HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-19, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
A reception was held on Friday ev-
ening in the teem hall when abutt 300
friends and neighbors of Mr, andMrs.
-- Lloyd McLean, see Miss -Agnes
- Wren, presented then with a lovely
kitchen cabinet, with the following
aedrese, dancing was indulged in un-
til the sntali lours of the looming
- with excellent ttinsie supplied by lo-
cal artists. 1 of ,wing is the address:
-To Air, an,1 Mrs, L vd McLean,-
U:: the oceasen of your resent mar-
riage, wt, your friend., neighbors and
• eenneiutance., 'lave 1. seuib:ed here
this evening to honour and.congratu-
late you. Ard you, dear friends, have
helped us, encouraged. us; and you
Lave a.. i -:e 1 :n nur s,atherings by
1elpi'leness. 1\'e pray that the
irle .t,g, 0: heaven may strew your:
joint pathways as you travel the sante
.leeelcay that we are all on. Fur• w•e
1.:ie lv that to keep nur eyes shed .on
tee great Leader and teacher who lov-
ed men in the Kingdom under the
Syrian skies. ie to make no ,letotir ort
the great highway of life..\s a slight
t„i:enn' our regard and esteem tcsec.ask uto accept this gift"
Services in the United Church were
taken last. Snndav morning by Rev,
Mr. Chandler of Kipper' and in the
evening by Rev. eir. Brenner of
rave tela.
:Ree, \\'.:1 Yeeing took the service
'n his -::.we pulpit. ' Carmel Church
S:r' ant.
y eve , the !nothing service
'vein;: withdla st:, \I r, Young preaat-
1 Exeter, n n Rt Rev, i n t It Seager, Bishop et
Id n yi:: conlnet conun 1d1:, t ser-
e ice .1 St. fent! Anglican 1 eurc'.t
.en 1•niday itt:rll.:g meet. Je!a- 93'nd.
it u1 nota Meanie and
Steele will he prestated. The public
re r: felly welcomed ::, this service.
'dr. 1'. t'. J ynt and eel Deeeed
,era t '5 s Sty s in 'reroutee host
err:. - _ .1
\l id tI i tle Ca:,v seeite l
tne eeek with relatives in
Deris Revert.. rttnrl'c1
tit`.1 teem here
t , weeks. -
\ir. aid \(rs. L. 1lhwtn and !1a:1-
-et,, r ..t ease. retuned home ,iter
vial relatives and
:reales :1 Pat.ley.
- ','r. \Vm. 1„1ttSeel: rt'i stent a
."5' t week visiting his sisters,
Mrs. I 11. Pety ei Hay t s:. -'a, end
el. J. of town.
M F,r'(c''ntr t1.1,, ha, been
r -11.'.011-,
set...reel t Heat -al and it
• n Israel:, also oteer re7a-
1 Tien,
\fi s \lacy \reps Exeter ri-it
•v- .'. ell:1 rwith ver moth-
e15 \I, \le'lee
\t r, H, (1, 1),yn,^ri t e.1 +,n e•tu-
: \lr, and Mrs.
:11. been venting
t end relatieee
1\ •e is•t
tiee .._ 'S.'''. tt .- ..cue 7.1e .,.:;•.tine are tine results of the
intee rr r't+t„
ele. , .e 1 1 wee esineeee.ice.ent 1L. n ee 1 1 ntrattee Exam
:reseed eeres instioes,tell et various centre.
• unlet t't,• jurisdiction of the Goderich
i e11i 1 "ch. Entrance Board. First
'\1. \\..l-• lt:,
end a:11,1 Cie Honors. are an
ter Fri uly 1'11 a no:Inc-ed. } 1. ', t..a.. means that 75
11. " at ver cent t of the ural nark
c. 1; - 'loner
,, ere secared: See,.11 Class h n r
t tint be. AC.,!:1 70 ••.m! 74 per cent. was
• .•c , r t
Goderich Centre
9 I• r- t Class H . n ,rs-Bezel Barr,
t Miss Giehiees catherine. Bart,. i Margaret flee etc,
11 1 r - , Terry -Cee ee C aerie 1udntore, Mar-
s , "t tu i, r. I ;mast, Jack hrith, Georg.
