HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-10-04, Page 1'A wanderer is man from his birth. He was born in a ship On the breast of the River of Time; Brimming with wonder and joy He spreads out his arms to the light, Rivets his gaze on the banks of the stream. And the width of the waters, the hush Of the gray expanse where he floats, Freshing its current and spotted with s . th HURON COUNTY'S LEA.t ING NEWSPAPER foam As it draws to the Ocean, may strike, Peace to the soul of the man on its breast - As the pale waste widens around him, As the banks fade dimmer away, As the stars come out, and the night- wind Brings up the stream Murmurs and scents of the infinite sea. jWIHOLE SERIES, VOL. .56, No. 40 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOSF,R 4, 1934 . Phone 84, $1, a year. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Three Days Only 110 lbs GRANULATED SUGAR (regular 4 for 25c) ,YOUNG'S JELLY POWDER - 4 for 19c YORK BRAND TOMATO JUICE 5 tins 25c CAMPBELL'S PORK & BEANS •large tins 3 for 29c COOKING ONIONS . ,15 lbs. 25c bars SURPRISE SOAP with one dairy pail all for 79c ID bars of LAUNDRY SOAP .,25c x54 BROKEN SODA BISCUITS - 3 for 25c CORN STARCH . , . , 3 lbs. for 23c HEN GRIT per cwt 1,00 O. A. C. and Master (Red Head) Laying Mash per cwt 2,40 BROOMS 25c each Eggs -11c extra for Trade. 10, BouUeo PHONE 166 PRESBYTERY OF HURON The Presbytery of Huron of the United Church of Canada at its regu- lar e u -lar meeting held on 'September d'7th placed itself on record in no uncertain terms when the 'fo'llowing resolution was unanimously adopted: "'That we hereby direct the secretary of the Presbytery to communicate at once with the Parliament at Ottawa and with the Legislature at Toronto to protest against the action of the ,Otn- tario 'Government in the granting of "Authorities" for the sale of ,beer. and wine within the .County Of Huron, believing, as we do, that the Canada Temperance Act, as endorsed by the ,people ;by averwehhmin.g majorities, is legally fin effect at the present time within the area 'we represent," RUNAWAY CAR IA stout telephone pole in front of the Commercial Hotel bears scars (from a midnight combat with 'a run- away 'autdrno'bile, the latter coming out second best. After the bowlers' 'tourney Monday night, Dr. Bach- ely's car stalled on Main street and while being pushersl to release the )starter„ the motor suddenly started, causing the car to. dashaway driver- less; it covered nearly a ]block be - [fore running into the pole. CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Yengibiut and family of the Base Line Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Decter, Mr. and 34r1s, Dphrialnn Clarke ,mb- toied to Toronto on Sunday to meet their dau'ghter, Miss Viola, who was returning home after her four hnonths' rvacation 'wall' her aunt, Mrs. M. A, iPrice, at her sainimer cottage on thhnic Lake. NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH Rev. T, A, Carmichael, Minister . Sunday, Oct. 7. 111 tom., "Practical 'Thanksgiving." 7 p.m., Rev, 1G. E. 1lorrow• will ,preach, "Where You Are, with What You Have." Anniversary services on Sunday, Oct 14. The pastor, .Rev. S A. Car- michael, will have charge of the ser - rices and preach. Special music by the choir. EGMONDVILLE CHURCH Thanksgiving services, Oct, 7th, 'Reverend Arthur Sinclair of Hensali will preach at both services, 111 a,m. anti 7 p.m. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH Church services, Sunday, Oct. 7th. 11'0 c clack, Sunday School and hible 'Cas. Holy Communion, 711 o'clock. .Evening service, 7 o'clock. Rev. G, 1'. Parson, rector of Kirkta n, will preach at both services. All we:comc Cancra; E, Appleyard, rector. McKILLOP CHARGE Duff's United Church anniversary envicce, 111 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Morn - in; speaker, Rev. George Kersey, B. \, Mitchell, Evening speaker, Rcv, T. A. Carmichael, Northside Church, Seaforth, !Special music by the choir Services at Winthrop and Bethel ,t.t.iirawll for the occasion, LADIES' TOURNAMENT .\ very delightful ladies bowling tournament was herd on Tuesday af- ternoon. M[rs. DeLaccy with a score of 3 wins plus -11, was the successful. winner of first honours, Mrs, '[Rug- uard and Mrs. Frank Devercattx tied for second, each having 2w plus 110. CONVENTION 'THIS WEEK The Teachers' Institutes of East Huron and \\'eat 1-Iurnn Will hoed their joint convention at McKay Halt in Goderich un Friday of this week. The special speaker will be Prof. G. A. Cornish, of the College of Educa- tion, Toronto. Pro•fr Cornish sp'ecial- 1zes in geography and wrote the geo- graphy text book in use in the schools at present. The joint convention plan was in- augurated last year, instead of sep- arate meetings as formerly; a change this year is that the event will be for one day only, instead of two. LECTURE Dr, J. W. S. MdCullbugh, chief in- spector of health of Ontario, and sec- retary Of the Ontario .Cancer Com- mission will give a lecture in the Regent Theatre on Tuesday, Oct, 16, at 4 p.tn. Admission is free. The lec- ture which is under auspices of the local Boards of Health, is on cancer and its tre'a•finent, and is illustrated by motion pictures. The management of the Regent 'have kindly placed the theatre at the disposal of the meeting. A.Y.P.A. ELECT OFFICER'S The first autumn meeting of A.Y. ,P.A, of St Thomas' Church was 'heid en Monday evening at .8.1115, and op- ened with hymn and prayer. The el- ection of officers for the coming year was as follows: ;Patron, Rev, Canon E. Appleyard; president, ,Frank Arah- ibald;; vice president, Mary Pretty; see P. Southgate; treasurer, Earle !Leybunse; pianist, Jean! IDungey; press sec., Dorothy Parke; 'Represen- tative tolocal council A.Y.P.A., F. (Archibald, Dorothy ,Parke and 13, ;Southgate. Meetings will be held in the parish hall on the .second and fourth Mondays 05 each month at 13.115. Potatoes Are Big. "AS BIG AS A HOUSE" (Big potatoes arebeating previous records this set.s,o. and someone suggested that these. grown by liar, J, 11. Robertson Snarling, street, on display at The 'News recently Were "as big -as a house," hence the eompocite.picture, A few like' this veld make a nice supply for winter! CAR FOR THE WEST. At a well attended meeting held at the :North Side United Church on Monday evening, arrangements were completed to again send a car of clothing and provisions to the Can- adian \Vest, Rev. C 1 Malcolm act- ed as chairman and the enthusiasm displayed by the representatives o1 the various local churches present at the meeting indicated that no (Hi:i- culty would be experienced in com- pletely filling a car at Seaforth. The following organization com- mittee was apps uted:Ree. lir. 31a:- c„1an, Rev', 31r. Carmichael Rev. lit Morrow and Messrs. Chas, Stewart. t J. F. Daly, John Finlayson, , F. 1 Kerslake Dr, Harburn, \\ \, Crich. Alex, McGa:vin and Jas. Brown. In charge of the loading of the car will be Messrs. Kerslake, McCloy, Dol - mage, ) 1mate, McIntosh and Tycrmau. It is expected that the car will be available on Thursday, inch October, and be shipped on iFriday, 12th Oc- tober. The following , r ,e i•i, us will be welcomed; Potatoes, turnips, cab- ha,e, pumpkins, citrons, carrots, ,beets, beans, onions, rte.; apples. honey, sugar, rolled oats, rolled wheat, flour, canned fruit pickles, etc. These articles may he :eft at lir, W. A. Crich's vacant store at any time, or brought direct to the car on ;he above date.,. Mrs. Chas, Stewart will he in charge of a committee to handle al: clothing, bedding, etc, and it is re- quested that these be also :eft at Mr, Crich's store on or before Friday morning when they will be sorted and 'baled, DEANERY CONVENTION 'Tire annual fall convention of the Deanery of iI-Iuron was held in St. Paul's Church, Hensall, on Wednes- day, with a good attendance. The program opened at 110 a.m., celebrant, Rural Dean Rickard, Brussels; as- sisted by Rev. M. I3. Parker and Rev. M. A. Hunt, The convention of 'Chapter and lay s,v-ork'ers was held in the Presbyterian ,Church basement, and the Deanery Woman's Auxiliary met in 1St, Paul's Church at 1111 Mrs. A. Shore, addressing the latter cm "Prayer IPartnersnnip.'5 .Midday prayers at noon, Chapter, Rev, K. McGoon; ,W.A., Rev. E. L. Roberts, The opening devotions of the after- noon session were conducted by Rety. Canon E. !Appleyard. Rev. D. B. Ro- gers, of the editorial and supplies dept, of the G.iBiR,E., Was the speak- er for the afternoon. The question and answer period was under, the di- rection of Rev, Quinton 'Warner and Res'. R. D. Mess, London. Luncheon and tea were served by the Hensall ladles, Those