HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-09-13, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1934. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON. Mr, and alta. john Morrison of 'Toronto are visiting relatives in Pis : at to ge. 2idr. and 11„rs, W. S. Forbes are s;.pending a tow days in (London with Mfrs. Forbes sister, Mrs. Enrpey and 3L !Empey. There will be harvest thauk giving services in St. George's Church Sun dal Sept, Rath at 3 o'clock. MTi s Ruby .Young, Mrs. Ennis and -AIN. Dressler and baby Jerry spent Monday in Stratford, Mrs. Catherine Nicholson, who re- ently underwen.t•an operation is re - :gar aging .triecly. +Dr, J. Marsh of 'ROTA.) visited her aunt, Airs. Win. Clark and other rela- t.ive in the tillage last week. The Misses Z titter of Toronto spent . few clays with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mt F, .14iller, The Harvest Hume .Services wild be held in St, George'; Church, Walton, at the usual time, three o'clock in the afternoon, Sept. 116th, Rev.. Mr, Geo- . ghe,gan of Lucknow will conduct the • aerh ice and Brussels choir will be in. attendance. Mr. (Fred iRtatiedge has returned home after spending the past two Months at Grafton. • lar. Bob Lane has returned to Tor- , after spending the past mouth kith his friend, Horace .Rutledge. Mr. Ken Rutledge left for Toronto fag week where he will take a busi- ness course. WINTHROP. Air 1 1 Cnrhill is spending a ;;atple of weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Archie Campbell of Toronto, The Y,P.;S. presented their play :Ger Slott- Mary" in Moncrieff last .:sight. Miss Isabel Eaton spent the week. gad with Mr. and Mrs. Foster l ennett. Several frost here attended the Veterans' Parade in 'Brussels on „Sunday. The Ladies' aid and n\V. M. S, of !Caren Church held their regular monthly meeting at the hone of Mlrs. Stanley M. Garnham on [Wednesday .afternoon, Sept. 5th. Mrs. Allan Ross, sirat vice president, presided, The meeting opened with a hymn and grayer by Alts, Rose. The minutes of the 'previous tweeting and roll call .was read by the secretary, tD)uring the 'u.iness period, the slate for the an- .ivers:try services was set for Sunday, Ur 14th, followed by the annual :owl ,'pper on Tuesday evening, Oc- t t+er pith. It tray deeidcd to hold a sale .,f home cooking in Seaforth on Saturday, Sept. 1150. Circle 2 had .'barge of the remainder of the pro- gram, Mrs. Alexander presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mfrs, Henderson and Mrs. Somerville gave Mite .Messenger prayer. The topic from lie •last chapter of the study book 4 a taken by Mrs, Robert McClure. Mars. R. Dodds and Mrs, Clarnha.in -,>a.ve sentence prayers, \ reading en - Aged. "Nv't Uisder;tood," was given 'try Mlrs.'Oscar Cuthill. The -Meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's prayer iio unison, after which ,the ladies of Circle 2 served (lunch. ELIMVILLE. 11 quiet but very pretty wedding Cook place on Sept. hist, at 7 .30 p.nt. at the Elnnville 'Parsonage, lRev. J. 13. 'Peters, BA„ officiating, when ,Freeman Victor I-Iorne, of Winchel- sea, son of NIT, and M.re. James ,Horne of Winchelsea, was united in nmarria.ge with 'Violet !Elmira Evelyn Whitlock of St. 'Phomas, daughter of Mr. and Mfrs. P. Whitlock of 'Plantes Road. The bridesmaid was Mliss Jes- sie ,Brooks of Whalen and the groomsman was Mr. Tennyson 'Johns .rf Winchelsea. The bride was charm- ing in a dress of potters' blue triple sheer crepe with nary accessories; 'ler flowers were corsage bouquet of mink roses and lily of the valley. The bridesmaid was dressed in dark green crepe with ;green', accessories, After a wedding trip to Toronto, (Niagara :Falls and Port Colborne, )Jr, and Mrs. Horne will reside in 'Winchel- sea. The Young !People 'Society had a wether roast at the haine of ,v1r. T4oward johns last Monday evening. :Mr, and Mrs. A. 