HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-19, Page 4WAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers, WALTON. • lr. B. Wilson of London spent the ager:,` -nerd with his wife iu the village. Vs. and Mrs, Geo. M1eCartuey and ...children of Turkersuhith and Mr. and ass_ Fred Scarlett spent Sunday with .•Xrs. 'W. Smith. Air. and Mrs, T. Scarlett of Toron- called on friends in the village on :Stra lay. 3d r. Neable of T'or'onto spent the meek -end witih Mr, and Mrs. R. Livingston. Mr. Jas, Bishop has returned from North Bay where he visited his dan- .ghtcr, Mrs. Rus, Alderson. Mrs. Harry Sntalldon and Mr. Har- ole' =,malltdoh spent Sunday with the r',ormer's daughter, Mrs, A, King e1 Ethel. Mr. and MLrs, Joe Bolton who have (seen visiting the forrner's parents, 34r. and Mfrs. I. Bolton, have return- , ed to their home in Rochester, N. Y. Miss Florence Alderson of Toronto iastio has been visiting her grand- • -mother, Mrs. jas. Bishop, has return- ed to her position in Toronto. '(laird wa's received that Isabel Simpson, wife of Alex. 'Stewart of Windthorst, Sass.,, had passed away In Regina '.Hospital on July 9. Mrs, Stem'art had been in failing health for ;some time, but her death came as a s'Ftock to friend's and relatives. Mrs. Stewart was born on the old ISifnpson homestead on the Mledtillolp bound- ary. She was a graduate of the Sea- forrh collegiate institute and fur some years taught school in Huron, 'Perth, Middlesex and IIaid'intand Counties. Shortly after her marriage to Mr. f,lcwvart they- moved to \Vindthorst, Sask.,. where they resided until her deatli. She le survived by her sorrow- ing husband and daughter Margaret. The funeral was held from the \Wind- titor t Presbyterian Church on Wed- nesday, July 1116. Mrs. A. Hulley, Sr., alsoJfiss Mad - aline Hulley have retuned home af- tier two weeks vacation with friends in Kitchener, also Toronto. Farm Machinery and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth JOHN GItLLOI? AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repah's and Labor Cash. KIPPEN t.. W. E. Butt of the village has wren confined to his room -for the ,past -seek and his many friends hope to -:see him around soon. The annual SAS, picnic of Kippen and IHillsgreen will be held on Friday .niternoon of this week to Bayfield and -all are expected to attend.. lvliss Grace Cooper of London :spent the week end with her parents in the village. lar, and Mrs, Wm. Mlc.11lister who have spent the past three weeks vis- iting among their many friends at J' ippen and Hensall left this week or their 'home in Edmonton, Alta. Miss Rose McLean, teacher of Ma- rheson, is spending her vacation with filer parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Mc Ltan. The annual 'Sund'ay School Union h=crric ni St. Andrew's United and '.f t'ilisgree i will be held this Friday ,7i.ternoors July 20 at J'otvctt's Grove, 13as-tield. )t very interesting pro- gsa,nhnle of sports is being prepared sold a good time and large crowd are expected by all. Corse early and hring your picnic basket. The morning service in St. Athd- rew's United Church -will be con - .Meted by Rev, W. A. Brenner of iirucefeld on Sunday next, July 22. at rite usual hour of 111 o'clock, Rev. F. Chandler will be conducting the +a -Tykes at Chiselhurst and Brueeield 'n the. morning. ;l. special ladies' choir .led the ser- vice of praise in St. Andrew's United i'hurch on Sniulay- morning last ,,which was much appreciated. Rev. ;E. 4'. Chandler tave a very interesting e-rm,h ou -Philip." 'vlr. and Mrs. Donahl lunar of Med- -teal, Sask.. and Mrs. John Chapman lislgeley. Sask.. have been visiting With their old neighbor; and relatives in this vicinity. An enjoy -able picnic field 00 Saturday last at J'owett's .rove, Hayfield, in their honor. Their many friend; were pleased to bait -brig opportunity of renewing 01d ac- ,.jnaintan re. • Miss Norma ITood has sheen visiting with her sister, Mrs. Peter MacKenzie, Ole past week. .Mr. Lyle -Norris, of Detroit, is • spending his holidays with his pivr- -ants, M'fr, acid Mrs. John Norris. 