HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Sno'w'don 'Bios,, Publishers,
`hors®, July
Admission 15e
1\ir, a:td• Mrs. t o ,r; e Damlas and
Mr. and llrs WillisDundas anal Mrs.
\'\r^ A. Divides of Seaforth rt:ended
the Dundas reunion picric :it Thames -
ford an -Monday.
:Mission ' Aland of Duff United
' Church met dei the school ooin of the
church on Sunday, Julylleet-
ing was opened by ,singing "I Love to
Te1't the Story," au.l the worship per-
iod as outlined in the study -book, The
leader had charge of worship period
,vith..pr'ayer by .Mrs. E. P,ryans, The
president, \tory Btiehanan, then an-
nounced the roll cal; and bitty-four-
mentbers responded. Minutes of the
last meeting were read and adopted
and busimiss in connection tvitit a
booth at the garden ,arty was die, -
cussed, It was decided that Sr.. Girls-
C1rss assist in the broth this year
Donations of home-made candy will
,e very gratefully .recepteil Birthday
cine ing was ,hitt taken up and classes
+ere formed for surly, after which
the meeting was closed by singing
hymn 4ik4 anl,t benediction.
Farm Machinery and
Come in and see our New and
Used Cars
Pinent for Chrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash,
Auld Lang Syne was :ed by the Wren';
choru • an 1 thett ,u en's chorus. MissGGS_ Phillipa Pen old teacher of the
school, was accompany '
accompanist, Those Who
spoke d tring• the aftern000 were Mr.
George Howard, Principal Exeter
P.S.• •aid he taught at S.S. No, 9,
while Mfr, Johnston swayed the rod
-at N, 14 Dr. Murray Fisher, of Gr•a-
venhur t, said nothing- Short of "an
Seaforth earthquake or quintuplets could have
kept him away, Dr, H. H, Ross, Sea-
erea '' cry forth, vividly recalled "my • first
C. A, Barber, Pro thrashing in -the ohl school," with the
Prop. belief he most have been mischievous
at, because he had recollections of the
frequent, `•Hugh, • come ap here,'' Dr,
of the congregation are incited, R, R. Ross Seaforth c t
eatuit.t .rased he had
The Live Wire Glass intend hold-
., attended she log- school, and had
ing a picnic to `Goderieh on Friday i taught elsewhere fifteen years. Mr; R.
July Gtih, J. Beattie, Egmondville,- taught in N,,.
�m the nineties, -David
:\: it .
•, t •c
a ;care
, t e,
s eat to --1 ac ta: u
P e a n
s n
E D.
et Stamford,
•, salt !
i! I; u c n'
a, \•
sur, Section ?,n. 7, 1LcaLup, pre- Presentation. -After the singing at I \ ethey u.
rented Miss Cora Strong. who has the rear S Exeter ILS., Alden Jane;, Melvin Tucker -
resigned =Wed h , position as teacher, Leith picnic 5,,, No, 3, Tucker-
i smith, Isabel Armstrong' and Mac air' of Detroit, also spoke.
a iter casserole anti -silver salt and ;See also ]rage 2,
pepper pper s ral.er on Friday iday afternoon Wilson requested -hiss Mary Me -
Miss Kathleen (seeming read the ad Naughton, teacher for the last five
art:as •uand Miss \n, .t Somerville and years, to come to the platform. D,n-
Mi 'Maxine Dennison made the pre,
is \ ,
,. ,i1 .I
ac.Dc Wale; read the z I
, r dress School 0®1 R
-.'fi;:l t1 Il The address �; la a^ follows: , Reports
•ii a ;alio, r :,
..;lull _ 1 a4 Miss i.n�,---\\'c, the while Alice Wright presented -her
-icaolinis of S.S. No. 7desire to es- with a beautiful silver tray and cut S. S. No, 7 Stanley,
, our esteem and affection for ;Mass dish and 3Iay.tne Watsonprey-
Yam have now fora period of s The following -is a report of the
ler nista,•, with nrucit pains, striven caked her with a bouquet of roses, results of -the Time promotion es -
r„ train and enlighten ,uir minds, We 11. McNaughton, although taken by 1 stain
atians in 5;5. \o, 7, Stanley. Numbers
t n t that the know led e you have so surprise,. thanked the pupils and
iurticate•percrnt tomes. Sr- IPI, -Mar,=
int"ally nr sate 1 m u ,,rote amast- III. -Marg -
',0!'""4 in a felt nicely spoken words.
