HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-11, Page 5THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 11; 1934
It is sound Economy to Shop
regularly at
Another list of outstanding values for
the Week
FRY'S VI's s 23c
Crosse & IBlackwell's (Soups, Vegetable ,or Tomato , , , , , 2 tins 19c
New Acadia Codfish
Happyvale Mincemeat
Sugar Crisp Cornflakes
Lifebuoy Soap
Royal York Coffee
Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. -15c; 16 oz. 25c
Brooms, No. 6, five string each 35c
Taylor's Peanut Butter, crown jar pints 25c
Ovaltine, small -45c; medium -67c; large 1.09
Rising Sun Stove Polish, old reliable, pure lead .. , , , , ,cake 7c
3 rolls 25c
bottle 10c
2 plcgs. 25c
tin 5c
l's 15c
2 lbs. 25c
2 pkgs 15c
3 cakes 25c
l's 39c
Interlake Toilet Paper
Libby's Prepared Mustard
Kellogg's Rice Krispies
Classic CIeanser
Jersey Gloves, brown or striped
Instant Postum
Baker's Cocoa
Kippered Snacks
Single Chocolate •Coated. Peanuts
Nugget Shoe Polish
Schneider's Ring Bologna
Hillcrest Toilet Tissue, pure white
per tin
per lb.
per tin
per 'lb.
3 rolls.
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Phone 77
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WAILIK;FJR, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Our .Policies Will Protect You
Our Rates Will Appeal to You
Prompt service and settlement of
all claims
Travel anywhere in Canada or
the United States and always
fully protected—you cannot af-
Sord to take chances.
Several bargains in Town and
Farm Property.
Call, Phone or Write Us.
A. D. Sutherland
Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc.
Mr, hired Eckart has leased the 7's
acre farm .from the ,H'oitlbeia Estate,
)We are pleased to learn that Miss
'.Bernice Manley, •wnho has been under
the edoeftor's 'care for a few days is
anile oto be around again.
Mrs. M. IDesboura, RN., from
Northville, Mich., paid us a flying visit
For the ,week end.
'Want and For Sale ads, 1 :week 25c,
!Trite death of Mfr. Hugh !Ross, a
highly esteemed resident of McKillop
for the ,past ,fifty years, occurred on
Tuesday, Oct, 9th at the age of 81
years, !Last ;Spring Mr. !Ross failed in
health and was conlfinetl to bed for
a :time and again three week, age,
from which he did not rally. A son
of the late lir, and Mrs. Rodcrich
(Ross of IS:lanky Township, he lived
near Briecelfield until coining to Mc -
He :was bereft of his wife,
formerly Isobel Rion el McKillop,
twelve years ago IIe is survived by
r.ne daughter, Mrs. Joseph Dolnia e,
MPaKillop, also a sister, Mrs. Mc-
Ewen, of .Lauda': and a brother, Dr.
R. R, Ross, Seaiort'u. The funeral
will take place on 'Thursday after-
noon at 0 o'clock from the residence
of his son-in-law, " Mr. Joseph Do]
mage, lot 30, can. 8, -McKillop, Rev,
G. E. Mot -.row officiating. Interment
will take ,place in Maitland Baine Ce-
metery, The pallbearers :are Hugh
Alexander, Geo, McKee, John Dodds.
Alex. cuth•ill, 'Thomas hotnas 1Dodd's and
Peter rDtod;ds, IIis sister, Mrs. Kate
MciEwen of London, and two neph-
ews, :Finlay Ross, Detroit, and Stew-
art Ross, Windsor, are attending the
'Large congregations at both serv-
ices, excellent .music, excellent weath-
er and appropriate decorations with
flowers for the occasion, al9 contribut-
ed to the success .of anniversary ser-
vices in Duff's Church, M.cKJllop, on
'Sunday, Oct, 7. In the morning Rev.
Mr. :Kerseyo'f Mitchell was .the speak-
er. Special mu:s:ic inctiudecl an anthem
by- the choir and a duet by -hers, J. E.
Daley and Mfrs, H. Lawrence, Rev.
Ml,r Carmichael of Seaforth preaehed
in the evening. An anthem by the
choir, a quartette by Mrs. Lawrence,
Mrs, Daley, tl'1r. L Henderson, Mr, J.
'Scott and a solo by Mr. James ,Scott
of Seaforth were features of the muse
feel pant of the service.
Our Fall Service Bulletin and News contains a lot ofractical poultry
P p Y
information and suggestions, as well as interesting poultry news
items. It will help you to get the best possible results from your
pullets this Fall and Winter.
