HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-04, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1934
;Brussels Fail Fair was held on
Thursday and Friday last, aaod was
very successful. rhe roceipts Amount-
ed to $5168, being slightly below last
year, 17h•ere was a large exhibit in a1!
;Brood •mare and foal, 'I-Iafry Bol-
ger, William McNair, T. III. Bolger,
'Gollt, Harry lBolger,'G, 'C. MoDon-
ald, William 'McNair.
Two year old filly df ,geldtn:g, T. H.
Bolger, A. Taylor, Alex. Yuill,
One year old filly or gelding, G. C.
NIADon'ald, 'Ed, Bryans, A. 'Taylor.
Span, IF. 0oNqu'hotnt, (Barry Bolger,
James S'h'oritreed,
Mare or gelding, any age, T. Col-
Heavy Draught
Ii3rood amore and !foal, 10. 'Turnbull.
& Sons, IH1wwnleiias :& Niohol, James
.Colt, O. Turnbull & Sons, !Haw'kins
& 'Niclhol, ;James Shortreed.
'Yearling *ii'lly or gelding, James
Heavy 'draught team, H. S'mit'h,
Mare or gelding, any age, H. Smith
Broad snare, Chas,. IT-Tansauld, games
Rorie. Coat ---James Rorie, Hawkins
& Nichol.
•One year 'old filly or gelding -Nor-
man Harvey, .G. C. McDonald.
Single Road horse, jack Fry, T, A.
Currie ('\V ngham), Chas. Ilansauld,
Jnd'ges--lJnines :Stnlllie, Alex Broad -
Boys' Foal' Club
Jahn Turnbull !allied P. Nicholl,
Ari .\lcClure (+\Walton), Wm. 'McNair,
Wilfred IShorirecd Mahon.), \Vnt.
Turnbull tiBlyth), Willis Jardine
Etehl). Harold E. 13uether, Elston
John 5, Cowan; pen, Joint S. Cowan.
Aged ram, shearling ralm, ewe two
years, 110a:rling ewe, ewe knit, D. ,D.
Bell & Sons and 2'nd. Ram lamb, 1).
D. Bell & Sons,
Dorset Horned
.Aged ram, 'shearling ram, 0. \4e-
Goiw.an (113lyth), P. Dearing'(IExeter).
'Ram lamb, P: Dearing, O. ''Mc-
Ewe two year;, s'heariing ewe, ewe
lamb, 'Dearing, 'McGowan.
:Pen, 0. McGowan.
Aged ram, J. K. Thomson (Strat-
ford), O. McIGo'w^ait.
IS'hearling ralm, F. Mack (Bell -
woods, O. McGowan.
Ram lamb, ewe two year's, J, K.
Thomson, 0. MclGouttn
lSihearling elwe, J. K. Thomson and
Ewe lamb, ,McIGo'wan, F. Mack.
Pen, McGowan,,
judge -!Ned S. F'ickell,
(Ap'ple's-'McI•nto'sh Leithwre'ite,
Nelsbtn Colwan, B'alldwlns-ID. Borho,
h wag i
Lail w
Fathom ,
Borho. King Of Tomtplcins Go Laith,
Waite, James Shortreed, Northern
Spies -Mrs, R. fhoni'son, ,Laithwaite.
R.I. iGreenings-Borho, N. Cowan.
Cokleq' .Ru'ssets- Borho, Laithwaite.
Blentheint Pippins (flail).-Laithwaite,
Borho, Tolman Sweets-I-arth'waite,
T. C. ANilson Ontario -Lai thwaihe, J.
G. Speir. Wealthy Laithwaite, N.
Cowan, Alexander-Laithwaite, .Mrs
C. Workman. Ri'bs'ton Pippin--'Laith-
waite, N. Cowan. Colverts-Borho, R,
R. Proctor. Cayuga Red:streaks, Fal-
lawater, IGravens'teins - Laithwaite.
Maiden's Blush-,Borho, Laithwaite,
Peewaukee-IR. R. Pr•o.ctor, Borho.
Wagners-tBorho, Laithtwzite, Crabs
-(Laithwaite, R. IR, Proctor.