'Dust Causes Asthma. Even a little ;peck too small to see will lead to a- gonies which no words can describe. The walls of the breathing tubes con- tract and it seems as if the very life :must pass. :Fronk this condition Dr. T. D. Kellogg's Asthma Rented brings the user to perfect rest. h relieves the passages and normal breathing is firmly established again, (Hundreds of testimonials received an nually prove its effectiveness. Want and For Sale Ads, 1' time,PP5c' GGS We are now buying EGGS at Highest Market Prices for CASH. Give us a trial now. Prompt, courteous service. Best prices for Cream. Seaforth creamery C. A. Barber, Prop, TUCKERSMITH. Mies -Grace Casienteri of Hamilton is spending her vacation with Mr. and airs, Wm. Charters, Mill Road, - Mr, •and \'irs, !Donald junior of ;Medstead, Saskatchewan, are visiting :friends around this com'muni11'. There wa-s a large picnic held at Bayfield on (Saturday in their honour. -sirs, John Chapman of Edgeley, Sack:, is visiting relatives on the 2nd concession of Tu'ckersntith, The many frien:cds of Mrs. ;Ino..Hay are pleased to .sec her out after her recent illness, iMiss Dorothy Elgie has returned after a two weeks' visit with relatives in Buffalo. Miss Mae 'Wallace spent the week- end at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mire, ilex. Wallace. 'Don't forget the Sta1Ta and ,Seas forth Junior Farmers' picnic on Tues- day, July 214 in Jowett's grove, Bay- field. Girls bring a 'picnic basket and cups. Sports to start at 3:30 p.m. A real day of •sport for everyone: Masters Keith and Wayne Hayter of Detroit arc holidaying at the home of Mrs, E, Ross, \\'heat cutting is the order of the clay. • On 'July 117th Francis Creighton en- tertained a number of the neighbor- hood rh•lridren at his birthday anniv- ersary at the hone of his grandpar- ents, lar. and Mrs, A. Kirk, tie having 'attained his fifteenth birthday. The af- ternoon was spent in playing ball and other games. A peanut scramble was part of the fun. Lunch was •served when all were tired of play. The fif- teen candles on Itis birthday cake were lit, shaking it look very aurae - Jive to the children who watched them burn. All went honkie tired but happy, Mr. and Mrs. 'J. 1). Beecroft and children from Wingham spent the afternoon also at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. M. Kirk. - Mr. and airs. Smith, sun and daughter ,Edna, visited at Mfr. Sid Gemmmell's. - Mr. and Mrs. John Burnside, Shel- burne, visited their old neighbors on the 6th and itli concessions, All were glad to sec them. Miss Betty Houston is visiting in Grey and Morris for a few weeks, The Gernnheli-Tait reunion will 'be held at lar. J. D, Gentiveli's on Thursday. Berry picking is the order of the week. M[rJI Patrick , is able to be out of bed. Mr, and Mrs, Rob Laidlaw are vis- iting Mrs, 'Root. Doig. ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Evans and fam- ily of Detroit visited relatives here this past week, Mr, Thos. McQuaid of Cornwall is spending his vacation at his home here. Mr. Basil Lane of Toronto is visit big his .mother, :Mrs. John Lane, Wedding bells are rigging in the parish, 'Misses Bridget Delaney and Beth Carlin were successful in passing their .Normal school examinations. i Congratulatione. 'Mrs, Joseph McQuaid and grand- daughter Beatrice Lane, spent las week in Toronto, 'Mfr. and Mrs. john Walsh attended the reception of their son Michael in the Presentation brotherhood at Mon- treal on Monday, Mr, anct Mrs.. Allan Brant of To- ronto visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, James O'Reilly. .Mars: Joseph Eekert and fancily 0: Oakville spent last week with friends here. tBriither Joseph of Toronto is visit- ing itis parents, Mr. and lar:. Joseph McQuaid. DUBLIN IA teacher of ability for the past 5 years in ,Presto.t and Chatham, Bliss Florence Gertrude Coyne was married on Saturday • in Si. .Patrick's Church, Dublin, to Mr. Reginafd ;Francis 3tahtie, a prosperous- farmer of Chatham. Rev. iFather OlDrowski, .P.P., officiated, The bride was given in marriage by her father, Mr. Mich- ael Coyne. -Hiss Beale, organist, pre- sided, and at the offertory she and Miss Dili rendered a duet, • "Ave Maria Bright and Pure," The bride swore a gown of -pale blue, white hat and her flowers were white carnations and pink snapdragon. The bridesmaid Miss Vinnie .Kahue wore pink. Mr, Joseph Coyne was groomsman. STAFFA. iA very successful Y. P. rally was• held on Sunday- evening under the chairmanship of Miss Irene Brooks of Mitchell, President of Perth Pres- bytery Union. The .guest speaker was Jar, Aubrey Oldham of ,Sarnia, Presi- dent of the London Conference TP., •who spoke on "Why A Y:P. Society.' Mir. Ward :Bolton of St. Marys also assisted on the program. Iger. and Mrs. T. R. Turner and family are holidaying. near Trow- bridge. Rev. J. Beattie of Cromarty occupied the pulpit last Sabbath while next .Sunday the services will be withdrawn. •Mr. and Mrs, R. Francis and sn•h and Miss J. Hocking ii Kirkton vis- ited with Mr. and Mr:. M. Gray Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. P. Miller, .alt. Pleas- ant, spent