HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-09-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT, 27, 193,1,. SUPER SUDSs ri w y �� }F,y N'..'!tstYi4•1'karFi�4'11i , , , c%` t" t {r h ,}i A�,tyi�1� � 1 Y it 1 A � � �}' 'q d � ta�'S�7�- 1 ,r{ '��M F � .p �t.. S,.. �nn ,,. . ,L `` 4 .p �lll"•j'�.. .��. COLGATE'S TOILET SOAP -., er � ig tiAi Y/ OEADSaSOAD o„ nevem: '�4 ou„[s a,uaKrtn `----- INSTANT Cuts dishwashing time 2 t Yt�r ys � ' SUDS in half! ...�. T�' ?}14t'Ni� ;.�,j th �i..:•'+%� ,.a. �r4� +�-�4t _. 'h.. ^ - -2' �-( t' 1 ,�� r JUST IN TIME FOR FALL HOUSECLEAN/NG e'at > as eOLGArEs' .. 1 ,1'� ��s'� 4!'Y� �K.ftx;. " t �.�f1� ...tr for 1 ' ' -.-.--- .. > O i e Here's a chance for thrifty women to stock up on these nationally known laundry and J toilet soaps at special prices. - Buyto-day-thesupply is limited. BIG in size. and Quality Small in Price Blended from AL t r oNl( AIM pA °.' i olive and palm oils ' LIVE SOAP 1 VFa SPECIAL No purer, ---PRINCESS ' a€.. P ' safer soap than .��,-,.: a. rr^ .:i's 4 7e FLAKES GUARANTEE ON EVERY PA1:IOUVEl KEEPS COMPLEXIONS YOUTHFUL for 2 29( — PACKAGE Elephant Brand Pure Laundry Soap . . .. .. 3 for V RE BRODHAGEN, Ont. Querengesser & Diegel EGMONDVILLE, Ont, W. J, Finnigan Phone 72 HENSALL, Ont. Dayrnan's Groceteria THE MERCHANTS W SEAFORTH, Ont. Carter's Cash Grocery Phone 42 J. J. Cleary Phone 117 N. Pryce Phone 77 HO HAVE MADE THIS SEAFORTH, Ont. A. C. Routledge Phone 166 W. R. Smith Phone 12 Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 SALEPOSSIBLE WALTON, Ont. W. C. Bennett Phones—Grey 904 Bell 230-32 D. Ennis Phones—Seaforth 232 r 21 Brussels 19 r 5 Humphries & Co. Phone-lSeaforth 232-2 .^- - HENSALL. \[ s 71, Tom of Exeter was visit - :c s ittt friends in town Tuesday. ct M I a:r' .„.,e ,: .r.3 M (;ei•, \\'a:ker left this week to to 3 . „rte ,tee -c d to t re:at:yes iu 'i'eronto and. North 71r Ser. 1\''s.•n ind \Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Da_ynten :Sirs. Dr. seeet. Mrs. Reid atel \tics Yan- a 1 sett , i Exr:er were 'Sunda) i i ` 'v'th tars. Hannah Taylor, The many frieeds of .Mrs. Peter i':: ter toil: he sorry te hear she suf- '1,'. an I Mr, i re t yen - 111 fered severe heart attack on Mun- t ,e t llr .wen ;lay n, u•nhn • fund is c, :fined to her t t ,cert e . _ an ..,e.. s :n n Her nicety friends wish her a s t t t1 speedy recovery, Ga.:, ...en.1 on stye .\ fee lii;.aOf\Vn:1 ::,.k e 4 eek en itich ger ate, lir. and lli-. R. II'Liwins. I'it.'. \ttgliean Chnreh are 701 hal-ling a cerin tea in the basement. t: Mrs. caes Gratem -e t reel on Saturday t,fter:t t t carters ...t ..y at atsaa eats, 71 ch. s r tdar will ht rally day in the :ettoal Mre. 11s. n `'ate United Church. S,ec:a: m;isic ie be- i' satealaat: 1 :t' Betel. ' a.- re]'arcd a i l a cordial invitation alreI s extended t„ a.:. been Tiic Y.P.S. :he United Church .,e Imer:....ma Her many tea tels 'saes' sse tier' sr Seal again 3Ie en1 Yes. C -e„a and :Miss visit:el with t de.i and Mrs, W. C, Pierce al Ex- ..- -etre 7er. 31-sn far, 'f ii \\ .+Fee .,-.t,? to si.th,-:1 smarday. Free: co a has . d 1[r=. -Vire! TI re to Mai -teats :Merle- -:c• , e ..:rt t rt:- �• to , :sir.71-• E.-1 1 ..a.er : Lir- ; e r 'rteeekeatsit e t•. 31.. an.1 Mrs. T. \V. e aeet. eistttioe:'.it here. Mre. \ ser:.. I tirade is t•t.ing ".vith Mi,s Emma T .:irs:; tt. I 1.)•mg,1%s and sea sailen H ' ' Park viaite.I r - e n . -t %eel: with Mrs. Douglas' t :her l Mrs. Jahn 1; dins , n mai Mise ee Mr rAiiee joynt joy.and sen Wes who ?:ave been spending the summer at ,'`e°r :tome, have returned Fore. -t. Mr. and Mrs. \\'ni. Dav .1. -n and aalAlieo visited on Sunday with :ends at i-Iarriston. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of ('ort Rc wan is siting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E, Sheffer, :Mrs. John Berry has taken reams with hiss Adair and has moved there. 'Mr. Nelson :Blatchiord has been snaking improvements to his dwelling en Richmond Street. The annual \Mission Band rally 'of Huron .Presbyterial wtas held in Gad- •erich on Sat., (Sept. 22nd. There was a good representation from the- dif- ferent Bands. among those receiving certificates and seals were Miss Myr- na Hudson and Miss Irene 7IcMartin f Hensel', who received life mem-. berehip certificates and Ruth Yc•nng received her three-year seal. Sunday, Sept. 30th will be rally day at Carmel- Presbyterian Church, `1 t- ial music is being prepared by children's choir. A cordial inritatcn is extended to parents. The 'V M;S. of Carmel Church. met for their regular September • meeting -en Thursday afternoon, Sept. 211th, in site basement of the church with Mrs. Farquhar presiding The meeting c:p- tned by singing hymn 108 and Mrs. A:rnolcl led in prayer, Mra, Edwards tread the 'Bible lesson from the bc•ok eat Proverbs and the roll call was answered .using humility as 0 text word. •The minutes of the previous greeting were read and approved. Mrs,. Dallas took the topic and 'the businesia period followed .conducted by the President, Mrs• Young, after which the offering was received. Mrs. Perguhar then. gave a very appropra ate reading entitled, Iles, Pickett s •'Mthssiouary 13 -ox. Mrs, Young slang a 061o, and Mrs. D, Nicol led in prayer. The closing'hiymm •was' followed • by able (Lord's prayer • in unison, !Miss Rlurth Ghapmian, RN., of Ha- milted is visiting awitth her parents, Ma. and Mrs; Wm, Chapman, olf Hay. .7.1,C11er, 11107 'a:' 711C01 :11,1 into t relit - 11 Fridayda,venin, atthe a:;.l Mrs. Jas. Smillie, e veiling was s pelt t in games and r-ntta.ts and neiner- and marehmel- as tsars served, There way a ,good arowti present. The render nieecing• set sr held oe Monday evenin.g,s in the Itasetneut af the e.tureh. The ;petty frienclet of Mrs. f Vat- 1Val- caelreMtan will In: pleased to hear she Sae e t able t:, return to her home irate, tic. tt :Memorial Hospital, Seeforth a where she was taken for treatment after site was accidentally t abaut two weeks Tor• while working in he , nion field, A fete of 1:1e young. boys in town were in the ,; practising. shooting • and one u,n while aiming at a tin can ac- cidentally shot Mrs. Valcndraghan. r- accident hoeld be a lesson, also 11, rein. to the boys of Hensall and vicinity net to be allowed to handle those daagerens weapons, especially ie the teem iimite, and endanger the :iyes of citizens, especially boys as yoting as tate b.3s are, BAYFIELD. Mrs. Cal:lerwc d of Ottawa is vis - icing ger Brother, M -r. George King, and Mrs. Linc. Mrs. Polk of Caledonia visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett, last week. Mrs. Gairdner and daughter Betty of London were home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fisher of Waterloo. who were guests of Mrs. F. A. Edwards Inc two weeks, return- ed home Sunday. 'Harvest Thanksgiving services are to be ,held Sunday. Sept, 30th at Trin- ity Church at 111 a.nt. and 7 p.ttn, when \'en. Archdeacon Jonee Bateman of Goderich will condntct services, Heard-Elliott.-lBeautiiully decorat- ed with pink and white asters and autumn leaves, St. John's C'hnrch, Varna, was the scene of a very pretty autumn wedding on Saturday, Sept- ember 22nd, when Rwlth Irene, daugh- ter t t Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott of Varna, was united in :marriage to Fre- derick George Heard, son of Mrs. Hearn} and the late William Heard of Barfield. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rer. W. G. Bugler, B.A., of Bayfield. Tin wedding Music, 'The Bridal Chorus" iron Lnhengrin, and Mendelesoho s Wedding March, was played by the bride's cousin, Mrs. Lang of London, During the signing of :the register, Mors. R. D. Morrison of Kitchener -aunt Of the bride, sang very sweetly, 'B'ec'ause," The bride, given in marriage by her father, was daintily gowned in, blue R'osh- ana•ra crepe with blue ,hat, gloves and shoes to match. She carried a ,beauti- ful b'oun-net of Killarney noses and gypsop'Iai•]it. 'She was attendedby the groom's sister, Miss Nina Heard, wearing a gown of rose Roshan'ara crepe and carried a shotwer (bouquet of pink Sweetheart roses, The best man was M'r; Clayton Eplait, bnolther of the bride, and the ushers:f were Russell Heard and Alvin Elliott. Af- ter the ceremony- a reception was held at the bride's h,onne which was attractive'y decorated with au'tu'mn dowers. The color selterne through - 1 n. was pink and white. Receiving with the bridal couple were Mrs., Heard. tite *room'; mother, and Mr, 1 Mott, m othc r of the bride, .1 balfet lunchs n Wag served ts. about fifty gues ]'diose assisting in serving ,fere Misses E. Beatty, jean \los ,p, \(tied and Lillian El 'eat-Ti::ie McGuire, l[rs. .A \I 11,mtell. Amid showers of good tisite. and confetti the bride and room left on, a motor trip to e i u ce• and Montreal. Far travelling. tie bride donned a knitted wool plaid iiress with co - t r,f blue Tree Bark Cleth. blue fox fur and matching as ce- rtes, 1)n their return they will reside in t ,derich they were the teeipettts of many beautiful and ttse- :nl gifts, among them being a hauil• some cheque from James Lloyd & Son and employees, of Stratford, ttx e Me groom is a member of the dile_ .then ,The gr, n gift to the bride was a :lesamilut cabinet of silver. to the bridesmaid a gold nee lelace t , the bess man, gold tit' ehl and collar set, o. the pianist and 'cl ist, silver nut howl;. Relatives attending from •t di tt4ce were Mr, and Mie, Id D. Mori -nn 71r and Mrs. •F, C. Scotch - mer, Kiteltetter, 71r. and Mrs. Stock- ton, California. rnia. Their manyr ,ends at llaydeld and Varna extend to then best wishes, STAFFA. llr J, 31 Gray left on Saturday for a two weeks' holiday to Bermuda, she being one of the successful %vin, hers of the travel club, Mr. and .\[rs, H. Leslie were week end visitors in Toronto and Kingston. Mr. Clarence Norris has returned to Toronto after mending the holi- days with his parents, \Mt._ F. Cooper, Seaforth, is the attest of her sister, Mrs. F. A. Hamb- ey. \1r. Geo. Neal of Mitchell spent several days with his sister, Mrs S. Webb, .hiss Edith Tuffin is visiting in 5trariord. ' 31r, and Mrs, G. Wilson are visiting in Exeter. Mrs, A. Jeffry; Detroit is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W, Jeffry, Sunday visitors in the burg were: Mr, and Mrs. E. Pollen, Farquhar, with Mr. Geo. Tuffin1 u\lr, and. air;. :Mo. Whyte, Stratford, at J Living- ston's; Mr. and \ire, C. 'Whyte, Strat- ford at J. 31, Gray's, Mr, and Mrs. C. Stewart •with the lady's parents; Mr, and Mrs. E, Flynn, London and Mr, and .\Ira, E, H. Close, Seafort'h with Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Reid; \ie and Mrs. C. Drown, Russeld'ale, y+itli Dr. Thos, Drown; Mr. and -firs. N. Si1- lery and ler. J, Norris, Brucefnekl, and 31r, and Mrs, J. McKellar, Far- quhar, with 11r, and _llrs..Jno. Drake, McKILLOP. :Keep in mind the anniversary in Duff's Church, \McKillop, Oet. 7, fol- lowed cos Tues, evening by the play. "Aunt Susan's Visit," presented by Constance Young People, wider aus- pices of W.A. of Duff's Church, Deist Causes Asthma, Even a little speck too small to see will lead to a- gonies which no wards can describe. The walls of. the breathing tubes con- tract and It seems as if the very life must pass, From this condition Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings the user to perfect rest: It relieves the ,passages and normal breathing is firmly established again. Hundreds of testimonials received an- nually prove its effectiveness. HILLSGREEN. Mrs. D. B. Saunders and son Nor- -man, and grandson, Junior Brown, and Miss Alnta Kelly of London, vis- ited friends in this vicinity. MMr, and Mrs. Wilfred Iluxtable of Centralis visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Jas, Love. Mr, Otto Stephan of tHen:all visit- ed his tnother, Mrs. Stephan, _\lr, and Mrs. ,Levi Stele!: of Dauph- in, Manitoba, called in this vicinity on friends and relatives. \Ir, and \Mrs. C. Seimon•, and son Lenton of Zurich visited Mr.- and. Mrs. J, Baker and family__ STANLEY Rev. E, A. and Mrs. Poultcr of Brownsville are spending a 'few days at the home of Mr. anel Mrs, Roy La- mont, -\Ir. Poulter is physically unfit for his -'only and is taking a few weeks test. We hope that he may . 1nn be restored to his usual health. Miss May Boyce of Egntnndville is visiting her. cousin, Miss Margaret 31chiu?ev. Mr. Mervyn keys leas resumed his studies at Western University, Lon- don. 71r. and Mrs. Ruskin Keys of Last Windsor spent the weedy end with the i<rnte:'e parents, Mr. and \Mrs. Nel- son Keys. Mils Grace Robinson has gone to Le radon to attend normal school. Mr. and Mrs. EEL Stecicle spent Sunday with lir, and Mrs. Sam Oesch. Rally clay will he observed in our Sunday schools next Sunday. . Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas r- at present visiting relatives in this neighborhood, • Mrs. Iiarold Fen•itale and family spent the week end at St. Phomas, Miss Irene Scotahmer• at 'Loudon pent the week enol with her parents, \I". and Mrs, \\'till ,Scotchmer. \Ir. Arthur Hallam and Mr, Wil- liam McClinchey Jr, of Althorn spent Sunday last with air, and \1r., Wim. \icOlinc'hey Sr. of the !Bronson, line. Mr. Wm, McClinchey was the guest of Mr, Thos. Dinsmore on 'Sunday last. Mrs, Thos. 'Snowden, Mrs. ;Ali, Westlake acrd Mrs. Frank Hobson visited friends in B'rucefield -Sunday. KIPPEN. IRev. E. F. Chandler delivered a very helpful and- inspiring sermon on Sunday morning last. Misses ,Halcyon Chandler, Jean Ivison, Messrs. J, 13. McLean and W. Love sang a very fine quartette member, "More like Thee." The autumn anniversary services of St. Andrew's United Church will be held on Sunday, October 7th. Rev, Stainton of Jlanres St, Church, Exe- ter, will be the special speaker for the morning service and Rev. A. W. Gardiner of Londesboro will be the guest speaker for the evening servicer The choir are preparing special tnu- sic. services at lilt a.m. and 7.30 pun. The Busy Bees Mission Circle will hold their September meeting on Sat erday afternoon .at the home al Miss Margaret Eigie; as this is the first of the fall meetings it is hoped that all the girls will plan to be present. 