HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-08-09, Page 1He called the flowers, so blue and
Stars, that in earth's firmament do
Wondrous truths, and manifold as
God hath written in those stars above,
But not less in the bright flowerets
under us,
Stands the revelations of His love.
Flowers expand their light and: soul.
like wings,
Teaching us, by most persuasive
How akin they are to human things..
And with childlikecredulous affection
We behold their tender buds expand;..
Emblems of our own great resur-
Emblems of the bright and, better
land. Il 'ewers.
Phone 84,
$112 a year.
at all hours
Prices „Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
CORN BEEF -2 tins for 25c
IICING SUGAR -3 1b. for 25 c
POWDER, pound tin 19e
HONEY, small tins 30c
4 doz. for
ZINC RINGS @ per doz. 25c
KLENZINE— Guaranteed to wash
woollens without shrink- s C
ing , , . , . , , . per pack
SALMON, Cascade halves 2= c
@- 3 tins for
COFFEE -Our own blend, really de-
licious @ 50c ib.
@ 10c per pack
Eggs, le extra per doz, Trade.
J.. C. Routledge
Mr. John. Wilcox ,of 'Chicago is vis-
iting his another avid sister 'here.
:Miss Bessie 'Bielfl, :R.N., of London
Is holidaying at her home here.
:Mfrs. Len, O'Reilly is under the
aioctor's care.
Miss ',Betty Mackay of Now York
is visiting. Miss 'Grace Brock.
:Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Johns of Ham-
ilton spent the week end with ?da-
tives around here. 'Mis's Ruth Johns
a+eturned home with .them on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs: iJehn Herdman .and
1Miss 'Lila Herdman of lS'trathroy
kspent .oivic holiday with :friend's in
fins vicinity.
Mfrs. (1Rev.)I tOlysdale of ,Guelph
tspent last week with her niece, Mrs.
{J 1H. Brock.
IMr. and Mgrs. W. Craigie of Goder-
ich visited at the 'home of \Ir, Noble
Holland on Tuesday.
',Mr. G. G. Switzer and son. Oscar
viisitdd at Capt. add Mrs. Fowlie's
hoarse in Goderich on .Monday.
Miss Dorothy Holland is visiting
her cousin, Miss Edelen ,Charlesworth
of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. MCBeath and son
Allex. and '!lir. and '`Mrs. Charles
Switzer and' sons of Bmucdfiold visit-
ed at Mr. N'obile Holland's on Sunday.
IA very .enjoyab'le picnic Was 'held at
'Blaylfield on Wednesday afternlhon 'by
Canon Appleyard's, Gids' Bible Glass
of St. Thomas' Clhnrch, 'Seaforth.
Reverend T. A. Carmichael, Rever-
end Charles Malcolm,
Sunday, August 12. Mr, Malcolm
will conduct the service at Egmond-
ville at 111 a.m, and at Northside at
7 p,m. The morning theme, "Prayer
in the Christian Faith." The story in
the evening, "'The Three Hebrew
Lilt Sunday after Trinity, Sunday,
August 112Th, IS. S. and Bible Class
10 o'clock,
Morning •ning prayerr, 311 o'clock, Ser-
mon topic, "Mar and the Purpose."
In the afternoon Canon Appleyard
is taking the service at Staffa at 3
u clock; the evening service at Hen-
sall at 7 o'clock.
No evening service at St, Thomas'
On Sunday the Oxford Group from
Mitchell and Listowel will conduct
services in Duff's at 111 a.m.; Bethel,
3.30 p.m., and Winthrop 8 p.m, Rev.
G. E. Morrow, Pastor.
'A number from. Seaforth attended
the Hensall-IIngcrsoll baseball .match
at 'Hensall on Wednesday afternoon,
ah ch resulted in a 5-5 tie at the end
of the eighth inning when play ended
becaase of the storm.
1 -Another game will have to be play-
ed to decide which team meets Strat-
ford in the group finals.
:Hensall won 7-5 in the first of the
two games,
Special mention is made of a play
by Gordon Rennie that ended the
S:h, made a wonderful catch that
stopped three Ingersoll nen on bases.
Ingersoll tallied 1 run in the first and
four in the -second, resulting from er-
rors on the part of Hensall, who fol-
lowed with a 1 and a four,
Ali remains quiet in regard to the
beer and wine situation in Huron, Ap-
plicants for licenses 'report no word
from Toronto, and no application
money has been refunded.
The August meeting of St. Thomas
\Vom.en's Auxiliary was held 011
Tuesday, the seventh in. the parish
hall. The President, Mrs. Apiplleyard,
took charge. Only fourteen members
were present. The meeting was open-
ed with a hymn, followed by litany
and :prayers. Reports of the various
committees were dealt with after
which arrangements were made for
packing the mission schools bales.
The meeting cllaseel with the bene-
'Veelc end guests of Mrs. K,raus-
lropf were her sister, Mrs, John ',Zet-
He of Kitclh;ever, Mrs. Wm, Burns
and son James of 'Galli, Miss Pearl,
McCormack and Mr, Jack McCorm-
ack, Detroit, and Miss Dorothy Nol-
an of Londono
,Miss Dorothy Nolan of London is
spending her vacation at her home
at Beechwood.,,
Mrs. George S. McCalla and family
and Mrs: Matthew Hendrickson and
family have reiturned to Detroit af-
ter .spending a few weeks with their
parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Kraus'kopf,
Jvfiss Rose ,IKrausikoipf is spending a
few weeks in 'Detroit,
:The town league soft ball playoffs
start next week, The Collegiate is
.leading now with 114 points; Merch-
ants 112 pts, Egmoudville 110 pts, In-
dustries 8 pts. Games for this week-
end include Industries vs, Collegiate,
ort Thursday, and Industries vs, Eg-
mondville on Friday, the game on
Thursday of last week having been
postponed due to rain. The score by
innings, of Tuesday evening's grime
was ' Merchants '711.50, 0'3 4, 4-139;
Egmandville 2 4 '5, 0 3 4-1118.
Merchants—Cleo Christie, Ted Ta-
man, 'rein Cliff, Evan Rennie, B
Christie, J. Garcimo, G, Free, Jack
Chereos, Pete Hays.
lEgmondville — J. Sherwood, C.
Trott, F Kling, G. Rennie, J. Dun-
lop, J. Flannery, C. Sherwood, L. Ha-
gen, G. Krnae.
There will be two exhibition games
on Saturday, Aug. ',lith, 4 p.m„ and
Civil Service, Toronto, on Aug, leth,.
1Seaforth Tigers defeated the Eg•-
mondville Red Sox at the "Rec" Sat-
urday morning, 'Seaforth highed off
first. No score in the first half, but in
the second half Cameron scored twice,
Rin:krey once, Smith once, Montgom-
ery once and Habkirk once,
A men's tournament scheduled for
the Seaforth Bowling Club on Wed-
nesday evening vas postponed on ac-
count of rain,
Ms. Ales. Sparks Sr. and his son
Archie and daughter-in-law of Det-
roit were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
\\'nt, Sparks over the week end.
The .B'oy ,Scouts of Lucan, under
the leadership of Raymond Freckle -
ton, who have been camping at
Snowden's beach, returned home on
Mrs. ,Hi1'bert Mfussehnan and her
sister, Miss Florence Fleming of El-
mira, have been visiting friends on
the 'Brofrc•n line.
Mr. Donald Turner of London
spent Sunday 'with -friends at .Blake,
The Young People of Blake intend
holding their annual lawn social on
-August '20th on ,the, public school
Mfr, and Mrs. Beat McKay of
iBrucc:tiield spent ,Sunday at the home
1 Mr: John A. Armstrong.
-Mfr's, Jas. Boyce of Egntonllvilie has
keen the guest of Mrs, 1V. J. ;Dawson
for a few days.
MIs. 'Geo..\rnt.<trong Sr., who .has
-pent the past two mouths -with his
daughter. 11rs, D. J. Stephenson has
noc to spend a while with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Ed. Boyce, of IBrucefield.
Mfr, Stewart Beaty, Mr. Mervyn
Keys, Miss Emma.MMc!Bride and Miss
Olive 1Erratt motored to .Rondeau
Park .on Friday to • spend. the week
end with Rev. E. A. ;Poulter .and fam-
Miss Isabel 'Robinson is apencting
the week at the CG.I.T. camp near
Mr. and Mrs.• John 'Metcalf of
Turnberry visited at Mr. D. J. Steph-
enson'.s on 'Sunday.
Rev. M•r, :Bandy and family of
Varna leave this week for their vaca-
tion, :consequentlyno services will be
held nex:t!Sunday in the churches en
the V:arna -charge,
IT9freshing operations have started
but rumor has it that considerab'l'e
rust has infested the spring crop,
Rumor has it that Huron comity
may get the beer and wine, which is
justifiable on the grounds that the
province slhould have uniform laws. If
it comes we hope that the law will be
strictly observed and that the bever-
ages will .be used in moderation and
that no evil habits ,w*I'll be learned.
Rev. Mir. Turner of the United
Church, Staffa, conducted the service
on Sunday morning and delivered a
fine address.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MoOellar
and Bernice McKellar were week-
end guests with friends in Brussels;
Miss Routly, Divi:ton, with her cous-
in, Grace McLachlan; bliss Violet
Crosby, Carron, Sask., with. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas 'Laing and other
friends Erla' and Margaret Treffry.,
with relatives in Flint, : Mich.; Mrs.
Hennicdc, Tonawanda, N. Y., at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc-
Kellar; Mrs. Simon Miller with rela-
tives in. Toronto.
The service in the United Church
will be held at a quarter to ten nest
Sunday, August 112th,
Mr. and Mrs, j. Menueen were
pleased to receive a cab from their
former pastor, Rev, W. D. McIntosh
of Stamford, last week.
,Mr. McQueen's many friends were
glad to see him at church last Sunday
after an absence of three months
through illness.
Mr. and Mrs, W. N. McQueen and
daughter of Toronto spent the week
end at the hone of the former's par-
ents in the village.
Mr. and Mrs Halstead, and babe of
Stratford visited at the honne of the
latter's parents last week.
Misses. Ina and -Marlon :Gray of
Egmondville spent the holiday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 3, Moodie. ,
Mrs, G. Tilt of Bayfield and Mr.
and Mrs. L. Forest, Mr, and Mrs. Jas,
McQueen of Brncefield attended. the
Cosens reunionpicnic which was held
in Queen's Park, Stratford, last Mon-
day. They report a most enjoyable
time spent with their friends,
Chappel. Re -union. — The Chappel
Re -union was held at the halite of
_lir. and Mrs. David Chappel of Crc-
marty on Wednesday, July 25th when
forty relatives gathered to enjoy a
very pleasant afternoon. A. ball game
was enjoyed by old and young. After
the ball game races were held, The
winners were: Boys under 7, Lorne
Chappel, Roy Ferguson. Boys 14 and
under, John Chappel, Alvin Kentp,
Young ladies' race, Janet Chappel,
Edna Bruce. Young 'ten's race, Ar-
thur Kemp, Wilbert Chappel, Mar-
ried women's rare, Mrs, C. .Page, firs.
G. Peacock, Married men, race, Will
Ferguson, lir: E. Kemp. Matrimon-
ial race, Mrs, C. Page and 1fi11 Fer-
guson; Mr. and firs. Ed, Chappel;
and Wilbert Chappel and Wilhelmina
Ferguson came in ties. Lunch was
served by the young 'people, After
.unci' a hall game between married
sten and single 11150 concluded the af-
ternoon sports. Guests were present
from McConnell, Manitoba; Marlette,
\lichigln; Prospect Hill, Science 1Ii11,
\Litcheil, Munro, Russelldale, Elim-
ville and Cromarty.
Mrs William McLaren has return-
ed to Cromarty from Regina, where
she went to attend her sister's
Death of Andrew Patrick. — There
passed away on Monday, August 6th.
'(134, at itea home, 1,?tit concession of
\icK•illop.lir, \nirew` Patrick, after
a brief illness, Deceased, who was
in his sixty-seventh year, had visited
on Thur •day at the home of his bro-
ther William in Hibhert and had
hone from there to his brother, Mont-
gomery 'Patrick's, who is in bed with
both legs fractured as the reiti!t of
an accident some weeks ago, ani' it
was while there that he suffered a
paralytic stroke. He was removed to
his home in McKillop by ambulance
but failed to rally. 'Eldest son of the
late Mr, and Mfrs. Andrew Patrick,
he was born on the olcl homestead in
I-Libbert, near Staffa, where he resided
until about thirty-five years ago he
was united in marriage to Miss
'Margaret Barbour, daughter of
James Barbour of Hibbert. They
settled on the next farm on the 9th
concession of Hibbert, later moving
to McKillop, Mr, Patrick was a high-
ly esteemed ntennber of Caven
Church, Winthrop, Besides his widow
he is survived by one son, Roy, in
M eKildop, also two brothers, Mont-
gomery Patrick,. Tuokersmith, .and
William Patrick, Hibbent and two
sisters, Mrs. Robt. Lavery, .Hibbert,
and Mrs, Isaac 'Moore, Tuckersntith;
one sister, Mrs. R. Coleman, prede-
ceased hint. The funeral took place
1Vednesd.ay afternoon, interment in
Staffa cemetery. Rev, G. E,^ Morrow,
his pastor officiated. The funeral was
attended by a very large number of
friends. The pallbearers were Robert
Lavery, Ernie Dineen, Montgomery
Davis, William Patrick, James Bar-
bour, Jack Barbotr:
The Township 'Council met in the
council room Saturday, .July 28th. All
members present, It; was moved by
C. MacKay, secondee' by S. Whit-
more, that R. J. Beatty act as clerk
due to the illness of the Clerk. Car-
ried. It was moved by S, H, Whit-
more, seconded by C. MacKay, that
the minutes as read be adopted. Car-
ried. Moved by M. Clark, seconded-
by C. MacKay that James Smillie
be paid $110 for sheep killed by clogs.
Carried, Moved by Chas. MacKay,
Graduation Gifts
That very pleasant occasion—Graduation—really does
deserve some lasting recognition—something enduring
to perpetuate the joy of the occasion—to perpetually
mark the success achieved, And to help your selection
we suggest
Wrist Watch $10.00
Waterman Pen & Pencil $ 3.75
Gift Ring $ 2,50
Necklet of Pearls $ 2.50
Necklet of Marcasite
Settings $ 150
Manicure Set ,,,, ,,,,,, $ 2.50
Travelling Sets $ 3.50
Bill Fold and
Key Tainer Set , . , , $ 2.00
Book Ends $ 1.00
Cuff Links $ 1.00
And with many other beautiful gifts that will 'help:
the happy occasion, we suggest that you
Phone 194. Res, 10.
seconded by J. McGregor, that the as he is said to have driven on the
highway vnthout stepping. 1 -Ie ap-
peared in county court on a reckless
driving charge and was released or-..
$500 bail.
\In , Isabel Graham of Seaforti,
and Mrs, Walker Carlile and children
of Seaforth ..gent a few days at Mrs.
Wm. Lantlshorottgh's.
Mr. and .Mrs. Lewis Tehbut spent
Sunny with friends al \\'nnghant.
Mrs. Moltrien vi Hullett spent last
Wednesday at her mother's, Mrs. W.
Mrs. Eph, Clarke of Mullett spent
last Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Thos, Coleman,.
The many friends of Mrs, John
Forrest are sorry to hear of her re-
moval to St. Joseph's Hospital ir:
'Len tion but will wish to hear of 0.
•pec iv reca!vcry.
Mir. and Mrs, Cecil Oke and :lir.
and lfrs. Russell Coleman and family
spent last Sunday in Sarnia,
The August Meeting of the Tuck-
ersmith Ladies' Llub was held at the.
home of Mrs. R. Fear with twenty ,i>
members, four visitors and a nlunbt'!-
01 children present, this being the an-
uuai children's meetings The roll cal=
was answered by "Things We Should,
Teach our Children. A good pro -
grant was given including a reading
by Eileen Walters, a solo by Ida Ter-
rybi:rry, a reading by Vehna Ashton.
and a duet by Florence Whitmore and
Margaret Crich. \Irs. Fred Sloman of
the C.N.R. ;school car in Northern
Ontario was present and told the
ladies of some of their work in the
north country, :An interesting feature
of the meeting was the judging of the
butterfly quilt blocks for which Miss
Sadie Ball woo the prize for the pret-
tiest block, The September meeting
wilt be held at the home of ,llrsi, Gif-
ford Crich, the roll call to be answer-
ed by "A Country I would Like tc
See and Why."
Miss Muriel Sparling of Brussels is
visiting at the home off her sister.
Mrs. R. Fear,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dutot, Mr. Johst
Dutot, Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Goul-
et called' let Alex. Wallace's on Sun-
day. Mr. John Dutot :is. remaining:
for a short visit.
'Arks. 'Anne Hudson Sr,, Mrs. Ahnie
Logan, Mr. and Mrs. George Hu:d'son.
of Hensall, :and 'Mr. and Mrs, At.
Harvey, of Kippen, were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfrid
(Miss Alice I-Iudson spent a few
clays this week with !her sister, Mrs.
Wilfrid Co'lcntae.
Mr, Stanley Dtitot, Brucefield, had
the misfortune to pinch his han,d'in.
the threshing machine and is at Tres -
eat at Seaforth hospital.
Andrew ,Kirk of Tuckersmith has
sokl his Aberdeen Angus, head of .hi
Mark Herd, to Mr. 1=I. Tomlinson of
Walton and has replaced :him with
another fine animal off the breed; Mr.
!Todd of St. Helens Captures so malty
prizes with in ;Guelph, Toronto and '
other fairs,
:Many friends of Mr, Isaac Moore '
were sorry to learn he suffered
slight stroke last' Thursday, his
speech being affected,.
following accounts be paid—D. F.
McGregor, registration of B. M. & D.
$7; R, J, Beatty, prem, road incur.
$1126; \1', Coleman, cement sidewalk,
Bruce'leld, $3.60; Jas. Smillie, sheep
killed $10; R. Ketnned,y, weed inspec-
tor, $32.50. .Moved S. H. Whitmore -
\I. Clark, that R. Dalrymple be given
cheque for pay sheets Nos. 8 and 9
for 11,21'33.14. Carried, shoved Chas,
3IacKay,S, 13. Whitmore, that the
Collector be given an extension of
time until Sept. 15th to further con-
tinue the collection of taxes, Carried
J. Mc:Gregor-\l. Clark, that council
adjourn to meet Saturday, Aug. 25
at 6:30 p.m.—R. J. Beatty,
The death occurred Saturday after-
noon in St. Joseph's hospital, Lond-
on, of Ilelen Story, wife of the late
Sanntel. G. Houston, and daughter of
MIr. and Mrs. Andrew- Story, respect-
ed pioneers of Tuckersmith, aged 7-1
year lfrs. Houston with her two
daughters, and her son Andrew Hou-
ston, Tuckersmith, were passengers
in a car driven by Thomas Hodgert.
also of Tuckersmith, when a car dri-
ven by 13. Dickcnsen of Swansea,
crashed into the Seaforth car at the
intersection of No. 4 and No, 22
highways at Elgin'tleld. Mrs. Houston
was seriously injured and her daugh-
ter, Miss Frances, received ]read lac-
erations. Both were removed to St.
Joseph's hospital on Monlay after-
noon, July 34th, wlu,re the former
had since been in a critical condition.
She was highly esteemed in the com-
munity being of a kind and hospitable
,disposition. She was long a member
of the Egmondvilie United Church
and also the W.M.S. Her husband, a
lifelong resident of Tuckersmith, died
on June and. Surviving are one son.
Andrew Houston, Tuckersmith, and
two daughters, Miss Frances 'Hous-
ton, of the Grandview School staff,
Brantford, and Miss Betty Houston
at home. The funeral took place on
Monday afternoon, interment being
made in the Egmonevnille cemetery.
Rev, C. A. Malcolm of Egntondville
Church, o'fficia'ted, The pallbearers
were: James Gemmell, James Love,
John McLachlan, Alex. Simpsony
Thos. Hadgert, Roland Kennedy.
Among those from a distance were
Mfrs. 'Giant of St. Marys, Miss Mar-
ion Houston of St. Marys, Mr. and.
Mrs. James Houston and Jack Hislop
of Grey; :lir. and Mrs, Robert Ladd-
laav (former neighbours) of California
Coroner Dr. I--Iarold I3eniderson of
London has ordered an inquest into
the death of Mrs. Houston and a pre-
liminary hearing was .herd at St. Jlos
eph's Hospital, •Saturday with a jury
empanelled by Provincial Officer 'W.
R. Caverly. The jury is composed of
David Walsh, foreman, Reg, Palmer,
Dayton Marsh, al. 1NglIe ins, J. H.
Burch, David Marshall W. Wilcox,
U. A. Barlow and A. M. Iles, A post
m:ortem was .performed by Pr. H. G.
Fletcher of St. John's and evidence in
the inquest will be taken at trite coun-
ty court roofs. at 81155 p,ra. Thursday
of this week, Broad Dic'kensen, driver
of the car which struck the Seaforth
machine, was arrested by Traffic Off -
liter Jackman following the accident