HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-18, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE, Good Foods at Low Prices ! This list of useful food bargains is being featured by the •Superior Store in your neighborhood this week end. Take advantage of these opportunities for extra savings. Shop at Superior (Stores for Quality, Service and [Economy. ITEMS FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK MAPLE LEAF SALMON 'AYLMER CHOICE GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, 2's 2 tins CHOICE BLUEROSE RICE 3 LBS. 25c HAPPYDALE MINCE'ME'AT 2 LBS. 25 c l's 31c 9c •OLARK'S .S'PAGHETTI, l's 2 TIN'S 19 v� c A'YL:MER PORK & BEANS, SIZE 2/'s 2 TIN 21 c Fresh Western •Rolled Oats Hawes' Floor Wax Aylmer Strained Infant's Food Bovril or 'Libby's Corned Beef, 1's Infant's Delight Toilet Soap Hamphill's Very Nice Wheat Berries Jelly Beans Gum Drops Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour Cowan's Cocoa 4 ,lbs. l's 2 tins 2 tins per cake 5 lb. bag per lb. per lb. per pkg. l's per lb. 2 pkgs. 5's 2 lbs, per Ib. 5 cakes Centennial Mixed Biscuits Lux Flakes, small Bee Hive Corn 'Syrup, 2's -48c; Sultana Raisins New Currants Surprise Soap New Pack Lobster, 1/4's -19c; Connor's Kippered Herring or in Tomato Swansdown Cake Flour Post's Bran Flakes Clothes Pins Grape Nuts Swansdown Biscuit Mix Brock's Bird Seed Brock's Bird Gravel /'s Sauce - l's per pkg. 2 pkgs. 3 dozen per pkg. per pkg. l's per pkg... 19c 430 21c 25c 5c 25c 19c 19c 17c 23c 17c 19e 39c 25c 14c 23c 33c 14c 35c 23c 10c 18c 27c 19c 15c NEW GOODS IN - Evaporated Apricots Evaporated Peaches New Leria Raisins with Seeds Boneless Codfish in 1 pound pkg Boneless Smoked Herrings Old Hickory Smoked Salt Robinson Patent Barley, reg. 60c per lb. 23c per lb. 20c 2 lbs. 25c 15c per lb. 15c 2 Ib. tins 25c now 39c Ross J.Sproat Fphoale3 Miss N. Pryce 'hone i 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING -and- EMBALMING 'Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernm•ent diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE -AUTO -WIND Our Policies Will Protect You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully protected -you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Call, Phone or Write Us. A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc.. Keep the Pullets Well Fed The 'time is at .hand when pullets should he conlfned to their winter •quarters, but the pens should first I ��� ' N v cleaned oral r. untested, A thonot II saes d GRA us�y _ Y Birds will not do their hest work if infested with lice or mates, .It i$ dor-Bea ing the winter months that the birds Beauty ` Shop n' a .profits, and for this e take their b st d. afit„ o s reason they should be housed and fed SPECIALS $1.95, $3.85 and $5.00 in a un•anner that' will .keep them END CURLS $1,50 healthy and vigorous. They will re- FOR APPOINTMENT'S CALL quire a 'full ration of writable feed,' 125 OR 229 beside ‘plenty of clean water, green tDoinioti 'San'k Block, Seaforth, One. feed, shell and .gri't, IT'S TIME TO PURCHASE YOUR LayiogMashos • New Life Laying Mash 19% per hundred 2.40 New Life O.A.C, cwt. 2.40 New Life Laying Mash 17% cwt 2.30 New Life Fattening Mash hundred 2.20 New Life Concentrate mixed 4-1 hundred 3.00 (with 2 formulas to every bag) New Life Scratch Feed ...cwt. 1.85 Fasterfat Fish Meal 70% hundred 4.20 Meat Meal 60% hundred 3.20 Poultry Bone Meal . , , , hundred 2.35 Charcoal hundred 2.20 7 Ib. packages 30c Half Corn & Oat Chop, ...cwt 1.35 Corn, Barley & Oat Chop...cwt. 1.35 BarleyCho cwt. 1.50 WhitHotniny cwt. 1.75 ALL KINDS MILL FEEDS COD LIVER OIL & IM,OLASSES Wholesale and Retail D. C. Warwick PHONE .51 SPECIAL SALE OF Permanent Waving AT THE The change from the growing ra- tion 'to the laying mash should :be made gradually, L1,ilome-grown grains cannot he sold for much •cit the mar- ket,stud while they may forma large do not supply all necessary in,grecLi- cnts for 'the production of eggs, The use of a high protein commercial ,mash maxed with chopped Jeanie- growa grains will give much better .propartiop o,''f ,the • birds' ,ration•..,they i esuPts than the grains alone. TOWN TOPICS. Miss E. Neilans, -Goderich - street, required several stitches in her hand last Friday as the result of the bite of. a dog. The executive of the Band held a meeting Wednesday evening to dis cuss arrangements for a euchre to be held some time in November. 