Wilmer Applies - ,Borho, N, Cow^an
Fall Apples - Borho, James Short -
reed, (Fall Peers-Borho, Ed. :Bry-
ans. 'Winter Pears - Borbo, Nel-
son Colwell, Plums - Laithwaite,
N. Cowan. Grapes - Mrs. Brrmhlc-
conibe 1Q1-All'nO, James Slhortreed.
judge -Ilan McLeLod.
Early Potatoes - E. Hoover, A.
S'ch'nidt, \V. E. IFreab'ourne: Late
Potatoels-E. Hoover, W, E. Free-
bourne, A. Yuill. Swede 'turnips --
E. Hoover, W. E. T'urnbull, MON.
Turnips -Andrew Schmidt, C, Clarke
(Ethel). Field Carrots, white -W. E.
Freebourne; A. Schnni'd't, Long table
carrots-Freebourne, E. Hoover, 'Sar-
ly horn carrots -'A. Schmidt, Mrs. N.
Carter. Lang red beets -+C. Clarke,
\V. F. Beriirnes. Blood turnip beers -
James Spivey, C. Clarke. P'arsnips-
\V. E. 1 r ceb'our•ne W. F. Beirnes.
Winter r idieshes- ),ars. N. Carter, A.
Schmidt. :Sugar macgulds-Art .Me -
Call, I:orne Nic'hol, Mangold iw•urzels,
long red, E. Hoover, James Carnoch-
an. Long yellow mango'lc1S-''Peter
Stewart, D. ,Borho.
Boar, one year, W. E. T:urnibull, A.
Thomson (Stratford), Douglas Bros.
!Boar, under one year, A. Thomson,
James Cowan,'D:ougla, 'Bros.
'Sow,.1' year, James !Cowan, A.
Thomson, Douglas Bros,
(Sow uttcler one year, A. Thom -soil
and 2nd, Nelson Cowan 3rd.
1Perr, Jainmes. Cowan, W. E, Turnbull,
John 5. Cowan.
Best pair finished bacon hogs, any,
hreetl, Nelson Colwan, John S. 'Cowan,
R. N. Wale.
Judge -D. J. Lerch,
!Brahma. --=Cock, T. C. Wilson, M.
A. Fraser '(IS'tratford); hen:.=Frank
Scott, M. A, Fraser; cockerel -T. C.
Wilson and and; pullet -Minnie &
Clark (Palmerston), T. C. Wilson,
'Barred Rocks -.All classes, 1, Mill-
er and 2nd.
Pocks, tory other variety -Cock,
Minnie'& Clark; hen --Minnie & Clark
and 2nd; del and pallet, 1. \lilier and
Cochins'-Cock and hen, Minnie
Clark, T. C. \\ ilson; ckl and pullet -
\I ^\ Fraser.
11),ml ings--.\14 classes. NI, A. Fraser
(.,ants -Cock, Frmik Scott, Fraser,
hen, Fraser and .2nd; ckl, Fraser, P.
Scott; pullet, Fraser, Minnie & Clarke
'Orpin'.ttous-Cork 1, Mille! Fras-
er; lien, Fraser, Minnie & Clark; ckl,
Fraser; pullet Minnie & Clark Fraser
Minorea -1Ten, ekl and pellet.
Mliunie & Calk and 2nd.
White Wyandotte., All classes
Si tunic & Clark and 2nd.
iWyanrl..,ltes, any other variey-Ck,
T. liller: hen, 1. Miller, Fraser; ckl,
Minnie & Clark, Fraser; pullet, 1.
Stiller, :Minnie & Clark.
Rhr.de lslant Reds -Cock, Minnie
& Clark, Fraser; hen and ckl. Minnie
& Clark, 1. hiller; pullet, D,tuglas
Tres, Minnie & Clank,
Leghorn,, white -Cork and ckl,
Dnn las Bros., Minnie & Clara.; hen,
Ray Bunstun (Stratford Doeglas
Bros; pullet, Douglas Bros., Dos
Legltorn's, 'brown - Coca. lrrascr.
Minnie & Clark; hen, ckl, pullet,
nie & Clark; Fraser.
Leghorn any other variety, Cook
'til pullet, Fraser: cosi and hen, Fras-
er, T. C. Wilson.
.\ncunas-All classes, Roy Beeston
and 2nd.
IHamburgs-Cock and hen Minnie
& Clark; ckl and pullet, T, C. Wilson
and 2nd.
IFInudanl - Cock, hen, ckl, 3f. A.
Bantams, clean Cock, T Miller,
Douglas Bros; 'hcu 1, lki'll'er, .Fraser;
ckl and pullet, Minnie and Clark-,
Bantams, booted-'Cocdc, Fraser,
Minnie &'Clark; hen, Minnie & Clark,
Fraser; clr1, W. E. Turnbull, Fraser;
pullet, Fraser, W. ,E. Turnbull.
Turkeys -Old, Douglas Bros, C.
Clarke (Ethel); you'nig -Douglas
(Geese -Old and young, ,Douglas
Bros, C. Clarke.
Ducks, old and young, Douglas
Bros and 2nd..
!Pigeons, any age -Douglas Bros.,
'Guinea pigs -J. G. Speir, W. E.
Judge-\\'illiant Carter,
Mrs. Hone, Mrs. H. IM.clNichol.
Useful article from 1 yard factory
cotton, Sirs. W. Somers, Firs. D.
Foy -ler (IGaderi.dh) braided stat, J.
Grieve, fir's. H. A10Nichol; woollen
mi'tt's, homemade, Mrs. H, McNichol,
Miss Lilvingston; mart's working shirt,
Mrs, \V. Somers, John Grieve; man's
wool sox, hand -made, fine, 0. Hem-
mingw'ay, Mfrs, D. ,Fo'wler, man's sox,
coarse, W. E..Freebourne, Miss Liv-
Judges-.\frs, Parker, J. Foster.
11a, , Iwo year; and over, William
C)eshicher, Crediton,
Bull, one year, \N•nt. 'Oestricher, H.
Armstrong (5cafortii), '\V. E. Turn-
i ull calf, 'senior, Douglas Pro-„
W. h Turnbull, 0. Turnbull & Sons,
11:lull i'a i, junior, \\'nr Oe'tricher
and'2nd; W. E. Turnhnll 3rd.
Il'est male any age, \Vnr. Oestricher
Milch coav, I1. Armstrong, W. 1:.
Milch c,iw under 4 years, 11. Aritn-
rong, W. F Turahull.
Two year old heifer, Wm. 'Oestrich-
u W. E. Turnbull and 3rd,
One year old lienar, Strong Bros,
(Gnrr•ie), \\'m. Oestricher, 1T. Arm-
heifer cat senior, H. .\rmstrong,
Wm. Oestricher,
1IItifer calf. Junior, 'Strong hire's„
\\. 1.. Turu!bill and 3rd,
'1-lerd of Shorthorns, 1 male and 4
female's, H. 'Armstrong, 4V. 13.. Turr-
!Best female, any age, H. Armstrong
Three animals get of one sire. I1.
Armstrong, W. E. Turnbull and 3rd.
(Bull one year, l-Ioward Wright
(Cromarty), Bull calf, 11i. Wright
and 2nd. 'Milch cow, two year olil
heifer and one year old heifer, H.
Wright. II'eifer calif, H. Wright and
2nd. Herd of Ilerefords, H. 'Wright,
1Buil under IT year, \V. 1 , Burnes.
Milch 'cow over 4 years, W. P. Beir-
nes, T. C. Wilson and 3rd; milch cow
under 4 years, W. P. Beirnes. Heifer,
2 years old, W. P. Beirnes and 2nd;
heifer, L year, IW. F. iB'eirnes and 2nd.
Heifer calf, T. C. Wilson, W. F.
13 eintes..
Grade Cattle
iMibdh cow, 3dhnt Bowman and 3rd,
Geo. Menzies 2nd.
Tway year old heilfer, Geo. Menzies,
L. S. Parr, O. Turnbull & S'dn:s.
Milch 'cow, (beef strain, Geo. Men-
zies, John Bowman, L, S. (Parc.
iOtre year old heifer, Douglas Bros.,
Geo. Menzies, 0. Turnbull & Sons.
One year old steer, Geo,Menzies
and 12nd, IR. IR, ;Proctor 3rd,
Steer calf, senior, dd. Armstrong,
John Bowman, R. R• • Proctor,
Steer calf, Ju,,ior, Ed. Bryan's, 0.
