HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-07-05, Page 2PAGE TWO.
E S.S. No. 14, STANLEY
"1'lwee are letter, from :tuie of the
i,'Mal tt ac'ner, and pupile real at the
• Re -union, lune .filth, 1934, S. S. No.
14, Stanley.
Froin Dr. James Grassiek, Form
Pupil and Teacher, Grand
' Forks, N. D,
;:to oll 1;'r'- (l!' It \\ eret
t_7i S.S. N 14 Standee
fi4r4 k '-friar.
1 i
an!) moral satieiaetion and
aleaeitre that 1 erect t i t You ntee:
s.md initiate rl the old salt n,i 4r- ucd
•'n -roe d.< l'ni.'n.
1t 1 a far cry from 187.4 to '1934
.enol !emelt w ttct has gone ever the
darn Lu•'n,g the intervening years.
My memory lioaever, talees me b.tek
deeiale beyond :he first data.
meetaned. to the time when the Sec -
:foe ,vas orgaatnd. Previous to that
,hoot ...apse . tiswho were pi school
ag • tad t,, go to the Bayfield Road
oi, the North, or to ITay or
Tucaerainitit School: on the South
em 1 1.,t t. law llrat 1 Buil lntg of
Ne. 44 Stanley \vas logs—. r ith a
etatii1:ry till' tixcl to the walls ,an
Nora an 1 Soman ealre-nf the room.
l.e ens +'> sat on lige ,benches with
!att !eet s-aing:na clear of the floor
alai:ace 1 win l,\s or bare walls.
't ';r -e w ie a new of benches in the
Canada, said when addressing a col-
ony of Icelanders in Manitoba; "That
pcetole are unworthy of a prosperous
;tare who do not take pride in a
•:au, 1ta:t." Ile wee right, and we
cell reeali the worthy lives of
worthy folk, to whose fareeight and
,renin; qualities o1 mind and heart
wr :etre so m•ucli: and •this notso
mach for oureelves—for we will soon
pee: ott: cii..the pietlurc--'but for those
:tome after, Keep tate torch of
life eat on with sweet and pleasant
memories :aril the !eclini•tg years \t'ill
be rich in the thinge that are --worth
ti :tile.
'With at good wishes,
l t ui s very truly.
Grand Parke, N. Dak.
lune 30th, i )34,
From Rev. 3, S. Muldrew, Former
Teacher, Vancouver, B. C.
2G41S Oxford St.
Vancouver, 1i.C.
June 1A7, 1934,
Front °Sandy" 'McLaren, Former
Pupia-"Spokane, Wash,
A. D. ;McLaren, Attorney and Coun-
selor at Law, 60i1 Empire State Bldg,
Spokane, Nash.
Dear Mrs. Aikenhead.
1 lame L alit not late in responding
, yours of recent slate. Time flies at
this time of the year you know. •
I am sorry 1 .:hall not be at the
rel -union. How I wouldeitjuy it !
Jane al, 1934.
Correspondence Committee.
S.S. No. 14, Stanley Reunion,
Box a1, Kipnen, Otttar,-
Dear Ladies;
Your mules are all familiar t) rte.
although 1 iaulit if any of you were
born \rhefa 1 was last in Stanley,
1 regret :'tat I will he unable t.
attend the Rennie!: on lite 30th
,lune notch as 1 lesir,, ,_ do so. 1:
eertaiu!y iVmild be a _grana oppor-
tai !ty le: nice; emelt e f the- aIdtlime'r
ti are now :Irina and much of the
tti.g aenera;aoi , have taken their
Just to 4i'tw you that 1 am all al(1-
timer 1 at- ,tate that the first teach-
er that I went to at the old school.
Tahoe, ole t was theta „ los buildin'
was air. Staddar,. He was -followed
by a Mr, 1larnilton—then a Mr; ;Hot -
kirk, 'I do not remember the name
the teacher that succeeded Hob -
kirk, 1 although telt I cae remember 1n:
appearance and pereonality quite well,
but whoever he was he was succeed
ed by atr t.:.aseick mai then came a
alt Coattatt. He nes the test teach
ere as I left before his terns wa
\\'hen I went to school the follow-
ing children attended. Beginning a
the Southwest corner of the Sectio
there n,tc Bill, Jane and Bobbie Lot..
children of 1Iugh 'Love, called "Lit
ale IJughie Love"; then cause Jim
Billie, Lizzie, Jane, Tont and Prisci;h
Kyle, children of James Kyle an.
wife; then carte {filbert, ;Eliza And
ershn and Maggie Crawford, they
carte from -the Robert Andersen
Mace: Maggie, Jessie. Frances And-
erson and a boy -whose name I think
was ;Robert, children of John Ander-
son and wife; then the Erskine Blair
children, Sissy and the boy's firs
name t do not retnenther, Then carte
\lary Jane and Billie \IcClynion
from Kipper; also front Kippers came
Billie alelli, and hie sisters, Jentinta
and tGretta; then there was :Andrew
\IeLean from the London Road
Jack lleKaye, Susie, Annie and Juin
Copp; then there 'ova: Mary Marg-
aret, Eliza Jane, Sarah and anothe•
Landers girl, whose name 'I do no
t ecellcct. 'Then front . the John Rosa
family, Hugh, Alex, Mary iEmma
Jennie and Amy; Murdock family,
Jack Murdock; then from Moody
.Annie Eliza and Jint. Coating bael•
to the second concession front the
Roderick hose fatuity, Dan, Hug,h
Jini,- Rury, Maggie and Bella, Th'
Hart family-, Billie, Georgy'., John.
Malcolm and Anes; 'Bella McNeil
and Jack. Joe, Sam, Rachel, Lizzie
Maggie and Jennie Harvey; Irate enc
Joe Hood; Ed, Grant; Sant, lack
George Charley and Fannie Phillip,
Hannah; ;Tack, Bob and "Com Dins -
dale; Jack Blair, Maggie and "Lizzie•
Gilbert McDonald's fancily, the oldes
.01 which was a curly-haired girl witl
black eyes and I think was called
Katie. and her brother, Jim; there vias
also in earlier days a Jim McDonald
who was a nephew of their father's
attended school. The llcDougals, up
on whose land the school house was
built, were Peter, John, Maggie, Ten -
ie and a younger girl, whose name 1
do not remember: Jennie, Peter ant
!Bub ;Metter; on the Jones place carte
lint, Ida and Alden; from the 4tI
concession the John 1toDiarntid fam-
ily. Lizzie, .Annie and Christine Oahe
was my first sweetheart). ,Before that
however, there was a family by the
name of Nicholson, two flogs, and
from the Jini li iDiarmid place there
was then a family lisitag there- by the
name of Precious and there was one
girl, IBettie, that I remember; the !John
14dBeath family, the first winter tha
I attended school, was Walter and
Duncan only, they trete young men
then and further on there was a fam-
ily, John McDougal, Dinah, Elden and
John; then further \Vest on the Lo-
gan place, ;Jim and Bill and'their'sis-
ter Eliza attended school, - 'This I
think includes the whole- list of ehil-
dren that attended there during the
years that I went, with the exception
of the Cameron, fancily, of which I
was considered one, and called Cam-
eron more .often- than McLaren, and
John Camerons,-iKatie, Annie and
Alex, There were .other younger chil-
dren .in the same fancily, wh-o went
afterwards, but not string my time,
and I wish to be remembered most
cordially to any and all of those that
may turn up et the Reunion and
would be pleased to have them look
me u!i should any of diem conte this
way, The only one of all the above
named that ;I ever met in the West
wits Tom Dim,sdalea he was in Spok-
ane when I came and I net him then,
a very abort time after nay arrival,
f afterwards stet George Hata Who
was out in the vicinity fur about six
months or a year; those are the only
two that I have ever met of the ••old
school fellows since leaving Stanley.
;With kitttleit regards to you all and
hest wishes, I remain, -
?ours sincerely,
eeater of the room for the younge1 1 ant scatting you a snapshot re-
,311:1re.. E"ac aarher at a lesk at cent13 taken --of the Home Mission
Committee of Vancouver Presbytery
and some of their wives. N. 1 is my-
et4i, No. -: is \Irs. Moldier'- and No.
ottr baby. Coleett \lttlilrc\v. I ant
not quite ae white as the snap shows,
I hope Saone otte at the reunion
may have a camera and that you will
eat4 me a photo of the group, 1
,honld also like the autographs of all
pupils of '$4. 'i~5 and Sti.
I know where the girls ofthattime
are but aome of the boys have esrap-
cl me. Do cent know where Jack and
aladeolnt Hart eon.; Johnny May;
Siule. John and Hughie Cameron;
Daviel Alain Al Harvey; Alfred Ed-
gar; ;uta John Whitman? 1 am pret-
ty well informed regaeditg tate fort-
unes of all the others,
1 ',halt be with you in spirit that
,lay and f hope it may he a joyut1e
,113 for all. flay •God love you all.
a 'our• faithfully,
• J. S. Ml' I ,tD'R'H\V,
.e \1e : end and faced the dor.
J'iarc acre t bleat:laetrile. and .Lues
e -e ,recd , ptr,,it: for ;t': eser-
_is v: an 1 pcnu. work.. -
1':t, first tv11,211,r won Dttnettu 1Vai-
. _, , .,cnticntan of the edd ,shoot,
1 le atealit the rnlimente o1 the three
ma's Ht tawse we. bis
.�. ami little more.
Ott ,wite inairemeet oi 34111,11011 and
thia lie ,ise i with telling effet. Ile
was an expert penman and bit copy
sat ne i out in a cloud ,if t ,bate„
emoke could hardly be distinguished
from copper plate. Good old Duncan
\l'alket• wa- the pia -I'd -net of a bygone
'lay and he lived accordin, to the
tight he It td. with his taw se n: part
,' the system, -
Niter two years, 1 lt- icve,, thio
•egime wr had a change. 'Che next
-„cher wan a young num of tine
a t. , 1 -Ie brought to Itis work a well
:ranted mind and an underst:utding
Rett •Ile was in meaty respects the
.:pilo site :•f his predecessor, It \vas
-she same log school house, the ;ante
rough benches and tite e mte scant
agnipmetti but the teacher was iter
;t'td- that meant more than all of the
sett. IIe inspired hie pupils -with a
rpve for the beautiful things in the
«world around their, with a thirst for
Rioowledgc and with a fire for 'hon-
:nt work. The human element its the
school room is paramount and David
t1todlart's personality teas worth a
chole fa,rtory's output of supplies,
Nor r d es the influence etop there for
the ,pi it of therealteacher is a lir-
tog force that goes on moulding
thoughts aura actions long years
rte ace. Those rh., had the privilege
hitting on the hard rough benches
the old log school at S. S. No. 14
rlanley, with David .Stoddart a5 tea-
-eller. have had good reason to honor
Jus melody)•, He was followed by.
john Hamilton, a .aplendid teacher, a
sn tsician of note, and an all around
g-xd fellow,
lhis ended my connection as a
scholar, with Log School No, 114. fur
T then reteived 1113 certificate and
,vent out into the world to "make my
'ortnne"—and 'I have been chasing
thio will -o' -tile -wisp ever since. 'This
ouch however May he said, that
whatever of meets, -I have achieved,
.tits been due in great me toure. eo the
:tart 1 got on the backless benches
o1 the old log school N,,, 14, with
David 'Stoddart fairly radiatio inspir-
ation and enthusiasm at the teacher's
The Itlurdlrcks, the 'Fosse;, the
Video the Phitlipses, the ::Andersons,
the Crawfords, the \V'hitentans, the
-- Braes, the \lc'i)analds, the alcDoug-
alle, the alell.:arens, the l-[cDiarmids,
the 3Ie3 ells, the Simpsons, the ;Cam -
ori and other-,,' sans and daugh-
ters tri the pioneer, alto carte to
carve 1111 born CS from the densely
tvieelerl forest:—pass in review as 1
trim over fhe leaves of my mental
ell nit. 'Ther were as 'fine a class 01
young people as ever attended any
Front Wm, McQueen, Former Teach-
er, Vancouver, B. C.
\-aneouver, 13.C, -
j tau hath, 1034,
Mrs. Kate \lc-Diarmiel Aikenhead,
11':ippen, Ont, -
Dear :Mrs. Aikenhead.
Your cordial invitation to attend a
iRtunrm of the old Boys and Girls of
.5, S. No, 114, ,Stanley, is received with
thanks, and 1 ant delighted to be-in-
vtted, and -7 assure you it would 'be a
pleasure to be with you all on the
sloth inst. an tate old School Grounds,
My Public School education was
received at S. S, ,No. 10, under -the
Master, the lade George Bird Jr.
where I, spent many happy day's. Af-
ter receiving my 3rtl class certificate,
I taught one year (11888) in -Nb. 14;
and have many happy mtentot•ies of
the year there,
at would do my heart good to re-
new ohs acquaintances in this district.
1 would likely knew quite a few of
these who will be present, aced„ it
would be very delightful to see the
old faces again.—The call of the
\\est brought ,airs. )IeQueen and 1:
to British Columbia, where we have
resided for 37 years, and we will like-
ly end our days hero
tWe have no regrets that we carte
West when we did, for we have
grown up as it were with the people
here, and have -beets very well and
This is a wonderful climate—so
ntiltl and moderate ,tate year round.
Those who come here. seldom wish to
go back East again.
If ani sorry indeed T cannot snake
it convenient to attend your party. this
year, but imay some other time.—It
mould be lovely to -hear the School
Bell again in the fertile l:attd of Old
Huron in Stanley Township. We lik-
ed the name so well that we named
;rho;,l. Hut how could they be other- our youngest ,nu 'Stanley” in honor
i,e, int• through their Veins coursed ot the iritis place.
the blood of pioneers, the best pro- We wish yen every success on the
duct of the lands from which they 30th, and again regret our inaibility
:tme. in the manly gttalitie of in- to be with you.
1 ;Please remember
its to the friend'
.tu,try, fru the\, t,mnr and tett„ti,ty,
un. good old No. 114, and may you all
)rave -a jolly and euccessful gathering.
Mrs. 1fcQ joins in good wishes,
and thanks for the invitation.
Yours very. sincerely,
, Wa•:L A'tcQ1JaalatN,
they had no lo,crior.. Although poor
in. purse they ,cit to titer children a
rich legacy of clean blood altd woe.
thy ideals.
1't 1s a fine thing to keep alive the
Spirit of the pioneers, In this re.
;ard 'I matt reminded of what the late
,Lord Duffe'in; 'Governor General of 146,22 Davie St•, Vancouver, B.C.
Front Dr, 3. Ephriam Elliott, Former
Teacher, 143 Bloor St. East,
,Saturrlay, June 23rd, 19,34.
airs. Kate Mc'Dtartnid Aikenhead,
Mrs. je :ie MoBeath Cochrane,
Mrs. Oda McBeath Love.
Miss \fabelle R. Whiteman,
Correspondence Committee,_
Re -Union 'S,S, No, 14, Stanley,
Box 211 hipper, Ontario,
My dear Girls 1(?) -
I was more than pleased to receive
your very kind invitation :to the Dia-
mond Jubilee •Re-lTnion of S!S, No.
14, Stanley.
