HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-08-09, Page 4.‘PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
Notice. --,The Walton Horticultural
Society will be orderiug soon the sup-
ply of bulbs to be distributed to ati
the members this Felt Anyone desir-
ing any extra bulbs- in addition to
these, ldiidly connasunicate with Mrs.
I. B. Kirkby before Aug. 15,
Mrs. B. Anderson has returned
'home after holidaying at Rev. Mr,
Clysdale's cottage at Grand -Bend.
Me. and Mrs. A. B. Bruer, Streets-
ville, are spending their holidays with
Mr. j, j. MrGavin.
Mrs. and Miss Morgan, who have
been visiting friend', have returned
to their home in Rochester, N.Y.
- Master A. Aleock of Grey is
spending his holidays ovith tLr, and
Mrs. 11, Hoy,
Mrs,• Graham and MiSs G, !Graham
of Prince Albert Sask., who - have
been visiting the former's brothers
and sister, Geo„ Frank and Margaret
Kelly of -Morris have returned borne.
Mr. Wilbert Fultlou of Flint Mich.,
ailed on friends in the village on
-Friday. It was 32 years since he was
here and he saw many changes.
Miss Dorothy Bolton who . has been
staying tt Mrs: W. Htunnhries, has
gonetospend a couple of weeks •with
Mrs. John Hillebrecht of the Huron
The regular monthly meeting oi St
clearge's • Ladies' Guild and V.A. met
at the h.ttne of Mrs. F. Scarlett on
We•do August let. Owing to the ab-
sence oi the president Of the Guild,
Mrs. Humphries, president of the W.
A., took charge ot both. meetings,
Hymn No. 4'25 was sung after Which
the 'Scripture reading was • taken. by
Nliss °Ilse Bulger, Then the Lord's
prayer was offered in unison, The
minutes of both meeting were read
and approved, It was decided to hold
t bake sale on Ang,ust 35th on the.
lawn of Mrs. HuMphries in Walton.'
4,;-rnee nag then sung and lunch served
Mrs. Charlie Pauli and sons Ken-
neth aniKeith of Stratford spent
Wednesday with Mrs, Humphri•es.
Mr. and Mrs. jas. Harries and. Nit.,
11:1 d Mrs. Wm. NIurch and family
'pent ;ht week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Handd 'Sellers and -other friends.
Sorry 1 state Mrs. William .Neal is
not improving- itt health.
Thnr,,lay*: storm struck- and
hilted sno of Albert Lydiatt's working
leans loth. c..n. tlrev., and injured the
Mr. Nkrrytic1.1 ti Wicdst•tr, cern-
y bis wife an,1 three children
sse rt•l't..inn Mr, F. Rutledge on a two
',Mays at present.
fs, dId • and son Fininy o'f Port
Elgin called :m friends in and around
yillage last week.
Mr. _of-1 Mrs. Solder and son Kett-
itt 1 lrt, Trn rark of 'Lunn -
tot ealle.1 .tit friends in the village
:as! week,
\V. Buttomand children of
F.tr•l tit iti !Wen ltavttt some
s.,ILLtos. where calling on friends in
Walt 01. • -
Mr. an -I 'Mrs. Frank Tuffin and Mr.
aul Mrs. Char:es
-Nett, Sumlay ciSitot, with fide -Pis at
Wallon. •
The Misses Edith Ennis ami Laura
Manning, who have sinot the past
moat% Ge....rgian Bay, have re -
!tinted I. their respective homes in
Walton for a
11 .:;h' vaeation;
Mrs. W. Box and Mr, B. Hyde
am! sat' Edwin spent Tuesday with
Mrs. F. Ennis of Walton.
Miss Sarah Driscoll- of Leadbury
spent a few days withhersister, Mrs,
Pete Mc-Fagg:In of Walton.
There was a large attendance at
the f,st hall match at Nioncrieff
Ity night when Walton defeltgd
-Moue-HOT in the North Group 1-LF,A.
final .t ,core of 2-1 and the round
ty the ,:ante s,:ore, the first game hav-
:'ng been 11 no-satore tie, R, Nfe.Geoch
•was referee. Walton scored once eaCh-
peri•sl; NI,msrieff Made their only
-se.-re it: the second half: The teams:
Wa :toot —.Ifs al. Rutledge; left de-
0t1e. W. Dennis; r. def.,f M,
1: centre half, R. Hollands to half.