Copies will be mailed 'FREE, on request, as long as our supply lasts,
Write for your copy today.
Mr, and Mrs. F. Bille'tt of 'London
have beep visiting :the 1•attcr's moth-
er, Mrs. MdLean, I"g'mondviI1e.
'111r. and Mfrs. Ralph Weiland of
1B,oston, Mr, and Mrs, RV, 'Finlayson,
Mr, Roy Weiland- and- friend, of To-•
ronto, were inoii'day visitors at the
:parental home of Mr. and Mrs, Hen-
ry Weiland, and joined in hest wishes
'to lt.. Weiland on his 77th ,binthday.
IPva'lph (Cooney) is enroute to. 'De -
trait for another season in pro
Mr. and Mrs, I• D. Beecroft of
tWingham visited • at the home of the
lady's parents, Mfr, and Mrs, A. M.
Qi a h,
lir and Mrs. James Devereaux arc
visiting friends in \1 ind:sor and De-
troit, Mrs, D•erereaux, who is Dioces-
an Treasurer of the Catholic Wom-
en's League, will also attend the loth
aunuat convention of that organize•
tion which is held 'in ;Belle River
this week,
'Mt. and ltrs. James Kane, Mr,
and Mrs, IGeo, :Reaney and Mrs. Al -
'bent Johnson of Landon spent Sun-
day at the Conunnercial,
Mr, and' Mrs, F. Neelin. and fam-
ily of Toronto spent the week -end
with Mr. -and Mrs, IF, IG, Ateelin,
The 'Misses - •Grace Kreuter and La
Hawkins have returned after
spending a few days at Chicago.
,hiss Verna Adams of !Welland
was a holiday visitor with her
pare•n Is,
firs and Mrs, A. Cud:more and
daughter Rhoda of Kitchener visited
Mr. and Mfrs, J, A. Westcott over
the 'holiday, •
Mr. and -Mrs. H. Twamley of
;Stratford visited lfrs, \Westeott over
•the holiday,
Mfrs, W. E. Hawley of Rosser.
Man„ and Mfrs, F. L. !1=3utchings of
tlea'rons, Alberta, left -for their re-
pective ''allies in the West
and Mrs. 0, \V•ieteringhann
and family of Thorold, 'Ont„ and
Mrs. Thaites of Mitchell were the
guests. of Mr. and Miss. McJpadden
Thanksgiving Dray,
• The fallowing were guests at the
home of ,lir, and Mrs. Wm. Knech-
tcl for T'hankegiv^ing, Mir, and Mrs.
Is. C Seco•d of lleafard Mrs. Scully
and daughter Hattie and Miss \Vool-
ner and :Ali-, Woollier and hiss A.
M. Knechtel, and Mr. 'and Mr-, W.
1.P. Martin and daughters• Phyllis and
Ilelen of Midrileport,
'11re. Douglas -Beattie and little
daughter Marjory of Toronto, and
Mr S. T.-Iowes of Saskatoon are
attests of Mr, and Mrs. Jahn Beattie.
Mfi,, J. A, 'Brodie and baby return-
ed to Toronto on .Monday after
s•Pending a week with her parents,
Mir, and Mrs, R. J. Beatty,
•Mfrs, Kenchen Sr. went to Sagi-
naw Mich., on Monday with' Mr
and Mlrs. Teck -of that city.
Miss Bary Izling of Woodstock
hospital and Miss Margaret Finnigan
of Sarnia hospital were holiday visi-
tors at their homes in J gnnandville.
and Mrs. \\gym, IGoveulock at
Belmont were holiday visitors in Eg-
Mfrs, C. P. Sills and ;Master . Ron-
ald Sills have returned from an ex-
tended visit in D•etrout, accompanied
by Mrs, M. Desborough, from
Northville, Mich„ who visited her
parents. Mr. and Mr,, C. Eckert,
and has returned again to resume her
duties in 'the Northville Sanatorium.
(Guests over the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. Janiee'Nelson were Miss
tLueinda Reid, Sir, James Reid and
his two sisters, the Misses Ida and
Mary Reid, all of Bayeield,
Mrs. Thomas Andrew and tern
sons, Donald' 'and George, of Co-
bourg, are visiting relatives here,
;Mr, and Mlrs. Angus Carter spent
the holiday in Rockwood,
:Airs. W. R. Plant and daughter
Edna spent the holiday in Toronto,
Mrs. Henry Hoggarth attended the
funeral at Ingersoll. of a cousin, T.