You surely Hare got me !alto a
quandary. I have before me the writ-
ing desk presented to rite on severing
my relations as teacher. I ant sending
yott a copy- of the letter accompany-
ing the presentation. Ae I went 'to
the school id' December ;11474 it is now
nearly- fifty-eight years ago.
You will mote there is no signature
presentation of a writing tiesk:
Stanley, S,S. N o.14, 1879.
'1Tr, Elliott,
Dear Sir, We the pupils of this
School who have been under your
care and training for the last two
'years regret your leaving ars. We de-
sire - to show our respect by present-
ing you with this as a -light token
of our love for the way in which you
conducted us in our studies, 'Hoping
that while pursuing a manly course
in life the blessing of divine Provid-
ence may rest upon you and now we
will conclude by wishing you a merry
Christmas and a happy New Year,
List of Others Who Wrote.
Following is a list of - those who
sent Greetings to their old School
mates, regretting very much that
they could not be at the Reunion,
Dr, Alex, Murdoch, Vancouver, 13,C,
to the letter, so I do net know whe- Rev. Wm. Robinson, Pilot around,
then any of you girlswere present at Manitoba—former teacher.
this presentation. Your names sound airs. 3. Wilkinson (Nellie Gem -
very familiar, I remember there were ureal), Tuxfotd Sask
families of 1lcDiarmids, McBeaths, Miss Mary and Miss Annie Must-
\Vhitentans 1L•ecDougalls (the lovely ard, Chesley, Out.
home where I area while there), Mrs. H. G. Walker (Eunice Irison)
Hoods, - Came -mos, illaryeys, Mac- 'Peteoboro, Ont,
Dtinalds, Grants, Rollers, Smiths, Ctrs. Walter Osborne (Jennie Lan
Ross's, and many others, A splendid tiers) Hall.irk, alta.
community of Scotch, English and 'Jars. 'Finlay McEwen (Catharine
Irish, but mostly Scotch, ,Ross), London, Ont.
I do atot thina a have met any of Mr„ Mac McGregor, Relief Teach-
innsince 1 left "our School” -ere Toronto,
in 1'179. \Vita Bennington, ;Cleveland, Ohio,
;I very well remember taking over 'Albert '\V. aohustott, Toronto,
the school for the last month of lar, Mrs, Robt, Kell (Ruby hlctvor),
1Hoga•tat's term, in 'December, 11S7ifl. Teacher, Churchill, On•t, -
'I'hi, sounds a long time to look for- - Mrs. War, Henry (Hattie Cameron)
ward to, but does not seems long look- T;indersley, Sask.
ing back. I have very pleasant mens- Thos, McDonald, London, Ont,
oriel of my associations with the buys ;Arnold Petrie, B..e\„ ';University
and girls of S. S. No. 14, Schools, Toronto.
'I was subpoenaed to Godericli airs. Geo. Foreet (Kate Cameron)
some two or three years ago to give Alberni, lit C.
evidence in a law suit, and ae court flared Kyle (who would like to hear
adjourned early in the aftetnioon I from some of his old .schoolmates),
took the. opportunity to go to my old a'•hitelaw•, Peace River,
home at "Fairfield Farm," and on Alden Whiteman (says the latch -
the way 'there passed by the old string is always out for any who come
sehoul house. The grounds were clean to Lang Beach), ;Long 'Beach, Calif.
and well kept, and the gravel walk Mr-. J. 11c:Neil (Grace Murdoch),
from the gate to the door, that I put Si. Thomas, Out
there with the help of the boys and Mr;. Sant Pollock (Jane Kyle),
the good neighbors who drew the Saskatoon, Sask,
gravel, was still in good order. I re- L\ndre\v McLean (who says his
gree very much that I did not have .first class -mates were Jas. Moody,
time to drop in to see some of my 'Sandy McLaren and Lucenda Collins)
old pupils. ;Foam Lake, Sask, -
Nothing would .give me grelater Mrs. 11. Horton ('Lan Cudmttre),
pleasure than to be able to accept Oshawa, ,Ont.
your very kind invitation, but I do lIlarolcd Kyle, Winnipeg, Man.
not see how I can make it; if I can 'Alonzo J. Edgar, Cross\vell, :lfidt,
1 surety will. But as a poor su'bsti- Carson :Moore, Portlack, Algoma.
tote I ant .sending you a photograph Mrs. Carnochan (Myrtle Coleman),
of ntyseli for the school, as one of Wayne,M'ich.
your old teachers. lire, Frank Silcox (Lottie Wbite-
II 'would be very glad indeed if you iman), a'•intlsor, Ont
would send me a report of the Re- Mrs. J. Gilmour (Maggie MoDon-
Union, with the names of those pies- aid.), Moose Jaw, Sask.
ent, especially the names of my ;Mrs. Burgess (Maggie Crawford),
pupils, Minot, N. D.
This is my Golden Jubilee of prac- Mrs. Frank Smith (Maggie White -
tieing medicine in Toronto. titan); Winclsor, Ont.
IPtease express my best wishes and Mrs, Geo. Kennard ((Bella M -c -
kindest regards to all past and present 'Beath) Victoria, 13:C,
pupils of S. 8. No, ,114, Stanley. IIop- Mrs. J. Brooks (Agnes Walper),
ing you will have a very happy Dia- Saskataofn, iSask,
mond Jubilee. Should any of you Allan Fisher, Kearney, Muskoka,
conte to 'Toronto I should the more Alfred Whiteman, Zion City, Ill.
than delighted to- have you call and
see me.
Yours very sincerely,
A copy of the letter gives; with thei,Londomt ,Ont.
Fresh frt ran
tea,., Gardens
IGeo, Logan, 'Tuxfortl, Sauk.
Johnny aleDe tttltt, Greyhorn, Seek,
x q.
ng Those
List of Those Who Were Present and
The following is the list of those
who registered at the Reunion, S. S,
No, 114, ISttoneey, Jute 30th, 111934,
Arthur Anderson, Olive Anderson,
Frauces Anderson, Mrs Albert And-
erson, Marlette, 3iich,; Mrs, Hugh
Aikenhead aleannie Cameron); Hugh
.D Cameron airs. Ih 0, Cameron,
Mary 'Cameron, Mac Cameron, Clin-
ton; Norman Jones.
John D, MoBeath, Albert Anderson,
'Marlette; Robt, J. Fisher, Clinton;
Mrs. W. Ii lohnstart, W. H Johns-
ton Exeter; I-. 'J, 1t'ethey, Prin. Ex-
eter I-I,S.; G, 5, Howard, Prin. Exet-
er PS.; Mrs. Arthur Anderson, lira,
J. D. MciBeath, Mae. Norman H,
Jones. '
lira. A. Garon, Clinton; Mrs, R, J.
Fisher, Clinton;- Kathryn Drysdale,
--Tensatl; Audrey Cochrane, Joseph
(Hood, J. C. Cbchrane, John Coch-
rane; Agnes C-anteron, Clinton; Anna
Aikenhead; Kathleen Cameron, Clin-
ton; firs. John Cochrane, Mr -s. John
\fcalurtrie Jars. Robt, 'Speir, Gladys
[Parrott; Thos. Macdonald, 480 Col-
borne st, London, Out.; Wm, Hot -
Hogshead, Dutton; alts Alda Din:
dale Simmons, I-ren„Ill; alt,. Christ-
ina Kinsman Smith, Windsor; Jas.
al cDonald. '
1, Garon, Clinton; Mrs. Rena Mc -
!Beath 11etir!cle, -Kathleen Jones; Mrs,
Mary Hood Janes, lIensall; Mrs, Ed-
mund :Morrison, Clinton; Christina
McLaren, Clinton; 'J, Alden Jones,
Nil's, J. A Janes, London; lire. L.
;Hagerman, .Landon; Anna alae Hood,
Mrs. Archie Pttraons, lies. John
Jarrott; Norma jr. IIood, Charleston,
W .Virga Mrs. 8. T. Jolille, -hiss M.
at. ,Toliffe ,St. Thomas, ,Ont,; Edman
Walter Morrison, 'Clinton; W.
Jones, Hugh Aikenhead, Blanche
1[u tard, Lanrabelte Wright', lire.
Lizzie Blair Foster, as s. Agnes Blair
llciLaret, Fair Grove, Mich,
Jars Jack Witconibe, Ingersoll;
Mrs, Jan..11ustard, ,Philippa Penfold,
Mrs, :Anna Love 'Fisher Moffat; El-
eanor Fisher, Hensall; Mrs, Jae.
Wright, IIIc, J. IIood, firs, C. Swit-
zer, \•Irs, IL .McMurtrie,
William Hart, Fred Rathwetl, \Vat -
ter Moffat, 1L C. Talbot, Alvin Me -
Bride;. Archie Parsons, 11-Tensall; tlTer-
bert Jones, James A. Mustard, Stan- -
ley A. Love, William -Moore; Jack
\Vitcontbe, 'Ingersoll; Mrs. Maggie
McClymont Crosier, -air. Russel Cros-
ier, Edna Crosier, ,Hazel Crosier,
(Hugh Ross, hlcdKillop; Fred Todd,
Ingersoll; Chas. Farquhar, Mrs. Chas.
1 arquhar, Mrs. Fred RathvvelI.
'Chas, W. Penfound; Murray M.
Fisher, 1't. D„ Graveithurst; 3-1's.
Elva Anderson McGregor, Mrs. A. D.
'McGregor; ltrs. 11. Talbot; lira,
'Emily Alair Steep, Clinton; Marguer-
ite MacDonald :Mrs, Jas. bbfclDoetald,
iFI'ugth Mallett tt-ie, Jas, Mustard.
Percival Sale; Mrs, 'Fannie Ander-
Mts. ,R. Brownlee (Bertha latectn),! son Landon, Dexter, Mich.; Mrs.
Hastings, Nebraska,J sic t\nd•erson Fraser, Oxford,
(Robert IBlai Edmonton, Alta. Mich,; .l'Mrs, Clara Anderson \Voik-
airs. IT, S. Walker (Annie Holland) man, Mrs• Dave Cameron, Robert
Speir; Margaret 'Whiteman, Toron-
to; Mrs. Sarah Mcolyntont Grieves,
:Tas. 13, Grieves, London; \ATI;, Mc -
Clymont, ,Dave Cameron.
IFloyct Blair, Fairgrove, Mich,; Mrs.
Susid 'Caytor Thompson, ,Elgin ,H,
Thompson, Lloyd Thompson, Charles
Switzer; - Dorothy Blair, Toronto;
Mrs, R. T. Eigic, Mrs, \Vtih, Deitz,
J, A. i 1cb,[urtrie, Jahn ,Anderson,
,hfin•mie Reid; l,irs. Florence M.cCly-
mont Terryberry, Clinton; Robt. D,
Elgin, Eric Sweitmer, „Jean Speir,
Kenneth h4cKetzi.e; Donald Switzer,
!Bell Collins, Mrs, Lula Coleman
Johnston; Jars, Gladys ' Stephenson
Coleman, Ernie Talbot.
ILois ;Ralhwell, Ruth ,Rath ell, Jack
,Rathw'ell, Mildred Jones, Annie Copp
Westcoat;, Sciefoeth; 14. Margaret Dal-
ey, \Valllerton; J D. 'Reid, London.
\fes, Dave Alair; Niegara Falls;
IH tnnah 'M. Craig, Dora Alair, Men -
sail; \V. Earl Col!ut,; Wm M.
CraigIIensall; itErs. Me,1viii ,Alair,
Detroit; Mrs, 1'I. - Iludson, iI3cnsall;
,Mfrs; T. W. Butt, Mrs, Then, Work
(Continued on Next Page),