HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-11-01, Page 1There are no clocks , here, Sonny, only the seasons; Not hours but colors mark the sun's slow climb; By shine and shadow in an ordered going. Beauty shows time. I need no sands imprisoned in an hour -glass— The birch buds swell, a flower -stank , . f . HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER hangs with seed, A bird drifts south, the eaves at dawn are silver— There are no clocks in heaven, only the gradual Changings from then to now, front now to new, There are no minutes, only moments saying, "This, this is true." WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 56, No. 44 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1934 Phone 84. $1 a year. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly NOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Electric Light Bulbs 60 watts, guaranteed 750 hours 15c or 5 for 70c SALTED PEANUTS ..2 lbs. for 25c NEW CHEESE l5c or 2 pounds for 25c OLD CHEESE, real nippy.. 19c lb. 1 year old last June. APPLE AND STRAWBERRY A JAM 43c per can 1 pound of Maple Buds for 1 with every dollar order JOHNSTON GLO COAT, shines as it dries a 75c per tin. NU COTE PERMANENT GLOSS Finish et., 40c, 70c 1,30 per tin MOODY'S LYE 2 tins for 19c MOODY'S BLUE rtv7i .. 5c per pack Master and O,A,C, Laying Mash. Eggs -,lc •extra for Trade. c PHONE 166 sir sr+unmea=x®....vsser,.meam-Ancrar nws, VARNA. :Mrs, Ralph Stcpheason i.:pending a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Sired M.Clymont spent Friday last with friends in Wingham, (Rev. and Mrs. Bandy vieited with ,friends in Toronto this week. Several from here attended the an- niversary services in 'Brecefield on Sunday last. LO.L. are having their annual sup- per on Thursday of this week. Bazaar and 15- Cent Tea Under auspices of the May Lane Young Women's Auxiliary of North Side United Church, in CRICH'S VACANT STORE Satur., Nov. 3 FROM 3 TO 6 P.M. Slo'ththg over $h NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Rev. T, A. Carmichael, Minister, !Sunday, Nov.' 4th, Sub9ects, 111 a.m., "A Great Deliverance," 'Service with- drawn in the evening on account of the anniversary in Egmondvflle. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH Services, Sunday, Nov. 4. 'Sunday School and `Bible Class, 10 a,m.; Holy Communion, 11 a.m.; sermon topic "Much to Remember," Special refer- ence to :11l Saint; Day. All r.,nttuuni- cants reque,ted to attend. Evening service 7 p.m„ "The Power of Exam - phi." Canon E. \ppleyard, Rector; Rer. Canon A. Smith, choir master. EGMONDVILLE CHURCH Reverend Charaa Malcolm )1.1.11.D. Xa '. 4 --Tar 94th anniversary or the emigre_eti, 11. Services 111 a.m., 11 a,t11., 7:30 • .n., McKILLOP CHARGE San 1; , Nee. 4t1•-t'u i ttani n ser- vice at Duff and Winthrop. '1'1 reg- ular service at Bethel preparatory ser- vice Thursday evening, Nov. 1st, 8 o'clock; at Duff's preparatory service on hriday evening, Nev. I, S clock: a: 'Winthrop joint 1 hanks e in; service of 1\'inthrop awl Deli's et \\'inthr ;1 on Monday, Nov. 5:h. Res. T..\. Carmichael will -peak. McIKILLOP W. M. S. The ill kil1,v. brawl' of the \\ \1 S. of First 1'reehyterian ("beech he 9 its Oct,oer meeting on Isms lay 1 the eene cf Mrs. (ie., . B. D) r:an e with a gaud attendan.e ,.. d o: :proem. The president, Mrs. J. L, 1)e?1 was :n the, chair and the ;re- train clic.( with the singing i1 Ivtint N5. Dile n: intoe of the- last meeting. re _cad and the r.! c ,1 . a- .111111iY.M.Zel 11y' a 1 t.snl..-ait it 1y.nn. The Scri > t re lesson was teal by Mr.. James Drllrattee, after which Mrs. 1 L, hell :ed in prayer, and also spoke :.1, nu the work c; the Council f the ll \I..S. '1'oront,. Mrs. Rtts- ,tl? D; no:ce very nicely recited poem to t:ed Spec eh." The Glc.. Tidings Prayer was given by jean Scott. .\.s inteeretiner feature of the program Wee the presentation of Life Menthe chip Certificate hy Mr-. J. Httgill cm behalf of the society to Mrs. Helen McMillan, while 'Mrs, \Vit. Hog_ read the address. Mrs. James Simnto ns and (Mrs. Edward ,Dorrance favored with a pleasing vo- cal duet. :Mrs, Wm. Thompson then teed 'a short article, The offering was taken, 'hyann 270, sung and the .meet- ing was ,closed by all repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs, John M. Govenlock will celebrate their golden wedding on Sunday, !Nov, 4. They ttni'YI be at Lome to their 'friends on Monday, Nov. 5th, from 3 to 6 p.m. WILL ATTEND Canon E. Afppleyard and about !twenty members of the A.Y!P,A. of St, Thomas' ,Church will attend the Huron deanery IA YIPJA, banquet at. Friday evening, THE NINETY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY Egrnondville Congregation SUNDAY, NOV. 4th, 1934 11 a.m.—Rev. A. E. !Elliott, Exeter, Ont., Subject "Gratitude." 7:30 .m. Rev Geo Kersey, , E A. Mitchell, Ont ,Subject, "God Working With the Individual." The cthoir wdi be.eoslstccl.by,Or .,Smillie oflIIensall and Mr. James Stewart of Seaforth. COMMENCEMENT The llfh annual collegiate com- mencement will be held ie Cardno's hall on Friday, Nov, 30th. WIN CARTER SCHOLARSHIPS The Carter Scholarship .awards IHnron County are announced as fol ;lows: 'First, $100, Roy F. Errington, !Goderich Collegiate; 2nd, $60, Winat1- Erect Savauge Seaforth Collegiate; 3n -d, $4101 Bernice Blake, Wingham High School. EXTENDS CALL First (Presbyterian (Church has ex- tended a call to Rev. W. A. Cameron of 'Weyburn, Sask., ,whb was highly recommended to the congregation, Lf formal acceptance is received in a few days, it is expected he will come to Seaforth early in December. HOME AND •SCHOOL The Hoare and School Club will hold their meeting on Monday, Nov, 5th, at 4 o'clock, in,the'teacher's room of the public school. Miss MacLean will talk on a subject of interest to the mothers and the kindengarten pupils will sing two songs. Tile Club is giv- ing a prize of 50c to the room that has the most mothers out to the anecting. •Encourage ttie teachers and pupils by your presence at this meeting, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 'Ashort course in .Howie Nursing • and First Aid will be held by the Juna'•r Women's Institute daring the week, eontmen n r .N,t e r'her Sth. Mise Fditl Petty -f '1 tent , will be the instructor a d tate elaee will meet in the eo diel' chamber in the town aa11 each evenine evena: fi ,nl .,tarn. A yane interested %tell 'le nail`• ell COMMUNICATION I,slitoe The Seaforth Dear Sir -1 0 that hig Mate lean intercnqs propose erect51,: the largest essr-pnaleeing plane iti the 1:rit'sh Empire 1 our neighthoring town of t.!.•' -t 11 with 1 :half til , .t dollar in- restttent ,'id 4)5) et] ycc=. \lav 1 \1r. Edit n, where were a'1 our Seaf,.rt! "live '.circ: while this deal ,• being- made*: \\'' e were car l i•ch.,,r of 1n lnstry end nor Conn - :5"? Yon,, BOOSTER. illi, ?4, 1°134. TAYLOR STEPIIENSON \ ire >' : ;dine ea- ,.:1.111111Z01 c n Satardny at t 1t1,1 Cid; ,, Church _1a••„,! Rev. Mr. Gele acisting. shee II:lenehe Lilian. y ens• t t dangliter \11. i\lr-. W. J. 1, y; Stanley Tae, ,o1., milted n enarreare to Clarence Rehert 5tc . tc .- , c nest sen , . 11x. end 11x;. Chas ste_,,1t11,ut, ..':',ley 'i;. Tao inside vies protrdy e .tne•1 in 'br:,it chiffon velvet with lar trimming, brown ye - yet 1a: and '1 owl! sac le 't -ti A, The .r de was attends' lee :Miss Beatrice D-ol:a.,d, while tic- nI was p porter! by Lonis Tay:er, brother of the bride. The groom'ss gi`t,' the 'bride wassilverware, t, tar 4brirle,- maid silver salt and pepper ;!takers, to :he -roomsntan, an iters razor set. Later the young ,couple left hy motor for Detroit, :Marlette and Flint, the bride travelling in green crepe dress with brown plaid trimming, coat of tree hark cloth with collar 05 fur and brown accessories ;o match. "BOOSTER'S” OPPORTUNITY IGranting, for the sake of argtunent that the proposed industry for Olin ton which "Booster" mentions in a letter to the Editor, will materialize and 'prove of lasting !benefit to tha town, it is hardly fair to lay the blame on those tt-ho are doing their .best for Seaforth, !However it brings tip a nice :point in connection with indus- tries, If "Booster" feels something should he clone for Seaforth we' suggest as a practical start that he run for that seldom heard of body, the 'Seaforth 'Public School Board; •conducting a 4vhirlwind campaign like the well known Mitchell IF, Hepburn, he might feature as his insignia the axe, and premise to cut the public school tax rate in ih'alf by lopping off the increase in salaries made since the beginning of the depression, and also abolishing the class for 'children of pre-school age, commonly known as kindergar- ten, which no other town of the size can aSTord and which many .education - „al authorities condemn as injurious to the very young children. (Bui ear' mind. g in td that industries can not be exentlpted from school taxes, "% aster" might adopt a slogan Ince this: `°A vote for Booster is a vote for more industries," • A •Uribu4e. This article is an essay written by one of the St. !James Arts Club nicrtr bers for the club paper, 'PIs Arts Club Journal." It was read before the Club and ail members present gave their assent that it was an expression of their feelings for the .ate :Ir. Har - try. ..Arts Club Journal, Oct, 26th, 1934... Mr, William 'Hartry. .;1 few days ago there died in our town a man well known to the Arts Club. This man was William Hartry. He. calve to our Club as guest speaker twice, The',Arts Club Journal wishes to ex- press its regret and ,everen'ce for Mr. Hartry. In doing so we hope, in fact we know, the are expressing the feel- ings of every member of the Club, Mr. Hartry was no ordinary man. He was a very extraordinary man. He was a modelcitizen of our town; a model workman it this trade, cabinet- making; a model gardener, and an apiarist of the first rank; a model of uprightness good living, and a thor- ough practical Christian. He was hos- pitable, cheerful just and humble. \Ve wish everyone in Seaforth would recognize this fact. The influ- ence he wielded in this town, in his m)n tinasannting way was marvellous. It was directly owing to his influence, example and exhortation that Seaforth is today and has been for some years, the most beautiful teen e,f size in Ontario. His kno,c,c i e of ower,, .hruh.= and trees. an! i!. ei?lingne.:, t„ share this kn :e 1 g e is in a great part, acc<,n l a ,Se .•so large a per- centage f thc , ode 0f S,aforth hay- ir Mar, enrrontalea b: beautiful tree-, iloWt:rs ,t ;:e sell kept us. Mr. 'Iartt. 0.10"5 5 twice ?sere in ur Cub, once on and open 00 doaer-, 5)'t h. :'t ., yns he -bowed dear t that < gas ; raerfc;1 ,eien- t:.t of •he tint orler, Iii- 'knowledge ti 1' `aril',(, :'`prate end t:t,,ri)tt,.^,il, Everyone y,n0 :til hi:1: fa hi- private life, \ccordt to 'ii, r •s:1 statement he never :n, kt•,l ?i• t'a'lk. 1)n 1 ae ..c- eaSie,n he state•,1 f::ln5'y that '1 ea- r,itb the nee.ey he r- ip t'tie ab- tinene that ._ e..a''1•' 1 to carry .0 ,:sty cep,riments bolters met bee,. He had 0 keen•. - - mind an 1 ire•:t th a ,t., chin kept , y in evested :'t lilt an men.I c- w1'eb he :•cunni .c : . t frral- '3:4 it, ,e:: 55. el :ht i,51 men, Ut eau t and prat that the tie 1... . \ is also the ' 1 e re- eaat , 1.: jmo. mm. , ins tone se niece e. " .:t e: .. to '.,r t . _a , e ',can - t05,: MRS. SAMUEL DICKSON laelleeine :ht death eceeree et t . - 'a 1 te• e, her 1augi er, )1r-. r t) i:es, in Fart Saskatchewan, Anerta, :. :Mufti Hannah, a farmer resident o, Sea - feet?' and widow , : Santee: Dickson, in her 44th year. La. C 1 .somas Mrs, Dickson was quite po e.y but had been around as usual again until con- fined to bed a month ago, !Born near Brockville -he was daughter of the ;ate Mr, and Mrs. :Samuel Hannah, She taught school for some years in 'Egniondvillo and was married in 11667settling in Sea - forth where most of her life was spent and where srhe was closely iden- tified with the work e'f First Presby- terian !Church 'being the first presid- ent bf the 'Ladies' Aid .Society, a pos- ition which she held for 115 years and also a life member of the Women's tForeign Missionary !Society. After the death of her hitsband in d011S 'tiers. Dickson went to Fort Saskatchewan and ,trade her home with her eldest daughter, Mrs. S. O. Tones, returning twice to Seatortlr to visit ,her daugh- ter, Mrs. A, D. Satherlasad. (Four daughters and one snit sur- vive Mrs. SS O. Jones,Fort Saskat- chewan; Mrs. A. D. 'Sutherland Sea - forth; :,ir., Edward Corbett, Mrs. DV. M. Corbett and Mn, S. Dickson, Ed- monton, The remains were brought to Sea - forth for interment in the Maitland Bank Cemetery following• a funeral eervrce held at the res dente .of Mayor, ea. D. iSutherland and Mrs. Suther- land on iWednesday at which her former pastor, Rev. F. H. Larkin, 1), D,, of Toronto, officiated, assisted .by /Rev. W.G. Hamra of Toronto. Dur- ing the service a beautiful solo, "'Crossing the Bar," was sung by Mn. James T. Scott with .firs. M. R. Ren- nie as accompanist, The pallbearers including tax Imo•;�., :dere �`� ��, i .� /J,.a/ 4 ' " BRIQALWREATH Our Diamond Department is always at your service. Here you will fend only first class Diamonds of clear and sparkling brilliancy and at prices that wfll appeal to your pocket book very strongly indeed. Our Diamond Room affords you the privacy so much desired, in order that you may make your selection undisturbed and at your leisure. JJI SHOP AT J SAVAUGE' IT PAYS Phone 194 Res, 10 lit g ; - g were Hanna, Thos. ! were l:dtilontn Late:, Jahn t., the-, Mr-, \1, front \lcaander' nelic:l,\Irs, On n et Mrs. William, Friday Cards til flux 11: pec John Kerr Dear friend; here c vicinity, years of j ret' King Great yon since accept appree.iation wishes perity." Andre" -Archibald' Sannfcl T hn Beattie. K. McLean, Jack n, J. G. Mellen. ni'mg those attending the 'uneral her eon. :Mr, S. A. Dickson to n, Mr, and Mr.. Matthew Gsderieh; front Tcemeto ;tore: 5, Dickson. 'Mrs. Duncan C. Mrs, Bobrens. Mrs, Gilmore. Hodgins. Mt Lizabc 11 .1"nu:'. Anna Sntherlancl. Jack 11°'1''''' 5;;it 1 is Mrs. A. M. Ka.', Mr-. \Ir', lan.tote, lit. Xnr- 1lalae. WINNERS \\'inner: of the prize; in tate Hal. low e'en draw Wednesday night were: l --Ford Car: lir, Joseph D. Las,ick„ 30 Horten ,t, ...m n, Nn, 6033, 2—Majestic Radio: \trrc D, tieeez -n. C,,lerich-4(in. 3;_Oak Chest: v,-! John Douglas, las, Zurieh rr 2—;.a1s3. 4 --Wrist Watch: R. '1I. Nene 'nl' c, Goderic!i---4C.2$. 5 -.-Diener .Set: Clarence Levey, Lucan barber --11'S1 his nu lit. 1'. Patterson, Seaforth. Disinters of the masquerade were Girl..-' character costume, large num. beg entered, :ti .eget 5' urn, '.:iii:= i tit t -]a P ,t , i c raster costume, Stephet \D..iani,, "t)rgan Grinder". (:hes' cootie costume, Petty Nigh, \ !,,anly'?mic costnne. ,,." nor.,.... cTom wince, 1 -is the Cat," Gir:, apple eating, Margaret Nigh, I ye' peanut race, Gerald Barry, Girl'; nail Britdeivine c nttst. Heleu 1 ra er. I t-: bt cn': ecthtg c ,ntcst. Jerry 1,ann(•11. PRESENTATION Thur -day c rn.a; last 1t 1- the 'a l all 31,1 1 le f lac bilin tt-cd 1st the h nn of \i. an.; I `r i reer, t lamer 11r ire 1 p 1 to 111 d ',art 1 e .tat ; :hie tytcl I for et unt' and dun ick were cit! ye 1 un- the. Ute. ..111' hair, Mrs. Homer aelseer as floor manager. Tt,' to evening a well-filled purse 0 3, nte 1 \[r, Williams 11t Reeve ll. I' 1', and Mr, t o l u rev! the folo.ving al he -s lir, Frr11 \\ idi int:. \\ e. ; ar and neighbours, have _at'ecreu this t cnf'r0 t express oar in- t'7c: that you ,.re ke. 1 . •,:Ir D,1ri11 the pas: thirteen we have experienced :furl; :ext- kindness and help from y:'0 and r' - ' , this yon 'tate serve 1 your ant Country three years in :he War. We had hoped to have with us many more years but this ie not to be we a k Son t., this token of our esteem and along with aur best for your happiness and pros- �, DIED IN TORONTO Til Itnth . -.l ..0,tt. 11 Toronto o' fl'ile,n7a l.,1e.r•'i'1, t1'•, ,sson ci - 3 1 10 late Dr. T. C'olema0 o. Seatortit, lir. ant Mrs. Co..n•an resi:e•1 in Winni- t e.% for a ntinthsr of years where lir. ('alc'nan 11x,1 a t e'x ti'n`t t 1 ,,pith,: liter the death o: his wiet, formerly 515,s Robertson of Oakville, be retir- ed a few- years ago to Toronto. The remains were interred in the Oakville cemetery. One brother, flfr. Ed. Cole- man of California, and twb hall. sisters, Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Lynch. the latter in Toronto, survive him, ..YOU.. s C®lE .,,...._._._._...... TO THE BIG NIGHT OF THE YEAR SEAFORTII HIGIILANDERS . BAND EUCHRE - LUNCH - DANCE G. W. V• A. Hall FRIDAY SOV. 98:30 f P.M. WILL HELP THE .BAND WILL HAVE A BIIG TIME MAY WIN A PRIZE ALL FOR ONLY 35c including tax