HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-05, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1934, THE SEAFORTH NEWS '1'ERI �. sTOIlls. Appropriate Goods for !arm Weather Appetites Are Featured This Week FEATURED FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK AYL'MER or ST. WILLIAMS STRAWBERRY JAM '32 oz. KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES 2 PKGS, OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 TINS MANYFLO:WERS „TOILET SOAP ROYAL YORK TEA, CASCADE FANCY PINK SALMON, l's 27c 19c 19c PER'CAKE Sc Fza 28c PER TIN A 4y Standard Tomatoes, 234's per tin 10c Blue Boy Tea 1 113. pkg. 49c Soda Biscuits, 1 1b. bags 2 lbs. for 25c Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c Comfort Soap 4 cakes 15c Brock's .Bird Seed per pkg. •19c Keen's Mustard, 1A -25c; 54's 49e Lawrason's Snowflake Ammonia 4 pkgs. 25c Flusho per tin 190 Sinko per tin 25c Posts Minute Tapioca 2k s. 25c Rubbe2 Jar Rings, 12's cut 2pdoz. 13c Crown Jars, per doz, small -1.09; medium -1.23 Large 1.60 Fly Swatters Rubber -10c; wire 10c Parawax, 1 Ib. packages 2 lbs. 25c Jelly Beans per lb. 19c Crosse .and Blackwell's Lemon, Orange & Lime Cup 13 oz., . each 27c Blueberries, 2'squat per tin 13c Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 Miss N. Pryce Rhone 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UN'D'ERTAKING -and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. \l'•AILKEIR, holder of Go- vernment diplopia and license, Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Insurance FIRE-AUTO-WI11JD Our Policies Will Protect You Our Rates Will Appeal to You Prompt service and settlement of all claims Travel anywhere •in Canada or the United States and always fully protected -you cannot af- ford to take chances. REAL ESTATE Several bargains in Town and Farm Property. Special -100 acre grass farm. Call, Phone or Write Us. AD . . Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE • AGENCY Conveyancing, Real Estate, Etc. PHONE 152 SEAFORTH Eggs, per doz. ..i. Butter, per :lb Potatoes, per bag Oats, per bus, „ Wheat, per bushel Barley, per bus. MARKETS. ,,.....: 98o 410c -412,c 90c „. 50c' MANLEY. - 'Miss May Ellen Diemps'ey, f•rotn the teaching ,staff in Guelph, is spend- ing 'her vacation with her fattier, Mr. Frank 'Dempsey. . is l.tss Maria Murray,who has been teaching in Loan Townslhip, 4s at Present spending her holidays with friends in Windsor and Detroit. !llys. 1l Desborough and her fath- er, lir. C. Eckert, were visitors at the home of vir, Fred: 'Eckart last w'ee'k. The continued dry weather is mak- ing it serious four the stock as the pastures are burning up. ,The barn dance given by Henry F. Beuerntann last week was enjoyed by all who ,attended, as it reminded us of the goad old times, 'After 110 Years of 'Asthma Dr. J. .D Kellogg's ,Asthma ,Remedy proved the only relief 'for one grateful user, and this is but one case aanoug many, Little wonder ''that it 'has now be cone the ohne recognized ,remedy on the •market, has carred its .fame by'its never failing effectiveness. It is earning it •ho -clay as,it has done for years, ''It is the greatest asthma specific :within reach 'of suffering Irttinanity. OPEN AIR At 1William Glazier's ,Farm on the Highway r g way 4/ miles from Clinton or Seaforth Tues., July 10th Good floor and 6 -piece Rhythm Ramblers' Orchestra. Andy Dun- lop, floor manager. Gents 25c, Ladies 115c WINTHROP 'Brussels defeated Winthrop in foot ball last Wednesday. The score 1-0. MM.otcrief played Isere Tuesday night. The score was a tie 1.1. It was a windy night and the ball seemed to stay at one end most of the game. 11oncrieff scored in the first half anti Winthrop in the second. It •was a real good game, about as good a game as has been played here, Rid. Bell, Brussels, refereed, Winthrop has one more .gauze to play. IBrussels is one point ahead and Walton sever- al; lion'crieff has set-erad games yet and is following ;closely. 'Winthrop goes to Ethel on the 9th, Our com- edian fan Dick Fisher, kept the lIou- crieff fans on edge all the time, espec- ially when the 'MMoncrielf Man kept kicking the ball out. One of the Mon- crieff players was hurt and was taken to a doctor. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Campbell •of Toronto spent the week encs with Mr. Alex. Cuthill. Miss ,Rossie 'Patrick, who resigned her ,school here, 'wil'1 assume a new occupation in the near future. (Haying is the order of the clay, • HILI;SGREEN 'Miss Gretta Blackwell, R.N., of Buffalo, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Blackwell, during the w c,ek, .Mr, Logie anti friend of Walkerton visited has friend, Mr. Ferdinand' Stela: one clay, Mr. \V. H. Forrest spent a clay 'in London convbiasinig business with p6easu,re. Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cen- tralia visited at the home of Mr. and Vlrs. Jas. Love on Sunday. - ,tfiss Lettie Love returned to hoer hone after spending a few clays with friends in St, Thomas and Kildare. 'Mfr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son Douglas of Toronto spent the holiday with their parents Mn and Mrs, J. Cochrane, Mas Mina Love is visiting her son, Ross and Mrs, Love and family at. present. Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. Love of Ailsa .Craig visited friends in this vicinity recently, IRev. A. Sinclair of the Hensel] Un- ited Chunch will be in charge of the services here in the H'illsgrecn church. on Sunday a'f'ternoon at 2.310. IA number look in the races at Strathroy on \ioncllay from this vic- inity, others spending the day alonvg. the resorts on lade 1luron. IA number of the older schoolmates of No 114, Stanley, attended l- the re- union held on the school grounds on Saturday afternoon where a very en- joyable time was spent by all those present. TOWN TOPICS. Ofr. John A. Murray left for Van conver on Friday afternoon to spen about a month with hisson, trial liar ray, who is in the brokerage busines at the Coast. He was accompanied a far as Toronto by his daughter, Mrs Keen, who spent the week end in tha city. lirMerton Reid will attend t lir. Murray's fire and wmd insuranc during his absence, -Mr. .Murray wa last West in 1905 and expects to se many changes, - . and Mrs. Frank Reaume au daughter, Marilyn and lir. J. N, Du tot, Comber, spent last week visiting friends and relatives at Brucefield an Seaforth. Mr, Dutof is remaining rot a short time, '11,1r. Sherman Stewart returned to Crystal City, Man., after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart and brother, MarshallStewart, of Sea - forth. - MMrs. J. S. Watson ofCalgary is vis- iti-hg her sister, Mrs. Geo. Stewart and brothers, Samuel and William Cud - Mare. Mrs. Joseph Nigh returned home front the Scott .Memorial Hospital last week and is feeling touch improv- ed. Her many friends extend their tenderest sympathy to her and hope to see -her out again in the near future, Mrs, Stephen Durham of Reed City, \itch„ has returned home after spend- ing a week with Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Nichol, Mr, ,Stanley Nichol returned with - her and will spend a couple of months in 3m States, iKippen defeated Seaforth in a close game on Wednesday evening 2-d. - Miss Bessie Grieve of Chatham, Mrs. Harry Grieve and Tommy and Russell of Windsor, are visiting here, 'Miss Margaret Finniganis -visiting in Dungannon, lltss lic'Kittrick dfWinnipeg, spent the week -end and hoh•day with Mrs, A. Reid and Miss Galbraith. Goderich street, Miss Louise Allan of Hamilton is visiting her .parents, Mr, and Mrs James Allan, Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto is spending her vacation at her home. \lr,. Sandal of British Columbia,w who has been the guest at the home of lkr. and Mrs. M. MCKellar for the past week left on Saturday for Nova Scotia and a trip through the Panama Canal, Mrs,McKellar accompanied her to Niagara Falls where they spent the week -end, Miss Ruth .Marlowe, Miss Marion Stewart, Miss Elvira Manning, MissMargaret Porter and Miss FlorenceLaidlaw, all of Toronto, were week- end guests with the latter's mother, MMrs J, C, Laidlaw, Goderich street. Misses Margaret and Isabel Mc- Kellar are holidaying in Toronto. \Ir, and Mrs C. T. Muff of Win- nipeg were guests of Mrs, Reid and Nfiss Galbraith on Wednesday.Misses Ida and Eva Love of To- ronto arc spending a couple of weeks in Muskoka before returning to their home here d S e• d • d • Mr. and .firs. George Brownlee spent the week -end and holiday, in London with friends. Mrs, 12. S. Evans and' Miss Eleanor Evans have returned after .spending three weeks at Fort William. 