HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-04, Page 2PAGE TWO
Dies From Heart Attack—
'lho unexpected death of M. \I.
Cardiff on Sept, 1e, in his 851th year,
at his Mime, Lot '25. Con. 5, Morris,
Croat a sudden heart attack, was learn-
ed with regret by the community.
A quiet wedding took place at Si,
Paul's rectory, on Sept..2:2t1, when
Pearl, daughter of lir. and Mrs, Da-
vid 1', Char ina, of Clinton, was unit-
ed in ntarria_c to -\1r, Richard Enn-
est Sheddick. son of Mr. Thomas
Shalihck ani .11e late Mie, Sltadrlick
of Hensall. The ceremony was .con-
ducted by Cie Rev. ,K. \lcIG tun, The
couple ;sere nnaltended and the bride
was given in marriage by her father.
The ceremony was witnessed only by
tuesnubers of the immediate families.
The 'bride wore a smart ,emit of grey
and brown tweed, browse felt hat and
'hrobvn accessories, She also wore a
cur age of orchids and lily of the
t^alley.:\'t the conclusion of the cere-
mony the bridal party returned to the
home of the bride's parents, Albert
street, where tea was served, after
,which Mr, and airs, Shaddick left by
motor on a honeymoon trip to North-
ern Ontario. On their return they will
reside in Hensalt. The bride was Che'
recipient of many lovely gifts, several
;bowers being given in her honour.
She etas popular in her circle .of
friends :urd carries with her to her
new home the best wishes of all for a
happy future.
Octogenarian Dies at Goderich-
1'!te death occurred in Gttilerich of
one of the t wn's octogenarian resid-
o id-
ttt. i't the persc tt of D, Hugh Roes,
;, e l 55. Air. h,,, -n who had been a
resident of GodCrich and vicinity for
the greater part of hie life had been
ailing the last year and had been con -
tined to 'hi. bed i„r the past three
A'eeks: Ile is survived by .his eecotel
wife; the former Charlotte Strong,
three eons, lames of Canton, Ohio;
Herbert of Loa Angeles; Waiter of
Saginaw and three (brightens, Mrs. J.
Knisely of Saginaw: Mrs. Gregory of
Petrolia and NIre. Joseph Shaw 01
Cabri, Sark.
A very happy tnatrimenial event
was, celebrated at the h;vangelieal
pare,mane, Zurich, on Sept. 2tith
hein:g• two papular young People of
the contmnnity, in the pers,nts of \lies
EMI t l ingericit, slaughter ei Mr. and
lies. l'ltris, tiingtrich ui tltc Bronson
Linc, Stanley, and 1fr, Harald Jo'i it-
sten of Zurich. and son of \lr. and
\Irs, Ross Johnston of I3lake. The
iridal c,mple were attended by 1Ir,
and \1T.. R. E. \Veido , 1 Zurich,
They will take up rooms in the Deitz
block, and the groom will continue
his barber business he the Heist
Death of W. T, Acheson, Exeter—
,I'he death occurred in. St. Joseph's
tiospil l London, on Sept. 22nd, of
t1'illiant 'Thomas Acheson in his 78th
year. Ile took ill the previous day and
was rem,,,red to the hospital for an
operation and passed away tite fol
!owing morning. The deceased was a
lifel ttT resident of Exeter. He was
married to Mies Florence Oke and in
hetet took ,,ver the Central Hr,tel from
hie father-in-law, the late lames Oke.
In PAM Air. Acheson sold the hotel.
besides his wife he is survived by
three .ons anti 0110 dsughter: Garvey
le of the 1'ere Marquette Railway, St.
'lhtntas: Thomas ,Beverly, of the
Bank of Commerce, Toronto; Charles
E., of the Bank of :\irnttreal staff, at
Owen Seuntt, anti Mies Amelia ,at
home. Ile ie oleo survived dn' tour
sister., ittre. Knight. of Denfield:
Mrs. W. 1I. Levert of London; Mrs.
Ketchen, of Toronto: airs. \\'rat.
lhtnsi o•d, of Exeter. The funeral MIS
field from 'frivitt \tentorial Church,
the pal3'beaeers being Peter Case.
Pant Coates, 'William Coates, bred
Etlerington, R. G. Schlott and \V. W.
Child's Finger Sticks in Bottle.—
.\ curious accident befell 1lerna
Pynt, iota-yeaa•-nid daughter of 11r,
and Mrs, fewart Pym, Exeter. \lerna
was playing with another child and
thought it would be a good idea to
see if Iter ,finger would go into the
neck of a bottle. ft did, but it would
not 001110 out. One of the neighbors
broke the 'battle but the .neck still
remained on the fin -ger which by this;
time was swelling rapidly. Thorough-
ly alarmed the parents had the child
taken t::, ,the doctor .who was succees-
Ful in removing the glass without
having, to [break it.
Gregory -Simpson...
ek quiet wedding took place at the
Thames Road manse on Saturday,
Sept. 151th, when Dctrie Mamgtterite,'
eldest daughter 0.f Mt'. anti ;ides, Jottit
Simpson, was united- 111 .1111 mage to
15 Chert Carina*, youngest son of Mr.
Milton Gregory, Kirktan. The pair
were attendedby Mrs, James McCul-
lough, sinter o'f the groom, attd Me,
McCullough, They will reside on the
groom's farm in 'tlsborne.
Arm Drawn into Belt,--
\V,hile soaping a belt on a gasoline
engine to ;take it risky 'better, Ted
Wright, reit-year-ttld son of Air, and
Nlre. \\'tan, Wright, south of Crediton,
had his arm caught and carried ar-
ound the /dri,t•in t pulley tearing she
muscles from elbow to 810 11er. The
lad had started the engine and was
soaping the belt as he had watched
his father do, whenthearocideut hep
petted. -
Exeter Man Dead—
Josiah Jantes .\IoDonaI6, in Inc
tiPth year, died at his residence Exet-
er north ori .Sept. 20th, He 'was born
near -13'el'teville and for many years
teas a resident df_ Hay township. He
twee twice married, His fist wife,
Mary Carri- k, died ,forty-eight years
ago. To that union twelve children
were born, serett of whom survive.
Josiah, of Exeter ::North, Janes, of
\'inghant; Mrs; Lee; Portland, Ore-
gon, firs; Greta, ci11 .Marquette. Mich,
Ales. Pettison, of Griswold, bran„ -and
\Jus Minnie of Satkt'tchewan. His
second wife was Elizab'e'th Carrick, a
niece 5tf his first iviife. She predeceas-
ed him. five years ago and of their
four. children only two survive. Nor-
nttnt. of. Exeter ltd Mrs, Wee, .Presze
cetar of Stephen. He is also survived
by, two brothers, V1741'liam Of Detroit,
and Charles of the Canadian -West,
Death of Thomas S. Betties.—
Death came after a long tune to
'1 bonds Stormer Bettlen, 5th cunces-
s1 to Codcrich to'w whip,, on Friday,
Sept._elet, in his Stith year. Mr. Bet -
flee •came to Canada when a j ottnt.'
.ratan and tonic tap farming, which he
carried on all his life. He was a faith-
ful member of Griice United Church,
Porter'. Hi11, and wits held in warm
affection by his friends and neighbors.
1 -Ie leases to ntotn•n their loss his wi-
dow, formerly Hiss Jessie 11ati1dn
it rgan, and two daughters, Mrs.
Rhoda' Jordan of 1lorse, Sask., and
Mrs, Peter Young of .Gode.ricti town-
ship, and three sons, Theron, of Mc-
Killop township; Allen, of Godericit
township. and Erlated of Toronto, .and
twelve grandchildren. He was the
last of a 'family of -tem The funeral
was held from ,Grace United Church
on Smelly to \laitland cemetery, The
service was. conducted by Itis minis-
ter, Rev, TI, \-t, ,tattle, who took for
:he text of hie dincoerse tate 1i3tlt
verse of the loth chapter of 1,st Cor-
inthians. 'Mrs. Reid 'Torrance and
Jean bison sang, "The Lord is sly
tihetilterd," which was chosen by the
deceased its also the hymns, ".hide
.with lie," and -Work for the Night
is Coming." The pallbearers were:
Fred Pickard, Fred Ford, Jdhn Hndie,
James Stirling, Bert Cox and Sterling
llol''hait, which were also cho'sett ht•
`1'he beautiful floral tribe tee,
showing She esteem in which time de-
ceased was head, were carried by se-
ven of his grandchildren. The .family
pillow, basket cif roses from grand-
children, also offerings front the
church, staff of 'Corona Star, and the
Building' Committee, the choir. Men's
Chile- end many from friends far and
near were included. Friends were .pre-
sent fteste Port Stanley, Kincardine,
Goileric'Ii and eerrounding commun-
\Ir, and Mrs. Juin Oesch ani fam-
ily of pigeon, Mich., were visitors
with relativds,
m\fe sr,.,Milford Schil'be, Lee - 0'-
Brem, tMm, 0113retn and L. W. Haff -
man were in Detroit, '
Mr, Philip Bedard of Tilbury
called on
friends in Zurich. -
Mise [Beatrice Gascho has gtitte to
Kitchener where she has taken a
Iles. Wnt, Schade and son. Clar-
ence tef the Blue l';'eter Reenway and
Hiss Melville Schack of London
spent a 'few days in Michigan,
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stele.]: and son
Lawrence and (laughter Florence of
Dauphin, Man„ are speckling a 'few
weeks at r..uri,ch, It is about 28 years
since M.r, and firs. Ste'lcic moved to
Dauphin. -
Douglas Egyptian Liniment is es-
pecially recommended -.for spider, or
infection of cow's teat. invaluable
also in cases of spavins, curbs and
,Send us the names of your visitors.
When You Have A
Phone or write to
Phone 22 Ingersoll
Phone 215 W -. Stratford
Former Huron
Boy Honored
The :following item refers to a bro-
ther of Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Tuck-
'Pasadena, Cal, _Norman A. Bailie,
one -tinge ,fart boy, former school
teacher and ,a ease president of ,the
Los Angeles Bar, was elected the
eighth 'president of the Seale Bar of
California in a spirited three -cornered
contest whew the -;16' members_ of the.
Board 51 Governors met yesterday
morning at the,Hotel Huntington,
Pasadena, to elect the ,1934-15 officers
of the Association;
Other officers 91908en were; Chaun-
cey F. Tramutolo, Sate Francisco., vice
president; Richard Beloher, liarys-
ri1{e, vice president; ,wear Seiler,
Long Illeac:h, vice president; ,Dean R.
Dickey. San Francisco, .re-elected. ea-
ecutire secretary, Mitchell Bourgin,
San Francisco, re-elected treasurer,
,Each Of the three candidates at the
election were Los Angeles attorneys,
Norman A. Bailie, joint W. !Hart, and
John Perry Wood. Mr, Bailie is ent-
ering on his second year ae a member
of the Board of Governors, He was
elected after [Judge Wood witlt•drew•
in his favor and the election was made
• "I intend to bend any effort toward
consolidating the members of the
Slate Bar into a united. -whole for the
improvement of the administration of
justice," Mr. Bailie said, itufnediatety
after iiie election,
ittr, Bailie, prominent 'Los Angeles
attorney, Was horn on a farm in the
pt 'vines of Ontario, -Canada, -on Jar,
2, 1'x77, He attended the public
AFresh from
the Gardens
school; of the province and later the
Goderic3t Collegiate- ,Institute there,
He ca -me to 'California in 11595, and,
unable 'to obtain other employment at
the tine, labored during 1895=96, with
a pick. and shovel brigade of the old
Los Angeles 'Pacific Railroad.
While employed as a lalborer, Bailie
studied to take the examination for a
California public school teacher,
stedying alone -along required lines,
131e passed the examination and: be-
came a teacher in the Etiwanda
School in the little San Bernardino
county tecta, The only teacher, - he
had charge o1 eight grades. He was
here for two Years, but in 1598 was,
made principal of the Rialto \School
it the orange growing district o'f San
Bernardino County, -where he served
two years.
From 1098 to 1190,7 he was a teacher
in a San Bernardino high school. Der-.
ing this period as a school teacher hey
had also been studying law. His stud-
ies nwere under the late Henry Good -I
cell, father ,oi Rex Goodcell, - under
the flow Associate Justice Jesse W.
Curtis of the State Supreme- Court,.
and under henry Conner, :all then
San Bernardino attorneys.
File was admitted to the California
Bar in 11905 'before the tDittriet Court
of Appeal, entering as a member of
the first clays to he admitted .before
that Court, then just created. - -
He carne to Los Angeles in 11907,
entering the law .offices of Frani. tL,
Shatiktaud and Jefferson P, Chand-
ler. He was later with Gray, Barbour
tet. Bowen, cv4tieh 'later 'becatme Flint,
Gray and. Barbour, associating with
them until ,I9i113. From that time until
19115 he was its.tstant attorney for the
Los Angeles \Vhvlesalers Board of
!He returned to private practice in
January, 1191115, associating with Wil-
liam A. Bowen under the fi•rnt name
of Bailie cC Sowell. Ott Jan, 1, 119,24,
he organized the law ,Grin of Bailie,
Turner & Lake, .of which he is still
the senior vnem+ber. His associates
are: Richard A, Turner and Frederick
W. Lake.
Bndte was married on Sept, 20, 1.9011,
to. Charlotte barter of San Bernard-
ino, There are two children, \'rargare Want and Por Sale Ads, 3
Bailie Leppo of Burlingame and :Dor-
othy Bailie. Allier working with the
Grievance Cotntmitt'ee of Los Angeles
and serving ,ou the Board of Trustees,
Bailie was elected president of that
organization 'for 1939-'311. He is a Past
Exacted Ruler of Los Angeles Lodge
of Elis, No, 99.
Losses to potatoes from low tem-
peratures ;may he prevented by adopt-
ing the following measures: (11) Har-
vest the crap before heavy frosts.
(,2) Store .the crop in rooms having a
lemperatnre between 315 and 40 de-
grees .P., thus preventing the potatoes
from turning sweet .and t'he develop-
ment of necrosis, (3) Provide protea
tion against ;frost for potatoes trans-
ported during the cold month's (4)
\\',hen it is known that potatoes have
been u-nde'rcooled do not handle
them until it is certain that the tem-
perature is above the freezing point.
weeks, 50e.
The Minister of Finance offers for public subscription
Two-year 2% Bonds, due 15th October, 1936
Issue price : 98.90 and accrued interest, yielding 2.57% to maturity.
Five-year 2% Bonds due 15th October, 1939
Issue price: 98.15 and accrued interest, yielding 2.90% to maturity.
Eight-year 3% Bonds, due 15th - October, 1942
Issue price: 97.00 and accrued interest, yielding 8.48% to ntaturf:ty.
Fifteen -year 31% Bonds, due 15th October, 1949
Issue price :90.50 and accrued interest, ,yielding 8.81 % to maturity.
Principal payable without charge in lawful money of Canada at the Head Office of the
Bank of Canada, Ottawa, or at any of its branches in Canada.
Interest payable half -yearly, 15th April and 15th October, in lawful money of Canada,
without charge, at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank.
Two-year Bonds, $1,000
Five-year Bonds, $500 and $1,000
Eight-year Bonds, $500 and $1,000
Fifteen -year Bonds, $100, $500 and $1,000
Cash Subscriptions
All cash subscriptions will be subject to allotment. Following the announcement
of the plan of allotment, payment in full for the bonds allotted must be made
promptly against delivery of interim certificates, which will be effected on or
about 15th . October.
Refunding Subscriptions
Holders of Victory Loan 5i% Bonds due 1st November, 1934, after detaching
and retaining the coupon due 1st November next, may, for the period during
which the subscription lists are open, tender their bonds in lieu of cash on sub-
scriptions for a like par value of bonds in one or more maturities of the new issue
and receive allotment in full with prompt delivery. The surrender value of the
Victory 5i% Bonds will be as follows;
100% of their par value on subscriptions for the Two-year 2% Bonds
and the Five-year 2-1% Bonds.
100 ofo of their par value on subscriptions for the Eight-year 3% Bonds
if effected on or before 6th October, and 100% of their par value
after that date.
100*% of their par value on subscriptions for the Fifteen -year 34-%
Bonds if effected on or before 6th October, and 100% of their par
value after that date.
Holders will receive in cash the difference between the surrender value of their
Victory Bonds and the cost of the bonds of the new issue.
The amount of this Loan is limited to $250,000,000.
The Loan is authorized under Act of the .Parliament of Canada, and both principal and
interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada.
The proceeds of this Loan will retire $222,216,850 Dominion of Canada 5i•'/, Bonds
maturing 1st November, 1934. The balance will be used for the general pur-
poses of the Government, including the redemption of short-term
Treasury Bills.
Subscriptions will be received and receipts issued by any branch in Canada of any Chartered
-.Bank and by Recognized Dealers, from whom may be obtained application forms
and copies of the official prospectus containing complete details of the Loan,
Applications will not be valid on forms other than those
printed by, the King's Printer.
The subscription lists will open 1st October, 1934, and will close on or before 13th October,
1934, with or, without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance.
OTTAWA, ism Oc'rottrit, 1934.