HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-09-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
The Hiensald :basebaill team lost out TOWN TUPI(S
by to 11 in the 'game played at limit
chener on W,edinesday afternoon last TWENTY -FIV YEARS AGO
with th'e \Vaterloo team, 1lensail;tried
hard in the ninth innings to even
the score and nearly succeeded, The Town Topics,
Hensall team have had a splendid
season, and won their own group
series, The numerous 'baseball fans
M this district have thoroughly en-
joy -ed the season,
The authority for the sale of beer
and wine in the New Commercial'-io-
izl here arrived on Friday and the hoe
eel beer parlor opened for business.
cn Saturday and did. a brisk business
,both in the afternoon and evening.
'The Council, at a special meeting held
a week ago, approved of the granting
•of. an authority to the 'hotel, There
will be same disap'poietrnent in some
quarters here in the granting of an
authority, We believe that the present.
proprietor will do his best to carry
out the 'provisions of the Ant, and it
is up to the gen'e'ral pti'blic to obey
the law. 111 this is not done, a three-
. fifths vote of the people of the muni-
cipality will close the beer parlor.
Mfrs, Thos, -Murdoch is spending a
few days this week visiting relatives
in Toronto.
Mr, and :Mrs! Ross Dick and little
son of Toronto were ho-liday visitors
-,with Hensadl and Hillsgreen relatives.
- Mr. and 11r , 'Lyle Cassidy spent
the holiday with relatives at Otter-ille.
Mr, Lloyd •Pas'smnore •oi 'Delhi was
a holiday. visitor with his parents,
(lir. and Mrs. John Passmore.
Miss Mlary. A. Hoggart'h end Mrs.
i ,
Joh❑ McKenzie attended the Mc-
Lachlan -Martin reunion last week. •
Mr. and .firs. James 'Patterson, M•Irs,
(Basil 'Edwards and Miss' Blanche
Mustard were in Toronto.
Mrs, Alex. McMurtrie is spending
a few days this week visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs, Randell at P attsvidle.
Mr,, Fred MldDoneli of -Detroit- is last and son of -Chicago,- are visiting
visiting w•ies Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mc -
friends in taws.—lfr. 1Vi11iam Stobie
Dorrell and family. Mrs. MclDonell.
was a iormer resident of Hensel'.
aid Mr. Alf. Smith and little
daughter of Brantforde were holiday
vi itors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. ,Smith:
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Da'bus of De-
trait were visiting here over the boli -
day with Mr. and Mrs. \\rni, Dabus,
Mn and Mrs, John G, 'Stott and
rhiddren of Hibbert, Mr. and Mrs. Ed,
McQueen and two daughters, Dor-
othy- and Alva, and Mrs. Robt. 'Hig-
gins and two sons. Billy and Ray,
were hlidar ...meets of Mfr, and Mrs
AA i. Sw•eitzer of the Beach -c -Pines.
Mr, and Mrs. Orval '(leavers of
Fergehar spent Sunday with • relatives
Mr, W. L, McLaren spent Sunday
nhis daughter, Mrs. Glen .Leff
o. f Tttckeremith.
Mr. •David McNaughton of Bayfield
was in town e n Saturday, calling on
Me, =rs. Owen 'Geiger and son are
heVing their large; crop of flax drawn
ie• and stored in the mill and barn.,
Mr. Maynard Harmon of Toronto
rieited over the holiday with friends
':r town,
Nlies Dorothy Kyle of London vis -
::ed Over the holiday with her parents,
\l, .and Mfrs. Thos. Kyle.-
. Nlre. Emily Boyle and daughter
Miss Nellie Boyle of Toronto are
sputa a r tine week vt it n in Hensail
,Nriss Alice Higgins of :he Leach-o-
Pinee was visiting, here Thursday.
T'ae many motels here e f Mr. and
Mfr., Wesley Fenner ef Chiselhurst
w311 be sorry to hear that their daugh-
Tears is ,erien'v
Mattie Ellis spent a few days
lest ',•eek vi,itin r at 'Goderich.
