HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-11, Page 4' PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON. St. George's Ladies' Guild are holding a bazaar on Friday, Novem- ber 2nd. 'A[r, and Mrs. Ritchie Drager and son Charles of Galt spent the week end with Itis mother, Mrs. 'C Drager. Ahs. Jas. 1Iu'nnphries oi \Valker- viile-spent the week end with her brothers-in-law, Veber.. \V rat. .Hum- phries and F. Shannon. Mr, Ken Rutledge of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, lir. and Mrs. F. Rutledge, Mfr. Robertson Hamilton of Lon- don t'nivet nv spent the holiday with parents, 1l r. .uitl Mr,, Joseph Hant- IltO1L -. Sorry' to state ler. Sam Forbes has been removed to Seaforllt hospital on Monday night with a serious attack of gall stones. Word has been received ,from St, 'Catharines of the serious sickness oi Mr, \Wino Sholdice of the '!kith Grey, who went to visit his sou, Wallis. He was taken ill with kidney trouble and was very loin at last reports, HIBBERT. The .h6nte of Air. and Mrs. Aria -eel Doyle, Hibbert, was the scene of a gathering of their friends and neigh- bors an Thur_day evening, Sept. 27, to honor them prior to their rentoral to their new home in Dublin, During the course of the evening Mr, Aug- uste Duchartue read an address of farewell to Mr, and Mrs. Doyle after which lir. James Otlieilly presented theta with a 'generous purse. Mr. Doyle made a fitting reply. Speeches were also given -by Rev, Father Dan.t- zer and Rev_ Fr. Powell also by Mr, -Thomas homas Murphy, .which were Hutch appreciated. The remainder of the ev- ening was spent in games and danc- ing. At a suitable hour lunch was served, after which the guests depart- ed.wishing; Mr. and Mrs. Doyle a long and happy life in their new home. The al -dress. was as fe.11ow..: "We, your -friends and neighbors have assembled Pere this-erening to bid you an aff- ectionate farewell. You have been to. ns everything a good friend and nei- ghbor could be, kind, considerate and always ready and anxikus to lend a helping hand to those in need, It is whit deep regret ire contemplate your departure from our tnidst and we sincerely hope you will find the ,Mace. comfort and happiness you so richly deserve in your new hotue, \Ve ask you t:' accept this small gift as a tangible expression of our •apprecia- ai,,n of your value, as a friend and t'r.:>hhoranrl also our sincere wish for your health. italipittess and e'+ntent- ntent in your new home. Signed on behalf of your friend and neighbors, John Dalton, Albert Melady..\uguste Uttehartne, James O'Reilly, ,Joseph Atkinson, Jos. Coyne,'Frank C : yne." M, Ilihhert Conucil met in regular session at Staffa township hall on Monday, Deto'ber 8, all nnontiters pie- •ent, the Reeve in the chair. The min - tees of. the previous meeting were read and on motion of Robt. Burchill and -t roe \'matt adopted as read. ,Foll..wing a notice from Frani:• Mc- Connell anti Thos. Williams, .Tuck er.ntitb, to hate the John 'McConnell •Award cleaned out, a resolution w'as grassed authorizing the road superin- tendent and Cttncildur Allan to look into the requirements of the- drain. representative front lit. Pleasant :plowing .Association was present sol- iciting the usual grant, The sunt oi t25 was allowed. The elerk read a • letter from Mr. David Crnfl, Minister of Welfare, with aerompanyittg in- .:ruction-, regarding relief, .A resolu- tion was passed instructing the Clerk c ,sm a nieate with Secretary J. A. Ellis of -the Unemployment Relief to obtain all possible intorntation. Mar- tin Feeney was re -appointers Collector for the roll of 1034 at the same salary as last year. Orders were issued for P. sort Expense ;'f1404, and general ex- pendihtre 529,50. Tihe meeting ad- journed until ,Monday, Nov, 12•th, at 1 p.m, -Mrs, Kathleen I'eeney, Town- ship Clerk, Dublin. Weekly Crop Report Pasture conditions have been won- ' dertu'iy improved since the heavy rain of September, according to re- ports from marry aectirvus of Ontario, and cattle should go into winter quar- ters in good condition as a result. Pali wheat, alfalfa fields and pastures are all showing splendid growth, Tn litany comities the corn crap is the best in many .years and corn tribe, will he well filled. Flald'intanti county ha, experienced some difficulty with rot in potatoes ,Hying to the abun- dance of 'moisture. and.farmers are harvesting the crop with all possible haste, '.From Frnntenac canter the report that farmers are not reducing, their herd's to fhe same extent as last year, thus indicating that the .feed ,problem i; not as critical as a year ago. Send us the names of your visitors Farm Machinery and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. +mceolloe 1 • - ACHIEVEMENT DAY There Was a large and representa- tive nattering at the Huron County - Girls'. \c'hieventent 'Day held in the town hall 'at Sea forth oil Saturday, members being present 'front lIensadl, Kippeu, Zurich, 13a'ueefield; 'D'ublin. 'Blyth, Port Albert, Goderich, .Dun- gannon, Clinton, Exeter, Auburn, and !Seaford', Miss Margaret ,Durnfn of !Dungannon, -the president, presided during the morning session which op- ened with the registration of delegates and the p'la'cing of exhibits, •.\iter the singing of "0 Canada." \liss Gertrude Webster,. president of the Scniorth . junior Innstittt'te, gave the address of. welcome, to which Miss Helen Anderson of Dungannon 'made a fitting •reply. Miss Durnin ex- pres•sed the gratification of the com- mittee and girl: that .\ chievetnettt Day, the first ever attempted in Ilur- on Comity, had been realized and the juniors could have a special dap - to display their work. .Misses Eileen ':Treleaven and Eve- lyn Culbert of Dungannon; gave a flower • arrangement demonstration, nith suggestions as to the care and arranging of flowers. Dr, :A, Russ of Macdonald flail,- Guelph, .in a- brief address to'igratudated the officers of the 'Institute on having snccessfttlly introduced the .''chievenrent -Daiy in Huron County. She spoke of the art - vantages young people possess in their homes here. The properties of milk and 11 uses were shown by hisses ,lean Futheringham, Sea:forth, and Kathleen Strang of Exeter. The program- was interspersed with com- munity singing' from the song sheets. -The hall was filled at the afternoon Meeting with- Miss F. P. Bailie in the ehtt r Miss It. Chapman, who was guest .pcaker, gave a most en'joya'ble tel interesting talk; taking for her snbjeet, "\\'htat.ean reading • do for us , I'o real for entertainment and en- joyment." site said, "1,1 not enough, the great purpose of reading is to shake ns out of our complacency. The test o.1 our reading is how it affects our living," hiss brace 1 elinas, of Zurich, fai•- Ored with a solo, '\Villic (las Anoth- er Girl Now." the accompaniment of v'-hieb she played on a guitar, She re- u<led to an encore with an amus- ing recitation entitled "Settling. the Es fa te." ll t:. es 1/nth Straughan and Elean- or Wilson, of Auburn, gave a demon- stration an gnod, ,grooming; for to be well ,¢roamed is more important to lie feminine mind than predestine- ,ion or