'Jones and Miss May Jones of London were visitors ,with Mir. and /Mrs, (Harry Johns on 5 aturday. Leila 3'rcFatls of :Exeter visit- ed relative, in .the village on Sunday. Miss Mlaizie O'Reilly of Sarnia spent Sunday at her haute 'here, Chased Him 3' Years To Marry_ Chased Him 2 Years To Divorce ;Telling of a divorcee's long relent- less pursuit 'before she could catch and lead another man to the altar— and of the still more relentless, Mint lo catch. and get rid of him. Read the article in The American Weekly with Sutrclay's ,Detroit 'Times, Farm Machinery and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto y (� and Plymouth GAILLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. VINNIMINIMINIONOIM EGGS & POULTRY We are now buying Eggs and Poultry at Highest • Market Prices for Cash. Give us a trial. Prompt, courteous service. Best prices for Cream. Seaforth creamery C. A. Barber, Prop. LONDESBORO Mrs. H. Lyon has returned from spending a few weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Gaunt of Luck- now•. Miss Gladys Mountain and Miss Helen Youngblutt are visiting with their aunt, Airs, \\'m. Glover in De- troit. Ml•rs. Wm. Radford, north of Blyth, is visiting with -Miss L. Young, MN. j:. Tamblyn and Mary spent the week end with lar, and t,irs, Wm, Biles, Clinton. The village 'has been in somewhat of an uproar and commotion far the past few days with about one hund- red men, plus trucks and machinery of every- description filling the main street, busy with the new cement highway. The east Mali was put down on Monday. 'Quite an interesting meeting was held in the community' hall on Thurs- day, it being Grandmother's Day at the Institute, with over one hundred in attendance, Meeting opened in the tonal form by singing the opening ode and the president, MTS. E. Ad - ants, presiding. The minutes of the Previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. ' 3rumsdon, and sever- al letters, a note from the Clinton branch, invitingthis branch to meet with then on !October 2 -5th, which was accepted with pleasure. After all items of business were _settled the meeting was left in charge of the grandmothers. When the curtain was raised fourteen grandmothers, look- ing quite quaint with -their white col- lars and caps, were seated in a circle. They then sang "We're the Happy Grandmas", followed by a reading by Mrs. W. 13sunsdon. A cornet solo was then enjoyed, given by Miss L. Rap- son, "Tire Old Spinning Wheel" was sung and a reading by Mrs. W. Lyon; another cornet solo, followed by an Institute hymn. The curtain was then dropped; the play, "I-I'uw the Story Grew," was then presented in live scenes by eight of the grandmothers, and by the peals of 'laughter that were heard, it was surely enjoyed. This brought this most enjoyable meeting to a close, All joined in singing the national anthem, A delicious lunch was served by Mars. K. MLcVittie, Mrs. W. Ross, Mrs. Geo. McVittie, Mars. W. Tretnin, Mrs. T. Millar and Airs. F. 31 c Gregor, The \VMI:5. will hold their meeting in the church on Friday afternoon at 2 p.nn. ,Group No. 3 will have charge. Mr. and Mrs. John Potter of 'B1yrh, Mfr. and Mirs. Will iGideswell of Lucknow and Miss Eleanor Sprung were visitors with Mi'r. and Mrs. Joe. Y ungbint on Sunday. STAFFA. Miss :Doris 'Colquhoun has return- ed- to her studies at 'Bellevil'le. Mr, Ge,. Butson, we are sorry to report, Is under the doctor's care. Mr. A, A. Coiquhaun is visiting in Chicago. Mr. A, Luxton was a visitor in Mitchell 'Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, J. Whyte„Stratford, spent Sunday in the community. 'Mr, and 31rs. J Watson, Mother- ttell,' were the guests of ifr, ,and Mrs. 'O. W. Reed on' 'Sunday, The Women's +Institute will meet on Wednesday afte:pnoon, Sept. +1h, The program will he, roll call, "Ohre of my favorite household remedies"; topic, ibiealeh; 'reading N,M J., Mrs, i:, Butson; current events, Mrs. F. Allen; apple recipes, Mirs. W. T. Goiq'u'ho'un, airs, D. Cod'gulmun; ap- ple contest, Mrs, M. Gray, Mrs. J. 'Sadler; program con., 'bars, L. Her; 'burn, firs. F. ,,Oarb'ert. KIPPEN. The September meeting of the \1 M.S. was held a: the home of Mrs, A; Mfonteith on Wednesday the fifth. Airs. Cooper presided and led in prayer. Mr-, French -read the Scrip- ture lesson from -Ps. 66Mrs. 5. 'Thompson read an article, "The Fel - lowers of Jesus." After the singing of "Rock of Ages" Mrs. Forsyth led in prayer, Nearly all the ladies present ascii ted With the topic, "Following- Missionary FollowingMissionary Trails." . The trail begins in our otvn. Auxiliary and ,goes on through our Presbyterial and Confer- ence Branch into the. Dominion (Board where we are linked together with over 1146,000 women, girls and children and .950 missionaries work- ing at Home and abroad. 'With an in vestment of a little over $700,000 w support or assist the work in Ln boarding schools and school homes; 34 community centres, S Indian schools, Ili? Mission Hospitals, Orien- tal Work 'in 5 centres, Strangers' Secretaries in 5 centres in Canada as well as 16 missionaries in West Af- rica, 36 in Centra. India, 60 in North, 'South and West China, 35 in Japan, .20 in Korea, and 7 in Trinidad. In- cluding the bales sent through the National Rcliet over 11000 hales of supplies- avere sent during the year 11033. Ten missionaries are retiring from active service and 4 new mis- siionaries have entered the work of the W.M.S. this year. Thirty-five missionaries working in the Home or 'Foreign Mission Fields have gone from homes within the London Con- ference Branch, In aiety of the extent of the work undertaken the singing of "In Christ there is no East as West," seemed very appropriate. The Onto ber meeting will he held at the hone of Mrs. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell of Windsor visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, \\-m. Kyte, 'l'heir young son, Albert, who spent the summer here, returned with then. 'Rev. E. F. Chandler preached a very int resting and inspiring sermon in St. Andrew's United Church an Sunday last, taking for his subject, "Guidance," also the interpretation and explanation of that lovely- hynn, "Lead Kindly Light," and the life of the author, 'John -Henry Newman, At the close of the sermon :lie hymn w -as sunny as a quartette number by Misses (Halcyon Chandler, Florence Thomp- son, Messrs. J. B. NoLean and 'Wm. Love, There will be no church services or Sunday school on Sunday next oar- ing to (Ilillsgreen anniversary. i-Iillsgreen anniversary services will be held on :Sunday- neat, September '16th, when ,Rev, DeWitt Cusens of Wesley Willis United 'Church, Clint- on. will be the special speaker. Kip - pen choir will supply the music, 'Cer- vices at 1:1' a,m, and 7:30 p,m. The autumn anniversary of St, AAn- drew's United Church will be held on Sunday, October 7th. 'Rev. Mr. 'Stain- ton of James St, Church, Exeter, •will be the speaker for the morning serv- ice and (Rec.A. W. Gardiner of Lon - desboro will be the speaker ,for the evening service. The choir are pre- paring special music. (Services at 1d a.m. and 7:30 pans Mrs. James Wright and Mrs, Nor- ris 'Sillery entertained a number of friends and relatives last'Saturday af- •ternoo n in honour of the former'. sisters, Mors, Elizabeth '\Wright, Ham - i4ton, and 11:. Susan Pilgrim, Dallas, Texas. NORTH MCKILLOP. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Thornton and Kenneth spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and ,Mrs. James 'Howe or Cromarty. Mars and Mrs, flex, Munn spent Sunday afternoon visiting with Mr. and -Airs. Peter 'Hignell, Mrs. William Mitchell is .not !prog- ressing as well as her ,friends would tike to see. BEECHWOOD 3rrs, 5. Evans, who has spent the past month with her slaughters in Detroit, has returned home. !Miss Irene O'Rourke has gone to Kitchener to train as a nurse, i\!i.r.. and Mrs. Phillip Flanagan and family of Toronto spent last weak, with the former's parents, Air. :and, Mrs. Hike Flanagan, IQuite a number from hereattended the funeral of the date Mrs, Wm, For- tune un Seaforth, BRUCEFIELD. The annual Horticultural iS'how of khe IBrucelield HorticudtuNal Society w'as held in the church on Friday af- ternoon last with 'a splendid atten- dance .and a large entry. Sm the ev- ening a' program was given; consist- ing of readings, solos, and also clues - ,tions were answered by the judge of the 'afternoon, Mr, Cool: of Clinton. The prize winners .were as follows: li-Io•useplant in bloom --Mrs. J. W 'Stackhouse, Mrs Arthur McQueen, Mars \Vm, McKenzie. Foliage plant, 'M'lrs D. 11ofheringh'ant Mrs, Wm. McKenzie, Mrs. CR, (Allan; collection annual phlox, Mrs, R, Allan; coll. of Snapdragon, Mrs. Fotheringh'em, Mrs. Allan, Miss M. E. Swan; coli. dahlias, Alis. Alln, Mrs, S'taokhouse, -M'me William 111ctKenzie; 3 named ,dahlias airs, dZa Mrs, Me- IKenzie named dahlia Mrs, Fat(her- ham Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Al'lan;. display gladioli Mrs, Allan, Miss M. !MCNaughtan, Mrs, A. McQueen six gladioli, Mrs. Allan, Mrs, 1illiam McKenzie; one spike gladioli, ,named, Mrs, James 'Thompeon, Mrs. Milan; ecu , annuals, Mrs, Allan 'Mrs. Foth- eringham, Mrs. T. 13. (Baird; coll. six perennials, Mrs. Allan., Miss M.1Lc- Naughton; colo, asters, Mr,. Father - in gla a rn, atheringhratn, 'Mrs. A'llan Miss M. M.c- Naughton; colt of pansies, Mrs, Al- lan, firs, H, F, Beery; six pink ,asters, kers. Foahesamgha:m, Miss I+LdNaughton, Mrs, C. H. Haugh; six Purple asters, Mrs. Fotheringlham, Miss M6Nau5htun, Mrs. C. H. 'H'augth; six purple asters, Mas, Path-' eringham, Mrs. Allan, Miss (Pearson; ,.veer asters, Mss. Allan, Mrs, IA, Mc- Queen, -airs. Rosati; white asters, Miss M. McNaughton, Mrs, Rouatt, Mrs, Fothetinghatn; display of be- gonias, Mrs. R. Atkin, Mrs, A, 3fc- Queen; one 'begonia, Mrs, Stack- house, firs. 'A, McQueen.; gloxinia. Mars, A. McQueen; table bouquet, Mrs. Allan, Mrs, Fotheringham, Mrs. Rouatt; display roses, Mrs, R., Allan, Mrs. W. A, Bremner, Mrs. Rouatt; zinnias, Mrs. R, Allan; Mrs. William MI:aKenzie, MMw. fames Thompson; bouquet annual .larkspur, Mrs. R, Alkan; ane vase of annuals, Mrs. Wil- liam MdKenzie, Mrs, Allan; best novelty, 'Mrs, F.rat'heringham, Mrs, Stackhouse, Mfrs. Allan; one potted fern, -Miss M. E. Swan, 'Birdhouses— Bobby Allan aged 5, Adan, Wilson aged Ifl', Eric Thompson age 10, Wes- ley 1-Iant age ltl, Carlile Cornish age 113, (Gordon Hill age 8. Schools— Flower display, No, 3 Tuckersmith, No, 10 Stanley; improvement on grounds, No. 10 Stanley, 31o, 1 Tuckersmith, Mr, W. E. Hinchley, John street, has made a hobby for many years of collecting relics of the pioneer days, also old gums, swords, and stuffed ,birds, and now possesses one of the finest amateur museums in this part of the country. This picture shows a bear trap, used in the early days in the .1'Ic'Killop sw•anrp, It was forged by a 1'Ic- Kilio!p blacksmith: the forks were' also the `handiwork of some of the early 'blacksmiths, DUBLIN Mr, 'Harry Beale, foreman of the American Transport Co, ori Montreal, is the guest of his mother and sister in our burg. On Monday night the Puhilee Club of Laurier avenue, met at the tonne ai \lis; Mary Beale to tender fare- well to one of their members, Mrs. Joann Flanagan, who left on Friday for Toronto, A splendid program of vocal music Was rendered and a solo "Song of Songs," was exceptionally well rendered by Waster Kingsley Beale, Stratford, Community songs by those present closed a pleasant even- ing. The guest ai the evening was presented with a cheque by the club and Mrs. 1.. J. Looby read the part ing address. McKay Bros. are patting up a porch for Mars :Nagle on Matilda St and closing in the front verandah Mr. MI. J. Benninger has a carpenter from Blyth assisting ,hien to erect a new shed for wintering silver and ,black foxes, Mrs. James 'Redmond entertained fifty ladies to "Progressive (Euchre' in honor of Mrs, J. Flanagan, The prize winners for first and seconc \were Mrs, 1W, J. !Byrne, Logan, and Mrs. J. V. Flynn, Dublin, Mrs, lames Malcolm, Hibbert, consolation. Mrs: Redmond presented a purse of money on behalf of those present. Miss Charlotte Smith reading a kindly worded address to Mrs. Flanagan who left, with her fine family, for To roh•to on Friday, Mrs, Flanagan spent her girlhood days in the Queen City and has many friends in that city, as sire was always a favourite wherever she lived. VARNA. The regular monthly meeting of Varna ;United IVtV,M ,S, was held in the church at 2:30 p.m. 00 Thu'rsd'ay, Sept, 6. Miss Bertha Diehl occupied the chair, 'after the singing of a hymn Mrs. Bandy 'led in prayer. The scripture lesson yv,hic'h was read in unison was 'Luke, Mata( chapter. Twel- ve members responded to roll call with a verse of scripture beginning with w. Group one of the society will have charge of the next meeting. A solo by Mrs. Bandy, "The End of a Whispered Prayer, Was enjoyed- by all, :Airs. A. McConnell 'had charge of the study book. The part taken was 'Medical Conditions in 'China." The annual Harvest .Horne service will be held in Varna ,Apgrlican church next Sunday evening. MANLEY. Air. Vincent Eel:art has gone to Sandwich to resume his studies. If all ploughing is advancing rapid- ly and the ideal weather is making it possible' to destroy the weeds. (Harvesting buckwheat is the order of the day and rumor has it that sonic. fields are not as badly damaged as. was at !first anticipated. Wedding bells are ringing at Man- ley. A kitchen shower was given by the friends of Miss Pearl Mattson at the home of cher parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. P. J'. Johnson; on Wednesday ,night. REGENT HIBBERT. The regular 'meeting of Hibbert Council was held 00 Monday, .Sep- tember 10. All members present, the Reeve presiding. 'The minutes of the previous regular meeting a:; well as a special meeting were read and con- firmed. By'Laws No, 4116, AD. 1934, providing for levying of Coyne Drain 'Deficiency and No. 4116, 1934, for Downey 'Drain Deficiency were final- ly passed. The Cleric read all com- munications on fy'le, and the jollow- ing. resolutions were passed: Burchill -Vivian: That the Clerk ,be instructed to communicate .with Mr. David Croll, Minister Of Welfare, asking for all possible information regarding re- lief fnea ores for the ensuing Winter, Kay -Vivian: instructing the Clerk to ask Mr. J. MG.'Empey for definite rul- ing as to payment of Usi orne's por- tion of the Miller Award, Allen-Vir- ian: Authorizing the entering of an appeal against the. judgment of J, L. Killoran in the court action of ,Doug- las vs, Township of Hibbert and G. Cr', Wilson. Allen -Kay: Authorizing Reeve and Councillor (Burchill to deal with the matter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stat ton. Vivian -Kay: Issuing orders for Road expense—$43120 and general exp. 4111315. • The meeting adjourned until Monday, Oct. S at '1 p.m.—Mrs. Kathleen .Feeney, Clerk. HILLSGREEN -Mr. Wm, :Parrott and slaughter Annie visited with relatives in 'To- ronto last weals. Miss Jessie IJo'lins,ton of Clifford is visiting .with her cousin, Miss ,Edna Cochrane. \Ills Edith Forrest of IHensall is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. .Love A solo was given in the Hills green !Church ,on Sunday by Miss Halcyon Chandler, which was very much enjoyed: 'Annivers'ary services .will be (heldl in the Hiilagmeen Church on Sunday, Sept. 116, at 111. a.:nn, and 17:30 p.m. Rev. D. W. Cosens of Clinton will be the guest speaker for the d'ay. The choir' from. Klippen are rendering the music for both services. Mr. and l+Irs, 31r. 