HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-05, Page 3THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1934,
Away whit
COOKING hot, heavy foods for breakfast is wearying
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Death of A. O. Pattison at Clinton.
—One of the best known citizens of
Canton passed to his reward last
week in the person of Ambrose O.
Pattison, for over 40 years station
there, first with the old Grand Trunk,
and after the amalgamation, with the
C.N.R. He was in his eighty-sixth
year. Ambrose Orlando Pattison was
born at Crowland, Welland County.
Iie became identified; with railroad-
ing early in life and after spending
a short time -ls G.T.R. agent at Dub-
lin he carate to Clinton to take over
the agency, which he .held until ele-
ven years ago. He is survived by Iris
wife, who was formerly Miss Flor-
ence Stygall of New York City, where
they were married, and one daughter,
Mrs. Florence Maguire. Mr, and Mrs.
Pattison celebrated their diamond
wedding anniversary in February,
7933. Pallbearer, were J. II. Kerr, R.
Tasker. H. C. Cos, H. P...Plunisteel,
C. H. Vcnner and Col, IL T. Rance.
Graduating Nurse.—Mr. and Mrs..
Fred \[titch and family, Clinton, were
Stratford last week attending the
graduationexercises in connection
'with 'Stratford General Hospital,
::hen Miss Jean. their only daughter,
was one of 111e graduating nurses,
Golden Wedding.—A large nuinher
the relatives, friends and neigh -
hers of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Free-
man, gathered at their hone, 3rd con-
cession, Ihtllett Township, on June
25th 'to congratulate them and offer
them good wishes , it being their
ptvden wedding. Mr. Wilfred Hog-
,:arth of Goderich, read the address
:.rad Mr. Robert Freeman and Mr.
edam Glazier made the presentation,
About one hundred- and twenty -live
people, some front Lo» desboro, Con-
stance, Kippen;.•Clinton, Goderich and
Walton, were present.
Pollock -Witmer.—,\ quiet wedding
was solemnized -at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Isaiah
'tVitnter, Dashwoetd, when their dau-
ghter Laurette, because the bride of
Floyd Pollock Of Grand Bcnd, The
ceremony was performed icy Rev.
d -:shriek in :he presence of the imme-
diate relatives. Following. the. cere-
mony Mr. and SMrs. Pollock left for a
honeymoon at Hamilton and Niagara
Exeter Man Surrenders. — Her-
mann \V. Doerr, former manager of
sing from his home since December
the Exeter RL'.C., who has been mis-
-12th, 1133, walked into the office of
the Magistrate at Gederich On June
2.5 'and- gave himself up to answer to
the charge of misappropriating 1'. it.
C. bonds to the value of .,3,09n. Doerr,
who was accompanied by his brother,
expressed'Tintse!f an being "sick and
tired of it all" and anxious to have
his case heard and have it over with.
He indicated that he was ready to
plead and to accept summary trial but
the magistrate would not sanction
thus, Ice was accordingly remanded
to jail for one week. Thus cads a case
in which( the crown swore out a war-
rant for dee arrest of a wanted man
and then appeared to take no vigor-
ous action to apprehend him. If this
was so, it is being commented on as
evidence of shrewd judgment on the
fart of someone as a glance at Doerr
and reports of his history chow that
be dots tint appefu' to be of the crim-
inal. type and consequently could
reasonably. he :expected to fittd it im-
possible to remain away, permanent-
ly, (front: his fancily, of whom he is
said .to be very fond. Underworld life
is not easy to support, This judgment
was jiiitified as Doerr stood the fife
as' long as possible and then carate in
of his accord, thus saving the comity
a considerable' stir: of money.
Scruton-Shaddock. — A pretty but
quiet wedding took place at the Un-
ited Church Manse Saturday at two
o'clock (then Rev. Arthur Sinclair
unted in marriage Elva Lillian, only
daughter of Mr. Thomas Shaddock,
and the late Mrs. Shaddock, of
Hensall. to (Harold Rossiter !Scruton,
only son of Mrs, \, FScruton and the
late lir. Ccrut.n of Hensel!. There
were no attendants. The bride' looked
charming in a gownof plaid organdy
in shades of blue, with white acces-
sories to match. She carried a shower
,bouquet of talisman roses and sweet
peas. Immediately following the cere-
niony a buffet lunch was served at the
bride's home with only the immediate
:anally of thecontractingparties pres-
ent. Mr, and tfrs..Scruton left by
int -,tor for Owen Sound and points
north, the bride traveling in a navy
and white ensemble with white ac-
cessories. They will reside in Pori -
Tisdall - M-Taggaret Wedding,
An interesting wedding took place
Saturday afterno6n in the Presbyter-
ian Church at Clinton when Mics
Mary 'Ferguson McTaggart, daughter
of Mrs, :Malcolm D. McTaggart was
married to Dr, Frederick F, Tisdall,
son of Mr. J. P. Tisdall of Toronto.
rhe bride, who was :given in.ntarriage
by her uncle, )Jr, George D, McTag-
gart, wore a gown of white cotton net
;made on oing limes with deep spial
shirred hands forming the long train.
