HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-08-16, Page 8PAGE EIGHT, THE SEAFORTH NEWS THUR'SD'AY, AUGUST 16, 1934 • HENSALL. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne • Scott and Idau hter Mies Marion of Toronto ,are spending their holidays vt iting with Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Petty. Mr. and Mrs. E. K, Hutton intend shortly to nr.vc to Guelph to reside. \1r Hutton has been aasistant at the t.1\ 1v tation for some time and dur- ing then stat in Hen -a17 they have trade litany friends. ,oa Thursday Ingersoll and Hen- il ay e 1 the game Which t hal been •leterra/ttetl bt rain the preylous day em the Hensel', d„anoud, Henault win - rang Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lockhart and s,A1 John of Detroit visited. en S-atur- e.a:) yh a their aunt, Mr-. John Mur - Mr. :al :Mrs. Jas, Simpson visited 'Nith relative" in London fur, a few --s'ays last Week. alra, Jones of London visited for a few days with her brother and sister - ie -aa, lir. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. \lark Drysdale spent :Fri lay in London, Mrs Ed. alc•Queeu mad daughter, Miss Elva t y sitin.r -at Beach -o. Pines tete .tine. t_ of \lr, and Mrs, A. -h S ether. • Nliss Eve:yn Corbett of Hay Tp., Been a few days last week with her sates;ster. Mrs. Roy .McLaren. • Mr. and Mrs. John Stan and child- -e:; De t have been visiting Mr. Mrs. .\' tuner Swan. Mrs. Lee \\ail o .t Exeter visited .etc daysn lFest week with Mr, Mrs, 11. O. Daman. • lac 'erne,' friends of • Mas Louse t)r n 1 )n l yho underwent an 'pera- ten ier ague urate in Seaforth hoc- . ',est Dee, • 1s improving nicely cxeect, : he able to return home end ' t : is week. Ale. \\:a:. Lemo: and family, who '1e',.t rti•,:iine the Commercial r a awiher . years, have c the .1 tel t' Mr. Eccles,n ite:!, :, f.•• met. owner. Mr. :gas int,) lir, Robert I. ,•tett- h,:, c reccetty ecenpied by :his: \ and the .ate Irs, Agar, :'1 L~ane !seek Gunther and lie a:Ch • isited friends. Mrs. N. 1'. \\arrener and daughter -•n. • ' 1''r.+••,.. \li -t spent a - Dew' .t 1.,!:i week ceiling ,-.t hex 1 :et,: rural . N1.. areal Mrs. l • erel .r.::care ::urn c e-ide1lts, Council Meeting, - The re n:a,r .t 81rt. ' the village C0t1n` a \We ine-day evening, to t ,t toil chanecter, ...e ...a:1 ers present. Minutes 11t read. Pett• `hep- imit,, c adopted as Petty reeorto' that .nS and p•.intine e• shed . -.seep:teed. C nutei:l, r 0 u1 on thee to tried d iter tanks en -1 tile tette 1 streets r tete last r �.rrted that Het , :are for n .flat : t. .see :etc Ontario 1a• 1. ..: 1,The 1-,t.: head: C " rutty! les. Imeeriel (til C, re ref cea'. O7tt- ! Menee2e!ities. Assoc, :sent Sreiee to : Fr, I < .1. tt. talie� int. 1 i el: liensal, ., ..:4.i7: Fred Ken- : 105''4:.\: Sa re 11.ie !. n '. (> t11e,- . .11 I t L i.. 1 :1. t rce.1 till 1.:.a: at :;,:t--et-e- t.. ,. 1S1,11:1, enent- ,, . . ❑1,,.`el t the ,at-.tatrrte? I'1hhi et oral Sang - that ;he clerk , ",ler Otto l,arrels .at, til:er r the eenlee: from 7',e comity e..aineer. Carried. heed-Rehiason. that the regalarf. ▪ the c pen, (erne?. Pe•ey- 1itr..1e, a .'t•enece strike ':1•' tee 1,e Sept.mec:tit-- 1,..- • i 1 c tr-11 . n-cn.-That we new edjeurn. C:rriel 'Mr, eel Mr- Fred Corbett ei Hay T. were eery pleasantly stirprisetl ren I1:1-iday Cyea n f -:a-t' whe :,boat fifty neighbors and fr:en•ls gathere'i at their home to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary.. The evening was spent playing cards and dancing after which a dainty lunch was served, During the evening Mr, and Mrs Corbett were presented with a cabinet of sliver containing knives. [forks, spoons, also cream and sugar set, pepper and salt set, also a hand- some silver sandwich tray. The ad- dress was read by Mr. Chas. Black - wok who was groomsman at their Wedding. The presentation was made :by Mr. Alex, M'ousseau. 'Although Mr. and Mrs. Corbett were taken comp- letely by surprise Mr. Corbett thanked -- their friends for their kindness, after Which everyone joined in singing, °For they are jolly good fellows:' iFbllowing is the address: Aug.. 19, 119314. Dear Mr, and Mrs. Corbett,--Ilt is twenty -[five years ago tonight since you established in our midst your new home. ,A home that has been throughout all those years the very soul of hospitality and a leading centre of sociability. You have con tributed not a little to the welfare of this community, sparing neither time new talent when called upon for help: [We have always found you kind .and obliging neighbors, ready to 'rejoice •with us when we rejoice, or to mourn ctth us in time of adversity. It has ;been your great joy and privilege to Abe blessed with a ,family of six child - .ren and now your joys are extending even unto the third generation, May 'theirs be a goody heritage and may ;they ever rise tap and call you .bless- ed. To murk this happy occasion! of your twenty-fifth wedding annivers- ary we have gathered together tonight anted as a slight taken of our affection and esteem boy you on having reached this. Y> t Your milestone in . history, and u and ours m • be we trust that o a Y Y y long spared to be it -blessing to one !another and to the community at • forge, :Signed, Your Neighbors and !Fri en,d s," Middle School Results,='Alexander, 1, C.H. 11. Alg. 2, phys. c, chem. 2.; • 13e111, E., ,EJC c•alg. 11 geom .c, plays. 2, ch. 0, [F.A-. 3, 'P C. 2; IB[ell, '11i., ''E C. c, • CIH .0, 'FrC c.; ;Crerar,'S , EC 'c, AH 11, geom '21; ;Farquhar, IJ„ EL c; Filshie 1, .1114 d', alg 2, geom '2, phys 11:, cheat 1; Fee, '\f„ FrC L; Follic'k, ai„ 'E'C d, E11 1 C'H 3, alg c, pity 2LC 1 FA 2, PC 2; Forret ,E„ IEC 2, EL 2, NH I, •d,: 2, chem a PAT, 11 FC 2; Glenn, H., EC c, -\1H 12 alg 2, neons 2, LA 3, LC. 2, F.\ c PC c.; Koehler, S EC e. EL cCH 3; dg: e LC 3, FrC•c; McAllister, d 1:Cc'ELc, CH c, alg 2, LC 2; \l henzie ' \ EC F 3, L 2, CH ?, alg 1 py s, o LL ;l', I C 3; Mune IL, AH 3, alg. 3, cheat 1; Sangster, 11„ LC c, EL e, LC 2, FC c. elm, 'N, CH 1, tH '1, phys 2 meat 1, L'.\ 1, LC Is FA 1, EC 1: fi4+ per cent. of papers written were su ctaiul,) Continuation School Report -4a - chiding departmental papers written) Form I to'Form IL -Alexander, D- 11ot 11, art 2, alg d, Fr 2, I -at '3 EL 3, EC c, geog 3, IBI -I 3; Cochrane, A. - flat e .-! to u•taa'gl, Fr. Lat a E1. 1, 1-C 3, geog .i, BIFI 2; Dougall !Sot 1, art 0, alg 2 Fr. o 1,at c, LL 2 EC c, goon '1', [113. 2-; ,Drysdale, R.- 110; c, art 2, alga 3. Fr. 1. Lat. t EL c, FC 3, geog c, !BIH c; .Fairburn 1- art e, Lit. c, E•C r, geog 2; 1 ostenf- t, art 3. alg c, Fr. c. Elea, EC c, geog, c, 1311 3Kiefer, 1. -bot c, art 2, i, Lit c, EC r, geog 3, .13'H c; 11cl'tenzie,.t3,-:Bot' art 0, ale 1. Fed EL 3, EC c, geog 1 13d1 2; :McLean, \' ra Pot. d art ale +, Fr. o, Lat. c. EL 3, EC' 3, ,:sect 2,131-1 2; -Peck. R.- ,1 1 3, art 2 al 1. J'r, 1, Lat t 1:1, 2, LC 3, gen2, 131E c; Saundere ck, G. -hot 1, art 3, alg 1, Fr. 1, El. c, EC c, ce g , 11(11 1.; Thomson, n, Li Bot 3, art 3, alg 1, Fr, 3, Lat 2, Ed, R, EC c, eeog 2, B'H 3; Traquair, J, -But. 3. art c. •F,nm N. to Ft,rdv .l'11 -13i t throit. H. zoo. 3, phys c, arith f, gram i, geom c, F -r, 1, E[L 3. PC 3; Carlile, A. .-.'L„o, 2 1ltys 2, arith 1, grant geom 1', Lat 2, Ft', 2, PI., 2,EC 22: Crawford, 1.-7,0o, 3, phvs. , arith 2, gran 0. geom 3, EL c, F'C c David - "n .1, -.Zoo 2, phos 1, arith 3, grant c, geom. 'Pt r 1:1,c 1C c; Dick, j,-- L, e. c, phys. ,, arith c, grant 0, geom. c, Fr. r, EL r, RC c: 'Drysdale, IC. - Zoo - 1', ,phys 2 arith c, grant c geom 1, •Lat c, Fr 3, I've, 2, EC 2: Elder, Ii, ---Zhao 2 phys 2 arith 3, gran 3, geom 1, Lat 3, Fr, 2, EL 3, EC 3; Filshic, .\.-1nn 1, phys 1, gra. 1..geont 2, Lat 1. Fr 1; Glenn, W.-- 100 1. phys 2, ern 1, „rant 3, geom 1, Let tt, Fr c, EL 2 PC 3; McQueen, 1), Zoo 3, phys. 3. arith 2 grant .i, -o,nit d', La,t c, Fr. c,' EL 2 'EC c; \!,ethos h.-7.oa, c, phos 2 arith f. grant 1. event 2, -Fr f, L•'L c, EC: 3: Pierce, G. -loo 2 phys 2 arias 1, ra+t; 1, to nt 3, Lat 2, Fr. 2, EL 2. PC r: Snla'e, I. --Zoo f. -pity, c, aritit grain 3, geom C, Fr. r, Ed. r. EC 3; Walker, H. ---Z.. c physc, arith 3. .1 grant 0, ,te ,ntFr r, EL 3, PC 3: . ,luair, 1, 1, , 3, El, c, PC c, HIBBERT. .The regular meets of Hibbert Council was held at Staffa Township Hal' „n \l„nday..\u;g. 13, all mem- here "resent, the Reeve presiding. The rt mutes of the last meeting were real gaol eontirmech ByLaw No, 4,14, •raiding for Tyndale Drain Delicicn- -,ya- finally pact 1. 1iyLaw No. 415 a 0idi ter for Coyne Drain: Deticien- ea ani By,Law No. 446 for Downey Drain Deficiency were provisionally :01.•7ted, I3yLa•,v No, 417, authorizing .101 c, 0drtning the levying of rates for the c'irrent year, was finally linse- ed. The iol1vivin„ rates were -set: C linty 4.73e5 still; General Township ..t 1 le.tel Rate, 2 stills: General s..n,,,,: Rate, 2.53 ntf'.te: 1'olice Vil- lage 1)111I:in r:re, ,,,111.1 ;nil's; S.t.et Lighting. 6,175 mills, as well as the c•.ri,. as School Section Rates. A t•e. e:i:attire front 'Stratford Gen- eral , often was present soliciting the ascot. gran:, The sunt of $50 was ty ed. R',ad expenditure ordere for OP23 anis General Expense for $1211 we, • i' sued. The meeting adjourned ,.a:i, Menday. September 10th at 1 pea. -lairs. Kathleen Feeney, Town - t Dublin. MANLEY. Mrs, 1'. McLoughlin, met with a painful accident last week when site fell and fractured several ribs and her 111411y friends are pleased to learn :nat she is recovering. Mr. Frank Dempsey and lir. ,Fred Eckert attended the funeral of the late Miss Louise Kelly, daughter of William Kelly of K'in'kara,. which took place on Monday to St. Patrick's Church, where Requiem Mass was celebrated by the pastor, .Fr. Webber, then to St. Patricic's cemetery for in - ferment, followed by a large con- course of friends. The bereft parents have the sympathy of the whale com- munity in this their hour of sad af- fliction. Mr: and Mrs. Cott Eckart and Mrs, C. P. Sill's from Seaforth and Mrs. 'Gordon Hays from Detroit called on friends in our burg last ,Sunday. Mr. Peter Eckart from Timmins is spending his vacation with his par- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Pet. Eckart. Mra. Ed. Horan is visiting with her son, Mr. Fergus Horan, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Kenny from Lo- an and _lir. and Mrs. Wilfred Ma- loney from Beechwood, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Fred Eckart, Mr, and Mrs. Leo MdKay motored from Texas on a sight-seeing trip to Quebec, have returned to spend the rest of their holidays with their many friends in this vicinity, !Far Burns and Scalds. -,Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric Oil will take the fire out of a burn or scald. It should be at hand in every kitchen so tlhrat it may he available at any time. There is no preparation required. 