the tariff. A humorous de- not,stration "Dinner Is Served," was pttt ou by the Seaford' Junior 1nsti- tnte. It was decided to have an Achieve- ment Day next year, the place of meeting to be chosen by the execut- ive. The officers elected were: 1'resid- rnt, hiss Margaret 'Dnrnin, Dun- gannon; rice -president, Miss 'Gertrude '\Veb.ter, Seaforth; secretary-treastur- er, Miss Irene l[ousseau, Miss Du.rnin then gave the closing address on Huron Con nty looking ahead, She remarked- that the junior institute work in 'Huron County is really in its infancy - but there are splendid prospects ahead. The exhibits were - splendid, The prize a'•iatters were, clothing -senior •Violet Tyndall, Winnie Krttse; junior girls, 2lr.. E. Puclner, Jean Gemmell, Florence .\l'ititntore,- Ai`arion Wallace. !Quilt,- tulip pattern, Mfrs. C. Eyre; second, rising suit, Miss Elean- or Wilson; third, a flower garden, Dora - Dalrymple. ,Sweaters, Ferite Welsh, Eileen Treleaven, Kathleen Strang. '\[itis ,iritic lfoore, Mrs. !Edith Pudgier. !Socks -hiss • Margaret Duruiat, 2 -hiss Ila h[,dzc, Mrs, Edith. "Pudner, Mother craft serap boot: - lliss Gertrude Webster; hiss V''Vittni- frerl Kruse, l[iss Eileen `Lt•elcaven, Miss Ila Maize. Rug• -_Miss Violet Tyndall, Miss Dora Dalry*ntple, Mrs, Keith Webster; Canned asparagus- lll iEleanor \''i1 it, Canned hears-- \!! s Tie 'Maize, 'Canned oet -Miss- Jeite Fotheringhanl, Mrs, =E. B. Goti- die. Canned beets -\.i , 'Eleanor VViI- snn, Miss Ethel Jackson, \drs. Gon- cite Canned corn -Miss Ethel jade - sem Miss Gertrude Webster,. Miss Hilda Finnigan, Canned tomatoes - M! s T•hclma •E.igie, Miss .Ethel J'acic _arimmmeat -Miss Violet Tindall, lit. Margaret Dita'nut. Living roost -Miss Jean Fo- therin hint, lir, C, Eyre, Miss Ger trade Webster. The Seaforth Junior Institute wort the silver cup donated by 2f4',. Wilfred \Vh;yte, nee hiss Margaret '_l•Lc.\Lillan: STAFFA, Mrs. J. M. Gray has returned from a delightful cruise to Berntttd'a, Mr Arnold B'arlbour of London was a holiday 'visitor with his parents, .Mrs. M. Fawcett, -Mfrs, 5, Vivian and \Vilna of 'Mitchell spent 'the week - with Mr, and Mrs, j. M. \V'or- 8cia , We are sorry to report that Master jimmy .Norris is under the doctor's came, Mr. and Mfrs, H. Halliday and dau- ghter, Toronto, were visitors over the. week end Ai ith their daughter, Mrs. 10. Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. C, O'Brien and chil- dren of Toronto. visited with the for- mer's parents, Dr, R. Yeo, Winnipeg, Mrs W. Brown and family, 'Toronto; Mrs, \V, -)rake and children, Stratford, were guests for the week end at tide home f lir, R. Barbour, Miss P. Treffry and Mrs. 'C. :At - v, elf, London, were .Monday visitors with their aunt, Miss J. Tret£ry, Mr, and .Mfrs. R, Livingston, Ham- ilton, spent the week end at J. Liv- ingston's, Mr, J, .', Sadler was a Thanksgiv- ing visitor in Detroit, CONSTANCE The Constance United Church will hold their anniversary services on Sunday, Oct, 211, The minister in charge of the services is a former pas- tor. Rev, Roy Osborne, of Charing Cross, Morning service at 111 and ev- ening at 7.30, :A thankoffering will be taken, The choir will render special ntuvc, All are cordially invited, The Young People of 1)itff's will present their play, ".\,;l on. Account of l'tslly," under the auspices ,.f the Live Wire Class of Constance Sunday School on Monday, ,Oct, 22nd. Look for further announcement, Mrs, Robert 'Lawson w•ettt to Cha- tham Saturday and spent a few days with her daughter, \1:r. and Mrs. Jack •Bnsby. Muss Jessie Ferguson attended the teachers' convention at Goderich and .tient the week -end with her parents, at Clifford, Mr. Louis Hamburger spent the Thanksgiving Day with his aunt in Kitchener, The \lumen'. \ soeiatiot stet for quilting in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday and held a short meeting. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. Hugill, presid- tng. A item singing and prayer, min- utes of last meeting were adopted as read and business discussed, l.Trs. Hugh Campbell gave a very fine reading old "The Web of Life." Mrs. A. Dale gave a splendid temperance reading 21cetiag closed with one and Mr. Ned Avery from St, Thomas verse of hymn "Blest tP,e the '.fir," at M1 . Wes T•Iorne's. 'Ma. Angus Me - and .prayer by lies, Wm. Carter, Pherson of Stratford, with friends Lunch was server!. The caste of Aunt Susan, Visit ,met at the Sunday school roost on Afon- ,'ay evening and presented Mrs. David 21llla it (Aunt Susan") with an end table. M s. Millsot thanked the class in a few well chosen words. Those visiting friends for Thanks- giving. Mrs, Arthur Bromley and Miss 'filler of Toronto at the home of the 'fornier's parents, Mr. and Mrs, James (Dale; Miss iDonelda :''dams, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Adams: Air, ait<1 Mrs, Dav- id Dewar, Toronto with Arr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheatley: Arr. and Mrs. ('red ,Elliott, Toronto, with ler, and Mrs. Jack Ferguson; 2JTr, James Amust t'ong, Toronto. with 'his par- ents, Mr, :turd Mrs. :Matt, /Armstrong; Mr, and Mrs. D. A'[illson returned .from their honeymoon to Detroit on 'Saturday, 'Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ferguson spent un clay with mr, and Mrs,' James Ferguson. Goderich Mrs. Leslie Oliver and Misses Joyce and Mavis, Walton, were guests of 2!r. and 1Tt's, Hugh Dunlop over the week end. BORN. Litt:c,-At Union, Ont, Oct. 1', 19.34, to 2fr. and Mrs. W. H. Little (sec cera, Miss Eleanor \Vil;oit, Lillian Clark), of Brantford, a sou room ta'''lc-MMiss Jean, MadDonal'd, iUlames Roy), ST. COLU'MBAN. ,The many friends of Miss Mary Miles gathered at Iter home on Mon- day eventing to celebrate the oce'asion' of her birthday. The evening was spent in dancing and community singing. Mrs. Peter Ot5ulliv mt has returned home after a weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs, Q, Moylan of Kitchen-. er, 'We are glad to report that .Mr. Nor- man -McQuaid is recovering after his recent operation. 'Miss Helena Flannery visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, P. Flann- ery over the week end, Alis3 'Lenore Rustin has secured a position int 'Seaforth, Mr, Edward _MclGratlt spent Thank- sgiving hank-sgiving with his .brother, Louis, of McKillop, .\ large number !o:r friend's gathered at the hone of Mr. and. Mrs, Michaei Williams on Tuesday night and pre• seated them with some useful pres- encs, Miss (Cay Lane spent Sunday with Miss Mary I -tart. Clarence and Ilubert O'Reilly spent last Sunday with relations its St. Col- u ntbau. Miss Lucy Bttrlee of London spent the holiday with her parents, '[any of our young Wren are leaving ,for the north this week, Miss Rose Krausleopf has returned home after visiting friends across the border, Miss Florence 'OlSuilivan has eb- tained a position its London. Miss Alice Flannery is visiting with friends in Detroit, A[r, Edward Bart visited with his mother, Mrs. L, Hart, on Sunday. There is a bumper crop of potatoes this week, Air;. Tom Christopher and children have returned to London after visit- ing Iter parents, lir, and Mrs, M. Downey, Mr. and llrs.'Toni Williams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flan- nery. Miss Agnes McGrath spent.. the weelc end at her home here, Wedding bells are ringing in the 'vi- ciui y. Miss Lucy Burke spent the week end with her parents, lir. and Mrs, 'Wm. 133 tt rl:e. Tho euchre and social held in the parish ahll Wednesday evening las* week was well attended. Mks Margaret .Flannery went to London last week where she has se- cured a Position, We are glad to see :Urs. .'Martin Purcell oat after her recent illness. MA. Lewis Williams returned to Pittsburg after visiting friends here, :Miss Helena Flannery of T inw•ood spent the holiday at her hottte here.' Charles Malone of Windsor was home over Sunday-. The many friends of Norman Mc- Quaid will be glad to learn that he is home from Seaford' Hospital after his operation. Mrs, Ferry Flannery and Miss Tes- sie T y nch are in Belle River this week at the C:R'.L, convention, Mir, and Mrs, Harry- Krauskopf and .\Ir, 2IdDottadd of Detroit spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, John Krauskopf, Rose 'Krausl.opi carte home from Detroit with them. lfr. and Mrs, V, J, McMahon of Detroit were home aver the \reel: end ELIMVILLE. Thaulesgivin; and avec* end visitors in our community were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott and daughter from Thecbford, Miss Florence 'Bell from 'Lucas at Afr. 7', Bell's and Mr, C. Stephens': Air, and Mrs. Halverson here; Mr, and Mrs.. Harry Murch of London, with Mr. T. -March; Mrs Mdlwett ..and the Ml sses 'hazel and Mabel; also Mr. Frank. Mc- Ewen of Toronto. with 2[r, and Mrs.. Roland Williams; Hiss Joy •, thitlack of St. Thomas With relatives, Mr, :and Mrs. Long, two •sons and daughter, of Milverton, Miss Catherine Peters with -Rev. and Mrs. Peters; llm, 1Valter Jahns, BA., fermi Waterloo, at his. homes Mrs. Jennie Jackson, of Tor- onto, with relatives. Our anniversary services will be held on Oct, 24! t at 11030 nest. and 7 p{m. Rev, Robert .Fick, twill be the speaker, .Special music by the choir. KIPPEN. lir. and ,Mfrs, Witt. Butt of Se -earth are visiting their sons, Thos, and 1 cl- ay, having just returned from a two wecles visit in Flint with _Mr, john ,Butt.. :\ reception for Mr. and- ldrs, .Boycs was given in Watson's hall Tuesday. All report a good time. ISympwtllty i; expressed here for Mrs, Dante, Berry of Brucefield in the sad and tragic death of Iter only son, ,V int..Berry, on Sund'ayet•eni'ing.- T11tc euchre club met Monday 'even- ing at Mr. and Mrs. J. Workman's ',With • the usual ,gourd time, the prizes going to Mrs. !Henderson and Mr THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1934 Dlei'tz, firsts, and consolations ,to tl1'ns, T. Wottlentan attd Mr. T. Workman iAlrs. Eldon Kerr of Winthrop is visiting her parent's tihis week, Mr. and Mrs,. J. \Vronlnman, Mr. and Mrs, 'E, .\I'ousseatt have ti'ow gotten nicely settled in their ,lovely apartments, We welcome such citizens as :lt[r, and ,Airs. Mous'seau to out village, The 'W.141S, ladies are this week guests of the Bru•cofiecl ladies. Mr. r. and Mrs. H u mtpilt ey Dayotttan of the We's't are home for an extended visit to his brothers, James and Jos- eph. It is allways nice to see our old time friends again. ' Mrs, and Miss Willis of Marlette, Mich., were calling on .lir. tindersou and' Mrs, Workman of the village during the week. Mr, and Mrs, Freu'ch and Mr: 3. '1arratt had a rather hasty experience (Sunday wihile visiting a sick relative in Woodstock, also visiting Rev, Con- nor who is ill in the Woodstock hos- pital. A hos-pital.A car coming off a side street side-swiped -lir, Jarrott's car, damag- ing the car quite 'badly but the occu- pants of the car, white shaken ftp ttad a few bruises, escaped injury: Friends of Mr. Connor will be glad -to learn, he is recovering nicely from an opera- tion 'for appendicitis, STANLEY. Mr, and Aims, Ralph 'Stephenson and Alt+. and ,2'Irs, Webster Turner returned home last wee!: from tt mo- tor trip to ,'Pilot 'Mound, 2lan., where they visited the former's daughters, Mrs, 0, lJIo'httston and Mrs. RV, Cockerline and sister, Mrs, Alice Armstrong and other friends. _\Miss Margaret !Robinson is spe in, a week or two with friends Flint, Mich, I1 he Misses Roxy and Aclelen :Palm- er of Hamilton spent the week -end with Al'r. and Mrs. Will Reid of Varna and also assisted with the mu- sic at the anniversary services !Sunday. 'Mr, and Mrs. Simile and family f tabs visited at Mn, and Mrs, W. Stephettsott's on 'Sunday. hiss Irene'Scotchuier of Londot spent the week -end at her Inane of the Bronson line, REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING STINGARU Starring RICHARD DIX & IRENE DUNNE Comedy, , , Cartoon Mon. Tues. Wed.,'Oct. 15-16-17 GEORGE ARLISS -in- The Hons c f Rothschild The greatest picture of the year News Reel'Comedy Thurs. Fri. Sat., Oct, 18-19-20 WILL ROGERS -in- "HANDY ANDY" WILL SCORES AGAIN Comedy Cartoon Mrs. Robe .\IntclFarlatte. During the •business period it was decided to hold the autumn,±ban{offering' at the re- gurlar November meeting. Arrange- ments were 'completed for the fowl supper to be held Monday evening, October 1115th, Circle No, 3 took charge of the remainder of the pro- gram' with Mrs. Charles Dolntage as leader, Scripture lesson was read by nd-Miss Margaret Ross, Mrs, Austin at D.olaarttge gave the Messenger prayer'. Followed by a report ol.the Presby- terial held its Egmondville by Mrs. Blanchard. Meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's prayer in uni- son, on ':\nniversary services on Sunday, Rev, Div Atortinitore of :Auburn will of be the ;west speaker. Fowl supper on '12: l{antl'ay ni;,h1, Mr, and \Ir,.'1Vil.l Srot'claner visit ed friends in Goderich of .Sunday last More Large Potatoes. ---lit, Heroic Penhttle grew a rather large crop 'o, potatoes this year from one bag 0 seed planted, Ile got 36 bags. Tiles are Dooley potatoes anti are nearly al large. 0 -Ie also has two Green .Noun tain :potatoes which weigh 2 pound and 6 ounces each. Mr. and Mrs. R, ,Ulan of Brucefield accompanied by I[ts. McDonald o 'Dundas, spent IS,ttntlay evening with Mr. 11114 Mrs, J. A. Gamic, M r, and Mrs. Wm. Douglas !Hyde .Park and Mr. and Mrs. J, Douglas of Galt were guest's at the Moate of R, 'N. Douglas of Blake on 'S int d'ay. Mr. and ..lira. Gordon Manson and fancily of Mincing spent Thanksgiv- ing holiday with friends on. the Gosh- en and Bron A011 'Lines. Mr. and Mrs. (T, A. Douglas of 'Galt are spending a fortnight with friend's at l3aytlteld, Blake and vicinity, Mr, Jack Stanbury of Exeter spent the week -end with his friend, Mr. Keith \\!estlake of the Blue Water Fligh'tvay. 'Report of No. 114, Stanley for Sep- tember. -Sr. TV.--1Ka,14lien Jones 76, Mary Farquhar 74, Jr IV.