'Rally Day services will be held on Sunday next in St. Andrew's United church, \Ve hope all the Sunday School children will plan to he ;pres- ent to receive their seals, diplomas and certificates for the year's atten dance. How The Woman Preacher Ended The "Eternal Triangle" (Discussing the unusual case of an evangelist w•hro. Wrote, "I -am a game loser"—But after her little dau'gh;ter tracked flown the "vamp" she thought had stolen her 'husband's love, she ruthlessly shot her down. head- the article in The :American Weekly ,with Sunday's Detroit Times.. (Want and For Sale Ads, 1 time, 2Se SPEeI71L SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Cash Only Prairie Rose Flour 2 /! Per Cwt. s ISepoy Flour 2,49 Alberta Rose Flour Per Cwt. . , 2.75 Pastry Flour 24 lbs 63c 10 pounds ,gip Granulated Sugar.. 54 c with $'1,00 Grocery Order Palmolive Soap 3 cakes for Big Bath Toilet Soap, 4 cakes ..,. .,..., 19e 14c Princess Soap Flakes 29 c 2 pkgs. for a P. & G. Soap 10 Bars 33c Red Rose Tea lb. 50c Maxwell House Coffee lb, 37c Pure Cocoa lb, 15e EDWARDSBURG SYRUP 10 Ib, 69c 721 N COLLINS'MILMISIMMIONLI ORCHESTRA Winthrop Hall FRIDAY NIGHT SEPT. 28TH Admission 25c AUCTION SALE. IWf11 ibe :held an :Saturday, Sept. 29t1i at 11, o'clock sharp, aii.d every. twa weeks following, at •Cod'more's barn, Seaiorth, ,Any person with any- thing to sell or exchange phone in, your list to Cad Dalton on or before each Wednesday noon so it can be advertised,' Rules of sale will be made known day of sale, COWS -411 Dunham caw, 4 years add, due to dresiien in three weelcs; 1 Jer- sey cow, 5 years ,old with calf at foot; 1 Holstein cow, 6 years old, freshen- ed; IL Holstein cow, milking good and bred 5 mos, !Pigs 5 suckers and chunks; 1 young York sow, bred 2 months, ii;.otel- A number of hens. Furniture -41 bed and springs, 1 single felt mattress, nearly new; 1 small coal stove, 11; Coleman 'lamp, 1 clock 1 w • eh tub, 1 pair of 30x37,; chains, an aaortment of new fork, axe and _hovel hancllee; 1 garden rale e, �Potntoes--.5 bag: of potatoes. Imptentetits — McCormick -Deering manure spreader, nearly new, 1 set of Gurney scales, 1000 lb's, Terns, cash, Carl Dalton, -\tanager; Fred Wigg, anctioneer. NOTICE Voters' List, 1934, Municipality of I'Iullett of the County of Huron Notice is hereby given that 1 have complied •with Section 7 of the Vot- ers' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Lnndesboro on the li2th Day of September, 1934, the lists of persons entitled to vote in tate said Municipality at Municipal elections ancl that such list shall remain there fair Inspection. I hereby ask all voters to take im mediate proceedings to have any er- rors or omissions corrected accord- ing to law. Dated at my office this 1211, day of September, 1934. JAS, W. 3IcCOOL, 40 Clerk. PIGS FOR SALE Eight little pigs far sale. ready to wean in a few 'ttayc. Archie 3{c - Gregor, phone 211 on 1137. 39 FOR SALE 10tchen cnibin'et and Singer sewing nnachine. Cheap for quick sale. _firs. 'Leonard Leeming; phone 2311 r 113. 39 LOST lOne small grey matt cow from lot 6, con. 5, H.'R.IS. Tockersmith, Mon- day .morning. James Doig, Phone 136rt32, Seaforth. TOMATOES Al4T POTATOES Are the best value in the fruit and vegetable 'line. Can -theist, preserve them and :take them into catsup. We have 1100 baskets to 'offer at ;give- away prices, tof the beautiful 03:onnie 'Best variety. 'Gi've nsyour order for Dooley :Po tatoes, delivery grade next week at bac per bag, to your cellar. 1Phone '314J6116 or apply to H'UGILL'S POTATO & DAIRY FARMS 40. CARD 'O F'THANKS (The tanidiy and tbirothers and ,sisters off Mrs. Jerry Dalton wish to thank the :neighbors and friends for the apir- itulal bouquets and :loan of ears Mui their recent bereavdm•ent. CARD OF THANKS Mr. W. G. MdSpadden and 'family desire to express their sincerest ap- preciation of the kindness and sym- pathy extended to them in 'M'rs, .Mc- Spadden's •death and Mato for the 'bsahsliifat7 floral tributes and for the loan of cars. CLINTON CREAMERY To take care of winter deliver- ies of Cream, Eggs and Poul= try, announce the appointment of Mr. A. C. ROUTLEDGE as their representative in 'Sea - forth. Mr. Routledge will re- ceive produce at the full mar- ket price, commencing this Saturday, 'Sept. 1st. FOR SALE Two young cows due to freshen Iem ter part of October. Two 2 -year-old heifers to freshen in February. Four steers rising two years old. .Also ten pigs 8 weeks old, .Edmund H.:Godkiu, phone 24&r3!1, _ 39 CIDER MILL Will run Wed., Thurs., Fri., for the season. Terms cash, Lot 23, Con. .6, Logan. Y'hone 620411, Mitchell. Fred I-iennielc, R.R. 4, Mitchell. FEED FOR CATTLE \Voald feed 90 to lis head of young cattle on Lot 7, Con. 6, Tteckeren'ith, by the month for the winter. Phone 1 5 r 111, 3:9 t FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the former telephone office in .Dublin, frame building 14 a 30 it, and woodshed l'0x 20 It. with lot one-fifth of acre. Tenders opened at Dublin on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 4th, 1.934. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For furtSee particulars apply to John Benneweis, 'Brodhagen. 39 ' FOR SALE OR RENT :\ modern bungsa:ow on North Main Street, Good garage and garden, R. Frost, Phone 0S'3. Possession: giver. Oct. lst, 39 HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT, 'A comfortable six -roomed house with garage, situated on Main St E;tnondvil'ie, Apply to A. C. Rout- - ledgc, Seaford:. FARM FOR SALE 'Fifty acres of good land and goad brick house, also good barn and silo. Somebush. (Situated on the tthird con. of Westminster Tp., three rnifec south of London. Apply Harold Pea - hale, Bayfield, Ont. DESIRABLE PROPERTY IIN WALTON :FOR SALE• A seven roomed brick 'house equip- ped with hydro, telephone and furn- ace, a good stable and .garage and Pc acre of land. A few fruit trees. A2teIT. to W. J. 'Woods, Walton, er 'photic• - 1Brussels 19 r 7. PROPERTY FOR SALE House with two lots, at the corner - of Victoria and George streets, eight' rooms, stable. Will •be sold very reas- onably to settle an estate. Mrs. Peter DeCourcy, Egm;ondville, FOR SALE A \ 'ilkis,on 14 -inch cutting bar' with complete inside and outside^ pipes for silo filling, and a '8-1116 Mogul tractor in good working order, also a. surrey. George Beatty St., Varna. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per lbs..... .. ......._.,.a..iltac Oats, per 'bushel ..,.•, .,, ,,..,..'3b'c-3bc • Wheat, per bushel . '99c -97c - Peed :bade y, per,btus'hel .. .69c-192ss Eggs, per dors . , .,...i, ,11I44c-212o-,lSc New ,Potatoes, per bag.. ,....601e -70c 'Malting barley, per bnslhe1 ..i ...- 70c Hags, per cwt. ..i;'.. ,;.1........ $6.215..