HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-09-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL, Council Meeting. - The regular ISeptem'ber meeting' of the village ICouncfl was held on Thursday even- ing at S ,p.m. with all. the members of ,council being prese•n,t \iinutes of the last regular and special meetings read, Petty -Shepherd, that the minutes be adopted as read, Carried, J. 1V. Ort- wein appeared re the transient trad- ers' By-law being applied to his ten- ant, Slr. •Kennedy. Petty -Sangster, that a traaufeut trader -who pays the license of ;11UU' .be allowed interest at the rate of 5 p.c. per annum if sante be within the law. Carried. Petty - :Sangster, that the bylaw remain in fcrce. -Carried-, E. G. Bonthron re- ported sending some tax arrear mon- ey to county treasurer, W. joner re- ported re the crack filling as being . :applied to the pavement. D, Robinson reported re the -work on the streets, communications read front the io1- I':nviag- Geo. W. Holman, re mothers' ill' wance, sante to 'be filled out and returned; Draper, Davis Co., filed; rcautty engineer, filed, also several. Prices re purchase of a used type- v,riter. Petty.Ribineon, that the Clerk order a typewriter from the Domin- ion Typewriter Co Toronto,' at the sem of 530, Carried, Petty-IS'h,egherd, that the tax rate be set -at 10 mills and that the several 'rates be inserted .in the by-law and that by-law No. 8, 11934 be given its several readings and • adopted Carried. Bills and accounts „s tt,tlows: Alfred Taylor, work on streets, $2.40; Huron Expositor, $4;90; (\V'na Snfale, tarring sts., $4; Jas. (Priest, do, $4; D. H'oggarth, , cdeati,ing .sts„ Roc; A. Hildebrandt, do. SOc; (Hen all Hydro, '$4.33; Dominion "Typewriter Co $.30; J A. Paterson, prem, on bond, $8.• Total $59;23. Council then adjourned, J. A, Pate:- son, Clerk. • The \V.MIS, of the United Church 'held their monthly meeting on Thurs- - day afternoon with a splendid attend- ance, the pre idents Mr'. C. A. Me- IDonell, presiding. Following the op- ening exercises, the devotional leaflet, -He that keepeth his commandment, dwelleth in him," was in charge of Airs 'A. Sinclair. Prayer by Mrs, Laramie, Questions in no: being. ,being tct ve in work for mission weresub- Alined try Air- C. A.. McIDonell and answered by \lr•, E. McQueen The study leaflet and cancelled prayer was 1 ar ef Mrs. Agnes McDonald, A. the e:,se the campaign c n - ducted i v a club of t o fern'. Airs„ V:'. 11. t -re . acid a lucky number, rc:d ing an end table and fmmtain 1)- ac c '.rc1 t,. Jane .Sandercock oral Mr. Flynt:. Al t.: MarSinclair, vl .- Spencer, a:.,. \tu.., n and Margaret \t; Q17(,..11 art t ru'li t,: \Vrstan t.. l., n Rev. Al. A, and Mr,. Ai 3.3'1.1. t v ar !, who has: been :1 r the past 'c v wick, with ann. m.1 tincle. Alr. tral Mrs. I: (1),- d'. 1, :a l,1. he: .1. It .•• Nr :-;tel Mr.. ;L•a I c •t visited s •-t 1t 1;c..1 ,:ter i:t Exetti 1 lI NI./r.,-,e,-„t Slavin :dirt„ a days with F 11'i. Air. 'it. L \( Laren ami \l:• ;dui Mr, Roy McLaren vi -he' with Alr, \.17 1.: el nankin and family ,t Farquhar on ianti:v \1 ! Mr 1 L 1"'c xr ail 7 l'? i t . ;''7 a r:.:e 1 in \I ' I n utast, n l tr-= resum it •. t t 11 1 1 e'e,,non: her recent f t -. 