,:rt .r rt
Graham, \'i, 'c Henry, Harold Ho:
f r \ W. I 11 rr 1 nim. Bert llnckin,. Helen \lacI wen,
•I- t, „ie.. t \fr. \lauds \Ic.+:•t, Blaine. \fere I•red
ii 1 i1e 1 ;•... \1+.11 0111 , Hope Meech, Joseph rat.
Frank I'ctt. \\'illiiu Reid, Leslie
Riley, IIelen Snell, Janet Taylor, Do-
ral l 1 h nte,.en, Mary Thorncloe.
Roy Turner. .\leen Volland, Grace
Ve rand. \1 tr;raret - Webb, Annie
eVb tmore, Gerdcai Yule.
�eoa1,1 (';ass H:ntars--•Grace Beat,
15. Su.anne Buwtien, Thelma Bell,
Betty Bissett, Filth Drennan, Jack
Fcat,aa, Albert Geuley, Maurice Har-
woed, William Herbert, Eric Johns-
ton, \\ildiant J. Johnston, Jean Lum-
by, Marion .\lac.\dam, John McKin-
non, Donald Mason, Raymond Mur-
ray, •Gerald O°Brien, Rose' Penning-
ton, Florence Price, Jack Snell, Eva
Straughan. Naomi Webster.
!Pass-VViiiiam :Bell, Irene Bowman,
-\'fyrtie Cantwell, Marian Chapman,
Walter Chisholm, Daphne Colclough,
Rtiby Cook, Mice Dodkin, Frances
.Elliott, Jean Elliott, James Garrick,
'Clarence Geronrette, Raymond Ginn,
(Wilfred !Gk ,usher, (Bernice 'Grigg,
'Phyllis .Jewell,. (Grace MacDonald,
Eric McAl'lister, ,Agnes MhclArt1nir,
IHow•ard McCullough, Bertha MdKen-
zie, Ruby MlcM.ichael, Beverley Mills,
Sydney due 'eeb Cecil. Pollock Pearl
Raope Ross Routledge, Patricia Sig-
noc, Margaret Taylor, 'Mary Tich-
berne, Rttth Tyndall, Frank Vines,
Gertrude White, Rinaldo Wigle, Jack
Passed under the provisions of Re-
gulations 111 (5) of the High School
Entrance Regulations -Madeline Bak-
er, Bert Campbell, Ruby Clark, Mur-
ray Sheardown, Watson Sheardo'wn.
The Robert Park Memorial medal,
awarded annually to tete pupil from
each of the Goderich Public Schools
securing the highest standing on the
year's work and the final examina-
tions, were won ,by - William Redd in
the case of Central School and by
aDotia'ld Thompson, Victoria School. •
Bayfield Centre
iFiret Class Honors -+Jean Johnston:
Seooncl Class Honors -- Bertram
.Carnie, :Kenneth Castle, 'Geange rCol-
ctlouglh, Audrey Jones, Vena Wild,
(Continuel from Page 1.)
Johnston, ;,Hugh Keri - (hon) Annie
Leatherland, Edna MacDonald, Jean
MsCai1ent, Gordon McDowell, Jim
Mcl• tying (hon,), Mae Mason, 'Gordon
Xetltery, Isobel Oliver, Wilma !Shep-
herd (hon.), Ross Taylor, Freeman
l'unney, Helen Vincent (tom), Iran
Joseph Baker, Helen Desjardine
(]tont.), Betty Dimbar (Icon,), Ruth
Franklin (hon,), Hayden George,
Frances Henry (hon,), Dorothy
Kramer, betty _Machan, Jean Mach-
an, Willis Meehan, Everett Robinson,
Jim Smith, Edythe Speiran, Gorden
Margaret Ilell, Betty Best, Walter
C. Bewley, \\''in. Dewart Eckmier
(hon.), Olive lEdgar, \Telma Fischer,
Garfield Henderson, Harold Huether
(lion.), Pie:l King (hon.), Bob J.