Tmrnbull I& Sons,
IHeife•r calf, senior, (R. R. Proctor
and 3rd, O. Turnbull & 'S'on's 2nd.
II -Leifer veli, junior, L. S. Pars, R.
P., Proctor, 0. Tumbril- & 'Sons.
Fiat steer, 'W. Yuill {dc Son and 2.nd
and Drd,
lJudge--IWi]'ldanv 'Wardle.
Monte -made bread, white, Mrs. N.
Carter, Harvey Bryans; .'home-made
bread, 'brotwn, 'W. E. Freebourne, T.
H. Bolger; .home-made bread, cur-
rant, Mrs. C. Workman, Mrs. W.
'Bun's, W. IE. Freebourne, Mrs. W.
Somers; tea ,biscuits -+P. A. MoArth
ur, Harry Bolger; jelly roll -Mrs, ,N.
Dark fruit cake, Mfrs. Somers, Miss
McCallum; light fruit coke, Mrs. So
niers, R. R. Praetor.
Layer cake, light, Mrs. N. Carter,
H. Bryans; layer case, dark,. .without
fruit, Mrs, A. Baeker, Mrs. \Ves.
'Sponge cake, without icing, Mfrs,
Thomson Mrs. R. 3.. MelLauchlan;
angel cake, Mrs. Carter, Mrs,lfc-
-Oatmeal cookies, Veleta Heist, W.
E. Freebourne; rolled ginger cookies,
Mrs. N. Carter Mrs. Br'int!blecosn'be;
cookies, plainwhite, ,Mrs, W. E.
Freebourne, Nes, Somers.
Doughnuts, Mrs, N. Carter, R. R.
Proctor. Scones Mrs. H McNichol,
Ed. Bryans. Drop ca'ke's, W. E. F ree-
hourne'fi Jesse Wheeler; gents or
muffins, J. E. Procto!, P. A. Mc-
Arthur; ; s'hort bread, Mrs. N. Carter,
.Mrs. J. A. Hone.
Apple pie --.Jesse Wheeler, 1'. 4
McArthur; pumpkin pie, P. A. Mc-
Arthur, harry Bolster; lemon pie -
Harvey Bryans Jesse Wheeler; rais-
in pie J. C. Proctor, Mrs. N. Carter,
Salad 3 individual fruits, 31rs. N.
Carter, ,Mrs, Britnb'lecinnbe; salad, 3
individual vegetables, Mrs. N. Carter,
Mrs. Bri•mbiecc mbe; salad, potato,
R. R. Proctor, Mrs. Brim'hlecom'be.
Tarts (fruit), Mrs, Carter, 3-Iarvey
Candy, maple dream, T. C. Wilson,
James- Spivey; collection of candy,
Miss 31rCa:hun, MMrs, Britnhlecembe.
Variety baking- !rant Match dough.
H. Bryans, Ed. Bryons; variety of
baking from rake batter, Ed. it vans,
Working mar's dinner31r5. Wes,.
Kerr Mr.. N. Carter, E1, Bryan..
Judge -'l'. 1-I. C,9isou.
:Onions :from seed. red --Mrs, N.
Carter, John Grieve. Onions from
std, yellow, lar::. N. Carter D. Bar-
rio; Anions front Dutch sets -Mrs,
Brimhlcconrbe, James Spivey; onion
sets, D. Borho, John Grieve; pickling
onions, John Griyve; potato onions,
Thomas SI eFadzean, Arthur ,Edgar.
Corn, pint, A, .Schunidt, James Cat
nuchan; corn, dent, James Carnochan,
Jaynes Spivey; fodder corn, 3 esse
\Wheeler, :Nelson Cowan; table corn,
Art McCall, A. Schmidt; collection cif
cart, A Schmidt, C, {:lance.
Curled Savoy, Mrs. N. Carter, 1).
P,urhu; drumhead cabbage, W. E.
Free'botnne, Mrs. N. Carter; oxheart
cabbage Charles Pope, Mrs. N. Car-
ter; red pickling cabbage, Charles
Pope. W. If., Freebourne.
Canlillower-Mrs, N. Carter, Mrs.
'pumpkin, yellow delft, James Car-
nnchan 31rs. J. A. Thine; Pie pump-
kin, W. E. Freebourne, W. I beirnts,
Squash -W. F. Jieirnes, Mrs. Briny
'l'otnlatnes, large, Chas. Pope, W. E.
Freebourne; plant or cherry tomat-
oes, Lorne Nichol, 0. Turnbull &
i\\''hite beans (large), Janie Spivey,
W. E. Freebourne; 'butter bears, 1,,
S. Parr, N. Cowan; white bean:, small
S. Parr, A. Schmidt.
Citron-illrs. Brintihlecnmbe, James
Watermelons - 1). Borho, John
Grieve. Muskmelons --Mrs. N. Carter,
A. Schmidt.
Pickling cuclimb ers, hist Lou Eck-
mier, •1. C. Proctor; table cucumbers,
Mrs, Eckmier, Mrs, N. Carter. Ripe
cucumbers-Jantes Shortreed, J. C.
Celery, white, W. E. Freebourne,
M'rs, N. Carter.
IStnlfower-tEd, Bryan's, C. Clarice.
'Collection of garden produce -Mrs.
N. Carter,
Judge J. R. Hackett, Luckno'w,
--+.1. Gelines & Son, 'Manson. Bros,
'Boar, any breed., A. Warner &
Sow, any. breed, Thos. Snowden.
Bacon hogs, any breed, A. Warner
& Sang
Judges -G. C, Petty, H. Smell.
General Purpose
'Brood stare accompanied by foal -
Herb, Bdnder•, 1±., F. \'ferner.
Foal, N..Keys & Son, Herb. Bender
Gelding or filly, t year -H. Bender,
I-Larold PeMut) e.
Team -Won, Decker.
Two year did -E. F. .Verner, Rose
.One year old, H.Bender, Rose
!Foal -!rhos. Snowden,
Brood stare accam'partied 'by foal-
Nelson Keys & Son, Thos, Snowden.
Foal-1Nels'on Keys & Son, J. R.
(Gelding or filly, 2 years, J. Gelinas
& Son:
(Gelding or filly, 11 year, Elmer
Webster, N. Key's & Son.
rfeam-'N, 'Keys & Son,
Heavy. Draught
Brood stare --IN. Keys & Son, Jas.
32. Stirling,
IFoall-•James R. Stirling,
(Gelding or fully, 2 years -+Elmer
IGed'ling or filly, 1 year, N. Keys &
Son, J. R. Stirling.
Team-Melvila We'btser, W. .R. 'Ste-
IBroodmare-N Keys & Son.
Ilzoal-IN..Keys & Son and 2nd,
'Single roadster, H. Tettemner, Dr.
One year old -Manson Bros.
'Lady- driver, Dr. Campbell, H.
Fttecia'1-I-Ierb Bender, W. R. Steph-
lout =es --,James .\icClinehey, Fred
&heailing ram, John IS, Cowan; ram
lamb, John' S. Cowan, ,Neilson Cowan;'
ewe, two years, John S. Gowan, Nel-
son 'Cowan; shearling ewe, Jldhn` S.
Colwell; ewe lamb, Nelson Cowan,
'AV hate fall wheat -,Andrew ,Scfimidt.
L. S. Parr, JeSse Wheeler; .red fail
wheat, Andrew Schmidt, Arthur Ed-
gar; spring wheat, .4. 'Schmidt, D.
Barley, 6 rowed, A. Schmidt, D,
Borho James 'Carnoc'hlan.
White oat:, A. Schmidt, Jantes Car-
noclha'nlfi Robert Simpson,
Pea's -IA. Schmidt, T. C. Wilson,
W. F. Beirnes.
Timothy seed, J. G. ISpeir, and 2ncl.
;Boys' Grain Club-lEsl. 'Bryans,
W. E. Turnlhull and 3rd.
Malting Barley -Robert Simpson,
John Bowman, 0. Turnbull & Sons,
L. S. lP'anr, Harry Bo'llger,
darehamas-IPu•llet, Leatherland &
Bentley; hen, Letherland & Bentley,
john Kochems; cock, Lellhcrlancl &
Bentley end 'axil; ckl, Letherland &
Bentley, Jahn Kochems.
'Brahma's, dark -Hen, 1.etherl'attrl &
Bentley, L, O'Brien.
