HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1934-06-28, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1934 HENSALL. • lir, V, R. Pettit t of Sarnia a:sited .:'friends here on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. mel \\ 1 tams of -Sea- forth were calling or friends Monday, Mr•l hn Tremeer of Tucker meth is visiting with Mr. and lits, :i,. 111. • Parimer this week, Mrs, Lorne Thompson t ,f '1'oront> is here wdt'i her parent, Mr, and firs. John Fisher, •Nlr, Laudera signpainter; was .n Ilensall last a eek doing some fancy sign pain 11r and Mrs. Earl Drummond were in Kincardine on S ut1 v visiting -\Ir. Dru:unman is father who is 1n the hos- there. Mr. 1', W. Pa mer very busy maaefactari;:g eel-eral lines o: groc- ery seeeals. Ile is eattstently adding nesens; ;ma tease :e a good demand i; r his Satking • ..i ler and peanut •bat- ter. • Mr. Ra;. L in t c'1 ite set tied ism Landsat, spent tete Week end a: his ',t' nc here. \1'5, Martha Hamer 01 Exeter .s sasHsg relative- here, Mrs. Harry \'fray n' London -is f‘sr- - a •inc days at the home of 'ars- +: t.e:us, M.. and Mrs, C. S.eats ilnd- Mr, \. Saarks visited ver the week en I in ftruellell s 1: hs sister Mrs, Mrs. \\ :n. 1.am 10 and rlan.hter, -Miss t.iret., are ishimziu Brantford vet, tu,1 ,t' :here. u11 tatend ., .. - at tine 1ai :ti. rd Blind \Ire ,.Ifni Camaboll and little am t'' nue real rne 1 la me , its r v t- saeeral acewi..11 her tut iu, MI- 12 \l: D aft lve N.S. ct 1t - the Lard's Iht ill rilinger- 1 a •t the United l iter h t ` t i a rya `heti an appropriate sermon and i t i ' Sv i vi c te.:1 ,- ea on. 71 Cross sant: a has.; solo, Rev. \\'..\ Voting took the morn- ingrn- in>, service n Sunday at War .11cnt- r Hall. O \.C., Guelph, the ecce - n being the oath anniversary of the ege, Rev, lir, Yount; was a 1'92.6 -ra ate. 71 r. ArchiePi;<ltie whe has spent the last two months with relatives at 1 I ;mile -church e.: I rt lay the iheir ate special riot to •f Mid-Svmmer Carnival ST."JAMES' CHURCH GROUNDS WEDNESDAY, JULY4th Programme, Supper 5:30 -7:30 P.M. - 25c and 35c ADMISSION FREE Band in attendance her gond health and many more hap- py birthdays, hiss. Dorothy McLean, nurse -in - training in Clinton hospital, is visit- ing with Miss Gladys Passmore. Mr , 'Cuppard of Detroit and sister, Miss Eilna Butt of Toronto are visit- ing with -their relatives, Mrs. John Dinsdale, Miss F, •Sisitnions, Mrs. J. Murdock, -errs. II. Taylor.- also Mr.s I. 11. •Petty and fancily of Hay, Mr. and Mrs, Laird pickle and children visited in hitchener Sunday. \lr. John Iiunkin of Exeter, 71r. ani Mrs, Davies and children of Cre- -as R.obena 'Hankin of Lon- a lir, Elmer Malkin of Exeter sere Sunday visitors With Mt, and 11•'s. John Bean, 71r. and -Mrs, Laird _pickle and chi, Iron left Tuesday for. •Rondeau Park where they will spend a couple reek*, - lhe 'Enrich- :Masonic Lodge 2211 at- tended serf:ce in the C nited Church lav morning. Rev, Arthur Sinclair Or -the '• r-- 'h t eeit, 11 oI n I veer and to u:'.1 were 'Neel earl visitors • t.i 71r.end 71.-. lame- J:.hn cot of Hay. 1) nail \loKai, the 1 e+ • tspent Sun -.lay home, 1 c members the \\.Bel. C _. the t'•. ire 1 t deo.' a 11: alt d •,re't, has returned home, t., an.c 11 1Lu n .,. 71 .:h 'lamer Mi ▪ .' . s brbleaaect this liars v t - n 1 r •int HULLETT CENTRE In o. \L.- F..enee i, .t i.,:n t 'Mildred Smillie; • f,,;.it Sin:.ni:,,r, a- sea.. ' SL, Ire 11 .. Lorne Eld- eta r _ t. -Ruth yn Dn-- :t,. tel.. - 1 in. A dainty lunch •.