'lir, and Mrs, 'Robert Bennett of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Murdie aI Luckn'oty were guests of Mayor and Mrs. Sutherland on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webster and Douglas of Toronto are spending a iouplc of weeks here, 'Recen't guests at the home of Mr. and firs, '\\'dlliams. John street, were Mrs. A , Harrison, of Liverpool, :Eng- land, l land, mother of Mrs. William Mrs J.iGrecu and daughter June, of Lon- don, One, daughter and granddaugh- ter of :Mrs, Williams,uniting the four generations the first time in 118 years. Mrs. 1'. A. Tremmer and son of New Jersey-, LISA., sister of Mrs, Wil !lams, were also visitors. The many friends of Mr. John No The are pleased to learn Inc is improv ing rapidly after his operation. Mr. C. IE'ckart made a business trip to Detroit, lir, and Mrs, 1. Mole and family visited friends in Stratford on Friday, Mr. and Mts. .Fred Hulls of South- ampton spent a few days last week at the hone of lar, and Mrs. E. .Mole. Mrs, Thos, Henderson, W. William street, fell and broke her arm Sunday. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery-, - - \Jr, and _\Mrs, Fred Faulkner and family and lir. and Mrs, Illockfris of 'Detroit spent- tits week end at the home of Mrs, Faulkner and daughters on George street, 1Ir. Fred iBillett, who is visiting in Egmondville train London met with a painful accident while cranking his car. fracturiu.g a bone in his aria. lir. Jake Sproat pf Temttgant spent a fete days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janie; 'Sproat; return- ing Sunday morning. Mr. Russell Holmes .of Guelph is visiting iii; num , Miss Margaret •Henry, 11 is. \Vin Melfichael hasreturned to the Royal :1pts. and is .staying with her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Coates. 1L•, and Mrs, \Vint Rycknian and efts. Homey and Mi.: Maud Morton of Exeter were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, R. II Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. E. Caldwell- and daughter \\ innie of Lawson. Sask., spent a few days with lir•. and Mrs, R. H, !Sproat, They are now vis- iting in Hensall• Mr:, .David Smith of Stratford spent a few days last week with her sister, 'Mrs. Will Sproat in Tucker - smith. M. Orville I3ildebrand had his arm broken while vaulting with some other boys, BORN. 'Steckle.--]In Scott lfemoriel Hospital on Tuesday. lOct. 116, 11191,14, to- Mr, awl Mrs, (Daniel Steckle, Zurich a son. CAR TO REMAIN TILL FRIDAY Lk. car 'o'f clothing and provisions for the West was loaded at the sta- tiot on Thursday and 'Friday last and sent to a needy area in Saskatchewan. The "Che community's response to the ap- peal was very generous, so that a sec- ond car was needed to hold all that -was brought, and is being loaded this week. This car will be held over till Friday and if any care to make dona- tions of vegetables, etc., they will be gladly accepted at the freight sheds, Any further donations of clothing and fruit may be left at Cridh's vacant store until Friday. Tine organization cont'mittee in charge represents the Catholic and Protestant churches of Seaforth, 'Eg- mondhdlle .and 11c1Kiliop, MAY LANE AUXILIARY 'The regular monthly meeting of the May Lane Auxiliary was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs, W'eedmark, The President, Miss 'Wood, opened the meeting , and. hymn r4 was sung, followed by tate 'Lord Prayer, repeated in unison, ,Several matters of business were discussed and the meeting was taken in charge by Mrs. Moffatt, captain 'of circle 2. Miss McLean led in prayer, Miss A. MehNay reach the Scripture Lesson, Mrs, Hogarth favored with a solo, "Have Thine Own \\flay, Lord," accompanied by Iftrs, Bechely. The last :chapter of the "Lady Fourth )Daughters" study ,boots entitled 'haring the Unlfinished Task," was ably taken by Mfrs, Ross ,Sevaage,. 