n good to ns. As prom or lir .ove l civet I ve rG, Ruth McAllister 75,
r you as friend and teacher, pleas The following is the address, -"Dear Clarence Love 64, Regis Aubin 64
aceept tau mall token of • our ra-1 Mass \Ie\aughton,-The pupils and
Hoping. that in what field parents of S. S. No,don Johnston S3, ;sort Ste 3, Tuckersmith Margaret Reichert 52 , J e. LInphen on son al,
of labour y• t may be called into,
indeed n+leen very sorry when they
ui efforts may be rsned wit'n Patrick.Aubin 53, \rmellda Aubin 48,
n ee: s aisle 1. M 1 _ n't Dennison, ;carne; that you hag tendered your 11. Clas - jean Love 79, Bobby
Mrs, Wm t.,merl.e. , t .teltalf of resignation as teacher of this school. Reid 70, 1' itt Reichert 63, I. Class -+-
s X. 7" MiSS then made a During the years you have been wimp
made re t roti .eraarus treatedlus, you have given generously of your Ralph Stephenson 85, Sr, Primer -
(e ,nrn.1= t,, natern to1on Ellen Love 90, Orville Aubin 87. Jr,
r t cat one t sine' hands and sang true, talent, co-operation, and good- (fanner-diIda Reichert, John Aubin,
I ,r She's a Jodie Gold Fellow," will and also of your money which Margaret Love, Ivan Stephenson
We are now buying EGGS
at Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
The many friends .,f \iiss Phoebe
',\'akefeld are sorry t, (tear that she
ill at present.
Mr. Charles Riley of Goderich tp.
,pent Sunday at the home of his mo-
ther, lir-. George Riley.
\tr, and Mrs. Robert Grimoldhy
and Olive visited at the hone of .lir
and Mrs, John Mann on Sunday.
The many friends of Mr. Torn Ril-
ey, who is starting into the grocery
business this week in Clinton, wish
hint every success,
Mr, Charles Wakefield spent the
week end with friends at Londesboro.
Mr, and firs. \\'nn. Dunlop, Bob
and Jessie and June, of Kinistiuo,
Northern Sask.. are Guests of the for-
mer's uncle, Mr, Hugh Dunlop, Mrs,
Dunlop ani; Peter. Will is one of our
bots 'tt bo has made gout; in the \Gest,
ft is fifteen years since his last visit to
itis boyhood community.
Mr. and .firs, Peter Lindsay and
Mr David 3liilson visited Mr. Broad -
:not at Walton on :Sunday.
The Golden Links Mission Band
;ail hold their open meeting on'Wed-
nesday, July 111, in the schoolroom of
the church. An invitation is extended
to all the congregation. The Londes-
boro :Mission hand will meet with us.
\'Irs. Roy Lawson will speak to the
31r. and Mrs. Blake Fawcett and
Frances Marie of Sarnia spent last
week earl with Mr, and Mrs. John
\Ii: s Edythe (Stewart spent the
holiday with her uncle, Mr. Theo.
Dexter, who has not been in the best
,f health.
3tial (Henry Adams of Lnnleshoro
spent Sonday nvith his daughter,
Mrs. 'Austin 'Dexter.
3ir. Lorenzo Proctor of Halifax
visited bars aunt Mrs. Henry- Taylor
and usher friends on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vo.dden of
\taddnn, Sask., and Mfr: and Mrs. Al-
bert Votiden of Londesboro, visited
Miss Florence Taylor recently.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Bromley and
a lady friend of 'Toronto visited at
the home of Mr. and Airs. James Dale
over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs.
Bromley left on Tuesday for Chicago
to visit the Fair and intend talcing a
tour through the States.
Miss Nellie Stobie of Detroit, 3Mr.
and ;'fns, John;t, ilkinst,n and Mr. and
Sirs. Prelrbeck cif \Vardsic'k, Latnb'ton
County, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr, and .firs. Wan. Britton,
3Me. and. Mra. Peter Lindsay and
'Mr. Dave :\Millson visited Mr: and
Mrs. \Will Wood and .Mfrs, Ed. Brit-
ton at Walton Sunday.
,Golden Links Mission Band ,will
hold an open meeting' ip the. school-
roost Of the church on Wednesday,
July !lith. The Londesboro Mission
Band willbe present. ('Mrs.: Roy Law-.•
son is to give an. address. A good p'ro
gram i0 being prepared, lunch will be
served. The ladies and young people
you have so unstintingly used to pur-
chase useful prizes for both School
and work and sports. Itis with much
regret that we conte to a parting of
the ways but .our loss • will be some
one else's gain. It is our unanimous
wish that in your new field of endea-
vours you may hai'e much happiness
and succi . ^\s -a small token of our
esteem and acknowledgment of your
service; allow us to present you with
this small gift. Signed in behalf of
S.S. No. 3, Teekersnith; Chairman
Lorne Wilson; Se.-Treas., John S.
'Saturday, June 30th, was a red-let-
ter day in the history of S S. No. 14,
Stanley township when the sixtieth
anniversary of the building of the
present school house was observed by
the holding of a monster reunion. For
weeks the committee in charge had
been making preparations for the ev-
ent and its outstanding success am-
ply rewarded their efforts. 'A large
crowd was present during the day at
the school grounds. The schoolhouse
which is a .utile and a quarter west
and a mile and a quarter north of Kip -
pen, was recently re -painted by ;\[r.
Norman Nichol, of Seaforth, and pre-
sented a very, fine appearance. The
afternoon's programme opened with
community chorus ''O Canada," fol-
lowed by school chorus, "Land of the
Maple." Mr. W. H. Johnston, of Ex
eter, chairman, gave an address; Au-
drey Cochrane danced the Sailor's
Hornpipe. Letters of greeting were
react by Mr. Johnston. Numbers by
the Rhytheni'Band were (a) Gavotte;
(b) April Rain." Selection by Mr.
Hollingshead, of Dutton, a former pu-
noel Jean Love had the fewest Mis-
take.. in Spelling in their respective
classes for the months of 'May and
Jane, Victor Dianin, Teacher„
S. S. No. 6, McKillop
The following is the report of the
Promotion examinations held in S. S•
No. 6, 3MeKill,,p. The year'is work has
also been taken into consideration in
staking these promotions. The names
appear in the classes in which they
will be on Sept. Ist.
Sr. W. -Marie Iluegy 73%, Rita
Duffy 70, Beatrice Pryce 69, Everett
L'euerntann 67, Wilbur Hoegy 65,
Mary Pryce 63, Hazel Spading (con-
Jr, PV - Louis Hoegy 7'8, Irene
Connelly 74 Hector Lamont 69, Bob
Duffy (conditional).
Sr. LII -(Billy Little 54, Alvin Beu-
erntann 52.
Jr, lII-.)Role Burn: 711, j6an Pryce
69. Sr. DI. --'Rita Sloane 45, Rita Con-
nelly 75, Leotta Idoegy 7'6, Margaret
Lamont 75, Mervin Beuermann 72,
Roy Elliott 69.
Jr. II-lI atbelle Purcell, Grace Con-
nelly and Alvin Pryce (equal).
Pr,-Lerern Hoegy, Eldon Hulley,
Pat Burns, Anana Dale, Teacher.
U.S.S. 12, Grey and McKillop
The following is the report of the
promotion examinations held at U.S.S
12, rGrey and McKillop:
Jr, +IIV, to Sr, i\. -Archie Steels,
Ross Courts.
,Sr, 1111, to Jr. IV, --Evelyn William-
son, 'Glen Corlett,
Sr. 11, to Jr IIh-,Florence Wil-
liamson Russel McCallum.
Jr, Id. to 'Sr, II. Viola McCallum,
ti. to gr. 11. -Venice Machan.
J. -)Roy Williamson,
3i. C. 'Robertson, Teacher.
pad in the eighties, sung comic songs; S -S, No, 6, Hullett
Audrey Murdoch danced the High- The 'following is the result of the
land Fling; Violin Ensemble; Dance,
Promotion exams held et S.S.'No, 6,
"'Irish Washerwoman," Mildred Arch- Hullett:
Sr, I\' -•Gordon 'McGregor 71%n,
exon; men's chorus; Sailor''s Horn- Jr. IV. -Laura Leiper $2%.
pipe, Audrey Murdock; a feature of dr, TH.-jean Rapson 76%, Ross
the afternoon was the w•ornen's c'hor_ Leiper 64%.
us, those taking part beteg dressed in 'IL -Alvin 'Nicholson 69%.
II: ---Kathleen ,Roe 77%, Archie Watt
old time costumes and 'Airs Joseph 74%,
Hood, one of the early pupils of the Tr -Phyllis 'Shepherd (excellent.)
school, sat at her spinning wheel. The annual prlaes were ati•arded as
rnnnnnti V charas o1 follows: perfect •attendance to \\'ilma
The clo•s.in c Shepherd; highest in 'arithmetic to
Laura tl.eiper; least mistakes in spell -
IN MEMORIAM ing to \ ilma Shepherd.