+ e .e•:t i ▪ served :n1 Miss 1 t -t ,' tool ladi dez- et . Us. tol,l•e•• was The truattea of S.S. No. 4 have hired 71.-s Mary Moon as teacher for the earning t e tri. Mt'- Feegttson has taken -the Kin- burn in- b 1 n -ch, 1 at a, tl salary, lira Jack Leiper and L't11 Carter acre fro 3n'lericli on Saturday, Mr. Janie Leiper attended the Conntv Cmmei:lora picnic at Coder- ' Ver' -i \\ 't on :.i 1111 is ren• day last week, f -as le by 7liss Mar-- ha v.t 1"in 1t,a1 1:,n -..a ll -team defeated 1 ..11aas y • 1r its e. a,,:'7 the-Kinburn and Londesboro 1 \\e \'. ta, t te catiren teams last week by quite a large tear- • ea ddmilty e al're- 0 1 p . :treat 't pireciati•.n. „t your e t { 3 it's. tine - tit in tk• t'i' alass on Sun - 11 1 1 , :'ream pleas t: -o- • :Mies the have spent t. -ocher, \ .t_:et .-het .'u --r h',• :1y •„cia- ,b ut to ',tsereed. out .te t t i that anrvery best 1'3r - set up at tete flo Back" its t' ti aitl •ae reit the s- far their paving contract.. on gm. Mr, t;ce roe Lawrence is not flit- ; ronin,: in health as tvc woit,d like to ,: rt. The Mc:\rthar Cctistrnetion Cotu- ; any , f G:u1ph Mace a lot of mach- ai..: presperity in \, 4 t 1.noa .\nil n t v Vit11 r, J01 tiu .(y was a Stratford t these a'ats as a mark of our esteon. ,,.:i n_ they will remin.l tes.aar last ,reel.. y:. 7h.my orotliahie and happy oc- Presentation, -prior to leis; Jessie t 11' "Irl•'tI t"ge•t:.rClan,• Sign" t e •'n- it leaving our section. on ca 31 :r- - ta• \1 he lime- Path the .lx. of the section imet Ir .i 1 Hc:'.- t' meet the • Deese:: dinur 11.1 vn Friday ate p.m:! t Mr-. Win, Neale,, the hone of 1'. :1: ' ilie best 't ue 115-s \\'inwa na, one of the girls, for • 1 r e i w 1 1 ins tit. 'in;l to sputd tete evening. t o • ten r'l liesk and Nlias 1\'innoua being good 1e -May of Exeter has ,tesses they had a • very pleasant t He - e Tnesday, I ;, n l enjoyable time and during the 11 c .reit ewe ting M Ferguson ryas taken i1 hn s e writing re a 'y by surprise. the girls rls present - t I Inc with a beautiful silk bedspread Mr. t Mrs. \\tit mg -ter and told an -anti r ah album, Miss Fergus visited in Stmtfm..1 snilaay. 1 ,en tltatilci. l the ,girls fn a. few suit- !....., r Mrs. W. Fult,,n ei London, able words. Hazel Hcggart presented. the 'bedspread and Beatrice Riley pre- sented the autograph album Phyllis Medd read the following address "Dear hiss Fcrgason-iHaving learn- ed that you woald soon leave our midst, we, the •girls of the section, felt we could not let you go without ex- pressing our- regrets. We shall miss you inthe community and your work among us. As a further expression of our good •willies, we ask you to ac- cept this gift. As you use it may it remind you of the days spent with us, May you meet with every success, is the wish 01 the 'Girl's of SES. No. 4." On June the 20th there was a soft ball game between' Constance and Bandon teams. The friends and pupils of the section grasped the opp.orttm- ity .to present Miss 'Ferguson, our - teacher for the last five years, with a gift of an oak writing desk. After the game they all gathered into the home and had a short program, followed :by lunch. Seventy -+five people were serv- ed lunch, cake, sandwiches and lem- (made. :lir. William Carter was ap- Dick elm 'v••: .\Ira. r.t _n's iather had sister, Mr' Wm, • e and :Ii'. Grace. lir. Wm. McLean of Hamilton is _i:ink- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore. Mrs. McLean and- chil- dren have been visiting here for the a. t twe weeks. 