HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-26, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE. Economy Comes Easy With Prices Like These S+PECIAL VALUES FEATURED AT SUPERIOR (STORES ITEM'S FOR JULY 26, 27, 28, 30, 34. •AY:LMER PORK AND BEANS, large 21/2's ...,2 TINS OXYDOL, LARGE PACKAGE BOVRIL CORNED BEEF, No. 1 tins EACH 2 TINS PEANUT BUTTER, Three Star ,25 OZ. JAR CHICKEN HADDIE 2 TINS PLUM JAM 32 OZ. JAR i9c 17c 25c 25c 25c 23c Pure Orange Marmalade 40 oz. jar 'Centennial IMixed :Biscuits, 5 varieties ' per pound Standard Corn 2's, and Standard Tomatoes, 2%'s 2 tins for Aylmer Catsup, 12 oz. bottles each Aylmer Crushed Pineapple, 16 oz. per tin Clark's Har, Tongue, and Veal per tin Lifebuoy Soap 3 cakes Carnation Evaporated Milk - small tall Red Rose Keta Salmon, l's Roman Meal per tin per pkg. Calay Toilet Soap per cake 'Patterson's Orangettes Candy per ib. iOxydol, small package each Keen's Mustard 1/4's %'s Pickling supplies, Pure spices, and High Grade Vinegars • Zinc Rings per doz. Certo per bottle Fancy White Tuna %'s per tin Cross Fish or King Oscar Sardines 2 tins :Hawes Floor Wax, l's- per tin Hawes' Floor Gross, pints each Posts Minute Tapioca 2 pkgs. Grape Nuts per pkg. Jello, Assorted Flavours 4 pkgs. gse Fly Swatters wrubber 2 dozen Rubber Rings 29c 19c 19c 14c 17c 17c 25c 5c 10c 10c 31c 5c 19c 9c 25e 49c 25c 29c 23c 29c 43c 590 25c 18c 25c IOc 15c 13c Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 Miss N. Pryce Phone 77 i Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WAILK'ER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE—AUTO—WIND Our :Policies Will Protect You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere in Canada or the United States and always fully protected—you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Special -100 acre grass farm. Call, Phone or Write Us, A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. PHONE 152 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Eggs, per doz. .17c Butter, per 1b 18c New 'Potatoes, per bag $1,25 Oats, per bushel . ,,..,. ,........ . ....-12c Wheat, per bushel 90c ;Barley, per bushel , 55c TUCKERSMITH. ;Fred Pepper of Clinton was chosen president of the Pepper. Family ,Re- union at the annual gathering of the clan • in Quern's Park, Stratford, on Saturday,. Mrs. Ivan Higgerson (nee Mabel Jewel,) of _Mitchell was elect- ed secretarytreasurer and 'Mrs, T. !Layton and George Pepper were named to the sports committee, The contnrittee in charge of Saturday's successful reunion was :composed of:'. President, C..R. Pepper, of Toronto; secretary -treasurer, 'Mrs. William Pepper of Hiensall; sports commit- tee, itfrs. A: Yeo and Lillie Pepper of Toronto. The visitor codling from the in•oslt distant centre :was ldrs, Satin :Stinson . of Regina, Sask. Roger Pep.- pc,r was the winner of the lucky tittin- Iber draw. and Mrs. Orville .Blake and daughter .Vernice of Colborne, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wallace and also visited Mir. and Mrs. Norman Walker of Brucefield, Miss May Wallace, MIcICiltop, Miss Jessie Wallace, L'rucefeld, and lir. James Walline, Hibbert, were visitors on Sunday with MIr, and Mfrs. Alex. 'Wallace. T'urner's Church held a congrega- tional picnic at Juwett's Grove, Bay- field, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan spent the week end visiting relatives in Brantford. Mrs. Thompson Scott and family, of Detroit, are holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Forsyth. lir. Kenneth Jackson successfully passed his examinations at Toronto. Mrs, Henry Drake and daughter, Janet, of the West, are visiting- at the home of Mr. Jas. Hay. Mr. and Mrs. John '1 lgic visited friends near Elimville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter of 'Detroit, are holidaying with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. E. Ross. 'Misses Margaret and Ileth Forrest have returned home after a week's visit with relatives ill Goderich. (Several of the young men in this vicinity took in the wrestling match at Stratford last week. Dorothy and Ilazel Coleman are spending their holidays at EphrIam Clarke's in Hullett. Mr. Thos.,Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hudson and daughter Margaret of Pontiac, M[ich,, called on friends and relatives one day recently. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Carnochan of Wayne, Mich., spent a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. Andrew Kirk gave a party on Tuesday, entertaining the youths of thevicinity in honor of her grand- children from Detroit, who are spend- ing the holidays there, ifs. Beecroft and children of `VWitighant spent lastTuesday with her parents, Mt. and. Mts. Andrew Kirk, 1Drives ,asthma Like Magic. The immediate, help from. Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Asthma Remedy seems like magic, Nevertheless it is only a na- tural remedy used in a natural way. The smoke or vapor, reaching the most remote passage ''of the affected tubes, (brushes aside the trouble and opens a way for fresh air -to enter. It is sold by ' dealers throughout the Mr, and Mrs. Jim 1I3lake and Mr...land: TOWN TOPICS. Misses 'Florence .and Olive Laidlaw leave Thursday for "a holiday trip to Muskoka. hirs. Mary Sharp, who has' been visiting Mr, and Mrs. James Dev- ereaux, leaves for Toronto and De- troit Saturday, 'Miss Ordean Berry of 'London is visiting her friend, - Miss Donalda .Male, 'J'udge Jackson of Lethbridge is visiting his brothers and sister. Mr, Vincent Kelly of San Francisco who with his wife, is visiting ' his mother, Mrs, Rebecca Kelly, Market Street, •was a caller at The News of- Jfice Tuesday, Mr, Kelly, who is a pdominent advertising man, learned the printing trade in The News office. ;Upon leaving Seaforth he was em- ployed at various places in Canada before going to the United States, where Inc has been for over twenty years. This is Mr. Kelly's first visit to his home in eighteen years and he notices many changes. 'M,r. Ralph Cresswell left Monday on a trip Ito Calgary. Mr. D. H. Wilson is taking a trip to Northern Ontario and visiting 'his sislter, Mrs. E. M. Little at Irocfuois (Falls, Mise Helen MfeKerc'her and friend, (Miss Jean Smith, Miss Jean Scott, lIiss Anoint Dale and Miss ,Erma Broa¢lfoot spent Sunday at ICrand Benxi. Mr. ,Frank Kn.ightt left Wednesday for North Bay, Mrs. Archie Scott of Ottawa is visiting her brother, Mr. J. IL IGovenlock, Mayor Sutherland was in Toronto on Wednesday attending a meeting of relief officers, when they were to meet officials of the new government. Miss Julia Kenny from London is at present sojourning with her sister, Mfrs. C, Eckert, Mr, Joe, Eekart and Mr. W. Bell spent Sunday with their parents. illr. and tars. W. R. Plant, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong and Mrs. !\W. A. Dun- das called at the haute of Mrs. Alex. (Rus ell in Brussels on Sunday. 'Miss Angela Eckart, daughter it 'Reera J. 11, Eckart, has secured a position as teacher in S.S. No. 3, Car- ricic Tp., Bruce County. MIr. J. ML Eekart has again engaged Mfr. Jim Morris on his threshing outfit: Mr, and Mrs. L. R. Thompson of Lansing, Mich„ are visiting Mrs, 'l'hompson's parents, Mr. and ML's, William Charters, Mill Road. 'Musses 'Evelyn Nat, Joan Dever- eaux, Alice and Bernice Hodgins, 'Helen Hamilton, 'Margaret Finnigan, diessy Southgate and Helen Crich are holidaying at Bayfield this week, and have taken a cottage on South Beach. .lir. Donald Kerslake and Miss Do• rothy and 'Miss Agnes Sheppard of Toron'to visited over the week -end with the fornter's parents, Mfr. and Mrs, R, J. Biller • and son Jack of Barrie were visitors at the home df -Mrs, \Vin. Gillespie Sr. last week. Masters Scott and Minnie MIcIKin- Iey of Winnipeg are visiting their grandparents, )Jr. and firs. Scott at Thornton Hall. 'Mir. Norman Habkirk of Detroit is visiting his brother, Mr. Thomas •Habl irk and family. IDr. R. N. Hill of Brooklyn, N.1., is spending his vacation with his broth- er and sister, Centre street. I\\'Ord has been received of the safe arrival of Messrs. Don. Dale and Gor- don Buchman at Temaganti, New Ontario, where they will spend a few days before going on to their destin- ation. The many friends of Mr. Thomas Stephens Jr., will be sorry to hear that he is quite i11. '-lir. and Mrs. Gordon Carnochan . of Wayne, Mich„ spent last Sunday ev- ening with their aunt, Miss Agnes Carnochan. Mr. and Mrs, R. H. 