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The Seaforth News, 1934-08-16, Page 4
PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers, WALTON, Our boys must have forgotten to bring home their famous steam roller from Btuceifield, the outer night, or it may have been away ata threshing or something Tuesday: Anyway, here's to the best of luek next Friday night. Mr. and Nil's. Edward Dennison and family of Weston, near Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr, and Nits, \Voss Stewart and called on oth- er friends, 'Miss \\•innifred Drager, who has -spent the past year in Oregon, is at :present holidaying with her mother, Airs. C. Drager. Mrs. \Vat. Neal is reported to be tut holding her own, and her condi- tion is unchanged from a week ago. Miss Annie Love, Toronto, has re- turned to her position in the Bell phone office after 2 weeks' holiday with her patents, Mr. and Mrs, J, Love, BLYTH, Miss Ada Stackhouse is holidaying at rhe take with Mr. and Mrs, Barn- aby ,by and family, Miss Margaret Brett of Strathroy ie visiting her cousin, Mrs, N. Sander- son. Rev. lir, and Mts, Clyedale spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. \Ii1ls. Airs Elizabeth Mills has returned front spending her holidays at Grand Bend, 1:liss E. 'Thompson spent Saturday in Goderich, DUBLIN 'Miss Anne Watters of Detroit is - r sting at the homeof:\tr. and Mrs. jack AieGrath. Mr. and Mrs. Dan ©'Connor and .family `auu,y au¢I lir, and lir,. \\'tu. q';Reil- fy and family attended the reeeptintt of their dausrliter at the Sacred Heart Convent, London on Wednesday, Rev. Fr. J, Feeney of London spent Monday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Williams vis- ited with \Irs. John Jordon no Sun - slay. Airs and Mrs. Harry I. Dingman of 'Detroit spent the week end with her parents, Air, and Mrs. Dave llcCon- tc11, Mrs. 11, Mulligan and daughters, .1 Detroit, visited friends here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Jordan and -Airs, 'Smith of St. Clement= spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, \Vat Jordan. 'Word has been received that Mr, .Harry Grisbrook of Toronto is leav- ing for England shortly. WINTHROP The Winthrop W.M.S. held their .regular August meeting at the home of Mrs, David Macfarlane. Mrs, Pat- rick, the president, presided and op- ened the meeting with the worship service taken from the missionary monthly magazine. The minutes of the previous tweeting and the roll call were read by the secretary. A reading entitled, "Excuses," was given by Mrs. Patrick, Circle.No. 1, with Mrs. Allan Ross as leader, had charge of the missionary program. Mrs. \Vn7, 'Boyd led in prayer after which Miss McNeil read the:Scripture lesson. The devotional leaflet was read by Miss Edith Hitlen, :\ vocal duet by Airs. David MacFarlane anti Mrs, A, Pat- rick was much enjoyed Miss Bessie :Blanchard gave a reading. "Why the Master Came," The topic from the study book w is taken by Mrs. Robt. 1lacFarlane. Mrs, Hilien and Mrs. W. 'Boyd sang a duet, after which sent- ence prayers were given by Mrs. Lorne Elliott and Mrs. Roy Patrick. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Player repeated in unison. Lunch was served by Circle No. 1. Mr. Pirates More and 1fi;s :Audrey \Veb,ter spent last Thursday evening at the home of Air. and Mrs. Wm. 1_etper, also at the home of )Jr, John Leiper, 'Ur. and Mrs. Fergus 'Bullard and Mr, John 'Armstrong spent Sunday wrt'b 3f:r, Will Armstrong of Bel - grave, 1Quite a number from here attended the football game between Walton and Brucelfield in WWaltcii, on Tuesday night. 'Phe score was 1-0' in favor of Brticelfield, ilii open=air dance was - held after the game. tAires. Andrew-, A nderson of Niagara Falls spent a couple of days with her niece Mrs. berg. Bullard, this wee'Ic, 1.Bo.rn.=41) Brooklyn, New York, on Sunday. July 1',t, 119314, to Mr. and IMrs, John C, Maher (wee :4Iahe1 B,ttl 'lard), a son, THE SEAFORTH NEWS Farm Machinery and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars - Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST All Repairs and Labor Cash, GAS and OTL$. EGGS POULTRY We are now buying Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices for Cash. Give us a trial. Prompt, courteous service. Best prices for Cream. Seaforth creamery C. A. Barber, Prop. BRUCEFIELD, ,The first game of the f-I:F,A, fi played here Friday night ended for \Valton, The match prow plenty of thrill, and while the br went against the hone team all to in a good gauze. There ,was no s in the first period and play was c paratisely- slow, with tBrucefield rying the .ball into Walton territ Tiring: started to happen early in second half, Walton raided Lavis the ball missed. It was run to Wa end and went out. The first coun the game was in two minutes of second period when Rutherford s ed for Bruceiield. The battle begat earnest with Walton leading the tack. From then 7n a log of the ga i, this: 5 minutes, corner kick •Brucefield end; 6 mitt., both sides gage in long dislance'kicking; i n Walton nearly scores; Lavis col'di with Walton forward; 8 min., anot raid by the Northerners, ball out; 111 mins Walton trice again, s high,passing-over top bar of g Id mins desperate raid on Brucefi goal checked by Hicknell ,and B•. trait; ball taken back to Walton t ritory; 1446 minutes, game halter couple of minutes when liktetuan knocked out, Walton again attac ;5 min„ Rutledge saves, ball is reticently 23 min:, kick on Brt,cefi oat; 24 min„ another swift shot Brucefieid goal; 26 main., play ran runt end et end, Walton defence k usV; ; 29 min., Brucefield tries to core; 30 mins lirucelfield tries again beat Rutledge; ball from end to nil; IL•ucefield has determined de- ence; 311 min., ball rolls to Brtfcefielci o'ai but is stopped by ,Lacis; 311 mitt„ inner kick for Walton; Walton gets pother corner kick; 32 twin„ kick on goal, Walton 'dill pressing: 3'3 min.'altos brings ball right in but shot nes over the bar;25 min., ball out at rncefield corner; out a .second time; i min„ out at Walton end, 37 min., ter range kicking; 451 minutes, Wai- n gets their first goal, Carter scor- g .train its front: 42 minutes. Bruce - Id disputing goal, claiming ball had ne out a few moments before goal • scored; referee rules that goal ads: -13 min., bail out at north :side 41 field; atter throw-in Walton make: other attack; 1 min., Walton res again, breaking tie; this goal is ,red when a Bmucefield' defence man ks, tops ball which roils only at few to Johnston at goal arca line who kes \\'alton's second tally when bounces ball to top bar, rebound Oe. down past Levis, Throughout 111C/tell111C/tellthe Rovers forwards, back - by a strong defence, appeared to •e the edge till the last five minutes, till then the Red Shirts NA -ere tin- e to count, though their aggress - attacks gave them Plenty of op- tunitiea. F. Bullard' and D. ,T, Hill The he teams: Bruceifield---.l al, Lavis; backs, Hicknell, ,Bate-! 1; halls, Rogerson, Cook, W. Pep- ; forward,, Rutherford, Snider, per, .Denifield, Baird; subs., Pa'p- A.ikenhead. Walton --Coal, Rut e; backs, W. Dennie, 31. Holland; s, Bab Holland, I-ove, E, Dennis; 'arils, C Sterns, I Steiss, Farqu- on, Carter, Johnstone, subs., Jar - Rowland, -'ii ided eaks tined core om- car- ory. the bttc Ron t of the car - 1 in at- ni t- ni e at en - 110. des her goes ,hot Tial; eld rte- er- la kt, out eld .a11 ges ept 1 g tf 1, t, e c a f li \\ l3 10 to lit fie go wa to of an cc 5n lir fee 11114 he goi the ed ha dor all ive por refe (r mai Der 1'ep pre ledg hall for% hars dais, itiaacibyc Asthma. Perrone suffer- ing .from that extre'me'ly trying. trouble known as asthma know what •t is to long with all their hearts for escape as from a tyrant. Never do they know- when an attack may cone arid they know- that to struggle un- aided is vain. With Dr, J, D, Itel- 'o,g„ e Ast'hnla Remedy at hand, how - eve'. they can 'say good-bye to their enemy and enjoy life again. It helps a.1 once, FOOT -BALL FINAL Northern Group—Ontario Club GUELPH AT ST. COLUMBAN Saturday Night g AUG, 18 Game called at 6 P.M. Sharp Admission 15c CROMARTY. Misses Jean and Audrey Colquitown of Clinton are spending their holi- days with firs. Tho;, Scott, Mr. Thos. Cooper spent the wecic end with his mother at Anderson, Miss Nettie Scott of Paisley Is vis- iting with Mrs Marr Currie, A large gathering of the Worden family held their annual reunion a: the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ad- en on Wed., August :h. \itss Vinetta Routly of London vk- ited relatives in this vicinity, 11t•, and Airs. John \tclliraith, son Norman and friend of 'Durham visit- ed with Mr, and Mrs \Vm, I•Tamil- ton, Alr. and firs. Reg, I'reb'ble and fancily of 1idertoi visited with Airs, Jolla Hamilton on Sunday-, AIr . Roy- McCulloch and babe have s'et'a •n r a e 1 from a tvvo weeks vacation at Tnberntory, ELIMVILLE, Air. and Airs. A, lioFalts and dau- ghter Bonnie Id liidduiph were Sun- day visitors with Mr, ;and hiss Wtn. Bradshaw, Messrs, Fred and Chas. Long visit- ed relatives in 31 Ivert.nt on Srinday, -Quite a Du/11)e:' from here attended the band concert put on by the Dash- wood band assisted by the \faits St. \lnlc Quartette in Victoria Park, F,x-- eter last Sunday afternoon, Mr. Wm. Homey from Owen Sound. Airs. James Squire and daugh- ter, Alise Violet, of Woodham, also Miss Marjorie Earl of Zion were vis- itors at the home of Mr. Johtt IHerd. ntyn on Thursday of last week. • Rev, and Mrs. Smith and family of north of Woodstock were callers in the vicinity last week, TUCKERSMITH. Air. Charlie 1 owl.er •of Brampton anti -Anse Spurway of Peterborough called on friends in this vicinity last Saturday., ria•, mitt Airs, L. Teb'iutt spent a clay recently with friends in Goderich township, \frs. Laura howler of Bt'ampton is spending, a few days with her cousin, Mrs. '1'h,>, Coleman. Mr. and •llrs. Wilmer Scott of -Mc- Killop spent a day recently with lir. end Mrs, Cecil Oke. • The Tucker•sntith Aggressive Club will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday evening .August 2 tst. at the home of Mr, ana firs, David McTn- t sits The roll call will he answered by "What to D., when Twenty- :Mile: from a Doctor." Dr, Anna 31ei»toslt of Toronto will athlress the meeting nn first aid and the topic "Character Building in the Home," aril he given by 31rs. James McIntosh. Ilrs, 1feClellan and son of Detroit were guests of Aar. and Mrs, Henry 31 el vor last week. ST. COLUMBAN. Mr, James Lane of Guelph Agri- cultural College spent the week end at. his home here. Miss Mary Latae and lfdss Marie Flannery of Toronto are visiting at their respective homes here.. 'At a meeting of the C.\V.L, on Sun- day, Miss Teresa Atkinson was aw- arded the live dollar gold piece for obtaining the highest markt at ent- rance in St, Caiuntbi-r parish. We congratulate Teresa 00 her success and alto her teacher, Mies Rose O'- Connor, who hat been successful in her teaching to have her school win this prize for the past .two years. tllatsber's itch and Ringworm are re- lieved by the use of Douglas Egyp- tian Liniment; duick,certain results Send us the names of your visitors, 'R'elieves the most obstinate cases. THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1934 TOWN TOPICS. Mrs. 0, Leach and daughter Esther Mae of Champaign I11, have been visiting her mother, Mrs, John Webster. Mrs Marie Smith of Shedden is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Crawford Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Pearson Grieve and sons Billy and jack, of Buffalo, re- turned on 'Wednesday after several weer visit with Dr, and ides, Grieve. Mr, W. H. Golding and Dorothy went to Saginaw, -Mich., on Friday, the latter remaining for a couple of weeks' visit. :)'Ir. and 1Irs: F. Donll of Regina, who have beets visiting Mfr, and _Airs. W J, 11'olntosh, have returned hone, Mt John Smith returned Tuesday from Mount Albert where he was the guest of Itis sou, Mr, 'Thoma Snm1111, Mr. Will Brine arrived home on Monday from a trip to the Coast, \1r. Ralph Cresswell has returned from a visit to Calgary. Miss Elia Elder and Miss Ruth Thompson returned this week from a holiday trip. Word was recelivecl by • ids, and )Ira, COD, Eckert from Mr, and Mfrs. Joseph Eckert of Oakvillle that their three year old son Stephen Joseph, died Tuesday, August 1114th, Mr, anei Mrs, Thos. King and tw-o daughters were guests of Mr, and 31rs. Tyermatt on Friday, Mr, and Mrs, John Murray of Pres- ton were visitors with. their brother and sister, )Ir, Walter _ratify and Mitt Aline Murray. Guests at tate halite of Mr. and Mrs. J. 13, Tyertnau over the week- end were Mr. and Mrs T. R. Patter- son and Mrs, E. Patterson of Goder- ich, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson of Blenheim, Mrs. S. May, Mrs. 1•I, P. Keith and Robt, Keith of 'Edmont'on, Mies lora S'holdice of Walton call- ed on her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sltolclice, Mrs. R, joyttt and daughter Ruth have returned house after visiting in Toronto for a few days,. Mrs, \Vat, J. Sillery is in Galt and Guelph visiting her sisters Mrs. 3. Littlejohn and Mrs. Robt, Beattie, Mr. and NI re. John iladel'and are visiting friends in Toronto and New Liskearel, The Rev, Davit[ P, Perrie of North Battleinrd, Sask., has been spending, the past week with his uncle and aunt. Air. and Airs. \Virilon Knechtel. Alr. Edgar Beattie of 'Caroni,, and hr, Veil. Allen of Morden, \fan„ were callers with Air, and Mrs. \Vin, Shot - dice, and with friends in Egnutndv-Elie 'Airs. Ernie Murray of California, who has been visiting relatives in Eastern Canada, called on )[r. Wal- ter Murray nod hiss Anna hurray dorm the week. .Rei, Gordon Rintoul of Sudbury, Rev. G. A. and .Nil's, MaeLeatt and Mr: C. C, MacLean of Toronto, .Mfrs. George Dundas of MoKillop attd Mrs, fames Dennison of Preston, were recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. \V, N . I:nechtel, DEATH OF MISS 'SPROAT 'The death occurred 11 ntday after- noon at the home of Air, and Alas. Robert AleGimigle, North Main Street of Isabelle Carnochan Sproat, second daughter of the late Alr. and Airs. George Sproat, pioneer residents of Tnckei math, Miss Sproat who was in her &let year, ivas horst on the old homestead on the second concessio of Tuckersntitdt where she spent her early Life. She later went to reside with her uncle, David Sproat in ilei - grave and carte to Seaforth thirteen years ago. She hail been in ill health for two years and a great sufferer for the past six months, Miss Sproat was a valued member of the Egm,ondville United Church and a woman of fine qualities, who bore her suffering with Christian fortitude, Tilte funeral took place from. the residence of Robert AfdGon'gle Wednesday afternoon, in- terment in the Egmondville cemetery, Reverend Charles Malcolm, KA., of Rgntanceville Church, officiating. The floral tributes were many and beauti- ful. During the service Aliss Jeanette Finnigan sang a solo. The pallbearers were Thomas Sproat, Roy 'Sproat, Ches'tee Sproat, Ross AreGoormle, jolt Anderson, A. C. RouPledge ,\Wrong those from a distance were Mr, 'T'hom'as Sproat and daughter Marjory, of Peterboro, 3d[r, ,Gordon \lctGoltigiie and Mr. and Mrs. Ross \1dGoatigle and family of Kitchener; MIr, and Mrs. John Sproat and ran Chester of Stratford and three daugh- ters, Ruby and Beatrice and Mrs. Griffin. and Mr. Griffin of Toronto; and Mr, Roy Sproat of 1'ot-onto; Mr, and \frs. Elliott, Mitchell; and the foROM ng from Belgrave, Mr. and kers, James Anderson, Mr.. and Mrs,: John .Anderson, iefr, and :\frs, Ivan: McArthur, Mir, and Mrs, Jack Steri•-. art, ilii. Jack \Veil• and sister Miss Weir. n Many mothers can testify to the virtue of :Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, 'because they know Brom experience how ttseful it it, CONSTANCE. !Mr. and Mfrs. Elgin icdcKitt'ley .and family of Goshen line, Stanley, and Mrs. Laura Fowles of Btantpton and Miss Dorothy and Mfrs, Thos. Cole- man! of 7.tuckersnmth were visitors' at Mr. Eplt, ,Clarke's .last Sunday. 31Ir, and Mrs, \Vm. Clarke spent !Sunday w ibh ,friends at Strathroy, The W,IIVLIS. will hold their 215'th an- niversary on Sunday evening August 26th, There will be a special Sunday evening service when a special speak- er will he present and a sacred drama given by seven young ladies "The Challenge of the Cross." Also special music by the choirWatch for a fur- ther announcement next week. ,M1.r. and Mrs. Peter Papineau of Strathroy spent a fess' days at the home nl of Mr. andMrs. M11 William Clarke and called on old h ienels. \t, and Mrs. George Carter and Beryl and Glen and Mrs William Carter visited Mr, and Mrs, Jack 'Mc- Donald of Walton on Sunday. \6r: and Mrs. David Dewar arrived Saturday from their honeymoon trap by. motor. 10 Vancouv=er and by boat to Alas•ica, and spent a few days with Mr. totcl .Mfrs. George Wheatley, leaving for their Ito'nie dm Toronto on Thursday. \ors, George .Nichol of Oridlia spent a week visiting friends ,in the vicinity. Miss Jessie Walker and Miss Helen Citeoros of Sectfofth are spending a few days with their friend, Miss Ruth Huigill. (Mrs, Leo Stephenson, Donald and Billy have been visiting for the pest; week with friends at Biigdet,, BAYFIELD, IBaylfie!cl s popularity as a eum.m resort 1s each season becoming 111,5 widely knows, This season touris are here from Washington, Ne York, Montreal, LCuls�a, Oklaltoi and manly fess distant ,places. It 1t been a good season here and v'e sew cottages unoccupied. The mere ants are having food business al the churches have 'beneifited and rut taken advantage of the opportutti attd had sales of baking which ha been well patronized. Oil 'Friday th week, the 117th, a garden fete is to '1 held on the lawn at the Rector ')'here is to be a good program at ice cream, hot dogs, etc. Conte at enjoy it, v\nniver-ary services were held St Atelrew''s United Church on Stu ties' last, August li?'th, The Rev, Jam I'inlay, 'I3.nA of !Robinson lfemori Church, 'London, was the preach for the day, His sermons were rie in appeal and very stimulating io thought, as he applied them to ,pre ens needs in many phases of life an experience. Inthe morning he dea wit It the application of the Christ o History to the needs anti condition of life today, lin elle evening he too as his subject, "The Enemies of ;Ou Icaitit," seen in the strange happening c•1 life, „The 'People We )deet," ant "Ourselves," 'The pastor, Rev, R. \l Gale, presided at both services ant in the evening. was assisted by Rev D, 9)ottgatn of the :Presbyterial Ch Mr. 'Green of 'London, solo is; of St, Paul's Cathedral, sang ;very nt acceptably two solos. In the .or'nin "The rRisen '3lonarch,' from TheCrucifixion." and.in the evening '•I l-feard the Voice of jest's Say," The male quartette of the church sang "1 can tell it all to Jesus, The anth- ems, by the choir were "The Unseen City," an'Praise .1 e the ,Father" by Gounoil, Organ nunthere by Aliss Gale were "0 'Dh'y Those Tears,""The"he Last tHoge," "Cradle Song,""Country 'Gardens," +:\nan'te Cantab- ile, and "Going Home" Splendid con- gregations attended' both services, er re is w a h td se ty vel as >e' id td in t- ee al er h r s - d 1t k g VARNA. ,Rev. Mr, !Paull and Mrs. Paul of Windsor attended ser..vices in St. Jahn's ,011 Droll ;Sunday evening .Cheir. many, friends were pleased to meet their former rector and wife, and ,hope to see more of then during their. eacation,. Mr. and Mrs. McGee of Auburn were Sunday guests of )Ir. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty, 'hiss Doris Clutter of .Goderich spent .Stntclay' at her home, 'NIIand Mrs: Sears 'and family .of ID/mire,air, and Mrs, \'ills and fans il•v of ITh edfo d spent 'Sonclay' with r, and Airs, Coultes, )frs,'AT orton I I'liott slj)ent the n week -end with friends in D�etroft, r\'fu•. George Woods has returned to Listowel atfter spemiling a few days ° with fri-enncls, y s )firs Jean .M•fasso 1 Masson spent -a tele' days last week with 'her cousfin, hiss a Dewar of B'aylflelyd, \lit and 'Nits. T. -lorry !Thompson and h Ret-. George Thompson and bride of b. Nava (Scotia, Rev, Jacic Thompson :in bconto fiance of 'Snrtt,ia calved, on Mrs.' ill 1. Beatty one clay Fast week, IA iaige number from here attended a the Block Knight ccle'biatioa in God- ' erich oit ;Saterday. ni 3l , amd .Mfrs. J. 'Grass'i�ck ab visited adD their daughter, in Hay Township last It Setsday. Mr. 'Wel, Logan and ,Mil's .P'Itame i•e Logan visited frienitls in •T•IensaII on at s Sunday Mao Mir. Melvin EQUaott of Zurich 'vislted; friends here fast Sunday, Pe REG ENT THEATRE 5EAFORTH NOW PLAYING WILL ROGERS in "Dr. Bull" Comedy Buck Jones Serial MIDNITE SHOW THURSDAY Warner Baxter in ',Such Women Are Dangerous Mon. Tues. Wed„ Aug, 20-21-2$ KATHERINE HEPBURN Star of "Little Women" —in— "SPITFIRE" Thurs. Fri. Sat., Aug. 23-24-25 DOUBLE FEATURE 'SLLM 'SUMMERVILLE & ZASU PITTS —in— "LOVE BIRDS --also-- TOM also—TOM MIX and His Pony Tony Jr. —in— Rustlers' Round Up" Mfr, and Mrs, Geo. Clarke spent the week -end with 'friends in Goderich, STANLEY. \frs Robert 'Pendt4ale and Mrs. A. E. Westlake motored to St, 'Thomas to see their sister, Mrs. Frank Hob- son on Sunday last, .Air. William Duncaltf and Mr, Clarence Votsts of Fingal spent the week -end with Mr. Harold Penitale, Mrs, Brooks incl: Mrs. Will Scotch - mer spenit the past week with the for- user's cousin, Mr, Torn Taylor, near 1 ucknow, Mrs. Thomas Snowden returned home on :Sunday after a month's .bay at St. Thomas, Prepare for Fall Crops To insure having a supply ,vf let- tuce, spinach, radish and Chinese cabbage , Inc fall use, the seed should be sown at this time. The varieties that are best adapted accordi'tng to the Dominion Horticul- turist, are Grand Rapids and Iceberg lettuce; King of Denmark and Prin- cess Juliana spinach; Chihli and Pet- sai Chinese cabbage, and Scarlet Tur- nip, White or Scarlet Globe radish, .Should the soil he quite dry it itn- ,portant to open tite drills and if irri- gation is available apply -sufficient water to moisten, the soil, and as ,OLID as the land has dried so as to no; be sticley, the seeding should he done. Suggestions in Preparing Sheaves for Competition an connection with sheaves for competition, J. A. Carroll, superinten- dent of Agricultural Societies, says that, in the first place, consideration should he given to competition rules covering sizes of sheaf, etc. A mini- mum of eight inches in diameter means at least this measurement at the cotter binder. IFreedoit from disease and blem- ishes is essential and only heads true to variety should be chosen. Some ex- hibitors cut a number of sheaves in a good part of the field and from these make a selection. A much better way is to choose individual stalks • front landing grain. This ntnty be done by walking in from the stu'b'ble when. cutting is in progress, Plants should be cut close to the ground with a pair of scissors. When two or three times the am- ount required for a sheaf has been collected it should be placed on a rack or table to dry, protected from the weather, particularly rant or dew. A few boards on tressels in a loft or drive' shed should be suitable, 31 ,pieta of cheesecloth or other light material spread over the heads should afford protection front'birds, Every straw its an exhibition sheaf should be stripped of leaves or flags. This may be done by taking a small handful of .10 or 50 at a time. Its this process .any diseased or faulty speci- mens should be rejected. The round form desired may be achieved moat easily by fine use of a mould of some :kind; Some exhibitors use three hoops nailed to a bar and eft open at the tap ,for the entrance 'f straws. These hob,ps should be coir- iderably'larger than the size required or a bowrd sheaf. ,The next step is to place binders nd' .draw tightly after whic'lt a sharp rife should he used to even off the ;At squarely. Any: straws which may real., leaping the heads having clown ay be removed ,with scissors, Rib ants for decorative purposes ,may be defect A box or crate of light but strong aerials should be ,macre and ly ,procicled with hinged i pr's'fet-' S lid. Asuit- le size, For wheat woo Id be 116 inches y 116 inches by 6 feet, Oats watfld quire a larger crate, probably 18 rhes by '516 inches by 6 feet, while aborter box would do tar barley to liar should be placed inside to sup. rt the head end of the sheaf,