,Cochiltns-'llen, john .Kochents;
cock, Letherland & Bentley, Kochems
Lanlgahans-iflt and leen, Lether-
land Sr Bentley; ckl, Letherland &
Bentley and 2nd.
Plymouth B'arrecl R odes -Pullet,
Fred -\fe'Clyuront, T,. O'Brien; cock
and hen, Letherland & Bentley and
2nd; ckl, W. R. Stephenson, F. lfe-
'Plymouth Rocks, white ;Pullet, II.
Truemner and, 2nd; iten, Letherland &
Bentley, L. O'Brien; cock, la.oanas
Snowden, L. O'Brien; cki, .L, 'O'Briem
and Sad.
White Wyandottes-Hen, Lether-
land & Bentley and 2nd; cock, Lether-
land & Bentley.
1Silvker Wyaud•ottes-!Hen, 2.. Cr -
Brien and 21ed.
113ai11 Onpingtone-Pullet, John 1(o -
client's and 2nd; hen, Kochems, 0.
Battler; ckl and cock, Kochesn.-
ISilver Grey Dnrkings-IP'u'llet and.
ckl, John Kochems and turd; cock,
Kochems; hent Kochems, Letherland
& Bentley.
'Browta d egh.orns-IPul'let, Lether-
land & 'Bentley; hen, Letherland &
Bentley and etid; cock, 0, Battler and
'W'h'ite Leghorn. -Pullet and hen,
Miss Brownett anti 2nd; cklMiss
Bro'wnett, 1I. Truentner; cock, Leth-
erlaltnd & Bentley.
I\V'hite Lehorns-Pullet and hen,
Miss Brow nett and 2nd; ckl, Miss
Braw•ntett, I2. T•ruemner; cock, .Leth-
erland & Bentley.
Rhode lFanil Reds -Pullet, John
Kochems; del and hen, Iiocherns and
211d; cock, Kochems, Letherland &
r \n!conas-lPtrllet mid rack, Lether-
land & Bentley; ckl, I,etherlantl. S
Bentley; heti, Letherland & Bentley-
L. O"Brien,
Canipine's-Paillet anal ckl-L. & •h,
and 2'nd; hen, LeLth, & Bentley, 1...
O'Brien; rock, 1.. O'Brien.
jersey Black .Giants --Pullet and ckl
Fred Carhert and 2r'$; hen and cock,
II .Trnenter and ,2nd.
lLi,ltt Susex-(Pullet, ben, ckl, Car;
Diehl and 2nd.
!Guineas -'Pullet and ckl. Tb:xs.
5r'"woof; hen and cock, Harold Pert -
hole, Thos. Snowden.
Black Spanish -Hen, John Koch -
ems and incl, cock. John K theins.
!Black 'alinorcas-+Pullet, 3, Kc,ch-
ent-s, 1-T. lruenitter; hen, Kochcins, L.
& Bentley; cock, Letlt, & Bentley; 11.
Truemaer el'!, Joan K,rncetns,
.auilalaisians-IPnllet, hen. cock, t).
Battler and 2n1; ckl, 0. Battler.
,Silver Hamburg--1l'nlket, Leth. &
Bentley; cock and hen. L. O'Brien
and 2n1; ckl. A. J. llciKinnion, L.
'Black Hantburgs-Pallet. ckl, hen,
-0. Battler and 2nd; cock -0.
;Hoydens -All classes, Letherland
& Bentley.
Gavle, any variety ---,Pullet, Letit• &
Bentley; hen, cock, ckl, L. O'Brien.
'Bantam, any other variety, Pullet,
L. O'Brien and 'nd, curl I. 0'-
Bnieri; hen, L. O'Brien, W. 1. Ste-
phenson; ckl, 0. Battler, O'Brien,
Intdian Runner Ducks -Old, A,
1Varner & Son, Kochemts; young, 3
Muskova ducks -Old, Harold Pei
hale, J. Grieve; young, 3 -Grieve.
(Pekin. ducks -104d, A. Warner &
Son, 0. Battler; young, Rase Snowd-
en, • , Battler.
IRoen ducks -Old, Thos. Snowden;
young, Thos. Snowden, Harold Pert -
,Toulouse Geese -101d, Carl Deihl
and 2nd; young, H. Trueminer, A.
Warner & Son.
Emlbc1en Geese. pair, Rose ,Srrotwden
Any other variety geese -Old, 0.
Battler, H. Penhale; young, 0. ]3at-
'Brame turkeys -01d, A. Warner &
Son; young, A. Warner & .Son and 2d
'Judges -IA. C. Levey, Clinton; W,
L. Whyte, Seaforth.
Heifer, two years, Hiss Drownett
and 2nd; heifer, one year, \Ti
Brcrwnett and 2nd; heifer calf, :Miss
Brow nett,' steer calf -Roy Pepper &
Son; steer ane year nit'-Sii-s Brawn-
ett, A. Warner &'Son; utilch cow-
hiss lirownett and 2nd.
121ilch covy-Wm. Oestricher, Bert
Peck; heifer two years. -Wm. Oest-
richer, Bert I'ecic; heifer, ane year ---
Bert Peck, \Vat. Oestricher; heifer
calf, Bert Peck, Ray Popper & Sinn;
hull calf, \\m. Oestricher, Bert Peck,
Milch cosy Fred Ctdhert and 2n1:
heifer one year Fred Car:bert; heifer
calf, and 'Bull ca.t, !Fred Car&ert and
Milch caw, \\an, Decker and and.
31ilch con \Not. ~nuts and Ind;
heifer one year, heifer calf, and hint
calf -Wm. Spark's,
Judge-4Hugh C, Hill.
1Shearling rata -,A \Varner & Son;
ram lab, ewe two years, shearing
ewe, ewe lamb-, \, Warner & San
and 2nd..
(Ram, twro shear: or over, .1. D.
Steeper & Solis, 'G'en. Penhale shear -
ling ram, Geo. Penhale; \. D Steep-
er & Sons; ram lamb, ,Steeper & Sons,
Geo. Penhale; ewe two years, Steeper
& Sons, Geo. Penhale; sheet -ling ewe,
Geo. Penhale and 2nd; !ewe lamb, Geo.
Penhale, A. D. Steeper ,& .Sans.
Ram, two shears ar over, William
Henry, W. W. Wise; shearling ram,
rant lantlb, Wm, Henry and 2nd; ewe
two years, anti shearlin'g ewe, \\•''m,
Henry, W. W. Wise; ewe lamb, Wm.
Henry and 2nd.
Ram, two shears or over, D. Mc-.
Gowen; sihearling ram, 0. 'MoGowaat,
J. Gelinas & Son; rano lamb, 0. Mc-
Gowan; ewe two years, O. 3foGoyl--
an, J. Ge'hnas; shearling ewe, 0. Mc -
Gan, J. ,Gelinas; ewe lamb, 0. Mc-
Gowan and 2nd; wether lamb, • Wm.
Henry and Sand,
C•\fl cles:,es-IP. Dearing, 0. 2lc-
judges --G. C. Petty, H. !Snell
,Sow littered tlrn 1119311 (Thos. Snow-
den ansa and..
Table 'bouquet, 'Mrs. \V. Peebles
Iv\twood), R. 3, hoover; cone etion of
rat flowers, R T. Hoover, Mrs, l•im
iileeanthe; pan -lea, James Cernochan.
Mrs. 11rnnhleeemlic; phlox, Drum-
mond, R. 3. Hoover, Mrs. llrimble-
canr'be; stock h 3. 1lanrer, John
Grieve; petunia Grace Stewart, R.
3. Hewer; dianthu., 11 rser, Mrs.
Prinrhlecom'hc; gladiolus .pike, Hon -
ver, P. ':\. McArthur; verbenas --itis.
Grace Stewart, R. J. Hoover; white
asters, 1.. H,ovcr, Mrs. .\. Backer;
aster, pink or rose, Mrs. Peebles, R.
Hoover; red asters. Mrs. P,rintble-
comhe Mrs. Campbell' mauve or
purple asters, 31rs. A. Seeker, R. J.
Hoover; collection of asters, R. J.
Hnaver, Mrs. Biinrhlecnmbe.
Gladiola di pity, R. J. Hoover Jas.
Shortreed; salvia -Thos. lfeFaclrean,
\fm's. Peebles: perennial phlox -Phos,
\LdFadzean, Hoover; sweet peas, Mrs.
R. Thomson, Ed. Bryal.ts; nasturtiums
-Hoover, Thos. Campbell; roses -
Tho Campbell, 0. Turnbull; 01 56 -
golds, Mfrs, Briniblecont.be, Hoover;
dahlias, Grace Stewart, T. C. 'Wilson;
zinnias, Hoover, firs A. Baeker;
snapdragon collection -1111-s, Baeker,
(Geranium, avhite, and geranium, red
-Hoover, Mrs. Alex. Amnstrom:q;
genaniu'm, any other, hoover, 0.
Hemingway; tu.beraus 'begonias, .T,
elFad'zean, Jaynes , Carnodhan; rex
begonia -Hoover, Mrs. W. Somers;
begonia, any other variety, 1'. 1-1. Bol-
ger, Thou. Mc'Fadzean; ferns, \irs. R.
Thomson; collection o'f patted :plants,
Thos MelFadzean, J. Carnoc'han.
Il uschia in bloom, Thos. 1FcFratl-
zean, Thos. Campbell; coleua-T
1Judge-J. 1'L Graham.
;Crock batter, W. E. Freebourne,
R. R Praetor, Mrs. Norman Carter;.
table butter 'prints W. E. ,Freebourne,'
Sfrs,N . Carter, 14'rs. H. McNichol;
butter in rolls, Mrs N., Carter.
'Quilt (fancy quilting) Mrs, Brrim-
'h'leoo'nilbe, N. :Cowan; crochet quilt,
:Mrs, E. +Constia'ble (;St. Marys), Miss
Livingston; knitted quilt, N. Cowan,
John Grieve; patchwork quilt, IIarry*
Bolger, Velma Heist; Dresden plate,
Mrs. II. ;McNichol, T. .Ii. Bolger;
applique quilt, embroidered, Jahn
Griet•e, Mrs; J. A. Hone; applique
quilt, Miss Livingston, Mrs. N. Car-
ter; knotted and tufted quilt, Mrs,
Brimiblecon'be Miss McCallum.
Becli spread in fancy stitch, Velma
Hoist Miss L. Longioot ((Stratford).
Cotn'totter, 'fancy ,hoinentatle, Mrs,
N. Carter, Mr .E. Goit'talble; comfor-
ter, pra'c'tical, Mfrs. H. McNichol, Mrs.
3. AA, Hone.
Blankets, Mrs. E. Constable, Miss
Mf c,Cal1 urn,
[(looked math wool,. John Grieve,
isfrs. Hone; hooked mat, any other,,
T. Eaton Co. special,, best finished'
steer or heifer for baby beef purposes
-(Jahn Edwina n.
.5. 1' Davison special, ducks -J, G
Special, three grade yearlings -G.
'Woodrow and ,Bowler, 'bread -'H,
Bryans; Ibiecurts-'O. Hcmanmgw,ay;
layer cake -(Airs. .Wes, Kerr.
!Special, for best three horses in any
tawauship-11, Smith, Harry ,Bolger.
ISpeiciah-!Best draft ar agriculture
brood tmare and two progeny --T. H,
Bolger, A. Taylor, James 'Shortreed,
Aged boar, .4. \Varner & Son,
Brood .ow, .A. Warner & Son, Jas.
R Stirling.
Boar, littered in 1934, A. Warner &
Son and 2,ud.
Sow, littered in 1934, Witt. Spanks
and 2n11.
Reg. Pigs
Aged boar, Thos. Sm'owden, Man-
son Bros.
!Brood sow, boar 1191314, and. sow' 11934
Salt butter -0. Battler, Mfrs. N. 1..
Carter; butter in 1' Ilb. blacks, Mrs. N.
Canter, R. Geiger; crock butter, Mrs.
N. Carter, R. Geiger; fancy print
butler, Mrs. Carter.
,Cheese, hone ntlacle, 5 lbs., Herb
Nce'b; cottage cheese, ,Rose Snowden,
Ed Poster.
Halif ham, smoker, LT. A. Fuss,
F1enb Neelb; home -rendered lard, T.
S•nlawclen, Wm. Sparks.
'Dressed ,ahackens-J'a'mos R. Stirl-
ing; heln's eggs, white shell, Fid, Fos -
(Continued on Page Seven)