HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Mr. William Beavers of Kitchener
is here -assisting the Steele Brrggs .Co.
in storing aw ty Their big crop ri
onion cetts grown in this d'is'trict
:\ number of mien are employed
this week repairing the told King
t;earee hotel property. We under-
stand that this buildin • will be turned
into a creamery t\hich is to be
-:arced immediately, This pr,7perty
be very; suitable for a creamery,
w i:h plenty of room for storage par-
t -ac
ar-t-.e . .\ husineee of this kind should
';.r a success in Hensel].
A meeting of the executive ei the
Huron Liaeral \s>ociation was acid
in the town hall 'here on\\'ednesday
evening last \\int a a;tiendid attend-
,nee..:\ number of important recom-
mendations were made.
A court 01 revision of the local
municipal voters' lists was held here.
en Tuesday erenhtg in the town hall,
Hie Honor ;fudge Costello, presiding,
a. number of additions were made and
naniher of other changes.
A lot of sugar 'beets are being ship-
ped from the Hensall station.
Next Sanday, Oct, .rel. will he an-
niversary Sunday for the young peo-
ple of the United Church.
Mfrs. ,David Robinson who has been
quite Poorly for the past two weeks
o new hat improved. Her many.
friends hone to see her in her usual
health again.
Mr, Jas. Sanggster and Mrs. A. J.
Foster visited with friends in Sea -
forth on Mlonday,
Mr. and Mrs. L. McEwen and Mr.
and Mrs, H. 0. Daymau called on
friends at the Aeech-o.Tines nit Sun -
Mr. and :\lre. las, Vincent and \ire.
Castle of Clinton were recent visitors
and etre, Jas Sangster.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Hildebrandt
end eon of Seaforth were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. an'I Mrs, .-. 1. Foster.
alias Mac Crawford and Mia Elsie
Heyes cod were week -end visitors ,..
'heir homes in Woodham.
\lr. and airs, las. later..m a•rd
Mr, and \Ire, r, R. Drumm—mil vise
'lei with friends in 'litie'oii Sunday.
air. an 1 Mrs. John Cann of Thames
•:d 'ted :m Monday with \lr.
\I l.,rl Passmorc an 1 family.
tool Mr.
nt '
Ncr0 calling so miend_ th
'ern ,r.n••iar.
' „ric i.' l m, rt•
't .;.' .d nands: can't: -tiar-
M •,! Mr.. I..,,u
:t . , fini• County .\:t.ctie tee;
11 - • t.
1 " r I
tt,r n i I.
inoI."! er'..
't 'r y.l- Nll `\1'lirn-
Fe i:, third Glace iri tae lion, state
i -ma t ,sur- r +es :
Birthday Celebration—Ale,. ll:rr•.:`,
e d
r ttai-taday
ei ail , r tt.:11r+ ,Ire
e r n -ti 1 ttIL.tighters
\L s. ter'. :t t.l..
lived!idle north of the ',ilia:0:
here pf•:.itical'y
. •v: near, c R.,-
t,the , t
tn o rn Nine
1 1. :e„ r t •rel-
•t..r i ,:;tic in
n I n- ata.
te•, t, . h:ler f
...•n et f and
r.r,'tr \Ir far
en -
Mee. Ana..., .v D l a..a
\lr -\•t 1' Nairree
eaein see -tie n Air- a'• t
t 1 ',-,act, a..l d t :1
r'i . •t.(.1.•ito ill 'r:r
i'.tafew -ars Mrs.
-t•'ho.pital is her
havinc tit as many as 3 and
t f ity .:.i -i•. n, "It time to look
'1 Mr-, Ora'. Beavers of
colt 1 :r t5crr' rieiting friend,: in
t en an fusel v,
Mise Ilan»r Skinner af I -s l n is
Mises Florence Miriam—a...1.
I1r.and Mrs. Collyer and Mr, and
Ire \„rot :
at •Cook .pent Saturday
r. London.
life and Mrs. Harris of Detroit ole -
'ted over the week -end at the home
,f her : ether, Mrs. iE. Ronnie.
Mr. Wm. Vanhorn and Mr. and
Mrs, Clare Vanhorn of 'London vis-
ited an :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. Hudson.
Master Raymond Higgins visited
rover the week -end with his easter,
'Mrs. A, J. S'weitzer at .Beech -o -Pines.