'The meeting Was closed by singing a hy;nnt and re S ` repeating ,the Mizpah benediction, iAt the close of the :meet- ing a social erode ,period! f : , ollbhv++eta for the 'b'aKaar, Which is to be 'held' No- vember 3rd. 'On 'S'aturday, (October '1!3'111, six•tecn of Isobel McKellar's friends gathered to help celebrate her 'tenth .birthday, and •needles: to say, all had a good time. the first three in this group,from left to . right, Fergus 'Sell, \hyronne Moore and Patty I eciely are in shadow; then Juan IIc'\Ltstet Ruth Anderson 13 arbara Bet, Kathleen Homes, 1,,o - bol McKellar, ellar, Lillian 'Southgate (Lois 'Wright, 'Dorothy Snaith. Seated dilly Cheoros, Doris Ferguson, Lorna Dale, (Barbara Sproat, Budd} 'Smith, IN NEW POSITION :\ despatch 'front Queen's Park, Toronto says that Dr, George F, Rogers has-been appointed chief in- spector of secondary schools, Dun- can McArthur, deputy - minister of education announce;. Since 9918, Dr. Roger: has been chief director of edu- cation for .Ontario but the post was abolished under the new. government shake-up, His newpositionwill in- clude supervision of high schools, col- legiate institutes; technical schools and vocational schools, 1-[e will also be chairman of the special advisory hoard which will examine the record of all pupils who fail in an endeavor to correct aver generosity and ultra conservatism" in marking papers. His salary will be higher than that as di- rector of education, CHAMPIONSHIP CONTESTS The seventh annual public speaking contest and the fourth annual spelling match will be condnrted in the audi- torium ,t1 the Clinton Collegiate In- stitute on Saturday, October 27th at 2 p.nt, :\ championship recitation con- test for boys' or girls S years of age and under is ;also being held. The first prize tanner; in the pub- lic speaking and recitation contests conducted at each of the .seven lfuron County School Fairs are eligible to compete and the contestants in tate spelling match will' he the first and second prize grinners front each school fair. The afternoon's programme should prove o•e very interesting and all are in- vited to attend, ATHLETIC MEET AT GODERICH i\\'bile spectators stood shivering in winter sours at iGode•fch on Friday of ternoon, star ;athletes from \litchell, Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter high schools, Hensall Continuation school and Goderich high school performed admirably and keenly at the )both i n- nual track and field meet of the 'Intron County Athletic Ass'n, ;\l1 events were close from start to finish, A large attendance turned out and the finances were ahead both on gate receipt; and at the but dog stand, in change of Goderich students, LAwarding of trophies was as fol- lows: The McMillan Cup for the school winning the largest total number o1 points, Goderich Colleg- iate with 1148 paints; the Medal Cup to the school winning the second largest total, Clinton with 1118 pts,; the Col. 1-I, T. Rance Cup to the school winning the largest total number of pnims in boys' Inter- mediate et*cuts, Goderich, Mitchell High School Board 'Cttp for senior girl champion, Gladys Grassick of Goderich, with 1112 points. The Sollo- way Mills and Cu. Shield for the ..eniur bay champion, R. Passmore, Clinton, with 110 paints, The Canad- ian Canners Shield for intermediate boy.' s' champion, 1 O'Brien, Gode- rich, with 25 points. The Goderich 'Elevator and Transit Co, shield fur