HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-09-27, Page 4PAGE FOUR. TEE SEAFORTH NEWS ,Snowdon Bros., Publishers, THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1934. WALTON. "WVe, are clad to report that lir. '.ester 11cTaggai t w'hohas been on ..tile eielc list since last Juue, is able to tris fn the shop these clays and was a sn able to drive his car to Seaforth .oast Friday. • S. George's Guild and W.A, are 'botciin,g their bazaar ou Oct, 25th. For'h r notice later, Car. Janles Stark of Loudon was ' _ailing on old friends in and around Welton last Friday. stay. He was a Former resident o'i Walton, about forty years ryc1 and sees nn ey changes. C: ii 'ratula i in • are extended - to •Mr. and sirs. Moults. of Blyth on the birth 1 a salt. M,. and Mrs. 1'. \IcT aggart spent Sunday with Ales. Marshall. :\1r and Mrs. ,las. \soaibray and =eon, ] '.rt and bride, of Detroit, spent few days with his sister, Miss Mary E. Mowbray and other friends around t'3;; tan. Ur. and Mrs, R. Naylor of Roches- ' ter,'N.Y., ;pent a few days with her sister, Mrs. J, Buchanan and other . frierwits around Walton. ;lies. Peter Ii•er.r of Toronto • has 4ien,t the past week with her sisters; -Mr. G. 'lloTaggart and Mrs... Jas. 1t1}illianuon, Messrs, Robert and Tames Stark of Toledo called on old acquaintances in the vicinity. They were once citizens •oi the 14th of \1oKi'llap, Mr. and Alis. J. Sellars of James - `town spent the week end with their. sons. Charles awl Harold, - -'1'ir. and -Mrs. J. H. McLaughlin of London, -Spent from Friday to Mon - jay with•-•frietiits. here, • Faris Machinery and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. The Ladies of Bethel Church are ROOTS AND VEGETABLES putting on a HARLOCK. Mr. Brooks of Michigan, Alis Let Ara L`ampbeli and Miss Gordon of Se.eiorth, visited on 'Tuesday at the ':ante of.lir, and Mrs, .\, W. McEw- sng AL. Robert \\"tdtscnt is at present .,air :rp with the flu, We hope he will •so, t be all better again. 'Messes. James and John Leiper at- -ended- the Goderich fair last week. 'T'he former w•a a judge of horses, i.M.rs. 1. Rapsoe and Mrs. Warren and Jean Gtb•bings visited Mrs. John. T. Knox ,11- •Clinton last Friday niter - Mrs. \iuman Lloyd and little Tont- my are visiting this week at the hone of the former's parents, lar, and Mrs. k. W. McEvying. Mrs. Jennie Lnox, Olive and Ern- ;st and Ward visited on Sunday at he talose of lir. and Airs. Thomas :\pplui,y fu 'Aids: tat. - Mr 't 1111 S S is ter and dau- ghter from the States have been vds.t- 'ng at the home .of the former. Mrs. \Vnt. Bell, Mrs. Bewley, Airs. \'e d icn :pent last Wednesday at the '-i.eme of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Terris. \1. A. \VMc:Ewing recently pnr- hnsel a fine new cool. 55353 which vas built if: llespeler. OF HOME MADE COOKING Fruit, Vegetables, Butter and Eggs SAT. SEPT. 29 LONDESBORO !ale October meeting of the Wo - 'nail's Institute will be held in the contanmity hall on Thurs., Oct, 4, at 2 p.tu.. roll all to be answered by •'\\'hat am 1 1'luan'kfu, For". Topic, 'The Cultural Use of Spare Alon1- rnt by Mrs. ('Rev,) Gardiner, Mu- sic, Misses Al.Slladdicic and Beth ieoebrook, a (ravel Talk by Mrs. E. Adams and Aliss L. Brigham i also :xpected, so conte early. H4, teases, )Jr'. F. Hall, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs. A.' -Xells. Airs. W. Griffiths and Airs. 'l'. Pickett Aire W. T. Brunsdoa, who has been vs 1 sick for the last couple ,is weeks • new on a fair way of recovery, we are glad 10 ,.ay. Mr. \1'tn Bromley Sr., is quite Ell at the home ,si his son, W. Bromley, en 12 1 . th con. Mr-. D. Hnggart 1s still very ill with 111 improvement in 17er coudi- .1 n7. - Mr. and lits. Rabe. Youngblut and - 11r_ Willis Mountain ,pent a few ,lays ,t the !mite o'f their sister, Mrs. \Win. ',Borer in Detroit, The W.ALS. of the United Church kill hold their thankoffering meeting ..n 1110 school room of the church on Sunday •eretunt„ Sept, 30th, at 7 p.m. Mrs. DeWitt Caicos of Clinton will be present and give an address and there will also be other program. Ev- eryone invited. Air. Frank Wood recently .shipped wen v herd of his fine tltorohred' -Shorthorn cattle to the Experimental tarns in Saskatchewan. MANLEY. \\'e .are pleased to learn that Mrs, Martin Parcell, who has been .under the doctor's care, is improving, It looked at one time there .would be no apples but to see how ;busy the cider nail is at B,orn'halm shows that same apple trees 'hate survived the serious damage clone by the frost last •:winter. ..Potato digging is the order of the lay and it looks like a bumper crop. A beautiful wedding was so!lemniz- ,nd at St. C'oluan'hatt Church Tuesday : morning when Miss Pearl Johnston, laughter of .Ale. and Mrs. Peter 'Jos- eph Johnston. was united 111 marriage to Mr. Michael Williams, son of Mr. - and Mrs. Patrick Williams df Hib- bent. The ceremony was peniormed '+ty Rev, Tr. Mintzer, after which all •repaired to the home of the bride's parents where a sumptuous • repast was ;erred to abo'u't 11150 guests. The rest r"f the d'ay was spent in social games, The young couple left on a honey- moon trip East alter which the young .couple cilli reside on the groom's inc • farm in Tuckersmith and we all wish - -them a smooth journey through lite, and if the day has anything to do with happiness, it no doubt Will conte trete. (Want and; For Sale ads, 11 week 25c. AT MRS. SHEFFER'S STORE Commencing at 2;30 RIVI, Blyth h Fair t !Blyth Fair on Tuesday and -Wed- nesday of this week, 11'00 very uc- cessfu1,- The entries were double last year's, the indoor departments 'having been • re -instated in the prize 'lis, Fatly potatoes-tD Gwyn, Miss AI. Livingston. Late potatoes -A, Hag- gitt John Barr. Prel'd carrot:, James Lockie, Earl Caldwell. Field turnips, R. Proctor, Airs, C. Walkman (Biu set's). (Beets, table. use, Mrs, C. \Vork- man Miss A. Gillespie. Sugar beet mtngold's. white, R, Proctor, Pie pumpkin, Mrs, C. Workman, A. Haggitt, Pumpkin, Geo, Brown, Jno Barr. •Squash, A. Flaggitt,' Mrs, J'no Wright, • Red anions, A. Haggitt. Yellow onion's, A. Haggitt, Jas. Lockie. Sil- ver pickling omens, David Gwyn, White field beans, David Gwyn. Citron, Mrs. Workman, D. Gwyn. Cabbbage, named David Gwyn, A. Haggitt. Red cabbage Miss Gillespie. Field corn, dent Miss Gillespie, Jud'-ge-Geo, S -loan, Blyth, HORSES Agricultural 'Brood nate and foal, E. Bolger, Walton. \V N, •.Key Varna; foal, \V. N. Keys, Phomas Bolger; gelding or filly, 2 years, Mos, Bit'lger, Hawkins & Nichol, Brussels; gelding or filly, 1 year, W. N. Keys, Roy Toll; team of mares or geldings, 1-1. Bolger, Roy 'Loll; mare ar gelding any age, Roy 'Poll; best collection of horses, John \'olden, Lontlesboro, Heavy Draught Brood mare and foal, Hawkins & Nicoll; foal, Hawkins: & Nicol, Ili Bolger; gelding or filly, ,1 year,. N. Keys;. team, John 'V olden, seep - stake, John Vadden. General Purpose (Brood mare, J. .Austin, AV'inghtan; foal, W. N. Keys, J. Austin; team, T. M, Muslin, Dungannon; sweepstake, T. 11. .Durnis, -- Roadsters Lally driver, Mrs. ] \V. Ohm, hill! - hank; Airs. i urvitt, \\ ing*hent, Driv; ung horse J. " Fryfogle, \Wingham; Currie & 1 urvitt, \Viughant, tenth, J. Fryfagle, Currie & T'urvitt; marc and wee, bit Deans, 1Wingham H. Bol- ger, Walton; mare or gelding 2 years, mold KtuUng, Goderich; John Deane mare or gelding. 1 year. Jahn Deans; , toil Hawkins & Nichol, 11o11tn Deans. Judges ID. Camphill, Hensail: Wm, Hey, Zurich. - CATTLE Shorthorn \lilclh cote \'1'. J. Gerrie, Beli- woud, Melvin Taylor, t Belgrave; 2 yr. old heifer, \V. J. Gerrie, W. Oestrich- er, Crediton; 1 year old heifer, Ger- rie, i)estricher; heifer calf, Oestrich- er, t t ich- er, Gerrie ' bull, one year, 0e .turh- er; bull calf. Gerrie, Oestricheto aged bull, also herd, Oestricher. Herefords ;All classes, James Little, Teessvat- Grades Com, Robt. \Wightntan, Geo. Brower 2 year old heifer. R. Proctor; one yr old heifer, 1Z. Procter; 1 yr. old steer, W. J. Gerrie, R. Proctor; heifer calf, Gerrie, John Barr; steer calf, R Proctor, J'ohn Barr fat steer, \V. J. Gerie; tat cow, John Barr. 1v. Proc- tor; dairy cow, J no. Barr, \Vin, Tay- lor. Judge --.J. 0, Jackson, Clifford. SHEEP Aged ram, F.phriant Snell; shearl- ing ram, kphriam Snell, also aged ewe; ram lamb, shearling ewe and ewe lamb, Epdtriam !Snell and 2nd. Shropshiredown Ali classes, Orval McGowan. Oxfords Aged rani, J, R Henry Belgrave anti 2nd; also shearling ram; rata lamb, J. R. Henry, Earl C'alw'ell; other classes, Henry and 2nd. Dorset All classes, Orval McCowan PIGS R. D, P•hilps Special -James Cum- mings, J'udge for Cattle, Sheep :and Pigs - J. D. Jackson. POULTRY 'Geese, large variety --J, R. Henry, Wm. B. Jackson. Geese, small variety -,Earl Caldwell, Any variety ducks - David Gwyn. White \\ yandiotte,-1Hen•, Edward Johnston, \im. Jackson; pullet, Wm. •lacksou; best call,, \•\'.m. Jackson. 'White Leghorn, single cords --Code 1\m. Jackson, Ed. Johnston hen, David Gwyn, Ed. Juhns'on; pullet, RtI Johnston, Wnt. Jackson (Earriston). !Barred Rock---ck, hen, ckl. Well, Jackson, David Gwyn. 'R'hode Island Red - Cock \inn. Jackson; hen \Van Jackson, Daviel Gwyn; ckl Ed. Johnston, Leghorn;, single com'b, Ed. John- ston, W'nt. J'acksun. Leghorn, any other variety, E. Johnston, .David .Gwyn. 13rthmes white, Ed. Johnston. llonclan!,, Ed. Johnston, Alinoroakc, Wm. Jackson, 13d, John- ston. Plymouth Rocks. w•,hlte, Wim. Jack. sone Daviel Gwyn. t\intones, Wan. Jackson, 'Rd. John- ston, Bleck Breasted, Red Ganee- David Gwyn. Erskinespecial-r\V'm. Jackson. judge -Chas. Watson, Loiiiesboro. Miss Livingston ; White centre, enz- broidererl Miss Livingston lire. W. Domer,; tray cloths, Mrs, Somers, Miss Livingston; luncheon set, Airs. Savage, Miss Livingston; tea cloth, Airs. Savage, Mrs.. \I c'Niichol; - centre piece, colored linen, Mrs. Savage, Mrs 'Gillespie, Bed Room Furnishings ,Pillow slips, embroidered, Miss Livingston, Alva, A, Savage; sheet and pillow •-lips, embed, Bins Living- ston, Airs. \\'nn. Somers; bedroom owels, embr'd, Ali • Litvitigeston, Airs Savage; dresser scarf, Miss Liv,itrg- 4ton, \lr. Savage; hand made cur- tains, Miss Livingston, .Mrs. Savage. Ladies' Wear Night rdbe, Mrs Savage, Miss Li- vingston; deess Blip (.!1k), Airs, '\Van, Sorters \lr., Savage;• undenwear, vest and bloomers •(sil'k), Airs, Savage; shopping 'hag, Airs. Somers, :lass Livingston; Taney .handkerchiees, .hiss J. Woodcock, . Infants' Wear ;Baby's outfit in woof, knit or cro- chet, Mrs, A, Savage, Miss M. Liv- ingeton; •s'ltort dress, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Cummings carriage cover and polew, slip, Mrs. Savage, Airs, Wim. Somers. DAIRY PRODUCTS Butter in 5 -Ib, prints, \\M. Taylor, Bartter in 3-1'h. roll., \\'m, Taylor. 'Mrs, WM. Sorters (Brussels). ,Butter in lb, prints, Mrs. \Vin, Somers, Mrs. \\'m• Brown, • judge---Janles Cntt, Blyth. APIARY, ETC. Maple syrup. Airs. I. 1 lunston, Geo. Brown, Hen's eggs, Geo. Brown, \\'ell, Brown, ART. 011 painting', scene, Alis J. Wood- cock. Aliss Livingston, 01 painting, from nature, Airs. A. Savage (Kine cardiree Miss Livingston Animals, Miss Livingston. Airs, Savage. Water color, scene, Air: Savage, Aliss Liv- ingston; still life. Miss Ai I i cit •stun, Airs, Savage; marine, Mss Licing- ton, Airs.- Savage Pastel. Miss Lis- ng'ton, Ait.. Savage: Pen and ivdc, Airs. Sas-age, AliSs I-ivingston, 01d art, Miss 1. Woodcock, China, figure work, Miss 1 iving Ston; conventional 'lesiva, Miss Livingston. Collection of it paintings, 'Mrs. Savage. Cal;. of water colors, Miss. Livingston, hiss A, Gillespie, judge -P. McArthur. Blyth. DOMESTIC SCIENCE • inroad, white, Airs. C. Workman, R. Proctor. Buns. Airs. 1. Johnston, Airs. 'C. Workman. Brian muffins. Airs, I. Jolmtstov J ? Barr; ; tarts, Wm. Taylor. Mrs. I J;thn tau; pie, ;error, A\ m, Taylor, Airs I. John- ston; 111e, apple. Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. \\'nt. Brown; salad., Mrs. T. Cum- mings, Aliss J, Woodcock; black cur- rants, preserved, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs J. Cummings; strawberry, preserved, 12, Proctor, Airs, Cummins Jelly, apple, Airs. H. McNichol, E. Caldwell; jelly, combination.of any fruits, .11rs 1. Johnston, E. Caldwell, Jam, combination of am. fruits, Airs, Wm. Sooners, Aliss Gillespie, Peaches canted, Airs. John- ston. Mfrs. Comoro. s; pears, canned, R. Proctor; plums, canned. Mrs. Wm. ~milers. Salad dressing, Urs. VWm, Somers, Alts Lieut ton: relish for cold meat, Miss Livingston. Miss Gillespie; piekle.s, :wee; mixed Miss Gillespie, Airs. Chan, Workman; pickles, must- ard, Miss Gillespie pickles, ripe cu cumber, Mrs, Somers. Miss Living- ston; tomato cat -up, Airs. L John- ston, Miss Gillespie. !Ressreberrt .cine at hiss Livingston • liudge. Mrs. W. Potter, Miss Gil- lespie, DOMESTIC NEEDLE WORK Quilt. pieced, cotton, Mrs. T. John- ston, Mts. J Wright; quip fancy. Ates. H. AlcN-ichol, Mrs. A. Savage: quilt, suited and candlewick, Mrs. A. Savage, Airs. \Winn, Sonars; quilt, ap- plique, Airs. H. McNichol, Mrs. \Cot. Somers. 11 autcy lied• spread. Mrs, Savage. Airs. \•\'m. Sourer.;• comforter, hand- made, Mrs. McNichol, Mrs. Wm. `timers; men's socks, Mrs. McNichol, Afi s Livingston; mens mitts, double, Air:. \Wm. Taylor Mrs A. Savage; stat, hooked, Airs. -McNichol, 'Mrs. A. Savage; stat, braided, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Mrs, hioNichol: stat, any Other kind, Mrs. \\'nn. Sorters, Mrs, McNichol. Man's u'o•rk shirt, Airs. \h'm. Som- ers, AIrs..fcN•ichol; wrok apron, Airs, I. Johnston, Miss •:\. Gillespie; boys' snit, out of old garment, Miss A4. Livingston, Mrs. A. Savage; girl's dress out of old garment, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs. ivingston,'sirs, Savage. Embroidery .Embroidery. solid white Airs. Sa- vage, Miss Livingston; eyelet, Macs. Johnston lira. Savage: .cut work, Miss Lieut .ton, AIrs. Savage; mod- ern cross titch, Airs. Savage, Miss Livingston; applique, 14rs. Savage, lairs Liv,iagstois Specimens T-atting. collection, Airs. Savage, Miss Livingston; file; crochet, fine. Miss 'Livingston, Mrs. Savage; hand hem -stitching, Adis ..Livingston, Airs. 'Wm. Somers; needie point, Miss Livingston, Airs, A Savage. Living Room Furnishings. Table runner, Miss .Livingston, Mrs. \W'n. Creighton. sofa pillow,• Airs. A. Gillespie; table centre, col- ored linen, Airs. H. MdNichol, .lairs. .\. Gillespie. • Dining Room Furnishings Buffet set, 3 -pieces, Mrs. Salvage; Zurich Fair One of the best fall fairs it years was held at Zurich MI Monday ands Tuesday of this week, The weather was fine haat days and a very large. crowd „vas present cit Tuesday alter - noon, Competition was'keen in most lines and there was a large entry. Miscellaneous Mand made tray, M$iss Livingston, Mist , Woodcock; lamp shade, Mrs. Somers; article trade 'arum 1 yard of •actory cotton, Mrs, Savage, Mrs. H. M'cNiehol; ;bu'ttonholes ,nvade on men's suit'in'g, Miss ;Livingston; hand carving on 'tt^ood sirs, ,Savage, Miss Livingston; beaded bag, '\it' , H. Mc- Nichol Mrs. Savage; collection of fancy work, Miss Livingston, - FRUIT \Winter apples, R. Proctor; fall ap- ples, Proctor; pears, Proctor; crab ap.pies, Proctor; tomatoes, George 13rotvn, \\'m. !Brown. Judge -'Geo. Sloan. GRAIN 1Beans-1D, 'Gwyn, FLOWERS Dahlias, 'Miss A, Gillespie,. Airs. 'f, \\'right; ,gladioli, Mrs. J. 1Vright, Nils: \ Gillespie sweet peas, Miss Gtl e=pie; ainnias, tunes Lockie, Miss Gillespie; roses, Miss J. Woodcock. Ta'b e bouquet or basket, Miss Gil- lespie, Miss J. Woodcock; collection annuals, 'Miss Woodcock, Mrs. J, Wright; perennial. Mrs, J. Wright; :Miss Gillespie; snapdragons. 'Mrs. J. Wright and '2nd; pansies Miss Alice Gillespie; roses, Aliss fosephine \\ ,uticoek. • HORSES REGENT THEATRE General Purpose 'Brood mare and Taal, tI-T, Bender, 5. Sehnoeder; loris W. Decker, 'II. (Bend- er; ,11 year old gelding or filly, 11-1, ;Ben- der and moat; 2 year old gelding or Elly, Johan . rets E \seiner; 3 year old gelding or IfiPly, ;W. D, hi.ack, E. IResteuleyer; span mares or gelding in harness, 11T. ID'ecker; sweepstake, AV, ;Decker, Agricultural 'Brood mare and ;foal, N. Keys and ISon, 'H. (B'en'der; Yost, N. 'Keys and ISon, E. 'Oesch; Ili year old gelding or ifilly, 'N. Keys & !Son, Webster Bros.; 2 year old gelding or filly, J. Gentles, W. IR. Stephenson; 3 year old gelding or 'filly, 'J. 'Gelinas, anal '2Imc1; sp'an •mares or geldings in harness, Webs- ter 'Biros, •H. Truentin'er; sweepstake,' 'N. Keys & Son. Heavy Draught iBrood mare and !foal, N. Keys & Son, G. Jacobi, ;foal, Robt, ;Tinny, F. Meyers; 4 yr, old gelding• or tally, ''N, (Keys & ;Son, AT. 