Mr. Donald MoKaig of Grand
Bend visited on Sunday at his home.
-Mrs. Geo. H'obkirk and daughter
Miss and firs. John/'Bttean,ssisited vd isited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Alf. ,Hankin
at !Farquhar.
The reception and dance given to
Mr. and Mrs. ,Ernest S'haddick in the
town hall on Friday by their •numer-
ous friends was well attended, some
300 guests being present. The large
hall Was beautifully decorated. The
music was furnished -by the Boyce
orchestra and Mr. Lloyd Hayter was
floor m'an'ager. T'he dancing was led
off by the bride and groom: During
the evening, the following address
was read to the young couple ,by Mr.
G. J Sutherland, Postmaster: "To
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest `S'haddick, Dear
Friends and Associates—lt gives all
of its here assembled this evening
very much pleasure to meet with you
this everting, following so shortly af-
ter your happy marriage, and to
spend a social time together, You,
Ernie, we have 'been well acquainted
we may say, since your boyhood, and.
have always enjoyed and admired
your fine happy, cheerful disposition
and pleasing, manners, which by the
way, no doubt,made it easier for you
to obtain alike such a pleasing, happy
at cl good -booking wife, and while
,many of us prese/ut have not 'had the
opportunity of knowing your bride,
as site lived at some little distance
from 'here, we can. very candidly say
that we are most favorably impress-
ed i,m'press-
ed w^ith M's's. S'hadclic'k, and feel -that
\ continual stream of autos and wagons came with supplies to the
relief car at the freight shed• during the loading on Thursday and
Friday last, and the scene is similar this week -(until Friday) as a sec-
ond car is being -filled,
you were most fortunate in 'winning
ane with ,good looks 'aced most pleas-
ing manners., and trust that your lives.
may prove more and -more happy as
the days and years go passing by,
and we are desirous of expressing our
esteem anti goodwill, not only by
words but by something that may
tend to keep. in - reinetnbrattee l our
happy evening together. by wishing
you to accept this Kitchen Cabinet,
which we feel is not only ornamental
but also very useful. And we trust
you may be long spared to make use
f it in your cosy ohne, yes, a real
love nest in our village. and believe
es, tie ever your interested' relatives,
neighbors and friends.”
After reading the address -lir,
Sntherlaud in his usual pleasing man-
nen made a short address which was
responded to •hy 11 r, Shaddiek, for
afrse Sharidick and hint elf. - .\
.aeinte Lotti wa: served, including
hridc's cake. 1lr. and \Ire. Shaddicka
many friends wilt them mut) year;
of happy married life.
Ml:, Fria C•''rbett . f Ilay, had the
misfortune en Friday morning last,
tit \rrkin tamed the barn, to
-:in, ,ort brake 0 small bone in his
:e emeilier ;r.,10 town a:tee led the
a• a... the 1 d;c lettee Carling in
1'0itel ail Fraley'•,'•ern••nn,
ML'., Jahn \ltial sea vieitel with
aer eater, Mrs. J. H. Petty
Tp. •'n Sunday.
Mlr, mid Mrs, Joan Corbett and
am R. -- vitt 1 aver the week -en 1
with rclaiives in Stratford.
Min. J. Ashton of Scaroth i'i.ited in
t.,'t t on Monday,
\}r. soil alre. Meek Dresrlale ail
\ir. and Mrs. 11.t•net Case spent the
1 ,t Marten.
1lerry Marmon we.. has been
.r . 1-•9'th far ,c0111? ante 15.
4..111.'reside with Mr. andMre. W.
1'. 1).,:- ntie winter stench,.
',i ice If ten. who has been in
TeNas 1.,r some time, is visiting at his
- '1 c herr.
1.1 , dI i.t ',sent 'rill week
'ting- !,lith r. (laughter ut l
sins.',., hir. and \Ire, .\. J. Steitzer
Tit Tt 1 •,c t 1' rias,
M end MI Walker Carlile and
,i'aildren were retie _t a -.t rs with
\It t t r weather, ItIne, Lamle-
-a ntoh, .. Tackcr,mith.