'Mrs. M. Desborough has returned to Northville, Mich., S•an•atarium to resume her duties after spending her vacation with her many friends in the stvr ounzling vicinity, Mrs, Mary Elliott of Toronto is visiting Mrs. MMcCloy, afiss Mary Brall and Miss Nellie Desborough spent a few clays at the beach at Baylfield. 'Mr. C. Eckart paid a visit to friends in Bruce county to renew old ac- quaintances. c- quaintances. 'Mr. and Mrs, Glean Taman of To- ronto are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy M'dGeoch. \i'r. and Mrs. Will Neely of Strat- ford spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs G. Reeves, Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Reid and daugh- ter Barbara Ann of Stratford spent the holiday in town with friends, SUMMER SPECIALS iFeed Oatmeal $2.40 cwt. Sugar - per bag 6.00 •Alberta Rose Flour , , , , : 2,50 North Star Flour 2.60 Tumblers 60c and 1.00 doz, White :Cups. • each 5c Bowls 3 in set 35c (Bowls 4 in set 50c' .Bowls ....,.. 5 in set 1.00 Paper Cups, 10 in pack.. 2 packs 15c J.T.McAsh VARNA. PAGE FIVE. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Cudmore are spending a few 'week's in town with friends. Moss Ju'li'a Kenny from L'on'don is at present spending her vacation with her sisters, Mfrs. John Nolan and Mrs, C. Eckart and her brothers, i'fessrs, Philip and Frank Kenny of Dublin, ,Mr. and Mrs. J 13, Tyerman, Miss A, Tyerman and Miss Mina Melville are spending a couple of weeks . at Darlington. - - Miss Elizabeth -Smith of Ottawa'' s visiting her sister, Mrs. 1V. E. Kers- lake, \i:iss Bernice Hodgins of Toronto is the guest of Mrs, L. T. DeLacey, Nit's. Maude Sloan has returned to Toronto after- visiting Mr, and -firs, R. F. -Jones, Mr, and Mrs, William Pearce of Toronto spent the week end with the Misses Brine, Mr. Will Brine deft Wednesday on a trip to Vancouver, •llisn Mary Hays, Toronto, was a holiday visitor with her parents, lir. and Mrs, Adam Hays. -\Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel- land were guests of Mrs. Stark for several days, The hisses Ferguson left Tuesday to holiday at Port Albert, Miss Ethel McDougall, R.N„ - o Detroit; is spending the week \vitro her mother, Mrs. Henry Hoggar•.th. 111r, and Mrs. W. 0, .McSpadden have as their guests their two daugh- ters Mish 3d, 13. McSpadden of Win- nipeg, Matt„ and firs, F. •L, Hutch- ings of Lethbride, Alta, -lits, Hutch- ings was accompanied as far as Win- nipeg 'by her little daughter, who is spending her holidays at the homes of her two aunties, -lkrs, \V, E, Haw- ley of Rosser, Man., and Mrs. J. 11. MacMillan of Elgin, Man. MIr, and firs. 1\': 0 , McSpadden were visiting friends in Winthrop last week. Mr. Jack Ferguson of Pt Robiu'son went to Bayfield to visit Itis parents this week. Mr. Ferguson has resigned his school to return to Normal this Fall, Mr. Dawson Reid of Guelph spent the holiday with his mother on Vic- toria street,. - - Miss Trcva Bennett of Mitchell is visiting her cousin, Miss Jean Dungey at the Commercial, Miss Florence .McLeod of London spent the week -end with -hiss Violet Tyndall. - Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Knight and daughter Ethel Mae and Mr. \Wallace of Hamilton spent the holiday at ilt, J. Knight's, Carl Knight returning to Hamilton with thein, The Murray -Gibson clan will hold their fourth annual re -union picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Thurs- day, July 119th, - Miss Edythe Storey left on Satur- day fur Manitoba and North Dakota, Mr. Thomas Hudson and Mr. Jos- eph Hudson of Pontiac, Mich.,, -firs. Hudson Sr, of Hensall who is now past 93 years of age, and Mrs. James Logan and Mrs. Carlile of Hensall, visited during the week with Airs, John Consist. 'Mir, Alex. McKenzie and fancily of Orillia were holiday visitors with his. mother here, LONDESBORO Miss E, Mains is spending a few weeks with her sisters at Chicago. 111r. and .Mrs. O,wan of St, Thomas were the guests of their 'friends, Mr., and stirs, L. Ball, on Sunday, Mr. Wm. Moots. lir. and Mrs. Jas. -McCool and Phyllis, spent the week end holiday with Mr. and Mrs, -Fred Armstrong" Grimsby, returning on Monday night. Thompson of Timmins ited with Mrs. W. E. Manning other friends recently. , •The -Mountain and Whitely re -fin - inn was held at Bayfield :Monday af- ternoon where quite a large number of friends gathered and .spent a most enjoyable time together. Friends were present from Gorrie Auburn, Toron- to and Edmonton anti other points. 