HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
The monthly meeting of the U.F.
Y. PO. club will he held in the A.
'0.1TAV. hall on Tuesday evening, Oc-
tober 12/3rd. A splendid program is
;being prepared 1).e the committee.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Shannon and Mrs.
C. Dunbar spent Monday in London
on business.
Mrs. ) H Humphries, who has
been visiting in the village, has re-
turned to her home in Walkerville
Tuesday, Oct. 2 the Ladies'
'Guild and W.A. of St. George's
Church met at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Stewart. The meeting opened with
the singing, of hymn No, 325, follow-
ed by prayer and ,Scripture reading by
Rev. Mr, Rickard. Illazaat arrange-
ments were discussed and it was de-
cided to hold the bazaar on Nov, 2nd,
The NV. \, then took over the meet-
ing with the singing tell Hymn 640 af-
terwhich the membership prayer was
offered in unison. Further business
was transacted contenting the bazaar.
The meeting closed with the singing
cif graee and hutch was served.
Dr, and Mrs. Fowler of Clinton
.spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Allen,
Mrs. Smith of Detroit is at present
visiting at the homes of Mr. Wm.
Tell and Air. Robert Ferris, having
.zome home with Mrs. Wm. Bell and
Mildred, v'ho had been in Detroit for
the past week. returning home Set -
Mrs. Jennie Knox and Ernest spent
a few days in Walkerville visiting Mr,
and Airs. Alarshall, returning home
Monday night,
Air. and Mrs. Robert Watson visit-
ed On former's Mother and brother,
Mrs. Watson and William on Sunday
Saturday, ()et. It h, being Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Rill ill' fiftieth wed-
ding nnnivereary. their son, Mr. and
Airs. Milton Rtuldell and family of
.Detroit visited over that week eml,
being present to help celebrate the
day, returning to Detroit on Sunday.
We wish Mr. and Mrs. S. Ruddell
many happy returns ..f the day.
Mr. and Aire. Frank Marshall of
sear Myth and the latter,. mother,
Mrs. Alex. Reid, visited recently at
she homes of Mr. Hodge and Mr. and
Iles. Walker of Jarvis.
Mr. and Mrs. David Watson and
children and Al r. John Rogerson of
AleKillop spent Sunday, 7th, at the
home of Airs. Wm. Watsott and Wm.,
elso calling on Mr. and Airs, Robert
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Reid and the
?miner's mother, Mrs. Alex, Reid and
Mrs. Norman Shepherd, attended the
funeral ‘.1 Mr. WM. Thompson of
eiranton .41 Tuesday of last tveek.
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Gibbing.: and
little jeam Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Knox
and [Been and Mr. John Leiper were
'inlay visitor:, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. I. Raps,m, it being the for-
mer,' wedding anniversary,
There will he no service in Dilate'
Church this Sunday, Oct. 2Ist, it be-
ing annivereary in Constance church
at la. :tam atil 7.30 pan.
Sunday. Oct. .2.8. Burns' Church will
hold their anniversary services at 14
a.m. and 7.30 p.m. the 'Winthrop min-
ister having charge of the services.
The choir is preparing special music
and a good turnout is hoped 'for.
Mr. Leslie Beattie helped Mr, Bert
Beacom take up potatoes last week.
Mr. A. \V, Beacom spent Sunday
afternoon at the home of Mr. and Airs
S. Ruddell,
The October meeting of the Tuck-
gremith Ladies' Club was held at the
;home of Airs Fletcher Townsend with
twenty-four members and six visitors
present. The roll call was answered
by "Things My Grandmother Didn't
Do," A display of old fashioned caps
and bonnets was made by several.
members. Miss Florence Whitmore
gave a piano solo, and. instead of the
usual program, the guest speaker,
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, of Clinton,
favored the Club with a most interest-
ing talk about her recent trip to the
British Isle: and Europe, telling of
many amusing incidents besides much
that was instructive, Club member,
were delighted with this travel talk
and the president, Mrs. .Ernie Crich,
thanked Mrs. Trewartha, on behalf of
the ;Club. Mrs. Hawke of Clinton also
spoke a few words about the home-
land. Mrs, Tehbutt conducted a con-
test "Thing's 0 ur Granchnoth•ers
;Missed," and a social hour was spent.
The November meeting be anim-
a! election of officers, and will be held
at the home of Airs, 'Herman Crich,
Roll call "Common Mistakes in Eti-
(Heal your horse while it works.
;Apply 'Douglas' Egyptian Liniment
to sore necks and galls, A sure,
'speedy treatment.
Farrn Machinery and
Come in and see our. New and
Used Cars
Pigent for ehrysl.er, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
azanawart easaciPailternsa,
Phone Phone
Brussels 19r5 NEW GENERAL STORE Seaforth 232r21
35C 39' 60'
See These Before You Buy
SPECIALS Thurs. Fri. Sat,, 18, 19, 20
TABLE SALT, 31/2s, 2 FOR
SOAP, large 6r, 2 for c
Be sure to get a card on our FREE Duchess Royal Hand Painted
Highest Market Price Plus Commission for Cream and Eggs
Bethel Church Anniversary.—Sun-
day, Oct, 2I1et will be the occasion of
the anniversary of Bethel United
Church, McKillOp. Services ••will be
held at hl :Mil. and 7.30 nt. Ret. C.
W. Morrow, s.T.L, of Ailsa Craig,
father of the Paetor of the MeKillop
charge, will be .the guest speaker for
the day Uncler the able leadership of
Mr. C. Boyd and with Mee. Alm
Dennis at the organ, the choir will
render special music at both services,
In the morning the choir will sing
the "Awakening Chorus," and in the
evening. "Onward Christian Sold-
iers." Mr. Charlie Boyd will favour
with a •sslo at both services and the
quartette consisting of Airs. 0, Dun -
this, Mrs, .W. Boyd and.,,Me•ssiO., Jedm
Leeming and George Dundas, wilt
give a selection. The church -auditor-
ium will be appropriately decorated
with flowers and plants. The ladies of;
the congregation are preparing for a
Programme on Monday evening; Oct.
WM, The play, "The Happy Vaga-
bond," will he presented by the
Young People of Union United
Church of the Ethel charge.
Mr. Wilfrid Ernst of Brodhagen
has finished plowing for Aire Witham
Boyd and Mr, Peter McLaughlin.
'Mr. Russell Johnston has •returned
home after working for Mr. William
clloyd, for the summer months,
:Messrs. Peter McLaughlin and Mr.
:\Vm. Boyd attended the community
sale in .Seaforth on Saturday.
A lovely =outlet wedding was sol-
emnized at 1530. Saturday, October
oth, at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. J.
\V. Steel:house, Brucelield, when their
eldest daughter, Leila Grace, 'became
the bride of Air. Tom Stanley ;Neale,
of Hamilton, ,.is of Mr. anti Mrs.
W. 0. Neale, of Thorold. The cer-
emony was conducted by Rev. NV. A.
Bremner, To the strains of Lohen-
grin's wedding march played by Idset
'Pearl Wood of Exeter, the bride ent-
ered the roam on the arm of her fa -
thee and looked charming in a dress
of wine opera silk velvet with white
satin slippers with silver trimming,
rhinestone bracelet a gift of the
groom and a bandeau to match and
carried at beautiful botectode lof Jo-
hanna Hill roses and lily of the val-
ley. Miss Eva Stackhouse, sister di
the bride, acted as bridesmaid, wear-
ing a dress of ,brown crepe with met-
allic trimming and accessories to
match and carried a bouquet of Talis-
man roses. Mr, ,Elwood ;Stackhouse,
brother of the bride; supported the
groom. They took their places be-
neath an arch decorated with ever-
greens and autumn flowers. During
the signing 'ef the register Miss Wood
sang 'At Dawning." Th e guests
were invited to the dining room where
a luncheon was served; the room be -
Pearl Wood, Meta Salter, jean Shure
and Celia Christie of Exeter. The
groom's gift to the ,brili: %vas an aero -
rack, to the bridesmaid a silver
bracelet, t,, the groomsman a milit-
ary brush and comb set and to the
Pianist a silver compact, The bride
and groom left on a motor trip ts.
Ottawa, Quebec and Northern points,
the bride wearing a Week tree bark
suit with Persia:, lamb trimming, an,'
accessories to match. On their reture
they will reside in Ilamiltm where
the groom is on the staff ,,;. the Bank
of Montreal. The hest wishes of tatty
friends are extended to the happy
Ales. :Rev.) Taylor of Thames
Re..ad, formerly of China, will address
the W.M.:S. Thankoffering meeting
on Wednesday, Oct. 24. at 2:311 p.m.
All are cordially invited,
• Mrs. Windiong, who has been vis-
iting her parents, Me, and Mrs.
Tames GrasSick, motored, in comp-
any with Mr. Lee, to her home in
'Hay Township on Sunday.
• Rev. Alr. Jones ..f Gorrie preached
in St. John's Church on• Sunday.
Mr, George Beatty Sr. in company
with Mrs. AL Beatty and Miss
Mossop attended the Harvest Home
service. in Brussels on Sunday.
The fowl simper put on last week
by the United Church was a huge
success. A crowd of over six hundred
sat down to the well laden tables.
The play put on by the Clinton young
people Was much enjoyed by all,
Mr, and Airs. A, Ings spent the
week -end with friends in Adelaide.
Miss Taylor and Miss Rathwell of
Bayfield have been. spending the
past week with friends here.
Mr. William: Logan motored to
Kincardine on Friday last.
Aire. McKenzie of Bayffeld spent
the past week at the home of her
daughter, Mrs, Sherlock Keyes..
The funeral of the late Mr. Hugh
'Ross, held last Thursday afternoon,
1.vas largely attended, \''e extend our
sympathy to the hereavecl relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cox of Parkhill
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Airs. :Wm. Tie wa r t ha, 'Sr.
Anniversary services held itt Cavae
Church on Sunday and the fowl sup-
per the following night were both
well attended.
Mr. and 'Mrs John Hitlebrecht
spent Sunday with .Afr. and Airs R.
A, Campbell, Se,
Me. Harold Smaildon of Walton
spent 'Sunday in the village,
Miss Venhie 'Bryce of Hut[ett spent
'Sunday with 1..0. and Mrs. 'George
Mrs, :Archie Campbell returned to
her home in Toronto on Tuesday afs,
Mg tastefully decorated in ,pink and
white centered by a large white bell, iter, spending, the past week .with her
mise.-, Mr A. A. Cuthill.
A.ssisting In serving were Misses
'Mr. and Mrs. Grant love of Lan-
sing, Michigan., visited Mn. Love's
,brother, Mr, and Mrs. ;Ross Love.
Mr. and Mrs. j. W. Maxwell of
Gratton, NO, were renewing old ac-
quaintances in this vicinity during the
'Mrs Wilfred .liteetable and aunt,
Mrs Anderson, of Centralize visited
with Mrs, Huxtable's mother, Mrs.
Jas. Love and family.
:Mina 'Love is visiting her son
Ross and Airs love.
Mr. 'Jarrott and Annie visited
with Mr. and Mrs. D. Nichol in Hen -
The AVAIS, meeting is being 'held
Wednesday M the church.
Thanksgiving visitors M the vicin-
ity were: Air, and Mrs. Ross Dick,
and soli .Douglas, oi •Toronto, with
Mrs. Dick's parents, Mn, and :Mrs: 5.
Cochrane, Rev. R. K, Love of Kin-
tore with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Love. Mr. and Mrs. 'A Black and
son, Thomas, of Detroit visited Mrs.
Love and family.
'Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner and Mn.
and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson have ree
terned .from a 'pleasant visit with rela-
tives in Manitoba,
'A number from this vicinity attend-
ed 'anniversary services at the Kippen
and Varna 'churches on Sunday last
and the fowl stepper in Varna on
Thursday evening,
Mr, Orville Smith 0 suffering from
she effects of a fall he received while
drawing, in his mangels.
Air. Frank Hagan and sister Dolly
visited Mrs. Peck in Clinton recently.
The C. NV, L. are holding tt card
tarty and masquerade social on Fri -
(sty, Oct. 26. Cards rbgItt at 8 p.m,
John NN'illiams and Airs. McMillan
of Detroit spent Sunday at the home
,f their parents..Mr. and Airs. Pat
Williams. They were accompanied
home by their mother, who spent the
past couple of weeks in Detroit.
Aliss Lillian O'Sullivan of Loudon
,o as home over the week end.
Al r. Owen Hart returned from
Northern Ontario On Mc-111day.
Quite a number took in the fowl
supper in Dublin ova NVednesday ev-
Aliss Beth Carlin spent Sunday
v.ith Aliss Eileen Eckert.
Aliss 11 any Hart entertained a num-
ber of friends on Thursday night.
The men of the parish are besy lev-
dling the cemetery all this week. It
certainly makes a great improvement
in the appearance of the grounds.
Mr, Neleon Keys of Babylon line
spent the past week with her colt, Mr,
Ruskin Keys and wife tf East Wind -
Mr. and Airs. W. H. .Stogdill of
Sutton and Mr, and 'Mrs, Oscar
Wright of Kennilworth spent a few
days last week with the ladies' moth-
er, Mrs. 'Geo. Dowson,
Mr. and AIN. D. j, Stephenson, Airs
Russell Ereatt and Mrs Percy John-
ston spent the week end with friends
at Marlette, :Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Will :Byrne and ton
of Detroit spent the week -end with
mr. and Mrs. ;laines 'Jordan and Airs.
Wm, ,Byrne of 'Dublin.
iss Catherine ;Donnelly, R.N., of
Buffalo, 'New 'York, is spending her
holidays with. her parents, - Mr, and
xrrs. Francis Donnely, itt .Hibbert.
Mr, and Mrs , James Carlin •of
Beechwood spent Sunday -afternoon
with Mr. :and ;Airs. .john Flynn of
The many friends of Mr. Frank
Maloney of 'Seaforth are sorry to re-
port he is in the hospital after •uns
dergoing 'an operation for • appendi-
The play put on by the Constance
Yelling. People, "Aunt .Susan's Visit,"
on Tuesday, Oct, 9, in Duff's Church,
was a decided seiccess, The splendid
orchestra 'assisted with several num-
bers .between acts and was much en-
joyed, This evening brought to a
close a very satisfactory anniversary
in Duff's Church,
Mr, and Mrs, 'John Lake from Pe-
toskey, Mich., .Air . and Mrs, Ed.
Vigis of Afichigan and 'Lucy bake of
Lansing, Mich,,. spent the week -end
with .1ft. and 'Mrs, John INICNaughton
Mr, IFIen'ry IDaymen had an opera-.
tio.n. on 'his heel in 'Reaforth hospital
on Thursday morning .last and is get-
ting along .successlfully.
The many friends of Mrs, Pat, Ale-.
Laughlin are sorry to learn that she
i; not improving as rapidly as expect-
:We are sorry to ;learn that Mrs.
W. G. Sisson is under the doctor's
IRtoss McGregor, Bill .jewett, Bill
Dale and :Tack McEwen spent the
week -end with friends in floronto,
Jack is spending a week at the Royal
York with his aunt, Miss .MdEwen,
The ratepayers of S.S. No. 3, Con-
stance, met on Thursday evening and
organized a 'literary society, to con-
tinue through the 'winter months, The
officers are Pres., ii3ill Jewett; vice
ores,. Viciia Clanlce; secretary, Chas.
Riley; treas., Oliver Anderson; com-
mittee for list month's program, Mrs.
Leo Stephenson, Helen :Britton, Ella
The Constance United Ohurch will
hold their anniversary services on
Sunday, Oct. 211. All are cordially
invited. The young people of Duff's
will present their play, "All on Ac-
count of. Polly." under the tunspices
of the Lire Wire Class on Monday.
:An interesting fact is pointed out
in connection with the pictures of the
five charter members of the Duff's
Church, AINK111.6p, W.M.IS„ printed
in The News last week. Sans .of
two of these .wolnen became minis-
ters and have churches in Western
Canada: Rev. IA. W. 'McIntosh,
son of the 'late Mrs, Geo. McIntosh,
is minister of St, Giles' United
Church, Vancouver; Rev. Geo. Lock-
hart, son of the late Mrs. Gm.
Lockhart, is a Presbyterian minister
at Alexander, vicar Winnipeg, and has
the unique distinction of being called
for a second pastorate to the sante
Clinton and Seaforth Collegiate
foot ball teams played a scoreless
game on Monday afternoon here.
The sante day Godenich staged a
11-1. game 'at Mitchell. Two scoreless
and two tie games have now been
played in the group. The line-up for
Seafsrth on ltonday was goal, Jim
Sherwood; fullbacks, right, Mel
Shannon, left, .0. Kruee, half backs.
r, Wm. Forrest. centre, \'an Bell,
I. Fletcher 'Whitmore; forwards, out-
side 1, Clarence .Nolan, inside I, Allan
Nicholson, centre, F, Sills, inside r.
jos, Melvor, outside r, T. Sills, subs,
Gordon 12.;•zin, Glen Pinkney, Bob
Gemmell. Referee, Cyril Flannery.
0otlerici: plays at Seaforth
day afternoon.
'Word has been received of the
death in Philadelphia, Pa„ of Freder-
ick Powell, a former highly esteemed
reeklent of Seaforth, and brother oi
Mrs. 0, C. Jackson of town. Mr.
Powell had lived in the States since
Ile was a young 'man, After living in
$t. -Arary:: for a short time be went
to Philadelphia where all elder broth-
er, Charles S. was established
in the jewellery business. Air, Powell
was uninarrivd. The two surviving
members of the family are C. S. Pow-
ell and Mrs. L. C. Jackson, The de-
ceased had been in poor health of late
yeare. The funeral was held :it Ard-
more, Pe., on Wednesday.
London, Oct. 17,--1Aft er most of
the evidence for the prosecution had
been heard Justice llakins at the as-
sizes late yesterday afternoon ad-
journed until today the manslaughter
triad of Broad IN'. Dickinson of 'Swan-
sea, He is .accused of killing Airs. He-
len Houston of Seaforth in an auto-
mobile accident at Calamity Corner,
mo miles m)rVh ot London
;In outlining the case to the jury,
Crown Counsel Norman Newton
charged the Dickinson h
inoad failed t.)
obey a stop sign before entering on
the intersection. The accident occurr-
ed on July 30th,
One .more crown witness will be
heard when the case opens today, He
is traffic officer I -Toward Jackman
who i.ti vestigated the a ce id en 1. Then
the defence witnesses will be called.
In opening the case Norman New-
ton, Crown counsel, urged the jurors
not to be frightened by the word
manslaughter. He said that in some
cases the crime was not as serious as
it sounded. Mr. Newton brielffy out-
lined the accident. He said Mrs. Hou-
ston was riding in a car that was pro-
ceeding south on NIo. 5 highway.
The driver was Thomas Hodgert of
IDickins,on was driving west on a
road that enitens the highway at 'Cal-
amity .Corrirer" a few miles north of,
London. Mr. Newton claimed that
Dickinson clic! not stop before [Ivies
ing ot across the high Way.
or. H. Fletcher of St, john was
called as a witness. TTe said he attend-
ed the injured at the scene of the ac-
cident. When the doctor got there
Mrs. IHouston was lying on a coel ' •
From aft overturned car at the inter-,
section. 'She was conscious but was
complaining af severe pain. :She was
taken to .Si. Risco:Ills hospital and died,
on 'August 4 front internal injuries.
;Thomas Rodgers was then caned
.0 testify Tic sald he was driving
Want and For Sale aciS, t; week 35c
Comedy Cartoon
Mon. Tues. Wed., Oct. 22-23-24
John Barn/more
That great New York stage suc-
cess more glorious than ever on
the screen
"20TH CENTURY" with
Carole Lombard, Roscoe Kerns,
Walter Connolly
News Reel Comedy
Thurs. Fri. Sat., Oct. 2.5-26-27
Shirley Temple, that great child
star, James Dunn and Claire
, —in
"Baby Take a Bow"
This charming little actress will
steal your heart,
Comedy Cartoon
from Sewforth to London in a con-
vertible coupe. In the car with hint
were Airs. Houston, 'MISS Betty
Fiouston, Miss Frances I-Iouston and
Andrew Houston. Hodgert said he
Inc going only 115 or 20 miles an hour
just before the accident occurred,
'When I was about 20 roils north
III the intersection," said Hodgert,
0 was about 40 rods from the inter-
section, I didn't see the other car
again until I was at the intersection.
It tot' coining at a good rate of
t,-nt. The other car came out at me."
"I-Iad it stopped?" asked Air. New-
"I didn't sue it stop," replied Hod_
Witness said he applied his brakejets
and was 51.110,4 stopped when the ac-
cident occurred,
'The left front wheel of my car
came in contact with the right side
door of the other ear," declared Hod-
gert. "11y. car turned over, Airs, Hou-
ston Wt,, was riding in the front seat
with me was injured, Also one of the
passengers in the rumble seat was
hurt but not badly."
-.Nreliiintles,'" read the -schoolboy,
aloud, "leaped from his 'bath shout-
ing 'Eureka: Eureka!' "
"One moment," said the teacher,
-1Vhat is the meaning a 'Eureka'?"
"I Eureka' anean 'I have fonnd it,'
What had Archimedes
tomtit?" que,.tioneil the teacher,
The boy hesitated, then ventuerd,
hopefully, "The soap, sire`
Father tteachilig small daughter
to tell the time.): "These are the
hours ---and these are the minutes—
and these are the seconds."
tittle Girl (still puzzled): "But
where tire the jiffies, :Daddy?"
Information on Tomatoes
'Since the value of the tomato has
been fully realized, its production and
use has increased tremendously, until
now in :Eastern Ontario alone there
are 2,000 growers supplying the can-
ning factories. They plant, in a :nor-
mal year, over 8009 acres Qt tomat-
toes. The centrewhere most tomat-
oes for canning are grown consists
roughly of a strip of land five miles
wide and extending along the shore
of Lake Ontario from iPort Hope to
Napanee. This includes all of :Prince
Edward County. 'In this district there /
are over seventy canning- factories.
Itt addition to the acreage grown for
canning, there Is a considerable acre-
age grown for soup companieS, Wale
operate in other localities. The returns
to the growers from this crop amount
to approximately 418011,000 in it year.
It is essential that these growers
know the latest methods and the cor-
rect prevention .of diseases and in-
sects if they are to succeed and to
this end the Department has publish-
ed an excellent circular on the subject
which should be in the hands of ev-
ery torilatO grower, The Ibulletili is
very concise and everything is tabula-
ted and easy to ill n cl. The •circular, No,
53, .may be obtained free by residents
of Ontario by writing to the Depart-
ment of ,Agrictil ture tParlsat,,cttt
Buildings, T.oronto,
:Asthma Overcome. The triumph
over asthma has assuredly come. Dr.
ID, Kellogg's .A.sthina Remedy has
proved the most positive blessing the
victisi of asthmatic attacks has even
kit titn,,Letters received :from thou-
ancls who 'have tried k .form a testi-
nonial which leaved no room tior
;doubt that here is a real remedY. Get
it to -day :front your dealer.
; Send uS,itilte ite '
pat s af
your k.,isiinrs