HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
'Council Meeting. — The regular
meeting Of the village council was
held tau ,1n1 Ia9 evening at 8 p.nt in
•the 'council chafnber, • wi li :1 the.
en.embers present Mioutes of the pre-
vious meeting read. Petty •R binson.
that the mi,tt-nee be adnl,ted as read,
F. •G. l onthron: lax collector, report-
- ed haviner received $690 taxes, else
report ed re S. ,Swan and road oil. Jr.M
Petty rep'rt,d re the ttork the
water k is beim.: 'in ped Coats
n1nticati a from Dudley H antes re
ju .es and seleeti.ms have been made.
Bill- entered !said;Hen-a.'. Tl- t•1
lyes); J. l', ait,'1f r:1, cutting ':'ends,
31,45; \V. 1. 1,,ne e'ectin, itrror-
*1.5'}: C. •S. Iludsoe, S.1.50; 3.:A.
Petereon. ager., S5.4k on thrnr eC
Det -d Ilesupplies e ater tallk $16.21';
Cae. P. •R. hoc e 1, e, eV. Iota:—
$73.86, Petty -Robinson, that the Clerk
e rite Walter -F tirhurn and also Har-
v'y Meleiren re the damn• e done t
;.:pe at the water. tank,• W. Goodwin
neared re the taxes on the leaf
Yerug propenee asking for a reduc-
f.-..t r Ile. but truing • ttna",le t�
assthis Year. ---.3• .\. I'at r ,n, Clerk.
:Inn1 Mrs. Erneet Shaddick
lave returned from their honeym oe
trip, ;end arc mot ,t 't me -•c , their
-friends -at their ovine, North th Rieh-
t lid street.
Mr. and Mr,. Thos. l „leinan
' eafertlt are visiting. with fries: is iu
1.. en. • -
• The 'Bret Janet for this season was
r•,t Y'n by the •1 i c ve : on Friday ev-
,.:tin_ la,t and was fair:y well attended
Mr, V l atter be c, L ,ndun ha-
letrebased the grocery cery business of J.
e\ Orwe n :end ltas taktu pe. -es u,
.r. and Mrs. l tttetsby ani two sons
I',,;e arrived am! are residing over the
•, re•
Last S 1.1 l.ty me ittine there were
a -1y Day ' ivier- at both the United
C':'l • a and Carmel Presbyterian
C utrch. Special musie ',gas rendered
ehi?dren'- eta;i•s and the service.
'aroug nut were very appropriate tor
to oceaeion. Tee evening. :env4e :n
L sheet Gime:e svgs :citli.lrttu
:1 1.ef •-e eneiversary -erviee :d
C .. -e ,te the e ee 1 n._ se vier
t ., t:e', C?n' ; t, hc';. Mr. 17...lee-,
east, - ` tee: -n. t'ic
'Neerer \lt'... i t• Thee.'
ren t .-'by Meese-. \V.
ta- Ilenegeoth. 'e 1
1r. -1:11:11t,111
\L ; ,V..\. elci.,,.c.i ego; Mrs.
1,1iI .1 .111114 nes«''. ,t
1 1.11C
\ire 1. elele ee
,.n : ., ni time -' 1
111,:111 • 11111
e. ,'t ,.tin et e , .
i, St:., .,Ih:1 n
1, eel '1:' -. _Seg.
] !
of , ,
i -os, Heel t ..sett, a _,t.,.:
r, \\'P', •i 1}.._ -: ;,.e, ;leek C. ele tt.
•s .erect
Mrs, Jghe Itci' L ills .
se,:g1 ee- t -t sift: eel', tele-
t \!^ l" Kyle etten.lee
\I.. I\: e t,', tee
Me 1'1:,•.11. •
11:e --dertbe
best cr 'es le years
; et l S•effe ea,
Do Your Ilold Victory Blonds'
Maturing November 1st, 1934?
The new 1934 Dominion of Canada Refunding Loan offers an
excellent opportunity for the investment of funds. It also
provides holders of Victory Bonds due November 1st, 1934 with
an opportunity to continue their investment in the strongest
security in Canada.
Denominations: $100, $500 and $1,000.
Convert Your Victory Bond's Now
38 King Street 1T'est
Telephone: ELgin 4391
Write to us now for full particulars.
