HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-09-06, Page 6101 PAGE SIX. THE SEAFORTH NEWS MalleltalialIMMIMOM116 1 • "" Alma T.HURSDAY, ,SEPTEMBER 6, :192g lleah•ar Singh, well, so you are already "Vow melee -is Lukehmem ?" said "No," said Faze, "keep it. It is evs prepared," he exclaimed as the hief ltuzil, i•dience othe worst,turd she needs to entered the room euddenly, and .sale "My . lord, it is; I am your slave, know it; but let tis •cotilnm it the.- 'Thies f aci uted them. "Have you eaten? Are now and forevere-till I die, if you teen,you see, gold and silver; elect your people ready? We go on to Sh'ol. permit nee to serve yeti in ney ()wit locee there is blood on'ithese anklets- -1 am come to. bid you fare well, "IAL'icl that is?" . let it staY, 'Yee, oow.5..will toast thee." Just then the Khan and • 1410 .pricst. apoor." . my lord," said the chief, "I have done "No matter- now.," said the creat- came out of the court, both accoutred my work with you for the present. tirm, ''you will find out. If 1 displease 'Sly ditty is not With the army but .oe you .1 will go away of My oWn aCs the marches; and 1 hear oi a raid by cord and give lio trouble; if 1 please the :Golconda people which I -must you, het 1110 be Mear ytn, and that is :me t,, ely nephew elope] Singh enough." would fain • have accompanied your "How is this? You talk like a WO - son, but 1 cannot spare .hin. He is man." My only stay since -since 10 mat- ''Do .you know aerything of them, ter. My nem woeld be Worse than neieter?" replied the man. "Perhaps useless to you, andyou will not miss not; it takes a long life. to know what I conel send. Nevertheless, if--' them, rhey say. Do 1 talk like a 100- - "No, no," said : the Khan, who in man? Als no, sir; to Ole you are th'e truth had deeded rather than desir- woman who has bewiteleed me, and I ed Felon Singh's .company, and that follow you blindly for the sake :of the of his lawless 'freebooters; "no you love 1 have for you, whieh site le my are better here ill your owe •eountry. heart." and I have already weakened the ''Since when friend?" ' said Feed], force too much at Nuldroog to with- laughing. • draw you." . "'Since last night. when you were "Then we may go, iKhan?" kine to that poor ,Braelmen• girl who "Certainly; you . are hononrably dis- owes her honoor to you, and long be - missed with thanks, and mention 10111 fore that, of which I will yell you aie, be -made of you, when •I write, as you other time. Can 1 doaoythinig now?" deserve," ' - "Hast thou ,eaten?" "'I have only one thing to say, and. 'Yes; and. I have enough bere to I pray you to pardon my staying it, last nee two days," and he pointed. to and that is, beware 01 •iieloro Pundit. a bundle of cakes tied at his back. "1 'Had 1 been. a Mussulman like you, 1. can give ,you one if you like, when had pot- spared him; bet as you have you are hungry." • done so, it is not for me, a, Rajpoo,t, 'I do not., want it -fl have -eaten," to be concernedin a Sraheitie's death, said. Fazil, "Can I trust thee already?" He is faithful to his cause and he can- "0 masted" cried th'e man piteous - 101 be true to you," - 1Y, as th.e tears started suddenly to -"He can • de 00 harm, friend," said his eyes. "Do no•t say that! 1 1+111. a the Khan, laughing. "*1 fancy :the poor hunchback, who caenot say fine Nimbalkur and others have had e WM-C.1:1, what is the uee of my talk - good lesson, and will keep quiet; and, ing? if you inistruet me, bid me go? for the resit, as I- am going to scotch I will return. to hilil who gave me to the head of the snake, we need not you -better that, than • be doubted. fear if its Mil writhes a little; it can 'Enough, shall I go?" do no harm; but I thank you for your "No, stay," eantinued Fazil; " 1 0001 '11 treeertheless, and 1510 will 00e Aill trt1St thee. Tie thy horse there, to 1113' 11 ,tt,Ple of 'AfrtOolpoor and its and give him ecene fodder from the -villages?" 'mettle, yonder... ,. . .That is well. "Snre;y, N han Sahib; he under no .Now go to the Kucheri; say to the apprehension-nothieg can . molest Nail.), that Fazil Khan lleah wants theme Now, put your hand on .my the bundle of things given to hint by head once more, entbraeeole and let Jane, Xaik, and he is to give it," Inc go;'"Andh wat if ja301100m oo is there, as - "Go," said the Khan, rising and ter? he will not al-lew it." • (1 1115 as he wished -"go; he careful, "That 15 WhY 11 (10 not go myself," friend; remember theroyal clemency said Fazil; "but if there is any diffi- and he true." , culty I will come. Show this as a to - ''Will you come_ with 1110 for a inc,... ken,. and it tvil sulTice," and die took elem. \1t;111 " will tPahar Singh, as off hi- signet ring. • . he disengaged himself from the "1 Will bring them without this, Khan's embract, . lleali, and yet ' I take it. Tell some Tineil. got up and foleeed hint, .S.,, one to mind the marc, -el.,,, 0 if she they emerged from the courtyard in- 110ars the lean -she will break - her its the street. Fazil saw thnt Goya! rope;" and tile man,' •throwin-g• his Singh and ot here, retitle mount ed , coarse blackblanket over him, sham - all :i 1ed. their chief and they :minted 1,101 off at a quick pace towards the him courteously, town, 1 t was but 11 short distance:Fa- - "Come, hither. Lnksleminn," stud zil waited there looking 'at his owe :he „chief. - horeee which were picketed in the Tile nein 01 as liven mounted and ad- street, Ile had no desire to rejoin- his 011100,,i, razii saw that his cheeks father, who was quietly 01110.1211115 were 01 et with 1110 r, 0101 his eyes red withhe Fortunately too, the peer rode and :tv :len. Hideous as the face now up; arid he said he waited a hookah, was, tleire ea: a dignity of sorro-A- dismounted, and went into the , mutt. in 07 12111ill WliS .not imine-oeseee. Ile would he Company enough, "Meele" said the chief, "t 0is. is a 112azil watched the street mirrowle, 1 11 .111 sli. o. .1 -11111104 W11,, ill1p10res 4-1:1(1. 110 done rieht in seeding Luk - me tot sepol 1001 211111 pm; lie . want,. :sternum-on:41e he not to have gone ins pay,----- ally fot ul ;nil elt tthes atAl himself? He could yet go if there fiorage f •r hi:- il,,,,d,, di,,, um 110 faith- were reins:el, but there might be ne fel 1., sem, in eel 'einem- end trial an 1 occasioin, ln- a little time, less than he knows 1,, 'ft':11', \\ iii yell 00(11011 supposed ptiselhle, he saw tine huneh- from the campaign. send him to nit, hack coining ne the street at a sharp agaite Do you accept himr Vim, and as hi, reached Fazil he put "I do, Pahar Singh, and will be te itite 'his Minh a •lieavy 1)11111110 of 1011111 him as you were, that I letentiiee" 0,_ felt like ernaments of gohl and silver, plied Fazil, tied in a ‘7,tttli 10111011 was spatted with '''Ili, 11 di,n,,,unt .and lcis the yeetie 1,1,'"1. 1< 112111'o feet." ei:d the chief, '•Slialieisli 1" cried FaZil, "it was well ' lettleslimen obeyed him, disnmented contrived. How dirist thou get them?" and prt-sstrating., himself before Fazil. ''J 10100 Naik is an ass, and the fa- em1,raeet1 his knees. Ile then did the they ofall the asses in Tooljapoor, I sante to his master, lying- at his feet know llinl 'Id. ".idt" returned Lultell- reel embliing bitterly. limn. 'He was there sitting like a eGet up, fool." said the chief kindly, seared owl 011 the steps ref -the Kueli- drawing the back of his hand roughly eri. Tome and diri»k,' says he to me. ecress his eyes. "Go, thou art safer 'I will,' .said I; 'wait, I have a message with him than with one, gel Take from the master to deliver.' Then 1 hime Meab," he centinned. putting went in, and said to a Karkoon, 'Give the nien's hand bete Fazil's •who rais. me what Timm) gave just now, , the ed him up. "Take him; he will be t. People are come for it.' die could not you the faithful legend he vtras to me 15o. in there, for he is a Mang. `Take and my bey ;tender: we can ill spare them,' says a Karko-orte opening a him, but, after what has happened, he box; 'I don't like to teeth thent, they is better away for a while. And now, are bloody.' So I took 5110111 out, Mac - ..ix, we part. Remember what I 'said ter, andi here they are. As I passed to you7 father, and that while Mall- Jenoo, 1 gave him a rupee, and told Nitta., are weak they will. betreaCher- him to go to the Kullal's and get eeo I wi,h ovell; in ttheweeds ef softie drink ready, while I delivered Nonr people, *Khorla less,' my messagee-and he ie gone, 0 the S'' eaying, the chief mounted, cams- owl, the owll he will be drunk by thiis el his t.eirited horse to execute sever- time; but master, that man is as erue al ceracoles, and plunges, and ..with as steel and put there in trust; they his neebew and followers, rode off ra- were not loot to him. Wilt thou Sell ;.idly to the plain heyon•d, tatere the them here No, not here?" . • shrill horn and deep drum of his "Sell them!" cried Fazil; laughing.; troop were sounding- the 0”,erahly. :"no, surely --why?" • ' -"Iled it been thus if yea knew me, '0 the maseer never. does -he 111- Pahar Singh?" thought Fazil i as the •ways ke.eps, the gold and silver and last of the troopers passed ronnd the .buys them at.whis own valuation; but corner of the buildings to tlie plain he gives tis •a share, nevertheless, and beyounel. "Hardly, T think; but it is If shall miss mine of last night's- work ae well as it is, and your goc,d wiii e; -better, however, -that the. Womme CHAPTER LXI of his sympathy and soreow, Afzool • liKhan had taken advantage of the Fazil Khan rode rapidly up the Peer's ebseace for in his presence he pass, for he kamv his father woeiel would have feared tocionimit himself ewait his coining ere he gave the final by expression of any considerationfor orders for the march. Truth to say, infidels. he - Was hungry enough, and a break' el did but ride down the pass, f a- iast upon Ibrahim 'Khan's kicheri and (her," replied Fazil "to-. speak with kabobs. would be very welcome. As he !Shore. Kleam, and sen him on to reached the top, a busy scene present- camp. They will halt by-and-by, and ed iielf, Whererer he looked, little refresh themselves, Yes, truly, 001310.. fires were lighted between . three thing to eat Will . be welcome; there- "arge etones, upon which .the small fore sit down and rest. We have a etooking-palls used. by the men, and long ride before us." carried in their saddle -begs, were "The camel is ready,". said the rid -- placed; and the savoury Smells whiels er of it, entering. "What are your 00 - seed from them, and pervaded the der?" tin proved that the stews and cur- "W.rite a line from me to thy mo - ries within- Wer0. h1 very satisfactory :her, Peen" said the Khan, "to eay and were certainly very she is to have kicheri and kabobs -,-rovocatire of appetite. While one ready for us. and that we .have won a - member of 0 0111511 1)1e00 Watched the victory with little los. That iso, ethers: were .kneading donee. .0 cheer her and put her in mind of the- eatzing out "chapatees" or unleavened eld days, and -we shall. hav' a seeamtr ,,less, with their hands, and haletee1 meo, 1 sesealle; we ,-ean be . hungry, !heel their "towas" or iron plates. linftdreds of theso operations were 1,azil wrote what was needed to genie -en sinieltateionsly 02 every di- Larem. 1014 added, on separate paper. • ,:.••tion:,• for the force had .4 ‘:,11,2; 010,0 linrs to Zyna to take care ef mareh before it to S olaeoor. Tara eel her a rriva There was 00 There w le! no midway hait, and time to write her ettry, but she would and horses must alike be fed. hear particulars. from Tara herself. Evereeshmee too, the merry laugh, .orake this at your best speed," he broad jokei or !tamer is:Cele:mil said to tee man. "Give it into the mitlife, resounded ann,:14 :le's :lands . of Goolah Dem mid tell her it eel" eildiere, mei ceks i: for my sister only. Yen will incr- .., mile, (male' tireei.., 1, es: 1 frnil. take Shere Khan by the way, Tel him 1000 12e212 :4• 1, when he likes, refr.ise the was the scene t.f the 1:14lit !Len anti horses, and push on, it is of ".e'..0, 0 rg• iteere 10,0101! that he 0.:1-111,1 arrive before 01-1 part 110 1 been '...tried on.• of us an.1 he is alrea ly Far beyond 1':111- -4 121 if gide'. 1.12.1 ..ciscry •;:t at 11 01 ..•f. litany a .11,t11,e11:•..1 1 in the eteeel," replied the 1112111; "yeur or- .-.---emernine for rclatitees X0,', ;ITO I./1 my head and err'. and :sperty phinderwl or 0(01' 0''1, --- • he done " In a few moment..., the in tile calm, tinett. 0:0-'1 of tee he'es ef the animal he anton,r tier', 1.,:t•.*:- .l0 tvive: 110,0! a- he smrted, and "hi"' •i‘ 20111 ,11it.,1 aWay 11t Ile 5is5:0100. • • •:" "I ln,1 tvs hest lte don, if -to !el'. 1, I `-'iflor 0i, Tara's being sent on un - mil 1 ,:r te leave, ea - 1)10'1, ofl:..,..t,,1 ':111 r until they re11ch- 11nary ,%ilnitish all l n00'10:lt tilought over tlni i•-rgotcl: witll 1:0 to 10110 cztr,- t'11 in me, eel ht: ate livartily what and . infomylit, 411,1 111 justice to111 ;:dvent•0•0-,-.-a111 1100' father sat anti lebtlted r .11 'al, st-rn eleat 1101 11,1 been, 157.- •, , , , 0,, 1-, 1' ;'ie, and ' votit1.1 To. in ..,t1te of the Peer 111 51.Trt,l luala a 11.s: all el for the templt:. 1 . : . "a•d• • wid hetler to tell 11111.' .,T -,11,C;1'.. "He .1151 21.1.1 object. 1:0 t.,,,1111.::1.2- humr- and to... en -1 12:0,11 a, 1:.e 0:7 ',IS Lt "1 lab . sptalting. this is not father 'before, else 1 would have told the pet.ple are :tat 1u i,ttmonr snld, after he hal washed efter :ast ni.lt. A!.y •e:1••••ill 'fith L- his ham:, and at down. behind one of those rtseks-" " Vo In..t!" interrnpted the Khan. "Thanks, friend." 1.'"z1. inter" ....h, detected 1, ttme of ernbarrase- rePtiaz hira. "I did bat 1..', ShT.re men: ir, vt-titfe-PWitat has hali- Khan aryl the rest of them be"ow, and pe011? .Dldst thee 10,e any men; tell them to precede its; but thanks for the caution nevertheless. New. get eNte nst, father, we had.fighting. ready sOon, for I shall rtet he 51.110,,,a6 sh.y away front: ye," and lie cantered te, lady we t,„0 -k, with the tOWIL •Shere Khan. She had a palankeen arid Giving -directions for a led horse t the 'waren. said, they w51l take her be accOutted for him, in lieu at :heti t„ seie,e„„e Th„m which had carried him thr'lll'sh 110 twenty ..-F rhent, end 11 is (Ally tsvelee might. Fazil entered the Mutt Where he had left h•is fa/her, and found him "A- laely. see! e'eee?" enseored girding himself for the joureey. in an irefl515cr,-7:•.t "W -here hoot thou been, son we "A gislft tlter, to.1 rabk could not wait; but they have kept :see the kicheri hot for thee, and the ka- 1,7ok hor Ar:1011 4 10,-;e: More .eebs are good; only they have too zilch pepper and garlic in them. The "Indeed! ITis wife Tierletto," eiehen's enekery is not refined. iny "No, father; riot She ha? son: 004 like thy mother's, Ingtallal nothing 1' v•ith him; but she %vat. she will have a famous dish ready for M such grief at her people being kill - 215 this evening, for I am going to ed in the town, that I could only send on a camel. Hast thou any inee- make sett -she had relatives at • 'Wye. sage?" • and 1 sent her on wider Shere Khan, Petit knew by his father's velubil- „Ns. she was richly dressed and had ity that he 1000 in good humor. The ealtiable jewels on her. I feared. to !flurried, anxious ,exipreseion.of his face rend her back, and she was willing to had departed, as well under the influ- ence of a hearty breakfast as owing "'Poor girl, porn girl," said the to the feeling that, under the circum- Eileen; sighing; "encl. she is young, yoti . staine.s, he had really clone his best say.- Alas, alasi to be 0.0 S0011-. wi- to smootth. over the everrts - of the d.owl" '• 'night, 11 was uniortnnate, certainly. "Quite yoeing, father-sixteee, .per-- . that they had happened; but it could haps-and :very beautiful. 0, so beau - not be 'helped now. A donation from tifull I •never law one like her be - the 11<ingtsgOuld spathe the Beall:nuns. fore." • So he had again sent. for the local "Wondeefull" returned the . Khan.' . • Neil?) .anci charged. him to assure all "Then she let thee see her?........A.h, • • • for the march, "I was iSeting to the horses, father," said iFazil in anticipation of hie lath - DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT cr's remarks, "and quesitioeing thisDE. Graduate of Faculty of Mediciaes gift of Palter 'Singh's; look at him- iversity 'of Western Ontario. Megaser, a strange being, is he eot?" I of College of Physicians and Surgeon* Luksionnit adVallCed, prostrated himself, kissed the Khan'.e feet, but of Ontario. Office 43 Goderich said noehing, The priest was aclenow- West. Ph -one 37.'Hours 2-4,30 'Amt., 7.30-9.00 pen. Other hours by appellee - ledged by a distant but respectful Te - meat. Successor to Dr. Chas. Mackaele verence only, and the hunchback seemed tei regardhim with antipathy, DR. H. HUGH ROSIS, Flheoefteslen "Strange enough, son," said the and Surgeon. Late of Londoe MAO' ,Khan, looking at 'him from head to pito. bus London, England. Special?, .0fosoct0;1710"'INS.,‘,14511113‘'eeingttheter aebaio„het, thecYar; attention to diseases of the eye, esse,„ be lucky after all-theie hunchbacks drtoes;ceanbdetitnhdroaDeominOioffaitertanald ciedstant often are so," ercial Hotel, SeaSorth, 3rd Mondees iste "My lord," .said mean plead- Phone No. 5; Residence Phone UK. ingly, joining his hands., "all the 13rn- hsluns like to try their hands-on my nativity, and they all say 5111 lucky. DR. F. J. EUIRROWS, Seefordie For 1(110a twin, and, lehey never Office and residence, Goderich ematie, could make out exactly which of the , east of the United Chiarch. Comma.; horn:, het tiney. two was the eldiest for the County of Huron. Tekelsossw ibeilieved Ranee wets, Who was alwayg tmluoky, and 115(1 a bad Nvife an'd'No. 46. worse Children, and he WO 111,05 yea' tend'ay; so the bad luck and bad stars DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-P.-lye. Zen and inoton, and all -went vcitli Nose and Throat. Graduate in him; and now your slave is the luck- nine, University of. Toronto ISOE, iest of men, since he is the property Late Assistant New York Opheisafa of the. stable Mural Khan aocl his- son mic and Aural Institute, Mooresielifie IFazil. Surely the eters sent him." Eye, and Golden Square throat !04l - "Thou bast a bold' tongue," said the hes, London, England. At Como. Peer. "Peace, be silent." ercial ,,Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd ArfedprA- "Ah. :Mattered!" returned the man, day in' each month from, 1.30 'holy men like you aed the Brah- 5 P.M mulls think tel much epon divine glories, to mind what a poor fool like DIR. W. C. SP1ROAT.-Gradne0e Faculty of Medicine, University at me ;says. 1, too, know 11115 prayers al- ready, and shall become a Mussul- Western Ontario, London. I(emkk of College of Physicians and. Ewe main, when 'have heard' a few more of your eermone. 0, they are wonder- geoas of Ontario. Office ia tear it fel I Bismilla-ir-rahman-ir-raheeml" Aberhart's drug store, Seeinesets„ Phone 90, Hours 1.30-4 p.m., l';i6 Come," said elle Khan, "they arc -9 pan. Other hours by appointment. beating. the Nagaras everywhere, and se all are ready, we need not delay." Dental nettinting their 'horses, 1(10011 were icing led about, they rode on to, DR. J. A. MLTNN, Succeseor eas the plain Where :the men were us- Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of Thetis. stinileing feet, and. closiag heays western University, Chicago, LT-. Lee masses. 10111111their several standards. centiate Royal College of Dental Sae - en a 101)' minutes, the il'aigith of ,Nf- geons, Toronto. Office over NV zoo' 'Khan, 'M (Plindit being in the hardware, Main St,, Seaforth. Phone. midst closely 151101(1011. moved on down the pass, followed by the Abys- einem cavalry; il,1 their bright 01l'01 DR. F. J. BE,CHELY, g.rettesette 111001010, gay scarves, trappings and Royal College of Dental Sureeettee etandarils, gleamed in the blazing Toronto. Office over W. R. SuietWe smishine. Yet it was not hot enough , grocery, Main St„ Seaforth. Fang*. t.. oppreesive; a freeh weeteny office 185,W, residence 1853. wind had. arisen, driving before it large masses of fleecy cloud, which, a, they passed, threw broad chequAuctioneer.ers of ing among the tall ripe corn, which Auctioneer for the County of Mame). light anti shade over the plain, rusti- GEORGE ELLIOTT, Li:tusk, bowed before it in 150511011 wavy till - Arrangements can be !Tiede for Wm pies, and refreshing the men who, 'Date at The Seaforth News. Chute* thteigh Few had slept, were as yet un- inoderete and satisfaction gertaineA. conecions of fatigne under the excite- ment they had gone through. WATSON AND Ri.ii01,S, PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical DIR. at. A. McMASTER.-Grastimeet of the Faculty of 'Medicine, Unarm,- ity of T,oronto, and of the New York Post .Graduate School and HospStat Member of the College of Physician: and :Surgeons of Ontario. Office os High street. Phone 27, The people of the town watched the tong line, that, owing to the rotegh nature of the road, straggled down the pa:s, with thankful hearts ler deliverance front further molesta- tion; and as the .last of the men die - appeared behind a shoulder of the mottutain, a faint shout of "jey Ra- ke! Jey Tooljal" nese from a grows of men, consisting of the Nimbalkur and other chief e who were aseenebl- ing at his house. Others clustered abent the edge of the tableland teed when they sew the long line emerge upoll the plain beyond the groves and gardens of 'Sindphul, and 'heard the loud booming notes of the Nagaras growing fainter; in the distance, many a heart breached a prayer of thanks for deliverance, intermingled with de- fiance and deep curses" on. 'those from whose violence they lead suffered. CHIAIPTER There is nothing, perhaps, more ef- fectual to deaden, if not to rel,ieve re, -cent misery, than the sensation of rapid motion. Leaning back in the palankeen, with elie door e now shut, and th.e fresh breeze blowing eefresh- ingly through the open blinds, Tara felt herself (hurriedswiftly and smoothly along, while her 55101115110 was at once occupied end distracted by the treCurrencos of t•he journey. Sirselphei, its temple and, ernes: the lane which was the bed oi the rivulet, through which the bearers spiashed rapidly: the village gate 11,000 shut, and the bastions Manned with 111'N.) In keep out marauders: The long shady narrow lane, overhung with tree.s.,- then, beyond, the plain, covered with rich red crops of green 11010 ripening: have it." the shoots of the 111010 and boys, 'Ah, friend, 5 dear thou wilt have peeeleed noon their stages in the no such luck. with me," returned the fielde, slinging .stones at 'birds: the young man. "That is no loot, hosvi song, drawling and motiotonotse of ever; it will only go to 110 owner." the bullockedrivers at the wells, - 'Ale Meeli, fr understand', now,' "1 000 all 'fantli1.1ar objects atrcll souncls said the 111E111 :quicicly. "Yes, for herto the desolate girl being carried rap - Poor child! poor ohtil.cll and when she icily by theml, 1Would she ever see 'sees itine blood I-4better throw that them again? cloth away, and tie thent up in a elean ban dicer all lel." better than your spite." As he turned round he saw the hunchback beside him. 'rhe bridle of his horse was honked within his left arm; his hands joined together, were raised to his nose, and he balanced himself on his left leg, svith the sole of the eight foot pressed against the calf of elle left His grotesque features were twisted into a curious expression, in which grief and joy struggled for mastery. „ . . (To Be Continued) REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCIt (Succssors to James 'Watsocre MAIN S'T., SEAFORTH, All kinds of Insurance risks alines ed at lowest rates in Fine -Oen Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Gat HEAD 'OFFICE-SEAFORTH, at OFFICERS President -Alex. Broadfoot, ViceePresident, James Connolly, God, erich; 'Secretary -Treasurer, Id. A. Reid, Seafoeth, AGENT,S W. E. Hanchley, Seafonth; Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; enrmouth, Brodihagen; James Whit Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kings:reline; Wnn. Yeo, Ho4mesville. DffIRECTIORS Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth Jatnes Sthdldtice, Walton; 'Wm. Fain,, Lon d es boro; George Leonherate Bornholm No. 1; John Pepper, Brume field; James Connoily, Goderich; Ro- bert Ferris, Blyth; Thomas gartrat. Seaforth No. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforth No. 4. Parties desirous to effect inSuraoce or transact other business, will fee promptly attenided to by applicatiesgc to ally of the above named officers sa- dressed to their respective peat - offices. Drives ibeelima Like Magic., The, immediate belp from Dr. J. D. Ke!,' logg's :Asthma Remedy seemnet magic ,Nevertheless it is only 0 rev, tural remedy used in a :natural way.. 'rhe smoke 01' vapor, ,reatching the most remote passage of the effectual tubes, ,bruishes aside ithe trou'b'le, opens a way for fresh air to eater- 15t is edid by dealers thitiongthout