'Tinney , i? yr, old gelding or filly, Webster 13ros. Span mares or geldings, -\Vebster 'Bros„ W. R, !Stephenson; _sweepstake, Webster Bros, Roadster ll3roocl mare and foal N. Keys & Son, 'R, Geiger; foal, ID. McAdams, G. ;paters; span, i\\ es, Maguire '(Claude- boye), .Engle roadster in harness 'Dr. Campbell, I1. Truemner; lady driver, I. Smillie, Dr. Campbell. Carriage Foal, EC, 'Bender, N. ;Keys and Son; 1 yr old gelding or fill , R, 'Geiger, 0. Fuss 2 year old gelding 03 fitly, 13olrn Krei 0 ,Fuss; ,3 year old gelding or filly, Alanson (Bros.; single carriage horse in 'harness, E. Restemeyer, Robt. Simpson Special, 'Webster Bros, A•fuuto 'Desch Special, 'V, 'Decker; Geo. Hess special, Webster Bros ;Ai. Oeach, •N, Keys &'Son. Judge -\W. 5. Stedman, Pot -Plants. Begonia. tuberous. 'Airs. John' Wright; begonia, any other kind, Mrs. J. Wright, Miss Alice Gillespie; be- gonia collection, Airs. J, Wright, Miss Alice Gillespie, Collection of foliage plants, Airs, John Wright, Miss Alice Gillespie; house plant in'hioont, Airs. J. Wright. • 'Novelty in bloom, Miss Alice GO- letpie; asters, Mrs, I. Johnsotn, Alis, Gillespie. Airs. D. AlcGilfs -special-R. -Proc- tor. judges -Mrs. A. • Taylor. Airs, F. Metcalf, SPECIAL .PRIZES hliltie special for ducks, Roy Toll, T. Eaton Co. special for calf, James Little, Teesnwater. 1'•hos, Elliott, for lady driver, \Lrs. Ohms, J. 5. Chellew•, for butter, Robt, \\ ightsan. !Jus, R. Curt sp, for afghan., Mrs, A, Savage. Edwin. Cartw.righ: sp, for dark fruit calve, R. Proctor. L. Hilburn s's. for baking, Mrs, I Jahneton. 'Gorman Eckert t1 Co„ for baking, Airs. Wm, Sorters, Airs. I. Johnston, Airs. Wm. Brown, Gorman Eckert & Co for layer cake, Mrs. I. Johnston, Mrs. J, Cum- ming; Airs, ;Wm Brown. ;Blyth Women's Institute sp.-Airs. T. Johnston, 'Airs. 1-1. McNichol. Western Flour Mills, 'for bread - bits. C. Workman, Airs. I. Johnston. F. Daimon sp, ior knit rocks-\lrs. J, ,Cuntntings, Airs. Wm. Creighton, RACES 2:37 Pace - Sept. Grattan (Rutledge) . „ 1; d 2 3 Star Hal 1('G, bIc\ ill},.... 2 2 3 1 \Tannie Boy, Nesbit. Listowel 3 3 11 2 Tines 3.113?/, 2J113, 2.14, 2;i'4. :Free For :A11 -- Joe -Hal (+G, e. .e.. Roy Grattan (Roy. Colwell, Teeswater) .,!a.... Doc l hmston (Albert 'John- ston. Teesw'ater) „ ,... 3 2 3 Tirane, 2.116, 211414, '2,11536. Running Race-IDally Bruddy (2-2) Charlie Eddy (3.3). Darlsy J. Brud- dy, ('1,411. Judges, J. 'Watson, Dr. Whitely, Goderich. 'Timekeeper, R. H, Somters. Bicycle Race \•I. Johnston (1 1'), F. Turney (2-2), S. Johnston (>34), R. Thuell (4.3), Reed (5-3). 1 !ll 1 2 3 2 The -Farmer Controls Cost 'The cost oil producing crops is at all bores a very important considera- tion," observes E. S. Hopkins, B:S.,A., D'omi'nion Field Husbandman. "Re- turn values are more or less control- led by the law- of supply and de- mand or by other prevailing condi- tions, and the producer has very little influence upon the price he will re c•eive for his product, He 'has, how- ever, some control over Iiis cost of production and - the economy with which he produces his crop may mean the difference between profit and dos, an that crop. In times of depression and low prices this is doubly import- ant Ii prafn%s are to toe maintained when prices are low, costs trust be measured accodingly. CATTLE Durham , Cott \Vin. Oe tticher R. 1f. Peek; yearling heifer, R. 'Al.. Peck, Win, Oe- stricher; '2 year old heifer, W. Oest- richer,IR. A1. Peck; •bull calf, this year, \W, 'Oestrichet, .Pecks; heifer coif, 1.. M. Peek, W. Oestricher; d year old bull salt, Oestricher and incl. 'BEEF TYPE GRADES Milk cow. A, Pfaff, 'B. Klapp, -heif- er, ? years old,..A. 'Pfaff, and and; heif- er, 1 year old, IL. 'Klapp, A. Pfaff; heifer calf, 0, Battler, A. \W. Ether - Merton; steer, 2 years, Lied +Taborer and ;2nd; steer, '1- year, A. Ethering- ton, Fred 'Haberer; steer tali, \, Etlt- erio lton, 0. 'Battler; fat cavy, F, •Ilab- erer, T3, 'Klopp. Holstein Ali le cow, '\\ -Spank anal 2t1l; heif- er, 2 years .old W. 'Sparks, H. Claus- ius; 'heifer, 1 year old, W. 'Sparks, H. Clausius, heifer calf. tender 1. year, W. Sparks, and 2nd. Jersey Milk. cow, 'G, 'Timmins and 2nd; heifer. 2 years, also heifer, 1 year, G. Timmins and 2nd; heifer cfi.lf,-G, Tim- mins. ' Herd of Grade Cattle A. Pfau, B. Klapp; herd Durhams, W. Oestricher, R. Al'. Perk,. \\'m, Johnston anti halbfleisch Spe- cial, Wit, Oestricher, G, Timmins; Eaton, 'Special IG. Timmins; Yungblut Special, A, \V. 1 theriugtotl .Bank of. Almttreal, W. !Sparks. R. Al. Peck. SHEEP Lincolns :\sed r:in7, J. da', Linden, Geo. Pen - hale; shearling ram, -Geo. iPen'hale, J. F. Linden; •S'hearling ewe,. Geo. Pen - hale, J, F. Linden; ram lamb, J. F. ,Linden and 2nd; owe lamb, J. F. Lin- den, •l Pen'hale; ewe haying raised lamb this year, Linden, (3, Penhale. Oxford Downs ..Aged ram. also ;Resiling ram, shearling ewe, rani lamb, J. P. Henry and 2nd; ewe Iamb, J. P. Henry, Dick Bros; ewe, '3, P. Henry and 2nd. Shropshire Downs Aged rant, W. McGowan and 2nd; shearling rani W. McGowan, J. Gel- inas & Son; e•hearling ewe, \W. Mc- Gowan, 3, Geiinas & Sott; ram lamb, also ewe lamb, W. AToGowan and 2nd, T ewe, \\. ATdGoty^an, J. 'Gelinas, Leicester Aged ram, Dr. 'Gcahani and Son; shearling ewe, ranrh lamb, ewe lamb, Dr. Graham & Son and 2nd; .ewe, Dr, Graham & Son. HOGS Yorkshire Aged sow, A. Warner and 2nd; aged boar, .1. Warner, 0, Erb; spring bazar, A. 'Warner and ,3nil spring sow, A. W. Efherington, A, Warner, Tamworth Aged ,ow', ,J Gelinas & Son, Man- son !Bros.; aged hoar, T. 'Snowden, Manson IT3ros„ spring boar, J. Gelinas Manson 13ros„ spring .sow, 'J. Ge'1'inas, Alanson Bros. ;Died -tett S'pecia'l, IA._ W. E•thering- ton. Judge --E. J. ;Hunter,, POULTRY' (Black H'antib.ergs, ck, del, peri., 0. Battler and 12od. ISIS, Hatveleurgs-ok, 0, OSBrien ,woad 2n'd; hen, ,ckl, 0. 101l1iri•en, Dr, Mc- Kinnon; pul, 'D'r. ivieK'innon,_ S. Schroeder. Utility Barred Roctcs=e'k, Lether- land & Bentley and 2ncf hen; 0. Pot- tier, 12..Brock; add; R Brock, II, True n117 er,-I , pith II, llrueitrne,r, R. Brock. Ci'tili•ty White Rocks-ck, Mrs, Coursey and '3icl, he's, Letlherland & 13'entley, 'I', -Snowden;; ckl, IL. 0'- I3rien and 21'11; pull, H. Tr Itenlner,, Mrs. Coarscy. IBra'hmtas-,dlk, Airs, Coursey, 'Teeth - 411 SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING WHEELER & WOOLSEY in "Hips Hips Hurray Comedy Cartoon Mon. Tues. Wed., Oct, 1-2-3 ROBERT MONTGOMERY MADGE EVANS --in- "FUGITIVE LOVERS" They were fugitives but they could not escape the arrows of cupid. Thurs. Fri. 'Sat., Oct. 4-5-6 PAUL. LUKAS CONSTANCE CUMMLNGS in "GLAMOUR" Edna Ferber's'Greatest Story Comedy Cartoon edlanzl & Bentley; heel, Lcther'land & Bentley, i3, Koehems; pus, 'Lether- land & Bentley, Black Min,orcas-,cd , sten, 'II. Trite, inner, Mrs. Coursey; ckl,•K'oc'hents Mas, Coursey; piti, H. Trsemner:an6 2nd, !White Minorcas-Then, ekl, put,. Airs, Coursey, Letheriand '& 'Bentley. Caehin,s--.ck, Kochemrs, Leter- lanal & Bentley; ban, Letherland & Bend ey, ;Bronvn Legh'ornis-cle, Airs. Conr- sey, Litherland & Beneley; hen, Le- theriand & Bentley, Airs. Conrsey; del and 'pfd. Mrs. Coursey, Lether- land & •Beneley. (Buff Leghartns-ck and hen, L. -O'- Brien, ckl and pial, Letherland & Bentley'. S.C.\\', ,Lag'horns--ck and -. sten, Alt:, Coursey, Litherland '& Bentley; IR:C.\V. •Leghorns, ck, hen Mrs. Coursey, Letherland & Bensley; ckl, H. Truemnet, F. 'Thiel; pul, F. Thiel. II, Truemuer. Buff Orpingtons-ck, hen, 'ckl, pul, J. Kochems attd 2nd. 'White \Vy andottes el,, Letherland Air & Bentley, hen, hirs, Coursey, Lech • - erland `& Bentley; ckl and pul, Airs. Coursey. Silver Lace Vs yandottes, • cic, Graham & Son; hen, Dr. Graham & Son, L. 0' Brien; c,k1. and put., Dr. Graham & Son. • ;Rhode island Reds --Cock. Koch - erns, Airs. Coursey; hen, cicl. pol., Airs, Coursey, Kochems, • Golden Caittpines-ek, 01Brien, hen Litherland & Bentley, L. O'Brien; ckl. & pule Litherland & Bentley. Anconas-hen, Letherland & Bent- ley, O'Brien: ckl. and pots, Leather - land & Bentley. Black Spanish---ek and hen, 3. Ko- chcmn and _ltd. Silver Grey Dorkings-ck, J. Ko- c'hem-, Dr. Graham & Son; hen, ckl, attrl pu'I„ J. I\och•ems. 'Golden l'dhsh-ck, hen,- ckl, pul, L. O'Brien and Ofd. !Beanies, booted- all classes, L. 0513tten; Iauetanis, un boated, .k,. Graham & Son and 2nd; hen, Graham & tiln. Coursey; eki, pul, Grah- am am & Son, \Irs, Coursey. Any other variety-ck, ckl, AIrs. Coursey; hen, pul, Mrs, Coursey, Le- therland & Bentley. Jersey Black Giants, cle and hen,' H, 'rruemner, C. Coursey; ckl and put, C. Coursey, H. Truenuner. !Anda'lusiane-0k, hen, c'kl, put„ 0, Battler and 2nd. Yelein China Ducks, old, T. Snow- den 0. nattier, young, C. Coursey, T. Snowden. Rouen 'Duck;-4olcl and young, C. Coursey, T. Snowden. 'Duels, any, old, C. .Coursey_ R. Brock; young, C. Coursey, J. koch- enls. Geese -old, C. Coursey; young, C. Conrsey, R. Brock. Toulouse Geese -Old,. C. Coursey, O. Battler; young, C. Coursey, H. Truentner. Turkeys -old and young, C. Cour- sey A. Warner. - \\'ild geese, old an'd young, Haber- er Bros,; wild ducks, old and yotnr5, C. Coursey, Judge --,Wm, Carter, Londesbaro, RACES 21118-eleclk Grattan (G. Daters) Peter Royal - v C. Yearley) 2-2-2, Lady D'fl'lou (:Roulette) -Kate Grattan ((Daters) [Fanny'Boy (Nesbitt). ,Myrtle Wilkes '(Linden) Inez Grattan (James) 4-2-4. Continued on Page Six Fibre Flax Harvest .The harvesting of flax for fibre has ;been completed at tine Central 'Experimental Paton. The yield of both straw and seed is rather light .as com- pared with previous years, It would appear that the hot, dry summer has been largely responsible For such re- latively low yields. As soon as the straw has been cleseeded it will dbe. spread o1 the meadows bar dew ret - ting at Ole end of approximately three ,weeks from that,timethe ratted straw will be Picked up, (carried to the flax mill, scotched, ]racked and b'a'led for the market. Swede Roots for Seed Swede _roots for seed,nlay be stored either in ol'teilde pits or in a dark, well ventilated celltar, free from frost yet ,sufficiently 'cool to '(keep them 'from spntoutisg foo early in the spring When the roots a'r'e peened the tops should Ise cant off about an inch to au inch told 'half from the crown, gra