'Turner Nrncl Mffr,. and Mirs. R.'Stephenson left host week to visit relatives in Pe 'West. BETHEL IBstheh Laches' Aid will Kotler a cook-, dug sale on Sept, 129i1i• THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING LAUREL & HARDY in their newest full length feature of fun "The Devil's Brother" THURS. MIDNITE Lanny Ross & Ann Sothern in MELODY IN SPRING Mon, Tues. Wed. 'Sept. 17-18-19 (SCHNOZZLE DURANTE 'LUPE VELEZ in a story that has all the title implies Strictly Dynamite News Reel Comedy Thurs. Fri. Sat., 20-21-22 LEW AYRES in the greatest of all war pictures M1 Quiet on the Western Front Comedy Cartoon STANLEY. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph .Stephenson and Mr, and Mrs, W. Turner left last week by motor to visit friends at .Filar Mound, Man. Mr. Russel Erra'tt and lElmore Ste- phenson are taking in the (World's Fair at Chicago this week, Mrs. Jean MdKinley is visiting her sister, Miss Campbell of Seaforth, for a few days. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs, Sam, Dawson of Lon- don were Iauests at the house al Mr. and Mss, 'Milton Woods, Miss Isabel (Betties has returned to her Mame after spending the summer holidays with her granriparents, kir. and Mrs. Thos+ -Betties, There was a large attendance at the decoration services at Italtlaat(v cetnetcry, Sunday, (Sept. 90,lam` Miss Irene Woods spent the week- end at hone here, returning to Lon- don to resume her studies there. Miss 'Betty Newton is going to Go- derich High School, 1Once again lick[ clay at Porter's 14111, sponsored by the Men's Club, was a huge success. The day was ideal and the large crowd orderly. The parade was good, although not as large as last year. The two ball games, one between (Holmesvillc and Porter's Hill teams, was won by 'Hal- mesvi'le 112-1116. The Union team anti Pe Sixth Con. Tigers—of course the Tigers won. The pillow fight was very amusing, also the plate race caused a good laugh. The recei tg4 .,. for the clay were over the hundred" mark, TUCKERSMITH. The regular meeting of the 1hc.k- ereamit'h Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mfrs. Gifford Crich with 33 members and a number of visitors present. The roll call was answered by "A country 'I would like to see and why." The vice-president, Mfrs. \r, 1'erryaberry, had charge of the meeting. Readings were given by Mrs. Ernie 'Crich and Mrs. 'Frank 'Walters, also an instrumental by Mrs. A, Matheson, and a duet by Mrs. Ho- ward Crich and Miss Margaret Crich. -\it's. Fear gave a talk on a trip to the exhibition. The October meeting' will be held at the home at Mrs, F. Townsend and is to be grandmother's meeting. The roll call is to be answer- eci by "Things our grandmothers didn't do," 'Mar. and _Mrs, Norris !Sillery and children and Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, ,Hanriltau, attended the tHantilton re- union at Trawthrid'ge recently. Miss MlcOloy of Egtn,ondvidle spent a few days last week at her nephews, Mr. Pas, Mc nosh's, \ im. and Mrs, Russell Coleman and family spent last ISunclay with Mr. and. Mars, Anson Coleman of Hills - green, Mrs. !Secord 'yLcIB't'ien of Hallett spent a clay recently with .her another, Mrs. Wm. Lanclsborougnh. Ile, and Mrs. Tiros. Coleman is spending a few clays with Mr. and Mrs. !Geo. Johnston of Varna, Mir. Roy Connell: spent ,5untaay with Clinton friends, Mlr•s. pas. Troyer ,is spending a few days visiting friends in H'eirsa,pl. i uulcersmith (Aggressive ''Club will hold its 'regular meeting ora Tuesday, (Sept 1118th alt the home .of Mr, and Mrs, \Vi awns Ilrvine. The moll call will be answered .by, a book anal its author. IE, Whitmore will give a talk, "What SIhlamnld the Farmer and His (Family (Read." IKe•nnctlr 'Jackson will adds ess tare nieetin;g on the farmer'sstandard cif livistg. Mfr, W. 'P. 'Thompson, who accom- panied Mr. Robert Royce to dris -ho:nae at 'T-huntsville has retuned after a pleasant !two weci5s' visit in the Mus- koka dis'trict, (Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week, 215c