the Junior boys' champion f Ga r - rick, Goderich, with 111 butts, The t\\es tern Canada 'Fleur 11i11s Shield for .the junior girl.' champion, K. Cunningliame, Clinton, with 28 DELAY points, The Goderich Salt Co, tro- The placing of a drinking fountain lrhy for the inteentediaiter, o;girls' ehs in accordance with a bequest ni the (nun, L. \"otoSenfirh; with 2m- 1 ate Miss Nan Campbell has been be Points. The presentation, were made fore the council since January last; a by f. . ;Hunte, principal of _G„ derieh lesign and site were decided upon tebnpl,Pat the close of .the nisch, Jul the fountain has been in Seaforth IOfiffcials of the meet were as fol - or some week,, hot the present nut- lows: General supervisor, J, 1r, ouk is that human.; horses anddogsHume; referee of boys' events, D. T. till not quaff its waters before the Hill; referee of girl-' events, Miss 11, now Flies, unless an existing deadlock Ackerman chief clerk of the course, s settled soon The executors and A. M. Robertson; scorer, 1\r. Ruffle; the council do not agree about a site, starter, 1). I. 'hill; tuners, G. c1, Bal- ed besides, the town fathers are 1101 lantine, E. A, Fines and W. Thom- atiCfiecl with the fountain supplied son. y the Toronto I•Iumane Society, 11134 officials of the HA,A,A. are: chick, they feel. is not altogether honorary president, J. W. Fraser, torthy of the bequest. The sum df Goderich; president, D. 1, Hill, God - 300 sees bequeathed for the purpose, erieh; vice-president, Mr. Passmore, tit the fountain ,sent by the Society - xeter;secretary-treasurer, :Miss 11, said to have cost only $50, being\ckersmmn, Goderich, - econd4rand, Brays' .Ccents: (Senior- ll0t) yards, D. Worths-, W.M.S. MEETS 'Goderich; F, Grieve, Seaforth; R. 'Che October meeting of the Well. Dean, Goderich, 2e Se seconds, • of North Side United Ol urch was -140 s-ards-IR, Passmore, Exeter; ell on Thursday afternoon, October 1', Grieve, Seaforth; A. Smith, God- llbh, Mrs. (Re',) 1'. A. Carmichael erieh, 59 seconds, need the meeting with inlayer. MMrs. Half mile -:1, Smith. Goderich; R. . Archibald led in the ,business lis- Passmore, I . Dougan, Clinton, 2.117 CU tion. Plans are well under way for �'� seconds, e Autumn Thanknl'ering to be held Mile -A. Smith, R, Passmore, Car- e latter part of October. '1:Crs. W. J. tel, - Sea'fortlt, '5,35, 'Mimes read a ,splendid paper on Julep, step ant jump --tit, Pass- e mpera nee. Group INo• 4 gave the Dorrance, Seaforth; J. 1foCalh Clin- rogrant with Mrs. ;Annie Reid, their ton, 37 feet, 4 1-4 inches. ptain, in the chair. lia's. G. Dale :Pole vault -4R, 'Christie, Mitchell; ave she (Scripture lesson .and was J lfcCeil, E. Neilan Clinton, •9,4, !lowed with prayer by Mrs. Reid. (.Broad jump --IFI, Wilkins, Gode- he topic which was taken from the rich; R ,Passmore, C. -Johnston, Clin- W study book on India was then in.. ton, .116.8 11'._'4, ducecl by Mrs, 'Reid, who called Running high jump -,FI. \trilkins, Are members of her Group, Mrs, J. McCall, D. Worthy, Goderich, 5.2, Thompson, Mrys, W. 1). ]lrighd, Shot put -1. 14cC:s!!, A, rs. N. Carter and Miss Wallace, Goderich, R. Rennie, Seaforth S34 ,4h; c'h contributing interesting papers (Relay race --1!, Goderich; 2, Sea- t top-fc. •A•n especially interesting forth; 3, 'Clinton. +, abure of the program was an article (Intermediate Boys: rd by Mfrs, F.' D. T-lutcluison, entitled' 11100 yards -J. O'Brien \n Eastern ''NV:omen Helping a 1f. ai�fadDnnald, Goderich; ester n 'Woman, in the Dried Out thele, Exeter. Goderich; W. Pen- sltrict ,both being ltnvalid's." At tate �-vl220 i Yards -IJ, i0lBrien, Goder--ick; osc of the meeting the Auxiliary 'en- 3. Cunningham, Cdintoup 1135 rained the Baby Band' and their hale, 25 segs Pen- a•thers' 4x10' V\ Peuhalc : yaa'ds- r• S. Plante, --- ' uSea-( g1; L,,IIovey, Exeter, 511184 3 $, Fashion King -Lived on a 'Half ,mile - iH. Seely Clinton 50 -Cent Daily Dole '•024119) ; IL , Hovey, 14. 