Her finger-tip veil was arranged' with
a small white net turban and her
flowers were bougainvillea. lily -of -the -
valley° and pink cornflowers. She wore.
a baguett watch, the gift .of the
groom. Miss Margaret Iie:ndall was
maid of Metor, Thhe bridesmaids
were 11i:,s Catherine and, Miss Janet
McTaggart, sisters of the bride. Mr.
IT C. idyers vvas hest mar, and the
ether=, Mn Charle, Tisdall, brother
of the groom; Mr. Malinc4m 1), Mc-
'itggart, brother of tete bride: Dr.
Willard Armstrong and Dr, P. G.
Anderson, a:'. ..f Toronto. After a
trip 1' (sumps. the midi and groom
will reside in Toronto,
Ross- Crittenden —Wesley Willis.
1.I tt! ::, ,,., the setting of ,.
charming wedding. Thursday. evening,
June 2'i, when Agues ('earl, younger
daughter of M4•. aml Mrs. \Gillian(
Crittenden. hillside farm, Clinton, ite-
came the bride e. Gordon Richmond
Ross, yotmee.t sen of Mr, and Mrs.
E, 13, Ross, Lonei•on. ,I'he bride, given
in marriage by her father, was charm-
ingly attired in a white :ace dress
,with embroidered silk veil *Her
ers were orchids with lilies of the val-
ley. Mi.` Anne Crittenden. 'Toronto,
sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.
Little Dora Elliott. niece of the bride,
was a very pretty flower girl, Charles!
Ritchie of London was best man,
while 3Iarold 'Crittenden and Donald
Ross, br.ther, of the Bride and bride
green, were ushers. The church was
,ttractirely decorated with pe, nie
end palms. Mr-. .-\finely, organist
fails t.._0-T,s,' 'stat`
the church, p ay c 1 appropriate selec-
tions. During the signing of the reg-
ister, Miss Agnes P.os., sister o[ the
bridegroom, sang "'O Promise •Me,"
Following the ceremony a buffet
hutch was served ,at the Nome of the
bride's parents, about sixty guests be-
ing present. Afterwards Mr, and Mrs.
Ross left for a motor tour. 'For the
wedding luncheon the home was
charmingly decorated with peondes.
and orange blossoms. Friends of the
bride who assisted were Mrs. Lillian
'Honking. Miss Connie Williams, Miss
•Irene Smith, Miss S, Castle and E.
One. Man Riot at Zurich. — 'One -
Punch" MacDonald paid $20 into
court at Hensall on Monday as the
aftermath of an exciting one -ratan riot
which he staged in Zurich on election
night. June 19th. It appears that Mac-
Donald, whose first name is :Man
and whose exploits. are quite well
known in the southern part of the
county, is of the Liberal persuasion
in polities, He also is alleged to have
had a slight grudge against some res-
idents o: the town of .Zurich, Anioitg
(other things some of them are Con-
servatives. So Zurich appeared to 'Al-
lan tc, lee a good place and election
a i dine to visit the place.
Arriving ellen the populace was
largely on the streets he selected it
known Conservative and walking up
t hint he 'lreulght his trusty right
into play and the man passed into ob-
lition. One ea' two more followed until
cite Chief of Police, Julius ililocic, no-
ticing some 'little distmbauce, walked
over to caution the offender. hid', an-
other punch and the Chief was laid
away, the whole 2313 potutds of hitt(:
Then the citizens took a hand. One-
punch we Harried and driven, beaten
tip- a bit by a really angry mob and
escorted to the police cells, not before
one or two more had felt the weight
of the dangerous right. The raid thing
about the case was that those 1(111
had ,bee . .::ruck run: i not bear wit -
has returned to his home in Exeter Mrs. ,Alice Taylor Troyer, Hensel:.
from Christie street hospital; Toron- Mr. Lorne Coleman, Varna; Gem..
to, where be has been for tell past sev-IJolviston Varna; Francis J. Co[ rraaie„
Seaforth; A. j. ,Ross, Wiftohant; ';Jas..
\•h Aiketrhe'ad; Mrs, Eliza Lagar. -
'G•assick, Toronto; Mrs. Frank J.
.Coleman, ;Pearl Coleman, Vi•etta 'Cole --
titan, Francis Coleman, Seaforth.
Harry M. Chesney, Mrs, H. Ches--
ney, Dorothy Rarguhar; Harry Tyre--: '
doll, Seaforth; S. George Troyer,.
Hensall; Mrs, Ella ;Grassick •Wa1lker,
Hensall; Mrs. Hairtt alt ,Dinsdale Petty.
I-Iettsall; John Love; Mrs. John Love;.
iGrautl Bend; Goof'don E. Troyer, 'Har-
ry Aldrich, ,
Waiter Fairbairn, Jas. Collins, Mrs.
Margaret Parsons Ferguson, W. ill::
•Cooper,,Mrs. W. W. Cooper, Josep i -
'Ferguson, Mrs, II, Lemmon; .Reuse
Stephenson, Varna; M. R. Alair, De-
troit; lClora+E, Smith; Mrs. Alex, Me-
\iurtrie, Hensall; Mrs, W. M•dKertzit
Arthur Varlcy; Mrs, \Vnt, Parsons,
Win, R. Parsons, Cromarty; Mrs, El-
eanor Hood McKenzie, Frank Wright
Mrs. W. C. Kyle; Il. Margaret For
lest. Seaforth; Mrs. Peter Moir, Hen-.
ail; \frt. Wary McCartney, Seafornla..
tOlville \\'orktnan, 'Phos. \Vorkneaes;:'
:Mrs, Jennie Ross ,Berry, Bruceifield;
'linter Ifayter, Harvey Hayter, Merv-
in Ilayter, Eileen I•Iaytcr tIVin. .:hes-
jack Brown, Brantford; :lits Jean
Jamieson Charters, Nelson Hood; Jas,,
t rasslelc, Varna; [William Hayter-,
Jack Henderson; Wilson AMcCarteiere
Seaforth; Audrey Murdoch; Peter . fit,'
Mt•I' enzie, Lawrence \Vasinan, WK.-
liaun Culling.
\Mary Gilson, .Brucefield; William -
'Murdoch, \Vesley Jones, Mrs, Wm;
Hayter, Wilmer H. Jones, Wm. I•tflh..
Mrs, Win, Hill; W. H. Love, GrancS
•Bead;John Forrest, Seaforth; :Ilea:
\fart' Cudlnore Harvey, London(.
ellady's Harvey, 'London; Alex..
Smith; Maurice Hilt, Moore Jaw.
Sisk,; Aubrey- Farquhar, Wes'
:French; Margaret R. Ross, Helett
Hamilton, i)r. IL H. Ross. Seaforth:.
Robert Dinsdale, Chas, Clifton, . Mfrs.
Mabel Collins; \Vm. E. Pfaff, liens -
all; luttean Aikenhead, Mrs, Grace.
Fairhtth•n Love, Ross Lore, Russel!
Blackwell, Fern :McLean; Rut-
Lowe, 1felen Love, Grand tBenct.
Stuart Horton, Alex. 1[cBeath .13111
NI cKenzie, Stanley ' Collins:they
Walker, Helen \\'aikee, ifensn; Miss
Edith St•nnp. Brantford: Mrs. J
.Stanley Curran (Beatrice Brown
\(cl.acitl,i1) Brantford; H. L. White-
man. Toronto; :Mr,. Ida Jones •Mttl;r.
Dorothy Menu, lleusali.
\mlre;v :e .Kenzie. Mrs. f. (e.
Ify1e, Deltnt Lenton, fi:elen Gone:..
'Stuart l(eddlride, Donny McKenzie
Alex. H. Hyde. Billy . Lemmon.
\\'. L. Forrest Clinton; J. B. Mc-
Lean, Gladys C. McLean, Mrs. Z. T',.
JIcLean, Mrs, Jtto. Henderson, itir<
Irate lieDiarntid :\itchesctn, llilcire.'
.'itcheson, Jas. Atciteson; Mrs. Rob..
Il. Scott (,Lily Parsons:( Seafctrtitt
llrs. Albert Anderson, Marlette
Micro.; Stella M. Richmond. Blyth -
If. Etta Jarrott, Toronto,
Sirs. 'Hugh McLachlan, Mrs. May
Knight, W. I., Millis, Mrs. \V. .1.,.
Melfi Wittert Jarrett, M. D :5,!„..
forth; Mr; Oda 11cIleath Loec.
\fabelle R. Whiteman, Mrs. Date .1:-
1)iarmid Aikenhead, Vera Jarrett.
Mrs. Jessie .\IeBeatlt Cochrane.