Cement Wash Helps
etc• 1', Inc:tsca nor of wall -board in
file .n.:r:t'•i 1. a'!1 lining of poui-
tri h.•nsa- -ho,v- that birds anitt,•-
;inl . '': k et the wall -hoard materia:
and lo consplvraitie damage. An ef-
fe.ct ,c hey ta OViTT%111111C tits diffi-
culty is t, tee a, mixture of equal
,:arts of ;ince and cement mixed with
water to the consistency of a thick
paste, acid appy with a brush. This
mixture forms a haul, durable surf-
ace en which. the birds can make no
(Want and For Sale ?ids, I time, 25c
Storage Battery Cars.
(People have Breen wondering why
the building of the Ontario West
Shore electric railway has progressed
so far with no signs of trolley poles
and wires, The storage battery car is
the explanation which J. W. ;Moyes,
president of the road, give's to those
concerned. This kind of electric car is
the latest triumph of 'Thos,. A. Edi-
son. It has now passed the experi-
mental stage, it is stated, and the
electric road here will operate the
first to be used in Canada, 'It will
travel ,front New York to Godericit,
Mr. -Moyes states, of its own wheels.
T'he storage 'battery 'car is capable of
running ;1l50' miles witlnou•t recharging.
Ordinarily a battery is charged for
seven hours, but the first time it is
charged for fifteen hours. This over-.
charge is repeated every two 'months.
Council 'Minutes.
IWatson--llclKay, that 'the sumf
$500 be placed to th'e credit of the
'Collegia'te 'Institute Board, :Watson-
M'dlcay, that the sum of $tIl3d4td9 !be
placed to the credit of the Pulblic
School B,dard, b'alanoe due for .grant'
for year. Cittff.fGreig, .that the band be
granted the use of the band instru-
ments, they to •be repaired' and also
that a room for practice be supplied
with heat and light.
'Mfrs John Layton of Loltdon was
the guest of his brother, Mr, Chas,
Layton the past week.—Mrs, James
Scott, Lottisa street, will receive on
()caber lllth,-:bIrs, F. Case has re-
turned from an exteneled visit ,villi re-
latives and friends in Philadelphia,
Ne`\, York, Montreal and 'Toronto,
Miss Gertrude Laidlaw, who spent a
dew clays in town, a guest at the hone
of1[r. and Mrs, George E. I3ender-
-son, left on M[ontlay for a visit with
friend in Stratford and Lucan, be-
fore returning; to her home in De-
tndt.—.\ number went by auto to
it1en'i,t .m Tuesday to the celebration
ntarleala the advent of hydro power
at that rift \!r. J 1 'Killoran is ens
terinz the 1'r relfoot hew firm at Go-
lerich. Mr. Killoran renl•tces - G. F,
Blair who has ren civet t,. Reaittn. \\•e
are glial to learn- ileal he will -..ll can-
linue his Sett•. rth ,.Rice .:one day -
wt ek._--'Un Friday evening. ,test a cit-
izen', hand was nrcanize:l in the t.nut
!tale The aalieveing o'licers were ap-
p,intra. dl an. press, Dr. Mackay:
''o11. vire-ores., ,\, Barton: ores„ D.
'r. I'irkn•yt leader, W. Freeman, :1
hand llash r t a long alt want by the
..iti4c.nis of this progressive t.•Ivn and
Wit t ;'t. t t-tr 1,0'.111t. ricer tl \ will
1. :old . utmost . make it :t sane•.
Mas elude NI:,nth we Niagara
3a1 is. the parental
Mi. 1,'-eie Wall Brantford
VI-iS:IS 'ter moth, r f r a 5 51:e
et e. 17r. \ltuacit and Geerg
:•ave rctnrnel home front Ilya tit.
:yr spending a weak with frit' ds.—.
\lea \l. ,horns .oi llamri't..n 1, visit-
ing soler the pare h:al r a.,1.
Mi.. Esther llrydges . , Belgrave
ti-it't. 1 at the hoot, ,.i Iter stater.
Mrs, ltrandan.—Ml r,. 'I'it„nuc Jiowett
,:r skew •sith a paralytic sir. ke
on Friday last and. is in a •very serious
condition.—Mrs. A. :Miller std little
daughter of \loose jaw, .Sask„ are vis-
iting her parents, bin. and Mrs. \\M.
Kut .—Mil 1anlcin of Detroit is er-
ecting a cottage on the Bill Terrace
on a 1,,t which she purchased
from Mfr. \\'m, 'Jowett. Miss Rankin
has been a visitor here .for several
.nntnters. The location she has secur-
ed is an ideal one, overlooking the
beautiful scenery of the river and old
Lake •Huron.