11a•. and Mrs, Archie MCcHarry of Windsor and Mr, Walter, Jessie and vis - and Nellie Wiliisou, of Constance, were guests- at the home of Mr. and _firs. Joseph Yungblut on Saturday for tea, • VARNA. Traffic was thick over the week- end and holiday. Mrs, A. 'itdNaughton and Miss Gladys 'Beatty .Mrs IE. MoAsh, ,of London, Mr, Wm, :Beatty and Master Bally of Mount ,Brydges, - Mrs. E. lfcAsh, 'Miss (Logan and Mr. \Vivi Logan spent Sunday in ,Bayfield with Professor and Mrs. Keys; and family,, of 1'INashville Tenn, r,'Will Beatty and sister 1Mrs. Weekes, spent the holiday with Ms',. and ilfrs. Woods of Listowel. slit, 'G. :B. Woods of 'Toronto has improved 'the appearance of itis hoose by adding a ,coat of paint to 'the woodwork. IRev. \V. 10. ,Bugle, ,Rector of 'St, john Church, addressed the memb- er, of L,O.L, ,Sunday evening. IA few visitors frons .Ciiiiton, ,Hensall and other neiglyboring' lodges ,were present The hay crop is much beater than the ,farmers expected' Mt, and Mrs "Marks and kiddies of' Toronto are holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Connell Mrs Jas. Stephenson spent the holiday' with her sister Miss Edyth \Cossop, at the home of Mrs. M. Beatty. 'Distemper responds quickly to Douglas' Egyptian Liniment, Keep t bottle ,handy in the stable. Send us' the nacres°of your visitors. July Sale of BRAY CHICKS - PRICES GREATLY REDUCED %v' Only a Few More Days to Get Your Supply -Last Eggs Now 14 the Incubators, , _sir.. Standard Quality Foundation Stock Day-old Barred Rocks $ 7.95 per 100 $ 9.95 per 100 10 -day-old Barred Rocks ,,,, 11.95 per 100 13,95 per 100 3 -week-old Barred Rocks 15,95 per 100 17.95 per 100 White Rocks, Reds and Wyandottes (day-old only) same as Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, % cent per chick less, age for age, - Jersey Black Giants (day-old only) 1 cent per chick more. These are the same kind of high-quality chicks We have been hatching all season, Pricesreducedfor quick clearance, A real opportunity for anyone who can accommodate a few more pullets next Fall. The older chicks are particularly well -grown for their ages, They're past the danger stage and should come along fast, DAY-OLD PULLETS"-LEGHORNS ONLY. If you like Leghorns, this is what you want, "Day-old Pullets" or "3 - Week -Old Pullets." Cockerels taken out as they come from the in- cubator. 85% accuracy guaranteed, This new development is proving very popular with many of our customers. StDay-old Leghorn PULLETS , . , $15.95 ndard per 1100 Foundation$5pStock . $ $19.95 per 100 3 -week-old Leghorn PULLETS 25,75 per 100 29.75 per 100 Place your order with your nearest Bray Hatchery or sales office=or write direct to St. Catharines. Send $1,00 deposit with order - and pay balance on safe delivery of chicks. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 98 Clayburn Ave„ St, Catharines, Ont. Brooder & Office, H. W. Charlesworth, Clinton This adver-i.emc. t has rtv.ived GA eminent Approval to o ar as refers tl, BRUCEFIELD. 113rucefield defeated flaylield by score of 1-0 in Bayfield ,n Motnda July 2; before a very large .crowd. 1 the first period play was very gist less; Brucefield having a slight - ad vantage. The .second period opene with 13a3 -field pressing hard- but the were unable to score. About - halt wa through the period Brueetieid score on a penalty kick, 'Rutherford mal in no nu take pit the free kick, Bat Iter cause hack very strongly. In the fly, ing muuttes Weston broke through, but Lavis cane nut to ave On Fri- day evening ,Jul} ti, Egm,ndville, vis- its 'Brucefield. A real-exaltassured. Each team has lot only one .game and are now battling it out for first place in the league. Egm onclville is at present leading -by 2 points. Line-ups: L'a}aficid-=Gnat Fergu:,,n; hacks. Sturgeon and Higgins; half backs, Armstrong, Wilson and iohnson; for- wards Weston. Blair, Castle, Johns and Bowe}', Sub, F. Sturgeon, Brucefield -Goal, Ltvc; back, Hicknell and .Batetnan; half backs, Cook, Rogerson and W. 