Kirkby (hots.), Dc:rie L. Long, Ever-
ett Lowrie, Thos. \tcleadzeau, Iven
McQuarrie, Edith McTavish, Marg-
aret Miller, Lena Mustard thole), Al-
fred Nichol, Eleanor Nichol, Gordon
Nit'hol, Hartley Rutledge (hon,),
Beth Shannon, Jack C. Smalldon, Ar -
doth Sproule (hon,), Wm, C. Stiles
tht n.l, Janet 13, Stokes.
Merle Anderson, Eons Anderson,
Dorris Armitage thou.), Zena Arm-
strong (hon.), -Mary Baird, James
Broome, Ruhy Casemore, Clarence
Cantelon (hon.), Lloyd Carter. Jean
Cruickshank (hon.), Lloyd Dark, El-
eaner Dunning (hnn,), Ernest Fal-
coner, -Marjorie Forsythe, Lillian Ful-
ler, Evelyn Gamble. Helen :Groves.
R iliiem Hail. jack Hare. Marie Hop-
er..\rnole ietfrey, Gordon Tones,
Betty Kaufman (hon,), Jim 'Lee Ar -
11:16 Lihow, Bruce MacLean. Harold
McCallum 1hon,), Margaret McMich-
ael, Elizabeth Mothers. Edith Mundy,
Harry 1' slil'f (hon,), Mary Prest;ti
(hon.), Robert Rae (hnn.). \\'inni
feel Smith tilos.), Mary Sin utaln,n,
Verne Walker ;hon.), Douglas War
',111Elaine Walsh (hon.), Rut!
\\•.terser. Mural Williams (hon.)
sn.1 :dee 1.-.111 Grebe', 1 \i
1-:i 1 ie -
t .,...sister. Mrs. J. : e
11 Herein',lPr .c t -n -
tee ,re.,.k end hat
II ''c'n Smits.
NI:ooraret and Cr Nlerrey of
I...nd-sn are visiting. with t15 ter,
\1:=. Lint•.,;, elf ether relatives end
Mr, and lir= D. F. Barges' of De-
troit also Mrs., times Dougall of Man-
itoba are visiting- with Mr. and Mrs.
Root. Eacrett.
Mr. -Edwards. inspector of the Chil-
dren's Shelter,- Goderich, was in torn
on Tuesday. e
Mr, C. S. Hudson was in Goderich
tp. last week. Mr. Hudson is agent
fur nursery stock and as the frost last
winter has killed out so many there is
quite a demand this year.
Mr. and Mrs. P. I.1. Devlin of Stitt -
ford visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Corbett and family of Hay.
Mrs. Campbell and .little son. of
Windsor are visiting with Mr, and
Mrs. Jas. A. Bell and family.
There was a pig attendance at the
Bell -McAllister reunion -picnic which
wee held at Bayfield of Saturday last.
'Quite a number camet
to attend,
T'Ite next great racing event of the
season will be the banner race meet
to be held at G ilerich en :\utuust 6,
cat r
+9F1,3:4, civic '1„hilar with the I a g
entry list of good horses ever brought
together at rine time at any race meet
in Canada. The card includes five
stake races, 3 year old trot. with nine
entries; 3 year old pace with 23 en-
tries; ,free=nor-all, with OD entries; 2.17
stake with 1114 entries, and 2.24 stake
1117 entries; 75 entries will make some
fine racing and a great crowd is ex-
Keep D'ougl'as' Egyptian Liniment
always in the 'stable, ready for im'me
diate use. :Removes proud flesh and
iirflanimation, Thrush or Hoof Rot,
Whole Wheat
Ready to serve, at
Sweet Mixed Pickles, at 10c -25c
Choice Tomatoes, large tin 10c
Certo, for jelly, per bottle 29c
Edwardsburg Corn Syrup 2's, ,17c
S's 38c
Chloride of Lime, per pkg. 15c
Mixed cookies, all prices,
Olives, plain or stuffed
10c, 15c, 23c, 29c
Tall tin Salmon 10c
Interlake Toilet Tissue ... , 3 for 25c
Pass - Charlie Brandon, Harry
)Braddon, Evelyn G'emcinhardt, Gord-
on Heard, Sylvia Lowden, Harry
Reid, Anna Scotchmer, Walter Snaith,
Melvin Steep, Jolene Step1ieneon.