'Ir. balm Stacey accompanied by his mother and sister. all of Detroit, are visiting with relatives here. They are former •Hensall residents, Miss Annie Consitt was hostess en Friday evening last to a very pleasant gathering of young ladies in honor of Miss Elva Shad<lick, bride -elect of this week. The first part of the even- ing was spent playing bridge, four tables playing. to mock wedding, with !alias Doreen IFarquhar as. groom. Miss Florence McDonald, as -bride and Miss Mildred McDonell as minis- ter, while Miss Louise ,Drummond played the wedding march. !During the evening the bridge club of which Mise .Shaddick is a member, present- ed to her an electric toaster and ,beau tiful end table. Miss 'Shaddick, though taken by surprise, thanked ,the mem- bers of 'the club for their kindness. Hiss ,Shaddick is to •be married an Saturday. June 30th, to Mr. Harold • Scruton of Port Dover. Mr William 1. 3'IeLaren and her. Dear llias Ferguson, -Having heard with regret of your decision to leave our neighborhood, we your pupils and friends, have met to spend a social ev- ening with you previous to your de- parture, As our teacher you have shown exceptional patience and have always been willing to assist us over the rough places on th-e road to know- ledge. During the five years you have spent with us, you have made many warns friends, w`h'o wish to assure you of their sincere wishes for your future happiness, in presenting to you this writing desk• it is with the expectation that when you are too far removed to visit us, you will . he Constantly re- minded of your many friends in 5.5 No. 4, Flnllett." HILL GRE - SG EN -The Women's Auxiliary stet in the 1ltllsgreen Church on• \\'ecluesday afternoon, June 20th, with six pres- ent. Mrs. R. McAllister, the president, Presided, The meeting opened with hymn „232. Mrs, 1\'. Turner led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was tit- ken from St, Matthew 3di117-30 res- ponsively. The treasurer gave her re- peet aha the baSiness was discussed. \ letter was read asking ion a tub Sur the G,;deric!t Slimmer School; and approved tel buy • nte. In the interest of this year'; allocation a letter was read: the allocation is again $911, The. Auxiliary accepted the kind invitation from the manse, Kipper, to hold -their July meeting in tate new cottage north of Goderich, which will be .on Wed- nesday, 331;y 4th, itt time evening. The tech, "Chinese .Work in Canada," was taken by Mt.. R. Consitt. Mrs. Robs. Stephenson and Mrs. II, Tur- ner, The meeting (ante to a .close with the Lord Mayer. .:1 number - from the lltll green Church attended -the ince 1 ng Service at the liil'pen church on Sunday and so partook of the Lord's sapper at this (lose of the service.. • Mrs. Lorne •'Eller. son D,vualil of Fal: onbu l •, who spent a few days, with her parents, left for Seattle, Wash„ where they will spend a short n e. - Mr . J unit Sleacy, son John, r Detroit, spent -Sunday with -lir. W. Jarrett an l Annie, Mrs. Wilfred Ihtxtahlc if Centra"- is e ltr:, - is visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jit.. Lore and family. Mr. and 71rs, Franke Farquhar, son john, of Hensel!, lir, Joe andlfarg- aret Forrest of Egmoniville, visited with Mr. and 7Irs. 3, Cochrane. A mother from this vicinity at- tended the decoration services at the Exeter cefnetery on Sunday after - and Mrs. Rey •pcLaren 'spent Sunday pointed chairman, Cleta Medd gave a at the home of Mfr. and bIrs. Lorne .song accompanying herself an the MdNaughtnn of Cromarty. fir. David Foss .held an auction sale of his hoesehold effects Saturday. There was a fair crowd present and bidding was brisk. Oscar KlopP was auctioneer, Mr. and Mrs, Foss will make their home in Toronto with 'their daughter, Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Wm. Henry, one of Hen'tnil's most- esteemed residents, on Fri celebrate her guitar; recitation by George Garter;' mouth organ selection by yCMeliee Stewart, accompanied by Jun on the guitar; violin selections by Benny Riley; mouth organ selections by C. Stewart and Miss Marion ac- companying him on the guitar. Then 90th birthday There Beryl Carter read the address and d were some old acquaintances relatives.Cleta Medd and Ettie Riley present - mends and ac uaintances whoocalled during ed the writing desk. Miss issFnrgesas theafternoon and evening, bringing was taken very mu by s good wishes, flowers and numerous she had been Presented by the girls ifts. Mrs. Henry also received a the :tight bofore, but thanked the great nesse of letters, cards; -, friends in a few nicely -spoken' words. phot d Henry d'is'trict and is a regular attendant at the United 'Church, where she is a valued member, Her friends all wish moon. Mr, and -lfrs, Tiros. Censitt of Hen - , spent a few days with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Consitt and daughter, Mrs. R. McAllister and fa- mily. Miss Edna 'Cochrane, R.N. spent a day in London. Miss Annie Jarrott visited Mrs, Jas, Inkster in Goderich. e messages from .friends. urs. i •ed all her life in this `Chen lunch .was served and x1'1 ..went has It home feeling it was the ;end of a per - 1e c3 day. The following 15 the ,address: "R.:,R. '1', L'ondes'boro, June 120, 4503'4. TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Town .Topics., Mrs, _Morrison and her granddaugh- ter Miss Cora Dodds went to Detroit nt Saturday for a month's Miss MdD':Dugan of Virden Man„ a former resident of Seaforth, is at pres- ent the guest of Mrs. J'. Broadfoot. -Mr •Gordon Barr of Toronto was in town this week. -Miss Annie Hender- son is here from Buffalo, spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Henderson, East William street, hiss Tufford is in Paris this week attending the wedding of hiss White. -firs, P., Honey, who, has been stay- ing at Mr, F. D. Huthison's in Staf= fa, in visiting in town at the 'home of her sisters.-_\ nun'ber front town will likely attend the lawn social at Mr, James tAitcheson's, Roxboro, on Friday night -The Misses Edna and Gladys 'Henderson went to Detroit on the steamer Greyhound on Satur- day and intend visiting there for a few weeks the guests of Miss 'Gertie Laidlaw. -The town water cart was out of commission for a 'couple of days the latter part of the week, Un- dergoing repairs, the old water spray haring been replaced by one that is considered an iwprovetuent,-Mr, .1. -ltiddlemost of the Ro'bt. (Bell Engine works was laid off work nn Friday and Saturday owing to hayitig had his feet injured by a guage block falling on them, Mr. J. A. I3iuc•hley, also env ployed by tete sante firm, had 'his foot crushed by a large crank shaft falling on it -lir, George Bowles has re- turned from a weeks 'holidays at l'il- bury,-Messrs. T. Kennedy. and P. E. Lennon were borne here from Guelph -21r, James Dick has purch- ased from. Mr. Chae. 