HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-09-13, Page 2V4BiA:GE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1934. HURON NEWS. Vies A Native of Hullett— There passed• away is Windsor at the Monte of her daughter, Mrs. C. Tyrrell ,,n Sept. 1, a .volt kuotvu resi- dent of Brussels in the person of :Mary Helene '['bae11, widen of the late Joseph •Cloyier, it her With year. She was born in 11til1ett, the daughter ni tete late Lyda Chappell and Satn- ae:l Thaietl. She continued to reside in iclul'ett after 'ter marriage to the gate. \1r, t]ot ice, who predeceased iter• 2.2 years :ego. The late 1lrs, Gooier inoe- -ed to Brussels ten ye ors alto told re - :sided there Irani that time until the last six moetlts ai her .life, -which site spent with her eldest daughter, in i\'i'., l or. .A . trious operation was ne- aes.ary for iter in November of last Bear and since that time she had nut enjoyed good health. There survive to ,mourn their 1, s, two daughters, Iva .,Mrs. C. Tyrrell) of Windsor; Janet \)r 11. I boards) of Buffalo: and one .,.nt. Samuel J. of Toronto; three brothers, Janus of Brussels; 'William tl 'Morris; and Robert J. of Palmer- Ana; sisters, Mrs. Coakley of Kin- ' burn 11r;. E. llclntosh, Toronto, and Mrs. F. Forbes of 'Buffalo, There also survives three step -children and fibre grandchildren. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery with the oatrial service taken by Morning Star Reoeltah Lodge of Brussels, Pallbear- ers tree 1lesrs. Jack Evans, Robt, Boom:tn. Wm, Little, Nathan Chap- -Ilan. Percy. Theca and Walter \\'il- itiamsou. Friends attendiu.g from a flis- :auce ac re.Mr.•and bless ('.'Patterson. :Mrs, 111. 11111 and lir. E. ll.alt, ;1tt- Mira; \Ir. amt Mrs. N. Plill, 11r, and Mr, \\'m. 11111, and Mr, and Mrs, H. 1-31 tlederiely. Mr. Thos. Hill of London: t, 11t. Alex. \I,n Bing, Bet'- arate: \\'ut and Taut C ongrtun - am 'Mrs. \Wnt. Cunning - tam and \tr. and Mrs. \\'m. Thnell, a;:ytht Mr. and 1lrs. Wm. Fear and Mrs. \ft,rrci of Londcst'ro; lar. and Mrs. R.:1. Tinted', Mr. and Mrs. C 1',},uel.l and Kenneth "1'hnell of Palnt- ::r.ton and 11r. and firs. C. Murcat Dtarlatk, Family Re -unions— -['he 'Bast family held -their: tightb annual reunion at Crediton of Labor Day. l'w., hundred and twen ey ;kept¢ sighed the register during he lay -.'Relatives - from Detroit Lies lana. :(tad \xe. Pigeon,. hitch- uter ,tit) Pelham gathered to make this reunion under the leadership o etc President, Joshua Brown of (tat Axe. a great sucress, The reuniitt neets next year in Michigan, The dde.t man ..n the grounds was John '1'. llaist of Pelham. —The descendants f the late Richard and Susanne \\•aghorn met or their first relnirni at the home of .\tired \Wagitorn, Lot ls, West tidy. 1'tl trton '1 s1,ltip, with ,iii pers..ns present, 11r. tool Mrs. Richard \\ z - is rn and fancily ratite from I:tiglatu t3 years ago and have resided on this :arta ever since. The afternoon was spe::t in race: and a ball game, The t1de.t lady present was Lizzie \\'ag- 'tv,ri„ ;he oldest man Marry Wag - torn. The two votutgest children, 1 oy,1 C'rawf„rd ant (,(eat hing acre ore.ented nith a bouquet of (letters it was derided that the reunion for 19i1$ woubl be held there again. The remit: ,n tfticers were then elected with Charles \\-aghorn as president rim bliss Lottie \\'a.gho... as .-t;. Eery. The 12th anneal Tebbutt re- dnion picnic was held at 'Goderich nn August 2,901 with about 65 relat- ives in attendance from Ilohncsville, Clinton, heaf„rth and •( ivlerich: Many familiar frees were missed this year, the honored president of last Sear, 11 r, George Tebbutt being call - .ed sty death last March, The officers appoi,;:te,l for next year were ,(-Ion. -president, 13r. John Jervis, Clinton; president, lir. (Lewis Tebbutt, Truk- :rsinith: secretary, Mrs. Irvine Teh- ttutt Maitland Cwt. Goderich Twp. sports 'committee was allso ap- pointed to arrange fur next year's picnic which is to be hold on first Wednesday of July. The eldest mem- ber its attendance'was Sfr. John Jer- %is, -Clinton, and the youngest mem- ber was Master Lewis \Wallgate Teb- butt, nine months old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Tehbutt, ivtaittand Con„ .Goderich 'Perp The most re- cently married couple was Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Dow, Cromarty, 'form- erly Miss \\'innifred Jervis, 'Clinton. Those "Non -Political” Appoint- ments— The new Franchise ,Act as .a result' of which ail voters' 'lista are to be kept tip to the minute alt) the time, lesntes under a new department in Ottawa, of which Col. John Thontp San is the head under the title of ,Franchise 011icer. Two appointments have been mace by this d'epartninnt, n'amely that of Alex, 'Portetifield .of Belgrai•e, who will be, responsible •'.fon North Horan waters' liats, and that of J. \V. R•eattie, o.f ISea.forth,d The village of Dublin has bait one hotel and gained one hotel dna• ing recent weeks, The old Domin- ion Hotel teas partially torn `down, the remainder of the building being purchased by the local telephone company who are fitting, it up for .t headoftire, giving .hent a splendid Property; the olid Huron hotel until recently oec.upieit as a store. is be- ing fitted for betel purposes by Crawiotd' fi Smith of Guelph, and will open shortly. '.Above its a rear view- of the never telephone, bmitd- ing,. An interesting fact is the huildin is non. the :ante size as originally, the •wreckers hating re- moved the third storey- and the rear half of the hotel, -which had been added some • years after the first part ora_ instructed.. who has charge of 'Ht•ronPerth, Both of these gentlemen have had similar work in the past and their appoittuer.t' arc nnerc!y a continu- ation of their duties with those modi- fications involved in the new act, \h editorial in the London Free Press fir w s cunsidentitle !tight out this subject. It say. "An Ottawa dispatch contains the artnouneement ti the appointment of the registrars, tinder the new f'ranc'hise :Act, fete Ontari,t, Io Western Ontario holly half tine appointed are Liberals. in- cluding one firmer Liberal candi- date At a time when Conservative treads .ore falling daily under the lus- ty swinging. of the Hepburn sae the multiha:1.m of strong Liberals for these posts will not be accepted with wild enthusiasm by. Conservative party workers. One can imagine their feedings as they see the Bennett Government naming good.Liberals to such j,•bs, The chances are thiel. Ot- tawa has had some warns wire: on the subject. It might be .,f interest to know just what has happened, For many years it has been evident that the Franchise ...Act needed overhaul- ing. In Quebec the telegraphing of votes, through inadequate lists, Inas been an opal seanda4. In Ontario the revision rsi lists hns bitfallen largely on the shoulders of the candidates. A'? - ter all the basis of our democratic. institutions is fair and impartial lists, The Bennett Government. nment. introduced a new Franchise Act which was an advanced piece of legislation, In or- der that there should be at little criticism as possible and with his high seise of responsibility Premier limn¢ t declared that the adminis- tration of the new law would be tak- en out of politics, The chief franch- ise officer was given the powttrs of a judge, so that there could be n, in- terference with iii. turthurite. Col. Jxthu Thompson, following the spirit of the _Act and the apparent views of parliament, proceeded apparently to name the registrars on a fifty -,fifty basis. As a result he has accepted the u.,tninations of Liberals in many aidittgs incht,lbit London." Aged Brussels Man Found in Bush— James idatltmttyne, of Brussels; aged 7(1, missing since 'early Friday, was lae'ated Its a party of searchers on Saturday. afternoon, .He was found wandering in a bush less than two miles from Brussels. ,A party of 511 neem led by provincial police took part in the ltttnt. He was almost ex- hausted uv hen round. Exeter Man Killed -- ;Highway and levet crossing ac- cidents lift ai week -end death toll of eight lives in Ontario. 'When hit mot- or car crashed into the rear of the Landon- Exeter pa engem bus which had just let off a pa.setnger about fotir miles south of Exeter, George Armstrong, 47, R. R, 3,• Exeter, a well ,known dealer in hogs, was fatal- ly injured early Saturday wearing. Crushed as the car telescoped the back: of the bits, he died about .15 minutes after the accident. Two young Exeter boys, Donald S'ivetits .114, and 13obert Brooks 11:5, received rapid reward for a blindly act, ass they left the rear seat of the bins as it stopped, to .aid the elderly passenger carry- out his parcels and a basket of grapes, Before they could return to their farmer seat; the car crashed into the rear of the hug and would have probably brought instant 'iteatn to both had they been seater) where they formerly \rote. Seteroot passeng- ers on tate bus were sewcrely shaken. Outstanding Quality Fresh frsm the Gardens The Growing Spiles— Tanse citizens w'h., take their even- ing stroll along the north pier have been surprised to observe what ap- pears to he two beech tree. growing from the edge of the dock. On in- vestigation they have fotutd that the supposed trees are two spites which were placed there when work was be- ing . done two years ago. The spiles are about twelvefne`Ite, in diameter and thisseason the ;teall roots have ;wade rapid ,growth, \While it is com- mon for ,willow_ and some of the softer woods to take root in water it in somewhat unusual for a beech tree. The s,piles are driven down into. the ground for many 'feetand it is 'relieved they have taken root,— Kin- cardine Review. Car Thieves Active- '. T. Levy, a Mitchell business than, had has car stolen. probably some time Thursday night. The ma- chine was found abandoned on a street in Stratford on Friday eeen- tt>g. .A 1934 Chevrolet car was stol- en in Toronto and driven to Goderich where the occupants tools the mark- ers ,,tf a Goderich car, replacing top in t e crash. The otos, owned att3 nperatel by Casper (Cap) IToward ., Lttrut, hal stopped it the Centralia .ideroad intersection to let ori the elderly passenger just at dusk. The car driven ' 3 Armstrong Was iollow- iu;g tete he. n rthnard on the high- way. Just as the bus uta; pulling away from the stop, Armstrong's ear crashed, into it. rite ear was wreck- ed black as far as the driver's seat and the driver .tushed within the wreckage, The force •tt the im;tac 3novo tete Inc ahead 71 feet and the rear of the has where the two h.eys hal 'tern sitting was caved in, ilcr- tb iodise t„xade and the passengers were hat•led ahead to the frust ,tt ittt 'ins. Dr. 11. C. Fletcher at Exeter. thio was t:'aveli::, sottt'.t an the high- way and intended to turn into the sideroai, 'load stopped at the corner, i1e gave first aid to the injtu'ed matt Traffic officers investigate -1 the ac- cident. _\ti inquest has been ordered. It was Armstrong's second acciden, f the season: Early is the spring a:- ctmp:utiedi by itis son in his truck he swung his truck fr int the road . to avoid striking another car and the truck crashed into a tree. lir. .\rm strong is strvfeed 'ty his wife, f•trea- erly :Miss Httc•tt Crens, three soots„ Edward, Wallace and William and t w cr daughters, 'Gerat;line a u d l Frances. Was Born in Blyth— f ,wa to ;i;e in Goderich were .hocked to .earn of the death in Ne,v York on Friday after a short illness from pneumonia. of lar., 'Harry J. Strickler (nee Marjory Anne Kelly), daughter of J. B. Kelly. superintend- ent of the I'.t.'_S aid 1L--, Felly of Goderich. Mrs. Strickler, who was in her -dost year, was a native of Blyth aril. her parents moving t, Goderich when she was quite young, tea; edu- cated in Goderich, and at Loretta . icadency, Stratford. On completing her education. deceased entered Si. Vincent's Hospital, New York. as nurse iv training tt:t atxl on graduating served three years with the :American Red Cross during the 1Great War. in 1)321), she married Lieut. Harry f Strickler, Besides her husband, there survive her parents, two brothers, Basil L. Kelly , Tr t'.t ,.tut4 Jos- eph C., of Niw York, rand two sisters. llrs, Fred Craigie and Minn Helen Kelly of Goderich. The funeral oras field out Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock with service at St. Peter's Church. and interment in Colborne Ceinetene, Lovers Object to Light— The old saying .that 'love will find a way" was amply demonstrated the other evening on St. David Street. A well known young ,than wanted to sit and talk to hit girt iriend in quiet seclusion and the street light shone directly on them. This was not to good in the opinion of either, no tie young chap tossed a ,tone, '.there was a tinkle and. a little pop and darkness enshrouded the scene. Chief IPostlethn•aite 'has been asked to re- quest 'hint to replace the light and to advise that there are plenty of quiet, dark spots around town where the only light is the 'moon. Lovers don't usually object to the moots.—�Goder. ich Star. Robbers Get Away with Cash- Some time between 8.30 and :12.00 ,Saturday night, the home cd Albert' 'Paxton, Blitevale ,Road, was entered and +$1113'.5. in ibilla, $60 in silver and coppers and a check $115'6 were stoll- en, kilo. and obit„ 11 extol were in Winghatn when the robbery, teak! place.. theist with the Toronto markers. The Toronto car with the Goderich mark- ers was then, driven to Mitchell and parked in i,ront of lar. Levy's resid- ence. The car was out of gars, the doors were all locked and the spare tire fiat, Mrs, Levy noticed this car parked on the street in front of the house alt day but t'hough't it was owned by somebody visiting in the district, Irv, Levy 'wiio keeps this car in a barn at the home of his mother, Mrs. William Lei -y, 'went to get the car on Friday evening and found it was ,gone. In the •meantimc Traffic Officer Day of Stratford coined Pro - a incial Q•fficer ':Callender and report- ed that MMr, Levy's car had been round in Stratford, 'Officer Callender, knowing that the partied car bore a 'Goderich license, got in touch with the 'Goderich police who stated that a pair of markers had been stolen, Mr. Levy's car is, an Essex coach four or five years lid and apparent, ly was not speedy en high for the !Parts or Patties, as this car.cas ab- andoned in Stratford and a 1934 .Buick owned by H. H. Dempsey was stolen. lfr. Levy's car was re- turned without any damage, Engagement— Mr. and firs. Thos. Elliott, Blyth, wish to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Margaret E. to lar. 'Gordan R. Hamilton of Bitue- vade. The wedding to take place the dotter part of the month, 1934 FALL k''AIR DATES Tavistock : (Sept 7 -8th Sept. 93-P4th New Hamburg , „, . Sept, 14 -115th. Exeter ..,. , Sept. 1t7 -18th Goderich . , . . , , .. , Sept. 118.19th Stratford ,. , ..t.. Sept. 117- 19th Stt-athroy , ,.. , ..... , Sept. 113.119th Listowel , ..., 'Sept. 1i9 -20th Ailsa Craig , ,t. Sept. 20.2111st Teeswater , . . , , ,,, Oct. 2 -3rd St. Marys Oct. 9 -10th SEAFORTH..... , . Sept. 20 -21st Atwood , Sept. 21142ndi ,Zurich . Sept. 24 -25th Brussels .e,...,,,Sept, 27 -28th Lucknaw ,,..1Sept, 27-3&th Palmerston Sept. 28 -29th: Kirkton , Oct. 2 -3rd Blyth Sept. 25 -26th Mitchell Sept. 25 26th Bayfield , Sept, 26 -27th ,Want and For Sale _'ods, I time, 25e and y ' tali never b satisfied with any Miter low-priced agar• PULLY- ENCLOSED KNEE • ACTION R,N*SON N®rix, CABLE -CONTROLLED BRAKES REASON BODY 't' Y FISHER SAFETY & BEAUTY RE11SON N®:5. SHOCK -PROOF STEERING Ready for Immediate Delivery Master Six from Standard Six from '844 '710 Delivered, tufty equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Freight and Government license only extra. New low time -prices on. the GMAC plan, LET us lend you a Chevrolet. Drive it yourself in your own way, over the stone roads and hills, you drive every day. Take out your family, or a friend. We are confident that if you naake this test you'll never be satisfied acitla any other low-priced car! We urge you to accept this invitation in your own interests as a 1934 buyer. Because Chevrolet is the only car in its class that gives you Enclosed Knee -Action, protected and weatherproof : - Body by Fisher, for safety, beauty and comfort Shock -Proof Steering, for easy ear control ... Cable -Controlled Brakes, for sure stops always . .. and Blue Flame Cylinder Head, for the greatest power from the least gasoline and oil consumption! C•214C A General Motors Value, Produced in hanade . . . for economical transportation A. W. Dunlop, Seaforth Vreib OTVR.ti reeoucrst