-IGco•ge. Clifton 50. Sc. I1PI -✓Erre Switzer 62, 21uriel Cameron 6'b. Jr. .1.11. -Loi:, lRatbwell 76, Jean S'peir 63', Ernie Talbot 515, ,Don Switzer 515, Sid. Zh- \V'rat. Witcomlbe 68, Mildred Jones 64, Kenneth McKenzie 50. Jr, IC -June Murdoch 77, Donny McKenzie 515, Betty Switzer 50 IPr, Ruth Rathwell, No. on roll 16, .average attendance 1'4.73, P. C. Penfold, Teacher, DUBLIN t \lis; Anne Molyneaux spent the week end with her parents here. The following teachers spent their Thanksgiving holiday with friends here: Mlisscs Katherine (Byrne, Helen f Cronin, Teresa Carpenter, Nora Mc- Grath. e Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0)ingenuan and 1 family and Misses Rose and Pat Mc- - Connell :spent the week end with \'fro s and Mrs, Dave MoCannejl. Mr..Fran'k Stapleton was (tome for the holiday from .Toronto University, f Ibm. and MiS, 'Mhos:' b\folyneaux vis- ited friends in Kitchener on .Monday. 2liss Marion Dill arrived home from of Bermuda on Saturday after a most ee..,( A. jovaible trip. 7 Miss Clare 011-Ianley of Parkhill visited with lir, anti Mrs. Thos. O'- Rourke over the week end. Mr, Thos..Btt'tters is wearing a mile, It's .a ,boy, The following teachers attended the convention at S tratfordMisses Teresa 'Carpenter, Rose O'Connor, Ktttltryne :Byrne, .Ann •Rya's; Nora .\•Lc'Grath, Margaret OlRourlee, 'Eliza- beth Carlin, GertrudellcGrath, \Lr. Iliarry Krauskopf and family and lir. ,Ld, MacDonald of Detroit. spent the week -end with the fonnter's parents, .\Ir. and Mrs, John Kraus- kopf. 'Wedding hells are ringing so loud- ly they can he heard from Dublin to the 2nd concession, Hibbert. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Michael Doyle to our village. 'Miss Ilelen Cronin of Brantford spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, fames Cronin, DOil in, !Miss Get tie Stapleton of Toronto Sunday'ed in Dublin, Are 111 Mulligan of Toronto vis- ited friends here last week. Att . WINTHROP. Mr. and Airs, Archie Catmpbell of Toronbo spent the holiday with re- latives Isere. firs. Campbell is spend- ing this week with her father, lir, A. A. Cuthill. .lir. and MMts. Wm. Bell of Me - Naught spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. 'Harvey Hulley. Our scohol teacher, Mr. Gordon Rennie, attended fhe teachers' con- vention in GodeFich on Friday, .loft. and :Mrs. Foster Bennett and Mona spent AIiottday with 3'I:r, and Mrs, Geo. Eaton, Mr. and Airs. 'Adapt Dodds of Lis- ta'eel s'petn the week -end with Air. and Mrs. no Campbell, !Anniversary services will 'be held 0 Cavan Church :Sunday, Oct. !pith, A fowl sapper will be served on Mon_ clay evening, Oct. 1151th. 'The Ladies Aicl and W:M,'S. Of Ca- van Church, Winthrop, nn et at the home of Mrs W'm. Dodds on Wed- nesday, Oct. 34•'cl, Mrs. Allan Ross, vice p'resi'den't,p.resid,ed, Meeting op- ened with a hymn followed by prayer, by Mrs. Roes. The ;minutes .of the pre- vious meeting and the roll cn1l were read by Me secretary, The .Christian Stetiardsltip eadin_g was given by HULLETT, A nutttlber from here toole in Tees - water ,fair last \VWsdn•esd'ay and re- port a good show .and large crowd. Mr. H. ,Snell was at Dungannon fair last Friday acting as judge of sheep and cattle. Messrs. Geo, and P. Connell and Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Agnew of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the home of 'Wm. Cartel-. •Miss Marion ,Bayley Iva•d the mis- fortune to !break her arm last Satur- day. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. William !Hunter is yisiti'sg her cousin, Mrs. B. Riley of 'Hutlett. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES R CES.. CAVEN CHURCH, WINTHROP SUNDAY, DAY,. OCT. 14 . 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. -Dr. W. J. Mortimore, B.A.,B.D., of Auburn, t=owi Supper MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 15 Lambeth Double Quartette. Admis- sion 50c and 25e.