HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-26, Page 2PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS
THURSDAY,, JULY 26, 1934
Leaving ;Soon.—The many friends
of Mr, !Frederick i\\'i7liaans ,will be
,sorry to hear of his departure to Pet-
e3rboro where be has secured a good
,position as foreman of a farms.
I regret t h e ,
loss very
much as h e
has been a
true friend to
everyone that
he has 'known.
I understand
that he was
severseas in
t b e trenches
tar a period
of three years and nine months. the
is a staunch member of the .Anglican
Church here and also member of the
choir. the is a real good worker and
:worthy of position which he 'has
secured in Teterboro, He is truthful,
straight -forward and honest and re-
liable in all his affairs. The whole vi-
.einity will be at a loss for a while,
;hut tide community's loss is Peter-
,boro's gain. 11 wish him wealth, health
. and prosperity for the rest of his life,
,In his younger days he was a great
athlete , a great baseball player—he
played down in hinkora for the 'Irish
line, making twenty-nine home runs
in one season; also a great runner,
making: twelve utiles iii one hour and
1?5 minutes and r26 seconds. It is a
mark for the younger generation.
'This was down from .Sea forth to'Hen-
all, and only five years ago. Mr.
'Williams has a splendid disposition
in life and character. I am sure he
-will he greatly missed by all who know
him in this territory,—lBy the "Hired
.elan," [one that has known hint all
his life],
Engagement. — The engagement is
announced of Miss Elsie Jean, young-
est daughter of Mrs, and the late
Richard Witt, of \\'allaceburg, to .I10 -
ward T. Leary of Edmonton, Alberta,
:,.n of Mr. and Mrs. Puha Leary of
Stant, ,Ont., the marring,- to take
glace the middle of August.
Engage Teachers at Brussels. —
1t a speer,.: session 5: the Brussels
.school hoard two new teachers were
ngagcd for the continuation scheol
:tag for the centime terns. Twelve ap-
dicatit•ns were received for the prin-
•ihaisitip out ..f which ,romp :No. Ni.
lv. •zeh U'. \of '1', .,onto was Chose`:
to fi'.l the vacancy caused by the re-
eiu:,:rion „i \lis. Jessie Johnston. ?Ir.
t rel: i- an experienee.l :etcher' with
1* year, teaching to bin credit. Ili.,
alar. affil be shS:1'1, sli.. ;Grace C.
of Clhtmior:i, i- to be
`ir-t as -t -wilt awl science teacher. ;s
:'event graduate, .he was the choice
,rat :''1 a 1'brtnts. at a salary of
gtr,n. \1 r. C. -11emin.eway- was re•
mga,ged as second assistant.
Flour Shipped to Glasgow 35 Years
1n --r-. \V. A. Stuart Si Soot, dour
Milers of \litehell, have shipped a
carload of lona' to Glasgow every
month for the past thirty-five years,
and every s'',nt ignntet:t has been sent
to the =ante firm in Scotland, since the
ritnr .,1 the great i;lae:;ow Exhibition.
\ grrrt many bushels of wheat have
,cess :rotted itnr, flour for this one
'firm in th:.se years, .Alen it is taken
i it,i consideration that .1,590 bushels
f wheat are needed for each carload
refit •taro
Cow Gives Birth to Three Calves.—
.\tt unusual occurretue took place on
the farm of Henry AteCutcheon, 6th
line Morris, when one of his Cow's
gave birth to three calves. Two of
the calves are living and are in a
normal eondition, while one died,
Late Charles Campbell, Morris.
Charles Campbell passed away 00
July di+ at his home ort the .first con-
cession of Morris in his 715th year.
The late 'lar. Lampbell served as a
member uT the council for a number
of _years. Ile was born and raised on
rhe farm where he died, He leaves to
mourn his loss a beloved bustanrl
and father, his wife three son-. War-
wick in .Peru, Indiana; Graham, and
concession of Morris; and Tames at
'home: and one slaughter, Mrs. Frank
lEdgar of ;\Wingham.
New Bank Manager at Clinton. —
efr. H. lt, Monteith, who cetnes from
the heart .office in Montreal is the
newly . appointed .manager of the
Clutton branch of the Bank of Mon-
treal. 1 -Te will tale on his new duties,
on the retirement of Mr. Sharp at
the end of August,
Bruin Nearing Goderich. — • Coh
huree's brown bear has move its
quartersmuchnearer Goderich since
the time it rias forst seen, by ,W -m.