1[rs. Jarvis Hereon. J. Horttr,
(Irace C.o e. Lydon: liargarc
A. Co _ ; r, Toronto; Mrs. W. .i+
Cooper I)..it Cooper, Ray Cooper,
Buddy G,oper, t.iw'enny Cooper
Elaine Comer, Mrs. Jennie llcBeat=.
Murdoch, John Murdoch, June Mar
doth, 1\'. R. Cooper.
...Mrs. James _Moodie, James Moodie
Brucefield; Walter McIieath, 3frs. V.
:\lcIieath, Brucefield; Beth Murdctch.
Meer. Monteith; G. E. Stephenson,
Prof, Engineer, Walkerton; Mrs
;Helen Dinsdale Taylor, Patricia Tay-
lor, Stratford; Betty Switzer, Dr, R
R. Ross, Seaforth; George Hilis.
A•I•rs, Aiggie Rinne Kyle Hills, Eg-
mondville; Ria Hills, Toronto; Sirs.
Dietz, Bobby Sp.eir, 'Mrs. A. Monteith,
Win. Blair, Michigan; 1-Pazel Kelly-,
Toronto; Linton Brock, Toronto;
Mrs. /Roy McBride (Margaret Mc -
Hain), Varna; Keith Md.Brid'e, Phyl-
is MdBricle, Wesley McBride, Hugh
McBride, Roy Mc/Bride, •
Mae Cameron, Clinton; G, C. Petty;
Hensall; Willie Witcomli; Mary Far-
qu'har, George Clifton, "nines A. Mc-
ClynLont, 'Bob Me11enzie, J. H, Mur-
doch, Harold Jones.
Mrs. Lity Stubbs, Toronto; Saiz:
Tirontson, Hugh McLachlan, Mrs
Will Hart :Mrs. W. Fairbairn', Mrs..
Jessie Ann McLean AMaclGregor; John
Mc\Murtr'e, :Mrs. Isaac Jarrott (Kate
'McDonald); Beth I++"orresst, :Clinton.
+Bertnard Jennison,. Clinton;. :Margaret
Theda Watson, Frances Witcomb,,
Thos, Butt, Robt. Dinsdale; Mr_:
S. Watson, Calgary.
Total number registered.,714
,When 'Von Have A
cral months recuperating from his
very serious operation.
Give Band Concerts. — Brussels
.Band is now giving band concerts
on Wednesday and ,Sunday nights.
Death of Benjamin Dark, — The
deet th occurred at Gait of .Ben. Dark,
youngest brother of the Dark fancily
at Brnesels. Hhe was born in Grey
township and his death is the. first,
break in a finely of tell. His first wife,
Kale Hollenger, died in 1(311,' His se-
cond wife, Lizzie Ilollinger, predec-
eased him fora+teen years ago. He is
survived by four sisters and five bro-
thers: Mrs. Chas. Fox, Riding Moun-
tain; Mrs. R. Gordon, in the \Vast and
Rebecca and Mary, of:Brussels; James
of Nepawa; George, of Carman, Mau„
and Robert and John, !Brussel, Bur-
ial was made in Brussel, cemetery,
Toronto, June 27,.1193-1,
Editor The Seaford( Nelvs,
Dear Sir,—A letter from W. W.
Cooper, the ,Independent .National
ambition et 'Huron South, and poli-
tical activities from Toronto. tt. I have
had a delightful week end and week
after the end this week 'looking' over
a few of those bigger places outside
our own county, talked about during
the election contest. It teas llea.utt,
I most say, for Inc to get away from
the continual grind of the past eight.
week:: There are oilier places, 1 hind,
beside Intron 'County. Though it as'
one of the best,
1 spent two or three days its Lon-
don City, in Glencoe with Mr. anti
.Mrs. Ferguson,hPort Stanley,.
On Saturday afterntnnt I had a visit
to Mitch diepburn's farm: just 011t -
side St, "Thomas, and had a ::hake
hands. Mitch will he suited to serve
the farmer in the premiership as In.
is a real Dirt Farmer, lie uti,lcrstinl,
tie:, t.Eaii 't the ,'fender. The ease of their vicweeint, The neo' prcntier-
Citief Block was typical. He said he elect will be sttitet' to give us some
didn't knoe anything about it, .A11 he good legislation from the stand -point
knee (vas what he was told when he of the Ontari.l countryside That is
came t e. There were plenty of wit-
nesses, ihe,eever, au!l in spite of the
fact that he bore a very black optic
himself, Magistrate Reid assessed hint
$20 attd costs and bound hum over to
keep the peace. "One -Punch's" weight
is judted to be alfnu 1ta1,—Uejcriclt
what ti`s want int the, country. We
have been of er tu•bantzed and are
under -ruralized. Too 11111(11 urban sen-
timent for the youth of the land to
feed upon. N,tn that's that,
.3 visited Ingersoll town nos: and
talc- t,lle tot the tip -t,, -,late rn:(urian•
shop, of the country in full rsperati.,n,
Axe Severs Child's Fiager.--Bever- Was the guest of Mr. a::d Mrs. Jahn
ley, second son t,f lir, and .\fi's, 1'r:utk 1\'1rt otttbe, 1(w hilt then'. and I utast
Parsons, while playing with his bro- say I fatted Inger-Il a thriving little
titer Donis:d, lied the misfortune tt, io,ui.
have the little finger of his -left hand
out eff ba, &een the first and- second
joint, the result of 'behtg struck with
the axe in the :laude of ids brother,
Thea ;lona to the big ci.y' of
rtttlto lutere they got all the ltie!nt')•
and hydro to.. Torino i; hog 11 -alt,
pure' and simple. It won't be so in
Donald %vas chopping a tree ((lith ,in the years to conte, if I have anything
axe and Chile in the at: of swiuriilg to do With it. British fair play. to
everybody alike conics to he: the law
in the law in the matter.
The province of Ontario supplies
the money for development.. Why
theft doesn't the legislature dictate
the price and rate. That is their priv-
ilege. Jim Ilallantyne won't do it, 1
know, I would have done 31 had 1
been elected to the legislature j,
you will just get in ,Tint L'allent ter
e, a member in the legislature just
what you paid for, You should -have
int Cooper. the titan with. a tit iin,
at 1 to !ix it hp for. I hope, however,.
Mitch will jump into the job and
do h quick.
I visited Chippawa tQnceuston)
Personally, just to see what was go-
ing on. Twelve dynamos amt -down
-tight, Two running, I have made 1
my business to visit, now the election
campaign is over, and see first hand
just what has :leen going on, It is to
be hoped the -new outlfit will he better,
'What iswanted in all lines of indus-
try as well as in the farming world,
is that the legislators should co-op-
erate wit 'hthe people of the country.
'Get the country ,going again. Service,
not profit, i den'ianded of our legis-
lators and this country Would •go well
again. That's that, too.
fT take this opportunity of stating a
few facts on current issues 'of the
day, and I 'thank you for space in
your paper. Yours sin'cere'ly,
it llevuhev threw his amts .around the
tree a:11 the axe sfrack his hand.
,Aisling Can.: ef the rioters and cut.
ting through the bone of the little
finger staving the severe: member
langlng '-et' it -thread.
Falls from Milk Stool, Breaks Bone.
—11r= Wesley Dearieg. of Stephen,
had the :0 :ort le J:•ea., a Jane in
her arm recently while milking. It
seerlts :.it st:o ,11 o1ei site was sit-
t1i4 rah -e 1 1t1 1 ]Cr 'he threw out
h• ern to brtek the fall. a bock. it
:1 ta..
Returns Home,—i. \'sector Hogarth
heck hook
We Are selling' Quality Books
Books are Well • Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily.
styles. Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as . Low as You Can
Anywhere. Get our .Quotation on Your Next Order.
he. -eaforth. News
•I. 4 S 6.'
(Continued from Page 2).
ratan; firs, Ed -ward Daley (Grace
Cudmore), Walkerton, .
Mrs. J. W French, Mrs. C. W.
Cooper, Exeter; Josie Wren, Tugaske,
Sash:,; Dave Alair, Niagara Falls;
Mfrs, C. Clifton, firs, Alice White-
man Dinsdale; ::Afro Chas, Ward, For-
est; Jas. Wright; Jane Simpsons Mc-
Dougall, Bayfield.
Mrs, Herb Whiteman, Toronto;
\'nh, Anderson; W. G. Madden, Lon-
don; Emily P. Morrison, Mrs. Robert
Morrison, Hensall; tars, Edgar Cud
amore and Marjorie Cudmor•e, Mrs,
Russel Reyes; Mrs. Enoch Parker,
Mitchell J,'Whiteman, Saskatoon,
Sank. John D Craig. Iiensall,
Win. McKenzie, Jean McKenzie;
Robe J. Beatty, Mrs. R. J. Beatty,
lEgmondville; loirs.` 1 -Parry Tyndall,
!Seaforth; Margaret' McKenzie; W. H.
.Clinton; Lizzie Harvey, ,Eg-
motidvillte;' 'Mrs, Ohas, : Wasmann,
HORSE or 00W -
Phone or write to
Phone 22 — Ingersblt
Phone 215'W — Stratford,: