HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-08-02, Page 2THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Fish -Dealer Gives Self Up at jail.
Wesley Thompson's sentare into the
fish-ilea;ing bu on es la -ted for just
wo :rip:, says the C:'oderfch Si ta:.
It wile then -brought to. an abrupt en -1.
After being out of work few some
them, 1'hompeon, a \V Idtechurch ratan.
began his fish iut,i:tr..s. i:very'tliiiig
went well nnt!i, tea his second trip, he
drive omni 'ae lane of a \Vvet \Yaw-
etoish farnt!t''i-r pion", into the side
f a truck trice,, by Harvey Ecker. of
Lee -knew. c'1 ,i,se trout w tftetisn and
oere.t were -t n.ered far and wide ov-
er the dusty c••uutry .read an,1 the
!rick was badly damages]. .\s if that
were: not en,mgh, Th. ntpsort t+'as
I -pi -m:1 guilt;' reckles, driving,
tliobgit sir ', eade,.l not guilty before
31a tree lege( tt Saturday', ,uml was
.,mise cd SII) and co -t, or ten day,.
le was given a week to raise the
.fl few, but we, s•,en convinced that
the t ecee any funds were not easily
„lttaivable, :oil s,, presented himself
at tile )ail •..n Tuesday and demanded
admittance. His only proof that he
was e igi'a:e for admittance Via the
site, isf paper !warble; the amount .of
:siert ,. •°ts and the ,iii -ter word,,
•'1'1 default. ten day, in jail," 'Lidttnp-
eas ed n,itted ontheetreueth of
tit: , ail then Sheriff Reynolds went
.b Cie - \Magi •rte'sfor the -nec-
• ;r'tiitntrnt ;raper-.
Former Pupils Spend a Day
at School of Their Childhood
'Three Months for Exeter Robbery.
the \Iatrite'- Cone( ,in Tues -
lay treerrina .a -t, Roy I-larne,s and
1r eve Rex t,.,n. AVin 1•or yuntts,
its ivc'I sou rove three
:regal:. dtelitise •o, 1 three months ftt-
lrtrrnina•,•,n •i 'barge f breaking
int x101i rt ethe store of South-
,!, 1!r,,'.. Exeter. m Line 21,- ;eel
-tea, , I: .,, ,.l 'l,'+t,:-iy v'4'at ;w' ,rti1 !oi
i.•_. -told Otte ntor.th .m a
,it.i Ig open a ;x- ;,ainp
gent i R, E. i',,. ,.y. \Vine l i,ea,
e'.gete'Se.a. seven e t,!- r.- .gee. -,:-
i et. The -en,,ar , run oncttr-
r+et.tic-, 1!ttrm.- aa, oind -rail:.: at
Strelfgrd t t eft amotree-
ii'e, .ft St, blare-- 1. 1+ 1 I.,wt- an ex -
Ira •. ,'•et' tt. ,.t t1.- 1 , ,erve i,ln that 4C-.
Engagement Announced—\I-.. .in•k
11r. and '+ire..Vee. V\rinht, \Vrox-
,tee, aim., ice the e't-a.timulit
their eldest ,l i tn' tsr. i. rtr-et t Pearl,
to Vial: N. \lir,' •n of lIr-. lan-
\V'rdnes4;ty, July 25th, was a ,anuli
day' long to be remembered in the rlis-
trict ashen many from the ,utrounel-
itig cettfttry gathered, at S;S. No. 13,
East \Vawwattoeh to celebrate with
them another ther reunion of former res!-
drnts and teachers. Former teacher.
and reirlente gathered again from.
many point in 'Oita! a 11tutit,yba and
evert from the Pacfhc Coast and sev-
eral States to the South were also re.
presented itt the happy- gathering, The
;eh t,l tail !rounds were gaily decor-
ated and there seae a nicely arranged
pl.trtforen which was' adorned in red,
white and blue bunting, and evergreen
and above all limited the union jack.
The a'fternoon's activities started
with it parade of decorated cars,
buggies and wagons +vivh the old re-
liable horse -power, clown:, riders on
horseback, newly wedded couples,
comic, and nnuty other subject,,, 'Tia
parade started on the hill east of -the
school and made the round, of the
school grenade and later back up the
hill again, Some time elapsed as
friend greeted friend before the audi-
ence seas brought to neater• by. «rte of
the cornier 'pupil, of the schn,d, .\us -
tin Mudge. nog a Presbyterian minis-
ter of Hamilton, Ile dtetroduced Jus,
L. St ttchouse, al,o another early ptt-
pt' „f tile- section. and who was presi-
dent the r tt i'.t committee. Fol-
. ntn,n, him ,t.,;. Peter \W. Scott. alt.,
aa, l,ct-n the active ee'retary of the
inv.atiun cotnndttet. Mr. Begat at
this time. extended e w•elceme to ail
present and regretted tite unavoidable
i , e rme e a large number. it ie year,
rime tile liret reunion was held and
t1r Scott -aid that there iia! been 70
a^.t had reeeived 1'.tttitu ns ten years
wh, 11.1 },au -ed a,tay mince that
tsic and , minute ,;rule sea• tab-
revil in their mentors .taring the ni-
t rrtt,,',n'• pr , rant.
1!r. Sew:, gate <t -h,,rt !ristory •,f
the +eeti„u w hen he -tate.] -tlat in the
at Metre e in 1 tele net, Vex. \l:mroe 'a:I 180' !he ett:,•r- herd t uttttiit.
11 r �'.( ter. :he n•arla e • , t'ake(t . arrange for the L. fidliig :Ind coil-
., quiet') ear'y itt \ttw•t-t. ! tt t! - a e1::1 in S.S. No, 13, a
Wingham Dentist Suffers - Burn.—'
t , ,.,r,t r;. Dr.
\. 11-. Irwin, 1V.mgelan, ,rt- e tt
pointed the right v.iten sic
neaet,-'l oi' that he ,t1: ,t -.ng
- flame- +icd tie,• g•ti._1 I y site tt•i The
it r ••a"rigid the burning • t
• en Mt., the e.At t'ti3 , r.,rtl til
slie l bark into the , l ,ret , - tut 1
•,ltt the fire ,art. fly till- 'inti• , -light
eir+. ' t,,1 -tart.1 the t it,'tt .. room.
1]r yni,,Ii-,'strut ti, .td the ','azo
.Niel trlcd the an, ',nrnt oil
down the halt, ,tair, ilito the var'l.
ITi prompt tf ,n averted a merfoos
init. the doetor nail the hack ,ti
riaitt band 'hilly burned, It will
ithont two ws•elcs before 'ti- tand
Zurich Items.--bir. situ! Mr-. .\tel-
< •su d m utbrr, \l:,tlr.a- 1Ltrri•on,
I n m„ Parrott and David .e . t, pio-
neer- the ^t. aid type, a ere elected
rosters. \\:,!ter 5-eot• donate'' a free
site on the corner of lot ,it,, con. 7,
Cie ,:t" li-g and playgrounds,
Datil- by mean, 1-fxstt-
n' ee a bit!rock elm 1
-:n site eel a leg csittaat t a,
'rel:, 1'h, fir -t .tic:ft•r ,i i., Amt
11 are, a rt -i•l, sit t the t,.twn,',tip near
heli ern. II+_r •curies bugau fele 1,
1- 3. attic +o taunt , n Inn and a
girl present, As there icer many
young families :;roti tg itt the list of
tl t s 'et n 11 ,s increased aril ie. -a
very fc,w year., as many a, 15 pttpla'
noow. seer•,, .at the roll, In this 20th
.ntgry the ,, Itulaetion decreased until
.t ower 2.• iter, of school t e in the
ti ae.ltt 1t17t, a esbnmseitlions frame
new 1'. ale... are visiting fried nI was built on tate site on the
South Mend, Ind„ a I will al..... take li sir,most farm, one quarter nuc eitmt
;n the Expn,tti•,tt at Latin:ii, -\ir, , ale 1pg school and ttway ,tutu the
.ofd Mrs. A'bert- 'iwailt „t Ili mbolt, ng creek• 'lidsg we, used
• i -d., are sisiting the Fernier', meth- untitled -4 ghee the pre -int red brick
.and steer relatives.- :bits tar: anr•11 hili!dint sea• •,arteria back on the first
O,ht„ra was a recent w -. "r at the site which was enlarged at this ;into:
longe Mr, and Mrs. W. C.. Wagner, Partly the era -on of returning sea, ire
,He sea- neem- pe -Med by his seter, :act that It elgrave sec tint had been
Miss 'Alnte,la, of the west wit, is a ,orated which to:,k some et the cast -
high ,,-Dant teacher, The brut:ter and ern part of the original No. 13. Other
-i lc; are elildrert of Mr, Dain' Steell teacher., who taught in the log school
Aberdeen, Sask. Jliee Snell. i- vi- 'sere tee,,, \\'iehtnnot, 51'1,s Church -
ging friends here. - t'1 bir-. Siege, \lis- ()liter, .Miss
SI till,
Mise \icoGrtw, Sara Butte,
Hawkins -Miller.--'.\ quiet. b:it, very Rey soot ,also commented on the
:,retly wedding sea,-i,temnizod in St. goodwill and teaut-stork. of the sea-
I'aul'- Church, (linnet en \We,lne,day <frrnt- in the section, It setts in Jaunary
aitrru,"ul when \iota Geraldine Mit - that a s'pa't'"ail meeting „i the re -idents
er, niece! of Mr.. and Mrs. 1lernlait)
had Inset held to discus the matter of
Daynutn of 1[e.eeall, was milted in holding a reunion and it was decided
marriage to Jlr. 1 -!ti Ricitard 1lavi- to hold hold one „to eeeryune had carried
kite, eldest -,sit of Mr. and Mrs. W. their share of the work to the,littal (lay
T. 1-!awkiu, of ('littton. •1'he bride, of triumph and happiness.
aha was given in marriage by her Miss Rebecca Lovett, now 'Mrs,
'Ingle, was charmingly attired ie s f yner, was called to the platform and
white ,ilk crepe ensemble with crepe
brought -„horst to order with the •raja
hat and carried a banquet of sweet- of the old stick aril opened the school
heart roses and baby's breath. 'I'hii in the regulation tome- .S.cripture
only attendants itene the bride's aunt, rending incl prayer. :\ustin !Budge
\Ir,, leeayntan, and the groom .,iter, called nn Ijtu. '1'aytor to lead in corn-
: blies Madeline Hawkins of 'Toronto, „unity ,in!ging which wan id wed by
On their i'etttrtt from their hnneynti'nti ,hart speech by George 'Spotton,
to Niagara Fall, .they will reside in \I:I'„ (ilea tiuwdei ref :\llegin, \Mich.,
Clinton Real Estate Changes.—
Hiss E. J. 'Becket- has purchaser) the
acre of land adjoining her residence on
Eric street, Clinton, from -:Mrs. Mary
Rutledge. This increases the young
lady's residential estate to four - acres.
-Mrs, Neck, widow of Drheck of
0-cnsall and her Ann and daughter.
have taken the cottage at the corner
of Joseph and Orange streets, Clin-
Young Clergyman Married,
'Rev, George R. '1 it -ti psora, Kent
vale, 5„S., son of bit•, and Mrs. 11, J.
also spoke. As Peter Scott is reeve
In S. S. No, 13, East Wawanosh,
was Miss Ann Hoare (later Mrs,
James Harrison), who taught for
three years, beginning Feb, 1st,
1863, She obtained her early school-
ing at Auburn and in company with
several other girls, got their higher
education, often studying while do-
ing work by log firelight. They
walked to Goderich to successfully
write their Model School examina-
tions. Mrs. Harrison' lived to her
84th year, passing away in 1927.
The section, known as the Scott
and Harrison school and situated on
the 6th con. between Belgrave and
Westfield. held a large re -union on
July 25th,
Fresh from
the Gardens
From Canton --lir. and Mfrs. John
Gibbings, Mr. and Mrs, Went. Bail,
\I,s. J. T. Crich, Mr. and Mrs, Pen -
found and family. Mitt. Lucy Wright,
Sadie Bail, \I:, and Mrs. J. E. Ball.
bin, and bite. Percy Gibbings and
Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gi'bbilt_s,
Mr, and Mrs, Norman Mair. From
\Vaiton \fess Isabel Coutta, From
Kipper—Jfr. and \Ire. Thos. Butt,
From Flint, Mich, -11r. and Nies,
John Butt and daughter, joy Belle,
From Detroit, -liich.—\irs, Margaret
Smith. bin, and Mrs. Watson, From
Auburn—Mr. and lire, G. H. Bali,
JIr, and Mrs. Athos Bal}, Stanley
Bali Maxine ,Ball, Rorie Ball, Bertha
Hohner, From Hcnsall—Mr, Jas.
Petty, Mist Nora Petty. From Den-
field—JIr, and Mrs, Roy Siddall.
Front Zurich—Mr, \\int. Slack. From
Goderich--Mr. and Mrs. Luther :\ilin
and Gladys, bar. Ton !Gray, bliss
Mabel Brownlee, bits. htary A. Fish-
er \1r, \Vat. H. Mew, \ors, Sam Ai -
lin, -firs. Victor lit,yce, Hazel, Dottie
and -Elgin. Mr, and :\Irs.:Bert Shoh
brook, \Ir, and bits, R. H. \fel+-. A
tote of thank= was -tendered the com-
mittee for their splendid services. It
;was decided to hold the reunion at
the ,ante place on July 5th, 1935, the
followingbeing appointed a commit-
tee for 1935: Tho... W. Bute Kippen;
John Fe Ball and John G. Gibbing's,
council paiii the reantat a friendly
t•si:. 'Tile number sicced of Reeve
\\'right of Tern'srry,
Ct bit rne; Manning-. Goderich;
Gamble awl- Detuer i tz ,: TI ,twirl
Jiat'tes, tt .\siife l; Bowman
' f
ilris-e's, and War lot George E:lint
f C'iint ,n, who -was A:Likesman 1'n'
the ;roup -With a int n tr els addre,-;
Other older pupil call 1 ti the plat-
form nett. .\tile 11-wrisin and John
bla-in, Annie \Vas the first pttliil to
secure an entrance certiti.ate.
erogram charge' now 0) a
period t'ports t n t tg .f race;
for a.: ,1 t 1 ,t -•I'. it 111 -a;1.. 'Many vi`-
ite'd the o!1 eeimmine hole and a
large tett !,'.ter of the yseatt.ger niten
tried it out for ti emeelvee. It is estint
ated 12 )1 to 1,SVti attended the day's
tri t ides. 'l'lte weather wt- 11 ..4 in the
sun but in tate shale a nice breeze
made it very pleasant,
'Will Taylor, another former pupil.
row a t vita' 1 (intrust minister at
RRookwieel, Was • na ratan of the next
es. -on pr. muni from tit :i anent
when there ,+as c„mnninf t' - ! ,ging
uuT a, recitation ',y Lizzie Harrison
(etre. \\ t Scoti,l
Rev. Mr, Grant, pit -tut of Knox
1'nited t'twrch, Bt Grace, Rev. Mr.
\lortim rt of Attwtrtt, alt! \i esttield,
Geo,. Nayl a, I,P.S„ Chath,mt, Gordan
\Vig}ttnmtt, I'pper 'Mot,tclaiir. NJ.,
and Elliott Richmond. al-, gave ebort
i Irlreeees. The 'Westfield orchestra
.,.ave mu it and ginner :was ,erred to
the happy Jtror_, after which many
watched tia1Itrertba!l game, oth-
ere hurried home t, everting chore-
and retnrtted with many others to
hear an et•enittit program furnished
by the Blyth Band and assistants who
ably helped to round out the clay.
The leader of the hand ryas Alfred
Cook, another former No. 1'3 pupil.
\t the npett'ing i,f the evening pro-
gram .Ze1ta Cook, daughter of Fred
Cook and Etta Black. both parents
being born in that section, Wit,
crowned by Austin Budge a, Miss
\\awanush. Alfred Caek then intro-
duced the following program which
was interspersed with selections by
the band: Mr. Bray, vocal sole Miss
Vivian \lcElrey, reading; Pert Culli-
ntore, \\'hitetI:arch. vocal solo; Jean
('lark, Hamilton, piano sol:,; Jami,,
Sint,, t ,t.tl solo; Charlie Blackstone,
of Owen Sound, clarinet solo. Austin
hedge spoke the appreciation of all
'ai the splendid program furnished by
the hand. 'He hoped the next reunion
wwboldn't be more than tett years away.
The eines w"h'o had conte from far
away point, were thanker) for their
presence and messages, \Trs, Robert
Lapsley of Vancouver, IB.C., and Mrs.
Belle Dougall of Elgin, Man., who
addressed the gathering, were a few
of the real: far away one tnho came
\1't,wanosh, a group of the county hack Eon the :great clay.
Thompson, of Goderich township,
vas tnanried there om July 116th to
'Elko. Constance Paltneter of that
town. Rev. and Mfrs. Thompson are
enrolling their honeymoon at the
home of his parents in Goderich
Butt Family Picnic, - The annual
Butt family reunion was held at Har-
bor Park, Goderich, o -n July 116th•. A
goodly number were present and the
d'a' vias spent lit social chat and vari-
otts games, under the management of
the committee. Regret was expressed
at the absence of quite -a large nutiib-
er who were unavoidably kept away
through Meese. ,Baunt.eous meals were
served by the ladies. Those present
front Lolndeeboro were: Mr. nand Mire.
Leslie Ball and family, Marie Comte
Roy Voddeti Len Vodden, Kennett`
V'oddtn, firs. Eunice Vodden, \•fahe-
V+rrigltt, Herbert Vodden lied Vod
den, Mr. a.nd.Sire. Norman Wright
From $caforth-.\4rs. _Leslie Tasks
and Mary, Mr, and M•re W -m. Batt',
Dies in Tenth Year,—'line symp-
athy of tate cumniunity is extended to
Mfr. and Mrs. Harry Fork and family
of Elimrille it: their sad bereavement
in the iia ,frig of their youngest dau-
ater Edna, On Friday she was re-
moved to .St, Joseph', Hospital, Lon-'
at. ttitrre ,ire had been operated on
for appendicitis but the apeendix had
been truptured and after tint days of
extreme suffering the bright little life
paeeed away Sonil•ty vu the dawn of
her tenth birthday , Edna will he
greatiy ntis.ced by ail -her school mates
and at Sunday School and as a tttetu-
bcr id the \lissian Band as she al-
tt ay: took part in all activities as a
faithful and consistent member, She
sally mourned by her parents, two
brothers and two sisters, Latera, Ina,
Clarence and G tntlon, all at home,
The funeral vas heal on Wednesday
with interment in Exeter cemetery,
into its quarry about the neck part 1931 figures for :gasoline taxation and
and apparently, ,tick: the life out of it. registration.
The beetle is a fiat -backed type, about —\Montreal Motorists League.
half an inch long, of a brownish color,
with a light underbody, has six legs.
two feelers and a sort of stinger one-
-quarter inch long+which when not in
ane killing potato bugs is carried un-
der the body part.
Returns After 51 Years—
lire. Katherine Sidle 'Ritchie of
Denner, Cato„ is visiting at the home
of her old friend, Nies, Louisa !Hunter,
Brit s els. 'Fifty-one years ago, Mrs.
Ritchie left 'Craitbruok -for Wiecoueitr
where she joined 'her father and -bro-
thers, bits. Liddle is •buried there,
her mother and brother, William, are
buried in Cranbrook Cemetery, Dur-
ing her sojourn from Cranbroak, Mrs,
Ritchie .spent 6 years in Notate, Alas-
ka, arriving there at tate time '11 the
famous gold rush of 98, 'Later. while
visiting in Manchester, England, on
one of her 'numerous trips abroad Mrs,
Ritchie located several of hermother's
relatives, including her uncle, 'Richard
Vickers of the famous armament mak-
ers. At the church of St, Boldface in
1unbttry (Cheshire) where her pars
encs were married, \lies. Ritchie erect-
ed a very beaotiittl altar. a memorial
their ittetltnry.
Brussels Hotel Changes Hands—
Mr. and Mee. T. Rtchtudsnt, who
have managed the Queen's Hotel in
P,russels, have gime to London. They
were accompanied by bliss Ellen
N icitul; .\lessen. Joe Maisel and Gel).
Hamilton of .Kitclte:ter. Mee, 'harry
Kirby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Q uerin of Brussels, will be the new
Constable Has Narrow Escape—
e. - County Constable Norman
Lever was nidi tg-tan•, ui:t lease gravel
near Exeter on Sunday his machine
skidded and threw hint into the ditch,
fracturing his leg. Helpless and pin-
ned beneath the heavy cycle, lever
would have been choked to death had
not Peter NicIsaac driven alottg
and found hint, \\'i:h the motor cycle
on Lip of hint, Lever was pewerle,'
to release himself from the weight
that was crushing, his neck. .V doctor
from Zurich as as called and had Let•er
removed to Clinton hospital.
Leaves $20,590 Estate.—An estate
valued at ;1111499 ie left by the late
Arlolphu, Hooper, former Hay town-
ship farmer and London gardener.
who ,,lied on Maroh 3. 1313.4. according
to application for probate. The estate
is -merle up of pernmai property, most-
ly mortgages and note-, valued at.
5iii,neieee, and a house i,n Tecumseh
Ave„ London, and flay township pro-
perty- valued at S4,:nte For the first
year atterhi, death his widen', Mr,
Mary Ellen Hooper. !London, is given
full tier of the entire estate and alter
the first year she is to be given she
use of one -hall of the estate for her
lifetime or Until she remarries. Other
beneficiaries are as follows: Laura
Petzold daughter, Green Cover
Springs, Fla., Y50t1; Clara Guenther,
Dashwood, daughter, $500; Grant
Houpee son, Salford., Ont: $500 and
one-quarter residue, -$1;'9444.66; WI's
liat,t Hooper, son, Hay township,
$1,009 and one-quarter residue; Fred
Homier, son, Wilton Grave, one quar-
ter of residue; and one,.quarter of res-
idue to Gurdon Hooper, another son.
of Toronto. At the death of Mrs.I Ioo-
per6 the residue from her part of the
estate is to be divided between the
two daughters.
Discover Enemy of Potato Bug.—
Man, who considers ,hinteell to have
Dominion over all living creature-, not
infrequently finds himself powerless
to exercise his control over inclu•strioue,
destroyers such as the potato bug and
must seeds natural enemies as allies. It
is therefore with a ,great deal o'i pleas-
ure that Many persons will !.earn that
a Wingham main 'has discovered a
beetle that consl'tiers the potato bug s
tasty morsel, in G. A. Schatte's. gar-
den, one of his boy's; Eric, saw a
beetle attacic a potato bug attd was sn
interested that he called his father to
hate a book, They captured a ,fuse of
the beetles toad pot them in a box .with
some potato 'bugs aid kept them all
under observation. 'Their efliorts were
shortly rewarded assume of the -beetles
again attacked the po"tato beg. The
beetle has a sort of stinger that it tar-
ries under its body and when it goes
to wroth: on a bug it s'ticks this stinger
C. A. Robertson Suffers Stroke—
Mr. C. .\, Robertson, JCP,i elect
for Huron -Bruce, suffered a .light
stroke last -week and ie confined to Itis
Los .An.geles, Calif,-1ifnow-u to mil-
lions who have seen on the screen,
Marie Dressler, had only her closest
friends and associates near her at pri-
vate funeral services. The services
were held at 9 ant 'Tuesday at Glen-
dale, Only those closest to her were
admitted to the chapel. The body of
Miss Dressler; "grand old lady" of the
screen, and Canadian born, was
borne back to her 'hone city !Sunday
from Santa 'Barbara, where she died
;ate ,Saturday. The ace, Neal Dodd,
pastor of the Little Church Around
the Corner in 'Hollywood, officiated.
bliss Jeanette Macdonald, soprano,
will sing Miss Dressler's f avorite
hytiut "Abitic \\'ith JIe.” Mt e Mac-
donald, who has gainer} note in the
Mine and on the concert stage, was a
close friend of the Cubour , 'Ont„ ac- .
Miss Cafhorine Lewis, who used 11
play for Mee Dressler on the stat
and in films, furnishing what the in-
dustry know as "side -line mucic.”
played the pipe organ.
bliss Dreeeler will be htiried in. a
plum -colored taffeta dyes:i—an a
noun dress slte liked best of all to
wardrobe. During the years of depriv-
ation before bliss Dressler gained rec-
ognition as one of the screen': im-
mortals, sten paid little attention t,
her. •'I n•tts a hero worshipper.” she
said, "I fell in hive with all the hand -
:some leading sten. I hung around,
watching them with adoring eyee. am 1
I suffered tortures when they paid at-
tentions to the good looking girl, in
the company, No one took me seri-
er:ottsly in a romantic away. .1t d'5 I
wrote at poem im "1'hc Horrors :. Cr: -
requited Lave,' "
While still in her early 2.11's Miss
Dressler's name was emblazoned t i
electric lights on the marquee of t
old Winter Garden theatre its
Vork. She was a comedienne in
musical revue.
"And to show- you what a kid I
sea,, one of the :.girls in the company
and f got a roam together in a hotel
near the theatre, where I could look
out and gee my name written in tit•
eleettie tight bulbe, Then wed agar
on the window sill, proudly watch the
sign flash, the while eating sand-
wiches and dropping crumbs down itt
the sidewalk beneath us,'
home in Colborne township, Mr. Ro-
bertson overtaxed himself during the
recent election, and has had many
callers to interview since that time,
and it is hoped that a good rest will
restore his health. ,At the beginning
of the week it was reported he was
doing nicely.
There are 393,3120 miles open for
highway traffic • in Canada in the most
regent figures of the 'Dominion Illureau
of !Statistic, .Of this total 91,311 are
surfaced and 377,049 are unsurfaced.
All these roads are outside of -utcor-
Petaled. cities, -towns and villages
under the jurisdiction of provincial
highways denartmente and also such
roads under local jurisdiction. The
price ea' these roads to Canadian mo-
toristc in g19t3? in the form of taxes on
gasoline and registration 'amounted to
4413,1379;587 which is collected, under
the original plan, for building and
maintaining road,, This amount was
paid by slightly more than I16 per tent,
of the population who owned motor
vehicles in this year, ei,i11144,5t03 regis-
trations being included in the 'Burettes
lin .the previous year, the 'Bureau
showed a grand total of 398 96 utiles
of road open .for traffic, so in the
twelve month, period there was an in-
crease of o'niy :14 utiles in the whole
of the !Dominion, while revenue from
registrations and ;gats tax increased
from $•!12;2311,4 H7 to '$45t309444!7 in the
sante period. •
'Capital expenditm'es on. roads- in
11932 showed a drop ,of 5114,111315,.31218
from :11931; while ntainteftatice expen-
ditures in 1119312 aware 14817,41313' below
the 11913111-iiigures. In the sane period
governinentcollections in. gasoline
taxation and registration flees increas-
ed by $15978;5160 and I est year prelim-
inary reports of the 'Bureau show z.
further increase af'$6,1747,761 over the
IHoldreclge, Neb. — The expensive,
"Explorer." the largest etratosphera
balloon ever built, on :Sunday was a
total 'wreck, its vast gas -bag in bit;
nod the ton of costly scientific instru-
ments inside its gondola smashed. But
the crew, who suddenly returned to
earth from a '60,11x00 'foot (over Id
miles) dash into space, were alive and
well. Major William F, Kepner, pilot,
Captains Devil A. Anderson and 'Al-
bert W. Stereos again felt mother
earth tinder their feet by grace of the
slow ,breaking up of their space ellen
and three skilful parachute jump.:.
'The balloon. .slashed by rips, abort
2;1137' feet tinder the American .altitude
record set by the Settle flight last
year, later iburst wide open and sent
the gondola flattening out like a
sgitanth toward the ground.
;With the 'balloon and its captive
passengers miles above the earth,
they looked out—a slash tore through
the bag, 'Precious hydrogen that lift-
ed them -was hissing otit,
!Portholes in the eight foot gon-
dola were opened. Anderson was
thrown clear by a jerk off the gondola,
his pat'achute -ready lo carry hien to
safety, Kepner saint Stevens clung to
the swinging ball, attempting to re-
lease the 'huge 'chute 'wit'h which it
was equipped to ease the globe ea'rt'h-
ward with its delicate instr•umentt.
Then' they saw their efforts were fut-
ile_ They bailed off ---Kepner just itt
time to have 11 chute open.
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