Wood, Gundy & Company
visiting here for 'several- weeks with
her mother, Mrs. John Diusdaie and
sister, Mrs, Fred Simmons, also other
relatates and friends lett last week for
her home in Santa Barbara, Cal, -
Mr, andllrs. Lester 'Fischer of
\\'indtor visited over the week end
with Mr. Fishers parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John Fisher,
'Sunday School_ rally to high was held.
in the United Chureh on Friday- ev-
ening was a splendid hsuccess, the base-
ment and tables being .beautifully -de-
corated for the occasion. The rally
took the form of a baatquet.:\ pleas-
ing feature was the seating of each
ea together and each talking some
par: in the program. The pa t!r, Rev.
Arthur Sinclair, ,cte l as t,asttnastet.
The following- tc.nets -and program
,were given: toastmaster's remarks.
elr. Sinclair: to the etinister, Bob
I'aan1.,re: responded by :11r. 'Sinclair:
t•. the Superintendent. by Mise Ellis;
reepem.le 1 by elr. )'file: to the evert-
eerie-, by Margaret Ilahkirk; respan-
11, 1 '!y L ,rite 1.1 der: t'• the parents,
'rr 1,111 1 ilschie; responded by Mrs.
McQueen; ,., the teachers and classes,
rt p pie 1 ' the Jae e
a Lb-
Hese' . lt�an Jv
hist- 1 . S,.nc," el.es lasemore's
t.: "Je-•i- L, ir- \le"; \lis. -.elur-
'l,�:`k', clan-. ,e•i-ding byt Jessie Pais-
; errs, .A nes efe De t,alrl's clam
"Ilan a Little C'h':'d like -lie",
Mr.C,:rt' ce Smillic's class, reading
'oy I1. ev ern.1 L.;ve; .\1 >- Lamenie'
sang. Rally Mina, ,'tn:r,e.-cd by
eliss !,:tat vie; tir. lt_rper', class
sang. "1 .\.e: 5 ' G.;,•.1. Miss S.tnillie's
egeling et. D .r n McQueen:
\lis. elergaret J..linstee's,.lass, read-
ing. .\1(x, F., •'tic: el. . l:i: cies
nee li.eg 113' R:u Patterson; \iia
l i t dee: hy Key Debi)
\1.., .e S,. -g -ter, Miss Elite
ty Lorne Elder: young
n•en'e ca--, wi,,li-eltoeion by Scott
\Vr'-'t: A‘Init Bibb class, Mr, Row-
•fte ,as; by \lies. Pearl Elder, to
the King; God Saves the King.
vegetables, Mrs, N. L. Carter.
J. W. yLerner, ,Zuridh, -for bes't
general purpose mare and foal, Herb
T. J, 'Riley, Clinton, -for best single
driving horse driven by boy. -16 or
under, H. Truennter.
,For colt on the 'baiter by 'boys, 1u
or under, N, Keys & Son( Herb Ben-
der and 3rd.
T. Eaton 'Co., Toronto, for best
heifer calf six mtonth and under one
year, Bert Peek,
For +best collection of 'baking, Ed,
Fotsee, elrs, N. L. Carter,
(Continued From Page Seven.)
:in; in c'•tt,.n, \lt-, ,Hoterie, J,
1 t te; there:. thread work. Miss Lit:-
-I -t ,tt, Mrs. Ml, t ali: hemstitching.
Mee. Pile. 11, A. IM--: cut work, I3,
Ne, }::, Fe -ter; t•tpe-try, 1'T. A,
i't:s-. M. Living -es, tero- stitch, Mrs.
Metea:f, Mrs. J. \\•. \lcrncr; Melt
Ir:•r'let, tir-. tii:caif, \l, .Livingston:
-ane,'e» 1 etraieiit big- an 1 darning,
H. e. Fit -s, etre. 11. Plile; darning
-.n. J. (•'leve, 'Herb. Neck.
Home Manufactures
I e le:tread, while embrridered, Mrs.
J. W. Merner: 'bedspread, tufted. -O.
is bilin.
Mre. 1'! -o mb; quilt. applique,
Mr-. Hreerie Ed, Foster; quilt, cot-
:• -n. Peter Haberer, E. F. :Wenner;
eetclie , J. Grieve, Mrs. Max-
well: comforter, fancy, \lrs. Carter:
cuntfortee, geese down, Melvin Web-
-ter, Ed. Footer; crochet afghan in
c•.'eteed •nerd, Mr,. Cunning -ham, R.
Geiser; hearth rug. rags, P. ,Haberer,
E. ,Foster; hearth rug, wool, H. Des-
jardine, Mrs, Plfile; rag mat, braided,
R. Geiger, 'Mrs. Pfile; labor saving de-
vice home-made, Mrs, Pifile; braided
mat, eilk, 'Mfr.. ,Pfile, Miss ILivingstoit,
'Essay on •Bayfield 'Fair, Pauline
Maxwell, Clara 'Clark; dra'win'g, per-
spective, 'Henry Castle, ,Fred Middle-
ton; drawing, still life, !Ivan Stephen-
-on, Veronica Wilds; bird 'hoose, Mrs.
Allan, James Stirling; taffy, Fred
\IcClytnottt, Fred Middleton; collec-
tion of woods, June (Brandon; .dress
doll, Pauline Maxwell; tinker toy,
Fred Middleton; paper flowers, R.
Geiger; educational pictures, Fred
Middleton; drawing, flowers, 'birds or
fruit, 'Mary Snowden, J. Grieve.
Special coll. roses, Peter Haberer.
Baby boy, under 10
mantis, 'lst
John Charles Middleton, son of Mr,
and Mrs, John Middleton; 2nd, Ken-
neth Roy iScotelemer, son of •Mr, and
Mrs. Roy IScotch'nter.
Baby .girl under 10 months, (list,
Joan Madeline Grigg, daughter of MT,
and Mrs. Bruce Grigg; and, Anna
Elizabeth Porter, daughter of Mr. 'and
Mrs, Elgin 1Pcrt'er.
,Best heavy horse 'on grounds, Mel-
vin Webster, ,N. R eys & :Soli,
IN'. W. Trewarrt'ht •Clinton, special
For best utility :hen, L. nO''iB:Tien, •
'Mrs.. W. O"NeilClinton, for table
1111. 01. 1 MeslI:1. rl
eeebte.•`,? a, i.l, :r tied- r
Hee' w-: h , . .
l - Seed:- .
1 n Hey tesee
ce.. sae 1.1vir- t..
t o itis e 1
\Ire t iii b. nil 1t :, n rt:urn-
3te it m deafer;: hospital on
Mr. Geo. Helmet of Ge lerich and
and Mr S•, tn-icr_ of Exeter
:r calling on frieeds in the ti'a_e
on •etar,;ay,
Mr. and Mrs. Robe Cameron and
Robert, -pent Sunday vi ..Ing
with Varna friends.
Miss Anede Carlile of London v ,t -
td over the 'vicek end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlile.
Mr. and Mr„ Ray Pfaff and child-
ren of Delhi visited over the vt eek
end with relatives in town.
Mrs, 'Rev.) W. A. Young and Dr
Collyer visited in ,London Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 1•Iudsen of
Forest visited over the week end with
Mr. Hudson's parents, :Mr. and Mrs.
Thos, Hudson.
.\Ir. and \Irs. Allen and family of
Seaforth are moving into the Stewart
cottage on South Richmond street.
Mr. ,Allen has entered the employ of
Cook Bros.
Mr. and firs. Donald McKinnon
and family are moving into the home
on King street, lately vacated by E.
K. Hutton,
Miss Marie Scott and \11.s .\rmoiir
of Cromarty visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Hannah Taylor.
Miss ' Mabel Workman of London
spent the Week end at her home here.
elr, Eldred Smith of London vieit-
ed over the week end at his home,
Mr. Ray Laramie is again assisting
atat the C.N.R. station in the place of
Mr. E. Hutton, who has moved to
.Miss Nellie Carmichael of Exeter
is spending a few days at the home
of her aunt lend uncle, Me. and Mrs,
D. Patties.
Mr. and Mrs, Finchamp, Mrs, Josie
Smith and Mr. Reg. Dickey all of To-
ronto visited with Mx. and Mors, Fred
Corbett and family on 'Send'ay. Mrs.
Corbett is the only daattgthter of Mr.
and Mrs. Finch'wmp.
,Mrs. Hannah Traylor left on Tues-
day for Pihi•lunctre, Sleek., where her
business itateres'ts .demand her per-
sonal attention. On her wary out she
will visit in Manitoba,
Mrs, Harold Callas, who has 'b'een
)Fifteen years ago Canada way en-
gaged in floating one of the most su•c
ce. fttl of i,s war loans. National en-
thn-basun was at its highest pitch,
hit -incl. was 'tnuming and money
,vas ple1tift:11. Resuas exceeded the
fondest t hopes, nearly 3011,(I00. citizens
sn'eseeilting for the 1919 Victory Loan
Bowie, True, the income yield of 5t
per cent was- very attractive, but op -
in., n then 1.e u, that people subscrib-
ed .mere from their wholehearted de-
e:re t„ grist national recd:;: tructlon
rather than because of the t,tt:ae tive
rate of interest.
Holders of these 1.90 Victory
Lands, w high will mature November
1st, are now being asked to convert
them ittb_, !gelds 1-f the 1934 Refund-
ing, lean. Tint the nedoeity of hold-
ers f 1919 \':awry Bonds will avail
them -elves of this privilege there can
be n,., doubt, 'rltcy know what ,a safe
and pr' citable investment they have
had and it:1 surely wish to continue
it, Tee record 01 130minion of Canada
Ile,ntle during the pet few yeare • When
iuveeturs have -uffere 1 ,o-- of capital
anti di -tress of mind, tlent'-:nstrates
,e n.lu-ively •that there is nth safer in-
vestment than 1)on ini-.11 of Canada
1,n'-, Seenn tt of principal n para-
mutntt iu my investment. C <usegtt-
ently, whrtt the unassailable security
f Dominion of Canada Pond, .,
cenple l with so desirable an income
yield as is offered by the nets- Bends,
the 're -ponce from those leaving bond-
to convert a veil as applications
front- tiew investors should be *both
prompt and• enthusiastic.
A series of experiments carried
ottt at a government experimental
station has given some interesting re-
mits in regard to ploughing at differ-
ent depths and times.
-On an average, over a period of
nine years, ploughing four inches deep
for a rotation of corn, oats, clover
and 'timothy has given "higher yields
than has ploughing seven. inchos deep,
except in the case of oats, in which
the yields have been practically the
sante. The .shallow ploughing is of
particular advantage to the corn
'In the preparation of sod land for
grain it has been otfound that 1 h -
x a p. Jou
iPite W.M.S. of the United Chu:n'eh
held their rhan'i:offering -meeting in
the school room of the church where
quite a large number assembled. Mfrs.
DeWitt Cosens, Clinton, was present
and gave a very fine talk. She took as
her text, the ,bOIth verse in the 46th
chapter of Psalms, "13e still and know
that I ant God." Miss L,,Young gave
a 'beautiful reading and Miss Hough -
stem, teacher of S.S. No, 5, sang a
pleasing solo and _tIrs, R. Townsend
and Miss D, Little ,contributed a duet.
Each number was fully enjoyed,
Mrs, Cosens' talk was very inspiring
and helpful and w -as listened to with
rapt attention and was appreciated
very nutch.
'Rally Day was obsenred by the
S.S. on Sunday morning, The service
was in the auditorium of the church
which was nicely filled, The choir was
composed of the younger scholars.
There was a beautiful pageant pre-
sented which was very much enj'o -
ed, The pastor, Rev, A. \\'.'Gardiner.
Pave a splendid talk which was quite
true to life and was very interesting
to all.
Death again claimed a resident who
was much esteemed, in the person of
Mrs. 1). Hog'gart, who died on Satur-
day morning, Sept. 20th. Deceased
had been in failing health all sum-
mer, The funeral took place 00 Mon-
day, Oct. let from the 'United
Cliuneir, the Rev. A. W. Gardintt of
Rciating, She had been a resident in
the village for quite a number of
years. Her Husband predeceased her
about 'four years ago. She mothered
quite e large family of step -children,
who will mise her very mulch, She
telae of a kind disposition, always
ready to help those in need and will
he missed in many ways. Interment
took place at tite Clinton cemetery.
The pallbearers were her five step-
son-, Bert, Andrew, William, Charles
and Wesley I-Toggart and Wm. Addie
son, all off Milieu, Four brothers and
fe,nr sisters also survive her, George.
Matthew, Tames and John IItassel-
wond, all of Hellen, and four sitters,
\Itis Miedd, of Trowbridge; Mfrs.