Nfis, Isabelle Muir has been tend
several weeks visiting her sister,
Mr f D. Stewart of Atha Craig.
Mi., \reale Hamilton and children
were vsitine in London on :Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren, accorr.-
panied by Mrs, Workman and two
lac.=iter=, were guest. Sunday with Mitchell,
Mrs. H. Calvin of Lobe townr•
Mrs, Webb is visiting her daughter
in Lond'es oro—,Ma. A. Archibald is
in 'Lond'on this week,--IDr, and Mrs,
sA'ftcheson of Detroit, 'Who have spent.
the summer at their cottage in'Bay-
'lield, visited the former's mother on
ISatm¢lay:-M•eu are busily engaged
tearing 'do'v n some of the 'outbuildings
ad'jacent to tht :Seaforth Milling Co,
Ltd, A large flour sheaf will be erect-
ed to replace the'builditvgs 'torn down,
'—Ml. !Hugh, who has been renew-
ing old acquaintances in town for the
past week has returned' to B•elliis,
and in a few days will go to'Kenora
to resume his duties as a telegraph
operator.—Mr. S. T. iGallbraith, for
the past two years connected with the
Dominion bank, left on !Saturday for
Winnipeg. A few of his gentlemen
friends held a jolly farewell for hint
on (Friday evening. —• Mr. Sae cruel
(Dickson has returned from two
m'on'ths' trip to the IPacsfic'coast.—
The Seaforth Milling Co have sold
their plant 'to the Ogilvy Flour Mill
.Co, of Montreal, Who took possession
on Sept. l!et. The new !firm name will
be known as the Seaforth Milling 'Co,
'Ltd,—'\Frs. Harry Speare is visiting
friends in London.—Mr. Alex, Powell
ahs taken a position as 'barber in
Clinton,—Mr. ,and Mrs, Ed Presider -
of E'dmon'ton is here visiting ,his
father. ---One of our prosperous G.T.I
R. conductors is shortly to join the
benediction ranks.—Miss Olive Laid-
law left on Wednesday for Boston,
where she has accepted a position in
one of the hospitals.—Messrs. A. NI
Woodley of 'Ridgeto•wn and 1f,
Woodley of Brueee1 are in town this
week visiting at 'the home of their
mother who is seriously ill,
;Edward Littlefair of Blyth dropped
dead Saturday morning, while out for
a walk in Toronto. The doctor who
called stated that the cause was heart
failure. :Deceased was visiting his
son John on Ste Clair avenue.
iOn Monday the home of Michael
T. Connolly, south of Bornholm, was
destroyed by fare. Mrs. Connolly was
in the front room sewing, when a lit-
tle daughter rushed in and told her
the back part of the house was in
flames. The alarm was given but too
late to save the Property. The loss
is heavy.
Hiss Mabel Rine left for Dakota
on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt.
Cole and babe spent ,Sunday with the
latter's parents.—Mrs, !Armstrong and
children of Woodbridge are spending
a fete weeks with relatives and friend;
How "Cultivated" ,Are
Your Neighbors ?
1Pecefessor F. Stuart Chapin, of the
University of 'Minnes'ota, e:eplains how
you can, rate your .nei'ghlbrors by the
Chairs, rugs, 'bodies, pictures and the
kind of m'us'ic they like, ;Read the ar-
ticle in T'he American Weekly with
S'unday's. Detroit Times.
Mre. Calvin ie Mrs. MeLaren's aunt
Mr. J. Norman Ea.gleeon, who for
,Hav. the past two year; has been organist
Mr. and Nfrs. Laird Nlickle and and choinmaeter ot the Methodist
,chillren spent the holiday with NIL church, has resigned to accept the po-
Mr. and Mr, Wesley Caldwell of normal school and ,organist and choir -
London spent a few days _here :ast master of the 'Methodist churc,h at
week visiting relatives and triends. North Ba. 'The salary for the first
Nfre. Fred Simmons and her sister, Y*
Mrs. Harold Callas of Santa. Barbara, position is $01,000 and for the second
Cal., who are visiting here, are spend- ..$3o.o per annum. --11r. Arthur :Mutton
ing the week in Toronto visiting rel- returned from the We$t last week,
Whilt there he purchased 320 acres
Mr. Will Simpson of Detroit was a
holiday visitor with relatives in town. of land in Saskateh.ewan, 200 acres oi
Miss Nlary T.hompson visited over which are undr cultivation. -
the 'holiday at her h.ome in Seaforth.