M\?. Rowson, ori Monday,
,Mrs. P, C. Calder .and Cameron re -
earned Monday 10 Sit. Catharines af-
ter a ntotths visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Adaen Hays.
Mr. Wm. Ament is in the hospital
at .London undergoing ,treatment..
Mrs. R. H. 'Sproat spent Thanks-
giving with relatives in 'Fergus.
Miss :Bary Oughton and Miss
,Phyllis of Toronto were week -end
guests of Me, and Mrs, John Sclater,
'Mrs, Wnt, Sclater 'anal .her guests
from !Gall spent Sunday in Aulburty
,Misr, Norrnan Jefferson, B,'A., has
gone to Toronto to take a year's
course at the College of .Education,
which comlpifetes 'his studies,
Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son
(Billy' of Galt, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar
Lawson and daughter Bernice of Au -
(burn, Mrs. Wm. Sclater of town
spent T'handasgevhngl with Mir, and.
41rs, John Finlayson ort 'John se.
•Mas, John Sproat spent Thanks
gi vingin Lacicnow with her sister,
:11 i•s, R'eid, wino is in 'her Mist year,
i5he also called on Mfrs, (JDr,) El:Note
who •has her mother, Mrs. Robt
Hays stayetvg with her, who is in her
919th Year. -Both these ladies are in ex-
cellent health.
'Mr Frank Maloney of the High-
way service station ti derwent an op
erattion for appendicitis on Wednes-
day evening and is pro lensing welt
\3r, Maloney's brot'h'er is driving the
mail to the station during his illness,
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is
quick, certain remedy for IIIoof Rot or
IThrush, 'Four or 'five applications
are usually enough.
Want and For Sale' Ad's, 3 weeks 50c.
Tucicersmith eom.es to the front this week by bigproducts of the soil.
This blood beet Was grown by Mr. William 'Strong, town line '1'uck-
ersmith and TSibbert, and weighs eight pound's. It is 212 inches around
and about 1115 inches long. This ,monseer beet is a record -breaker, and et
of the Mledium Long variety, perfectly 'formal and appears (mite
The Teachers' Institutes of dust
and West Huron held a joint con-
vention in MacKay Iblall, Gorlerich, on
Friday, October 5th. 'About 250 teach-
ere were present. '•1'he 'West Huron
president, '11r. G. 11. Keeler of Dash-
wood, presided in the morning, and
-lir. II. 11. :Shackleton of Mount For-
est in tete afternoon,
!rhe morning session was opened by
Rev-. W. P. ;Lane with Scripture read-
ing and prayer, In the absence of
liay-or C, C. :Lee through illness,
Reeve 'B. C. Mfu nnings on behalf of
the Mayor a'ed the people of lGode-
rich extended a hearty welcome to the
teachers. di commended them on their
11)11le calling and hoped that the con-
vention tt•ottld he inspiring and :bene-
,T)ia1'.. J. Mf 'Field gave the librarian's
report for Iii st :Huron and Mr, 5.
E. Smith of Gaderich for :West Hur-
on. In 'West Huron sixty-two books
had been circulated in the year,
At this juncture some announce-
ments were made by the eeeretaries,
Mr, E. C. Beacom explained to the
teachers about the second day of the
convention to be taken later, Dr, J,
11 :Field requested 'his teachers to
write him in regard to any new edu-
cational ideas they sate on their visit
to other schools.
The president in a capable manner
gave a Site address on "The Import-
ance of Education." He emphasized
character building and not just learn-
ing the ordinary subjects: 'human de-
velopment was essential, There should
be equal opportunities for all. Iu
rural areas this could be ;best ad-
vanced by Consolidated' techoals, 'There
should be 'a balanced education, phy-
sical. nnen'tal and moral, In his final
remarks, he said: "If we want world
peace we must teach .children to re-
spect and I honor one another,"
Mr. ,E, C. !Beacom introduced Prof,
G. 7. Cornish of the 'Ontario College
of !Education, who gave the teachers
a very instructive address on the
teaching of geography. Throughout
his discourse there was notch humor,
hot at the same time he pointed out
some ways of defective ;leaching f»
geography and other sulb'jecis, ,He
thought 'there was too mulch logic
in these lessons and not enough in-
terest to arouse children to think and
,met new ideas. He believed in teach-
ing by topics and by so doing could
bring in :the !less interesting', .but these
must be carefully arranged,
Mr, :Mervin Stephens gave a de-
monstration lesson on "Picture lStudy"
which was well clone ,anei interesting
t0 all. ;He had a class of eight girls
vont the second book who ans t'eeed
his questions well.
this time 'Miss 'Margaret Pent-
land rendered two solos in ,fine style,
A detailed outline in the summer
course on "New Methods in Health
Teaching" was 'given 'by Miss '11. E.
,Ellis. Suggestions were given on
diet, cleanliness, how- to handle cer-
tain kinds of ohilIdren, and finally the
(hest ways to create good .hearth hab-
its. ;Posters were exhibited to ,show
how- children reproduced the though
of the lesson by drawings. .In health
000rk the idea was to create a spirit
in the :child that would stake bin, hap-
py and interested in being wealthy,
Afternoon Session
Che afternoon session was opened
by the president of 'East Huron, In
lois adciress he referred to the wonder-
ful influence of the teacher. 'Though
his ruv,arks were few they were very
much to the point.
'M-, A. R. Dodds gave an interest-
ing report of the ,meeting eel the On-
tario Education Association held at
Toronto at Raster. •
iii a pleasing manner Miss V. Fra-
ser talked for a .few minutes on eivg-
ing. She advised the tonic, sof, fat,
because you could get pitch and en-
courage the monotone. In tone po-
duction it was necessary to get a
clear, sweet voice. The three songs
iwhich were then sung unaccompanied
by fourteen of the Clinton public
school children tender the guidance of
Miss Fraser were enrich appreciated,
"1• hey certainly did credit to themsel-
ves and to their instructor,
1'rof,.0 M1, Cornish continued from
his morning. address by citing meth-
ods of teaching a lesson, First, 'elk-
latfnn method," not Of much value
Second, "hook method" - require-..
-t me thought—it little better than
first, Third, "question and answer
method:" this develops some work on
the child, hut the teacher does too
much. Fourth.andbest, "problem me-
thod," which will interest the cltild-
rett and get them to think for them -
elves. dle gave a list of material suit-
able in teaching geography, He said
it was easy- to get 'but must be of in-
terest. In conclusion, he thought war
provision made in our Normal
Schools for additional training in the
work of rtveal schools,
?. IBe ft resolved;` that titre be
more question- of the objective type
which ban ,be answered in shorter
time ,hut serving the same testing pur-
pose: as the longer essay types,
':After the inspectors' remarks with
regard to the new register and attend-
ance reports, etc„ once again a suc-
cessful convention was brought to a
close by the singing of the National
'Stonehouse, Sec's", W. Huron
—Geo, Jefferson, Secy, East Huron
The Busy B ces 11ission.Circ le met
Saturday afternoon, Septetnher 3Pth et
the home of Mise Margaret Elgie with
Airs, Henderson presiding Miss Ruth
i\\-atson took the topic and Ihiee
Gladys 1Ic'Lean read the devotional
`leaflet. Mise jean Bell led in prayer.
Miss Margaret Elgie was elected as
the new president. The plans for do-
ing some sewing and other projects.
were discussed and planned' for. The
meeting closed with a fine social
The 11':1I:S, of St. Andrew's United.
Church were incited ,t0 meet with the
!Brucefiield W.M.S. on Wednesday af-
ternoon, October 110th.
The Young People of St, 'Andrew',
will meet on Sunday evening at 7.30
Pen, This is the first fall meeting and
it is hoped a number will plan to be
The Gauld Mission Band will meet
in the school room on .Saturday after-
noon at the usual hour. All members
are urged to be present and to be.
there 011 time.
,\ carload of relief articles and a --
den produce anei clothing is to he
in Hensail on October 1:6 and 47 and
will be sent to the .stricken and dried
out areas in the Western province;,
The need is greater than other years
and anything that can be used as food
or clothing will he greatly appreciated,
The October meeting, of the W.M.S.
was held at the home of Mrs, John
Cochraane nn \Wednesday the 4th inst.
with an attendance of seventeen, Air;,
Cooper presided and led in prayer in
the devotional period. Mrs. T. Work-
man read Psalm 43and an article,
"Circle Itiendship was read by. Mrs,
Chandler, It was uggested that each
member make a quilt block $o that
(milts may be sent in the relief :hales
to be shipped next Tuesday or Wed-
nesday. esday Mrs. J. B. 'McLean led in
prayer. A resume of tete first tw)
chapters of the study hook "Builders
of the Indian Church." was given _,y
Mrs, (aper, Mfrs. Bell, Mrs, Sinclai-,
Mrs, Iot.y-tlt, Mrs. H. MlcMurtrie and
the Misees Jean Bell and Marguerite
MIoDonald, India has one and a hal
ntilliott square miles of territory arta
'three hundred and fifty- millions of
people, The Christian.' Church has
would cease when nations understood gained a foothold in nearly every cor-
one another. Therefore it was the duty ner of India, and about 1100,000 Chris -
of the teachers to train girls and boys trans are added to it annually, as au-
to have a sympathetic understanding erage of One every Tice minutes. .t
of children of outer lands. great church in South India bearines
lir. E. C. Beacom moved a hearty elle name of Thomas Christians claim;
vote of thanks to ,Prof, 'G. M, Cornish the apostle Thomas as its founder.