Dungannon Centre
First Class Honors -Alma Ander-
son, :Murray Campbell, Helen Durnin,
Lorna Roach, -Dorothy Robb.
Second Class Honors -Madeline
Caesar, Irvine Eedy, Benson Feagaa,
Noreen Kinahan, Clara Reid, Edward
'Robinson, Donald Ross, Violet Saun-
Pass -Norman Boyle, John Brodie,
•Billie Caesar, Stewart Chamnev, Mel-
vin Craig, lHarrey Culbert, Alberta
Currie, David Sproule, Elaine Trem-
Kintail Centre
First Class Ilonors-:Alan Durnin,
Marion •Macllonald, Cecil .McGee, Ro-
hett \laclir•egor, Gordon Robb,
Second Class 1Tenors-Thomas Cul-
bert, Dorothy AlcMillae,
Pass -Eileen Campbell, Margaret
Clete ford, .Donald Drennan, Sadie
1 a.ri-'1, Melee Ferguson, Archie Mac-
Lityre, .Marion MacKenzie, 1[arjoi'ie
McKenzie, t tt
Elwood Murray; jean Nc1-
, Albert Sage.
St. Helens Centre
I n• -t • Class Ilrne t Dorctln .1.1 -
ton, Lane Gardner, -Mimic Mac Cr :tie.
Sadie Nie't, ls,,a, Etta Swam,
Second Class 1Lmur---Ellen And-
rew-. Vera La -copy,
l r . S;u n t !ean Alton, Ronald
(,3. tem, Russel Farrier, Jaek Inglis,
Allan Miller. James George
\\,h -ter,
1 ea'A attains: the ie -nils ,ef the
Entrance Fe:intimation meet be made
to the 1 ineeeetor before .\ncust 1-5=th
and n111't to t cempanied by the ap-
peal ce f e2.410, e.hieh is returned in
:•a. e the appeal 'nl r. sustained,
Exeter Centre
.Birst Cass • Honors-:L.-averne Chris-
tie, Ralph Deibridgc- ' u stiu Fahrner,
LPha Finkbeiner, Elizabeth Hog-
arth Anna Kermek, Clarence lfcD''u-
al 1 Gerald Ile1 ails, I rayne Parsons,
Ivan Perkin-, Stanley • 1'reszcatvr,
Stewart Prouty, Grace Snell, Grant
'1'ay,er. I.adxl Tayror, Donald Winer,
Edith \\'urns.
Seoul Clan= Hou >rs-Jean Bay t -
ban, Gerald Campbell, Jrme Clarke,
Howard Elliott, Vernice Ilodgins, Jo -
sic Kerslake, Ethel Kydd, Grace Lot-
ter, Wilfred Perkins, Lorna Richards,
Alvin Rowe, Earl Schre,erder, Morna
Vahey, Leland Webber, Bobby
Wolfe, Reynold \Wuerth.
'Pass -Eleanor Abbott, Isabelle Ap-
pleton, Derecn Baker, Helen Bawden,.
Gail Browning, Florence Falkenbvey,
15.crre 1 Fisher, Vernon Heywood, Har-
old Kerslake. Marion Lovie, Margaret
Melville, Elsie Reid, .Fred Selves,'Do-
rothy Smith, Hazel Snell, Marion
'Wainer, VVinnifred White, Marguerite
Wright, Marjorie Wright.
(Passed under the provisions of reg-
u'iation 1(1 (5) of the High School En-
trance Regulations-JLloyd Stanlake.
Hensall Centre
First (lass Honors -Robert Ald-
win•kle, Harry Collins, David Sangs-
ISecondJClass Honors. Dorothy
Peck, Robert Peck, Kenneth Pass-
more, Lloyd Thomson.
Pass. -Ruth Bell, Herbert D.runt-
mond Aubrey Farquhar Mona Glenn,
Irene Hoskin, Jerry Johnston, Harold
Jones, Margaret MacGregor, Alfred
Ropp, Edna Saundercock, Margaret
'Shepherd, John Simmons, Nola Tay -
'',or, ..
Dashwood Centre
First Class Honors-TDwrene Atch-
ison, Iva Lovie, Leona McCann,
(Pa., -.-Merle Dietrich, Doris Hicks,
,Beta Masse, Herbert Ness, Joyce
:Pfaff, Ruth Sharrow, Inma Wein, Eil-
een \Villert.
' Winchelsea Centre
;First C,1'ass Honors -'Hazel Johns.
tJ(ohn Johns, Margaret Pooley, Elgin
Second Class 6 -Donors. - Ila:urene
!Pass,-sAndrew Arksey, HaroldDa-
yie, Audeey'Fletcher, Oliver Jaques,
Jean -Morley, Donald Murray; Thelma
O'Reilly, Gordon Prance, Verna
Scott, Jack Switzer... „
Zurich Centre
;First Class Honos. Alice Beaver,
.Marjorie Gellman, Allan Gascho, Mil-
dred Ilaberer, Kathleen Hay, Archie
Mac'Kinuon, Doreen QiiDwyer, Gert-
rude Titrkheitn,.
ISe:cond Class Honors,-.Mari'e Bed-
ard, Irene Foster, Rita Foster.
Pass - Lawrence Brisson, Orval
Corrivean, Leona Dewey, Monica De-
wey, Fred Farwell, Joan Gelinas, Ka-
thleen I•Iey, Ulene Jeffrey, Clare Mc-
Bride, Delmer Meidinger, Dorie Mey-
ers, Calvin Thiel. .
The Hay Township memorial schol-
arships, awarded annually to the 7. -Tay
township pupils securing the highest
standing at the entrance examination,
mere won as follows: (1) Mildred Ha-
berer, (2) Marjorie Gellman, (3) Ger-
trude Turkheini, These three pupils
are from the Zurich public school,
The saic of baking by members of
St. James' Church; 7-fiddleton, held in
the bank building Isere last Saturday
was quite a success" and a nice sunt
was realized, over $31
Next Saturday a birthday 'tea is to
be 'held in the basement of St, And-
rews Church, This promises to ,be
quite a novelty.
On Friday 27th a tea and sale of
baking is to be held on Firs. 'Voods
lawn next to the pnstoffice, This is
under the auspices of Trinity Church
Guild and promises to be an interest-
ing affair,
'On Wednesday next the 35th, the
Veteran's picnic is to be held on the
Square, As this includes the whole of
Huron County it promises to be a
big affair and tvitli fine weather there
will be a large attendance and many
interesting games and contests will
be on the program. One big event of
the day will, be a football match at the
tairgrtunds between Carling's Brew-
ery Terve
London and South Hur-
. n .111 Stara, picked players from the
Sotiti Huron teams. Conte and sec a
real .n ,,,d game and the admission is
only ..c. (lance called at 6,30) sharp.
Doetor and Mrs. A,Newton-Iirady
of I-Iamilton were calling on friend=
here last Sunday,
11i -s Alma McKay, of Toronto is
home for a'tw•o weeks' vacation.
Anniversary services in connection
with Knox Presbyterian Church are
to be held on Sunday, July and, both
morning and evening, 141, 1.01, and
7.30 put. when Rev, .1. R. Gibson
BD., of Mitchell, t'i11 conduct the
services. Mr. Gibson is an excellent
speaker and there will ho doubt he a
large attendance. A111 are welcome.
Mr, and Mrs, I., P.rieted of Wash-
ington, D.C., arrived here last week
and are at their cottage. Mr, Bristol
retm•ns this week but \Irs. Bristol
will remain for .one weeks.
Late Mrs. Mary R. Knox, Sunday
July 8111, death claimed another of ottr
pioneers in the person of Mrs, -Mary
lenox, widow of the late 1Vnt, Knox,
in her 78tH year.Shesuffered a stroke
about a week ago from which it was
thought she would recover but thin
uveas followed by another on Sunday.
Mrs. Knox was born near Dunbartott
and was married to Wm. Knox of
Pickering, June 13th, 11876, coming to
this community as a bride. and to this
union was born six sons and one
daughter. Upon the death of her hus-
band she moved to Blyth ante from
there to Clinton, where she resided
until the death of her daughter Lilly
-last December when she came to live
ayith her son, Thomas, who is on the
old 'home, Mrs. Knox was a lifelong
member of Burns' Church until going
to Clinton when she jointed the Wes-
ley -Willis Church. When able she was
a faithful worker in the Ladies' Soc-
iety and W.1L,S. of these churches.'
She is survived by five sons, Thomas,
of Hubl:ett, Norman of Detroit, Alb-
ert, Charles and' Arthur in the West,
and :one ,brother of Sharon. One son
and one daughter predeceased her.
The funeral service was held from the,
home of 'her son Thomas on Wednes-
day at 2 pen., conducted by her pas-
tor, Rev. C. W. DeWitt Cozens, as-
sisted by Rev. Mr. Gardner of Burns',
Church, The pallbearers were Messrs,
'Wesley Beacom, Simon 21c\rittie,
Thos, Neilans, Jas. Watt, Jas. Leiper,
and Wm. Brown. Interment in the
family plot, Burns cemetery.
Mars. Leitch and children of Toron-
to are visiting et the hoose of the for-
tner's sister, Mrs. ,and Mr,. Frank Mc-
Gregor. '
l'Ir, and' Mrs. Thomas Browilespeet
a few days last week at the ,home of
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Knox, coming
to attend the funeral of the former's
sister, the late Mrs, Wnt, Knox. They
)returned to their ho.me at Sharon in
company with their daughter and pus-
band of Hanover, New Hampshire,
who spent Thursday at the home of
their cousin, Mr, Tlhomas Knox.
Mr. Peter 'Taylor is a.t present in
ISeaforth'H!os!pital', hevinlg undergone
Money- Save Mo n
- Visit Our Store
With $2.00 Grocery Order-
1 CWT. RAN, 5x45
Certo ,Bottle 27c
White 'Rubber Rings, 4 dos, 24c
, Gilt Edge Twine, 650 feet
Casli 10/c bb.
With $2.00 Grooery Order--
rder-10 LB. SUGAR =� c
Prairie Rose Flour, cwt, $2.49
Sepoy Flour, cwt. ..... , ..$2.49
King Bug Killer -
20 lb. bag 80c
10 lb. bag 45c
Peart White Soap 10 Bars. 28c
an: operation for appendicitis one. day
of last week, IIe is not improving as
yet but is holcling his own, His many
friends hope he will make a good re-
Mrs. Jennie and Ernest Knox mot-
ored -on Sunday to Kitchener, accom-
panied' by Mary Knox, RIN., who
will spend a Sew days with Kitchener
friends, The former two on their re-
turn home called -at the home of \;[r.
and .Mrs, Thomas Appleby to sec
little ,Marion who had her tonsils re-
moved the latter part of last wreck and
is getting along nicely,
Afr, Thomas Neatens,- who has been
fixing his barn has got it .completed,
'7-(iss Levine Knox returned to To-
ronto Thursday after attending the
funeral of her grandmother, Mfrs. Win.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McIntosh, Airs,
Robert Scott, Mrs. Masson, -\Ir, Wnt.
(Knox and Mrs. John McIntosh of
near Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Arth-
ur Forman, Eleanor and I-Iarry of
Atwood, attended the funeral of Mrs.
\Vin. Knox i„•tst \Wednesday, also call-
iltg on cousins in this vicinity before
returning home.
Mr. and Airs, A. W. Beacom have
gone to Michigan to Visit the former':;
brother, David, and fancily, Mir, Bert
:Beacom took them to Sarnia and then
they 'were going, by boat.
Mr. David Reid and sons Visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1Wn. Rog_-
Creon near Brucefiel'd Sunday.
Miss Vera \[cDonalcl entertained a
girl frieiu1 over the week end.
Mrs. Janes 'Moon visited friends in
this iteiglthorbood last week.
\ numher attended - the Orange
walk in Exeter on the 112th of July,
Miss Margaret 7IciAilister of 1Ien-
sill is visiting her sister, 1155.
;Miss Loreen Swarm of Zurich spent
the week -end with Miss Doreen
Mr. and Mrs. J. Balser, Margaret
and Cartel Reichert, 'Messrs. Norman
Jones, Alfred Westgate spent- a con -
pie of days at Niagara Falls and
Mr, W. Jerrott Annie and Mrs. F,
Hayes of Moose Jctw• vi: itecl friends
in Prigdeu.
\Sr. John Cochrane returned to his
hone after spending a nice visit with
his daughter in Toronto.
MMrs, Rosa Dick and son Douglas
of Toronto are visiting her parents,
Air. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
Rev, VV. A. Bremner of Brucefieid
conducted the service on Sunday in
the Hidlsgreen Church. -
'Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c
Any film, six :or eight exposure,
developed and 'printed with border or
deckle edge 2(3 cts, Extra prints 3 cls.
High class work. -Mail us your films.
Burgess Studios, Mitchell and Clinton
The residence of the late Mrs. D.
M. Ross, Immediate .possession A.
'D. Sutherland'.
A seven roomed :brick house equip-
ped with hydro; telephone and furn-
ace, a good stable and garage and 54
acre of land, A few fruit trees. Apply
to W. J. \Voods, Walton., or 'phone
Brussels 10 r 7.
Second-hand windmill in Al, con-
dition; also a steel tire top buggy.
Prices right, Apply to The News Of-
fice, 29
House and lot on W. William st,
Scaforth, property of the late Mrs. 1V.
L. Keys, with 10 room's, furnace,
lights, bath, water, etc. Apply to J.
\IcAsh,' Varna. Phone 622.23, Clintoat
centrad. 30.
8 -room frame house, cement found-
ation, electric light, etc. A good barn
and six lots adapted for market ,gard-
ening,• Opposite Seafortll collegiate.
Farm of 75 acres, S% lot 10, con, 11,
_AI-de:llop; and also a 50 acre grass
fartit St;; hit 11, eon. 2, Hibbert,
Apply to Mrs, L, Richards or Mrs, C.
McCorntielc, opposite the collegiate,
or to J. FI. Best. 31
(House with two lots, at the corner
of Victoria and George streets, eight
rooms, stable. V\'ill be ,sold very reas-
onably to settle an estate. Mrs. Peter
DeCoarcy, Eg,tiondville.
How Lovers Bungled Their
Perfect Murder
Discussing the case of a woman and
her sweetheart who tried, at first, to
(lire assassins to "kil'1" her husband,
then did it themselves -but a smart
policeman noticed that the gun was
left in the wrong place and the bed
was not rumpled, Read the article in
The .American Weekly with Sunday's
Detroit Times,
FIREWOOD --Dry. Hardwood
For Sale
Goderich Races
AUG 1 9
MONDAY G 6t 934.
SUNSET STAKE -Three-year-old Trot $500.00
WHITELY 'STAKE -Three-year-old Pace $500.00
BLUE WATER ,STAKE -Free -For -All $500.00
GOLDEN GATE STAKE -2.17 Trot or Pace $500.00
(GO.DERICII STAKE -2.24 Trot or Pace $500.00
New Covered Grandstand Good Track
J. B. Whitely, M.D,, E. R. IWigle - W: F. Clark, V.S.
President , s rireasurer Secretaryl