attending from Seaforth were Canon and Mrs. Appleyard, Canon and Mrs. Austin Smith an d Mrs, Deem, W.I. The regular monthly meeting of the !Seaforth Junior ',Institute will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 2:30 at the home of Miss Helen 3Ic- Kerdher, The roll call is to he answer- ed by 1>ringing a guest. • GIRLS' ACHIEVEMENT DAY Huron Cotinty Girls' Achievement Day will be held in ;he Town Hall in Sea fort h at 3 »gals on. Saturday, Oct ti to which the public invited. It Is en t ' .r,- in the.county, ex- hibits. to be in on Sat:Inlay 11 rning or 1 t: in Tae r:. -h, The rcrr. e. president, hiss Margaret Dort vice pres!deet, 11is, Marjorie Faker, ec. - treats., Nliss Elizabeth Taylor; directors -- Miss I v n ,Dnrnin, Miss Tielen :Nle- •Kereher, Mr. Ian M1cLc 1. The ,tr- , r,:u1 for :he morning will tart at '1 oat - ,tilt registration and , a,'n4 exhibits. At 1.1.311 the fol.. 'ci p b a In yr begin, with hiss \i, rgEtret Durnin, chairman, ti Can- ada; address m*. vele• me ' Gertrude NVebster, reply,(Reach Anderson; flc,vcr r n ea,eat dem- s:n iuon Eileen • Treleaven, Evelyn ('ichor.; mirk es v t, jean I cohering ham Iia:h inn S:rang; address, Dr. .\ Ross, Ms.:do:tali Institute, The aftc•'n 1 ogram will start at 1:30 esti, ..s't is community sing:- imt. chairman, 11:,.. i' I'. Eadie, In- s:imte tragic?n: :\•(tires., \I is E. ('h::,ma::, "The -Farmer." Music by Znrch junior In,:itu:e, Goo ties a;iir itu:h Strau shin, E1eaider \W L• n. Vegetable, the Year Round, IDnngann ,n tile's' 1;arde:t and 'C an- nfn: Club. Din.ler is Served, Seaforth Junior institute. ;Address, Miss O. Cruikshank, 11a 1, nald Institut e Organize for next year. Huron Conn- ty Looking .Ahead, llnr.aret Herein. Cod Saye Time Icing: The exhibits (,,,en. t, girls under 30 years, resident in - Huron), are grouped in the .following classes. .' .4. Clothing --Record book and samplers as cutiined in clothing project. B. Homecraft--111 pr. hand knit men's work socks. 1i knit summer sweater. ,1 hooked floor rig. 1 cot- ton patched• quilt. 1 Mother Craft scrap book. C. Food project -di quart canner} tomatoes, !1 pint canned corn. 1 pint .canned beets. 1. pint asparagus. D. Home Beautifullfication-,1' pro- ject. 11 living room bouquet. 1 dining room table bouquet, E. Garden and 'Can'ning Club Ex- hibit, - lF. Layettes made by Jr. Clubs, litt--,-- ---------..=tfifitA Don't Forget The Big Sale At SAVAUGE'S Thursday, Friday .141 pt. Saturday RUSSELL R. 'WALLACE The death of Russell Robert Wal- lace of Egurondville occurred in Lon- don Hospital on Sunday, September .30th, after an illness of six weeks. The deceased was a sou of llr. and Mrs. \ ex. Wallace, Tucker - smith, and was b6rii in Essex County, coming to l ac kersmith with his fam- ily ret h'1113, In June 1031, he was married to Edythe Lillian Ritchie, 1'hc last tw tears of his hie were Spent in Egmandviae. !alts deceased was twenty -Seven years of age, Those left to mourn Itis lots are his wife and otic on, Robert Jamc:, two years old .his father and mother, seven sisters and two brothers. The inners( was held October 2nit at 2.30 o'clock from EgmondvEllc Church. of which he was a member. Interment was made in Egm-ndvitls Cemetery. The pallbearers were MORE POTATOES, Mr. William Oke brought to The News °Mtn, this week a splendid potato, weighing two lbs,, smooth and firm, grown by Mr. Wm. H. Keeler of Hibbert. It is of the Cob- bler variety. While this district is favored with remarkable potatoes and a big yield, reports from the south- western part of the province say the potato crop is alnnost a complete failure, ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Harry Lyon of Londesboro, annoutnces the engagement of her daughter, Ida Louise, to Mr. Harry Dentin, son of Mr. John and the late Mrs: Dtrrnin of West \Tyr'awanosh. The. marriage to take place this month. Mlr. \\'ilired Coleman, .lir, Robert Tyndall, 31r, Edwin Chesney, 11 r. James Riley, -Ile. Peter 1'etersen nd Ile. Harvey Letherland. The marry floral tributes were lovely. 