tot hie inspiring addresses, Tradition says that Thomas was ell: -
Miss ''N, Coutts gave a paper on sen by lot to evangelise India. He wes
omental arithmetic. She :demonstrated unwilling, but was later sold as a
the value of this ,subject in a very slave to the King nt India. 11:11 the d5t:r
pleasing manner. In .her remarks century- whim the Portugece reached
many suggestions were offered as to ,India they found a Christian people
how this work night be handled in one hundred thousand, strong. respect -
school so that it might' be of valve in ed by the heathen population around
after life. 'them. The Ret-. II. Taylor of Thames
Election of Officers Road will be the special speaker fir
`The election of officers in West our thank offffering service on Nev-
Hurunsection resulted as follows: enther 4th. 'The N'owemlb.er mee tiit
President—Mr. Gordon Kidd, Dun- will be the annual :birthday party. It
gaamatt• will be held in the church. The pro -
Vice -president --Miss 1, Kirk, Bay gramme will be given by the Busy
field. bees Mission Cirole,
iS'ecretary-treasurer—i1Tr. R. Stone Mrs. Dougal, also -hiss Cassie and
house, Goclerich. \frs. 'lIengoh of Hensall and .firs.
'Councillors Miss C jewel', Goder- Willis and Iliss Violet of Marlette,
ich Miss Margaret IPatricic. 'Clinton: Mich.. spent the tea hour recently
Mr, Arthur ,Brawn, Dungannon. 'with Mrs. 1.. J. Doig and Mies Janet.
!Librarian -11r, J. E. (Smith. Goder- '.lir. John A. 'Doig, barrister of De-
elt• troit was the week -end guest of his
!Resolutions committee — Miss 11. another and sister,
Horton, 'Exeter; MissMI. Route :Ex- — —
cter; Mir. rS :Beat(ie Zurich; :Miss 0'- $RUCEFIELD,
'Brien, Zurich; Miss O. Anderson, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
Luclenon•; Mfr. IT. Creech, .Exeter; lir. Per will be observed next Sunday,
E. C. Beacom, ;God•erfc'h, :Oct. 14th at the morning service, pre-
'Auditors—'lir, D. Anderson, Gode- paralory service on irriday, Oct, lith
rich; lir. S. 1i..13rown IGoderich. al '8 P,nm,
(Delegate to 0. EA. Miss. I Kirk, 'Th'anksgiving visitors: Mr. and Mrs.liaynfield Carman Haugh •end 'Mrs and .firs-
!Officers of East Huron section: John Mell:most of Toronto, Mrs. An -
!President --Mr, 13. Gray, Blyth. vier M clDonald, of .Dund'as., Mr. and
I\'ice;-president -- ,Miss II -h Anent,Mlrs. Schilbfe of Zurich, MIr. and firs,
Seaforth. .Roy Mason of London visited friends
Secretary-treasurer--'1,'lr, Geo. /de in the village and community over the
tet on, Clinton, week end.
'Librarian--1Dr, 3.3.1, Field, IGoderich
Managing committee — Stall of Killed Herself Rather than
1t th school and Mies, \V4nnured sites, Show Her Face
'Relating how a mystery ,millionair-
es; hid for forty years behind int -
penetrable veils even av'h•ile sleeping
and even staged her suicide so no one
could see her until she was .dead. Rea.-!
the article in The American Weekly
with Sunday's Detroit Times.
A safe and stere medicine for a child
troubled with go!,,s is l'fother 'Gra-
\Worm'es' crm Exterminator,
'Bel rave; Miss If, tingles, Beigrave;
M[r., .Pauline Robinson,
Auditors — Miss Curter, 'Clinton",
Miss V. !Fraser, Clinton,
'Delegate to0, E. A.—Mr. P. 110f -
fate Seaforth,
'she hollowing resolution were• aC1.-
opted and carried:
1. Be it resolved, that there be