51,1'. l the 1 lee ter aes 1:1 tende,I. t Brussel. 1•l,ulit .\nelean. Church will t -.'33 e n1 ' 1.1 . s' 11' L, 1 1 n, t ,e tae 11„fn: and ever- " ,1ile'ing prepared e,te.t1_4 t; i 1of the 1 _ t li 'sen'- 11 ''le l - Jvterian ' alt -. held in Carat. •rhin Church, cc't 1 , r 111 Iu rc en r 1 e t r e n 1 >atc n 1 1 1I n„.- rn- - a a .1 were well attended and the '-1n W1t5 c'i a very high order. t e ahs pr ogrgm were an ad - . M. utile'., l:z t -enc, who ave -a nee- vi.ion coar.„..-.„.and inspiration to her fel- - workers; an tuddress h; Ret T. - Mill. of Blyth, ',kip, brought .greetingsa. Moderator of the Pres - '1 Huron, an address of -wel- come by. Mrs. W. A. Young,.. and mu- sical number; by the Mission Band Carmel 'Church, Mrs. J. AV. 'Bon- thrun, and Mr, W A. Young, -\kiss 1' anch,l Mustard - accompanying. vlrs. J. H. Eaton, of-Orillia, gave the main address of the day. She told a thrilling story of the development of the Women'.. Missionary Society vi the Presbyterian Church in Canada .from the time when a few w•onien ga- thered in Old 'St. Gabriel's Church in :Montreal seventy years ago, to the • present time, 'when the organization number many thouSands its influ- ence ence extending to the erals of the -earth. She threw out a challenge t" 'her hearers that the bravery and vi- sion of the heroes• of the past mast be carried a c eriously into the future. 'Prayer, he said. was the keynote of succesas. Splendid, and encouraging, • report were 'heard from every one ei • 'the Auxiliaries in the Presbyterial .and • the day was pronounced by all who intended to he one of great profit, and 'deep inspiration, IIensatl school fair w'hic'h was held on Tuesday afternoon, • !Sept. 1i1,th, was a splendid success, 1.11 the parade from the town. hall 36 the school geounds were three Hensel,' rooms No.. 2, Play, No. 1, .Tuckercm'ith, No. 110, Tuck „ and No. 10' Us'bo•rne, The Judges were Inspector (Beacom, Mr, McLeod. and 3.4r A•fc'Kcrcher. Follow- ing•is the prize list: Ma,ectuis Wheat- -II -Tarok Cann -Meth No. 2 (Hay, Don - add Keen 'cic.Mang-Ms sheaf-Oen0d IKernich, I3il1y McKay; oats,. John .Keys, Jahn •Beare, /Ray Campbell; siheaf /A'taska oats CJohn Beare, John Keys, Douglas Sangster; barley and oats -Bo'b'by Keys, •Blanch • Thorns son; barley, Bllanch Muustard, Bobby These flowers were all winners of first prizes at the Kippen flower show held recently. (Keys, !Donal'd McKay. onions, .Verde 'P,eaver, -,Mildred (Brock, -Annie Van - :melee -hen; turnips, Arnold Cann, Ca- roline 'Beaver, '1' disqualified asters, 3.133111111 Sangster,. Geo. Varlet' Bar- bara Shepherd; phlox, June Snnde•r- cock •B, Pepper, \tart' G•x,dwin • zinnias, Blanch 'Thomson, Wilmer D i y nlpde. Rae Foster.; Cosmos, Thr .0+t Parker, Jack Shpherd, Ted Prouty; 'African marigolds, Lois Me - La e ;, Donald Bernick, Bobby Cook; verbena,- Alildred Brock, Gordon Stone, Bobby Cook; calendula, Hel- en \i ju-e, Eleanor Dawson, • Ver - da 1 et era salpiglossis, Edna Sund- er,:•.ck. Nlargaret Bell. Keith 1!uch- .n , eoret 3 -i , Annie \'anl ankgh- am, .nater wheat, Clarence 1L. hercher Gerald Glenn; sweet corn, Lois \lc Laren, Ross Keys, Ted Prouty; nang, Ids, Nlargaret Bercii- 3;era! 1 Campbell, Stewart I