'Reverend ('utiles Mlalc„lou of Eg- m e:16%4lle Church, , fticiated, and during the service 11i -s Ethel Jack- son' sang a comforting Those .who attended from a dist- ance were Ile, J. S. Dutet, !.rrand- father of the deceased; lir', F. Resume, Mrs. \V. 1', Dutot, lir. and Mrs, 0, Peterson and Bessie, all of C'omber; Mrs. NV. McCracken of Staples. Mr, and Iles,. H, 1)utot 0: Leamington. Mr. and llrs, J. Wal- lace of \Voodslee, Mr. and Mrs. A, \\aliace and Mrs. Sturdy .of Wind- sor, lirs. tLctherland, Viola and Har- vey of Auburn, and Ile. ani Mrs. 31. Ritchie and baby of•,Blyth; Mr- and Mfrs. J. Smillie and lir. D. Ross of tT-Icn sail,' 'Airs, 10, Vivian, 'Cameron .and Allan, of Stafl'a. MRS. (HARRY MARTIN Where passed away at her home in Seaforth about .3 o'clock Tuesday morning, Elizabeth Ann I7allett, 'be- loved' wife of ,Mr. Henry Martin, Mrs. Martin had been in failing health for some time but was able to be around as usual. Born in Seaforth 71. years ago she was a daughter of the late Serg- eant and Mrs. Hallett, -Almost all her life was spent in Seaforth with the exception of several years fn Hamil- ton and with her brother in,,Colorado, and folldw'ing her marriage to Mr, .Martin, living in Blyth and (Goderich for a couple of years, and later for a short time in Milverton. She is sur- vired by her husband and one broth- er, .1Tugh of Sacramento, Calif. She was predeceased by a 'brother, Ed- ward in Seaforth, and Fred and a half-brother, Murdoch McEwen, in Cleveland.. An adopted daughter, (Marie Mar- tin, pred•eoeased her in 119118, during the influenza epidemic. The funera 1 raid( take place' on Ttursday afternoon from the resid- ence, 31111 street, on Thursday after- noon, at 2' o'clock, Rev. T. A. Car- michael officiating. The palllbearers will be Messrs, Robert \Vils'on, R. Sandford, Robert Elberhart, Donald McDonald, Ed. Mole, "Thos. Rands Interment will take place in the :Maitland Bank Cemetery. Among those attending the funeral are lir. and Mrs, Charles Jenkins, lir, Char- les Wilson (a cousin of Mr, Martin) and Mrs. Mona Cunteith (a niece of. Mr. Martini) all of London, and Mfr. J, J, McEwen of Cleveland, Ohio. 'MRS. GEORGE STRONG The community was shocked ort Saturday last to hear of the sudden death of (Lary Kyle, beloved wife of the late Geo, 11. Strong, who prede- ceased her in January. Born iu Tuckersmith, May, 1667, eldest daughter of the late \\'m. Kyle and his wife, Isabella MacEwen, the dcces cd1 ant her whole 1 a life is her waive e t nvnship, 11essr,l with a kindly disposition and cheerful manner, her passing re - reeve. one, who endeared herself to a'. w110 were privileged to make her acquaintance. Although her interest was in her hs.uie, her generosity and sympathy were bread enough to epi-- braceall in need of a true jrieud, Let t., mourn the less of an affec- tionate f ectiatate mother and devoted sister, are two daughters, Mrs. Harvey 31n .:•e, with whom she had made her home :or the past year: Mrs. Iva,; F. r -eaglet roue son. Wm: G., of the. staff ,? Ottawa Public Schools, a sis- ter•, Mrs. Wm. J. Chesney of Cart- wright, Mao., and a brother, Thos. of Hensall. Thera} trihutes were received from 11r. and Mrs. W. J. Chesney, Glashan. Public School, Men's Teacher's Club and Chalmer's United Church Sunday School, Ottawa. Messrs, A. Brown. H. Chesney; E. Forsythe, J. Finlay- son, R. Kennedy and F. Upshall were the pallbearers, five of whom had acted in a similar -capacity at her hus- band's funeral a few- months earlier; 'Rev. C. A, Malcolm, M.A., pastor of Egmondville United Church, con- ducted the service and interment was in Maitland Bank Cemetery. !Friends were present ,from London, . Zurich, Hensall and Clinton. McKILLOP W. M. 8, . The 1IoKii'lop branch of the • W.M. S. of First Presbyterian Church held its ;September meeting at She home of Mrs, T. TV, McMillan with a ;gond' attendance of tnanrbers ado friend: present. The afternoon was spent in quilting and sewing as usual, The ,president, Mrs. T. L. Bell, presided ' over the devotional period which op- ened with the singing of.hymn 75t?. Mrs, Wil, Hogg took the Scripture tessou 'followed by the Glad Tiditngs prayer read by lies, J. L. Bell. Mrs, John Carter Jr.sang a pleasing solo, "Serving My King," accompanied by Mrs, Helen McMillan. An interesting report of the W.M.S. Presbyterial .held in Hensall recently, with 'give;: by Mrs,- Win. Drover, During the business period final arrantge'ments were made for the :home -(baking stare Find tea, to be held] on .Sat,, Oct 6th. [Fr.,. '5138 was sung and then the ' meeting was closed by all "repeatiing the Lord" e prayer in unison.