Bean, of Colborne, Mrs. Jame•s Collie
son and Mrs. J. D. Melville of Lon-
Rev. W. T. Neal of Toronto called
on some of his friends on t-\koaday,
having preached atuuversary sermons
at Walton on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCool, Miss
Phyllis McCool and Mr. Wen. 3loon
have returned from spending a week
with friends at Toronto and Grimsby.
ing in July, as soon. as the ,hay is off
and top working- dining the summer
has not only given higher yield's of
oats, .batt also left the land free from
couch grass. The experiment hes
shown that on sandy loam :soil, it does
not pay to either rib the land or re -
plough in the fall. On heavy clay soil,
ribbing or reploughing late in the
fall gives the frost a chance to mel-
low the soil and leave it in a better
state of tilde
,In the preparation of sod land for
corn, manuring on the sod and
spring ploughing has given. higher
yields than manuring and Sall plough:
eta would, therefore, appear that for
corn on sandy loam-, the land should
be manured and spring ploughed; four
inches deep, ,while for'grain it should
be ploughed -as soon as the hay is off
and topworked,
' !I RID?AirtAN13" Aj1f1JRI�� Y :,
Cash Only
Prairie Rose Flour 4Q
■A Per Cwt w,
Sepoy Flour 2.49
Alberta Rose Flour
Per Cwt. 2.75
Pastry Flour 24 lbs 63c
10 pounds
Granulated Sugar.. 54c
with S'1.00 Grocery Order
4 cakes
Palmolive Soap
3 cakes for
Big Bath Toilet Soap,
Princess Soap Flakes 29
2 plcgs. for c��
P. & G. Soap 10 Bars 33c
Red Rose Tea db. 3Oc
Maxwell House Coffee lb, 37c
Pure Cocoa lb. 15e
o ,
iD.ouglas' Egyptian- Liniment is a
quick, certain remedy -for Hoof'Rot or
Thrush. ,Four or 'five ap,piications
are usually enough. Want and :For S'al.e Ads, 3 wee'ks 5'O,c
2 20
Highest price paid for all kinds
of ' Grain, Poultry and Eggs.
Thomas Dickson
Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Wallace and
family wish to thank their friends
and neighbors for many acts of kind-
ness and sympathy in their 'berea,ve-
ntent, and also for the many ;Reel
\lrs. Robert Buchanan wishes to
thank 'ter many friends and neighs
bore for their many acts of kindness
shown during Iter recent sad bereave-
ment, also for the floral tributes and
to the ncighlb'ors who so kindly help-
ed with the harvesting of the beans,
\lr, }Parry Martin wishes to thank
the kind friends and neighbors for
their sympathy and assistance in his
]tour tits sorrow,
Will be he'd on Saturday, Oct.
1', tli at 1 o'clock sharp, and • every
two weeks following, at Cedmore's
barn, Seaforth, Any person with any-
thing to sell or exchange phone in
your list to Carl Dalton on or before
each Wednesday noon so it can be
advertised, ,Rules id sale will be made
known day of sale.
Horses, cows, hogs, sheep and
}Im'p'lements, furniture, fruit, vege-
tables, or any tiring you have. Fell
descri:p•tion of articles will be given
next week.
Terms cash. Cart Dalton, Manager;
Fred \Vigg, auctioneer,
About 80 early grey Rock pullets
for sale reasonably. Apply at The
New office. 40
!Milton 'cloth fur -lined overcoat, in
good condition. Will sell reasonably.
Inquire ;at News office. 413
Mr. John McKay has purchased the
50 acre farm on the 33rd con. of Hiles
beet known in the earliest days a.
the :Shea farm, later. the Ryan fruit
farm, then the Brennan, general farm.
Mr, 3TclK'ay purposes nepaining the
house at an early date. MelK'ay Bras.
'have had -several sm'al'l contracts 'of
repairing and building in the village.
Mrs, Benninger and• her son'of Riv-
ersclale and Mfrs. Benninger' of 'Blyth
were the guests of the Benninger
fancily in our burg over the week -end.
i&t the Progressive euchre held in
iSt. 'Patrick's ha11•on Wednesday last,
Mr, Patrick Morris and Mr. Thomas
Molytieaux were the winners of the
first and second priees,.•Mes. James
Jordan and Mrs Alex. ,Detling secur-
ing'first and second respectively.
The Anglican Church )Guild dnd ire
vited guests were. entertained at the.
home of Mrs, Alex. Darling on Tues-
day night last week. ,Progre-seit-e eu-
chre was the chief. aniusemein, :Mrs.
)Frank 'Smith attd Miss Mary Beale'
were the winners. The gentlemen's
-prizes went to Mr. Joseph Moore
and Mr. John Quins'ey. A splendid
stepper was served and allleft for
their.homes with matey good :wishes
for their Hostess.
ISeiven-mottled 'frame dwelling on
'E'ast William St, -near show grounds,
with 6 lots of- fine gard•ettiing land.
'Alpiply to L. A. Bolton, Executor.. 42
To take care of winter .deliver-
ies of Cream, Eggs and Poul-
try, announce the appointment
as their representative in Sea -
forth. Mr. Routledge will
ceive produce at the full ,mar-
ket price, commencing IS
Saturday, 'Sept, lst.
g1lrul'1 run Wed., Thurs., Fri.,
the season, Terms cash. :Lot 23, Cnn..
6, Logan, .Phone 620r3)1,
Fred Helmick, R.R. 4, M'itch'ell.
,Choice of twenty, . springers•, and
milkers; also seven . olroice chunks
around 100 lbs, Dale -Nixon,. phone
1414r 1114. 42.
Are the best value in the Int., tee_
vegetable line, Can them, prise—eve.
them and niake them into catsn _ 'V
have 1100 baskets to offer az e
away prices, of the beautiful T', -fie.
'Best variety.
Give us your order for Donley
tames, delivery trade next week eee
per bag, to your cellar.
(Phone a4 -6l6 or apply to
!Elderly getitlenren preferred; com-
fortable quiet home, Apply to the
News Office. • 40.
The'May Lane Young Women's
Auxiliary of Northside United church
intend holcling a Bazaar and Tea in
Crich's vae'ant-• store on 'Saturday;
November 3rd,
A comfortable six-roomcc _.___4
with garage, situated on 1fttie See
Egmondvills. Apply to A. C. Reg: -
ledge, Seaforth,
(Fifty acres of good land an:: :c%
brick house, also good barn and air.'.
Some bush. Situated on thee:taTe.
con, of Westminster Tp., three =Tee,
south of London, Apply Hareld Pee -
hale, Bayfield, Ont.
McKillop Township
Take notice that no ,m,ore trees are
to be cut by ratepayers of' the Town-
ship on ;1'ownslhip Roads, ancl -that
anyone •cutting trees will be pro'secu:t-
ed by the 'MIc)Killop solicitor.
By order of the McKillop Council,
40. JIOIHOf McNlAIY, Clerk.
A seven roomed brick house wgatg-
ped with hydro, telephone and fari-
ace, a good stable and garage S
acre of land. A few fruit trees. Agtei.
to W. J. Woods, Walton, or 'pie
Brussels 10 r 7.
(House with two lots, at the core=
of Victoria and. George streets, ti€irt
rooms, stable. Will be sold very r^
onably to settle an estate, Mrs, F -:-
DeC•ourcy, Egmondville,
'A Wilkison 14-in•ch cutting Otan.
with 'Complete inside and ogee:r :
pipes for silo filling, atad a '8415 Me
tractor in good working order, ekes o
surrey, George Beatty iSe•., Varna..,
Voters' List, 1934, MunicipaTi13' a
Hallett of the County of Hume
INotice is hereby given -that I'
complied ,with 'Section 7 of 'the rat-
ers' List IA'et, and that I have printf
up at any office at IL•oitdestbbro on -se
113th Day of September, 1934, the age,
of persons en'titl'ed to vote in the stile
Menicipal'ity at Municipal elect -lege
and thatt such list shall remain f:eie-
for inspection,
I hereby ask all voters -to to ea
mediate proceedings to 'have any tes-
rors or omissions corrected a ea_&'
ling to law.
Dated, at my office this lith da_ r'
,S,eptorrid) er, 1034.
.40 . CTez
Butter, per ib.. • • • • • ...,. a. �
•Oats, per 'bushel ..,..i..,...,..i.. t plc
'Wheat, per b•us•he ' a't-'lr.;e,
Feed 'badley, per :bteihel 6reEefae.te
Eggs, per doze .,..i,,, .t. -,. _ 'I1Mc-2c ege.I
Now Potatoes, per bag .;,,..&k-7ti(el
'Malting 'barley, per bushel •- tRdlc
Hogs, per c'wel... , o. ,I, -.. $Ej