'lGa,dDo, Discussing the predica.ntent 'of a' One mile' -1T. r d, one ,mighty autocrat of, dress, whose H. 'Seete Sills, Seaforth (5,;); yeas as extravagant as rarest Y, Clinton t (4 Hovey. ,bion ;Nig:hts prince, tt'ho an of tt Relay -ht Seafontlr (Il!..AS); 2. 1?se_ ow cats,ter: 3, Clinton, a public charity .canteen Or cooks" Po'Ic vault _ IT+. - own mncager uneals. Readart- in Tioyey; Ciht the art- in The American \\Teekiy' with Gheoras, Sieaiforti; J; May's Detroit Times. Seaforth. a 1 a I) y 4 1> S h ill FR c th th \\ p ca g la T' ue oro on J. 1f e a. fea \V iD'f al ter rat Ex om life Ara in his isle 'Sur "The Happy v agabo--na 5 Presented by Union Young People in BETHEL CHURCH, McKillop Mon., Oct. 22 Admission 15c and 25c THE ANNUAL HOT SUPPER By the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church on WED., OCT. 2.4 FROM 5TO7P.M. ADMISSION 'ADULTS 35c. CHILDREN 25c ANNIVERSARY SERVICES CONSTANCE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCT, 21 AT 11 A.M. AND 7:30 P.M, Rev. Roy Osborne, B,A„B,D., of Charing Cross, will be the special speaker PLAY entitled "All on Account of Polly," on Monday evening, Oct. 22, by Duff's Church Young People, un- der auspices of Live Wire S,S. Class. Admission 25c and 15c High jump --9• O'Brien '(4.10); R. Brook:, \litchell; K. Matins, Hefn- sall. Broad jump -J. OlErien (11711,0;'5); J. C'unninghante, 12, Stewart, Seaforth Shot put --M. Shannon, Seaforth (3..3 1-4i; 11. MacDonald, R. Big - tart, Clinton. ,Junior Boys: ills) yards --•R. tyke (Ill 51, Se. - forth; G. (Tilden, 'Goderich; J. Sint- nton;, Hensel!. 3201 yards -'h. Oke (2118 3-5); J. Simmons, C. John., Clinton, Half utile --Il, Garrick. Goderien ('.,i,3 1-5); C. - Johns. A. Penpal.1, Lxetcr, Relay -1. Goderich; 2, Seafort'.t; 0. Exeter. •High jump -J, -Garrick (4,61: V. Heywood, Exeter; 3). McSpadden, Seaforth, Pule vault -D, Stewart (7.8), Se forth: V. Heywood, \\', Roy, Mi'.- chell, Broad jump --- A. fLindenficid (1113,8), Exeter; C. Johns, J. Garrick. (Hap step and jump --A. Linden - field (31113); Geddes, Seaforth; 1leSpaddeft• Shot put -'B, Hackie Goderich (311,4 }_121; 1., Licit, 1litchel:, C. Johns. iGirls' Senior Events: 111)) yards --1G, Gra-sick, Godericli (14 sec,); H. bettger, Mitchell; I. Eberhart, Seaforth. High jump -1A. Murdoch, Clinton Relay -e, Clinton:2,Mitchell; (3,9) 1-12); -H, Bettger, hitches, and K. Tyndall, Goderich (tied for second), Hop, step- and jump --4G Grassick ('37.9 1.-L); 11, 'Cools, Clinton; M, An- derson, Goderich, :Running broad jump -M. Cork; A, Murdock, G. Gra sick. Baseball throw-_fJistance, 13, Par- rott (11-16 feet 9 inches), Mitchell; V. 1fcLeod, rGoilerich; V. Hugill, Seaforth. (Basketball tltrost' - Distance, I. Tyndall, Goderich; A. Murdock, G. •Gtassick, Target throw -+baseball, R. Hngill, ,Seaforth; K. Calvert, Clinton; V. McLeod, ,Goderich, t1 iterrltediate Girls: 75 cards -L. Nott, Seaforth; R. Johnston V. .\\'as ratan, Mitchell, Baseball throw - Distance, V. 'Wessman (1)48.3): L. Nott, 1. Scott, Code ri oat (Running high jump -L, Nott. V. '(Vassmtan, A. Whitten. Goderich. Target throw, baseball --,\r. Frem- liti, Clinton; If. \V'alper, Exeter; J. Wessman, a•sman, 1f•itcielF. Running broad jump - R. John- ston ('113,9 ,3L4)1 L. !Nott, V Frentlin, Junior Girls: 150 yards- IF, Eltiatt, Goderich (7 tai;5 see); 7.7 Cunninghat,ne, Clin- ton; E. T'Zydd, Exeter; relay-, 1, Clin- ton; 2, Mitchell; 3, Goderich: h,op, step and jump, K. CuntifnGharne •(16.(10 1k4): F. Elliott, G. IIcf enzie, iHensatl; high jump, i1., Cunningliame 1(34ll9V,); D. Thiel Mitchell; F. El- liott: running broad .lamp, IC Ciui- ningh'ann'e (•11ta3r/-); F. Ellirstt, ,D 'Thiel; baseball throw, slug :tante (11!30 feet 111, inches).Cunnntg- •Douglas Egyptian' Linitnen pecially recommended t it .for spider, or infection of cow's teat. Invaluable also Si cages of spavins, curbs and splints. -