Sunday with the fornter's parents. -Mrs. S. H. Webb was a Mitchell visitor over the week -end. The Women's Institute picnic • will be held at Grand 'Bend on Thursday afternoon, July 36, An invitation is extended to all in the comnttinity- to be present. Brings your - basket and ,coin the fun. Miss Margaret Davis is on an ex- tended tour of the Eastern Provinces with friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. Elliott visited in \\'inghan on Sunday with the lady's sister. a:3t11 This is a group of the third generation of Broadfoots at the family reunion. Sack row, from left to right: Rev. Thos. A. Broadfoot of South China; Alex. Ferguson, Chicago; Alex. iBroadfoot, Tucker- smith; William Taylor, Blyth; Mrs. L. Tebbutt, Tuckersmith; Mrs. Sarah McMillan, London; Walter ,Broadfoot; Mrs. Joseph Scott, McKillop; Agnes Carnochan; Sandy Broadfoot, Moosejaw; Mrs. William Black, Mrs. Geo. Blacks, James Broadfoot, John Martin, Sam Carnochan, Lucknow. Seated: ,William Sinclair, Sandy Walker, Mrs. Luff, Agnes Broadfoot, Mrs. Nicol, Sarah Sinclair, Nellie Broadfoot, ' Mary Broadfoot, Mrs. Hugh McLachlan, Mrs. McCartney, May Broadfoot, Thomas Walker, Alex. Sinclair. Others in this group who do not ap- pear are Mr. Richmond, Blyth, John Walker,W, S. Broadfoot. ELIMVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock of Lumley, Mrs. Robert Dennison, of London, also Mr. and Mrs. John Ford of Lake Road, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, H. Ford. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Griff o;f God- erich, visited with relatives in this community recently. 'Miss Grace Brock is visiting with relatives in Seaforth. •Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones of Lon- don were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Henry Johns. Sales of Branded Beef Show Decided Increase 'Consumer appreciation of top quali- ty beef is indicated by the steadily increasing deiiancl for branded beef. .Sales for May, 119134, amounted to some 4.2616,360 pounds as compared with 2,754471S pounds for May, 11963. The increase in sales of 'branded beef for the first five months of ,19134 as compared with those of the sante per- iod last year, amounts to approxim- ately thirty-three per cent, Such fig- ures of course, apply to domestic sales only. Garden Poison Mixture Young seedlings in gardens are fre- quently destroyed• by cut -worms which eat through the stem, just at the surface of the soil. A good pois- oned bran mixture for their control is made as follow s: Mix thoroughly Vs 1b, Paris green with 20 lbs. bran while both are dry. dissolve one quart molasses in 2 gallons or more of Wats er, then pour this into the ,poisoned bran and stir until adi the bran is moistened thoroughly, In smaller quantities, use one quart of bran, 1 teaspoonful of Paris green, and one tablespoonful of molasses it-ith en- ough water to moisten the poisoned bran. ,Spread on the surface of the ground near the plants as soon as they are set out, The cutworms come out at night, eat the poisoned bran, and are killed, TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Town Topics, Mars. Regan of Toronto is the guest .1 Mars. James Beattie. --Jar, Thomas Kidd is spending a few days in town HMIs Jahn Beattie returned this week from a trip to the West. -.Miss Minnie McKay lest this morning for Toronto where she wil'I visit relatives, --Mars, Gibson left for St, Thomas an Monday where she will 'visit friends for a few days,—Mrs, mVi']liam Ross and Miss Rose E. Day of De- troit are visiting their parents, Mr, and Mfrs. John Day. The pulpit o: the Presbyterian Church will be oc- cupied next Sabbath by Rev, Mr. I'l• Mackay of Ciov'ar�ty. Al, and Mrs. '\V'm, G'illespre Jr. of Brussels spent Sunday in town visiting' the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Gillespie, .North Maistst,—+l!'r, and liLrs, Wm. Stewart, who have been visiting rel- atives and friend's in town for two weeks, 1 -eft on Monday for their home in St. Paul, Minn. They intended spending a .few- days in Toronto, Nia- gara Palls and Buffalo, on their way here -The death occurred in Sea - forth on Monday of Catharine Men- ary, relict of the late James Siparling, la her hist year. The funeral tools place from the residence of her son- in-law, Mr, J. S. Welsh,—+'17h'e follow- ing bowlers went to London on. Mon- day morning to co-mpete io the annual tournament, which is taking place: Messrs. Geo, Stewart, J• Rankin, \V, tAment and G. E. Collings skip; 'Messrs. John Bulger, Geo. Murdie, jas. Scott and Dr. Burrows, skip.— r. kip:r. Joseph Wade left ori Wednesday for 'vVinnipeg.--iliarmiers and other Sandy Soil Management ,For drifting sands a paint knots as sea -sand reed or beach grass has been used with considerable success, It is valuable because of its root -stock growth which enables it to grow sup through rapidly accumulating sand. When the sand has been fairly well controlled, there are two other grasses, namely rattail and wild rye, which have been found useful, Un- fortunately the supply of the seed of these plants is scarce. There are many areas of blow - sand which will never be fit for any- thing but the production of trees. It may be necessary, even, in the estab- lishing of desirable types of trees, first to plant quick -growing kinds, establish beach grass, or use other methods to cotnrol the sand until the young permanent trees can secure a proper foot -hold. As to crop yields on sandy soils, there appears to be little difference in the amounts as a result of the various methods of ploughing. One Fertilizer Analysis Now Takes Place of Three At a recent meeting of - the On- tario Advisory Fertilizer Board, re- lates George R. Paterson, secretary, definite forward step was taken in the adoption of a suggestion that the bugbear of the fertilizer industry, namely, too many enalyes of practic- ally the sante formulae, be eliminated, Tire suggestion was to the effect that the analyses 041124, 04005, and 0-14-6 be abolished and the analysis 1111? -6 substituted. The board greeted- this reetedthis suggestion with unanimous ap- iroval, and it is no'v being acted upon by the entire fertilizer industry^ in Ontario. Promising New Grains at the Central Experimental Farm The Central Experimental harm at Ottawa—home of ourmost noted,var- ieties of wheat and of certain other crops—again offers much of special interest in. the way of new creations in the crop world. As the season ad- vance sthe peculiarities of these new forms are gradually being unfolded, revealing in many cases indications of. superior commercial values. Probably of greatest interest to eastern farms this year are the newer varieties of barley and oats, same of which promise t0 oust our old estab- lished sorts in the very smear loture. owners of sto-ck should be on the out- look against this swindler. If a sntodtrh-tongued gent conies to your premises, stating that he is seat out to examine your stock, be sure he has official authority for doing so, And again d'on'e pay him any money, the government does that.—Miss Rossie Broadfoot of Lumley is visiting her aunt Mrs, Thos. Di-cicson.---Mrs. W. .Field of Stratford is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert Barnett—Mr, Ed- ward Appel add son Roy, of Zurich were in town on Saturday calling on friends. The old bridge over the river at Egmondville is being replac- ed by a new steel bridge. — The Misses McBride have their aunt Mrs. Schaefer, residing with them since the death of their father.--1.\rrange- ments are being shade for a monster demonstration to be held in Seaforth on Labor Day,—Mr. and Mrs, John C. Mellis of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. E. Cutlatcvre of ,Kippen were guests at the Maples, the hone of Mrs. Kehoe, the past week, Constance. 'Mr. 'Lindsay who 'sold out his livery business in Seaforth a few weeks ago, has purchased the 5.0 acre farm of 31r. '.rhos, Adams, --SA team of football players from Winthrop vis- ited this village to play a friendly game with a team of this place. Af- ter playing the agreed time neither team scored a goal. Cromarty. Mrs. Knight and little babe from the West and Miss Brown of Exeter, were visitors at the home of Mfr. and Mrs, D. tPark and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dow. ---.Mr. Scott of Winnipeg is now a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm 'Park and with other relatives. Mfrs. Scott had arrived previously.—Miss Angus of _Chatham tagebh-er with ,her aunt, Mrs. MacKay of ;Kintore, are guests at the mansedisc 'Jennie iitiontgonh- ery of ;[t;irkton visited Miss ,Gorle over Sunday.—Mrs. Cameron Sr. of l,Jshorate visited Mrs. S. ISpeare. Grey. Quiet and peaceful was the closing of the earthily 'life of .David Grant, lot 8, con. 114, on .Monday last when at the advanced age of 69 years he re- sponded, to the call "Colne up H'ig'h- er," Deceased was about the 'farm on Saturday and had been a remarkably healthy man 'hardly knowing what a day's illness was. if r. 'Grant was 'burn in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, where he anis married 612 years ago to 'Ellen Wilson, who predeceased him '.ply years. They rune to !Canada shortly after thein marriage, the voyage oc- cupying 011 weeks. After a residence of J111. or 113 years in Blenheim itowan ship, 'Oxford Co., they came to 'Grey. 40 years ago purchasing the farm on which both -lied. ;Their fancily con- sisted of three sons—David (cicccatsed 2 years ago), James on the homestead and 'John, deputy reeve of this town- ship, and one daughter, Miss ,Maggie. Goderich. A by-law to guarantee the •bonds ,of another .prospective industry Inc 'Gild- erich is to be voted on shortly. This is a factory to 'handle the • Canadian business of the ,American Good Roads sltachinery, Company of [Kennett Square hear Philadelphia. The gentle- men who have visited. Godeciuh in REG -ENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING BIG DOUBLE BILL TOM MIX AND HIS WONDER HORSE TONY —in— Flaming in— Flaming Guns Also JACK PAYNE AND HIS BAND —in— Say It With Music Mon. Tues, Muted., July 23-24-25 LI'ONEL BARRYM'ORE Scores another triumph for the iBarrymore family in 'ONE MAN'S JOURNEY' News Reel • Comedy Thurs. Fri. Sat., July 26-27-28 EDMUND 'LO;WE & ANN 'SOUTHERN in a musical fun fest of real merit `Let's Fall in Love' Comedy Cartoon connection with the proposition are S. Jones lPlhillips , manager of the company, iA, IF, Mancill and F. W. .Wood. The 'Canadian concern is to have all rights in Canada in the pat- ents contr'dllded by the United States company and is so do all the repairing ,of machines in Canada bought from either ,the United States or the 'Can- adian factory. The Doty building on East street '.w'ou'ld probably be the lo- cation of the new industry. Londesboro. IDr. Herbert 113etl and 'Mrs, Bell left Incftheir hcvnte in MLont'Tonery, Mich, in their auto, Miss Alice .Bail went with them for holiday.—Rev. Mr. Hawk filled the pu'l'pit of the Method- ist church in the absence of Mr. Cur- rie who has been away on his vacati•ni- 11essrs, Allen & Allen have the ce- ment work of the new evaporator completed. -- Mr. 'Humphrey 'Snel1's new barn .has been raised and every- thing went along nicely and no ac- cidents. Improving Ontario Bacon, The department, has .been snaking strenuous efforts to get better prices for it, bacon hogs on the British mar- ket, About the first drove in this di- rection was made last summer when the department purchased a carlot of the Canadian national exhibition prize carlot hogs of the proper type to make sup a shipment of highest grade \Valtslhire sides for the British nla:'- het. The hogs were killed, cured, ala• shipped overseas under government supervision at every point and the special co-operation of Ontario House in London. The Ontario MLar•Icetin,g Board has been studying the situation and sev- eral meetingts of packers have result - in in the suggestion of forming an Ontario Baeo'n Export ,Assnciatiotl with the idea of creating in England a demand for Ontario bacon of the best type as distinguished from the ordinary run of Canadian bacon. As Ontario 'has done with apples and honey, the province plans to establish and control a super grade of bacon which will place Ontario bacon in a price range class equal to the highest now on the British markets, This will mean many thousands of dollars ad- ditional to the hog raisers whose price ranges are fixed by the lower export prices now unfairly applied against the better type of bacon because there is no way of distinguishing it from the ordinary Canadian bacon. 1. ,sec - and experimental cat -load of bacon, this time shipped under the super quality Big "0" Brand, is to be sent over to Great Britain shortly. The Dominion Department of Ag- ricniturc has announced a future pol- icy of bacon grading and inspection for export which will check the pres- ent tendency of the manufacturers to spoil our B'ritis'h markets with low grade shipments. Whatever grades may he established at Ottawa the On- tario brand will have higher grade re- cJuirensentts and it is the aim to place Ontario bacon at a premium and only i license the :use of this brand to pack- ers Fully .meeting its requirements. Courage is 'b-elieved to be a very necessary quality for the soldier, but a writer its TTarper's \'fagazine tells of a private who ran at the first shot, and dedarecl himsOf to he braver than those who faced the battle. Pat was unmercifully laughed at inc'his cawardi-ee by the whole regi- ment, but he was 'equal to the acca- ,sion, "Run, is it?" 'inc .repeated scornful- ly. "Faith an' 1 didn't, naytlier, '1 just observed ,the giner•al's express orders. He bock. us, "Strike for home' aaci ye°- nounbhry,' and T s,tirocdc ,for .come. "T'htim w'halt st.hrleek 'for their couu- th,ry 15 shore yet,"