The roll shows the following am-
nuuts-Total assntt, $2,3444,970; coun-
ty rate. 1'.79 mills—.$3.416; township
rate, 3.7:5 mills•--' i343i225; drains, $2,-
2i'532,08; statute labor, $72.50; ditches
and nnatercourses, $717.80; Ry, bonus,
$41412'.(I4; telephone $11095032; schools,
$611113.96;; total taxes on roll, Ma-
1800.31—Mr. 'Best, barrister, of Sea -
forth, was down on the 'Leacbbury line
on a hunting expedition one clay last
week..—Ila, .Dan 'Shanahan of Sea -
forth has beenon the: rounds buying
cattle.—Thomas Jones who kept Hotel
at 'Leadlbury 'for a -number of years
eiied at Blyth a short time ago.—Mfrs,
Thos. MLcllroy has returned from a
months visit with friends in Barsie,
Orillia and IBerlin to number of our
people who took shares in the Inter-
national 'Plough concern, 'now see
their 'mistake .when' it is too tate.—
'Hay pressers are busy these days.
Feeding Cattle.
1T'he demand 'for feeding cattle has
.conte on with -a rush, 'On Toronto
cattle market one clay last weelc .there
were •ten buyers for .every 'lona of
stockers and'feeders offered. Ontario
will have a Idt of rough feed this year,
aa'd +will be able 'to ,make taasse ea a
larger 'number than usual dor feeding:
purposes. •
'Of .Farm Stock, illn.pletnent .and
Household Effects. George Elliott hast
been instructed to sell without re-
serve, at Lot 10, Coli, 4,
Tnckersmith, on Tuesday, Oct.. 231rd,
at 1 o'clock sharp, the following:
Horses -11i white gelding, '1 aged
brown gelding,
Cattle—'L Holstein cow 4 years old,
due to freshen Nov 3; Durham cow'
4 years, due Feb. 7; Durham cow 5
years, clue ,Feb. 18Durham cow, 5
years, due Feb. 37; Durham cow 6
years due May 21; Durham cow, 6
years, farrow; 3 steers rising 2 years;
3 heifers rising 2 years; 5 spring cal-
litnplements—lI binder, 6 ft, cut,
Miassey4Harris; avower, '5 ft. cut, Mc-
Cormick; hay rake, 10 St, afeComick,
seed drill, McCornmick; cultivator,
'Massey I-Iarnis; .11 disc haxiow, De-
troit; set 3 section harrows; 2 scuff-
lers; Ill Quebec ricling plow; 1' Fleury
walking plow; Cockshalt gang plow;
i1 sugar ibeet plow; 1. Massey Harris
manure spreader; 11 set sleighs; 1 set
light sleighs; 1 wagon; '1' hay rack; I.
light wagon; :1 rulb'ber tired buggy, .1
steel tired buggy, pl cutter, li fanning
mill with complete line of sieves, 1
root pulper, 11 'horse power, 11 coral
planter, 1 corn shelter, '1f cutting box,
1 sugar kettle, at set scales 8150 lb.;
1 saw vice; 1 cream separator, De
Laval recently completely overhaul-
ed; 11 \f;axwell reaper suitable 'for cut-
ting clover 'for seed; 1 wagon box
with spring seat, 1 gravel box, 5 bee
boxes, 1' honey extractor, 1 .brooder
stove, 1 large heating stove, 2 small
stoves, 1 buck saw, L cross -cut saw's 1
grain cradle, Timbers for building IOx
24 it, cant -hook, forks, shovels, hoes,
chains and other smaller articles.
+Nay \'bout 10 tons of choice mix-
ed any. .
Roots—Quantity of mangalds,
,'hlarneee-1 set double harness, 1
set single harness, 1 set 3rd horse
harness, 1 set dight harness.
\Wood—Pile of limb wood.
1Ionsehold Effects—'1 iron bed and
-prin,ga, 1 dresser, '1 bedroom suite.
1 sideboard with mirror, 1 kitchen
sideboard, 1. table, 1 (tropical table, 2
piece. linoleum, 1 piece carpet; oil
lamps; 1 butter howl and ladles,
Hens--A+hoot #0 Rack hens, 1 and
2 years old; 511 Rock pullets, if not
s..'4 before the .sale,
!Terns — Mian.golds, bar, wood and
hen:, cash, All sante of ten dollars
htl tender fear other articles, cash.
Six months' credit will be given on
tuns over ten dollars on furnishing
.approved joint notes and 3 per cent.
straight discount will be given tor'
aa,it on eterlit amounts.
Gee, II Elliott, auctioneer; firs. J.
C. Reinke. proprietress,
1)f Farm Steck and Implements at
Lae lit. Can. 3. Twp. ref Niels:Mop ),n
Thursday, Oct. 35th, commencing at
112:30 pont.
horse.—. -2 work hs.rses,
Cattle -1 black cow 6 years, fresh;
I holstein cow, p years, duc time of
edict 1 red cow, 7 years old, due in
Nor,: 1 Durham cow, 3 years old,
One in Dec 1 'black cow, bred 3
u nths; 1 Jersey cow 5 yen ulrl, just
bred; 1 veering star; 3 yearling Jer-
sey heifers; 4 spring calves; 3 young
-1'igs—'l .cow bred 8 weeks; 1 sow
not bred; 2 chunks.
8 geese, 2 ducks.
IIinplennents—lll Deering binder, 7
ft; Deering mower, s ft.; M. H. 10
ft. dump rake; 11 M. .H. cultivator; 1
riding plough; 1 walking plough; 3
section -harrows; Il seed drill, al land
roller, 1• stuffier, 1. wagon, ,1 gravel
'box; 1 hay rack; 11 hay fork; 11 set
sleighs with flat top; ti brooder house;
tl brooder stove, 500 cap.; .1 coal
heater; 1140 -egg incubator; 2 set •dou-
'ble harness; llt De7Javal cream separa-
tor No. 113; quantity Of hay; quantity
of neangels and ,turnips. Numerous
other articles.
IGeo. H, Elliott, auctioneer; Hart-
man IIuisser, proprietor. ,
10f Farm 'S'toc'k, on 'Lot 6, Con. 7,
McKillop, on Friday, 'October 11th,
319344, commencing at di:30 pini., the
(Horses -1 gelding rising 4 years
old; li filly 4 months old.
'Cattle -2 heifers 3 years old, dtte in
Nov.; .11 cony '6 years 'old, due Dec. 26;
cow 5 yrs, old, due Tan, Ind; 7 cows
and h'ei'fers due in Lkpril and, May;
4 'heifers rising 2 -years old; B steers
risingyears old; 111! spring calves.
Hogs ---111 York sow clue ,Dec, 14;
Yorlc sow due Dec. ;115; 113 chunks
from 601 to 100 lbs.
About 5 tons of timothy hay.
George Elliott, auctioneer; Joseph
Flanagan, proprietor.
Want and For Sale ads,'1 week 35c.
GRADE A 35c Doz. •
P. & G. SOAP
Cash 28
10 bars
Cash 23 c
5 cakes
Will 'be held on Saturday, Oct
127th et I1' o'clock shat+p, and every
two weeks following, at 'Catdmore's
barn, Seaforth. Any person with any-
thing to se'IS or exchange phone in
your dist to Carl Dalton on or before
each Wedhnesd'ay noon so it can be
advertised. 'Rules of sale will be made
known day of sale,
Horses, cows, hags, sheep and
Implements, furniture, fruit, vege-
tables, or any thing you have. Full
description of articles will be given
next week,
Terms cash, Carl Dalton, Manager.
Choice potatoes, Greets Mountain
and Dooley, o501c per bag, field rut this
week and next week, George Beatty,
Sr. Varna,
A number of Barred Rock and Leg-
egl:orn pullets, some laying. Price real -
enable, Andrew A. Moore, Sunnyvale
Poultry Farm, Phone ,137r3, Seaforth.
IFur-lined overcoat, in first-class
condition, Price $tu, •.Apply to L.
Richards, opp, collegiate, 413
.Battery radio with batteries. Will
exchange for wood, Inquire at The
News. 42.
Young.. cattle and spring calves .for
sale, Also some potatoes, 4t)c a bag.
'1'hont as Stevens, Phone 23 r 111,
lliyt.h, 43.
Purebred Oxford rant lambs, Prices
reasonable. .Phone 3114,32, Clinton.
Frank Weeks, Varna. 44
31 r, 'John al Nahtghtoa and family
wish to thank friends and uei,ghho s
it'r the kindness, and sympathy
shown tri then during the iihtess :uui
death of their sister Mlargaret ate -
Naughton, also for floral tributes.