reb- cturnip-, \lt.t.ty 'frayuair, John tritz. Bruce (,it eon beets, Eleanor a. t: at son, Audrey Russel, cl � un - re carrots, rr t Jack Drysdale, Mil- ford 1 Pr.aa Burg: Lore; potatoes, Irish ( .viler, Elva \le3Jueea N'r ri- .1,:Ewan Miltired. Prouty; teen m Alin poratoes, \!Pilon McLaren, Careline Il, 1 e , •Sl:i 1; K ns. too l Doelev leuitoes,Bar1a1a Shepherd, "1'01 Prouty, outs Fred Selves; dahlias. Barbara She:diem!. ledn•a 5undere t' Pear! liarpolet bowl of live (fiver-, Nlarlun thrammerd, Pearl Harp -de, llohl,y Cameron; n D1• apples, Gordon 1< Helen Rowe, Blanch Thom- -on; ; 0 pp: es, lean 1'riebner, Nivaray lr. opt, r D' n t 1 Cast ripe a3.t ';i nt Piv!t uc 1 Ulla Ilia: - gin.. Ray/maul Iliaginst assorted a \lay U o,lwin, t.3„4/1 cut szt,n1e, tar 1.3 tt'rs. Barred heck cockerels, s, 141,1,31 r Da,vs,n, Pearl l ilarpo lc 5, 1':, 1 - 13, R. pn':et Eleanor ])a„ I n 1 unn.e'n, Alarian l ais- 'a1!lite Le:•11.,rn c c6crt!. I3:an•h Gordon S1 c, \V. I pull- et. !Tor Kt c , in Manch Thom.. nit 11...11 Selves, es, I lc n r U.. n eggs._ n- Cca:ver; white . A t trey Russ ,•1, 3larian I tar. ur or draft colt. 'Wilfred Pr„ rte e ,re lamb, 1 itral h, 1 t; halter br n i t Wilfred I baked. o r t ard, Marian a 1)rn utnonr1, Jessie Paisley, Lois 11c1 stet, nut bread, Annie 3.114311331, Helen Selves, Blanch Thom - bran muffins, Audrey Twitcbell. Norma 14-ok, Lorna Zuefle: dark lay- er cake, Helen \Ir'r•;au, Pearl liar - pole, Elva A1c'Queea; apple pie, Helen Morgan, Irene Hoskins; butter tarts, Margaret Glenn, Ale1v Selves, Pearl Narpole fudge, Marian 1)rurnmoncl, Alice Pfaff, (Goldie Cross; dish towel, \12rtan Paisley, Margaret Sangster. Jessie Paisley; tie back, _ Margaret Kercher, Helen Selvee, Norma Cook; apron, Alice Pfaff, Verde 'Beaver; cap, scarf, Madeline Va'lenyeha•m; model aro, Garnet 'Triebner, Helen \Vn ;e, Shirley -Wolfe; necktie rack, John Critz, Raymond [Higgins, Bob- by He.s; carving, Rae Foster; splic- ed rope, 'Fred Selves; nail 'box, Fred 'Selves, Billy Higgins; snapshots, 'Gor- don Stone; noel weeds, No. d0 Us - borne; ground hog tails. Allison .\Idr- gan; coll. of woods, Blanch Thom- son; toll. insects, Maxine Purdy; writing, primer, .Donald Bell, ..Ronald !Stephens, Elaine Hoskins; writing, Marian McLaren Muriel ,Rowe, 'Mary Kinsman ; writing, Marian Paisley, Margaret E. Sangster, Melvin Grob; writing, Lorna Zuefle, Margaret Ker - eller, Alice ,Pr.:nu,re; writing. R'ubyl D:a11 mp1e, Goldie Cross, ,Barbara Shepherd; 'nap. Jean 1 ribner, Lloyd Campbell, Emily Hoskins;' neap, Can- ada, Cecil Killer, Annie Morgan, B. Iieys; map, 'Australia, etc,, bred Set- e,, Helen Morgan, Pearl Harpole; art, 'Geo. Ottelbein, Marian McLaren, Alvin Sma'te; lire stock naming Ger- ald Glenn, Jas. ,Campbell, Geo, Sang- ster; mouth organ selection, Arnold. Cann, ,Ronald ;.Parker, Norris Mc- Ewen; weed naming contest, Leila '1 lantille, !Helen Mm-gan Gerald Glenn; public speaking,c Mor- gan, 'Helen ,Selves; 2 Annie nd c'las's and el- der, Jessie Paisley, Jean Gann, Thel- ma 'Par'ker; hook cover, Doris Ketch- er, Entity Hoskins; water colors, Margaret Kercher,, Ronald 'Parker, Shirley. Twitchell; linoleum pattern, 'Gerald Campbell, AlvinLove, Ruby Dalrymple; history of school, Helen Morgry Clark. an; [Gla spelling MyrtlelaPaylor 'd mg, .Pearl Harpole. 