HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-04, Page 7THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 4, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS 0a.= • p.m.= r • ad ' I r.1' 1 I 1 0 Duplicate Monthly Statements We can save you money on Bill and to fit Charge Forms, standard sizes ledgers, white or colors It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index, 0 eaforth News,' The ,5 I Phone 84 • 1:1111....i air unes u..r raw r *r 1 1 1 I tam r 0 A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon and mail it with $1 for a six weeks' trial subscription to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Published by Trio Omrsr4Ax 8040x0! PvnrssnfN0 SOe1ETY 80stoa, MaoeaCilUSette, n . 8, A, In It you sill find the devoted to women s and ahldren s interests. sports,wmusic, finance, well me Pso annexe, aaadvoca radio, aro You win ohi he glad to welcome foto your tomo g, fearless an advocate of peace and prohibition. And don't tures Snubs, OPr Don, and the Sundial and the other features. _ Tin0N545TI 0 SouZNOe M001000,'Ba01e Bayy 5101100, Boston, Maas, Please send ma a six weeks• treat 5ubsCriptiou, I enclose one dollar 1111. (Nome, please Print) (Address) (Town) (State) Services We Can Render In the time of need PROTECTION is your 'best !friend. Life Insurance —To protect your LOVED ONES. Auto Insurance— To protect you against LIABILITY to PUBLIC and their PROPERTY. Fire Insurance— To protect your HOME and' R. CONTENTS. Sickness and Accident Insurance- To protect your INCOME Any of the above lines we can give you in strong and reliable companies. T1 interested, call or write, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 334 Sea'forth, Oat, D. H. McInnes chiropractor Electro Therapist — Massage Office — Commercial 'Hotel Hours—Mon. and Thus, alter- noons and by appointment FOOT CORR'ECTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treat- ment Phone 227. CHAIN OF EVIDENCE ..Convinced that they 'illi' have to. ,depend on circumstantial evidence 'when they busing Nuin,o Rickard I,Hlauptmrunt to trial on a charge of 9eiel1appinig and murdering the 'Lind- bergh b'a'by, New York and U.S, fed- era,'.authorities clang to have forged this chain of incriminating evidence; (ITatlp'tnt'ann, was found inposses- sion; of • 1113.,7,50- in :Lindbergh ransom nnoney- ;fie was identified by John :Perontne. taxi dri'v'er, as the "John" who col netted the X150,0'00 Lindbergh .ransom :lnaiad Dr, ,Jo'hi1 F. Condon. @Jafs'ic). Gondon partially identified him as "John." IH•e ,was an expert carpenter; an expert carpenter constructed rhe lad- der w'hic'h the dvidnapper placed against the .LinclIbergh hoarse and ascended into the baby's nursery. :Dile ladder was cbnstnu.cted 'frons lumber that ''ohne from a !Bronx lumber yard.' H'a;uptinoti n ,woriked in the y'ar'd a few m'onth's before the lki.dn,rpping, (1-lacrolttnTnn was in; the 'Vicinity of Hopewell, NSJ„ 'sIh'ontly before the Cridne, IH!auP 'ttn!ann's h'anchwri1ing and the handwritin'g of the .original ransom note and of the notes sent to Dy. Condon were identical, handwriting experts said, IT-Iauptmann was poor before the crime; immediately suer the ran- som was paid he became affluent, 11Iaup;mann said he obtained the ransom [Honey 'from a man who has since died; police ascertained that he opened a brokerage ;account and was prosperous at least a year ,before the time the said he received the money. The man who kidnapped and mur- dered the baby and the man who collected the ransom from Dr. Cond- on were the sante. The ransom col- lector used the dame .symbol and submitted incontestable proof includ- ing the sleeping suit the baby wore when stolen. 'Flanptanar,nn owned the sante type of automobile in 11932 which witnesses saw near the Lindbergh bogie the night, of the kidnapping, a sectional ladder on the ,back seat. T-Iiauptinann's car, police suggest, was the fatuous "green sedan which figured largely in the early investigations. IDozens of department of justice agents and New York city detectives have been assigned to uncover every detail of Hauptman's life immediate- ly preceding March ;1, i9313, when the Ranby w^ts stolen :from the Lindbergh hone in Hopewell; N.J., and in the two and one-half years following, No law enliorcelmenb authority involved. has .the (least doubt that Hauptmann is the 'man sought for the most re- volting crime of the century, So weary that she could ,hardly stay on his feet, T-Taupinian 1 was lodged in jail after being questioned'510 hours following his arrest on Sept. 10. The previous week ,H<auptnvall'n had given a ,bill from' the Lind'hemgh rag son 111011ey ih payment for gasoline. The filling station attendant had be- come suspicious and wrote the ,num- ber Of Flaupbmenn's Car 011 the bill, by .w(lnfch means .hie was traced to 'his hone Mn the Bronx. :STAFFA iS'OHOOL 'FAIR Poultry 'White Leghorn, 'cockerel—Robert Orth, 'Barbara Carbert, ,Wilmer James, Philip James.) pullet Lorne ',Ilton, ;Ph'r111p ''flames, 1'Vilnn L James, ;Robert Orth; pair—IBianbaea Gatibent, 1\ t iia 'J'ames, 'J'hihp James 'Barred Plymouth Rock, cockerel -- i. :Spencer Lloyd d \hiller, ,Ross 'Goldman Ste ret Jeffery, John Butson; !pttiletsSpen•c- sr Jeffery, John IBut•son, Ross Striate, Lorne Elliott, Pair utility fowl—Barbara Carlbert,. Margaret Vipond, 'Carrot 'S'nvale, !.Ducks — IOarral Vipond, George Smile. ,Geese-4Rcsbet t .Orth, 'D'orot'hy 'Dow, Tommy Morris, Reba \McIver•, Live Stock I[Tea'vy cat — Matt .Coyne. ,Best trained and groomed colt — Matt Coyne. Dairy Gaff--lJoha1 iTenpletnan, Beef calif --Barbera Carbert, IRckbert Car hent 'Morris 'Ryan. 'Page •of pigs'-1Bakbara ICar'be'rt, Ro- bert Orth, !George 'Smote, John Tem - Merman, IRc 4n4aid Elliott. \Bacon hog 'i. —John Templet -nail, 'Marg Temple- man, man, 'Barbara Carbert, Ca'rrol Vipond, Maarg',Vipond, Market 'Lamb --Robert Ot t'h, 'Carrot Vipand IBarib'ara 'Oar- bert,'Robert :Carbert, 'Marjorie Vipond Potatoes (Trish !Cobbllers—Rose ,Burns Mar- gie Tenrp'Icinan, U'nha 'Templet -nen, Spencer Jeffery. Dooleys—iLboy d Mil- ler, ,Spencer Jeffery, John 11ra'wgcett; Kathleen !Colquh'oun, ;Alny other. var- iety—,:410x, Miller, 'Allen° Colquhoun, Kathleen Fawcett, 'Kathleen Col- quhoun. Grain t, ill '0 ets—iB'arbar r Carbert. 'Barley-Brtrbara Carbert, ',Spring \1 heat — Dons Klein'feIdt 1:Tugh. Doig, Phillip James, t\\'ilma James. Barley-, one quart -;Barbara Carb- ert, Bruce .Baker, 'Kenneth '.\filler. Oats, one quart—IBrarbara Carbert. Billie ''Norris, Carroll 'Viliontl, Russell Miller. 'Corn for ensilage-14pescer Jeffery, Barbara Carbert, !Bobby Noonan, Kenneth Miller. Vegetables Carrots -- ISpsncer• Jeffery, Allene Colqu'hown 'Carrot 'Vipond, John d3111- Fon.'Onions--Alex, \tiller, 'Frank 110 - ler, Kathleen Coignhoun, 'Spencer Jeffery. ;Elea--bBarbara Canb'ert, Rose Burn's, !Ina tlIntson. Earl. Drown. I omatoe—.'Lia Butson, Lloyd Mil- ler, Ross Coleman, 'John Butson. Cucunvbers — L\ 11515 'Coign honrt. Keith ;Parsons, Barbara Carbert,'Ro- bert Orth. Corn — Barbara Carbert. Kathleen Colquhoun, Dorothy Dow, Ina !Hutson, 'Turnips—diathleen Col- quhoun, ;Evelyn 'Puffin. Alex, Miller, lfargtaret ,Ryan, Table 'Turnips -- Lloyd Miller, IRoberf .Caulbert, ina Butson, Citron—Lorne 'Elliott, Mildred Ei- llott, C, :Fawcett, 'Ina Butson, Squash --,Barb'ara Carbert, ?Wilma James, Pearl 'Ross. Waternmelon—Il), Gray, Baebarar Carbert, Robert Carbert, Ro- bert 'Orth, \ranger's -Allen° Colquhoun, Rosa Coleman •Ina Butson, Eldon 'Barbour. Fruits ilpples—Spies, 'Arthur Barbour, El- don Barbour, !Barbara ICanbcrt, 'Max- ine Norman. Russets—Maxine Nor- man, Barbara Catrbert, 'Robert 13a'ker. Snow's—+Lloyd )Miller, 'Spencer 'Jef- fery, Robert •Carbert, !Robert Orth. Greenings Arthur Barbour, Eldon Barbour, Barbara Cac3)ert. Alexand- ers—Evelyn Tuffin, 'ITarry Burnes. Sweets -'Barbara 'Carbert, Lloyd Mil- 'er, Veronica O'Connor, 'Arthur Bar- bour. ']I'a11 pears --'roar .13utson, 'Barbara Carbert. Persian Balm is alluringly fragrant. Adds a charming refinement to the'. most finished appearance. Creates and preserves ;col'nplexions of surpassing loveliness and texture. Softens and whitens the hands. Cools and dispels all irritation caused by weather co:n- ditions. b Swiftly absorbed the tis- sues leaving never a vestige of sticki- ness. 'A peerless toilet requisite. In- valuable to all women wlio care for elegance and distinction. Want and For Sale Ads, 1' week, 25c Manual Training tPrirner and 'First Class—IG. Par- sons, Douglas Miller, 'Win'nie Gray, M Templeman. Second 'Class—Alex ,Miller, 'Frank Miller, ',Bruce Bicker, lFou.rth. Class—Hugh 'Doig, Robert Bakens, Miscellaneous Plant diseases, .mounted—IB'lbrbara Carbert, Margaret Gray, D. Tuffin, ',',legit Colctu'hou'n Collection of 'Grasses and Clovers— Barbara Carbert, 'D. Puffin, M, ,Gray, A. 'Colt! Amin , 'Collection of 'Noxious 'Weeds- 13arbar•a Carbert, D. 'Tuf@in, Aliene Colquhoun, M. 'Cray,, Writinng IPrilmer M, Vipond, E. Mahaffey, Audrey Harris, 'Kathleen Fawcett. iFirst Class—W. 'Gray, R. Wood, G. Parsons, Rose :McIver. 'Second 'Class—Marion 'Ricin';, Ina \Vlalkom, .Meade ,Baker, Cecelia IGiv- lin. Third Class -K. ,ColIqu'houu, E. Tuff in, Sva 11 alkom, iFourtli Claes—Pearl ,Ross, G. 'War- dcmn, ID. Harris, Jean ,Burns, 'Fifth Class -Robert Goebert, Arlene Colquhoun. Art 'First Class -\V, Gray, D. Miller, 11, ,Templeman, Gs 'Parsons. (Second Class—Ina .\V•alkom, Alex, \Piller, Meade Baker, 'Bruce Balcer. 'Third 'Claes—dl Miller, E. 'Puffin, Iva 'Walkoln', D. 1 uf'in. t earth C't+rss ID, \dahtar y, G \Vlalkom, Spencer Jeffery, Ross S male. ;Fifth Class—A, Colquhoun, 1f G ray, Sewing !Second Class --,',Margaret Temple- man, - - Third Clstss--IDorothy Tuffiln, Eve- lyn Tiffin. Open Class—Leona Fawcett, Rota McIver. Fourth Class—Allene ,Colqu'houn, Cooking Fancy cool cies--Jean Burns, Bar- bara Cebeit, Mildred F-lliott Plain Cookies --lean 'Burns, •B•anbara Goe- bert, Margaret Templcm'an, Allen! Colg Lt hoe111. 'Date ;Bran Muffins -1 va \''alkonl, Hugh Doig, 'Barbara Carbert, Ina Hutson. Plain cake—Mildred Elliott, 1)oro- thy Tiffin, Rita 11chvu•, -\Ilene Col- ciudtoun, Chocolate Cake—Margaret Templeman, 'Doris Signore, Ina '1311 our 'C;laelys \A'alkom. Sc11ool Laureh—'ITugli Doig, ina Butson, Margaret Templeman. Barb- ara Carbert. Canning' Jelly—'Jean !Burn. ;Leona 'Fawcett. Spencer Jeffery. Ross Coleman, Canned Beets—Robert Orth, Carrol Vipond, Margaret Templeman, llar- garet Vipond, Canned corn—Spence Jeffery, Dorothy Tuffin, ,Evelyn Tut - fin, \f,h•ga•ret 'renrp'leman. Canned Peas—Rose \Gccivor, ,Barbara Carbert, \ilene ,Cnhjuhoun, Spencer Jeffery. !Para'd'e and .Stratbcona exercises- 1l iss 13, ',Turner's ,school, &IS, No. 3s Staffa, went first honors for the ex- crci es. 5.S. 'No, a with Miss 1I Smith as teacher stood .second; Miss 11. 'O'Connor'.s 'Separate School won third place and 3liss Alexander's pet 1111 S.S. 4, ranked fourth. The leachers are to be commended oe the splendid 'sholwing made by their pupils and the officers for the restllts orf this educative and interest- ing annual event.' The offices Inc this year were: ''Phomas Scott, president; Earl Vipond, vice pees.: Miss B. Turner, secretary Miss R. O'Connor, treasurer J. I -T. Smith, school inspec- tor; C. D. Graham, agricultural rep- resentative. Flowers Pinks—,A'llenc Colquhoun, IB'arbara Carbert, S. !Jeffery, 'Ina Butson, 1Aaiers, plain-113ebb y !Saddler. S. Jeffery, ,Hugh Doig, Alleve Colgr- rhoun. ,Asters, nixed--fTnia 'Butson, Bobby !Saddler, S. Jeffery, (Barbara Carbert. linniats—i13atlibara Gafibert, Spencer ,Jeffery, 'Marilyn 'Gray, Maxine Nor- m;an., Calcndulas—lRn1bent Orth, +Bob- by !Saddler, IIIa'gil iD'aig, 'Ina Butson. Coreopsis-113arbara .Carbert, Ilugh Doig, 'Ella Norman. ;Cosmos—Spencer Jeffery, !Ina .Butson, Doris Sinal!, Rossie 'Coldnlan. Sralpiglossis 'S. Je'f fiery, 18'arbara .Carbert, !Bobby Sad- ler, ;Douglas 'Gray. Wren oh 'Maris olds—tB`ar'b'ara Colb- ert,. S, 'Jeffery, 'Ian Butson, lila N'or- man. African mlaa'igakls'--earl 'Drawn, 'Margaret Templeman, Keith Parsons, Tia ',Neuman, P'h11ax = ;Spencer .Jeffery, Bobby Saell'er, Alone 'Colklubaun, 11la Norm- an. Vetlb'enas—lS'pett,ccr Jeffery, Bob- by ,Sadler, 'Barbara Carbet••t, Gordon Parsons. ;Sweet ;Peas- Keifh Parson's, Bobby 'Saddler, (Spencer Jeffery. Dahl in-113olbbyl ;Sadler, Spencer Jeffery, lAliene'ICotquhoun, Kabhleeti. Coiqulbouu. tfladiali—iS'penccr Jeffery, 'Harvey Drown, Knthlleen Clolfcmh,otua, :B'abiby Sadler, IGatlafchrr \fa.ri'tyn ;Dray, IJea'n' Nor man; 'B'arbana Gaubert, 'Doris S'male. BAYFIELD FALL FAIR Mrs. M:etealfe, Mrs. Cunningham; ledge, O. B'a'ttler, Mi'ltar Pollock; baked beans, Mary Reid, Mrs, Trem- blay; appetiser for co'4d lunch, ,Mrs. 13. Pfile, Mrs. Maxwell. 'Canned Goods—lPickles O. Ratt- ler, Mrs. Metcalf, jelly, \frs, N. I. Garter H. Desjardine, catsups, U. Battler, Mrs. N. L. Carter, canned fruits; Mrs, Carter, H. Desjardine. 'Canned Vegetables,' Nies Maxi ell Mrs. Carter; canted meats, O. Batt- er, 31N. Carter display, J, E. Pol lock, Money, 5, E. ,Pollock; maple syr- up, Ford Johnston, Milne Rader, GRAIN AND SEEDS '\',•'hitt winter wheat, H. 1'ruennner, Wm, Stephenson, red winter wheat, Milne Rader, H Desjardine; spring wheat, H. Desjardine, Milne Rader; white peas, H. Desjardine; small white peas, Milne Rader, H. Desjar- dine; barley, H Trrtemner, Milne white ,n H. T'uenuner, T. Ruder; w hue ars, 1 Snowden, red clover seed, II, Truem- ser. James Stirling. Sweet Clover Seed, A. Warner C Son, Johnn Etue San; an- tenaty seed, Milne Rader, Thos. Snowden; yellow corn, Mrs. Heywood, O. Battier, dent corn, 0. Battler H. Desjardine; .sweet corn, FL Desjardine, Thos, Snowden; any .other corn, Miss 13raw•nett, H. Desjardine; field beans, O. Battler, Milton Pollock; buckwheat, :Milne Rader. FRUIT !Grape L'aithwaite & Son, 0, 'Batt- ler, colt grapes, Laithwaite .& Son; peaches, H. 'I'ruesincr, Janes Stirling plunk, H. True m'nci-, Lalth.waite & Son; prunes, Miss Bratutett, Mrs. Metcalf yellow crab', Fred \Midelle- ton, Herb Neeb, ted crabs, Ben ,Rath - well, Mrs. N. L Carter Bartlett, L'aithw'aite & Son: Flemish Beauty, James Stirling, I aithwaite; Clapp ,Favorite, 1-I, Desjardine; colt, apples, James l3, Stirling, Laithwatts; winter apples, Fred Middleton, James R. Stirling MdTt:ita•'h Red: Jas. Ster- ling, Fred Middleton; Northern Spies, Fred Middleton Jas. Stalin: ; fall apples, Jos. Sterling, 1-aitirwfite; Tat- man Sweet, ;las, Sterling, J. E, Poi - lock; McIntosh Reds. hive Jas. Sterl- ing, Fred Middleton; Baldwin:, 0, f aithwaitt Jas. Sterling 31 min ap- ples, Laithwaite, Jas. Sterling; Nor- thern Site:, Jas. Stirling, 1. Middle- ton; Ding of Thompkin, Laithwarte, Truenrner; Greening's, Jas. Sterling. Laitliwaite; Ribsten P'ippin's, Milton Pollock, Laithiw'aite; 201 -oz, Pippins, E. 1•. Merner; \\signers F. 11idd1e- ton, Laithwaite, Golden Russets, Jas, Stirling NI is, Lr1,05110M I31eu115isr Pippins, las. Stirling, Lailhw•aite; Snows I aithwanc Jas. Staling;, On- tario.s, Ms. Stirling, .Nliss lrowaiett; Wolf River, Fred. Middleton, Jas. Stirling;; basket of fruit, Mrs. Met- calf, Jas, Sterling. VEGETABLES Early Cobbler • Milne Rader, Nies. N. ,L. Carter; early potatoes, any other, \frs, N, L. Carter, .Rose Snow- den; Gram \Iottntain, H. Desjardine, Milton Pollock; late potatoes, H. 'I'ruemner, 3111)11 Potluck; marigolds, Mrs. 1ieyw,o, Mrss Brownell; globe mangolrl:s, Thos Snowden H. True - inner; intermediates, H DcsjarcBue, Miss Brownest; field carrots. F. 1 ar 1-er, O Battler; table carrots. Ions, F. Barker Mrs Metcalf; short table carrots, Mrs, Carter, A. E. Enw'in; hung table beets, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Heywood; turnip beets, John Cam- eron, Dr Grieve; parsnips, O. Batt- ler, John Cameron. Field turnips H Desjardine, Mrs. Carter; sugar beets, -Hiss Brownett, IT, Desjardine; winter radish, Nies. Carter R Geiger salsify, Nies. Hey- wood, Mrs. Metcalf; cabbage, .Mrs, Carter, Ed. Foster; cauliflower, -\Its. Carter, Berl Neeb; white celery, Dr, Grieve, O. Battler; muskmelons, Thos Snowden, Ben Rathwel'l: watermel- ons, H. Desjardine, IL Truemner; citrons, Mrs. F. 1IcEwen, Gee, Little.. pumpkin, Ben Rath'well, Mrs. N. L. Carter.. squash, R Geiger, F Barker, largest pumpkin, Mrs. Ile3iwood, .Ll. Desjardine; largest squash, 1-L True - inner, R. Geiger; peck unions, H. Traien111ec, H. 1)esjardine; white on- ions, O. Battler, Mrs. Carter, red onions, IT, A. Fuss, Mrs. Carter; yel- low onions, H. Desjardine, F. Barker; red tomatoes, 31111011 Pollock, O. Bat- tler; yellow tomatoes, H. Desjardine, F. B'aricer; largest tomatoes, 13, 14, 1Terncr, Mrs, Heywood; gherkins, 13, Geiger, Ben Rathwcll; cucumbers, Mrs. Carter, \frs, Maxwell; peach to- matoes, Mrs. Carter, Thos. Snowden; sun'flow'er, Herb Neeh, H. T'ruenincr; garden herbs, Mfrs, B. ,Phile, 31rs. Carter; peppers, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Metcalf, 'Vegetable nranrow•, Mrs. Carter, Ed. Foster; green 'Hubbard squash, DT. Grieve, A. Warner & Son; yel- law* T3ulbbard squash, I3. Truentner, Mrs. Carter; egg plant, O. Battler, Mrs. Carter. PLANTS AND FLOWERS Large bouquet, Mrs, Metcalf, Peter Ilatherer; small bouquet, Peter gab - me, 2150, Maxwell; Sylvia, F. Bark- • (Continued from Page Three.) tar, O. Battler; hen' s eggs, brown shell, ',Mrs, Rdb't. Allan., Ed, Foster, DOMESTIC SCiENCE Home -glade white bread, Mrs, N. Carter,\i;rs. 1f. Woods; home-m'acle graham bread, Melvin Webster, Ed. Foster; Boston brown bread, Ed. Fos- ter, Mrs, N. Cartel'; nut bread, Mrs. N. Carter, R. Geiger. 'Graham mailfins, Ed. Foster, Mrs. N. Carter layer cake, light, 3Vm Stephenson, Mrs. :Maxwell; tarts, Ed Foster, \frs, 2I ax yell. ,S4all'adl ve;getalbies, Mrs. Metcalf; Mr's, N. Carter; S'co1oh short bread,. Ed. Foster, Mrs, N, L. Carter; layer ca'Ice, chocolate, Melvin \Vdhls!ter, Mrs. Cantor; layer calve, spice,. Ed, Foster, Wm. Stephenson; fruit :calve, Mrs. Canter, Mrs. ;-Townie; buns, Mrs. 31. Woods, Melvin Webster; tca bis- cuits, 11 F. Meitner, Fred McCly- mont; ,ginger hermits, Ed. Foster, ,Mfr's. N. L. Carter; cookies, Melvin Webster, Fired 2IcCby'm,ont;' plain muffins, Mrs. :SLbw'rie, Mated M,oCly- moat; scones, Ed. Poster, ,\Ins. Robt. A•lhan; meat lo�a!F, Mary Reid, Mrs. 1 olr;g;l,t; aPlple. pie, ',Mrs. N. L. Car- ter! ,Fred M'cClynnont. Lgnloy„pie, E,. F. Merrier,Mrs, N: L ,Cor[er,;• box lunch .for school ,child, PAGE SEVEN, Mrs. :\M, Wood's; fibrous rooted beg- onias, F. Baaiker;; geraniums, Miss B .ropvnett; asters, F. Barker, Mrs, Metcalf; petunias, F. Barker, Mrs, Heywood; house plants, Peter gath- erer, F, Barker; coleus, F. Parker, Mrs. Robt. Allan; gloxinias, Mrs. F. McEwen: annual's not listed, 11, Bar- ker, Peter Ilaberer; cosmos, Mrs. Rol>t, Allan, \11.. Tremblay; zinnias, Mrs M. Woods, MrS. Heywood; l Heywood; verbenas, F. Balker, \lr lIe)wf , gladioli Mrs Allan, MN, Heywood; sweet peas, F. Barker, Mrs, Allain. FINE ARTS Laud'Icape, oil, Mrs. Metcalf, Miss Grant still life, oil, J. 'Grieve, Miss Grant lanscape,_ water color, Mrs. Metcalf, !E. iF. Verner; fruit, !water calor, 'Mrs. Illetcatf, Miss 'Grant; flowers, water color, 'Miss 'Grant, Mrs. Metcalf pen and ink drawing, H. A. Fuss llrs Grant; drawing, crayon or lead point, ,Mrs. IRo'bt. Allan, Mrs. \Metcalf water color 'painting on silk or satin Mrs, Metcalf, Miss M. Li'r-. ingston hand -painted china, Miss Li- ring ton Miss 'Grant; tenciling nt fabric ',Mies :Livingston Mrs. Met- calf; fruit and flowers awerante1. M.Ur Liv- ingston, NMN, IHowrie; pencil sketch from nature, Miss Grant, M. Living- ston. MANUFACTURES Twisted yarti, Rose Snowden, M. Rader; woollen yarn, Milne Rader, Rose Snowden corn husk door gnat, M. Rader, Miss 13rownett; home- made article of furniture, Mrs. B. lafile; hard soap, home -trade, J. Grieve, .LADIES' WORK Living Room Accessories Table centrepiece, colored, Miss Livingston, Herb. Neel); table run- ner. Mrs. Metcalf, Miss Livingston; cushion, embroidery. it -l. Neeb, H. A. FUSS; cushion, any other kind, Mrs Carter, E. F. \lerner; lamp shale, homemade, Nies, 11, AVoocls,, Dining Room Accessories Table cloth and two serviettes, \I. Livingston, H A. fuss; tea cloth, cent work, E, F. Merner, ,1Irs M. Woods; tea cloth, cm'broid,, Miss Livingston. Mrs, J. \V. Metier; tett cloth, crochet- ed corner,, •Mrs. M. \\sols, Mfrs. 13. Pule tray cloth. Miss 'Liri'ng,st,'n centrepiece, white em'b•oidery, Nies. Metcalf Miss ;Livingston; luncheon set. Mrs. 13. Piffle, Mrs. J, 1V. Merner; buffet 4et, Mrs,'11. Ptile, Mrs, .Howric; tea re's)•, Mrs. J. W. 'Merner, M. Liv- ill,g.t„ri, Colored Linens ;Bridge set embroidered, Mrs, I-Iowrit 51. A. Fuss; cross .tittle bridge set, 11 Livingston; stop (bridge .rt, applique, I1, l Fuss; .: buffet set, em- broidered. Mrs. '',Lurie. Bed Room Accessories Hemstitched sheets, Mrs's Living - stop Mrs. M. 'Woods; pillow cases, hemstitched, Mis' Livingston, Mrs. M. !Woods; ;pillow cases. embroidery, Mrs. Pale, Miss Livingston; pillow cases, lace trimmed, Mrs, Woods. 11 A. Fuss; curtains, lace trimmed, Mrs. \1 etcalf, Mks Livingston; towels, em- broidered, \I is; Livingston, 11rs. Robe, 'Allan; towels, crochet trimmed, Herb Neel), I\frs. M. Woods; dressing table set, embroidered, \Mrs, 'Howric. Ed, Foster; ter; fancy bed lamp shade, \frs Woods, \1 Livingston; em- broidered eel tea towels, Mrs, J. \V, \rel'- ncr, Carnet Jacobi, ' Children's Wear 'Clued s dress, made from old g•u•m- ent, Alis. J, W. Merner. 11. A. Fuss; child's dress, homemade, Jr‚\s1. \V. \lerner, iH, IA. Foss; baby's jacket and bonnet, crochet. 11 Livingston, Mrs. ,Howric; ;baby's jacket and ,bon- net, knit, 'Helen Tough, Mrs, J. W. \terror, hay's bootees, knit, 1- !len Tough Mrs. Howrie; baby's bootees, crochetMrs. J, W. \lerner, M. Liv- ingston, 'handmade smoked tire.:' ':or child, Mr,, 1j, 'W. 'Merner, Mrs. Max- well; handmade "Gertrude" enibroid. baby's petticoat, 'Niles, 'Maxwell; baby rompers, '11, Livingston, J. 'Grieve. Ladies' Wear. ,Apron, practical, 'TL A, Fuss, Mrs. J, \V. Merner; °tress, house work, Mrs. 113, ,Pllile, 1I. 'A. 'Fus.: ladies' un- derwear, cotton, \I, 'Livingston; lad- ies' underwear. sill:, '11, .\. 'Fuss; smock, Mrs. J. W. Merner, 11. Lir- ingsbon; collar and cuff set,'.Mrs. Met- calf, Mrs. J. 1V. Merner; handker- chiefs, M, Livingston, H. A. Fuss; handmade bed jacket, Mass. J. W. Menner, 31. A, Fuss; pullover. wool, M. Livingston, Il. A, ,1 uss; 'apron, fancy, E. F. Meager, Mrs, 11axwell; hand 'bag, hiss Livingston. \Mrs, 3, ',Lerner; ladies' dress made from old garment, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Nler•ner; home dying 'whole garment, H. A. Fuss. 'E. F. 'Merger. Men's Wear ;Sport's shirt, .TT, A. Fuss; pyjamas, homemade, Mrs. J. I'\' \Tenter, •\Irs. 13. Rile; pullover sweater, '1-T. Neeh, M. 'Rader; mitt„ Mrs, Howric, O, Brattier; sock, heavy, Mrs. Pftie, J. Grieve; socks, fine, F. Meets, M. Liv- ingston; han keoehid!s, tMes. Metcalf. Miscellaneous Work ;Specimen showing patch 'hemmed, er, \'f.rs, RollaAMl;aln1 dahlias, Peter Mrs, 'Pelle, :II, A. fuss; filet crochet, Idabel-er, F. Burke'; fus'cbas, F,>Bark-I T1. Neel), \M. Lilviu'gston tatting, 14,' er; pansies, F. Barker, .Mrs, Robt.Livingston, 'Ed. Poster; 'fancy lcin,t- A:L1'af1; tu'b'erous begonias, F Barker, I (Continued on Page 'Eight.)