Township of McKillop
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 7 of ,the Voters
List .act and that I have posted up in
my office in McKillop on the 6th day
of October, 11034, the list of all persons
entitled to vote in said Municipality
for members of parliament and Mun-
icipal .Elections, and that each list re-
mains there for inspection..
And tI hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed accord-ing to law-, the last day o'f
appeal being the 2171th day of Octob-
er, d1334.
Clerk of the Township of •McIKi']lop
Planting of Evergreens
'The nurserymen's slogan, "It is not
a home until 11 is planted," is very
true; and the •farmhouse which has to
stand VI its own merits, and is often
set -among unsightly •outbuildings,
would seem to be moe in need .of
background and fou'nd'a'tion planting
Cham, the town or city house which, in
many cases, gains in 'value and ap-
pearance from the plantings on neigh-
boring grounds. 'Ev'ergreens are being
esteus'ively used for foundation plant-
ing now and where circumstances
permit are wtrquestionably '.the most
satisfactory. Once esta'blish'ed, ever-
greens require a minimum 0f atten-
tion and are attractive at all seasons.
'Dwarf. .fountain Fine, Japanese
Yew, and certain varieties of juniper
and cedar are most suitable for foam: -
dation planting; and, 'while the cost
is greater than. for 'many other shrubs
they are worth the difference.
(After planning on the shrubs to be
planted, the work can be accomplish-
ed over a ,per.iod of years. In this
way the outlay at any one time 'n'eed
not be u•ttreasotably, -high: Watering-
can be also !better attended to when,
only a -few are planted at a time be-
cause evergreens muse not be allowed
to dry out during the ,,rst year,
To take care of winter deliver-
ies of Cream, Eggs and Poul-
try, announce the appointment
as their representative in Sea -
forth. Mr. Routledge will re-
ceive produce at the full mar-
ket price,. commencing this
Saturday, Sept. lst.
E. C. Chamberlain
Clerk of the Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 'Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 10 p,m. ice,
Life, automobile, fire, sickness and
accident insurance. If in the mar-
ket for any of the above lines, kindly
give us a call,
Insurance Agencies
Phone 334 - 'Seaforth, Ont.
The May Lane Young \\omen' -
r\uxiliary of Northside United Church
intend holding a Bazaar and Tea in
Crich's vacant store on Saturday,
November 3rd. 43
Seven -roomed frame dwelling or.
East \\tilliam St., near show grounds,
with 6 lots of fine gardening lana.
Apply to IL. F. Bolton, Executor al
the Wan. Duggan Estate.
Choice of twenty springers an a
milkers; also seven choice chunks
around 100 lbs. Bale Nixon, phone
144 r 114, 42
Will run Wed., Tdtttrs., Fri., for
the season, Terms calsis Lot 23, Coag
6, Logan. .Picone 6120r1311, ttIitcheit.
Fred Hennick, R.R.'4, Mitchell.
lA comfortable six»roome'd house
with garage, situated on Main. St.,
'Egmondvflle. Apply to An C. Rout-
ledge, .Seaforth.
(Fifty acres o'f good land and good
brick douse, also good barn and silo.
Some bush. 'Situ'ated' on the Ibird
con. of Westminster Tp., three miles
south of London. Apply Harold Pen -
hale, B'ayffield, Ont.
A seven roomed .brick house equip-
ped with hydro, telephone and furan -
ace, a 'good sbabie and ,garage and 04
acre o'f land. A few fruit trees. Appky
to W. J. Woods, Walton, or 'phone
Brussels 10 r 7.
(House with two 'lots, at the corner
of Victoria and George streets, eight
rooms, stable. Will be soldvery reas-
onably to se't'tle an estate. Mrs. Peter
DeCaurcy, Egmondvi'1de,
Butter, per 1b .. ..1.,i18c
10ales, per busheh:.:.... '...-•i.. 34c•i31Sc
Wheat, per Ibushe'i... ,,-. , .1, . 931c:95u
'Feed 'barley, per !bushel Sac
(Eggs, per doz. .:'..1, • • .r.. 11151c-12'31c-t`3.I6c
;Potatoes, per bag • .1. t ..1.. 401c -479c
Mlalbin,g ib!ar'ley, per bushel . ,,......65c
IT^ogs, :per cwt. i..,.a..,..,•••• d• • • • $7215