'The Eaton prize trophy was won by Blanch 'Thorson, Henson, Pearl Harpole and Helen Morgan won books, PENNY BANK According to the 'Penny- Bank re- port,- the total amount on deposit at Se ford] at the end of ju3ne ran 1 4�7i35. Comparative figures of a year ago, The report says that the two funda- mental principles of school savings, regular banking," and "banking for it purpose", appear to have 'leen well inculcated int, the life habits of the t boson,, t f bays and girls all over the province Alto have savings ac - c, -lints in the Penny Baulk. Not only have these children bank accounts, bra they ase ;!lent regularly. Each Tuesday 11v morning finis approximate- ly a third of the children in attend- ance a attend- :, , , t the 474 schools who have the Penny 11313.,taking deposits. But the. , , .'d e 1 aro n' t hoarding their 1at•'ry. 1'iry 111111'1 up worthwhile h is t t : and when toe balances are sitff ien: achieve it 1 -tr,,,se for n 11 alt .they were 4,333311111-.1:a ed, the money i; • withdrawn an 1 the pnrp.:se att.l111Cd, New Division Court Clerks- R t!Old< 1 S t 1:': In ';1'' .c.l tie 'lli2,3 of new ilk•i,lou Court e i.: n .evera! On -r n.t-istt•:•,a. dist- ricts, .1.0 .',t:nen•. incl1:141 1: C. C n, .1, eflafan, clerk r the se, -..11,1 0 1r; of t tc cefulty !Imam ,.../1 :our, Scaforth in place of J. 3'. ''r •a., ,. J. Keil rdc:srtt of Zurich. '..1;' • .:e t,'t't tilt ,t court of tile coamy of 11114:.at in -'ace. of At. Thiel of 1111,11. BORN. 1; lfr,nr.--.Ji S-ott Memorial II -ni- tQ. on Sunday, Sept. 9th.. 1934, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Balfour,• a 'laughter (tli-bor.,). diaine,-ln Scott Memorial Hospital, nn Monday, ` ept.. It), 1(134, to 'Rev. I. B. and Mrs, Koine, a daughter. Augustine. -In Scott Memorial Hos- pita!, on Friday, Sept, 7, 1934, to Air. and Mrs, 'Gordon Augustine, of Auburn, a daughter, CONSTANCE. - -\fr, and .firs, 'Edmund 'Godkin of Mchillop and Mr. and Mrs, \Villian Livingston spent 'Sunday in Kincard- ine and l'ormosa. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Dexter and Ella, also lir. and Mrs, Austin' Dex- ter spent ;Sunday at the home of (Rev. Mr. Button and family of :Fordwich. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Ergs, per doz. , , , (12c -118c Butter, per 1b , d'Sc Oats, per bushel 36c -36c Wheat, per .bushel 95c Feed barley, per bushel . , .. 53c -56r 'Matting barley, per bushel , 70c New Potatoes, per bag $100 Hogs, per cwt. ,.7,,,.,,,,,,., $8.25 (Requisite on the :Farm. -,Every far- mer and stock 'ra'iser should keep a by collie it far surpasses anything that, supply of Dr. Thomas' "Eclectric Oil on ,hand, not only as a ready remedy for ills in the ,family, ;but 'because it is a horse and cattle medicine if great patency. A's a substitute •for sweet o'illfor horses and cattle affected don 'be administered,' - - TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Town Topics, 'Fr. \V. Govenlock of London was in 303311,4111 Saturday last. -Mr, Chas, Hoffman of Regiu'a, is here on a visit with relatives and friends. -lir. Ar- thur Mason of Saskatoon, Sask., is visiting in town and vicinity. -Mr, and 31rs, Forsyth of Lynn, Mass., are guests of Rev, and ;firs. 