'Just apply the oil to the burn or Scald and the pain will abate and in a short time cease al together, TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Town Triple, Mr. John Thompson was a Brus- sels visitor on Tuesday. -\Liss Ethel Williams is visiting with friends in Dumtville, Miss Lcatherland, John street, is the guest of relatives in Strathroy, - hiss Cora Dodds is spending a few days at Grand Bend with friends, -Mr. Norman Hoffman and Dr. 1 oaken of Regina are visiting with friends in town, -3liss Lucy 3lc- .Intosh of Hartford. Mich., is visiting here, -Mr. Thos, Gough of Strathroy spent a few clays this week with Mrs. Allan Remt:y,-Mrs, Alex, ilroadfoot and children spent the week -end in Goderich with friends. -Mr, Edward Jackson of Fort William is visiting at his old home in Egntondville.-Mr. R. 'folre•ston of Sanlhraucisco, Cal., is visiting his mother, Mrs. D. Johnston, James Street ---!Some of the young gentlemen of the town gave a small assembly in Cardno's Hall' on Tues- day evening, -Mr. Albert Goebel of Mitchell and Miss LauraDellof Sault Ste, Marie, Mich visited in town last Friday, -Bass Marjorie McBride has returned home from Toronto where she has been spending the past week. with friends, ---Mr. A, E. Wright of Pontiac, Mich., was in town this week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Wright -Miss Ruth Johns stop left this week, for Lethbridge where she will take a position in the hospital of that place. ---The prospects in this section for a large yield of ap- ples this fall cuutitte good. -The Sun- day School of the First Presbyterian Church will hold their annual picnic in Turnbull's grove. -Yorkshire Tom, the converted 'Temperance lecturer, will relate his life story at the Sal- vation .\rnty Ifail:--The third annual day of 0.0.S. celebration sports was pulled ort yesterday and w'as a suc- cess from start to finish. The event± were 111 15t•11 lined and the spectators enjoyed an afternoon of good amuse- ment The concert held in the Palace rink in the evening was well attended and a good program rendered Tire ateth occurred at \\o,dstucl ll opt tal of Rev Father Joh:: Cook, The deceased was burn in Ireland and en- tered the priesthood when a yoang man, Ile was in charge of parishes at St. Thr'ntas, Seaford] anii Stratford. Bayfield. Messrs Ins, Stevens, Malco nt Ross Roy McLeod and Mr. Harrison left Thursday far the West -Master Gar- net Atkinson received a bad fall on \[onlay a_terno's while horsehack riding. ntlannately 110 bone's were broken, -.Mr, Wallace Johnston left on Tuesday for Milestone, Sasic, We understand that if he finds something to suit hint he intends ntovieg to that country. -Mr. Cha:. Ferguson left on Tuesday for Chicago. to meet kis boat there. --Master Geo, Smith, the two year til son of Mr. Richard Smith, drank a quantity of fly poison nn 'l otoday afterno011. He was hasti- ly taken to the rloctor's office. His condition is still critical, but hopes are entertained for his recovery. -Mr. John McLeod, who has been visiting his family, returned to Huntsville on Monday, where he is engaged in the insurance business, Hillsgreen. M.r, Wm. Love of Shedden is visit- ing at hie home here. -Mr. Frank Yeo will resume his duties as school teacher here. lir;. Charters and dau- ghter Mrs. Dingee of 'tVest Superior are visitors at the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. McAllister -Mr. Chats. Stelck of Pine Grove has re- turned home. Leadbury. We regret to learn that Mr. C. White, late teacher of the Leadbury school for the past fourteen years, has taken a more lucrative position near Windsor. Old and young ,speak well of Mr. White. About two hund- red of his friends,, ratepayers, pupils, ex-ipupils and well-wishers met at his residence and. presented Mr. White with a handsome gold watch, gold mounted pipe and case, and to Mrs. [White an elegant silver toilet 'com- panion. D. Boyd presented the watch, Jmo, G. Grieve the pipe and Mrs. Thos. Archibald the toilet companion. The address was 'signed by J. M. Go- venlocic, Thos, Archibald, A. Dundas, J. \lIGavin, D. J. Boyd, and the fol- lowing pupils, Wil 1 Dundas, Jessie McGavin', Hughie Rion, Constance. Misses Weir of Strathroy are at present guests at the home of Mr. Wm. Rion, -Mr; and Mrs, Chas. W.. Duerr and family of Cleveland, Ohio,. are the guests of -W+Ir, and Mrs. Sam- uel Dorrance, at present, -This week with fine weather will see the bulk of the harvest housed. '-Hisses M•c1Don- aid of Staffa are at present the guests of Miss M. MldDonaltb. Dublin. Mrs, Flynn[ of Bay City, Micro:, is visiting her mfother, :Airs, Gribborrs, who is very ill Mr, and Mrs. 3. We- ber spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, IJ+ohn 'Bennewies; MelKililOp.--Messrs. G, and J. K'linldhamer and A. Rock left on the excursion for the West, KIPPEN. Parsons -Thomson, -1.-1 quiet sum- mer wedding was solemnized on Tuesday inorn'ing•, Aug. 114th, in St. •!4ndrew s United Church, Kippen, when Ida Mary, daughter of Air. and Mrs. George E. Thomson, became the. bride of Frederick Russell :?arsons, of London, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Parsons of Hensel]. The ceremony was perforated by Rev. E. F. Chandler. Miss Jean Ivison' played "Mendeissodt's Wedding. March" and "Melody of Love" very softly during the cereMonet The 'bride looked charming in a gown of menet blue •Inose crepe with white accessories and her flowers were Sweetheart rases and baby's breath. Miss Florence Thomson was her s'ister's only at- tendant, wearing a powder blue crepe frock with matching three -qua; tet length coat with a corsage bouquet of street peas in pastel tones and maiden hair fern. ''.Che groom was supported by his brother Archie Parsons, After the ceremony the happy couple left on a motor trip. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue triple sheer georgette with linger tip length coat and matching accessories. On their return, they will reside in London. \ miecel'lanet-us. shower in ironoltr of the bride -elect Miss Mary Thom- son, was held at her home on \i'cd- neulav afternoon of last week. The day was ideal and about seventy -'five friends gathered on the lawn, The. many lovely gifts were drawn onto time lawn iii a small decorated wagon by Warren and Marion Thomson dressed as a bride and groom. The Mission Circle and choir presented her with a beautiful walnut table and table lamp. The bride elect thanked her friends for the many beautiful and useful gifts. '.Rev, E. F. Chandler preached a very inspiring sermon in St, Andrews United Church on Sunday morning last taking for his subject, "The 'Thrill of Worship," Master Albert Mitchell of Windsor sang a very line solo, "Alas and did my Savior Die," Albert is a budding radio soloist and many enjoyed the privilege of (tearing him, It is expected he• will sing on Sunday next, Morning worship will be held in St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday next at 111 a.m. when Rev. A, Sinclair ,f Hensel! United Church will be the special sneaker, '"The Kippen Horticultural Society have decided to hold their Flower Show on Wednesday, August 2911, afternoon and evening. Let every member "Be a Booster" and exhibit sontehting, no matter if you do no: tltinle it will take first prize. It does not cost anything to enter the flow- ers. If you are not a member, there is a class for you also, For the best dis- play of cert flowers and putted plants exhibited, 'by non-member, the Soc- iety is offering a membership as First Prize. three prizes in all being offer- ed. Ask tine Secretary for information. Prize lists for numbers are included in the prcntitan 1f.t. Keep this date free and come either as an exhibitor or a visitor, Mr, Gordon Wright, B.S.-A„ of Guelph =lent the week -cud at the (tome of Inc parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jame, \Wright. Mr. Ross Doig of Listowel called on friends in the neighborhood' one day recently, Mrs. L. J. Doig, who was expecting her sister, Mrs. M. E. Phillips and _Miss Phillips of Rochester, N.Y., 'for a visit, received word that they had arrived in Toronto but owing to a motor accident they would be unable to continue their ou jr, ley and were 'leaving by boat for home. NORTH McKILLOP. IMr. Wilfred' Dennis is home from Stott Memorial 'Hospital, Seaforth, where he underwent a serious opera- tion and is very much i,nt'proved. Cllr; and Mrs. Joseph Thornton were visiting with iefrs, Dan Regele Sunday evening. 1Mr, Tom Talbot of Chatham spent the week end . with John Dennis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Munn, Mary audCharlie, ,spent Sunday in Brant ford with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Way- rnan, Mrs, William Mitchell, who is stay- ing with her daughter, Mos. Leonard !Leeming, is under the doctor's care. We hope to see her up and, around soon. Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Waym'an and Marlyn are spending their holidays' with lir. and Mrs. Alex. Munn, '\fr. and Mrs. 11an'tin 'Mitchell and William Mitchell of Carlingford spent Sunday with 31r, and Stirs, Leonard Leeming The Mad Life of ,a Famous Poet Divulging details about one of Eur- ope's mast famed of living poets, who, now old, and severel damaged gad by being pushed out of the window by a jealous sweetheart, converses with Virgil and Dante in his strange eeoentric existence inside a remark- able villa. `-Read the article in The American Weekly with 'Sunday's De- troit Times, : eMSll V1-IL,U S Friday & Saturday Only Pastry Flour , 24 Pounds 59c Prairie Rose Flour 2 59 98 Lb. r Alberta Rose Flour 0e 5P 98 Lb. P. & G, Soap 28c 10 bars ,Old Dutch Cleanser 2 tins Red 'Rose Tea lb. 49c 'Salada Tea , , , , lb. 65c RED PATH SUGAR per cwt. 5.49 iia J. F1 NI SHERIFF'S SALE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE All the right, title and interest of MALCIOLM BtEATON in a chattel mortgage made by Beverley F. Christie to said Malcolm Beaton, bearing date the 115th clay of F.elaru- ary, 1933, and registered with the Clerk of the County Court of the County of Huron air said 113th clay of February, 1933, as Number 1112418, duly renewed on the ,30th day of January, 1934, es No. 1111817 covering the fallowing goods and chattels, viz., Il' Frigidaire Refrigerator, a -Frigidaire Connter and show case, 11 Century Alamo, No, 7716876, 11 counter and show case, '11 Slicing Machine, Royal Electric, Ib Mincing Machine, Royal Electric :11 National Cash Register, No, 5- [2039719P 444 .E„ 2 Long Tables, 111 Toledo Counter Scale, 30 lbs. 'Electric, 2 Meat blocks, ai Ford !'ruck, ?-_ ton, 1928, Model No. C.A., 731116513, 12 Meat Racks, l Electric Ftttt, 11 Sausage staffer, Il Rendering kettle and store, it set Sleighs, 11 11cCa leey Book-keeping system, and all knives and other equipment used in connection with the operation of the Butcher Shop, etc. securing the stun of $2,500.00 on which theca is a balance 1,5 iu the neighbourhood of $2.3110,1111 still out- standing, to be sold by public auction at 11 o'clock in the forenoon on Sat- urday, the eighteenth clay of August, 1(13.4, at the Comity Sheriff's Office, Court 1-Ion'e, (loderich. C. G. 211DDLETON, Sheriff of Ilurou County, CARD OF THANKS 'The family of the late Andrew• 'Patrick wish to thank their neighbors and friends for the many kind expres- sions of sympathy during their recent bereavement, NOTICE The Public Literary will be closed from August '20th to Sept. 4th. Greta Thompson, Librarian. 34 ROOMERS WANTED i -High school roomers wanted. convenient to highschool and Apply to The News office. WANTED Wanted to rent a small house mean South Main street. Apply at Massey - Harris Slh:op. Seaforth, 34. NEW PRICES FOR KODAK FINISHING Any film, six or eight exposure, developed and printed with border or deckle edge 213 cts, Extra .prints 3 cts. High class work. Mail us your films. Burgess Studios, Mitchell and Clinton. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. The residence of the late Mrs. D, 34. 'Ross, Immediate possession, A. ID, Sutherland, DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN WALTON FOR SALE,. A seven roomed brick house equip- ped with hydro, telephone and furn- ace, a good stable and garage and 96 acre of land, A few fruit trees. Apply to W. J. Woods, Walton, or 'phone Brussels 19 r 7. PROPERTY FOR SALE House with two lots, at the corner of Victoria and George streets, eight rooms, stabl'e. Will be sold very reas- onably to settle an estate, Mrs. Peter DeCaurcy, Egntondville. FARM FOR SALE Fifty acres of good land and good brick house, also good barn and silo. Some bush. Situated on the third con. of Westminster Tp., three utiles south of London, Apply Harold Pen - bale, Bayfield, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 1100 acres, lot 1'i, concession ti, in the township of 1'neket-smith, 3 Tiles from Seafortli, 5 miles from happen and Brucefiehl, convenient to sohoci and churches. On this faun are ex- cellent 'buildings in first class repair. 'hard and soft water in both house and stables. This farm is thoroughly underdrained and fenced and in high state of cultivation. This is in every way a first -crass and up-to-date farm, nicely located on Kippen road. Pss- session given October lst. Terms very reasonable for quick sale as the owner is unable to work. For further Very particulars apply to the proprietor, town; Thomas O'Loughlin, on lot 111, con, 6, 33. 'Tuckersmith, or Seaforth P.O. r.r. 4. Buy Now and Save Prices Are Advancing Red [Rose Tea (Mixed or Black lb. pkg. 25c Carter's Black Tea -a real good tea Our Special Fresh Ground Coffee Magic Coffee ` 47c lb. 45c Ib 29c ib Zinc Rings 25c doz. Rubber 'Rings , , , , . , 3 pkgs. 17c 'Parowax , , . , , .. 2 pkgs. 250 VINEGAR (Cider orr'White Wine) 45c gait P. & G. Soap 10 for 31c Castile Soap 10 for 23c Soap Flakes 3 lbs. 21c PAPER SERVIETTES 80 10c Bananas 25c doz. Lemons 35c. doz. Oranges ....19c -29c -39c per doz. Canteloupes . 5c -10c -15c -20c according to size CEREALS Shredded Wheat ...,2 pkgs. 23c Pep, Rice Krispies and Bran Flakes 2 for 23c Muffets .. 2 pkgs. 1.9c ' GRANULATED OR BROWN SUGAR 10 LBS. 57 c (:with an order), :Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. for 25c Sweet Mixed Cookies 2 lbs. 35c IOxade (Lemon and ,Orange) 6 cubes for 25c Buy your TOMATOES by the basket. Prices will be low. ARTER'SCrocery PHONE 42 WE DELIVER