HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-05, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
:As Mr. R. Faber, accompanied by
Mr. Frank Bean of the London Road
• were driving hone on Saturday night
'with a horse and buggy, they met a
car travelling elling north. The car was •on
the wrong side of • the road and trav-
elling at a high rate of speed, it is
said. The•driver on noticing the horse
and buggy attempted to get over on
his own side and went too far. He
fumed back quickly and loosing coir
trot of the car went into the ditch on
the opposite side, turning over twine
and pinning the driver under the car.
\Ir. Bean and AL, Faber immediately
rushed to the aid of the driver and
with other help he was soon released.
He was -badly cut and bruised but was
able to get around. Traffic Officer Le-
ver was notified and was soon at the
scene of the accident. The car was a
very vahtable one and i, a:n1u t a to-
tal wreck, We '-elcve the car was
owned in Clinton and was returning
after taking a bridal party to L n l: n,
\fr. Lester Fisher of Windsor r las
a holiday visitor here with his rar-
erte, llr. and Mr 'John Fisher,
Mr. Mei Alair e: Detroit is he iaay--
ing with relatives and :reds here,
Mesere, r Fred Bonthron, Clark,
W. 0. t.l,odwin and \ at Md./mien
etten Ie -.1 a lana::n,g knrna:tlett -:t
London on Monday..
\1r. Harvey jaclabi i> making ,rep -
.rations 4 1a garage on his sine
;property on Richmond street.
The Hennall (lrtuft e to ,
hrate the 12th july i.. Exeter acts
There s:,+ t i,l: t i t is 1 e
C.N.R.I extra a.:, -e. .. c the
holiday crowds,
Mr. and _'Jr,.. 1fri: Ke ns " an
-.re: Z . u - 't 'ay'
relaty and _ ..cis - Can-
. -dm and Tornnta.
Mr. and Mrs. Ales Ilea. r ao
:7C -.Lin , ea•- l': Mi:...,„ are
em:l:,._ o lays with relatives..
Miss t iracv t,,,, , n' the Bank o.
Montreal staff, :tan rt e ; and re..
t" ^-e I t. • "Ise ii..dne . . r, l\ e
••uie t,l..d t Miss '1 t r,...s_.n of
Seftfortli is taking -ser race a, the
'.wail, here.
Mr. and 3Irs. SidneyParliner fr i
AIr. ,en -Airs I h i t anti e t'
.ren the Holidays
\lr, and Mrs. .\:e x. \lc Mur::•ie and
1g.1•e . -.Cr :re e 1
nt Prier,
...Its. \, .11,•51 i:, a...:1 <1_
M :n + Xles. t l.1... ,
t, s eta c icy.
n .,tsorvices
..:I _\1 ]..!e t-, are
Ot era i:'.e,
1.).;U, tier .. team
:tea 1 rn-
St. Xtarys rol.1 at
1's»..2.1.1m-re :f T, it
li. inc.!lure and
Mr. la i., elleraces
_ t is 1 17
fe.e with her par-
,'r-. 1'. McXan' ,e•n,
I ' \.
1 Nand t n col ,eel
e. •, Cratnart3i, are
fort ae',
-s1-r'a:s 3Ir,
it.al 1 t 1 Bermoilal
at the 'donde .
f- by
1 'd net
t 1 F ,lavl
r a Arc 'y, Sept 4.
'ae see wi:i be several
\',". , t.r , t a .ed at the
esarye Cold/tarty Pres..;
,Oltee,Ot Steolayit - t hi:; aad
,.. .1..oen oaleit in tine even-
C.i $, l.at
nue e _ e t l ,., t
S. No, 4, Steele,: en St.thrlay. IIs was
,. t •1 1 r h r. Mr.I
K_nsma. v r_ y r
the ::tit hi, -on. Ear- Kinsman cf
1 t'1
.Ir r i Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor
',yen. holiday vsitr y Mr.
d Mr,. Gee. C Petty. Miss Katie
s.e,tt art llr , Ballantyne.
\Fr. and Mrs, M. llcPherst,n and
dauzhter of Salmon City, Idaho, are
visiting in town. Be is a former Hen-
sall boy,
Mise 011ie Coxworfl-i of Detroit
was a week end visitor with her sister,
Mrs. A. Scrutcm.
Mrs. Ed. Sheffer is spending the
holidays with her daughter, Mrs, Dr.
Reid of Port Rowan,
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
high noon Saturday at the United
Church, manse, Hensel!, when Rev.
Arthur Sinclair united in marriage
Agnes Love Wren, daughter of lir.
and Mrs. Geo. T. Wren, to George
Lloyd McLean, son of Mr. John 'Mc-
Lean and the hate Mrs. McLean of
Tuckersmith, east of Hensatl. The
bride looked lovely in a gown of baby
pink chiffon with white hat and ac-
cessories to match. Her bouquet was
Opheilia roses in shades to match her
costume, She was attended by Miss
Maude McLean niece of the groom,
who was daintily gowned in a green
dress with a sand hat. Mr. Wilson
Broadffont supported the groom. After
the ceremony the bridal party return-
ed to the home of the bride's parents,
where a buffet lunch was served. The
young couple later left -by motor for
Toronto and Montreal. On their re-
turn they will reside on the groom's
farm in Tuckersmith, just west of.
Chiselher -t
RevM B. Parker, rector of St.
Paul's Ann:ican Church will be away
on his holidays iron Aug. 1.23, Ser-
vices during July and Aug. will be: In
July, Staffa, 9.30 a.m., Hensaf, 11.;
no evening service. S.S. 10 elan. A
confirmation service will be held in
the church July 22 when Bishop See-
ger will -be present. On July 29 a com-
munion service will be held at Staffa
and at Hensall, Aug, 5.13, Rev, Can-
on ;Appieyard of Seaforth will con-
duct the service at Staffa at 3 p.m.
and at Henson, 7 •p.m. Aug. 19, Rev.
K. McGoun will conduct the services.
The S,C. picnic is on Ji::y 6 a: T
ball's grove and the A,Y.P.A. on 23rd,
The A.YiP.IA, deanery picnic will be
]veld at Bayfield on Wednesday after -
Tuesday Evng.
And Other Attractions
hoot, July 1.8th,
Mr, 'William Stone is not recover -
big. from Itis late accident as fast as
friends .would like to see, It is feared
he was more seriously hurt than -at
tiret thought.
Mrs. Percy-Sutheu and son Jack,
of London visited over the week end
with firs, Sutiten's another, Mrs. J.
Mrs. William Davis and Miss Villa
Fisher of I•Iantilton, Mrs. Richard
Coates, Mrs. Paul Coates and dau-
ghter, Miss Verna Coates of Exeter,
spout Tuesday in town, calling on
\Mrs. John Murdock,
Mr. Harvey Pope accompanied by
Mr. John .\1 Kercher, of Preston,
-pent the it ,:iday here with his ma-
tacr, Mrs. John Pope,
A pretty wedding wap solemnized
at the home of \L•, and Slis; Herbert
of Carlingford when their
youngest daughter, Pearl Leversage,
-a united in marriage to Johan Ew-
er: Pepper, son of M1r, and Airs. 1Vrn.
Pener of Tuckersmith. l.er,mith. Rer. H. 11',
•11 a.g.:stein of the United Church,
Fn 'art n, officiated. There were no
0ttend ut s, The happy young couple
e ed the spacious parlours to the•
e•i the wedding. "starch played
by Airs. Frank Carhertnd took. a t their
;places under -a beautiful decorated.
arch. The bride was lovely in a gown
f white triple crepe, Her veil ryas of
e;n,$,..docs net Worn with a handcau
orange blossoms. She carried an
rot, bouquet of Talisman roses and
:ern. The ;.a ,ant's rift •to the bride
wis. a handsome oale client oi silver-
ilver-wa t to the ;pianist ail onyx ring. The
wt !m inner was served on the
'awn about ,int gate t 'fhe colour
sLitedne of the hong n alae was pink
and hire and centred w t't is live tier
tt s 1 take. The bride was the re-
f mane bta,ttrttl gifts shwa-.
a -
,n. n.. esteeitt in which the young
are held. lminediately after
Air. ,.nil Mrs. Pepper left by Motor
1, •i:, , from there taking a trip
1.:1L St, Lawrence, The bride's tra-
eelling c,-,»ttrtmc was a ea -rose crepe
-.v r snit with accessories. of
e. The :elle was organistof
p1-.,. .,i church and will be ntuc.it
trossed ' s a cost of irxuds. On their
rethra .r :n their honeymoon trip 31r.