'F. 11. Larkin. Harry Oldham of Chatham was a visitor in town. -lir, James Carlin has purchased an interest in 1 picture show 'bu 'iness in Mitchel - 'Mr. Jas, Robb, John street, returned on Monday from a few' days' sojourn in Aurora and Toronto -Postmaster !Rogers of Toronto was a visitor at. the !tome of Mr, and Mrs. D. Mc- Gregor the past week. --Misses IMlor- enee Alc1Gibb'on and Emma Reeves of London were visitors in town a few clays last week -Mr, De In'ight returned to his hone in L don after spending t'he ,past - t weeks with his aun't Mrs. Holland, Craiglee Farm, Winthrop -Mr. tG Wats'on, who is engaged in t'he Go arnntent [Printing Sweatt at Otta 15 visiting his father and brother The Maple 'Leaf ore.hestra of Methodist Church met alt the hot:ie Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geib and pl- eated ren'ted Miss'White with a three pie silver mounted toilet set, as a tot. n of their appreciatioof her land ser ice as leader. -Tire marriage of 1.1 Mabel V. Thomson, eldest dau'gh of Mr. 'Walter Thomson of 1[itche to 'Dr, W. E. Graham of Calgary, to place at the home of the bride's fat et-, hiss Thomson 'had a greatoral friends in Seaforth who extend be wishes. 'British Bowlers at Clinton - The tonring British bowlers we three up against the Clinton -Bowfin Club in a four -rink match -ponds afternoon, The visitors itors arrived froi London at 1.'0.30 a.m. and were e costed to the beautiful lawns of Mr. Waif Jackson, former president of the Western Ontario 'Bowline Assoc- iation, where Mayor Taylor delivered an address of welcome, and where they afterward lead luncheon. The gentlemen of the party, with a mon- ger of invited guests from the sur- rounding ur- at u1 iing t w•nwere banqueted w c h i lneted at the Hotel Normandie, and a very en. joy able time was spurt. (]'laying' cont- mcnccd at one O'clock on the grounds which are said to be one of the fast- est in the West, and were beautifully %tecorated '•illi las and bunting Front the .,tart Clinton had the hes; ,f the play, and retained the lead tett ti? the last few ends, when the Brit - i -hers gradually- drew away, and fin - !shed three up, Walton. 3larlcet price. reheat 93e oats32e, barley 45t \Iheti $8, hatter 09e. egus .all --Messrs, 'Wesley ley u,d David (lac ve'l returned on /Friday to remote tete ar ,cud in 1' Rapid- nledicall c, 3li,h,-. 1Icnrt Poker of Clil:- 3 n, with his handsome roadster, 7111(, e a business trio to Walton on err'ty. Fret .11 :nicnller t' the \I: h?cton p:suing 10,13.., spent :Sunday at Walton. \I ncrieff have now completed a very Lira,: a,: and substantial structure to be n c l as a shed for horses, and tlaev are b „ y t 111.nt the erection of all ade- quate chtach.--On Monday lir. and Mrs. Robert Naylor left for their home in Rochester for vid on- wo of eo. v - w d, th e of es- ce en v iss ter 11, ole 11- 13' 51 re 1: n Brodhagen. An unfortunate accident happened to Henry \\'else» berg .while thresh- ing fo ra fanner near 'Beechwood. ,He was in the act 'of pulling sonic straw that had become caught in the cut- ting box, and wh'i'le doing so got his fingers too close to the knives with the 'result that 'he dost part of one 'finger and 'had -two others badly cut. Mitchell. Thorson iC 'Co. are preparing for the erection of a warehouse at Monde - ton. -Dr. 'Kidd left last week for 'Wy- oming where he has purchased a prac- tice. Clinton. Chas. Howson was in _Montreal the past week personably overseeing the packing of a shipment of fruit for 'South Africa. -Mr. C. C. Rance, 'rep- resentative ep- re entatine • of the Jackson M:f.anttfac- tur ng,'Company left last week for a trip through the Maritime Provinces, Goderich..- - To the list .of .made-in-!Goderich art- icles may soon be added automobiles. A proposition: 'for :the addition of this Jinn to the 'p'rod'ucts of the American Road Machine company is now en- gaging the attentions of the directors. 'Should it be decided' to engage ' in the manufacture of automobiles, the com- pany will 'have the .services of 'W'iai. 'C, Skinner of the (Regal Motor 'Car ,con1 pony of 'Detroit. Send us the names of your visitors• T,HUR'SDAY, SEPT. 3 ' Wanted NEW LAID EGGS 'Grade A Large 23c Doz. Trade '0. 20 pounds Sugar 1.19 2 pounds Icing 19c 10 Bars Pearl White Soap 28c Choice Currants 2 pounds Red Rose Tea - .98e. Pastry Flour 24 lb. 63c 2 lb: 25c Alberta Rose Flour 98 lb. $2,73 W. J. FINN1G N Sale of Cooking Commencing at 2:30 p.m. at Mrs. Sheffe's Store, 'Seaforth SAT., SEPT. 15 'Under the auspices of the 'Ladles' Aid of Cavell Church, Winthrop. .All kinds of home cooking, fruit, vegetables, banter and eggs. Tickets on lovely Martha (Washington quilt with every 1110 -cent bag of candy, TEA SERVED Winthrop Hall FRI. SEPT. 14 COLLINS' ORCHESTRA Lunch Served, Admission 25c IN. MEMORIAM ''In loving memory of Leo Flana- gan who died two years ago, ,Sept. 13, Ilis sufferings were great, the pain severe, B,ut he bore th-em with patience till God dray hint near, And ,then without bidding us a last farewell He quietly went home with God to dwell. -• -Inserted by Patrick and Leona Givlin. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory- of Jean, infant [laughter of lir. and Mrs. \\'nn, Kyle. who passed away Sept. Rith, 1930, "Nothing can ever take away-, The love a heart -holds dear, .Fond memories linger every clay, - Rcmeau'bralnce keeps her near, -Ever remembered by Slather and Father. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION !Sisters of St. Joseph re -open ';chm.1 of Afrisie at Convent, Vic 'ria street... Rates 'moderate, 3$ GODERICH FAIR NEXT WEEK Godt e'a 'Fall Irair on Tuesday and Wednesday-, September LS and 19, of- fer: the big holiday outing of the c•1101'. 1-1111 program 'Wednesday lnesdiay af- ternonls -havoc-. and running races end- jumpers. Other special attrac- tions, .Rnnenrber the date. FOR SALE OR RENT 1:\ modern bungalow on North 'fain (Street. Good garage and garden. R. %Prost, Phone '1183. Possession' given 'Ott. 'if.t. 39 FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the former 't'e'lep'h•nne office in Dublin frame buil'd'ing 14 x 3'0 it. and woodshed liOx 20 ft. with lot one -'fifth of acre. Tendons opened at Dublin on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 4'th\ 1934,' Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (For further particulars apply 'to- John !Henneweis, IBrodllagen. 35. PIGS FOR SALE - '5 young York sows weighing .about 3100 lbs. due to litter first week in' Oc- tober. Willlant ;Boyd, phone 1348413 ;3'7 FOR SALE IL wooden .bed complete, 11 iron bed com'p'lete, .B dresser an•d stand, 1. ex- tension table and Chairs, Above will be sold reasonably for quick sale. Terms cash. Mrs. 333, White, E. rWiI- liant street. 'SS, DANCE TO TONY 'FARR AND HIIS 8 - PIECE ,BAN'D AT DUBLIN Y, Sep t.14 ids See t.14 ADM. 35c CLINTON CREAMERY To take care of winter deliver les of Cream, Eggs and' Poul- try, announce the appointment: of Mr, A, C, ROUTLEO8E.. as their representative in Sea - forth. Mr. Routledge will re-- ceive produce at the full mar- ket price, commencing this Saturday, Sept. 1st. WAGON FOR SALE Bain wagon with 0 -inch :tire. die- most as good as new, Alvin Dalt 13'7 . FOR SALE 111. one -year-old (Leicester ram, aelsss large White 'Leghorn cockerels, Lalke- view' poultry farm strain. ('hone: 1247 r 22, Seaforth. .33 HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT IA comflrtable six -roomed hcase• with garage, situated on Main S« lr(gnt'ondviile. Apply to A. C Rout- ledge, aulledge, Seaforth, NEW PRICES FOR - KODAK FINISHING Any .n six f n or eight t e 7za r developed and printed with border Cr decicle edge 25 cts. Extra prints 3 ets. High class work. Mail us your lass, Burgess Studios, Mitchell and Choice FARM FOR SALE 'Fifty acres of good land and grows, brick ;house, also good barn and Some bush. Situated on the -=errs con. of Westminster Tp,, three milerr, south of London. Apply Harold Pe: - hale, Hayfield, Ont: DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN WALTON FOR GALE, A seven roomed brick house equip- ped with hydro, telephone and •ra ace, a good stable and .garage and acre of land. A few fruit trees,.14;:;- to W. J. Woods, Walton, o: 'acne Brussels 19 r 7. • PROPERTY FOR SALE 'House with two lots, at the corsair. of Victoria and George streets, eight rooms, stable. Will be sold very reas- onably to settle an estate. Mrs. Peter D•eCo.itrcy, Egmondville, FOR SALE A \\-ilkis.on 1 -1 -incl: cutting- box,, with complete inside and •outrider pipes for silo falling, and a 8-316 ]&glut tnactor in good working orider,soo a surrey. George Beatty Sr., Varna. FOR SALE IN VARNf (S't'ore frame building, 2111544& erre sills 'S foot square, lower floor hard -- wood and pine, upper 'floor !ill ends pine, all on joists 2x110. 'Lean-to 1r„Ic 2111, pine, also on sills, Stable IfrzrZe7 timber frame, 'Eigh't roolwed kith hoose 'heavily wined', on % acre lot. .Fol further information apply -to Ed.. Choker, Varna, or, J. E, Karniwell„ Keays St., .Goderich: 32.. HOUSE & 2 FARMS POR SALE 1& -room frame house, cement found- ation, electric light, etc. A good beat and six lots. 'adapted ,for market gard- ening. 'Opposite Seaforth collegiate. 'F(arm •of 76 .acres, SA Jot 1110, COIF_ lir MaK'tilop; and also a (50 acre grass- farm, ;Si% lot '19, corn. 2, H'?bbert. The•. late Charles and Margaret Hohllaefe ,Estate. IApp•ly to lairs, L. Ric'h'arde ar Mrs. C, McCormick, 'op'p'osite the cot. legiate, or to J, H. 'Best, Solicitor has -- Executrices. isa-Execu'trices.. 3315 HOUSE FOR SALE 'OR RENT. The residence of the late Mrs. (D1.. M. 'Ross, Itnsnediate possession. A. D. Sutherland,