'Leh of ;Buffalo, the well known paling mare, Belle Lambert. Mrs, R. Laidlaw, a form- er well known resident of town now residing in !Detroit, is here for a cou- ple of weeks, visiting her sister, Mra. Geo, Whitely, -Mr. a1. Davidson has had the stable at the Commercial re- hingled,-lfr. and Mrs, Was Ough- ton of Clinton are stayitig with friends in town. -Shortly before 2 a.m. Tues- day morning the brick residence on Goderich ,.t, east occupied by Mrs. McCantmotrd, was discovered to be on tire, Considerable damage was done tat tete root Mrs. McC'anun'ond had intended moving out very short- ly and had most of her effects pack ed. These had to he carried out, and were badly damaged by rain. How the fire started is unknown. -Follow- ing were ticketed to distant points: .\lex. Mustard of Brucetle:d, to Cal- gary, Alta., and return; Mr, and Mrs. George P,uggin of Seafort), to Strath - coma Alta., and return; lir, and Mrs. David llcl,ellan of Egmondvill-e-to Calgary, Alta., and return; Mr, and Mrs, James Beattie of Seaforth, w Calgary, Alta., and return; Mr-. An- drew Calder and two sons, Andrew and Douglas, to Brandon, and return. Obituary. One of the oldest residents of Sea- forth, in the person of 'William Campbell, paasctl away Thursday at his residence on N. Main st, The deceased was' 80 years of age. The late -erre Campbell, for many year:, conducted a mercantile tailoring bus- iness in town. He is survived by three daughters, who were all home at the time of their father's death, Mrs. James Taylor of Toronto; Mrs. (Dr.) Newkirk, of tBay City, and Miss Hannah, at home. MANLEY. Mr, Vincent Ecleart front St. Jer- ome's College, Kitchener, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete ,Eckart. Mr, and Mrs. C, Eckert and Mrs. NI. D'esbura and her daughter, Nettie and Miss .clary •Beall from Detroit were visitors in our burg last week. Mr, and Mrs. Leo MdKay from Texas, U.S.A. are visitors in our burg at present and are some of our boys and girls who have made .good in their absence of the past thirteen years. Hay making has &tatted and the crop promises to be better than ex- pected. Mr, and Mrs, W. Manley and son Dan spent Sunday in Oakville and. Hamilton, ,Asthina Cali be Carred, Its suffer- ing is as needless as it is terrible to endure. 'After its many years of re- lief ,of She most stubborn cases no sufferer can doubt the perfect effect- iveness of Dr, J. D, Kellogg's tAetmtna Remedy. Comfort of body and peace of mind return with itsuse and nights .01 sound sleep came back for good. 'A'sk your druggist; he can supply you. (Send us the names o'f your visitors. Winthrop. Friday & Saturday Only Red Path Sugar ..cwt, $5.79 with $2.00 Grocery Order Red Rose Tea 17. 45c Salada Tea lb. 55e Maxwell House Coffee, ,lb 37c Five Roses Flour...cwt. $2.99 Prairie Rose Flour. , .cwt. $2.49 Alberta Rose Flour -cwt. $2.49 Red Path Sugar ., ,10 lib, :39e with $1.00 Grocery Order P. & G. Soap ..,,'10 bars '3'Ie 'Pearl White 10 bars 29a Gold Soap 10 bars :31c Schneider's Lard . , ..2 Ib. 21c Pastry Flour 24 ib, '59c Seedless 'Raisins . , ,.2 lb. '23r. Cash Prices W. • SIN l I GAN iC Y CARD OF THANKS Mr. J, ,Perce Cole, Mrs and 'Mrs, C. H. Holland and ,family wish to thank their friends 'for the flowers and the kind expressions of Sympathy sent during -lies, Cole's recent illness and in their bereavement. -CHICKS FOR SALE Tor sale, 100 White Leghorn cock- erels. A real .bargain for a quick sale. Phone 2177 W, Robert Scarlett, 2'6 OPEN AIR DANCE At William +Glazier's Farm on the :Highway, 474 miles from Clinton or Seaforth, Friday, June 2917. Good floor and orchestra, Gents 35e, ladies i15c, HOUSE F:OR SALE -OR RENT. .The residence of the late Mrs. D. NI. !Ross, Immediate possession, A ID. Sutherland, Walter Cranfield, a young mail working for Thos. McElroy, .stet with a serious accident last week. '7 -Ie was driving the team along the lane when some colts scared time team and in their attempt to run away the lines broke, The wagon collided with the fence breaking one of the axles and throwing the young man out. He received a severe wound on the head. -(Death has entered another 'home in our midst and taken therefrom Julia May, the' eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 21. 'Blanichard.-M-isa ,Durand' has some of her pupils writing the entrance this week in Seaforth, HARLOCK, Dost forget the strawberry supper which is being held by the Ladies aid of Burns' United Church at Com - nullity ball, Londesboro, this Friday night, June 29t1t. Supper from 6 to 8. Winthrop young people are patting on the program, part of which is a play entitled `Mary Ga Slow.' A ,good crowd is hoped for, Mr. Jack and Miss Helen .McEtving and cousin Watson Reid spent the week end at the home of the fornter's sister Mrs, and Mr, Norman Lloyd, near' barna. But some street day- w'e'll meat ac r Mr. and 'Mrs. Andrew Hogarth and dlcyond the toil and strife Joe spent Stin lay at the home of -11r' And. clasp each other's harts .-_ _ and Mrs, Wes. 1iogarth near Sum- more In heaven, that happy life, Sadly missed by his sisaresa her husband, Mr, and Mee. Rutledge, PROFESSIONAL CARD D111.. IE. A. Mel A!STER„-Gra^'oato, of the Faculty of Medicine, Leaser-= ity of Toronto, and of the Nee- T'or: Post Graduate School and EIo et.'`vera Member of the College of Phys-sizaisa and ,Surgeons of Ontario, Office cart T-Iigh sircet. Phone 27. NOTICE TO CREDITOR - NOTICE I'S HEREBY GG5.5'EN: that all creditors and others 5^zg; claims against the estate of Jar, 10.. Heys, late of the Town of S. 'in the 'County of Huron, Wid 1,471- +{ ceased,.who died .on. 'tete. 30th +C aµ May, 10.1 , are required to icarazef their cl rima duly proven to the =Ear -- signed, solicitor for the Execute asf or before the Seventh day cI rn 1904, ANL) NOTICE is further ;firm. that after the said- last me edt date, the Executor will proven ost distribute the assets of the tartrate having regard• only to the c'.,._ms sc which he then shall have notice.. DATED at Seaforth, Outwits, ..._ 20th day of June, 193x, JOHN J, kItiGG:ARD, !Seaforth, Ontaa . Solicitor for the xec-aa • IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Harry Fasais. who passed away one year ag:_ ,wit 30th, 1933. What would. we give his hand :o r -.az His patient face to see: To hear his voice, to see'his eam -' As in the days that used .o ea. n'terlt:ll, Mr, Gerald Hellron visited itis friend, -lir. Eddy Bell Sunday even- ing, Mr. 'McKenzie of !Lucknow who is almost through for doctor, expect- ing to be in the hospital next year, spent one evening last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, \Wnt, Bell, Miss Marjorie and Arthur Colson were also visitors at theBell home that evening, Several from this neighborhood- at- tended the garden party at commun- ity hall, Londesboro last 'Thursday evening and report a real good sup- per and program, also a large crowd. We hope the one this Friday night will be as good, Mr, Warren Gibbiags, who had for the past few days been 'circling wood for several fanners it this neighbor- hood, moved his outfit on Monday af- ternonn to Mr. Tat Quigley's. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rogerson and children of near Brucefield spent part Sunday at the hone of Mr. David Reid. •Hiss Lydia Reid, who has been teacher for S:S.'No. 6 for a .nu'm'ber of years, is re-engaged to teach for the coming year. Miss Caldwell is engaged to teach at No. 7 school. Quite a number of the young people of Burn's Church attended the ,picnic 021 Saturday afternoon at lBay!ield by the Young People's Sunday School .class, and having a fine day had a real good time. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent Monday evening at the home of ,Mr. and firs, Warren Gibbings, it being little Mary Jean's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. G'ibbin.gs also helped cele- brate the anniversary. ' Zurich. Mrs, H. Yungbluh and her father, l:fr. John IDeichert, left on Wednesday to visit relatives in Detroit and New Haven, Mich. -Mr. and Mrs, ;Ernst Restemayer, of Cavalier, 1. D„ are visiting friends and relatives here cad at Dashwood. tIt is 26 years since they moved from this section and from Mr. Restentayer's appearance his residence in Dakota has agreed wtih him. Bayfield. Miss Monteith of Stratford has' been the guest of Mis-s Mary Reid. - Mrs. Parsons is improving the ap- pearance of her residence by having a cement foundation` put under it-- ivies. t:-Mrs. Walters of Defiance, Ohio, is visiting her parents{ Mr, and Mrs. James Thompson, IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Filetr nett, who passed away Jttit. S Sunshine passes, shadows Love's remembrance, outlasts. And though the years be many 'They are filled with remerc..a-K ,Eileen,. of you. -lir, and Mrs. Geo. 10aio,. :.. Fancily. FOR SALE One single bed mattress and 3r also one oak desk and one dreassase table. Reasonable, Apply at the nava. Office. CJ±. CROMARTY. . !Anniversary services will be held in CromartyPresbyterian Church on Sunday, July 1st, with the .Rev, 777 A. Young of Ilensall as •spea'lccr at 11N_a m. and 9:30 p.m. Miss Marie Scott spent the week- end with relatives in 'Mi%hell iDr. and, Mrs.'2 esmith of S'taf- fordvi4le visited with Mr. and firs. A. MdKellar on Sunday. Bias Ruby (Hacking, daughter .of Mr. and i\'hrs. John 'IHacking, had the .misfortune to break her ,collarbone last week while playing. I{eep Douglas' Egyptian 'Liniment always in the •stable, ready for imme- diate use. IRem'oves proud, flesh ,and inflammation, Thrush or I-Ioof Pvo,t, Want and For :Sale Ads, 3 times, 50e NOTICE Will the party who borrowei - McKillop Telephone pole jack Iee.T4ta return the same. FOR SALE Registered Yorkshire pig'e. : mother of these pigs was a prize 5i - nee at both Toronto and t ns: Winter Shows, 19313. Sire was ,-sett times Grand 'Champion. There are =a, better bred pigs in ,Ontario' 'haul these. Price at seven weeks' old 5111,0 D. A. iMackitunon, North 1Ttota4 sr miles from Seaforth. BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE IA quantity of Iniclewlueat. Phone 1'x55 on 2149, William J. Storey, 'MtOa" '. 2g 'FOR SALE {A 'Wilton ,Rug 31e4 yards. A *^' '. new, Alpeply to the News ,Office ' PERENNIoAL AND ROCK GARDEN PLANTS Also Annuals and 'Bedding Pfassies. Visit the, Mitchell Nursery Co, Ins- cheld, Ont, or phone 37. 'FOR SALE Former Stewart gas station aza seven acres of land with 'lamest, enr. N. Main street, IL1 not sold' will. elite. rented. Apply ho Jloha A. 'Ctedmcce. Executor for Henry iGudinore Esc;, Clinton. R. R. 2. Phone 3 on 15'1.0 DESIRABLE PROPERTY TN WALTON FOR PEI• fA seven roomed ,brick `,house iso 'f-• ped wjith' hydro, telephone and zartn- ace, a 'good stable and ,garage and 510 acre of land. A few fruit trees &set to 'W. 'J.; W'odds, Walton, -or 'gt7astte4 7Brusseis 19 r '7.