'Pepper; for- wards,.Denfield Baird, Rutherford, Garrett and L, Pepper. Subs., Mlur- och and '\V, Popple, Referee 3. .Armstrong. - 38 On Thursday, June there died t her home in lirucciield a highly espected resident in the person of Mrs. Daviel Tough. Mrs. Tough was tore on the Bronson Lint Stanley, n the year 1'802, being the youngest aughter of the late Mr. and 'Nfrs. llexander Sparks. Thirty-seven years go she was united in marriage with er now bereaved husband, and re- ided on Lot 112, Concession 13, oming to Brucefield eleven years go. The funeral,.which was held on tine 30, was largely attended, many lends from a distance being pre - nt, After a short service in the home ne remains were taken to the church r the village where tete pastor, Rev. A. Bremner, speaking from Rev. 4: 113, "That they may rest from a y. 11 "I a a t el a h a tr e tl \\ tl teir labor and their works do follow them," gave a most comforting and inspiring talk, staking special refer- F ootBall KITCHENER. -AT- ST, COLUMBAN Tues., July 10 J 6.30 p.m. Admission 15c DANCE and an Old Thyme Orchestra Contest on a fair and square basis at BAYFIELD PAVILION Tues., July 10 9:30 P.M. Rule apiece or under, 1sou. dance, 1 waltz. 1 rite --gist $3 cash; 2nd $2.50 cash lud re's --P`. \luteh, W. Collins. Dancing through contest. W. Hayter, floor manager, Admission 25c KIPPEN. :1 great marry front these parts spent Dominion day • picnicking - at different places at Luke Huron and alt enjoyed a day off. Mr. and Mrs. Detw•eiller and family of Kitchener called on friends around tine village over the week end and all were pleased to see tltetn, lit Earl Sproat is getting along nicely now and is able to get around 'on the crutches now after his recent accident, \lr, and -lits, W. J, McLean and children of Hamilton are spending a week with K'ippen friends, \Mr, Alex. Sproat of Toronto stent a few days recently with his many friends around the bttcg. ,Rol', and Mrs. Chandler and fami:y are now occupying their stunner cot- tage near Goderich for a couple of ence to the loyalty of the departed months, to the church and its organizations, Miss .Margaret Cooper of Toronto Tho choir rendered well chosen spent the week with her parents in numbers, while Miss Jean .Murdoch the village, sang, "A Garden where Jesus is Wait- ing" as few can sing it. The floral tributes were wonderful indicative of real sympathy. She leaves to mourn the loss of a true helpmate and de- voted mother -her husband, one dau- ghter -Miss Ilelen at home, and one brother Alexander :Sparks of Hensall. The pall bearers were Chas, Reid, \\"m. Henry, Thos: Wheeler, Ross Scott, .Alden Johnston and J. T. \Mc- Knight, "Blessed are the dead, who Chandler. die in the Lord." .Morning services in St. 'Andrew's There will just be one service .held United Church on Sunday nest will in the United Church during the min- ister's holidays, beginning next Sun- day. Sehnol and morning service will be held at the usual hours. The many friends of ,\A•. John A. McEwen will regret to hear that he .had the misfortune to break a bone in his ankle and will 'be laid up for Haying is the order of the day but it is not a third of thecrop on accotmt of the continued dry weather. !Baptismal services were held in St. Andrew's 'United Church on Sunday morning last when John ,Edw•arl Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs, Har- ry Caldwell of Tttckersmith, and Betty Jeanne Carlisle, daughter 'f Mr. and 'Mfrs, CVm, McLean of Ha- milton were baptized by IRev. E. F. be held at 9:4+5 a.m. and will he con- ducted by Rev. '\\'. A. Bremner .of the ,United. Church. Brucefield. The church school will be held ,following the service. The 11, '\i:. S. of St, Andrew's Church entertained the members of the Busy 'Bees Mission Circle on. some time: Wednesday evening last at the cot- \Iiss Doris Dutot has gone to tage of Rev. and Mrs. E. 11'. Chandler Comber to spend her holidays. north of (Goderich. A very fine time Mr. and Mrs. L. Forrest visited was enjoyed by all. their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bird, of Walton, last Monday. Jas. Hill of Stratford spent the holiday with his mother, who is ill. We hope soon to hear of her recov• - rKeep Douglas' Egyptian `Liniment always in the stable, ready for imme- diate use. 'Removes proud flesh and inflammation, Thrush or ,Hoof. Rot, • miss Jean Falconer of 'Paris spent the holiday at her home in Stanley, !Want and For Sale Ads, I time, 3Se A small stream near the northern boundary of the Huron tract, a beauty spot of the county, and of nterest as one of the few limestone exposures in Huron: