HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-19, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1934
You Can Depend upon the
Quality at
Superior Stores
AYLMER or NATURE'S (BEST PEACHES, 2' sqt. per tin 1.6c
2 PKGS. 15c
Raspberry, Strawberry, & Black Currant ... , . .
Hillcrest Lard, l's •
Maple Leaf !Salmon
Royal York Coffee
McCormick's Fancy Assorted Biscuits 1 lb. box
Aylmer Pork and Beans, 16 oz. 4 tins
Ideal Sweet Pickles
Canada Dry Ginger Ale
2 lb. 23c
Ye's 19c
l's 35c
l's 39c
family jar
(plus bottles) pints 2 for
American Beauty Shrimps per tin
New Pack Lobsters %'s
Clark's Spaghetti, large tin 2 tins
per tin
2 pkgs,
per tin
2 tins
per pkg.
4 pkgs.
per pkg.
Vinegar, Spirit, Cider, or Malt, 12 oz. bottle each
Whiz Insect Spray in bottles, Tins and Bulk
Ice Cream Junket Powders, real. nice
Crisco, 1's
Marshmallows, Cellophane Pkg.
Grape Nuts Flakes
Baker's Southern Style Cocoanut, %'s
IWaterglass, for preserving eggs
Swansdown Biscuit Mix.
Fly Coils
Oxade, Lemon, Orange, or Raspberry
pkg. 10c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. W'A1LKER, holder of Go-
vernment diplopia and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Our Policies Will Protect You
Our Rates Will Appeal to You
Prompt service and settlement of
all claims
Travel anywhere in Canada or
the United States and always
fully protected—you cannot af-
ford to take chances.
Several bargains in Town and
Farm Property.
Special -100 acre grass farm.
Call, Phone or Write Us.
A. D. Sutherland
Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc.
LSixty-four local bowlers competed
i0 a twilight tournament on Monday
;eight, Three games of ten: rings were
,played, and the ladies served sand-
wiches and tea after the second game.
Twenty prizes were awarded. The
generosity of Dr. H. H. Ross made
the tournament possible. Prize win-
ners were:
(Ladies Mrs. E. H. Close, 3 wins
plus 22; Miss .Hazel Reid 3 wins plus
118; firs, J, Beattie, 3 •wins plats 17;
'Arra. 1V. Hart, 3 wins plus 16; Miss
!Belle Campbell 3 wins plus 4; Firs,
J. Grieve, 2 wins plus 1116; Mrs. A.
Westcott, 2 wins plus 12; Mrs, De -
'Lacey and Mrs, .Gibson 2 wins
plus 1.1; Mrs. II.. Stewart, 3 wins
plats 10.
'Alen—J. Broderick, 3 wins plus 18;
L. •Dale 3 wins plus 116; H. Jeffery
and Dr. Burrows 3 ,wins plus 115; A.
Westcott, 3 wins plus 1L>; Dr. Grieve,
3 wins plus 4; W. Hart, t2 wins plus
16; G. Stewart, 2 wins pits• 114; - 1,
Marlow, 2 wins phis 16; J. Scott, 2
wins plus M.
The Anglican Young People As-
societion of Huron Deanery held a
very successinl picnic at J'owett's
Grove, Bayfield, on Wednesday. The
election of officers was postponed to
SEAFORTH MARKETS. ISeptemtber when a meeting of the
Eggs, per doz. 17c A•Y.P.A, will be called. The follow -
Butter, per Ib 1Sc ing were prize winners in a program
New Potatoes, per bag , .... , $11:30 of sports:
Oats, per bushel ,..42c
Wheat, per bushel 90c
:Barley, per buster[ , 5'5c
Mrs. Alberta Blender, Mrs. Roht.
RighLman and Miss Lily Carr visited
relatives in Chatham and Windsor
last week.
Miss Thelma Craig iris been suc-
cessful its getting a school near Brus-
Delegates are attending sununet'
school this week at the new camp site,
United' Church is having a special
song service for 16 minutes before'
service at 77113 on Sunday evenings.
1Aschool re -union will be held at
SAS. No, ,113, East \Vawanoslt at the
school grounds at lit o'clock, Wednes-
day, July 2130, The trustees cordially
invite all to .be present. C. W. Scott,.
Belgr.ave, is secretary -treasurer,
A studio piano,R'ecital was ,given by
pupils of Elizabeth Mills, 'A.T.C.M.,
to a group of interested mothers last
week. Each pupil introduced his or
her piece before playing by telling
something of the life of the composer,
or style of composition about to be
performed, making it most enljoyarle
to those present.
(Blind pig race—ll Frank Archibald
and \Margaret Leyburite; 2 'Bob Arch-
ibald Margaret Cuclmore. Boot and
shoe race=1 AL Cudtnore, G, Sotilt,;
2 Ross- Middleton, Muriel 'Elliott, Pie
plate race -11 ,Bob Archibald, , Dor-
othy Park; 2 Grace Jowett, Arvin
'Elliott. Dressmakers' race -1 Grace
iJOwett, Alvin Elliott; 2 Randal Cole,
Mary Webster; 3 .Stew art Middleton,
Muriel Rathwell,
Danger In 'Poison Baits
pimely warning has been 'given of
dangers attendant on the use of pois-
oned grasshopper baits. It is danger-
ous to leave mixing utensils where
Five stock can reach theist and ought
'to be carefully guarded against.. This
also applies to bass in which bait is
transported. Poisoning of live stools
is also possible when 'poisoned bait is
put out in lumps instead of being
spread finely. If Cattle are well sup-
plied with salt they will be less apt
to be attracted to bait in which salt
is .present. There is also danger to the
farmer himself in getting the poison
dust in his mouth and nose. when
mixing the bait This realdanger can
be obviated by tying a cloth over the
nose writ no'uth, !or .by wearing asps();
tectivc mask.
Mrs. Peter Cleary has returned
!home after Visiting her (brother, -Mr,
Thomas Paedon in Port Hope, •
l'liss Katherine A. Murray, nurse -
in -training at St. Mary's 'Hospital,
'Kitchener, returned there on Wednes-
day after spaiidiug the holidays at the
home of her grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. P. McCann, Sewforth.
,Mr. and Airs. F, Reeves and son
Clarence, AJ:iss L, Reeves, Seaforth,
and Mr, L. Agar of Brussels were ill
Detroit over the week end, Clarence
remaining for the holidays.
Miss June Webster of Detroit is
spending' her vacation with , her
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Les MfcKay from
Texas visited friends ia town this
IMr, Joe Eckert, from Dundalk,
spent Sunday with his wife and fam-
ily who are visiting with friends in
this community. Joe is with the King
Construction CO.
(Guests during the week at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, Alec Gordon, Eg
monde -ilk, were their 'nieces and ne
phews, Miss 'D'orothy McFarlane o
the Soldiers' Settlement Board, Sask
vocal; Mr. Glenn and Miss Isobel
'Glenn, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs.
Burnside and Tittle son of Shelburne,
who left Tuesday to visit Mr. Burn -
side's cousin, Dr. Davis, in London,
.i1r, Henry Howes und'coven't an
operation for sinus trouble in Scott
Memorial Hospital on Monday,
Mrs, George Brown was taken
'bane from the hospital where she has
been for several weeks and is some-
what improved:
(Miss Margaret Grieve and her
niece, Miss Peggy. Willis; have been
in (Stratford a few days the past week.
IMr, and Mrs. Frank Cuclmore re-
turned to Toronto after spending a
.couple of weeks in town with friends.
)Ir. Arnold Case was in Toronto on
The many friends .of Mrs, Ralph
Elliott will be glad to know she is
somewhat improved in Scott Memor-
ial Hospital where she has been for
several weeks. Her sister, Miss May
AI ciGai'in i • looking after her home,
(Sorry to report the Hitless of Mrs,
James Nelson, Victoria street.
Mrs. H. Lloyd and daughter, Mary,
Miss Ann Anderson, R.N., NOV York,
and Air. Ed, Anderson of I-1aysvillc,
visited Mrs, P. DeCourey, Egntoncl-
aille on Afonday.
Mr, and Mrs. \Ven. .Byrne and chil-
dren Airs, Brown and daughter, Miss
Peggy- Jordan and Miss Margaret
'Byrne of Detroit visited- at the hone
of Mr, and Mrs, Leo Forttme over
the week end.
Miss 'Madeline Fortune is spending
a few days with friends in Detroit.
Mr, and Mrs, J. F. Theison and son
Donald of Detroit spent the week end
with Mrs. M. Carbert. Mr. Theison
returned on Monday, Airs, Theison
and Donald remaining for some time,
...Miss Marjorie Coutts of Neepawa,
Alan, and Miss Florence Coutts of
MacDonald Hall. Guelph, are visiting
at the home of their grandfather, Mr,
John A. Murray, E,gmondville,
Miss Jean Mdlntosh, Miss Smith.
R,N., of IHatniotta, Man., and Miss
Afolson, of Dauphin, Man., visited this
week with )rr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc-
There will be no Sunday night band
concert this week, owing to the Le-
gion and Band garden party on
Thursday night.
Miss Shirley McNairn of Mitchell
is spending her vacation with her
cousin, Miss Ruth M.oNairn.
Mr. and Mars. Arthur Middlemos.t
and Miss Millie Johnston of Hamil-
ton were guests during the ween: -end
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnstone.
Mrs. David `IIdN.airn of Mitchell
spent a 'few days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James McNairn,
Mrs. 'Archie McTavish is spending
the week- in Sarnia with her nephew,
Mr. Eyre.
The local authorities cleared a mys-
Feed Oatmeal $2.40 cwt.
Sugar per bag 6,00
Alberta Rose Flour 2.5.0
North Star Flour 2.60
Tumblers ...... 60c and 1.00 doz.
White Cups • each 5c
,Bowls 3 in set 350
;Bowls 4 in set 50c
(Bowls 5 in set 1.00
Paper Cups, 10 in pack..
2 packs 15c
J. T.McAsh
The Fourth Generation of iBroadfoots put on a pageant in old
time costumes at the Centennial reunion, Back row, left to right: John
Broadfoot, Alastair Broadfoot, Wilmer (Broadfoot, James (Black,
Wilson McCartney. Front row: Helen Broadfopt, Greeta Broadfoot,'
Elizabeth (Broadfoot, Dorothy Broadfoot, Margaret Broadfoot, and
Margaret J. Broadfoot. Others in costume, who do not appear in this
group were: Wilson Broadfoot, Sam. Scott, Mary Broadfoot and
Eleanor Broadfoot.
tery- this week involving the disan-
pearance. of some cement sacks, the
tarpaulin of a truck and a padlock.
The- tarpaulin was doing service as a
tent for some lads,
'Toronto papers on Monday con-
tained word of the death of Lillian
Cray, wife of Prof. Price. Mrs, Price
WAS a daughter of the late William
(Gray, at one time a well-known salt
,manufacturer in Seaforth, and: who
,built and resided in the Sperling St.
residence 01 Col. R. S. Hays, Two
asters Annie and Gertrude 'Gray of
Toronto, survive.
Misses Jean and Annie Brodie are
spending the week at Cranbrook.
!Air. Don. Dale left on Wednesday
for a trip to Northern Ontario,
Miss Ileletn, Antent is attending
summer school at ,Guelph,
Mrs, David—Wilson and son !Gordon
have returned after spending. several
weeks in Detroit,
Mr, Jack Arnold is a holiday visit-
or at'Baylfleld this week,
•Air. W. E. !Pollard is attending
seinnl er school its. hingston,
11 r. and Mrs, 'Angus 'Smith • and
Miss Margaret Shan- of Toronto were
guests of Mar. J, M. ,Robertson and
Miss Robertson during the week -enc.
Rev. T. A. Carmichael i$ having a
sunluner cottage built near Port
•Aliss Clara McKinley and Mrs,
Knight of Toronto have been visit-
ing Mr, and Mrs, A. D. Arm-
Air, and Mrs. J. G. Mullen left
Wednesday on. a trip to British Col-
Mrs, Ilury Grieve and son Russell
returned to Windsor 'Wednesday after
spending two weeks here.
Mr. and Airs. Stewart Scott of Ha-
milton were ;nests of the Misses
Brine on'Sunday,
:Misses Ida and Eva Love returned
Tuesday afterholidaying in Muskoka
Miss Dorothy Snaith is holidaying
at Shedden,
!MIr. and Airs, Sidney Morton and
little Margaret of Port Nelson were
guests of Miss Davidson during the
The Rebekah Edelweiss Lodge held
a picnic at Goderich on Wednesday.
Mrs, Flannery 'Jr. of (Detroit, who
has been visiting here, has gone to
IBrod'hagen owing to the illness of her
?fiss Catherine •lrlannery left on
Monday to visit her brother in De-
troit for two weeks.
The Caves Church Young People
held a picnic at Bayfield on \Wetlnes-
tiay. afternoon,
On the afternoon of July 10th the
ladies of Varna United Church gath-
ered tit the home of Al r, and Mrs. Ea.
Foster, Parr line, to present their
daughter Jean, who recently became
the bride of Mr. \M'il'l Clarke, with a
miscellaneous shower. Daring the af-
ternoon an address, signed on behalf
of elle ladies of the congregation by
Mrs. \Vill Reid and Mrs. Orrin Row-
son, expressing the gonad wishes of all,
was read by Mrs. Sherlock ,Keyes and
the presentation of the shower of use -
ltd and beautiful articles was made.
The bride replied thanking everyone
for their good wishes and gifts. A de-
licious afternoon tea was served. This
was followed by a neat and humorous
address by .Mrs, Ralph Stephenson,
and the party ,broke up after a pleas-
ant -afternoon,
Mtr. Melvin Elliott of Zurich spent
!Sunday with friends here.
The Unitech Church ,S. S. 'held its
annual picnic at Baylfield on Tuesday
of this week.
Mrs. F. Walker of Detroit has
,been visiting friend's in this vicinity
(Wring the past week,
\4r. Fell of Goderich. Chas been visit-
ing with his sister, Mrs. Ralph
!Mrs. Stephenson of Ethel is spend-
ieg .a few days with Mrs. Mary Cravt'-
!We -are pleased to report that _Airs
'\V'm. Lyon. who has been -in Clinton
hospital for the past two weeks to able
to be home again,
31 r. and Mrs. Tyretnan of Seaforth
,Suutleyed in thevillage with relatives,
Mrs, John Scott was in Stratford on
The Misses }Junking and Lavis re-
turned' to their home in Clinton on
Saturday after a pleasant visit with
Mrs. C. Ruddell of the village.
Lnndesboro was fairly represented
at Exeter on tate .glorious twelfth"
Airs. Townsend returned the end of
the week after a pleasant visit in To-
,Air. and Mrs. Troop, accompanied
by Miss Jean Mains are spending
their vacation here with their sister,
bliss Elizabeth Mains.
'Miss Dorothy Lee of Toronto. is
spending the holidays with her grand-
mother, Mrs. Mary Lee,
Miss Clarice Lee is a guest at the
home of •Afr. W, '1•rewin.
Mr, and Airs, Jas. McCool, Miss
Phyllis, also Mr. Wtn. Moon were
Kincardine visitors on Sunday.
Mrs. 13. Ileacs to of Toronto is vis-
iting her mother, -Mfrs, W. Lee, also
other friends.
31r, and Mrs, E, Stevens ant' family
were 'Sunday visitors it oar burg,
Mrs. ;(antes Walker and daughter
Anna Jean of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Guy
'Smith of San Jose, Calif., are visiting
at the hone of their aunts, Alrs. Tam -
Myr: and Mrs. Risley,
Mrs. F. Adams, accompanied by
her two sisters, Misses L. and O.
Brigham of Clinton, are taking a six
week trip to Europe. They sailed
from Quebec last Friday.
Alrs. Guild and Miss Ann Peters of
Clio, .Mich., visited recently with their
aunt, A's. E. Bell.
What we consider a rare sight is •'
humming birds nest, But one wee
,bird chose to build her nest in the
large walnut tree about six feet from
the living roost window of Mrs. E.
,Bell's house, where she laid two eggs
and now is taking care of one wee
birdie, Mrs. Bell, who is now in her
eighties, is watching the little feath-
ered friends with great interest. She,
dike many others, has never had the
opportunity to closely observe their
nests -before.
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
was held hi the school room of the
United Church on Wednesday last,
with the Presddent, Airs. Gardiner, in
the chair. After the opening exercises
the appointing of a new captain for
Group Nu. 3towing to the death of the
late A[rs. Joi,tnstwn, who had been
the leader for the past two tears,
Airs, Joseph Vodden was chostn to
fill the gap. The question of entertain-
ing the Baby Band was discussed and
it was decided to hold the regular
meeting on Wednesday, July. 23th and
invite the Baby Band to meet with
them un that date. The meeting was
then left in charge of Group No, 1,
Mrs. AI. Manning presiding The
hymn "Bringing In The Sheaves,,,
was sung, followed by prayer by
Mrs Tatn,blyn,, The Bible lesson was
taken by Mrs, Jas. McCool, with
Mrs. 1,V, T. Brunsdon reading the de-
votional leaflet. Mrs. J. P, Manning
and Mrs, Al, Manning sang a pleas-
ing duet "He Lives." Readings were
given by Miss Ruth Shaddicic; Mrs.
J. P, Manning and Mrs. Tamblyn.
Several short prayers were offered'
and the meeting closed by singing
"The Lord of the Harvest," and Mrs.
,Gardiner pronounced the benedic-
tion. Lunch was served by Mrs. Man-
ning and her group, Twenty-five were
Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Westlake visited
friends At St. Thomas over the week-
Mrs. Thomas Snowden is at pres-
ent caring for• her sister, Mrs, Frank
Hobson of St. Thomas, who is very 111
Mti Joe Greer and Mr, and Mrs.
Harald Penitale motored to London -
last Sunday and visited the latter's
parents, ,Mir. and Airs. Geo, Hodgson.
•Mt. and Mrs, R. ,N, Douglas and
Miss Margaret Douglass- of 'Blake.
MI.r. and Mrs. J. Douglas and 'Air.
and Mrs. T. Ditisnuare of the t;w•n
line attended the Nichol re -union at
the home of Mr. and Airs. \\'. J.
Douglas- ,Hyde Park, on Wednesday
of last w eek,
Alis 'Margaret Douglas of Blake is
attending the summer school at God-
erich this week.
Mrs. ,I'. Gingerich and two sons re-
turned home the beginning. of the
week, after spending a week with
Airs. Gingerich s Mother, Mrs. Mus-
selnian at'I bmirs,
Miss Isabel Manson of Detroit has
been visiting relatives •and friends on
the 'Goshen.
Airs. 'McKee of Toronto is sper,d-
ing a few days on the farm.
The Rev. Mr. Chandler of Kippea
will preach next Sunday. July 32 in
the United Church at the morning
service. •
Tire tuutual Sunday.School and .con-
gregational picnic will be held July
27 at Bayffteld.
Mfrs. John Chapman and Airs. Jun-
ior, formerly of Stanley, now living
in the West. visited friends in tete
village and community last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop visited at tate
ihnne of the latter's mother, Mrs.
Wm. •Rattenbury this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and daughter
of Watford were guests of Mr, and
Miss Gibson last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Williamson and Ruth
of Windsor visor spent the holiday at the
'Gipson home.
r f�'
Se =;s
Kellogg's Corn Flakes are today's outstanding buy in
cereals. Many servings for only a few cents. The finest
quality — with a flavor and crispness no other cora
flakes can equal. Your grocer is featuring Kellogg's
Corn Flakes — a greater value titan ever! Made by
Kellogg in London, Ontario. BUY NOW!