Cantwell and some friends, in the
Carlow vicinity, _Its latest stamping
grounds are reported to be along the
river below the. C.N.1R_ 'station 3,
Sheardrown' noticed that recently some
of the larger hones thrown on the
damp over the river bank by a loco:
butcher had disappeared. Other than
deciding the foraging must have been
clone by a very large d'og, Mr. Shear
clown gave the .natter little bhot.ught.
ft was w•'hile driving his horse dour
the shill this week that the true iden-
tity of the foraging animal was dis-
covered, fur the horse suddenly shied
on sighting a good-sized brown bear.
The bear made orf' into the brush
probably to return and choose a nice
meaty bone in peace and' quiet.-1Go-
dericli Signal.
Drilling New Salt Well.—Rapid
progress is being made in dellling the
new salt well at the plant of the God,
Crich Salt. Co. Some mouths ago in
replacing a easing of a well which had
been in service for many years, a
large steel wrench such as is used in
tightening sections of casing, was in-
advertently dropped down the ,opeai
ing. A great deal of time and. money
Was spent in anendeavor to recover
the missing toot but without success.
Finally it was decided to drill an en-
tirely new well This is being done at
a ;point abouit 1115 to '0 feet from the
old well in order to take advantage of
the huge pool which. must have been
formed in the salt deposit from three
generations of pumping. Progress at
the rate of :about 100 feet a day is
being made. If no unusual obstruc-
tion is encountered it is likely that the
well 111!!
have been drilled to the
required depth of some 11600 feet be-
fore the first of August. The old well
has been. abandoned, at least temp-
orarily, although it may he found
desirable to make another attempt
later to paste a way through the
crumpled casting past the obstruct-
ing wrench. By drilling close to the
old well it is expected that the new
source of supply will make it possible
to go into full production immediate-
ly. Ordinarily it requires front one to
two years to dissolve a cavity in the
hard salt strata sufficiently large to
ensure a space for the water which
must get in to create brine in ginan-
rities sufficient to keep the :pumps
:\ few weeks.ltgtt the famous ,Span -
kit prie.e:er ush,.,se hoaxing letters
have been is miliar to newspaper read-
er;, was arrested.'in 'France. Taut the
hoax goes mit. -\ mew' days ago
Nils Frank ilughe: of Stelary.s, man-
ager ,,f the 'l)eLung ITloolc 1Z Eye Co.
of bt, Marys received a letter from
Mexico wMel' i. eontewlutt similar to
the old tip:tttielt rmisener appeal. nays
the 3 tubal=\ria.. Ilnt instead of
calling; for matey first thing, it asks
the recipient to send a citnlirtnin_; tel-
esr:tm. it would ,he interesting to
kn,xw .what the slicicster's ucxt stove
o rind be. 11' writes Nits 11n lies;
1),.ar Sir: -•Ilse to a person who
kn.tws you and who has spoken ;very
highly about pot, I have made up my
mind to entrust n mutter of'inch deli-
cate nature t , your good self on
which depends the intnre of my dear
daughter as well as my existence,
ant in prison and sentenced for
failure and ,1 beg you to inform nye
whether you are willing to help me
gave a sum of $le5;0tl0,01) which 1
po=ses= in I:ank bille inside of a
trunk that Is deposited at a Ctistont-
ltnse o. 'Xorth America..:\faer I send
yon some undeniable evidence it is
uecc.;ttry for yee to ct*rteover here
:lett pay the expense iucm'red'in con-
nectiote with sty prnsecetioit sn the
embargo on my trunks can be lifted
and thus be able to recover a trunk
which contains a secret and -which
cancels that baggage check that- was
given to me in checking Inc•other
trunk for Xorth .\meriea and which is
indispensable to withdraw the said
trunk 'front Where it is at presetTt.
•fly way- of compensation I would
give you the third part of the said
sum. .Fearing that tlti.c letter should
not reach you I shall not sign my own
name until 1 receive your reply wind
shall tbett entrust to you all - my
dror serines reasons which 1 will -ex-
plain to you, wire, do not write. T
beg you to please he absolutely dis-
creet. •
• line to the fact that I atm in charge
of raze instruction of the inmates of
this Prison, '1 ant able to .write as I
do, with entire liberty.