1 Mrs. Pepper- per- wi, reside on the
'u', tine :arm a fettle east of Hen -
owing lire the results of
the .r a11,m examinla:ion., of the
I1.1 al' :alalic school: Jr. 111. to Sr,
11 Harold Koehler, Norris AicEw-
on Mary t lwtu, Ronald Parker,
Item. ,,;aidee,ek, Shirley Twitch-
ell. Altdrey Twitalteli Howard Love,
L,; ler, flay Foster, • Madeline.
3 1 a.:li.titen David 1In icon, Herm-
51'„'11, Sr. Il, t! Jr. I11.-3farion
itt-nit:nd. Den.'! Joynt, Emily
11 •-Mo^, , AI ;rg4re1 h vii »ter, Robert
Cameron, 1y , Sangster, Robert
IIe- Reza lel, Ross Breen, Jessie
Paisley, Marlon Paisley. Jr, Room,.--
Ro,s Kennedy 97, Gordon Campbell
1. t hay
Nicol 81, Joe Marks 811,
Jame Clark ark o8, \I ildre l Brock 68,
John Beer O. Howard Sutale 64, Jim
SS-.iigster 62. Donald Willard 39. Jr, II
—\I ion \! eLaren 91, Alvino Sutale
71, (Imre,: Otterbein 70Jack Drys -
64. Alpine A1c1fwen 62. Jr. 1.—
'ole II kin. 86, mom,. Iledden 85,
Rat , d Stephen 84, Donald Bell 83,
i. , a n Cook 81, Ronald Bell 79, Glo-
ria M witeltdl 77. Donald. Shepherd
75. Harold Bell 68. Sr. Prim,—Alae
Zn utle 82. Catherine Hamilton 73,
Mabel Fairbairn 75, Helen Wolff 73,
hi ty tVclff 7tt, Marion Green 61,
Annie Patti andiglient (ri.
,Mr, Milton Love ,in spending part
of this week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. -J. W. Bonthron and
son Harold attended a tattoo in Kit-
chener on Dominion day.
Mr. and Airs. Hilliard spent the
week end at ,Bright's Grove,
Dr. Harry Joynt of Toronto visit-
ed over the holiday with Inc mother,
Mrs. Alice Joynt, and brother, Will,
Dr. Joynt will take a position in the
Western hospital, Toronto this week.
Miss Jennie Taylor has taken a po-
sition in Gould's store at Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs, Cross and daughter,
left this week to spend three weeks
at Manitowaning, Alanitoulin Island,
their former home.
The girls' bridge club held a picnic
at Goderich Wednesday afternoon.
,Airs. Wm, Foster, who has been in
poor heail'th.for some time was taken
to Clinton General Hospital Slon.day
evening and on T'uesday underwent a
serious operation, Her many friends
hope this will be of benefit.
On 'Tuesday of last week the pupils
of S, S. No, 7, Hullett, presented
their teacher, 'Miss Olive Moon, with
a handsome cut glass flower bowl
and fruit dish, Billy Pollard making
the ,presentation on behalf of the
school. bliss h'loon, who was corn-
,pletely taken by surprise, thanked the
chiddreu for their beautiful gift and
their ]tininess during her five years
as their teacher, 'Miss Moon. resigned
her position as teacher to attend
second year Normal course,
"She Walked into His Parlor."
Opening chapters of a fascinating,
amusing new novel by Maysie . Greig,
A gripping story by a famous author-
ess disclosing how a modern business
girl found and won the man she want-
ed , .. , will begin M The • American
Weekly with The Detroit Sunday.
Times of July 8.
THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1934. -
Council Meeting,—The Council of
the Township of Tuckersmith met in
the town hall, Seaforth, on June 30th,
all the members being present, The
reeve occupied the chair. T'he minutes
of the previous meeting were react
and it was moved by S. H, \l%titmore
and seconded by C. AfoKay, that the
motion in regard to the adoption of
the assessment roll be rescinded and
the (notion be as follo'w's: That the
following names be entered on the roll
as non-resident owners, Henry Hor-
ton, Emily Clark, Ira Geiger, Emily
Geiger and Rora Geiger and the roll
as now amended be the revised as-
sesernent roll for 1934 subject to any
appeals therefrom to the judge. Mc-
Gregor-Clark.—That the council 're-
new the road insurance policy with
the A. E. Wilson Co, of Tbr•onto anci
the premium, 8126 be paid, this policy
requires that all claims for damages
arising from some defect of the roads
be• presented to the council or some
member thereof within ten days after
the accident. S. Whitmore MIcKay.—
That the countil •nralce application
anti acconnpany with a fee of $52.50 to
the Workmen's Compensation board
for protection for• workmen at stone-
crushei• anci weed cutting for 1034, the
rate being $6 per. $1'0'0 at crasher and
$4 per 010'0 for weed cutting. McKay-
\Vhitmore.—That the colleeto.r be in-
structed to tot collect the telephone
tax of $15 on property lot 28, con, 1,
/IRR S„ the teiephone having been re-
moved., Clark=McGregor,—That the
township treasurer issue a cheque for
$2500 to the -telephone commission in
answer to a requisition. for this am-
ount. from said Commission. Clark-
\loRay.-That the report of deficiency
from the Clerk of Hibbert Tp on the
Coyne and Downey drains be atlopted
and the clerk be instructed to prepare
a bylaw for the purpose of collecting
the de'Iiciet cy from the properties- in-
terested in the said drains, -
AleGregor-McKay —!:'\s a natter of
economy the Council desire the co-
operation of the property owners
)vithiat the Township in an effort to
suppress the weed$ itt a ntiniinum of
cess, by the properly owners cutting
the weeds on •roads. abutting on their
\Vhitnnre-Alehay—That till Road
Supt. order metal culverts for the
following pl aes; 1 on Rick's side -
road, 1 opposite Lot 6, Con, 8, and 1
09 nesite Lot 2, Con. 2, H,R:S.
Clark -Whitmore That the Col-
lector be grt•eu an extension of time
until it. e. 1-t to continue -the collec-
tion of talcs.
McKay-3lcGrexor — That the fol-
lowing accounts he paid; R. Kennedy,
weed inapt tai=, 8111,70; Alun cipal
World, sli ,ahs : S21.86: Paul Doig,
a's.s-,r, tri! Paul 1)-t=, pn.ta e
91,4'; It. Dalrymple, pay lis: Nos.
ti i 91,684.45; 1 din I3arle, mileage.
warrai s' I L. Mustard, cement
for sidewalk, 84290 \\. Pothering -
ham, sire r fend 84; .\, Taylor,
labor and nit'"tine—'ihaalk, $.112; J,
McCully. Py, lair:sidewalk,
Fetherineham, label', sidewalk, $6;
F. McGregor, labor, sidewalk, 55,911;
Jas., 31cl'nity`, labor, sidewalk, 85; A.
Moire, ,r. trucking, 9.12,80;
D. F. McGregor, n stags, $3.
The Chu S1' adjourned to meet on
Saturday, Juin 28t't at 6 p.m. •
1), F. Ale—Gregor, Clerk,
Mr and firs, J, Troy; $ i'1 'Toronto,
vcu, hack been 'pending the List
month 4111011P: tuati vet olid friends,
returned home last week,
Miss Pearl C.,letuan of AftKill'p,
npe•tt the week end with her cousins,
the Aliases Whitmore.
Ahs, E. J, Troyer of 73rigden is
spending the week with relatives,
.Mfr. E. I'irintaner .and family and
mother of Beitntiller spent last Sttn-
•lay at Russell Coleman's.
Airs. Laura Creighton of Detroit
spent several days recently with her,
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Kirk,
Mrs. Jas. E. Troyer, who spent the
winter ie •Tcrouto, returned last week
to her daughters, Mrs. Syd. Gell
mel l's.
Air. and -Mfrs, Anson Coleman and
boys of Hillsgreen spent a day recent-
ly at Russell Coleuiau's,
The farmers are busy with tate hay-
ing and report the crop light, -
'The pupils of S.S.No. 1, Tucker -
smith, in charge of Miss Jeannette
Finnigan, journeyed to S.S. No. 7, on
Friday afternoon to join with the pu-
pils of Miss Margaret Grieve fn a
highly enjoyable picnic. ;Rakes started
off the afternoon and judging by the
excited interest all the children were
enjoying themselves, The teachers
and friends who attended directed the
games. A bountiful launch provided by
the ,mothers was heartily partaken of,
After lunch teams were chosen ,and
several gapes of softball were played.
The crowd .dispersed at -sundown and
went home as all picnickers do—tired
but happy. The results of the races
are as follows: Boys running race, 7
years and under, Allan Ryan; ,girls, 8-
'111 years, Frances lFal'gie; boys, 8,11
years, Bruce Hodgert; girls, lilt -114
yrs. Kate Dalrymple; boys, 11P-114 yrs.,
Hodgert; open, Anna Love,
Kate Dhlrymple; 3 -legged race, Wil-
lie Hoclgert and IBob McLaughtin;
Ruby Dalrymple and Kate Dalrymple,
pencil race, boys, Bob McLaughlin,
Billy Powell; girls, Anna Love, Kate
Dalrymple. Book race, boys, 1Munray
Traquair, Stewart Love, !Girls, Rttby.
Dalrymple, Anna Love. Wheelbarrow'
race Willie Hodgert and Bob Gem-
mel!, II'o'ohle race, Anata Love and
Kate Dalrymple. Newspaper race,
Glen Houston. Gulping water, Ruby
Dalrymple and Billy Powell. Open
race. ''Helen Houston, Frances Elgie,
'rite teacher, ;hiss Richardson, and
school children of S. S. No. 2 delight-
fully entertained their parents at a
picnic held on the school grounds on
nriday last, Gaines were indulged in
and prizes were given. eA delicious
ranch inclucling ice cream was serv-
ed. Int being a lovely afternoon, there,
was a good attendance; and the tea-
cher aocl pupils are to be congratul-
ated on ,making the picnic such e
wonderful success.
Mr. and Mrs,. `'Jonah' Green are
pending a few days at the Bend the
uests of Mr, and Mrs, Silas Green,
A goodly number 'attended the open
air .services on Sunday last. Rev, 0,
Lewis of Itirk'ton gave the morning
and evening addresses and Rev, Hag-
elsteitt of Fullerton during the after-
noon, -Music w'as furnished by the
Zion and Staffs choirs with Mrs. A.
Gentler of Fullerton as soloists at the
afternoon service,
Sunday visitors in the eoinniunity
were; Mr, and Mrs, F. Dobbs and
children and Mrs. N. Dobbs of Cen-
tralia with Mr, and !tris. F, O'IBrien;
Air. and Mrs, R. Miller, Logan, with
the fornner's parents; ire S. Casey
and Mrs, R. Casey with Mrs, J, A.
Sadler; •11r, and Mt.s. L. Ai; Green-
wood with Mr, and Mrs, -J, Leary;
Mr and Mrs J. Hodgert with \L•. and
Hes. J M. hiller; Mr, and Mrs. L.
Hannon and Mr, and Mrs, N. Bash -
fickle Logan, -with Mt and Mr's. 1Vm,
and Alrs, 1V, T•reffry and son
of Michigan visited -with Mr. -E. and
Miss j, Tretfry for sea'eral days,
Mrs, Patterson of Gadsltill is
spending some time with her daugh-
ter, Mrs, T. Drown,
Miss Helen Balder of Hamilton is
tate guest of Mrs. O. W. Reid, •
Mrs, Wm, Jeffery and sister, Mrs.
McVey are visiting in Detroit,
`Miss E. Turner, Carlingford; has
been engaged to teach at S.'S, No, 3,
for the coming .year and ;Liss Alex-
ander, Kipper, at S,IS, No, 4. -
11r.,and Mrs, G. G, Wilson attend-
ed the lhttchieotn picnic over the
week end,
Mts. Jas, hiller and Miss Agnes
were Sunday visitors in London.
,.Miss _luta Leslie, Stratford, is the
guest of her cousin, Miss Verna Fa'v
Iljreek. end visitors were; AIr.• and
Sirs. C. O'Brien and daughters, of
Toronto with the •former's parents;
Mr. and Mrs, 7, Shields and boys, of
Hail ilton, With' Mr, -and Mrs, J. M,
Gray; A•Ir. and . Mrs. 1:, Livingston, of
HamfRton, under the parental- roof;
.Hiss Cooper, Seaforth, with .her sis-
ter, Mrs. F. Hambly; Mr. and Mrs,
1=Iallielay, Toronto, with their'daugh-
ter, 1ims, H. Leslie, .Miss Mary
Drown, Seaforth, with her .parents.
The Goderich baseball team play in
Staffa on Thursday everting. Conte
out and 'cheer for the bays and .help
them keep up their high standing.
McKillop Boy Elected in the West,
—.lir. Janes Dorrance of \1c4<illop
has received: the following letter from
bit son, Harvey J, Dorrance, member -
elect for Tisdale, Saskatchewan, in
the recent provincial election; "Tt
dale, Sask., bine 27th, Dear Father
and All: I suppose you will have seen
by the election results in the paper
that I was elected. I have an official
majority of 1,0i13. The vote was as
follows: Buckle (Con.) 2,407; Dor:
ranee 3,425; Exotic (C.C,F,) 2,3318, It
started to rain at 6.40 on the morning
of the election and just poured until
after dinner and the roads were just
terrible, The results were very slow
but the lila poll gate me a majority
and 1 was always leading, By 12 mid-
night there were 42 polls in and I had
.r'und 600 so we went to bed and the
last poll didn't conte in until yester-
day, I ant still in Tisdale as it is
raining all the time. I have only been
home three times in over a month, I
addressed 71 meetings during the
campaign and drove my car• over
3,500 miles, This is the first day for
months that I haven't been working
and I had a sleep this --:P,1:[. and I
hope to be able to get home to -mor-
row. Everyone of our supporters
around here are just so happy they
don't know what to do. I suppose we
will have to get ready for a federal
campaign right away. We will be
leaving our convention shortly and if
we work as hard in the federal as we
did In the provincial we can win it
as easily. I was in Regina over the
week end and lir. and Mrs. Donald
Calder of Winthrop called to see nue.
They bath look well. I hope yoti are
keeping well and that everyone is
well. Patsy had the chicken pox for•
the election and had to stay at hone,
Always ,glad to hear froth you. I am
as ever, Harvie."
Mrs. Mary AreGtll of Mitchell and
Mrs, Margaret Barr of Stratford vis-
ited, with friends over the week end.
Mrs. W. E. McLaren leaves on Sat-
urday to visit friends in the West.
Miss Mary ivtc!Kaig• of Exeter spent
the week end with her cousin, Miss
Christine A'LcxKaig.
,We .are sorry to hear that Mrs. Alex
McLaren is 41.1 in bed. We hope she
will soon be around again.
The death occurred on Sunday mor-
ning of the infant son of Mr, and
Mrs. Malcolm Lomond at the age of
four weeks.
!Liss' Gladys Hamilton of T'oront_
is home for a three months' visit with
her parents.
Chappel-Varley.—A quiet but pret-
ty wedding took place at the St. Pauls
Anglican Church, Hensel!, on Satur-
day, June 306, at 9.30 wh.efi' Doreen
Who -lifted, only daughter of . Mrs.
John and the late John Varley, of
Kipper, was united in marriage to
David Edward, second eldest son of
Mfr. and Mrs, David Chappel of Cro-
marty. The ceremony Mas performed
by the pastor, Rev. M. 13. Parker, The
bride was becomingly dressed in
Coolie Blue Canton crepe with acces-
sories to match. She was _ahtencled by -
the groom's sister, Miss' ,Janet Chap-
pel of Cromarty,dressed int brown silk
crepe with accessories -to match, IMr,
Arthur Varley, ,brother of the bride,
da & Sat
a Only
Red Path Sugar , -cwt. cwt. $5,79 Red Path Sugar , . , .10 lb, 59c
with $2,00 Grocery Iwith $1.00 Grocery
Order Order
Red Rose Tea 1b. 45c
Salada Tea lb. 55c
Maxwell House Coffee„ib 37c
Five Roses Flour, , ,cwt, $2,99
Prairie Rose Flour,. , cwt. $2:49
Alberta Rose Flour.,cwt. $2.49
P. & G. Soap ,.., 10 bars 31c
Pearl White 10 bars 29c
Gold Soap 10 bars 31c
Schneider's Lard , , , .2 lb. 21c
Pastry Flour 24 1'b, 59c
Seedless Raisins , ,.2 1'b. 23e
Cash Prices
supported the groom. T,he bridal par-
ty then motored to the hone of Mr.
and Airs. Wilbert Dining on the 2nd
concession of Tuckersmith where a
dainty wedding breakfast was served,
The table was decorated with pink
and white streamers centred with the
bride's cake, Amid showers of confet-
ti the happy couple left on a motor
trip to London and other points. On
their return they will reside on the
groom's farm near Cromarty, Their
many friends wish them very much
joy and prosperity.
,!Liss Gertrude Stapleton, Toronto,
is spending her holidays with her mo-
. Miss Mary Ilarrigan, Seattle, •• Wa-
shington, was entertained on Satur-
day and Sunday by her cousins, the
Dantzer family of Mcliil'lop.
Mr and Airs Paden J. Tyens and
family spent Dominion Day holiday
with relatives in Goderich.
Now that economy is to be prac-
tised in all townships, counties, pro-
vinces, etc., efficiency will be apprec-
iated. Three police trustees of our ell
lege, and a bad washout still unre-
paired since April looks like' careless-
ness. Farmers bringing their clump
into the Dublin dump, more old bot-
tles, pails pans, etc, and not a• safe
place to cross the tiny Lilly river.
The supper on Tuesday on the
lawn of St..Patrick's cin i'oh..yea well
patronized by the surrotmding dist•
tinct. The social evening was most
enjoyable, -
Airs. Catherine •MarDerntott is vis-
iting relatives at Niagara. Falls.
'Mfr, and firs, Smith- of• Kennilwo'th
are visiting with the tatter's mother,
Mrs, l.chw•ard.d'.oach, Dublin.
-Miss Vonnie McConnell'. of Guelph
and Miss Dollie Cronin of Brantford
are hone for the holidays.
Mrs. Melville Blood, accompanied
by her sister, !Miss Anna McAteer of
Detrddit visited over the week end with
their sister, Mrs. Patrick Ryan, Jr,
Miss Mary Girlie who spent tjte
past year at Chatham, has returned
for her vacation.
air, and Arra. Frank- McGregor.
Ilelen and Gordon attended the My-
ers re -union at Formosa on Saturday.
'\fr, James Leiper is at present busy
pulling clown the hoose and prepar-
ing to build a line new bonne,
\lr. Robert and Miss Agnes Leiper
were home over the week end and
holidays. The former returned to Tor-
onto and Agnes is having a couple of
weeks holiday,
Miss Marion Appleby is at present
visiting at the home of her grand-
mother, -firs. Jennie Knox,
'Miss Levina Kiiox returned to To-
ronto after spending the week end
and holiday .at the game of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Knox,
Mrs, ,Jennie Stevens spent last week
with her daughter, Mrs. and Mr.:Flar-
vey Ashton of Clinton.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Martin and
sons of near Sunshine visited on Sun-
day at the homes of ,Mr. David and
Mr, Angus Reid, also attending the
Burns' Church service.
'tins, Wm. Knox Sr, who is making
her •home with her son, Mr, and Mrs.
Thos. Knox, had a had fall fast Tlhurs-
dayan:d is very poorly. We hope she
will soon be feeling better.
There was a good attendance at the
strawberry supper which was held at
Lond•es'boro Community Hall by
Burns Church Ladies Aid. last Friday
night. The program; which was given,
by Winthrop you'ntg people, was
much, enjoyed, conlsnsting of a play,
"Go Slow Mary.” with music before
and music and recitations between
acts, Rev. Mn,:Gardiner was 'chair-
Mr. and Mrs. Knechtel and ,bilaxeen
are expected homer this week. 'T'hey
were expected to be present at the
Knechtel Re -union in Waterloo on
Monday. Mr. Knechtel has a couple'
of weeks' hdlideiys, Mrs..Klec,h:tel and
Maxeen will spend the It'olidays at
the hone of her parents, Mr. and
Mfrs. Robert Ferris,
An enjoyable evening w>as spent last
Thursday when the pupils of S.S. No,
5, Hullett, under the ,direction of
!Liss Green of Clinton, and Miss' Do-
rothy Little, teacher, gave a musical
recital. Several numbers were given
by the entire ,chorus, while others
sang solos, 'duets and rounds,with
some pupils taking alto parts. Dur-
ing the eve.adng, 'Miss Greek; who
took ,the chair, expressed her apprec-
iation of the ,help given :her by Miss
Little in i,na-tructin,g the pupils :;and
also her regret that she was leaving
the ,school. The pupils also expressed
their regret by presenting Miss Tittle
with a handsome toilet set. The pre-
sentation was made' by Erma Mair,
and the following address read by
Alma Hloggart: 'Dear'Miss Little,— ,
We, the ,pupils of IS1,S.: No. S, wish to
Tuckersmith. Twp.
As a matter of economy the Coun-
cil desire the coo -operation of the pro-
perty owners within th-e Township in
an effort to suppress the weeds at z.
minimum of cost by the property
owners cutting the weeds on the roads
abutting on their property, 28
D. P. McGaRi1E.IGIOR, Clerk.'
that all creditors and others having
claims against the estate of Janet A.
keys, late of the Town of Seaforth
in the County of Huron, Widow, de-
ceased, who died on the 30th day of
May, 2934, are required to forward
their claims duly proven to the under-
signed, solicitor for the Executor, on
or before the Seventh clay of July,
AND NOTICE is further given
that after the said last mentioned
date, the Executor will ,proceed to
distribute the assets of the estate
having regard only to the claims of
which he then shall have notice.
DATED at Seaforth, - Ontario, this
20th day of Tune, 1944.
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor
The residence of the late 2Irs, D.
11. 'Ross, Immediate possession. A.
ID, ,Sutherland.
Also Annuals atld Bedding Plants.
Visit tire Mitchell Nursery Co., Mit-
chell, Ont., or phone 37.
Former Stewart gas station aad
seven acres of land with house, c .
N. Main street. If not sold will be
rented, Apply to John A, Cudmcre,
Executor for Henry Cudinore Estate,
Clinton R. R. 2. Phone 3 on 610.
'A. seven roomed brick house equip-
ped with hydro, telephone and furn-
ace, a good stable and garage and i5
acre of land. A few fruit trees. Apply
to 1V. J. Woods, Walton, or 'phone
Brussels 10 r 7.
Experienced girl wants. housework
in the morning. Write, stating wages,
to Bos 127, Seaforth News.
'Second-hand windmill in A.I. con-
dition; also a steel tire top buggy.
Prices right. Apply to The News Of-
fice. 27.
'Barred Rock blood tested chicks. 3
weeks old, 1111c each or $19,00-c hund-
red. Scott's Poultry Farm, Phone 251-
32. 27.
to stove with reservoir; must be
goad cook r and baker, in good condi-
tion and cheap for cash. Reply to The
News, stating lowest cash price. 37.
an loving 'memory *IF ,our 'dear wee
son 'William ;Willy) ,Stanley Johnston
who passed 'away 'J'u'IF 8th, 119313.
Deep in our ,heart lies a picture,
01 .a Toyed ' one gone to rest,
In memory's frame we will keep a.
Because he was one of the best,
Our hearts ,canacit speak how we miss.
Our hearts cannot tell' what to say,
God only ,knows how we ,miss him,
As we battle along life's may,
—Ever remembered by !Father .and
express our sincere appreciation and
gratitude for the faithful services gi-
ven us during the past three years. It
was with regret that we :learned of
your departure from our school. We
shall miss you very ,much and hope
that you will take with you pleasant
memories ofyour .pupils of, S.S. No, 5.
We ask you to accept this little gift
as a token of our thanks, Wishing you
every success in youir new school sin
derely yours, Pupils .of ,S.S. No. a.
Miss Little was anutoh taken by sur-
prise but in a few weil,choseaa words
thanked the pupils for their gift and
wished them the best of success dur-
ing the coining years. The program
closed with the singing of the 'nation-
al anthem lead by the school. Much.
credit is due S.S. IVO. .5 for in'broiduc- . .
in instrutct'ioat in vocal nitric into
the rural sch=ools of this district .and it
s to be hoped that many will follow
heir example.