'Miss 'Doreen Farquhar is ,s,pending Hillsgreen.
a Ifew days in Chicago atten.ding the
World's Fair,
,Mr, and Mrs. iLloycl teIedson of
:Forest 'have been visiting their rela-
raves in town.
,Mr. G. C. Petty spent ,a few days
in, Toronto.
'Miss Veen McMullen of Otherville
is visitin,g with h,er sister, Mrs. Lyle
lMr. Walter Spencer spent a few
days last week in 'Chicago attending
the World's Fain
East week ended the (Wednesday
half -holidays in Hensall for this year.
The continuation a,n,d public schools
re -opened on Tuesday with two
,dh,artges, in the teaching staff, .Mr.
Moore as ,princip,al .of the continuation
Miss B,eryl Pfaff in th,e public school
in Miss Co,nsitt's place, Mr. C. Bqoeves
is principal of the public sc'hool again
Cur bowlers inteod to play in the
wind-up gamee at the 'Snow Bird
lourney in 'Woodstock the first week
in October.
'The holid,ay passed quietly ,in the
the different stem,mer resorts.
Mrs. Thos. Simpson of 'Stafford -
vine is visiting with relatives and
frien,de, in town.
Th,e !Presbyterial will be 'held in
,Carmel ,Oh,urch on rl'ues!day, Septem-
ber MIL Din,n,er :be served at 12.30
The flower show 'at :Brucelield will
be held on Friday, Sept. 7't1h, after-
noon and evening, A 's'hort program
in the evening in ;:the school'roona of
the •cherc'h. The boys are reminded
to bring their 'bird -houses. The pub-
lic is '.cordially invited.
Mrs, Elder (nee Mise Carrie Ross),
o'f Boston, is spencling a few weeks
with her aunt, Mrs. Alex. (Ross 'Sr. in
the village,
.ifr, and Mrs. Jas. ;Moodie, Mr. and
l,Irs, Jas. -ile,Queen;ancl Mrs, L. For-
rest spent the tea hour at the home of
Mr. Wm. Elcoat and 'd'aughters, the
Mfisses Hazel and 'Jean, at Seaforth
last week.
Mrs Lottie 'Mc'Ash of Brucefield
visited friends in Detroit and London
last week,
Miss Irene ,Snider spent the .holiday,.
at her home in the vi'll'age.
.Mr. and 3e1rs. Jas, McQueen were
glad to receive a visit from their old.
friend, Mrs. John 'Lawrence of Chat-
ham fast ,week,
Mrs D. Aiken.h'ead and _Miss Mary
Gibson motored to Pieetro'ha last week
and visited Rev. and Mrs. iH. Woods
and fannuly, a former pastor in Brnce-
`fieid. Tlhey found them all well except
Mrs, Woods, who had ,b'een confined
to her ,room for a few weeks, 'They
wishe<dx to be remembered to all their
old friends here.
Mr, and Mrs, Doan of Petrdlia, who
have been visiting at the hone of
their daughter, ,Mrs. Dawson, return-
ed' to their -home last week.
Miss M. tAitehison of Roxboro has
been s'pencidng the past few weeks at
her cousin's, idiss Helen Tougla
The IHorticultu ial Society will hold.
.their annual'•flo'wer show on Sept 7,
afternoon and evening.
The manly friends of firs. ,Geo. Hill
will regret to hear of her illness.
Misses Margaret and Bertha For-
rest of Seaforth spent a day with
Mrs, Jas. Lone; daughter Agaves and
son Jim, visited with lfr, and Mrs.
W. Huxtable of Centralia.
Mr. and _firs. J. 'Cock atie, .daugh-
ter 'Edna, and .Mrs. (Eider, visited rel-
atives. at Centralia,
Dr, 'John LA, 'I-I'agan left for his
home in Ohicago after .spending a few
weeks here,
i1iss PDolly ]Hagan is spending a
few days in Chicago with her brother
and his wife, Dr, and Mrs.'I-Lagan,
Mr, 'Orville !Smith spent a few days
in Toronto tv t•h friends,
M', and firs, ,Ross Dick, son
'Douglas of Toronto spent' the holiday
with the latter's .pamenits.
'M[rs, J, Cochrane is ',spending a few
days in Toronto with her daughter.
Mr. and Mlrs. W. \\'iedo and sons
visited Mr. and Mrs, Roy lferner on
the a4th.
Mr. Robt, 'Stephenson !aas not been
feeling so well the past week. His
many friends wish faina a speedy re-
The scholars and teachers returned
to school on Tuesday morning. Mr.
V. Dinnin"resnuned his work again in
S.S.1INo. 7, ;Stanley; Miss Coates, of
Exeter, in 'No. 3, Hay, and -Miss Love
in No. 11'0, Hay.
Mrs. 'L. Eider and children returned
to Falconbridge after spending a
short time with her parents,
The SV:MI.;S. and Ladies' Associa-
tion of ',Duff's Church, MMKi'1'lop, held
their regular monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. 1Vna. Beattie on Aug.
29th with a good attendance. The
meeting opened' with singing. Mrs.
Chester Henderson' occupied the ,chair
Prayer by Mrs. F. 14dKerc'her,
Thanksgiving in Autumn. Mrs. John
IHillebrecht rear) th'e Scripture, The
devotional leaflet was given by Mrs,
1Robt Canapibel'l. IA +lay'sain was then
sung. A reading was given by Miss
lEssie D'orrance. Mfrs. '(Rev.)" G. E.
Marrow gave a poem The business
part of the meetingthen took place.
I•t was decided• eo have a birthday
party of the ladies auxiliary on Sept.
114 in t'he church. Another hymn was
sung :and the i\'V,M)IS. meeting closed
with the Lord's prayer,
Mrs. W. •J. Shannon theta took the
chair for tlae Ladies' Association.ihrs,
J. Gordon gave a poem and, ;Mrs. E.
Hunt gave a reading. The women dis-
cussed the year's work. The meeting
dosed with prayer. A delicious lunch
was served by the ladies and a social
hat' 'hour spent.
Mrs. Thos. Sharpe spent a few days
last week visiting,in Ailsa Craig.—Mr.
John 'Dureno'r (Port 'Huron, formerly,
of IStaixley, is visiting friends in this
vicinity.—Miss Carrie McKenzie and
Miss Jessie Young of Kipper visited
friends here Sunday.
Ward was received of the death of
J. Diamond in Cobalt town in his 57th
year. The deceased went to Cobalt
sorne weeks ago 'and had been hll only
a shorttime with typhoid fever, Mr.
'Diam'ond was .a son of 'the fate John
Diamond of Peluevale. His early life
was spent on a farm near 'Bdueval•e
.and for many years dead been a resid-
ent of Wangham'; being for a long
time engaged in the butchering bus-
iness., 'He is survived by' his widow
and three sons and two daughters.
;Persian Balm creates and ,preserves
lovely and youthful co'mplexio'ns.
Tones and stimulates the skin. Frag-
rant as a flower. 'Cool as morning
clew. Swiiitly abe.orbed by the tissues,
making the skin wonderifuiiy- soft -
textured, `tJ'nnitsalled as an aid to fem-
inine elegance, {Delightful to use. Im
parts additional charm to the daintiest
if women. !Persian Balm is the one
toilet 'requisite for the' exacting wom-
an, Peerless as a beautifier.
Miss Bridget O'll:oughlin of Strat-
ford, is visiting her uncle, Mfr, John
Lavin, •
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Evans and fam-
ily o'f Detroit visited relatives 'here
this week,
Mr. Jos. D'anitser, Mr, 'Owen. Hart
and, John Holland Jr: leave this week
for a trip to Northern Ontario,
iMr, and' Mrs. V. U. McMahon of
"5etroit spent t'he week at the home
Mr. aitd Mr's. James 'O'Reilly.
The school teachers 'have all re-
turned to their xd4t'tie's after the holi
MrsH.Foley of, Tvn! oia''visited
her another, firs john Downey, over
.the week end.
'Mr, C'hanles bfialon'e returned to
Assumption College, Windsor, on
ISun•clay' visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Regele were: Mr. and 'Mrs.
L-11ex. IS'toskop'h and family and Mrs,
Stoskoph, Mr. end Mrs. Wesley 'Fis'h-
er and family of IFasI'lartan; Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence 'Regale and Dloreen,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Regale into Shirley
and 'Pearl, M4m, 'ancu Mrs. ,tVillianaa
I-Ioegy, Marie a'nd' 'Louis, 01 tutee l-
lop, Mfr. ,and Mrs, William 'Gross and
family of Auburn, Mr, and, Mrs, Wil-
liam D'aer and fanc'i'ly of IGads'hill.
Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Percy \Athayman and
Marilyn of Brantford' spent the week
end with Mr. and Mss. IJosep'h Thorn-
ton also with Mr. and Mrs, Alex.
Miss Mary Munn is 'h'o'me after
spending two weeks in ,Brantford.
Mr. John :Dennis, IBi!'1 and, Ethel
Danis .and Jirra 'Johns'ont, spent tine
week end ,in St, Catharines.
Miss Helen iRobertsona returned
bom.e with them after spending the
summer holidays wiitlt• John Dennis.
3fr, Ed, 'Boyce B'peut the ,week end
witia his parents in Monkfot7,
Mr. and Mrs, G. 'Fr"eckleton of Lon-
don visited Mr. and (Nies, George
Campbell an Tues'd'ay last, taking
their little niece, (Ruda, with them an
their return Nome,,
'Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh of
Toronto and Mrs, '0. Haugh of T•uck-
ersnaith paid a short Visit to the 'home
of Mr, and Mrs. J.:A, 'Carafe on Fri-
day last.
,Among 'tlae old friends who attend-
ed the ,Blake United 'Church anniver-
sary services were Miss Jessie Tough
end Mr, and Mrs, IW, 'J 'Tough and
-ilargaret of Clinton and lir. and airs.
Lorne Manson of Thorndale,
Misses Marybel and. Jean Carnie
are at present visiting friends at Exe-
ter, 'Hyde Park and St. Marys..
The public and separate schools re-
opened this week .with gond attend-
ance, -Hiss Florence .Smith in charge
of the former and the 'Ltrsteline Order
with headeluarters in Chatham, ,Ont,
in charge of the Separate :School and
the Continuation ,School.
Among the many American citi-
zens who holidayed here, were, with
Mrs. Alex. Darling, the two sisters of
Michael NI. Darling, lfrs. Edward
DeIlaris or Chicago and her husband,
and Mrs, Louis Shed'ler, her husband
and, two daughters Margaret and
Dolly, cif Buffalo, N.fs',
Toronto visitors at the home of
:ifrs. A. Darling, 'll:r. and Mrs, Weil-
and, Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson, son
and daughter.
Mfrs. 'Lawrence Beale and soil King-
slew left on Friday for their home in
Stratford. Their week in the village
was very enjoyable.,
;Rev. Father Od'rowski, P.P. here
for over eight years, bade 'farewell to
his parishioners on Sunday last. He
leaves for Sinao.oe and 'Port Dover
the end' of the week, He will have a
curate with hint in 'lois new parish,
and 'we trust enjoy the 'mild 'breezes
.of L'aice Erie.
Mfrs. Jordan has added much to ,her
new home by a new roof and other
i n}pro vetneirts.
'Mfr, and Mrs. George Crawford
have moved to our bung from Toron-
lOn Thursday Me. 'and. firs. John
(Flanagan and their family o1 three
daughters moved to 'Bleaker St., To-
ronto. Their only soil John left last
week for Longueil, Quebec, to attend
college in, that city.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Pacien Tyens ,spent
ISum'day with relatives at Kit kora and
(Rev. 1')r, Foulkes, a ,grad'uate of
Cambridge, Englatn'd, and of a semnn-
ary in IRorne, will take charge of St,
Patrick's .parish the end of this week,
At present he i, sta'tion'ed at God!eric'h.
'Sneak thieves entered againthe
genenai store of D. McConnell Mon-
day night and the 'loot consisted of
tobacco.cigarettes acid ed'i'bles. This
is the seconel time inside of a month.
This is very unfair to a merchant.
IDmring the month of Jut, 1934, 1:1,-
000,000 lbs of bacon were exported. to
Great 'Britain as compared with 7,-
300000 lbs, d•urin;g. Judy, ,11936, the tot-
al shipments o'f 'bac'o'n for the first
seven months of 1193'4 'amounting to
18dti5041,600 Tbs. as against 318,1707,790
lbs. !during tlae corresponding seven
months of :1033.
Want and' For Sale A'd's, 3 Weeks .50c
Buy In ,Egmondvilae
,Sepoy Flour A 5vT
98, 1'b. a
Alberta Flour 98 4b. 2.89
Red Rose Tea lb. 49e
Cowan's 'Cocoa . , Ib. 25v
Maxwell 'Rouse Coffee lb, 37c
Pastry Flour .... , 24 lb. 63c
Icing Sugar 2 lb. 19c
Clean 'Currants .. 2 lb. 25c
Lye 2 tins 23c
Old Dutch 2 tins 390
Ammonia 4 pkgs. 24c
Pearl White Soap 28c
10 bars
Johnson's Wax 1b. 59c
10 pounds SUGAR Lam- /fl c
wth ,$1',00 Cash �7"F
!Grocery Order,
I am opening a
Flour and Feed Business
In the Store formerly occupied
by Gunn Langlois, opposite
• Daly's Garage, and respectfully
solicit your patronage. A call will
be appreciated.
D. C.
lfr. Alvoie Fletcher and fancily
gratefully acknolwiedge the many sin-
cere expressions of sympathy of the
neighbors and friends in their 'kind-
ness in our time of sorrow, and es-
pecially Mr. Campbell• 'Sutherland
Tor timely .aid in the care and help ,to
-cur departed father,
We gratefully acknowledge, and
wish to express our sincere thanks far
the many expression's of sympathy,
the beautiful 'floral tributes and to al:
those who so kindly loaned, ears in out
recent sad bereavement in the death of
Waco J. ;Woods,
—Wife and ,Sister.
L\ comfortable six -roomed house
with garage situated on, Main St.,
Egnaondvil'le. Apply to 'A:. C. Rout-
ledge, ;Sea.forth,
Tractor Massey Harris doable disc
Apply to John Crozier, ,Picone 23112.3.
One well pump 'fitted with a three-
inch cylincler ,and about twenty ,feet
of suction pipe and a check valve.
One cistern pump with seven feet of
suction pipe. Oaae outside toilet, well
built and in good 'condition, Apply to
A. 1). ,Armstrong Seaforth. 316
On Sunday' on No. 8 Highway, be -
weep ;Seaforth and Mitchell, a brown
silk umbrella with border, and a
large white, pearl knob on the handle.
Reward offered. Apply to the News
Office, 3'6
Township of •:Stanley.
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section. 7, of'fihe Voters'
'List Apt and that iI 'have posted up in
my office in Varma om' the 2151t1a day of
/August, '119314, the list ,of all persons
entitled to vote in said' ;municipality
for members of parliament and Mun-
icipal iEJlections, and that such list se -
mains there for inspection.
And I hereby 'tail upioie all voiters
to take immediate prooeedings to have
any error or omissions corrected ac -
,cording to ,flaw, the 'last day of 'ap'peal
being ,the 115th day Idf Septenefer, 100314.
101'erk of the Townshi'p•off!Stanley.
Mes, H. Leslie is in Toronto for a
few days.
The s'c'hool bells ni'ay he heard
again. Miss Alexander o'f l ippen is. in
charge of No. 4 and bliss Turner, of
Carlingford at No. 3.
'Misses M. Sadler and M. ;Sillery re-
turned to their .respective: schools at
Whalen and St. Marys.
'ltiissee Muriel Drake and Jean
Snnal'e are at't'en'd'ing businests 'college
in .Sltnatford and Mr, Arnold Barbour
the 'teehnieal' school in (L'ond'on.
Mr.,and Mrs, J. A. Sadder werex
week end visitors in Rochester.
'Mis'ses 14, .au'd' E.' Davis have re -
Willed from ran ;extended 'tour of the
eastern, provinces.
'Mis's Jean 'Puffin visited' with h'er
cousin, Miss ''Lorene :S.uhr, 'in Stratfor
recently. ,
To take care of winter deliver-
ies of Cream, Eggs and Pool -
try, announce the appointment
as their representative in Sea -
forth. Mr. Routledge will re-
ceive produce at the full roar
ket price, commencing this
Saturday, Sept. 1st.
Twenty nice pigs ready to wean;
also dry soft and hard wood,slabs,
eta, delivered in one -cord lots or any
quantity required; cash on delivery.
Won. Doig, Jr., Phone 1I35r2, Seaforth;..
K'ippen, R.R. 3. 3G,
Any film, six •or eight exposure,.
developed anti printed with border or
deckle edge 215 cts, Extra ,prints 3 cts.
High class work. Mail us your films..
BurgessStudios, Mitchell and Clinton,
Fifty acres of good land and good
brick ,house, also good barn and silo.
Some bush, 'Situated on the third
con. of Westminster Tp., three miles.
south of London. Apply Harold Fez -
hale, Bayfield, Ont.
A seven roomed brick 'house equip-
ped with hydro, telephone and furn-
ace, a good stable and garage and i5
acre of land. A few fruit trees. Apply'
to W. J. Woods, Walton, or 'phone
Brussels W r 7.
House with two lots, at the corner'
of Victoria and George streets, night
rooms, stable. Will be _sold very reas-
onably to settle an estate. Mrs. Peter
DeCo.urcy, Egmondville.
'Seed wheat, !Junior iNo- 'S, Bald
White Wheat, free from smut, $ti?
per bushel. .Mrs, Wm. A.. Ross,
Beucefield, Phone :312'-86, HensaR. aX
A Willcison 1i4 -inch cutting bo: e ,
with 'complete inside and outside.
pipes for ,silo fdlting, and' a '8 -;Ib" Mogul
.tractor 'in good working order, also. 'a,
surrey. George Beatty ;Sr:., Varna„
'Stone frame ,building, i 11fx'4Or om
Bills ,Il foot ,square, lower floor award'-•
wood and pine, upper door !lig garde„
pine, 'all' on joist's 2x1110. 'team `to 12'x
2111, pine, aiso on ,;Ell's', Stable 3S,':c20
timber frame. IEdg3st roomed' brick.
house 'heavily 'wined, on % ;acre lot.
•For :further information apply to,' M-
U -utter, 'Varna.,.. ,or J. IE. 'H'arnwelf,.
SGeays (Sit., Glod'eri'ch.
8 -room frame house, cemen't fouaad-•
ationa, electric l'i'ght, Sbc, ,A good' baric'
and six lots adapted for market gard-
ening. (O'p'posite :Seaforth call'eg ate..
'Farm of 715 'acres, S/ ,lot 1110, con. 11,
MLoKilliop; and also a 156 acre grass,
faron, ;SI/ lot '19, 'eon', 2, Hibbert The.
late Charles and Margaret Hohlbei'it
lEs't'ate. Apply to Mrs. IL. Richards or.
Mrs. C. MdCioninic'k, opposite tate col-
legiate, or to J. H. ;Best, !Soli'citor for
Executrices., 135
'The' res'idence of the late Mrs, Dc
M. Ross. Immediate possession. Aa:
D', Sutherland.