'For the time tbeing'1 ant oniy sign-
ing "L."
I cannot receive. your reply to d'his:
at the 1Pris•on, but in case you accept
my proposition you can send a tele -
grant to a person of my confidence
who will safely deliver it to me.
Guadalajara. JaI., Mexico, ,19'3',1.-
'1n'3.1.This is his address:
Arthro 'Garcia
i1 -Intel (Roma
-Guadalajara. Jal., '.Mexico,
Y will be in time
De Tong (Hook ',Co.
,Requisite on the Farm.—Every far-
mer and stock raiser should keep a
supply of Dr. Thomas' Ecleceric Oil
on heed, not only as a ready remedy
for ills in the family, but because it
is a horse and' cattle medicine ,f
great potency, As a substitute for
sweet oil for horses and cattle affected
by colic it far surpasses anything that
can be administered.
,Want and For Sale Ads, 1 time, 266
I Control IBoard,
:Beer and wine may be served with
I had the honor once to be owned
by a dog. He was an ilrielt setter, II t
acquired this dog when he was a r
pappy, and sought to prove my
"thought theory which I have held
maty years, and itt which 11 acct a
firm believer, and (1 'believe scores of
utv readers will recall in their asvit ex-
periences proofs that to them are
This animal- answered to the name
of ''Rover" ay. his training took
great •care always to treat thin.; icindl'y.
Of a whip he was ignorant, tI talked
to hint as I tw-ouid to a human ibeing.
When he_..did .well lh praised him,
When he was at fault, I sought to
treason ssbu hint. (Never .was 'he olel
treated. On the theory that -he could
be reasoned with, 1 began at an early
ago to impress Upon- hits absolute 'ob-
edience. ll -le would 'make mistakes in
his training. now' and then, but a Mi-
noan being, who is supposed to pos-
scan intellect, does this, why then.
should a dog be criticized, if he too
occasiotnally errs, in being taught?
Under my kindly treatment, the
dog developed what I then claimed,
and still claim to he great intellig-
ence.'Often wdteet afield .,with my dog,
I have, 'wholly unknown to him,
dropped a handkerchief, and, con-
tinuing :on for fully a mile have call-
ed the dog to ire and whispered in.
Isis ear, confidentially:
"Rower ,master has dropped his
handkerchief somewhere ,back there,
will you 'Gad it for rte?
Without hesitation, 'Rover tyon:,1
take the back track and shortly after
would conte bounding back, holding
the handkerchief in 'Itis mouth.
At times 1 w^otiid vary the experi-
ment by dropping some other object,
telling tits dug the object wanted. Al-
ways he would search and return to
in the article 1 had asked hint to -find.
Oiler in the presence of witnesses
I have hidden a ball or any other ob-
ject in a roost, of which the dog had
no know':edge.—perhaps had never
before been in that h.nise. Being
brought infrom a neighboring room
I have told the dog: "'Rover, in this
roost, somewhere. there is is ball," „r
whatever it was 1 desired him to find,
"that master has hidden. Find it and
bring it to, mel" Within a short time
the desired article would be foetid by
Rover and brought to me.
He knew tite value of money, to a
eer'cin extent. Often ill the presence
of ssituesses, I have take:: a small
coin and a larger coin, and shoning
to hint both ruins would say, "Rover,
here are two piece51 ns.tney. Which.t1 tIte.e would buy you file larger
Piece of meat loneealMg the
money iu any Ita::ti; behind me, and
then bringing them forward, 1 would
say, "Cotte, now, pick oat the stoney
that will. buy tate most metra"
The dog wont.1 sniff at each hand
and finally try with his teeth to open
the haul boldin, the coin of highest
value. '1 have varied this by substitut-
ing a dollar hill for . half a dollar
piece, a quartet'- for a nickel. revaria-
bly- tite result won d be the same.
To further prove this dog's patter
of thought, let me illustrate it in an-
other way, I .was on the staff
01 a morning ttew's;,ap er. My' aesigtt-
meut route covered police headquart-
ers; tnuttieipal departments, including
fire and city hall and at times cations
banquets, and the taking of public
speeches on varied occasions. It is im-
portant that a man covering smelt as-
signments at night should be within
reply touch of the city desk, that his
city or night editor Wright in at em-
ergency reach him promptly.
IOn these nig,htly rounds my dog
Rover has almost my shadow, He
.was known to the head's of all the
muuieipal departments from daily or
nightly association with me. Around
his neck was fastened a small rubber
pouch. ,Often I have put manuscript
itt this pouch and told the dog to de-
liver it at the newspaper office. Al-
ways he etas faithful ie carrying out
ihstructione. On reaching the office he
would report to the city desk, never
loitering on the way. To the city edi-
tor he would give a subdued bark for
recognition. On the copy being re-
moved, and the command. "Go back
to your master," being given, the clog
would ,give an Impatient bark, as
though there had been an omission.
Finally the city editor would remark,
.Oh,- you are awaiting your O.K. ?
Is that it?" aN. hark in acknowledg-
ment, the placing of the O. R. in the
pouch, and -away would bound the
dog, but ioever tvitissut that 'O.'i0. of
acknoiwtedgntent of a faithful per-
formance of duty. Wherever I might
have gone. that I:now•ing clog twoukl
search tote out, ready for further ser-
vice. It mattered not where 1: went,
that dog always found the, and in-
sisted on my removing . from his
poach: the'O,K, which signified a duty
he had performed as per instructions
given. hilt..
iHighlights of. Ontario new beer
and wine regulations:,
.Beer may be' sold in beverage
rooms of standard hotels whicli re -
ceive "authorities" from the Liquor
steals in dining rooms of hotels,:
rains and ;boats but not in rest'au
lB'eer and wine May be served in
clubs, in operation for more than a
year, aid not operated for pecuniary;
ga ist.
Ii'ours of sale are 10 am, to 12
IHotels and others selling beer must
snake purchases through brewery
warehouses or goyet'ntnteft stores.
Native twine may be bought from
wineries and imported wine only
from government stares. '
lIndividttals may buy beer and .wide
without permits but permits will s'liill
be required for hard liquor: Iitdividw
nail may make purchases 'direst from
breweries and wineries. ,
Sale to begin early this week.
No sale will be allowed on Sundays,
holidays or election days,
Ashiftless specimen of humanity
carte down town one morning, an-
nounced that he ;wee going to leave
town—said he could notlive in it
any longer.
Someone asked hint 'what was the
'Well," ;he ,aid,"tate town is all
right, abut its the hardest place in
the world for .a w'ocnai to get work
in 1"
Drives 'Asthma Like Magic. The
immediate help from Dr, 5, Ds Kel-
logg's .Asthma Remedy seems like
tnagic. Nevertheless it is only a na-
tural remedy used in a natural way,
The smoke or vapor, reaching the
most remote passage of She affected
tubes, brushes aside the trouble and
opens a way for fresh air to enter, It
is sold by dealers throughout the
you're going on a trip ... and
the hotel is apt to be crowded
...and your wife expects you
to look after such things . .
Better play safe... telephone
ahead for reservations.-
Smooth your path at home as well as on
your travels — by telephone, Long Distance
is a business ally: a social asset: quick, clear,
dependable, inexpensive. Rates are listed
in the front of your directory. You can
telephone 100 miles for as little as 30c.
Thele C st Less
for Gas, Oil
This chart, based on the official new Commercial
Car Registrations in Canada, Tan. 1 to May 31, 1934,
proves Chevrolet's leadership in sales over all other
' CHEVROLET .. 34.9%
TRUCK B . .. 32.3%
TRUCK C .... 9.8%
TRUCK D .... 9.1%
ALL OTHERS .. 13.9%
4 �rISE truck owners keep a sharp eye on costs.
Their exact records prove which trucks cost
less to run. That explains why big fleet operators
and thousands of single -truck owners have been
switching to Chevrolet. They know that Chevrolet
Trucks and Trailers save them money on gas,
oil and upkeep ! They . know that Chevrolet
gives smooth performance and plenty of power
without needless extra .cylinders ! They know
that Chevrolet offers a complete choice of sales -
leading models from t/2 to 2 ton's capacity - at
Canada's lowest prices for any six -cylinder
trucks! Easy GMAC terms,
CT -440
A. W. DUNLOP, Seafarth .
50,0 5