now made in Can- ada. 'Phis enormous plant is headed Ivy Louis Perlow of New York, with Chicago associates, and 'options have been secured on fifty acres 1,5511111 by 11 r, 'John T. 'Turner, where the old flax mill 'is located, this property having railway facilities of the Strat- ford=Toronto and London-1'Iuron and Bruce lines of the C)N,R, The syndi- cate also has option; on rthe adjoining property awned lir \ir. Joseph Al- lison, together wills the 1132 acres owned by Catharine NI, and R. S. ';myth, This provides all the !and re- quired and engineers are now figuring for a raihtay siding 'arge enough to hold forty curs at one time, Plati.s and <Ji -ideation: 11.0 now under way alfd the 0.11111any le being organize,l for {thee million dollars. No stock is be- ing e1Tertd for sale here, the project i•eing entirely financed with Ameri- can capital. 'Air, Perl,w says %then are completed it is: expected the wontpany will employ 4011 hauls, it will be seen that if these plans work out. told they .seem to have gone quite as t.li,tance, this will he a big tiling for Clinton. 11 is 6a he hoped nothing 1uill he founts 10 hinder them working Unable to Make Fort in Storm— .\pparcntly afraid to attempt mak- ,g port at Gotlerich on Saturday. night, a ship thought 10 be the Ay- liffe tented about and went across the lake, probably to Harbour Beach r Sarnia. High winds and heavy seas tile waves going right ever the ,boat, 0,a e. passage between the breakwat- ers ail tiir,ugh the channel exceed- ingly dangerous and this i, uml:mht- e,11c 111e reason for the ship's putting alcor. 31ja Million Dollar Industries For Clinton— If plants which are ee11 underway a::rei ly s/.,ric out as cxp00ted Clinton is to have tn1 ,few• and important in- 'ltts,ries, a gigantic egg producing plant and a 0hcnhie al manufacturing !dant. ahe News -Record, 'The form l- r c developed from the 1.10,It a „n in operation by Mr, F. \V. Andre,le on 111- farm, part of which is within 1:11 toelimits, the other beim: a sort of a -fide "-..0 to be de - because tin- ,uitalvility of .he lecatioa, •I'his all started about tree ;ear, ago when Mr. C1nd.rews started negotiations 1 secure capital i11 New York to finance his F, t1', .1ndrews egg, plant, The money mar- ket In 1033 'b cants unsettled in the 1,'nitcil states, on account of the Tlalrk Holiday, so plans were delayed until a couple of months ago. The naue• tit. this new- enterprise will be "F, 'V, Andrews Egg Corporafonv." An application for a :Dornianion ohar- ter is now being prepared. The head atlIlcc will he in Clietc,n, with a branch office in New York city:, Alr, ,Andrews Intends to build four units, each about 41) feet wide, with a depth. 'ni 600 inc't each, and each unit dye- ing 4 stories high, capacity sixty thousand 'laying hens, .and 1150,000 broilers. A ;mall ,but modern cold storage plant is to 'he run in connec- tion. The authorized capital of the. 4r, W. , IIdretws Egg Corpora bion, when completer. will be over one half 'million dollars: No stoc'Ic will he for Underwent Operation.— \I.rs, ('Rev.) R. N. Stewart, Centr- alia, underwent an operation in Vic- toria Hospital, London, last week and is gettuh along well. THE •PLOUGHING MATCH \\'har mean: this uncommon bustle and animation iu and around the little riverside town, and where are all the oven and 'horses going at 011011 111 ear- ly hour, for it is scarcely yet break - •fast time To -day the most -fateful of .contests i0 10 he decided. -'For 1Itis is the date of the ;Ploughing' Match, To- day half a hundred ploughmen .compete for the coveted palm and will loft- forth their best efforts and show their greatest skill and pride. 'For weeks past interest in the 00115 - petition has been steadily increasing for mile.:tround the 'T'hames Valley. in the field, in the stable, at hone in the 'cottage and in the ;nus little rooms at the Pig and \Vhistle, and the 1 tool Lion, where the -carter: as- semble at ;east every week -end, the talk has been. of little but the 0onhing d•loegltin•g match. And noir the lona- and earcnrly ex- pected day is here. Ttte r:o01: in the stately tower has struck eight. Some -of the teams and plough nas004 through the broad market--?ia0e near- ly an hour ago, ami others arc ;till arriving,. it is noteworthy that those who are sitttatorl at the- greatest 'Bs- tanr0 calve first, and those whose farm. are near at hand rill he the last to reach the field. But .here is a t 011501 for everything. 'Those horses Thirteen Firsts. - 1 win thirteen lilt prizes at thir- teen tall fairs is a unique record. This 11 h a07„111idistt0l by \lir, \Vm, Deck erg just east of Zurich, with his tine. Cameral 'slurp ls0 show 'team whirl goe0 to alum that 11r. Decker has an outstanding span of horses, The aeaun '55 a., shown at Milverton, New Ham burn, ;'itratforci, Listowel, Seaforth that Dane from ,t'at' will need food and a rest before bring harnessed t•, the piotteh, 501111e the other., ',w re. -- 111 ,1f their nearness to the site, will 1110 (.10:h faesh and un:ired i)y a :.n15j.ntrney on the road, The morn- ing --.'lamed dull and 111100. :1 11100y thunder -show 0r toll early in the. I i ltt, o a ring- the hells, The :am 111 s steaming in the stat that now and then peeps through the clouds and 1 stones on the rain -sweetened earth and the 111101}' company assembling to take hart in or P110 s,tectal, 1 of the competition, • CHICAGO STOCK SHOW With the approach of the closing elate for tiling entries in the l:03.4 ternati teal dice Stock Exposition, tet be held in its new and greater home at the Chicago Live Sto,c4: Yards, De- ceniher 1 to 0,. the inanagement an- nounces that the largest entry of live stunk in the history of tlu exposition has been received. This year ds the 35th anniversary 04 this largest the continent's live stock 0h0lc , hcdd annually since ft, inception (luring the creek follow- ing 'Phar k Hiring, Entries, fon the most Part. include prize Herd; and flocks, draft horses, and fancy 011111tg and driving horses and ponies that have won rilrbons,higlt on the prize lists of .tate and prov- incial fait's and ,ccti,tttil expositions held 'losing recent tn:,nths through- out Canadaand tin (',S. 1''Ire Iuternatienct Exposition on er c- 5iles the finals of the .\american lire tock show season and winners at the Chicago how- are recognized as the continental champions for the year, 'An elaborate dedication ceremony is planned ter the opening clay of the 1Q34 ;Exposition fen the new buildings that have been constructed tlu•oug'h- ont the extensive area of the Chicago Stock Yards that were levelled in the great: fire last 'Spring. ;Largest of the new struetutes is the international amphitheatre, declared to be the fin- e -1 huflding in the world devoted to the ex'hi'biting of live stock. tAgrleulteratl lender, from all nuts of this country and the U.S.have signiifird their intention of going to Chicago to take part its the celebt+a 'fon that will marl: the 3'5tdt anniver- sary of this far -farted show as well as. the official re -opening of many fa - 111011s land -mark; of the Chicago Stock Yards that are now restored, ;111 of the railroads entering Chica- go have indicated that special low round-trip faces will be granted from. points along their lines to Chicago for this outstanding event on the 1934 agricultural show seasons calendar. 'Special excursions will he run at the rate of a 0001 a mile. Zuri'elt, :1lderton, Bay'lie!rl, Parkhill, l'cestlater, Dungannon, Fortin -lit and 1V'inghiim, 'One of the team at prac- tically each of these fairs mentioned eon -tire sweepstake prize at halter, as best individual horse un trite ground, 'l'!te team are both very young mel in aelnther year when fully developed mold go a long wary before their equal could he found. lir. Decker is to be •c,mgratttlatted .0m possessing the abil- ity to matte up so good a match, which is an art in itself.. -Zurich Herald. 1 Stitch and Chatter Club.— Tile eighth annual meeting of -the .`titch and Chatter Club of Dashwood 1'10 held recently at the 'honkie of the remit' president, Mrs. Garnet Will- ilong. .Miss Anna 'fienun i, the new president, Mrs. Alvin Kellerman is secretary -treasurer, her- W ' le -- Fo 1Wil rt ,\ •pretty antunin wedding leas sol_ entnized •Sunday Oct. 21:st at 'Lion Lutheran Church, Da0w°hoad, when a.11ice \leliuda, youngest daughter of \Ir, and 31rs. Fred 11'illr.rt,, became the bride of Mr. Richard 1'olllen of Ft Wayne, Ind., Rev. '1', [Aft olTiciatfng ,The happy couple will reside at bort \Vayne. Death of Missionary--' Miss 11. E. Grigg, Exeter, has re- ceived word of the death of her sister- in-law, Mary (0, Grigg beloved wife Rev, 'Ernest Grigg, who died in klaymyo, Burma, on Dasher 115th, Mrs, 'Grigg had been in failing health far some time, She was a native of ,5t, Johns, N111„ and with her ,husband had been In ider'ntat for .344 years, They have visited in '(!seta accasinftalfy, the last time in .1023, Exeter Mill Re -Opens. Phe planing mill formerly. owned by the Exeter Lumber Co, has hecn pur- chased by D, A, (Cordon of Exeter and hr, R, Henderson of 'Woodstock and will be operated tinder the name. 'Iltri't;ti 'Lumber Co.. Ltd, AIR RACE WON BY BRITXS'H FLIERS Australia suitably welcomed !Lieut. C. i\\t, A, !Scott and 'Capt. T. Camp- bell :Black as winners of ,the Landun- toaplellrout'ne air race and entitled to the ($50,000 !first prize. The 'Royal Acro Club of London 5.151 ,the -elapsed time as 70 .horn's, 159 nth -macs and 50 second; for cover - f 1g 11111,330 utiles, Flight Lieutenant Scott is well known in !Britain as twice 'holder of records 'for the 'England -Australia (light, Captain ililac'k already has an nterltation'al reputation as the mail who in 1.1193111 rescued Malj, 'Ernst tides, !German airtraan, when that flier was •tra lcled on an island in the upper file region. The (Dutch team, !Parmentier and 11'011 1(90 dies., 1117 snit.) 'carrying pas- sengers in their big plane, secured se- cond prize of $7,1900; the American team, Turner and iPangbnrn ('93' 'hrs., 5 min,), ,third prize of $3,'500. 'Long- dietatee time .recorcla unheard of be- fore have 'been set, but that isnot all, forbidding seas, mountains and des- erts have dwindled incredibly beneath these matchless airmen. Sir Macpher- son Rabet•taon, 10011ithy manufacturer who donated the ,prizes, and the Lord \favor of Melbourne, were among the !6ret Co grasp the 'stands of the fliers. London sees the breaking 0/ time records 1)y the !first three flying teams as actually bringing distant continents close to one another, Scots and tBlacir in their ‘British ,De Ilaviland Comet averaged 11160 miles, an hour for the total time, but the Dutch 10 111 i11 the American 'Douglas plane and the i1m- c !cat team were unbelievably fast. 1\'ilev 'Post itt his round -the -world dash in 1033 made 1134 miles an hour: Rossi and ('oi1o, in crossing the At- lantic in '11933 made 1810 unless, ''l.he 1n•ev!o;is England -Australia record, made by C, '1'. 'I', t'lm in ,1'0314, teas 'gut l'6'20 utiles lit (itli clays„ The only :!mita on air opeed are the equipment and tn11i a understanding. In winning in a British plane ('De 1daviland), the !Scott-Gladk team also defeated Cireat ,Britain', premier air couple, 'Capt. James 4. \lollison and Mrs. .110y Johnson \I'ollison, who had a similar machine but lo -t any chance of winning 'hy being forced .to repair their ship at Allahahad, India, where they withdrew front lite race. Scott's log tea 51 Satiw'day. 4 Oct. 20) leit London, ILtip, to. 6:30 11111 .Swtday, 9 am., at .\llnhabad, 111(111, 1loucl1y, 1111 amt., at 'Darwin, .\us- tnalia. Tuesday. 5:34 stun, at \lelbourne, Darn in, in northern \ us tralia, ,is about 1200.0 miles from Melbourne. Flyers crossing over the 'Timor Sea in daytime, to Darwin, could see the sharks, which infest its waters, Twenty-one plates 'fron 7 coun- tries started in tate race, 'Practically all experienced motor trouble. About half finished t!le race, the rest with- drawing at various points along the route, 'I'li11 last tea 0 of contestants to start were killed when their plane .crashed in flumes in 'Italy. Two other pilafs wire held for 24 Horn's in jail when they were forced to :and in Persia. Cathcart Jones and Ken, Walter, winners of fourth place (about 1123 starter] back immediately on a flight to ;England. HON. H. H.'1STEVENS RESIGNS. The ,I•Iouse of Commons Mass Buy- ing Committee, fertile in sensations of a disturbing character last session, Presented Canada with a major one on Saturday in die break between lion. IT. II. Stevens, its chairman, and ').rime Minister R. B. .Bennett, Iii terms which conveyed clearly that the end had not been heard of the matter Mr, Stevens proffered his t'e- -ignation as Minister of Trade and Commerce: and in language that lovas inciside.and condemnatory, plr. Ben- nett accepted it, The country was treated over the week -end to a deluge of lengthy documents which revealed •he existence of a conflict between 1Ir. Bennett and his minister going 'hack to last January. 'The correspondence was coldly polite, but on both sides it was uncompromising, The net result of it all is that Afr. Stevens, no long- er a member of the cabinet, reverts to the status of a private member of the TTonse of Commons, He will can - Cane to cit on tile Conservative benches and he retain, his member- ship on the mass haying 1101)mi;5ion, the chairmanship of which he also had relinquished. Event; in brie' which "ed 11p to the c rgnat n of Mr, Steven are: Jan, 1 --Sweat. sols,. 'curl unethical !easi- ness eraetiwe, criticized ')y Hon, II. Th Stevens in Toronto before Retail Shoe Dealers' Association, jan. 18— Sharp exception to .Toronto speech taken by Premier 11. 13, Bennett in in- terview with Mr. Steren.s. Jan,.19— Resignation as minister of trade and ee mnerce sent to Premier Bennett by 11r Stet'eits as result of i.sfte nn sp.eel1, 1)iseu.siolt followed between Premier Bennett and 3Tr. Steven.: on whole situation. .11r. Bennett said he would invite House of Commons 10 appoint c-)nimittee of investigatiorn acrd let tor of resignation of Mr, Stevendisregarded, Yoh. 2—,Adolp- lion of resolution for appointment of conon11tee .of inquiry into conditions moved in Parliament by Premier Sten- nett antl adopted. Feb. 16—Price spreads anti mass hnyffig parliament- ary committee met Feb. 16 and con- tinued sittiega taking evidence until Jane 28. July 9 -Committee formed into a commission t1 continue probe by order -in -council, ,las;, 5--1\'ith- drawa.l of pamphlet on lir, Stevens' address before Study Club of Con- servative members during session ot•d- cred by Premier Bennett: anis pre- mier and 11r, 'Stevens. in \\'initipeg e11 way to Vancouver, discuss situa- tion over long distance - telephone. 'Sept. 7--11r. Saevens returns to Ot- tawa from 501,1 and in meantime :Pre- mier Bennett has left for Geneva. Oct, 2'5 -Cabinet meeting following premier's return, discusses publication of pamphlet. Oct, 2226-1fr, Stevens re- signs from cabinet: Oct, 26 --Rumors of resignation published. 'Oct. 27-1ir. Stevens issues ,tattiltlealt announcing resignation and second statement on issue of pamphlet, Oct 07—Arcept- anc0 of Mr. Stevens' resignation an- nounced by premier's office, Twice a Minister of the Crown, 11r. Stevens was first elected to Parl- iament in the reciprocity election of 414111, II -Te was elected in the war -time )election of 3017 and at each succeed- ' ln, general election, On the reol•gan- ' ixt{on of the Meighen Cabinet in 1031 Mr. Steven, was appointed Minister of Trade and Commerce, %Then Mr, , lfeighen again assumed office for a !'short time in 1526, Mr. Stevens Again entered the •Cabinet aid was matte :Minister of Customs and Excise. Dorn at 1Tlristol, England, Dec, 7, 31876, the son of Richard T-Iarvey .Stevens, of 1 Cornwall, England, and Jane Ann, of 'Devonshire, Henry T-Terbert Stevens ensue to Canada in 168!) receiving itis education at Teterboro, lOnt, He near- , tried IGert,,ude pf„ daughter 0.1 George 'Glover of Vancouver, B',C:, formerly 01 'Grimsby, England, and there were fire children. Previous to settling in !.'tush Columbia, he travelled 'exten- sively exteu- nely in China, Japan and the Seeth 1'Sea Islands. In 'lie 10 and 119'111' he 1n•8 i an alderman in Vancouver. As a vermifuge an effective prepar- ation is :Mother Craves' Worn Exter- minator, and it can be given to the moat 'delicate chilcl• without fear of in• i lily to the constitution. on his new .coutlltess to s'uch'alo extent t tat, within a year, she was receiving l' 'eatntetit in a sanatorium. But the "400” dictated she must s'ic'k at any price. They were 'elated that one of Heir class was now a member of near royalty. Some of the 'facts of her treat- tient carte to light during the sensa- tional 41e0rce case than followed. An idea of the social snobbery of he "400" .can he better understood by he following incident, The horseshoe circle of the Metropolitan Opera House is 'bought for life by members ,f the "499." \Wren one dies 'the' box ,'left just as the money, to the liext- ,f-kin. It is the 'height of social arn- 1iti0n to he :seen its company with one of the circle patrons on gala opera night. Before any 0110 of then will is- sue an invitation to a guest the name is stmt to every boxlholder, If there is the slightest objection or if they do not 'c'o11110 up to the saciai standing of the "400" the invitation is (101 sent! 'Up till ,now 'tilts "400" hare not washed their dirty linen 141 public. but ever since. obcl Cornelius Vanderbilt slued :his ferry across to Staten Is- latrcl and 1112c10 a million, which was the birth of the "4400""' fights have been more numerous than those that take place in the ring. Who is the leader of the "400" is always a nom - stop squabble, If Nfrs, So -and -So• gives a party on the night of the ack- nowledged leader, she will issue invi- tations, tt•'ith the result that one host- ess .gives a dinner .party to. .absent guests, -. 'Some eight years ago a famous min- ister in 'London preached a sermon on sins of society. I assure anyone that if a sermon were attempted on the sins of the ''4.110.", it would be a very long one, for everything that is dobe within their ranks is with an ulterior motive. THE COMMON COLD 'With the fall of 1110 leaf the coin - anon cold is manifest again in more or less epidemic form, There is nothing mare rematrkahle than the certain:y1aa' , with which the common cold r': , 1Iin sigh a household in the course of a few• days, passing from one member to another, These colts are really always on hoard, as we might say, although they are not manifest until a wetting or chilling of the body occurs, 1111)101) di-. minishes the patent's resistance, and nest day the nlicroco•cn: natarrhatis is in full possession of the upper res- piratory tract from the nostrils to the hack of the throat, There pis sneezing, running at 'the eyes, and aOtlbCtitlles litter a 1empY1'- atmC, l'itis i. 11111en we pass. ,ttl our colds to our friends. While a person with a good strong constitution wf'l fight the .cell in the upper resole:v.0 r, 'east a bronchial member of Ole fans - fly is not so lucky. He may go from sneezing to coughing and pe.rllaps do sciop a husky voice and laryngitis or bronchitis. This will mean more gen- eras malaise and a icefing of 1.111N:10i. for work, l'he cure is three days ill Berl with hot drinks, ;gruel for the young, some- thing hot for the old, to mince sleep. dint it is the rest in heel that really counts, VANDEBILT CASE Whatever 1110 outcome of the Van- derbilt case, says a writer, 'T think that 1frs, Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt de- sert -es the thanks of her -fellow-citiz- ens for her courageous art in bring- ing- this case to trial. 'She has perforat- ed it public service and has probably put an end—an inglorious earl—to that very an tocratic 1)043' know'll Ir, lige' "41111," TN, -4011" have always considered themselves more royal than royalty, and, quite frankly, moat of them are social snobs who have in the past eV - 1 resented sharing the sante air with what they term their inferiors. Up to the present it has been almost imposs- ible for ordinary mortals to enter wi- thin their sacred circle and an entry 110114' bd gained only through inter- marriage or by birth, It has been more difficult -for parents in, the "4410" to marry off one of their heirs or daugh- ters than a Royal prince. It is for this reason the "41110" have 'been hoaxed time and again by fortune hunters, for ahoy would sacrifice every family <t'f- fection for a title 'One has only to recall the marriage of one girl to .a Count. A million dol- lars passed :heads ;before the cere- loony. Further, the Countwasable to delnalld 'that a castle and an old fam- ily 155111e be re bought for him and all the family debts paid. ,He demanded a mansion in every principal city in the lvo.rld in orcher that he could live ac- cording to (lis status by birth, but he did nett refrain !froom always hfhtiug what a sort of a favor he was .dosing the American family by his 'Iltlt•riage!` 11 -Te heaped Itnnil•ia11011 aald inn,111 SUCKER LISTS If you, are in receipt of unsolicited literature, .wires or phone calls from self-styled "inveatneut bankers", 'In- vestment counsellors" or just plain "brokers" with high-sounding names, W110 \\-Cr(' previottsly enknot'n to you, and who offer to analyse your prey- e11t holdings and male recommenda- tions, all free, gratis and for noticing, don't throw• out the old chest and con- gratulate yourself that your standing; in the community and your worth are being appreciated—because you are only another- "mooch" on somebody's "sucker 'list'," `;Sucker 'list." are obtained a0,1 compiled in a variety of war,. Suffice tc it to say that such lists are available alt so much a name and are usually on cards, 'which are, in themselves, 'min- iature .'biographies,-1.L'ach particular "sticker" is carefully classified as to his or her "investment" preferences ill the past, with latest available inform- ation as to present holdings, 'In some cases information is contained as to religious beliefs, political affiliation and the best method of approach to be used in offering the "bait." An 'illuminating feature of these "sucker lists" is that a higher price :is paid for the names of those who are known to 'hate already been taken in by the ,wiles" of lthe "dynamiter" as the high pressure salesman is ,welled stock racketeers, by When You Have A HORSE or COW YOU WANT REMOVED, Phone or write to WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITF]D, Phone 22 - - Ingersooll ' Phone 215 W — Stratford