E, Dennis; 1. half, G. Love:. centre.
:stef—t; oto4fle right. J. Johnston;
Mt-tde right, R, Carter; outside left,
_\. Farquhar -son; inside left, L. steiss,
subs, R. Jordan, L. Rowland.
Mot:cried' — lKen -Ferg. •goal;- P.
Ward, left defence; W. •Smithers. r.
defence; J. Stnith, centre half; Joe.
Smith, r, half; Stan. Machan, L half;
1', IMiman, centre; G. Ferg, outsid•e:
itteklin, inside right; Lorne Jack-
tside; W. I laiman, inside . left;
stOs•—L. Gale, L. MeKaY. •
-Ref erve ••-!R. NI cfle,tch.
Misses Edith and Evelyn Clysdale
bic;(t have as guests at • theit
suritmer home. "Oak Toodge," at
Grand Bend, Ont., Miss Arlene
Guelp-h: Nliss Gladys Cooke,
Gitol; i;N11ss liMuice Meek, Guelph:
N-Bs:s. 11e tty Bly•th Misses•
Doris and j ean Tidworth, 'Brantford:
Ntiss Hazel Buighant, Ritigettrwn,
fornieriy of Macdonald TTaI 1, Guelph
Nfrs. \-Nr. 11. Atrclerson, Walton, is
chaperoning the party.
Farm Machinery and
Come in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
We are now buying Eggs and
Poultry at Highest Market
Prices for Cash. Give us a trial,
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
C. A. Barber, Prop.
Afr. Lorne tLawson will give a radio
broadcast of Rev, Mr, Savage's ser-
mon Sunday Morning at 111:30 in- the
Constance. Sunday School, All are
Mrs. James Medd left on Sunday -
with her mother of Surnmerhill, and
brother Anthony La Wt:011, at Toron-
to. to visit relatives in. Kansas-. •
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sinclair and
daughter Evelyn cy1 Brigden visited
at the home of M•r. and Mrs. Leo
Stephenson over the week -end.
Nir. and Ntrs. Robert Lawson and
son Lorne attended the Lawson-
-johns reunion held in- Stratford on
Congratulations to Rev, and :Mrs.
Charles Leslie -af Richmond 'on the
birth of a daughter, born. . Sunday,
August 5th.
During the had stortn last week
Ightninc,, struck Mr. Jack Ferguson's
house and knocked off the chimney.
Mr. Oliver Anderson had two cows
Mr. Theo, Dexter, Ntr. and . Mrs,
Austin Dexter and - family, also 1,Ir.
Henry Adams of Isondeshoro, spent
one day last week at London and
NIrs, Henry Taylor had a family
reunion on Sunday when eight of the
family mere present: Lawrence of
Detroit; William of 'Berkeley, Calif::
Nlrs. Webster of St. Helens, Mrs.
McMillan of - Loudon; Mrs. Earl
Lawson and NIrs. Verne Dale of Con-
staftee: Florence and 1darveys-15n. the
htonesteatl with their mother.
Miss Jean Weir of Saskatoon, is
visiting for the past week at the home
of her uncle, Mr. William 111i:ton,
and \Ir-. Britton,
Nfiss Jessie and friend . of
Kitchener visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Lawson on Tuesday.
Rev. and Mrs. Clifford Britton and
children,. Miss Jean Weir at'd Mrs.
Brittes visited Mrs. Ed.
Britton• Wetin•esday.
Nir. annd Mrs. Wm. \.'odden Jr.
and daughters,- Irene and Jean of
Gode•rich Twp. spent Sunday at the
hotne of Mr, and NIrs, Austin Dex-
• Nfr. and 'Mrs , Landsborough of
Port . Credit visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson and
called: on Mr. and Mrs, Roy Lawson
pis Monday and Tuesday of this week
Quite a number attended the open
.meeting of the Londesboro laniles o.n
1 uesday and enjoyed the dentonstra-
non of the customs_ and dress of the
Koreans given by N-Irs. Grierson, re -
hutted missionary from Korea.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kerr returned
to their home in Saskatoon after vis-
iting Mrs, Kerr's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. "'ugh Campbell. They visited
Mr, A. NI. Campbell int Toronto en-
Notice.—.\ s 1 have accepted a pos-
ition elsewhere 1 have turned my bus-
iness over to Mr. 'W. J. Hanley.
wish to thank my tnany patrons far
their patronage in the past and hope
that they will continue as patrons of
Ift1 fanley ilor many years to come.
—Edward 11. Tyers.
Nits and Mrs. Gordon of Stratford
are the guests of lir. and bit's. Alex.
Mr. and 'Airs. Alexander N1cMillan
recently married, till VC left for theit
Ill'Vomit.. in Detroit.
bit.' . NI, Crwie 1 Kinkora is tht.
guest of her sister, Mrs, Joseph Evans
lIrs. James Redmond had as her
guests over the week end, her many
relatives from St, Augustine,
:Michael Nagle and family
spent a few days at the lake recently.
The MetK:',Ion, Logan and 'Hilthert
Telephone Co. have purchased the
'front of the f)-,iminiun
The rear of the building. Is wrecked
and sold. Dublinites feel that Sea -
forth or Mitchell can supply tbeir few
wants in the beverage line.
Miss Mary Jordan of Toronto is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Blood of Detroit
spent the week end with her sister,
Mrs. P. Ryan, Jr.
Mr, and MT.$ Frank Hutchings of
Toronto visited with her 'nether.
Mrs. P. Ryan, Sr. over the week end.
Mrs, Michael Benninger and boys
spent Sunday at the Martyr's Shrine.
The 110Killop, Logan and "libber
Telep•hone Company has purthase.
the front part of the \Veber Hotel L.
while's their present central office at
Dublin will be removed at no distant
date, Congratulations are due to them
on the said business transaction bit
the shareholders as the change will
give them ample room for the busi-
ness requirements of the company.
This telephone company was organ-
ized by farmers going together as a
stock company, which they have car-
ried on effectively and prosperously
financially. The write i• often heard it
remarked that farmers could not form
a stock company with any hope of
success; as the NIcKillop. Logan and
Hibbert Telephone 1134 given that
expression a black eye, there is room
for farmers to contribute and have
more stock 00tttpanies organized
which would be very beneficial to
them, They could solicit advice on the
tortnatton 0: such oompanies from Mr. and Mrs. Gun: of Lost Chan -
the McK., L. & IL Coupany as they nel, Parry Sound district were visit -
have sneceeded itt carryino- on so suc- ors with Mrs. W. B. Allen on Sunday.
cessfully finarrelatly.
!Kiss Alice Sowerby of Toronto
spent the week end at the home of
her father, Mr. Wm. Sowerby.
Miss Marguerite Falconer is spend-
ing this week holidaying ss4ith friends
in Toronto,
Miss Irene Woods has returned
from an enjoyable holiday spent in
London and Post Stanley.
The Ladies' Aid 01 Grace Church
,entertained the sister society from.
Baylield on Thursday afternoon.
Miss Sylvia Louden has returned
from a month's visit in Hamilton. On
her return her aunt accompanied her
and is spending some time with her
sister, Mrs. Louden,
Mrs. William Doyle and family of
Muffalo are visiting at the home of the
lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John
iOn Thursday evening of last week
the Boy Scouts played a friendly
game with the Junior ball team at
Porter's Hill. The score was 20-2d in
favor of the home boys,
- Mrs. Howard Cox has returned
home after spending a couple of
weeks with friends near London.
MiS5 Mildred Westlake visited last
week at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
George Bean, Saltiord,
Mr, Peter Harrison has had the
Hydro installed for his father and
Master Billie MeIlwain sports a
Miss E.Mains, Mrs, Robt. Wells
rand - Mrs, A. Wells .took in civic holi-
day on Monday at Centralia.
lir. Gordon Emery of Brussels
spent the week end with her sister.
Mrs, .Rolst, Townsend.
Mr, D. Ewart has- improved his res-
idence by adding a neat little veranda
at the side entrance.
The meeting of the W.I. was held
in community hall on Thursday last
with the Lst vice president, Mrs. R.
Wells, presiding. After the business
was over there were recitations, read-
ings and music, after which there were
races and games on the hall grounds.
Quite an enjoyable time was spent,
about eighty present. Lunch, novas
served by the members,
Mr, John and Lily Adams of Lon-
deshoro, Kr. Carman Gliddon of
Clinton, Mr, Fred Yungblut and Carl
Longman of Blyth, Mrs, Robert
Phillips, Mr. Willis and Jean and Ai-
leen af Toronto, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ytmgblut
on Sunday.
bit's, H. Polly of London is spend-
ing the week with her friend, Mrs. W.
'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morris and
daughter Velma of Toronto visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. P. Mann-
ing and other friends recently,
Mrs. Grierson, returned tnissionary,
home on furlough from Korea, is
spending Some time with her parents,
11r, and 'Mrs, J. Fingland,
•Nlr. and NIrs, B. Tyerman of Sea -
forth, Nfr. and Mrs. Crow of Toronto,
Mrs, Homer Keith of Edmonton,
Alta„ visited at the home of irs. J.
Tanshlyn on Sunday.
About 1125 members oif the Eggert
and Kechnie families met at the
home of Mr. Charles Eggert, NicKil-
lop on :Monday, The day was wary
much enjoyed by all, A fine pro-
gramm followed the dinner hour, op-
ening with a welcome address by Mr.
Charles Eggert, also the singing of
hymns and prayer. The presnlent E.
A. Kethnie, extended a welcome to
all on behalf of the executive com-
mittee. .4. special feature was the fine
music rendered by the famous Gold
Dust Twins of Goderich, also the
splendid addresses by Malcolm Mc -
Beth of Milverton, and Mr. Mddleth's
brother of Regina, Sask„ who gave a
short address describing the condi-
tions in the Western provinces, bit's.
Huether gave a very interesting read-
ing. Others taking part in the pro-
gram were Edward Sherberth and
Della Eggert. ,The program* was then
taken over hy the Sports Committee
and a number of :spirited contests fol-
lowed. The results: of races were as
follows: Boys and girls 4 and under,
Hazel Doerr; girls 7 and under,. Ber-
nice Kechnie; boys 7 and under,
Bruce Kechnie; boys and girls, la and
under, Lewis Hoegy; young men's
Frank Keclmie; young ladies' race.
Marie 'Koehler; married men's sack
Also 2nd Episode of Buck Jones'
Don't forget Thursday's Midnite'
Mon. Tues, Wed., Aug. 13-14-15
and an All Star Cast of Funmakers
"The Meanest Gal
in Town"
News Reel CPmedy
Thurs. Fri, Sat., Aug. 1647-15
"Such Women Are
"Dr. Bull"
race, Jerry Doerr; women's battery
throwing contest, Mrs. Geo. ' Benet-
mann; women's nail driving contest,
Mrs. Clarence 'Regele; needle thread-
ing contest, Mrs. Geo, Beuermann;
chicken catching. contest, Mrs. Wms
Doerr; clothes pin race, Wm. Rapien;
youngestest child, bit'. and Mrs.. Alex.
Stoskopf's; oldest member, August
Eggert; largest family, Mr. and :Vis.
Wm. Doerr; th•ose coming the great-
est distance, Mr. and Mrs,. Fisher,
Overland, Nlich, It was decided to
hold the next reunion on the third.
\Vednesday in July in Queen's Park,
St•ratford. The following officers were
elected: Pres., E. A. Kechie, Water-
loo; l•st vice pres., Jerry Doerr, Dub-
lin;:2nd vise ores., \Vm. Kec:41R.-.
Myth; Earl F. Eggert, Rostock; trea-
surer, George Eggert, Stravford. The
following points were represented.:
Myth, Kitchener, Port Elgin, Auburn,
31 biclteb 1, Milverton, Rostock, Strat-
ford, Detroit, Mich,, Overland, :Mich.,
Bornholm and Gackhill.
-1'1te.v ftre war '
from tie Ill i;'S rie Sea -
forth News In plaCe of the
usna: columa "T.1An Topics
Gan yoa
nalrn: them ?