'Bennett. -tin memory of a loving Lydia L. Reid, Teacher,
wile and mother, Bdna Eiiiecn Ben-
S.S. No, 5 Stanley
nett, who passed away, Jul • 3rd, 11933.
her coy; of sin, Jr. TV.-Leolus 3ldClinehey, Russell
;'Her weary hour., lay p Oesch,
Fler troubled nights are past, Jr. 'I1 f, to Sr, McCliri-
Pter ever patient, wornout frame, they 64%• -\{ mitis TO
Hai found Ctreet rest at laat. Sr. II. to Jr. CIh ae S %n
ghie . Mari de 67%, Kathleen
T-bttg days, Ion; nights: ,0he bore. •her Desch 65%, 'Anon McKinley 63%,
pain, Jean MfcClinchey.
To R"art for euro, 'hut all in renin, 9r.,11• to Sr, Pl.-(Annie Oesch 64%,
Doreei •M eClinchey 6-1%.
'Till God Himself lc,new what was best
5 I to !Si. I. -Myrtle McKinley
TTe called her home and gave her rest. 6J. ;Mae :Desch 76%,Y!Keltnetlx Arai;
-Sadly missed by Husband, Ron- stroang 7.4%n, Alla 'Boyce 711%, Westley.
pie ane; Shirley.
McBride 66%.
Sr, (Pruner -Viola (Boyce, Doris
Clarke. 13earnners'-1Ro'bert iMctK•in-
ley, rBeverly McCune:hey, 'Ruth
H. 5:millie, Teacher,
S.S. No. 6, Tuckersmith
The following is the school report
of ISIS, 'No. 6, Tuckersmith ,for the
.Huron promotion examinations and
the year's work. The classes are ar-
ranged as they will appear in 'Septem-
Sr.iT\,-Carman 'Whitmore ,76%,
Iona Ihugill 68Marian ,Hugill 611,
r, 1'V -Mina Terry be ry 05%, 'Au-
drev Beucrntnn • 64, 'Mildred Ashton
60, (Kenneth 'Terryberry 60, Wesley
Hugill '55,:
Sr.IMI,--Ruth Carnochan 76,4, Do-
rothy ,Coleman 68, Edna Ashton 63.
jr, 1111, -'ids Terryhery 08, Clifford
Hugill 60, (Gurdon Beuermano (miss-
ed examinations).
Sr,IL-Melvin 'Beuermann 45.
Sr I :\lain Terryberry 715, Jim
Carnochan :70, Joyce (Carter '(absent
through illness).
Ruth Carnochan won the Silver
Trophy for highest percentages in the
two years' work,
I\o. on roll, I1'8; average attendance
for. June, Ili7.
Edna M. ,Panoieson, Teacher,
U.S.S. No. 1, McKillop & Logan
The following is the school report
of L S S No. 1,MdKillop and Logan:
• 1a Sr. VV. -Honors, Leo Carlin;
pass, jack \\fals'h, Jos, Flanagan,
Lorne (Flanagan.
To Jr. 11V: -Pass, \fary Kransleopf,
Maly Nolan.
-'lo Sr. IIT, --Pass, Anna Flrauskopf,
Doris Flanagan Leo Hicknel•1, Prank
O'Rourke, 'Recommended,: 'Helen
jr. IIII.-lIlonors, Helen Malon-
ey, Paul C,ithn pass, •Jos, Nolan,
To 1I.-dtonors, \Varreil Byers,
Marie •ll, Iran
a ;Asara 'Ellen t et Murray,
Teresa Maloney,Anna Urt'lin; pass,
Jo Ttiiattskopt,'Louis Nolan; recom-
mended, 'Denis \\'alsh, Jos. Hicknell,
To I,-IHonot 'Geraldine Dillon,
Bernadette •11aoagali,
A. Ryan, Teacher
Wilson and Mac !Wilson; 2nd Ross
Dialing and Allan I1ill, 31rd Morley
,Wright and Freddie Naylor; three-
legged race, firs, ,Allan Hill and Pres-
• ton Dallas; Lloyd Papple and Morley
Wright, 3rd Ross Dilling and Ken-
neth Scott ' sass, -.isit Mac Wilson and
Donald MacDonald; ,2nd, Isabel '\rm-
strong and Myrtle (Papple, 3rd MMuriel
Wright and Hazel Wilson; w'heelbar-
row race, 1st Allan 'Hill and Preston
Dallas, 2nd Mac 'Wilson and Wesley
Hain 'Ord boss ,Di'llntg and !Ivan Tay-
lor Oldest gentleman at the picnic •
Dutat. Oldest lady, -(Mrs \V. D
Wilson. Youngest baby, Alice L. Wat-
After the raees, \Mr, Golding 01 Es
eter, music teacher, led the pupils it
singing while the section realized as
well as enjoyed the value of the a til -
dren's training. Now a sumptlfous
lunch was served by the ladies. Thi
was followed by the annual treat o
ice cream, Later several innings o
softball were played.
S.S, No. 13, McKillop
[Following report is for SS. '\o, 113
McKillop, Mor 'the promotion examin
atiens,'Pass 61%, honors 75%a.
Jr. T.'\7, to Sr. IV,--jRiehard (Gree''
76, Ian ,Nesbitt 169.
Sr. 111111, to 1 r. FV.*G1ai17,s B'rooni
72,jack (Rivets 32,
Jr. Pl'II. to ST. '141I._Gcorge Hart 75,
Rosamond App'loby^ 66; 'Spencer
Broome 65, [Dorothy Greer '62, Mild
red 'Aitchc on161', Evelyn Rivers 60.
Sr, Ti, to Jr. 1)(17, 'Keith T-Iarriso •
70, 'Gordon MdGGill 62,
IIT: •Class \Mariam Appleby (absent
through illness), Celia Stephenson 69,
'Tat IHarrisan.
IPr. Class -Mere; ,Greer, Doroth •
Agar, 'David. Stephenson, '
S. M, !Richmond, 'Teacher,
S.S. No. 3, Hibbert
7Phe t
e rollott ung a is report t of he ex-
amin•ttions and standing of the pitnide
in S.S. No, 3, 'Harbert. IIououis 78%,
pass 60%,below 6056 failure. Thos
narked with an asterisk (*) hat'
failed and are not,lnontoted:
Sr. IV. -Jean Norman :66120, jet
Borns 01,09 1-Iarvey Drown 5S.96,
S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith Ut. IV, --,\Maurice Ryan 61181
The school report for SIS. No, 3, Sr l•1T,-Ua,y 11 Ryan 82.56, Phil-
Tuckersmith, based an year's work ip Janes 74 6, 'Marl Drown 71149,
and promotion examntatione: Hon- Harry Burns 690116 -Arthur Barbou
oto 'First Class, over 76%"(•I);. Se- 60,55, •Tla Norman 60, Raymond Mil
coal Class between 70 and '7'5c'/e (1']), ler 55,1L*, Lorne Elliott 29.63*.
pass,over 60%; P below 60; ,failure F. 1L...111(I,-- lfarioit Riehl -7632, Dori
Classes are arranged as they will be Kleinicklt 76 .52, Alton McKellar 70.3't,
Sept, 1, 1034. Marilyn ,Gray 63.64.
Sr.1V,--Donald 'MacDonald I, Isa- dI \\'iinta Jean James, Theres
bel Armstrong 11, 31.yrtle Papple II, Ryan, Mildred Elliott, Jae Burns.
Ervin Sillery •1', Ivan Taylor P, 'Grace Ross \:[c'Kellar,
Dalrymple P, II. -(Bobby Sadler, Maxine Norman,
Jr. 1V. -\Muriel Wright I, AIlan Douglas Gray.
Hill 1, HazelWilson 1,'Prestutn Dal- Pt:- Norris, orris, 13nhbY Norm U.S.S, No. 2, Hullett
las I, 'I -Hazel Dining 1T. 'Corley an, Rose ,Burns, 'Reginald ,,Elliott. The fallowing is school report of
Wright t', \\'e;Icy Hain '1', Bobbin Wm. \McKaig, Teaches. C S.S \n. 2, Hullett promotion ex -
Watson P. aminationc:
Sr, III. -Anna \Vatsan 'P. S:S. No. 3, Stanley Jr. Il to .Sr, IV. -'Frank Trewar-
Jr. dill.--,Rthel Wilson
III, ,Freda The following will be the arrange tha 79%, Lots Farquhar 66. Doris
Hill P, Olive Dapple P, 'John Caltt•ill went of the classes iu S:S, No. 3 ;Sirdar; 03,7, Dennis Bisbee!: 64, Hel-
i', Lloyd Papple 'F. Stanley, for the school term cam eu Roce7le 60.4,
Sr,'Ll Ito, :Dining i, Melba Tay-
ay- tttencdug in September: Ur. LD1, to Sr, ITT; -Edward East
loaf P, ija 1'\'--1ILugh Pollock, Lloy 7a, Murray Eat 03, Keitlt. Tyndall
Jr, II Betty Allan I, Gordan Hill heard, - (re cunnnended).
II Sr f•['L,- -Elmore MfeC'liuchcy, St. IT, to Jr. SII -Grant Bishaek
Sr. I -Kenneth (Scott P. Jr: IT;I+f.-Enna 3ieClinchey, Clii il) Marjory^ hayley. fila
Jr. I,-� .thcl Wilson i., lobby 'Allan ford .1feClinchey, 1r. 1I. to Sr, Ll 'Edna Lou Mac-
la -
1, Kathleen ,Sil n t 1'1, (Millie 'Lane .l , Sr, I-iInittit Penhale, Georg Donald (,food), Bill 1 ast,
Tl e highest marks in the promotion Heard. 6 irsi to li Tfi, (at Laster) Douglas
examinations were obtained by the - .C, A. Trott, Teacher Pyr''=elle, Jat� T,a:a Tommy 1 ast.
following ,pupils: Aruba, Muriel (First -Bance Tyndall Gond) Bass
Wright 9'1 marks; history, Preston Tretvartlia (good), Douglas Partin-
S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmith
Della; 988r marks; geography, Myrtle The report of S.IS. No, 9, Tacker ha�r(goad),
apple, 91) marks; literature, ;;oriel smith for the month of June i; a a on roll 20, average attendance
\\'right, marks, grammar, Myrtle follows:
for June 118.9.
People, tl mark,; spelling, Preston Promoted to .Sr, 1T,\' -jack .\Mackay Amy Parsons, Teacher,
Dallas and Hazel Dining, 48 marks, 73%r, Billy Powell 63. •
The following obtained prizes fo.- Prompted to Jr. L\'. -Frances El, S.S. No. 2, Tuckersmith
perfect attendance: Preston Dallas , The toilow•in 18
(5 Yrs.); Myrtle Papple, Hill. 'Papple ie 311, Willie Hodgen 74, Doris Maccc Na, �, 1•ttckersmith thereport
tuof 5,3,
\rode} Wright, .Freda Absent li a-', Helen Honstolt 56 (re No
exantfmith f he First June pro-
rnunendcd). Class
one day, Bobbie Watson; absent two iProtnatal to Sr, I4!I,�I3ruce Hod
honours 75, pass 60.
days,Alla n‘ Hill and Wesley Ilam; ]'o Sr. Ii\-lEddsan \LcL can G53:
absent four clays, Mac 'Wilson, Alice gent GI.
Wright; absent five days, 'Hazel Wil- l'romoted to Jr: (III. -Frank Ryat 87, Dollard Daymaneen771Ma\(;tired
lection, Isle IGiaceon1J'alrst nttinleect col -t, 62.
'Promoted to Class 1L --Jackie Pow Deitz 7'2, .Blanche Watson 70, Don
Dalrymple; , ell 7G; Janet Iiod.gert 74. Cooper 67.
Wesley 1T'ant• Promoted at Easter: Class L -Al
'To Sr. P11. -(Billie Sproat 88, Esth-
'Perfect narks in daily Wright;spell ng for tart Ryan ,Pupils are required to intake er DaYnitaet 33, ,Cal en Cooper 7$
the school year, Alice Wilson,
one 40% on each paper and bed on the Grace Schilbie G5, 3larjorie Snnfth 65,
mistake each, Mac s ' Isabel total. (5) denotes failure on one or
Ray Couper 62, hennefh McKenzie
Armstrong,alaMayme Watson.atalmore papers. Number on roll 1'S, ave 61•, I�ath•lret Scltilbe 59 (recommend -
McNaughton, Teacher. attendance 14. ed).
The annual school picnic 1\11S held 'Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher. To Jr. IILI.-+_Tack ,Deitz 76, Wilmer
in the school grounds Friday after= M,aoGregar 67, Roma Chandler 62,
noon. The following are the prize- S.S.o. 10, McKillop Jean Schilbie 62, Joe :McKenzie 59
winners in the races: Very tiny visit-
Bud -
ors. Lola Richardson, Madeline Wil- These are the results of the promo -
son, Verna Taylor; tiny visitors, Ed- tion examinations: To Sr. LI Eldred Moffat 89, Bud-
na Papple, Freddie Taylor, Ruth tJr. IIV.-.Betty ,Bullard 74111%, 'Flel- die Cooper S'o.
Scott. Printers, (Marion Wilson, !Bob- en Blanchard 712,3, ,Ruth Pethick 7011, To Jr, N. -Dorothy Chandler 91,
by Allan., Kathleen ,Sildery; ijmniors, Kathleen Shannon 65.7, Harvey Dol-
Caldwell 80.
lace Waason
Kenneth Scott, ,Betty Allan, Gordon mage 611.4. To Sr. I Jtthiuny Smith 90, Wel-
Hill; junior girls, Olive Papple, Ethel 'Jr, LISJGondon ,B•lanchard .61:6, 011ie Schilbie 75, Idabel Watson i5,
Wilson, Freda Hill; boys, 111 yrs. and Ruth Campbell 56:8, l eT.-44
Gerald 'Ervin Sillery; Preston Dallas; .First Class, Berva Blanchard; Ilene
jr.J' •, Gerald Moffat, absent for
Bobbie Watson. Third class girls, ,Ha- Broome, Jackie ;Bullard, Kenneth Ea- examinations (pro•mofcd), r
zel Wilson, . Muriel Wright, 'Hazel ton, Irene Laithwaite, Harold Pryce. annex -Ida D.ayman, Norman
Dilling; boys, over 111 yrs.; Donal; Best attendance, Jackie Bullard; Daitr., Jack Cooper, in order of merit.
MacDonald, Mac (Wilson, Morley best speller, Annie Pethick; health,
INo. on roll 317, average attend. 36.4.
Wright. Fourth class girls, Myrtle Kenneth Eaton. H. Richardson, Teacher.
Pap,plc, Alice \Vright, Isabel- Arra- R. R. Patrick, Teacher.
S,S. No. 4, McKillop
strong. Young men's race, W. D. Wil-
No. 8,McKillop(F'ollo'w rang is: the result ofp the pro-
so•n, Clarence es' .race ,Bi]C C'al'wfll; S..S motion exaninations of S S, No. -1,
youn laches' race, Alice Wright, Bea- The fallowing is he June .promotion
trice Armstrong, Helen Broadfoot. school report for 'SSS. No, 3, MoKi1- 3dolslillop. Names are listed in classes
Pleasingnlunt ladies' -race, 'Mrs. Nor- lop. Pass 60%, honours 75%. Names as they will be for the new terra. IIu-
man Walker, Mrs. Thos, C'alw•ill; soda of those who are not promoted are pours 715%, Bass 60%, '
biscuit, Ervin Si).lery, ,Preston Dallas. marked with an asterisk.: ISr. 1 V.-Allnla Lawrence 79.
,3rd, (ties) .Athan .Hill and MurielTo Sr. W. ---Bernice Manley 88%e, ISr. ]II;L-Janes Nash 66, Lois Hea-
Wri_s,>!ht; ostrich race, juniors, Edna Gerald MciKay 78, Vera. Leonhard t tlerson 6a (ant promoted in anith•)
.Papple, :Marian Wilson, Freda Hill; 715, :Dominic Murray 75, 'Clestia iSr• �'�'i'-Maxine Lawrence 60.
ostrich race, seniors, 'Alice Wright; Johnson 712, Mervin :Deitz., 72, Aaron -John Henderson 61.
Myrtle Papple, Isabel ,Armstrong po-istner 67. Ti, M. -Promoted at ] asiter) Beth
tato race, juniors: Louis Dutot, •G'or_ 'Co Jr. 'IV, -(Raymond' Kleber 85, Campbell 79, Dorothy Heiser 60,
cion Hill, Olive Paplple;t potato race, Della Eggert 80, Morley Koehler 713, Clayton Tlutser 5'0,
seniors, ,Isabel Armstrong, Muriel _Annie Eckert 66, Cart ,Siemott 5'70 Pi. -Bill II:entierso•n.
Wright; Mac 'W.ilson; graceful walk-' To Sr, hill. -Dorothy Scloet•barth 77, (Perfect aitenalance since January,
ing, iI neda -Hill ,antd'Gordon Hill; Ross Cyril Johnson 74, Stephen .McKay 73, George 'McClure, Sr. W.
'billing and 'Melba Taylor, \Ir, C. Elmer Kriebel.72, Thomas Murray 71, 1M, Wheatley, Teacher.
Lane and Mrs, A. Broadfoot; thread- Robert Beuerma,nn 70, Joseph John-
and -needle race Grace !Dalrymple and son 62. S.S.S. No. 4, Hibbert
Hazel 'billing, i2tadMary Grace Mac ToJr. TIO -'Alvin Ellis son 83, Flo -
IT:he following ere the results' of .the
Cully and ' lice Wright, 3rd Muriel recc Leotihard4 75, Leo Johnson 70, . proanotion P01.4115 for S.S. No. 4, Hfb
Wrightight andd Hazel Wilson; peanut PTarold DSitz and Stephen Manley 68 bort.
race, jrs, Petty Allan, Louis Dutot, (equal), Margaret Eckert 5161'. Sr, I•V-ACIare Jordan •(h.on.), Ed -
Kenneth Scott; peanut race, srs:, Al- To Second - honours, '\4argaret McIver ward McIver(host.) mat Coyne.
Ian '11i11, afacrine Copeland, Hazel Kleber, Edward �leermewies; pass, Sr, IMTtet any O'IConnor (hon.),
Wilson; chum race, 'J•rs., I:st .Olive Mary \4ccKKay, No man Eggert, Man- ,Puha Coyne (!hon.), " Carl Feeney
Pnpplc and Freda Hill, 2nd Ethel uy Benne wics, Cecelia Eckert. (Iron,), Miami Murray. Absent but re -
Wilson and Muriel Wright, 3rd Melba ,5r, I.-1Kenneuh Schmidt, 'Edtiva'r6 commended 'ora year's work, Rita \-
and Betty.'Allan.; chum race, Scherbari,h, Rita 73'en,ewies, Ruth
Iver, Peter Jordan.,
'Isabel Armistran6 anal ..Alice Rapier,-Oi•delia L eonihar•d.l, Stephen 'gr.ct, 1'IT.�n Jcrtcilye ;<'Corais. (haus),
Wright, 2nd Wesley Ham &fid. Mac •Johnson, Ralo'h Fisher, .Jerome Mar Frank O'Connor (boon,), Lorne Feen-
\\ ilso,i, 3rd Myrtle ,Papple and Haz- ley, Francis Murray ,
•1 Wilson; necktie race,, `list Alice 1T'r, t,-,itacny Koehler, hennelh C)''�r. III. -Tale 1Merriis (hon.) Cecelia
Wright and Ervin Sillery, 2nd Myrtle Beirermanin. No, on roll 46, lT (o ) C a
('apple and 'Gordon Hill; 3'ird Annie, Helen 14. Delaney, Teacher. G'ivlin.
list Class (test) Angela .O'Reilly
Papple and Morley'Wright; boot rac(1i0 ), Rose McIver (hon.), Horry
it•s., let rrella Till, 2nd Gordon, Hill, R.11omwi 5. No. 3, Hibbert O'Connor (hon.) , Tont Feeney, Tom
3rd Betty Allan; 'boot race, ees,, Alice The following is the report of • L.
nl MMuriel 3, ilibbert for the promo -f jlordee, .
\\', Ight, Myrtle ,.Papple,
S,S.5 r o llqutnhel on roll, 23,
Wright; horsebacl. race,. Madeline tine exan1[netton. orf .J'mne, ,1191314 'l'he R. M. O'Connor, Teacher.
One of Hepburn's Greatest
Cartoon Comedy
Mon, Tues. Wed., July9.10-11
Bring you one of the most enjoyable
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The Cat and the Fiddle
News Reel Comedy
Thurs. Fri. Sat,, July 12-13-14
with Elizabeth Bergner
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A Historical Epic
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names are in order of merit;
'Junior W. to Senior IV.-tPass, Pa-
trick Cleary, Rita Ryan, Francis O'-
Reilly, John Roach, Conrad Holland,
Failure, Lenore Rustin.
Senior Lll[, to Junior IV. -'Honours,
Mildred 1iurphy, Gloria Holland;
Patrick I t cle O'Sullivut Leo
2 •a
n,Mary O'Reilly, Ralph
1Mtuphy, Eliza-
beth Roach, JosephI-Iart, Angeline
Junior IDI+I, to Senior T!Ih-Pass,
Patrick McGrath, Doris Ruston, Jas.
II. Class to Junior TIL -honours,
Eleanor 3ic'Grath, Loretto Roach,
Patrick hart, Baty Doyle,
First Class to Second Class -Honours
Stephen Holland 1'rn:leis Cronin,
Catherine Ducharnts, Arthur Murphy,
pass, Basil O'Reilly, James Cleary,
Michael 3l6Grath, _Agnes O'Sullivan
failure, Jacle Cleary, Charles Roach.
iPrimary to First Class -honours,
Elizabeth 3[urplty, Joan Holland,
Beatrice Lane; ,pass, Elizabeth Cron-
in, Margaret O'Sullivan: failure, Will.