'Knight and Miss C. B. McKinley of Toronto spent a few days last week visiting SUMMER SPECIALS Feed Oatmeal $2.40 Cwt: Sugar per bag 6.00 Alberta Rose Flour 2,50 North Star Flour 2.60 Tumblers 60c and 1.00 doz. White Cups each 5c Bowls 3 in set 35c ,Bowls Bowls 4 .in set 50c 5 in set 1.00 Paper Cups, 10 in pack.. 2 packs 15c J.'T.McAsh. VARNA. IBUSIEST PLACE IN TOWN The swimming pool at the Lions' Park is a popular spot these hot sum- mer afternoons, It is seldom deserted, sometimes not until late at night. The above glimpse of the pool was taken last week and shows Life Guard Gordon Rennie, who is supervisor. their sister, Mfrs, A. D. Arinstnottg and calling on other. friends. (Rev. Father .•Nigh, of Houston, Texas, Mir. earl' Mrs. William Nigh, Mr, and Mrs. John Nigh, of Tucker- smith, Mr, and Mrs. Peter McCann, Miss Elizabeth Nigh, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs, John Blake of Toronto, were guests at the home of :lir. and Mrs. John Walsh, McKillop, Sunday. Mrs. Thompson of Timmins visited her brother, Mr, Wesley Free, on Sunday. )Jr, and Mfrs. Walter Little of Win- nipeg, Man., who have been visiting the former's brother; lfr, Andrew Little, and nephew Mr: W. H, Little, and Mrs. Little, at ,Brantford, leave for their .home next week. ,lir. Little was a visitor here three years ago. Mr. Arthur Goldingtrent to Owen Sound on Saturday to spend the summer, MRS, JOHN STOREY There passed away 00 July 2ilst, 193-1, Mrs. John Storey, her 72nd year, at the home of her slaughter, Mrs. Florence ?Russell, in Brussels. Mrs. Storey had been bedfast for three week, though she had not en- joyed the best of health for some time, Two months ago she had gone to Brussels for a summer visit with her daughters. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Habgnod Beirnes, daughter of the late Frances V. Beirnes, of Grey. She had lived with her parents at Exeter and Clinton be - fire the fancily moved to Grey when she was a small child. She was mar- ried to lir. Joint Storey of McKillop, who predeceased her in 19114. She carne to Seaforth six years ago to make her home with her daughter-, Mrs. McLeod. 'Two sons and three daughters sur- vive: Louis Storey, Teeswater; Thos. Storey, McKillop, Mrs, F. Russell, of Brussels; MRs. Martin Thornton, of Brussels; Mrs. .Malcolm McLeod, of Seaforth; also two brothers and one sister, Frank Betimes, Cranbrook: \Vit. Beirnes, of Ethel, and. Mrs, John Cascadden, New Ontario. (She was a member of Bethel Church during the' many. years she resided in McKillop. and had attended First Presbyterian Church since com- ing to Seaforth. The funeral, which was very largely attended, took place on Monday, July 23rd at 2 o'clock, the service at the residence of her datighter in Brussels being conducted by Rev. Mr. Moore of Brussels Pres- byterian Church, Daring the service Mr. Eckmier of Brussels .rendered the solo, "Face to Face," and the deceas- ed's favorite hymn, "Jesus Saviour Pilot Ile." was sung. The pallbearers were Mesers. George Dundas, Thom- as. Leeming, David Boyd. William 'Morrison, Martin Thornton, Malcolm MloLeod. Interment took place to the Brussels cemetery. There was a profusion of floral tributes. Friends were present .from London, Teeswa- er, Blyth, Walton, Ethel, Monkton, and Seaforth, including Miss (Margar- et Russell, London; Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis .Storey and family, Teeswater: Mrs. Geo. Cashel:, Teeswater; from Seaforth: :lir. 1\Villiam Morrison, M. and Mrs. W, Webster Mrs, Lorne ,Webster, MIr. and Mrs, Alex. Herr, Mrs, Wm. Kerr, Tir. and M.rs, M. 'McLeod and Margaret, and Mrs. W. A. Dundee anti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Storey; Miss Vera Dundas, London, ONTARIO POULTRY BREED- ING STATIONS. 'For a nutnb.er of years a system of poultry, flock improvement has been conducted in Ontario under the dir- ection of the Ontario Department Of Agriculture and supervised by the Poultry Department, O. A, Collage, Guelph, ilTn ler this sy`steni mat:stand, Mg farm :flocks are enrolled as "On- tario Poultry Breeding Stations" and the following conditions apply: Tho flocks Inlay be of any of the standard bn•eeds' and varieties of try. specially selected and culled, which inay serve as a source of supply of hatching eggs or breeding stock., ;All flocks shall .be visited at such intervals as may be deemed advisable. The flock .owner shall keep such re- cords as may be required and shall at all times .give the fullest co-operation in carrying out the work. There must be evidence of special care in regard to 'cleanliness and the general health and quality of the stock J'hc general condition trust be good and, in addition, it must be shown that the flock yields high grade eggs for hatching and market purposes, and also serves as a source of.inspiration for others. Any party wishing to enter a Bock should forward their application to the ?Poultry Department, 0. A, Col- lege, •Guelph, on or before August dot Application forms together with a copy of the rules and .regulations may he obtained by writing immediately to the Ontario Department r,f Agri- culture, Clinton, -Ont. BRUCEFIELD. Mrs. George Robb and her daugh- ter Fairy of St. Catharines were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moodie and Mfrs. and Mrs. Jas. McQueen last week, Miss Violet Petrie of Sault Ste. Marie is spending her holidays at the home of her sister. Mrs, Robt. Alen, Mr. John Ratten- buty and children of Burlington weri visitors at the hone of Mfr. and Mrs. Ross Scott last week, .Keep Douglas' Egyptian Linimen: always in the stable, ready for imme- diate use. .Removes proud flesh and inflammation, 'Thrush or Hoof Rot, STAFFA. Another successful reunion of the descendants of the late :Air, and Mrs. Janes Nlorris and the late :lir. and Mrs. James iKyl•e (Mary Norris) was held in Queen's Park, Stratford, on !Saturday, iThese pioneer settlers. carie from Ireland and settled near 'Staffa. Dinner was served at 12.30 noon by the ladies after which a short business meeting was 'held to appoint officers for the next year. The following offi- cers were appointed: President, .Harry Norris, Cromarty; It vice pres., Mrs. A. Norris, 'Staffs and vice-president, Will Fawcett, ,Mitchell; management committee, Alvin Warden, Mrs, S. Duncan, Mrs. N. Mitchell, Mfrs. N. .Sillery, Mac Norris, Jack Butson; sports committee, Mrs. W. Vivian, Norris iSil[ery and Albert Norris. The sports committee then took charge and the fallowing is a list of the win- ners of the races: Girls, 5 years and under, Dorothy Norris, Leone West- lake; boys, 5 years and under, Hugh Westlake, 'Donald Butson; girls, 8 years and overs, Leone Duncan, June Butson; boys, 8 years and over 5, Douglas McEwen, James Westlake; girls 12 years and over 8, Dorothy Butson, !Shirley Duncan; boys, 10 years and over $, Frank Butson, Er- win Sillery; girls, 10 years and under, Irene Butson, Hazel Norris; bays, iso years and under, Harris Butson, Bill Govier; ladies under 35 years, Mrs. H. Jacobs Mrs. W. ,Parker; imen un- der 35, Jack Clark, Carl Govier; lad- ies over 315, Mrs, IS, Duncan, Mrs. Roy ,Butson; men over 35,- Alex, Bet' ryhill, Harry Norris; girls' one -legged race, I-Iazel Norris, 'Irene ,Butson; boys' one -legged race, Frank Butson, Leon Batson; girls' peanut race, Dor- othy (Butson; boys' wheelbarrow race, 1st, Carl Govier and Jack Clark; 2nd, Harry Norris and Roy Butson; un- wrapping the parcel, Douglas Mc- Ewen; bean bargain, lucky number, Mrs. A. :orris; highest number of beaus, Shirley •Clarke; pillow race, Mrs. Herb Govier's team; elastic race, Mrs. Herb Gorier's team: bal- loon race, Jack Norris, Leon .Butson: rainy day race, Alex. Berryhill and Mrs. J. lilutson; graceful walking, Mrs. R. Dann, Mrs. H. Govier; kick- ing the slipper, Mrs, F. finder. Mr,-, H. Norris; throwing tine ball. Hazel Norris, Beryl Norris; hitting the ba' - loon, Erwin Sillery, Mrs. H, Currie; bean contest, Mrs. R. Sillery, Joseph Worden oldest- member, Mrs. H. Norris, Mitchell; yotmge.t member, Gerald Butson. After the sports su;.- ter was nicely served in the gentle- men. „Tommy, do you know 'HIon- Doth the Busy Little Bee?' " • - "No, teacher; I only know Inc doth it.' CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES From SEAFORTH AUG. 4AUG. 3-4 To TORONTO I To MONTREAL and QUEBEC CITY RETURN up to Monday, Aug. 6 Spacial Attractions—TORONTO—Aug. 4-S-6 Toronto Centennial Celebrations—Canadian Corps Reunion Ask Agent for handbill withprogram. Fares, Tickets and Train Information frnmAgents. CANADIAN NATIONAL • NATIONAL, W. R. PLANT, PHONE 4W DON'T let this opportunity go by. Order Kellogg's Coria Flakes from your g •peer today. Special Valves for a limited time .only. The world's most popular ready -to -eat eereal. Made by Ktellogg iu London, Ont.