HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-08-16, Page 1A white tent pitched by a glassy lake, Well under a shady tree, Or by rippling rills from the grand old hills, Is the summer home for me. A cooling plunge at the break of day, A paddle, a row, or a sail, With always a fish for a mid-day dish, HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER And plenty of Adam's ale. With rod or gun, or in hammock, swung, We glide through the pleasant days;. When darkness falls on our canvas. walls, We kindle the camp fire's blaze, --"Canadian Camping Song. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 56, No. 33 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1934 Phone 84. $;b a year, DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR NOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices reasonable �, rr e i ympia Confectionery and Restaurant CORN FLAKES SUGAR CRISP 2 FOR 15c CAMPBELL'S TOMATOc� IR'� c. JUICE, 4 tins for LARGE BOTTLE TIGER CATSUP, 26 oz. @ .. 18c RED SALMON, halves 25 c 2 for CORN STARCH, 3 lbs for; ,.. 25c 'IFr own Baking Powder, 1 pound tin, 1 bottle Vanilla OLD CHEESE, real nippy el) ;t c and snappy ^per lb. SODA BISCUIT @ 2 1b. for 25c STUFFED OLIVES, 12 oz. jar 25c Sunrise Apple and Strawberry Jam 4 lb. tin @ 50c XXX VINEGAR, the best, at the regular price per gal. 45c 1e a\ t.. for Eggs !n trade. A. Cr, FoiiHt1ge PHONE 156 LONDON DOCTOR GETS PROMOTION Dr, James R. McGeoch has been appointed senior physician at the On- tario H'oslpital in 'London in the pro- motion list announced at Toronto fol- lowing the death of Superintendent Dr. F. S. Wooman. !Dr. MdGeodh is a graduate of the Univorsity of Western Ontario. Fol- lowing his graduation he was appoint- ed to the staff of Reception Hospital, Toronto, where he remained for near- ly six, years, later going to the Ont- ario Hospital at Whitby. He came to London in January as assistant phys- ician at the local mental institution. Dr. M•dGeotch is a son of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, MtcGeoch of London. Mics. 'MdGeoch is a sister of the late John 011difield, Tuckersmith. NORTHSIDE AND EGMOND- VILLE Reverend T. A. Carmichael, Rever- end Charles 'Malcolm. Sunday, Aug. 'lt)t'h, Ur. Carmichae! 'sill conduct the services at Northside at 11 a:nt, and at Egntondville 7 p.m, rite topics-- will be, morning, "Is It Easy to Forgive Sins"; in the even- ing, "Lot, and the Way of Least Re- sistance." McEILLOP CHARGE Yotttrg People's Society services, Duff's Church, 111 a.m., speaker, Mr, Fred Baran. of Seaforth, Bethel Chur h,. 1,1 a.m., speaker. Mr. Fingland, of Walton. Caren Church, Winthrop, 1'1 agar., speaker, )Jr. H. \Vightlnan of Blyth. Sunday school services at all three churehe5 at 10 a.m. PRIZE LISTS READY Prue lists for Sear.rth Fa11 Fair, which will be held un Sept, 21-22. are now- available from the Sea•ctary, Mfrs, J, .1, herr. INSTAL OVERFLOW An overflow pipe has been 1ttaehe1 1.4 the water tower at the rear of the totes hal„ by the Utilities Conttnis- ion About every two• weeks the sur - ace of the water in the tank is now•ed t n pretf.t the accuuntlation of foreign matter, and sometimes the cater wa, blown over snrroantling ;1r. perty. The new pipe is connected with the chains and will be a great improvement, BLACK-I'IAMILTON C.l ege Avenue United Church, MTt e est.,ek, was the scene of a pretty wedding on August 6th- at three ,-.',210;k. when \li!drerl Isobel, daugh- ter ei Ili,, and Mrs, Hamilton - was united in marriage to \\'iihain Irae Black of London, son of -Mfrs. Black and the late George Black, Seaforth. The Bride was attended by 'Miss Mar- gnrrite Black, while- the groom was supported by his cousin, George Black, the Rev. W. A. Conway offic- iating. Muss -Marie Thompson played the wedding music and during the signing of the register Mrs. Lanble sang, "At Daa ning." LA reception followed the ceremony at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Ed. Hamilton, 'brother of the bride. Later the bride and groom left by motor dor IAdirondecks, N.Y. On their return they will reside on - Wortley Road, London. BASEBALL (Stratford baseball teams defeated Hensall in ,the first of the group fin- als of the Intermediate Intercounty league on Wednesday afternoon at Hensall. The score was 8-3. Until the last sof the game a very close re- sult was in prospect with the score standing at 3-3 when a high throw to third base proved cantlyy to the home team, ;41)11 TOWN COUNCIL (Regular sheeting of the council held in council chamtber at 8 p.m„ 'August 13tlt. Present: Mayor 'Sutherland, iReeve Crosier, Councillors Broderick, Hudson, Johnston, L. 'Eberhart, L, rBolton and R. W. Eberhart, The Mayor presided, Mr, David Wilson acted as clerk in the absence of his father, Town Clerk J. A. Wil- son, who is away on his holidays. Minutes of last regular attd special meetings were read and approved. Under the heading of finance commit- tee report, the placing of gravel on certain town streets was discussed. Councillor I-Iudscn said he understood that during the month $164 dog tax had been collected and $400 tax ar- rears. The streets committee, the pro- perty committee, the fire and water committee and the reliefcommittee reported there was nothing special in their departments, The Wolverton Flour Mill situation was dealt . with. Mayor Sutherland had the deeds and insurance policies which would be turned over officially to the Treasurer the following day. Insurance on the property was gone into: $113,000 insurance,' made up of two policies of $110,00.0 and $5,000 re- spectively, in a millers' mutual in- surance Cu., expire on Thursday of this week, Messrs, Merton Reid and E. C. Chatnbcrlain were present; a motion was passed that local agents he given an opportunity to tender on he insurance, but the present rate was so low- that it seemed unlikely that a better rat e could beobtained with the aril( idle at present. There is no insurance on ,he office and ]welling. There are eight separate isles on the property. Councillor Bolton brought up the matter of a lode for the null garage door, which is swinging open; the .oarage contains a wagon. Reeve Crozier niTlnlrsd about a big elevator pulley having been removed from the mill, since the deed was turned over. ,Mir. Robert Stewart 'drought to the ''41ne'il a communication front a North Miaitt street property owner, complaining of the proximity of a neighbor's .garage and closet to her back kitchen. Referred to the Board of IIealth which p'is to hold a meet - in,: he following da) May nr Suther- land referred to reports that condi- tion, were not •all that ant d be de- sired along portions of the Silver Creek. Mr, E. J. Barnett was present and requested a reduction in assessment n his hoose that Was partly burned last year by fire. Returning to matters in connection with the tlonr milt, the :Mayor point- ed notthat the mill was not in tit con- dition to take prospective buyers in. Councillor R, M\', Eherhart inquired what is the use in keeping the old cooper shop at the mill: barrels are no lunger used Misr shipping dour. Councillor Bolton pointed out that there are a lot of pulleys and steel wheels not in use, also truck, scales, office furniture, etc„ that might be realized on. This was objected be- cause it was thought better to retain everything to cell intact, if possible. 'Gleanings from discussion of con- ditions at the mill showed it needed sweeping down; there were not as many broken window lights as ex- pected; there was four feet of water in the leg of the elevator; that the Council as a. whole is in charge, with the property committeelooking after the cleaning up; that the mill was never "run out" and. there is flour in the machinery; the flour elevators will have to be opened up to clean the flour front the cups; that there is 41-913,900 Of town money in the rnnil8; that it is a 600Lbarrelea-day mill, con- sidered a big Infill by those who know, as the usual size is 105 b'bls.; that the machinery is modern and some if it almost brand new; that the belts re - (Continued on Page Five.) The first game of the Huron 'FootballAssociation finals in the Stephenson Cup competition, took place at Bruce - field on Friday evening, Walton winning 2-1. The above picture was taken early in the second period when the score stood .1-0 for Brucefield, Arrow points to ball which is :being thrown in by a Walton player. BRUCEFIELD AND WALTON TIE FOR :H,F,A. HONORS Brucetieid tied the series in the se- cond game of the I1.F.A, finals; play- ed at 1ta.tou on Tuesday night, when they defeated the home team 170. and the round i- nco,v tied '272. Incident-' ally, it was Walton's first defeat of the season. A third game is nec- eseary and. it 3, cheduled for the Re- creation. Grounds, Seaforth, cm Friday night at 5:30. • Tuesday night's play teas a steady grind for both sides, lacking possibly in the spectacularfeature:, of the Fri- day match when Walton snatched victory in the dying moments of the game. • The fire: per c rl was pretty even; 'Walton tried had to score and nearly succeeded several tithes, Prospect of 11 n0—:core game :oohed i1', the. se- cond half as the minute; sped by and still neither team gave gr,und. The ball went out of .t,.auuls three tinter fn succession near llrucefield goal, end- ing when Hicknell got a goal kick and the forward; worked the hall iloten to \Walton goal area. :. Lyrne Steins got away but was stopped by Bateman. Hicknell got rico more goal licks and the ball again went back to Walton end:- Bill Dennis took a goal kick for Walton. Brucctie'.d seemed to have their hearts set on saving the Cup and continued to set the pace, the bat- tle raging around Walton corners and Rutledge .made some nice .ave:. Walte.n r Nardi fought hard to reach the itis: -way line, were stopped, be: came 'tack .strong, Hicknell w•as knocked over r in the rust) rutd two snot, in 511550see et were made on Lark by Ste. -t a na Carter, \:ter a third attack Lavis kicked the ball out; play ranged down two Waltorr Walt'en'l, back to .n. 1 iie:d and then, in 23 min- utes. 4 the pe•eed, Brucetie;d made the rntly talc of the aa1110, Tont Ru= therford, fleet Plover forward, -beating Rutledge un a neat a-sist by Denfield. Bru51310.'1 put on the ecretes again. trying f • a repeat :1111 for eight ntin- ntcs \\'a:ton had a busy time defend- ing :heir goal, In the last live minutes \Talbm 10401 heed to even the score but without suecess, Bruce held clear- ing with high kicks to tttt,hieid and out of blind., Tile team: are evenly matched and .t keen contest is expected Friday nicht, Jack \t n ter•, Ki tit u'n and nil Bell of I 1s, c:s. refereed Wahen—Gord, Ru.lulg e hicks. M. Holland, W. Dennis: 'Halt F Den - ale, Bub He llattd \ Steles; ,urwarde, Carter, Jordan, L Sleis , Farquhar - n, Johnstone; t.e; x11., Roseland, love, L'ntcehu 1 --- Goal. Lavin backs, Iliciatell 1 atetna11 half-, • C,.ole, Pep- per, Rt er n; .rrwards Papple, Baird, Rutherford. Denfie:4, Snider. -uh;,, Garrett, Peskier. - CITIZENS MAY VISIT MILL The work of cleaning up tate Rohr mill was begun Tuesday afternoon by •Mr. A, Powell, under the direction of the property committee of the town council. When this woric is completed citizens will be invited to inspect the Property, Mayor Sutherland an- nounces, as the townspeople are now shareholders, A trip through the mill is well worth while, to see hots flour is made in a modern mill, which is in- deed a wonderful advance from, the mills to which aur pioneer ancestors carried wheat on their backs twenty or thirty miles. The milling process begins with "tempering" the wheat, that is giving it the correct moisture content; it then passes through the first grind- ers, a box -like machine in the lower part of the mill; then by endless .chain elevator to the top floor where the sieves are'located; back down throu.gb pipes toanother grinder and up again to the sieves. This process continues until the correct degree of fineness is o'btain'ed. (In the last Stages the flour must pass through silk screens. There is also a scales where a half carload .of ,grain can be weigh- ed at a time, these are brand new; and have never been used. As this mill was completely refitted only a few years ago for making flour for export it is easily one of the most up-to-date in the country. • ' PICNIC AT GODERICH The •B'arbara Kinkntlan Auxiliary oil First Presbyterian Church. • held a picnic at Goderich Wednesday after- noon. About fifty 4ades were present and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent in picnicking at Harbor Park and boating on the lake, Graduation Gifts That very pleasant occasion—Graduation—really does deserve some lasting recognition—something enduring to perpetuate the joy of the occasion—to perpetually mark the success achieved. And to help your selection we suggest Wrist Watch $10.00 Manicure Set , , .. , ... . Waterman Pen & Pencil $ 3.75 Travelling Sets Gift Ring $ 2.50 Bill Fold and Necklet of Pearls Necklet of Marcasite $ 2.50 Book Key EndTwisner Set ...... Settings $ 2.50 Cuff Links $ 2,50 $ 3,50 $ 2.00 $ 1,00 $ 1.00 And with many other beautiful gifts that will help the happy occasion, we suggest that you Phone 194. SHOP AT AVAUGE IT PAYS Res. 10. SOFT BALL 'Merchants 6 0 0, 4 1 11, 0 2 1-15 Egmdville 0 0 •n. 3 3 1, 0 0 0-1 For the Mereoants the fellewin brought runs—C, Christie, Taman, I4 Rennie, E, Rennie T, Cluff and L' Christie in 1st, and C. Christie, R. an: E. Rennie and IIays in the 4th; Bays in the Sth; E. Rennie in the ot'.t; 14 and E. Rennie in the 8th; R. Remre in the 9th. Fur Egmoidcille, in the 3rd Kruse Trott, G, Rennie Kling, S'.icreeed and Flannery; in the 4th, Trott. Ren - )tie, Kling, Sherwood, McGregor; is the 5th Kruse, Trott, Rennie in the 6tli, Sherwood. Referees were Rieman and Muir, 5 Seaforth—Plant, Muir, G. Rennie, T. Taman, E. Rennie, R. Rennie_, r2 Christie. F. S11 s, W. Cudnlore, 1'tn- pire , 12. Burges and Ryntaii, BYBEE-BRISTOW Pre:ty but quiet wedding took pee', Sunday. August Stlh at foie. . o'clock at the '1'antianti Temple wits Rev, C. Stanley Lowell; Jr., officiat- ing, e hen Mies Leona R. Bristow, eldest laitg:tter of MIr, and Mrs. Leo E, l- ristnw, became the bride • of Mr. MT, \-ir;:!i .Bybee, of Los Angeles. The attractive Bride looked lovely in her v:ntr ruffled organdie dress with ,m^'n t ce!t and arccssorie_ to match, cart to l sh o t 1' uqeof hrtda? rose:- andtt f ,rget-eme-note,ut The bride was given away by her father. The bride was attended by her sister, Mtls=• Dart 22. Bristow, dressed in a white• n;on ecine-de-sole frock: and carried a sheaf of gladiolus and fern, Mr. Byitee was supported by hi cousin, lir. Charles Lee En -!ng, Jr, The brid- al party then had dinner at the Studio Grill and a reception later the bride': home and after the cutt- ing serol serving of the bride's sake, the evening. came to a dose with the con- gratulations and best wishes of a large circle of friends of the 'happy rr.uple, Mtr. and Mfrs. Bybee will make: their home at 3.160 New Yorlc St., Coe:mat Grnre, Fla. MIr. Bybee is connected with the Table Supply Stores of Miami. The Bristow fancily are former residents of Seaforth, moving to Flor- ida nine years ago, and the many friends here of the bride join in best wishes. The semi-final game of the town soft hall league ended in a 15-15 tie Monday night. The \Merchants and Ermondville battled away for (tine in- nings in the most exciting game of the season. E mondville had the game practically won until Ross Ren- nie knocked a boater in the final in- ning to tie the score. Another game will he played on Thursday to decide w11iei) team meets the Collegiate in the finals, The Civil Service team of Toronto will play herr on Saturday at 4 o'clock, The Byron team of London will play on Monday-, Aug. 20, in the piaydowns. \Merchants—C. Christie cf, Taman 2b, R. Rennie p, E. Rennie se. T. Cluff 12), B. Christie rf, J, Cardillo 3b, G. Rays c, G. Free if. iEgmondville--IG. Kruse rf, C. Trott 2b, G. Rennie p, F, hlinng lib, Jim Sherwood ss, McGregor lf, MMiGeoch 3b, J. Flannery c, B. Aberhart cf, An exhibition. game between Clin- ton! and Seaforth at the recreation grounds Tuesday evening resulted in a 5;5 tie. This ,game took the place of Saturday's game with Preston when the visitors failed to put in an appear- ance. The score by innings was: .Clinton ,0000I230e Seaforth 212119:000. (Runs lin the '1st innings were count- ed by G, Rennie and T. Taman; in the Bind by, C. Christie and W. Cvrclmore in the 3rce by E. Rennie; in the 54th, 'Livermore and Rath, and sixth, 'Gibbs, 'MciDbnald and G. Holmes, for Clin- ton. The line-ups: Clinton, Pickett, Livermore, Hawking, Ross, J..Holme, Gibbs, McDonald, G. Holmes, Rath. WITH THE BOWLERS 'There were 313 entries in the local men's twilight doubles competition. on. Tuesday evening, Three games, con- sisting of two 112 -end and one 10' -end, were played. Competition was keen. The prize winners were list, W. Hart:. 3 wins plus 23; 2t,d, Ecl. Smith, 31 wins plus 2111; 314, H. Stewart, 3w: plus 20; 4th, T. Johns!tolnle 3 plus 20;t the above prizes were chickens. 5th, .. A. Edmonds 3w plus 117; C. P. Sills]: Dr. Grieve, W. G. Willis were tied ' for 6th, with 2w plots 114; the last nam- ed winning the toss, SIth and 6th. prize's were cottage rolls. WREKING DUBLIN HOTEL LAST CALL EVERYTHING MUST BE CLEARED OUT IN ONE WEEK REGARDLESS OF ;PRICE Brick, Barn Joists, Timbers 60 Ft. Hay Fork. Track with Hangers and Car Complete, $10. ,SALESMAN ON JOB SALVAGE AND SUPPLY CO.